Tales of the Clanless - Teacher's New Assistant
Written by: Pariah_Yor
--- Alnus School ---
Date: April 21, 2026
"Ahhhh-hhaaaaaa," a small fairy yawns as Sebille stretches from her miniature bed. Sebille rubs her face as she looks over to her roommates' beds that were empty.
"Huhhh... wait what? What time is it?" She asks herself as she faces the circular device hung up on the wall. She squinted as she read the time, 10:37 AM.
"Wait... crap!" Sebille shouts and quickly darts out of bed and checks her wardrobe. Grabbing her clothes - picking out this cute little white dress decorated with an assortment of flowers and a large bow attached to the lower back. After picking it up, she races to the bathroom to wash up in the tiny shower specialized for smaller races. After one last look at herself through the mirror, she smiles as she looks at herself all dressed up, letting her hair down this time around, *a new look,* she thought.
Sebille grabs her small purse and begins flying towards a place she recently volunteered at. A place that offered children of any race an opportunity for a higher education. At first she thought the idea to be ludicrous but after observing how quickly the children adapted to this, her mind about it began to change.
She observed the school day after day and eventually thought about helping. She approached Sarah after class and offered her services. Sarah was reluctant at first but after some internal debate, Sarah began to see the benefits of having the locals actively helping out towards the school and didn't want to discourage such behavior.
Today at 8:00 AM sharp, was supposed to be Sebille's first day but she was now running just a tad bit late. She hurried through the small town, attempting to reach school as fast as she could when she hit someone.
An orange-striped Neko began rubbing her forehead. "Watch where you're..." she began as she was interrupted.
"I'm sorry Nelia," said the fairy as she rubbed her face. "But I gotta go!" She adds as she takes off again.
She begins to reach the school as she sees the structure begin to enlarge.
"Almost there..."
— — — A few moments later— — —
Sebille floats there, arms drooped down as one hand grabs the other. She faced the floor while she was scolded by her new boss.
"I know you're just volunteering but I needed your help this morning. As instructors, we have an obligation to these kids," Sarah began as she continued to grade some of the school work.
"I... I know, I'm sorry. It's just... I haven't done something like this before and..," she tries to say as tears begin to form. "As their superiors, we need to set an example. It is hard enough that half of their parents don't want them here and-."
Sarah stops and thinks to herself. She is just volunteering here, I don't need to be this rough on her.
"Look, I'm sorry," Sarah says as she slightly pats Sebille on her back. "I appreciate that you decided to come help out. That you've taken time out of your life to help and I don't want to discourage you. This is very important to me and I need all the help I can get to make this work, not just for me but for Alnus. Do you understand that?"
Sebille could hear the sincerity and passion in Sarah's voice. Sarah genuinely cared about what she was doing here. She was frustrated she didn't realize it sooner, then maybe she would've put more effort into this. She quickly shakes her head and lightly smacks both of her cheeks to regain her focus. Confused, Sarah began to speak but was interrupted by Sebille's regained cheery attitude.
"I understand now. I'm sorry, I promise I will do better," she says enthusiastically while fiddling with her fingers on one hand until she thinks she found the right one, and proceeds to give out one of the most awkward thumbs up Sarah had ever seen.
A smile begins to form on Sarah's face which slowly turns to a chuckle.
"Did I not do it right?" Sebille asks, confused.
"No, that was good," she says, still chuckling. "Okay, well if you're serious I could use some help grading these papers. Here let me show you what to do."
The rest of the day went along smoothly. As Sebille was much too petite to use writing utensils, she was given a stamp to mark incorrect answers on school work. She watches intently as Sarah engages with the students. She had a motherly method to her teaching, Sebille noticed. She taught while never discouraging their personal growth. Even when the kids would make obscene comments, instead of dismissing them outright, she would challenge them to view said matter in a different perspective. The fact that Sarah could keep her composure really impressed her.
"....right, Sebille?"
"Hmmm, ohh.. yeah... sure.." Sebille nods in confusion not knowing what's going on. The children begin to laugh. "Huh?"
"Just making sure you're paying attention," Sarah says as she winks at her. "Now do you want to introduce yourself to class?"
Without skipping a beat, she flies up to the front of the class distilling as much sparkling dust as she could.
"Hello all! I am Sebille, glad to be meeting you little kiddies today and I'm looking forward to spending more time with you all," she says, floating in front of the classroom and spreading her arms out. Sparkles dispersing from her arms and gently float to the back of the classroom drawing admiration from the children. The little fairy floats there, puffing out her chest with pride when suddenly,
"But you're a fairy, aren't you the little one?" One of the children mocks, a boy sitting close to the end of the class. Sebille continues to hold her smile as she closes her eyes, her face twitching just slightly that you could see the frustration.
"Nassico, if you have the energy to be a prick then you can give me fifteen push-ups after class," Sarah orders, staring directly at Nassico.
She was picturing the face of a certain blonde-haired elf from her own group. One who would constantly tease her on her size and it soon began to get to her. She wasn't expecting the same treatment with children. *Kids can be brutal,* she thought to herself. She was getting ready to respond when she was interrupted.
Sensing where this might be going, Sarah takes control of the class pointing out the fact that although she may appear to be small to them, they all would be considered small in the presence of something like a Volralden. She flies up beside Sarah.
"Thank you," she sincerely says. "I almost lost my composure."
"Do not worry, they can be a handful but you'll get the swing of things in no time," Sarah warmly reassures.
Sebille turns to face the class one last time. "Thank you all for having me, I'll do my best to help out." She then returns to grading their papers.
After a few hours had passed the class ended with children heading back to their homes, except for Nassico doing his push-ups in the back room. Sebille notices Sarah with one of the students, Selina, she thought her name was.
"Hmmm, I wonder what they're talking about," she mutters to herself. She decided to fly in close to say her goodbye for the day and figure out what was going on. She carefully and quietly moves in closer as they talk about how the day went. She noted her improving on mathematical problems but she needed to practice a bit more. She didn't understand the big deal, when would such a trivial subject serve her in the actual world?
As the two continued their conversation, Sarah noticed the ends of Selina's hair begin to float up confusing her.
"Yes, and I think you can benefit fro..."Sarah began before trailing off while noticing the sight.
"What?" Selina asks, confused. But she quickly realizes what Sarah was looking at as she notices her own hair floating up a bit.
"Huh, what's going on?" Selina says feeling a bit uneasy, slowly reaching for something she had hidden away.
"Wait, Selina. Don't worry, it's just a little fairy with a little too much time on her hands," Sarah points out while crossing her arms.
"Hehe, I didn't think you'd catch me that fast," the small little sprite teases.
"Oh hey, Sebille!" Selina shouts gleefully. "I didn't think you would still be here, knowing you almost got two in the chest and one on the head?"
"Two in... the what?"
"Ignore that, something that unfortunately rubbed off from her father," Sarah said, rolling her eyes and then lectured Selina not to say such things.
"Well, okay. I just wanted to see what was going on. You two seem awfully close for a teacher and student," Sebille points out.
"Well, she is my soon to be daughter, Sebille," Sarah replies while giving her a slight hug. "So I have to make sure she's on top of her studies."
"Mmhm.. so Sebille, what made you want to be a teacher?" Selina asks, quickly to change the subject. The petite fairy quickly realizes and follows along.
"Hehe, I don't know. I just felt like there was uhmm... something... I... I don't know." Sebille struggles replying. She starts thinking, why is she here?
"Maybe she wants to help out the kids here too. Maybe..." Sarah adds.
"...she wants to find some meaning in her little life..." Sebille quietly mutters.
"Hmm, what was that?"
"Uhhhm, nothing," the fairy responds. "So I know why you're wanting to teach already but how do you keep yourself so composed in there? Some of the stuff theses kids said in there would've bothered me and it slightly did when they started picking on my size."
"I am a Captain of the US Army, Rangers, Vanguard-7, that's how," Sarah responds quickly while Sebille and Selina give her a confused look. "I handle situations like this all the time in the Army and I deal with those children on a daily basis, what's a few more from Alnus."
Realizing what she meant, both girls begin to laugh.
"Even daddy?" Selina asks with a smile already knowing the answer.
"Especially your father."
"Heh, that major guy right?"
"It's lieutenant colonel now," Selina proudly corrects.
"Yes, that guy. I'm surprised that a warrior of that caliber would decide to begin to settle down; to adopt, marry, and... start a family," the fairy solemnly says. "Is that common where you come from?"
Hearing her change in tone Sarah asks, "So stuff like that isn't common on this world then? But to answer your question, yes."
"It does, it's just something harder to get but easy to lose. So I can't say I don't feel envious," she ends with a slight smile. "But enough of the serious stuff, how is this Sharpey guy?"
"Sharpe, my daddy's name is Sharpe," Selina corrects once more.
"Hmm, but isn't there an E at the end of his name? So shouldn't you say it as Sharpey like the that writing tool?"
Selina was about to respond but didn't know how, from what she's learned, it didn't make sense so she looks up to her mom for help.
"The E is silent in this case so you would just pronounce it as Sharpe. The English language is filled with complications like this. That's why it's the hardest language to learn."
"Hmmm, still doesn't make sense. I mean why use the E then? Never mind, no reason to bother over it."
"There are a lot of confusing instances in the English language," Sarah responds with a chuckle.
"Then I don't want to know more, I'm fine with the language I know now."
"Me too," Selina jumps in and adds which earns glare from Sarah.
After getting a chuckle out of Sebille she chimes in to save Selina. "You know it's been an eventful day, if you two are free would you like to continue over some food? I'll pay," she says with a smile.
"Please mama," Selina asks with a pleading look. Not missing a beat, Sebille flies next to Selina and pleads next to her.
She rolls her eyes but gives in, "alright, let me just tell your father. Maybe he can join us too." She begins to take out her cellular device and fiddles with it.
While they wait, Sebille begins to get Selina's hair to float once more and sprinkle more sparkling dust around her. Selina just giggles and tries to catch the fairy with all the stuff going on.
"Alright he says he'll meet us there, he's just about done with his training with Grey so let's get a table ready for him."
The two stop playing as a big grin forms over Selina's face as they begin to head into town. They begin to head to Alnus's popular spot, Apex.
*Hmm, these two would've been enough but talking to the guy himself, how fortunate. Let's see what I can learn from him,* the small fairy thinks to herself as she flies to keep up with them.
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