Imperial Generals
--- West of Rondel, 14th Legion Command Post ---
"Damn. It is Arrun all over again."
"I cannot believe the Other Worlders would do such a thing."
"We could use this to convince Rondel that NATO is the enemy. An infected outbreak like this is impossible for us, only they could know how to weaponize this curse to this scale."
General Pepreo's, a citizen of Rondel and the Empire, leader of the Legion that is campaigning in this region. His sole responsibility is to defend Rondel against NATO. While other cities have fallen to this mighty enemy, Rondel is a Crown Jewel city, one of nine such cities within the Empire so it's defense is a must. A Noble of Rondel but once Valtris fell to the enemy he took command of the 14th Legion to defend his homeland.
Pepreo's knew one day the enemy would figure out the value of Rondel and move north so he had been preparing the defenses. The fact that some of his people invited the enemy to the city is an insult and proof that the war has finally come to this region. Even worse, the famous Vanguard-7 is leading this diplomatic effort. By law, once they reach the city he cannot attack them so his plan was to prevent that however the current situation has thrown all his plans into chaos.
Pepreo reached out his hand and a female human maid handed him a cup of wine. After a long drink he sets down the cup. "NATO did not do this."
Noticing the reaction from Pepreo's Senior Centurion and Centurions that NATO did not do this, he quickly explained, "There is no reason NATO would do this, especially if they are trying to bribe Rondel to join them." It is easy to blame anything new on the enemy however his experience over the past year is telling him this is not enemy action.
"There is an easy explanation of this crisis General," a Centurion said. "They released these abominations to scare Rondel Elites. Then they kindly offer their assistance to remove this new threat, becoming heroes. The Adventurers do it all the time."
What the man said made logical sense however it did not fit how NATO has fought. Up to this point NATO has not done something this insane and why would they? Maybe if they were losing the war or at a standstill but they are winning. "We must assume NATO understands what the infected are and how dangerous they can be. And from these reports these infected are a new breed. There must be a new course afoot. While NATO probably has the capabilities to make a new curse I don't see why they would. It would only backfire on them and besides, the outbreak is far too spread out then what would have been needed."
"If they didn't do it then what is going on?" The Senior Centurion said. "They came from somewhere and from our last report they are spreading north."
"At least five villages have already fallen to these infections. We must assume Crety has fallen too," Another Centurion said, pointing to the map.
A Centurion with a scar on his cheek pointed to Crety. "Maybe so, but my scouts have reported seeing the Other Worlders' hovering dragons here. I think we can assume the enemy are occupying the town."
"Maybe so but our northern cohort's are being overrun," a Minotaur Centurion said. " From the scroll the Centurion in command is afraid to get into formation to stop the curse from spreading because of the Other Worlders flying machines. Large groups make easy targets. And when they do engage against this curse the letter states they don't know how to cleanse this new curse."
"What about the enemy embissaries that are heading to Rondel?" The Senior Centurion asked. "We set up ambushes along the Galo highway and alternative routes. We will stop them from ever making it to the city."
Hearing that Pepreo's slammed his fist into the table as it glowed blue. "If we keep the Legion down here then all the villages up north will be killed. This new curse will spread and we will never be able to stop it."
Looking carefully at the large map, Pepreo then pointed to his cohorts. "Tell the Desert Dogs Ticaret that we are pulling out. We will let NATO deal with the infected around Crety while we move north and regroup with the 22nd Legion. Then we will counter attack these abominations."
"General, what about the emissaries? Vanguard-7," the Senior Centurion asked. "If we pull out then there is no chance of stopping them before reaching Rondel."
Vanguard-7, the American famous warriors. While a small unit their success has spread throughout the Imperial Ranks, surpassing even the best of propaganda in hiding this fact. They fought in Sdera twice, engaging and beating Apostles, played a major role in capturing Havcristen and the Fortress of Legrath, saved Italica and more.
People of note, Rory Mercury, a Apostle of Emroy joined this unit which explained much of their success against Apostles and monsters. A native Rondel girl called Lelei La Lalena, a student of Cato El Altestan. According to the recent debate in Rondel and military reports Lelei has revolutionized magic into a new force. Two elves, Tuka Luna Marceau and Yao Haa Dushi, have brought the once loyal Elves to NATO side. While small, a growing number. Most importantly their leader, Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe, a man who continued to define all odds and come on top. A man that even the rebel Krysist went out of his way to ignore his banishment and challenge this man and NATO at large.
From what Pepreo understand, while the 'Girls' that follow Sharpe are deadly and should be considered a threat, the fact they follow this man into the most dangerous of battles against the passive nature of their sex say everything. No woman would ever follow a man into danger if he was a fool which implied all the legends and stories behind Sharpe are true. Which was why he hoped to stop them before they reached Rondel.
While facing this legend from the Other Word is a Imperial General Dream the current situation remind Pepreo of his duty, to protect the citizenry from the forces of Darkness.
"Our allies in Rondel will have to deal with them," Pepreo said. "But, I am not surrendering this region to the horde. We will March against them like our ancestors did and once we are done I will go to Rondel and deal with these emissaries."
--- Somewhere in the Arugi Ruins ---
"How could you have run away like that?"
"Shut up Gagnog," Fabius said, setting down his cup. "The point was not to fight the enemy."
The dwarf slammed his fist onto the table. "You cannot win battles if you flee. When did the Imperial Army become cowards?"
Annoyed by the dwarf's arrogance, Fabius looked at Gagnog's Sand Shield, a Ticaret Conglomerate dwarf from Sand Shield Deep House. When the Ticaret army arrived into western Elies he was so happy for the help but this dwarf has been driving him crazy.
All Gagnog wanted to do since arriving here was to attack NATO forces. Fabius thought of their encounter, their air power, and how easily it destroyed their formation. However, it all proved that Gagnog wanted to be on the offense more.
"And you cannot win battles if you are dead Lord Gagnog," Fabius replied. "I will not march my army into battle just to die. We cannot win on the battlefield against this enemy so we must fight smart."
"All you want to do is stand around and do nothing," Gagnog yelled.
Hearing that Fabius pointed to the map. "We are not standing around. We are deployed all over the western part of Elies and our supply lines from the Jaridor Region. As long as Thaluilas remains in our control we are still in this war."
"A war is two opposing sides fighting each other," Gagnog yelled. "Not let the enemy walk over you. What happened to your balls, Legatus?"
"Silence Dwarf," Albon commanded. "This is not a war either of our people have ever faced. We cannot blindly face them in open battle." The Dark Elf Albon Dac Kalv said.
Albon is the Sanctum Commander of this Ticaret expedition here in Elies. The Seckin Sanctum is the closest of a professional military the Ticaret have. While feared, they spend most of their time keeping the powerful houses within the Ticaret in check.
Fabius is not surprised there is this much disagreement between him and the Ticaret leadership. For three hundred years, both sides have hated each other. To his surprise, Albon has been the most supportive to his war strategy. Rumor has it that the Sanctum barely supported war - not because they believed in the cause, but to help maintain the balance with the Conglomerate.
"Here you go."
Hearing a sweet, calm voice, Fabius looked over and saw this purple with blue faded striped Cat-person standing there in a humble but beautiful color, Trabea. She handed him a new cup of water. "Thank you."
"Slave cat, get some beer," Gagnog demanded.
Hearing that angered Fabius. "That slave cat is my wife, Dwarf. Disrespect her again and you can sleep outside in the mud where you belong."
"You married a lesser race?" Gagnog asked, shocked by that fact. "Cat-people are weak, only above Dark Races. They are slaves to be maids or for pleasure, nothing more. I cannot believe the Empire promoted someone who married an inferior creature like her. Disgraceful"
"They might be weaker but they are still above ground compared to you Dwarf," Fabius quickly replied. "Your kind lives in the dirt rig alongside the worms. Before speaking like that again remember that you have to look up to speak to a man. You should know that NATO is making the Cat-people into formidable warriors just like the bunnies. Reports state that some of them took part in the Second Raid on Sadera so you better start changing your attitude or you might end up killed by those so-called inferior creatures. Now, get out, Dwarf!"
The anger was fully visible on Gagnog's face as he opened his mouth to respond but giving it a second thought, decided against it. He grabbed his mug and stormed off..
Albon laughed hard, "You Humans always continue the fight but I have to say, I am also shocked they would promote someone who is married to a lesser race." The Dark Elf took a drink as he thought. "It does prove how desperate the Empire is."
Fabius hated to admit it but Albon and Gagnog were correct. His wife Lartia Aulus was once a slave but he fell for her the moment he laid eyes at that beautiful woman.. Breaking every social tradition. He was forced to serve the Empire in the Jaridor Region, a poor Villa. The only reason he was able to move up the ranks was because of Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk.
While Muilk did not approve of Fabius' wife; he respected Fabius' skill at warcraft.
"It is true," Fabius replied. "During Zorzal's coup and when Legrath fell, most of our senior leaders were killed. Elies is too important to surrender so the Imperial Army needed a Legatus to continue the war in this region."
"Interesting," Albon said as he looked over the war map. "I hate to say this but Gagnog is correct. We cannot win a direct fight; that is clear but we cannot just sit around and wait for the enemy to ravage our forces. The enemy almost caught you."
A few days ago NATO launched a surprise attack on one of Fabius' hidden forts by Yamen. If it was not for those two Talos Knights who gave their lives to by time he probably would have been taken or killed.
"Your silence says everything," Albon commented. "What are you waiting for? It is clear you are not a coward, I still remember... what did you call it, a flying Warthog? Anyway, it slaughtered so many of our men and wagons with one swoop. But, the Agaront Stream will not protect you forever."
Everything Albon said was true and Fabius knew it. "I am waiting for something. We cannot beat this enemy with force of arms and the war will not be won in the west. I have little communication with Sadera, only by sea or north trade routes. I do not know what the east is doing but all I know is that they have a plan. For me, I want to keep as many of my men alive until an opportunity, a signal, something appears. I don't want to risk attacking when I don't have to."
"You want to wait and see which side will win the war?" Albon said.
"That is one way of looking at it," Fabius replied. "But as long as we keep the Other Worlders occupied in Elies, means less troops they have in the east. I don't need to fight to do that."
He stopped there to allow Albon to mull over his words and caught a glimpse of his wife still waiting there, patiently. He felt he said what needed to be said and departed.
"Now excuse me, I am going to spend time with my wife," he finished saying while signaling her to follow.
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