Operation Roundball
These are Newscast that I added to the story. They show that their is more to the war. I added them to chapters however I will post it here for people as these 5 Newscasts are one arc.
Newscast 1:
Chapter 57
Date: July 27th, 2025
With the recent treaty with the Elbe Fiefdom, US Alnus Command recently gained a mapped-out region to the south of Alnus Hill. Up to this point the US Military has only had a mapped-out region to the north and west.
What Italica and Elbe consider geological surveys and with recent survey missions with the US Air Force and NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance launched a joint RQ-4 Global Hawk to map out the Dumas Mountain Range. The operation will last a month with the objective to find a direct path through the mountains to the recently discovered capital of the Empire, Sadera.
The currently only known path to Sadera is the Dumas Pass east of Italica. The issue with the Dumas Pass is that the pass cannot support the tonnage or size of NATO armor.
Only a week into the operation, the Dumas Mountain Range is believed to be nearly twice as wide as the famous Rocky Mountains in the western United States. Alnus Command believes the chances are low that there is another direct route through the mountains for armor and supplies can pass through.
According to King Duran of the Elbe Fiefdom there is a path that leads all the way around the mountain range to the south. NATO has stated they are investigating this alternative route. According to Elbe, this path is deep to the south. The 10th Mountain, 3rd Infantry Brigade has been assigned to investigate." – National Interest
Newscast 2:
Chapter 60
Date: August 4th, 2025
"The 10th Mountain Division, 3rd Infantry Brigade has launched Operation Roundball, led by Colonel Henry Camble. There is now an understanding of how NATO can use the southern pass to loop around the Dumas Mountains and assault the east of the mountain range, setting the stage to assault the capital city Sadera. The second objective of this operation is to connect NATO territory and the Elbe Fiefdom.
After securing the land around Deabis, the city is being used as a staging ground to assault the Imperial towns of Marais and Filisville. Marais is considered a primary target, to be used to swing back north. Once Marais is taken, the Australian 7th Brigade and 1st Armored Division to secure the flanks.
The 3rd Infantry Brigade has already defeated an Imperial two thousand strong cavalry force and destroyed the Fortress of Rogieon with minor casualties. With most of the Air Forces focused on the Elies Campaign, Colonel Camble has stated that he has been impressed with the swiftness his unit has achieved their objectives." – Free Alnus News
Newscast 3:
Chapter 65
Date: August 17th, 2025
"The 10th Mountain division, 3rd Infantry Brigade has captured the Imperial city of Marais. The siege lasted for five days.
The original plan was to have the M777 howitzer from the Battery E, 7th Field Artillery, 10th Mountain to bombard the city, taking out key defensive structures. However, with the recent heavy rainstorm, the highway and the heavy weight of NATO equipment traveling on the Roma Highway, the highway has turned into a muddy mess. Locals say this is normal, that the rain clouds get trapped between the southern tip of the Dumas Mountains and the north tip of the Tube Mountain Range, creating a mud lake that stretches throughout the valley.
Two soldiers already died because of the mud lake, with three M1 Abrams and two M2 Bradley has got stuck in the mud and deem unsalvageable. The troops said they ran into a mud hole that acted more like quicksand from the movies than mud. The 16th Engineer Battalion from the 1st Armored Division, 1st Brigade was rushed to assist the 7th Engineer Battalion, 10th Mountain, which were struggling in getting the armored convoy to the front lines. Both units are trying to build a makeshift road to Marais so vehicles can drive there.
Because of how bad the terrain is, Colonel Henry Camble was forced to only use light vehicles and infantry to lay siege to Marais. Forced to only use mortars, they began a three day, using RQ-11 Raven and MQ-9 Reaper UAVs as spotters. Once the city defenses were destroyed, the Infantry, supported by heavily armed HUMVEEs, and Light Joint Light Tactical Vehicle.
Once the city defenses were destroyed by the 19th Imperial Legion, three thousand Imperial Soldiers. For the past two weeks both the 10th Mountain and the 19th Legion have been battling throughout the region.
The goal is not to level the city but use it as a forward operating base to push north towards Sadera. This is part of a broader campaign to cut the Empire into multiple pieces and from its primary economic source, agriculture.
With a population of fifteen thousand, 1st battalion from the 79th Infantry Brigade, 40th Infantry Division of the National Guard will take over the occupation of the city and surrounding area.
Colonel Camble has stated that he is forced to pause Operation Roundball for three days until road conditions improve enough for the Stryker's, Bradley's, and Abrams to arrive so they could make a push north. In the meantime, the 3rd Infantry Brigade will be securing the outer area." – Free Alnus News
Newscast 4:
Chapter 68
Date: August 21st, 2025
"NATO forces were forced to retreat during the Battle of Podet Lake. The objective was to cut the enemy supply line in half and to set up a staging ground for artillery. Two Infantry companies supported by an armored platoon were sent as a strike force with the intent to be followed up by a large force.
Because of the mid situation, the three Abrams and six Bradley's got stuck at different stages of the operation. This forced the infantry to protect them while Engineers tried getting them unstuck. Besides attacking as one organized group, the formation was split up into three separate groups. While not far apart, the distance was far enough that each group struggled to support each other.
Another company was deployed at the lake by helicopters. The military was hoping that deploying infantry by helicopter in advance would help offset the mud crisis. The Air Assault was successful, ground forces failed to relieve them before the Empire came in force.
The Empire attacked each group separately, keeping every unit pinned down. The Empire were using a specialized wagon that is designed to move swiftly on the mug, being pulled by a domesticated mole like creature which can quickly move through the mud. Biologists are still trying to figure out what this creature is.
This was also the first time NATO forces witnessed a large elven force within the Imperial ranks. While it is normal to see non-humans within Imperial ranks, Humans have always been the dominant force. From soldier reports, the mud seemed not to influence their movement, allowing them to move around quickly and sustain a firefight with longbows.
Mages were used, forming mud monsters, and using the mud as a weapon. Energy, Sky, and Lightning attacks strike the 10th Mountain position. This usually is not an issue however the soldiers were forced to remain in their positions as they give the Engineers and stuck vehicles cover.
The battle lasted for nine hours, with the only thing preventing the Imperial forces from overwhelming the entrenched forces was the Abrams and Bradley's turrets and M777 artillery support. With that, all forces were able to retreat to Marais. A recovery Air Assault force was able to recover the besieged company at the lake and bring them back to Marais.
What allowed for a clear retreat was the arrival of US and Australian Apaches was able to force the Empire back long enough for vehicle recovery vehicles to recover the stuck Abrams and Bradley's.
This battle is considered the bloodiest battle for US soldiers since the Battle of Philadelphia. Fifteen dead and thirteen wounded. The brass believed the ground would be stable enough for a ground assault because of the lack of rain for the past week. Colonel Henry Camble said he never saw mud and rain fall like this." – Free Alnus News
Newscast 5:
Chapter 71
Date: August 25th, 2025
"Lieutenant General Charles Stanford has called off Operation Roundball and ordered all NATO forces out of the valley and return back to Deabis starting point. He deemed going around the Dumas Mountains to threaten Sadera to be out of reach for NATO forces right now.
With the NATO defeat at the Battle of Podet Lake, and the deterioration of the Roma Highway, NATO forces are unable to progress, removing all advantages they had going into this campaign. The goal was to employ 'Shock and Aw" tactics against the Empire however because this farm region is surrounded by three different mountain ranges, this farming valley becomes somewhat of a lake of mud. This has prevented armored forces to move through the valley with the speed needed to attack the enemy, forcing Infantry to march on foot the long distances to their objectives.
Aviation units are assisting in moving troops around however they are over stretched as NATO Aviation are currently overwhelmed with demand. The US Army and Air Force is addressing the solution by building three more Aviation bases as part of the buildup. This is not long-term solution and does nothing to address the current situation.
On August 24th, 1st battalion from the 79th Infantry Brigade, 40th Infantry Division officially left the city of Marais. They were the last NATO troops to leave the city, officially surrendering the city back to the Empire. Most of the population celebrated the NATO withdrawal however, some of the population requested to come with the 79th, mainly slaves, demi-Humans, with some humans. Most of them are from the lower end of society. All were granted asylum and allowed to come to Alnus. This sparked outrage by the nobles, seeing their slaves being stolen from them. This resulted in a minor skirmish however the short riot was ended quickly.
The 1st Battalion will join the Australian 7th Brigade at Filisville. The farming town is key to connect Alnus Hill with the Elbe Fiefdom. Now that the 1st Armored Division is no longer thrusting east to cover the 10th Mountain flank, they will be pushing to Roroish Forest, the gap between the heart of the Tube Mountains and west point of the Beza Mountains. The Imperial Army is moving forces to that pass to prevent Elbe and NATO forces from merging and working together.
With the failure to take this valley, the Empire is free to move its forces and assault the east of Elbe and feed its army. NATO needs to take this pass so they can build an airfield to assist Elbe.
With the Greater Elies Campaign heating up, putting up far bigger resistance then expected, eighty percent of NATO resources are being focused on that theater. Lieutenant General Stanford saw the potential of Operation Roundball however Alnus Command underestimated the environment, climate, and resources that were need for the operation." – National Interest
Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map
Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map
Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman
Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS
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