Day with Noriko
--- Sadera, Royal Palace ---
Date: February 18th, 2025
Noriko looks around, confused and scared. It was another day with her family, being taken to school by her parents. Before she knew what was happening everything went upside down. Strange men and monsters attacked them, killing her parents and sister and she was taken through this strange structure with hundreds of others.
Now she is in this strange room, sitting on the floor, wearing this loose dress. The only light is the moon light leaking through the small window next to the ceiling. It has been hours since she was tossed in here, hungry and freezing.
"Where are you mommy, daddy," Noriko says as she huddles up. "Where are you."
"Shut up. Even a Neko is not this weak."
Hearing a feminine voice, she looks around. "Hello?" She gets up and walks to the window with bars. On the other side is another room just like hers.
To Noriko's shock she sees this woman with long ears, a puffy tail, and gray fur all over her naked body. This woman looks like a bunny but in human form. She can see scares, stains, bruises, and more. "Who, what are you?"
The bunny looks at Noriko, confused. "So, you are weak and dumb? Everyone knows about the Warrior Bunnies." The bunny looks at Noriko. "You are from the other world, are you?"
Noriko struggles to reply, not understanding the terminology. By now she knows she was taken to another planet, which is still confusing her. She never liked science fiction. "Other World? I guess I came from Earth."
"Then Earth will suffer the same fate of my people," the bunny said. "I am Tyuule. Zorzal personal slave."
The word slave terrifies Noriko. She heard that word a lot as she was processed at the Slave Guild facility. These men came and bought her for a man called Zorzal. She was hoping that he would be a nice man that could help her get home. Seeing the quality of Tyuule she no longer believes that.
"I just want to go home," Noriko said, crying.
"Your home is gone, destroyed," Tyuule said as she cleans herself. "Women like you come and go through here. Zorzal rarely likes to keep the same sex slaves." She then looks closely at Noriko. "I have never seen a Human like you before. Very, exotic. Weak and exotic, you might not get tossed out like the others."
How frank Tyuule is speaking terrifies and baffles Noriko. She cannot understand how casual the bunny is saying this, like it is another day. This is something she saw on Game of Thrones or The Witcher, not in real life. "How can you speak like this?"
"Be happy little one," Tyuule said. "Once your master is done with his sex slave the Oprichnina takes them away. Trust me, when they come for you, you will disappear into Basson Prison. No one ever comes back out."
Noriko shakes as she listens. Everything about Sadera is horror. "How can you act so comely?"
Tyuule stares into Noriko's eyes and then goes back to cleaning herself. "What a strange question from a woman, especially by a human woman. Earth must be different for you to be this blind on how the world works. The strong rules over the weak, that is the law of nature. If you are weak, you will be dominated and controlled. Only the strong have value and respected and you my dear, you are very weak. You make a Neko look stronger."
As Noriko listens, the main door opens. She looks and sees a guard walk in. This Neko walks in. Neko is the Japanese name for a cat-person. She has seen this in manga all the time, even Elon Musk joked about creating them. Girls love to buy cat years headset, or create Neko virtual avatars and so on, they become a cultural icon. Seeing one alive is shocking.
Unlike Tyuule, this Neko is well dressed, wearing high quality clothing, well bathed and small. Clearly someone of importance.
"Hello there, my name is Kaslita, Mid-level Head Slave. Please follow me. Crown Prince Zorzal has summoned you."
Hearing that, Noriko wants to say something. Beg to be freed but her fear takes over by the guard. The guard grabs her arm and starts pulling her along.
"Walk slave," the guard said.
Noriko is tossed forward and starts walking. She holds her arms as she looks around. The hall looks beautiful in a medieval way. Red carpet and strange looking paintings. Fancy torches moving down the hallway.
When they turn around a corner, she accidentally walks into someone and falls over.
"Damn slave, watch where you are going!"
"I am sorry," Noriko said. She fixed her robe-like dress and stood up. She looks and sees this burgundy haired and eyes. She has a crown, a high quality, colorful robe.
"You are lucky I won't order your crucifixion for touching royalty like this." The young woman pushes Noriko out of the way as she dashes forward. "Damn slaves. Hurry up Hamilton."
Following behind her is brown hair and emerald eyes. "Princess, wait."
Kaslita laughs once the two women leave. "You are lucky. Don't piss off Princess Pina. She is not lady-like but more like an angry fire stone. Let me tell you this slave, it is wise to learn to know your place around here. If anything like that happens happens, it is your fault. Never touch royalty, nobility, and free folk without permission or you could be killed on sight. Do what you are ordered, and you will last."
"Pina...?" Noriko mumbles before being pushed.
When they reach the Zorzal room, she is brought in. Kaslita introduces Noriko to him.
Zorzal walks over and pets Kaslita on the head, rubbing her ears. "Good girl. You are a good servant."
"Thank you master," Kaslita said and left.
Once alone, Noriko gets this painful, cold chill moving down her spin as she looks up at the Crown Prince. She can feel his eyes and hands all over her body already even though they have not touched yet.
Looking up at Zorzal, she sees he is a massive man. Big arms, big chest, strong and dominant figure with his blond hair. He has this cocky smirk.
"So, you are the Other Worlder woman," Zorzal said. "The women over there are vastly different looking. I like the new look."
This being the second time Noriko heard this, she realizes there must be no East-Asians on this world. Now that she thinks about it, all the Humans she has seen so far seemed to be Mediterranean whites or Arabs like skin color. Not purely white like in Europe and North America or Arab like in the Middle East. "I... I am Japanese."
"Japones," Zorzal tries to say before stopping, no longer caring. "I don't care. You are my new personal slave. You will come here and serve all my wishes without question." He smirked evilly as she rubs his hands together. "Now stip."
This man scares and confuses her. While Zorzal looks like he is in his late twenties, he acts like a fourteen-year-old boy like in her high school. She covers herself, holding the robe onto her body. "No."
Without hesitation, Zorzal grabs her by the throat and arm. He easily lifts her off her feet and rams her against the wall. He leans close and whispers, "never say no to me again or next time I will make sure you pay for it. Now strip. I like to watch for the first time." He then tosses her onto the floor.
After hitting the floor hard, Noriko begins to cry again. What Tyuule said is flowing through her head, that she is weak. She slowly stands up and removes the robing around her, scared to fight back.
The next thing he sees is Zorzal taking off his white and golden robe. He walks up behind her. She feels his rough hand be placed on her shoulder and the other being placed on her left breast before being forced onto the bed, legs hanging off the side. Her eyes widened from a sudden sharp pain.
--- Alnus Community ---
Date: May 20th, 2026
Noriko bursts up, breathing heavily, hands on her upper chest. She is breathing heavily, and she looks around. What she sees is her apartment, once Sharpe's apartment before moving to Fort Minick. She sees her dresser, television, and the rest is her baby stuff.
After calming down, Noriko realized that she was dreaming about when she first came to Falmart. The first time she met Zorzal and what the next four months was like. That does not stop her from crying as she feels the mental and emotional pain from it.
That is when Noriko hears Tenchi in his crib crying.
With a long breath Noriko stands up and walks over to her baby. "There, there Tenchi. You like to be fussy, do you? Are you hungry again?" She then sits down on her bed and takes off her tank top. Once comfortable she begins breast feeding her baby.
Looking down, she is still surprised how a horrific experience could produce such a beautiful child. Tenchi does remind her of his father, always fussy, always needy. She is worried that he might end up like his father when he gets older, but Sharpe and Pina always tell him that will never happen, that she is a good mother so nothing to fear.
While Noriko is not confident in being a good mother, she knows she loves him so much and will always love him. "Once you are done, we are going to go to the Columna Lactaria, Karlin's temple. We are going to help the orphans since mommy has the day off from the school today. Later, Selina will come over to the temple and you two can play. You like her, don't you? She is so adorable, just like you."
Noriko's friendship with Selina has been strange. Selina was her first friend in Alnus and helped her through her pregnancy(1). Having Selina as a friend helped her recover after being freed(2). Sense then, Selina has loved to play with Tenchi which has helped with the overbearing of being a young mother.
"Yes, yes, yes!" Aimi said in a panting voice.
James continues to thrust quickly into the brown hair Neko. They both go at it as he moves her tail out of the way.
"That is right soldier boy," Aimi says in a sexy tone. "Come conquer me."
James moves his hand up Aimi's body, moving through the fur. He then flips her over and gets close. He continues to thrust into her until he finishes. Once done, he takes a deep breath and pays his head on her breast.
Aimi moves her head through his hair as she catches her breath. "You are more comfortable than last time. And aggressive."
This is not the first time for Specialist James Ward coming here. Out of the three exotic clubs there are in the Red-Light District, he prefers the Dancing Princess Strip Club. The primary business is the strip booths, serving food, and other erotic entertainment however the brothel booths are in the back.
As James lay there, he enjoys hearing the purring of Aimi, finding it relaxing. Moments like this help him forget the war and the horrors he has seen. He has heard what people are saying over the Internet. Soldiers with rifles destroying an enemy with swords, how hard can this war be?
While on paper yes, James has seen things that would terrify anyone. Soldiers being ripped apart, blood-soaked piles of civilians and soldiers who were caught in an ambush. Goblins appearing out of nowhere and attacking. A man being eaten alive by an Ogre, and more. Most in the Media, Legacy and online seem to forget that while soldiers have superior technology, they must witness every day the horrors this world has taken over. There is no PG rating movie like Lord of the Rings or video game that to out the brutality, the gore, and the remains of victims.
Vanguard-5, the unit James is part of returned from a mission two days ago. They were on a one-week mission in the Leeward Forest, west side of the Tube Mountain Range. While far away from the frontlines, The League has a small army working with the Alguna and Elbe Resistance forces. While not the primary threat, they use the Tube Mountains as a safe passage to move around NATO occupied territory and conduct raids.
Bailey's unit, Vanguard-5 was to assist the National Guard to help a battalion from the 79th Infantry Brigade, 40th Infantry Division. While the operation was successful and the forest was retaken, an engagement of Battle of Lee Creek was a bloody engagement for Charlie Company. If it was not for Vanguard-5 there and with their experience and proper artillery support, James wonders if that platoon would have been wiped out by the enemy or by friendly-fire.
James recalls the order of the battle. Once half the platoon crossed the creek bridge it blew up. This summoned a dirt beast with rock fists then raised from the creek bed and ambushed the Guard platoon. The two HUMVEEs that crossed the bridge were taken out quickly. One being hit by a powerful fire spell and the other having those armor-piercing Javelin ballistae's cut down the last HUMVEE that crossed the bridge.
In the distance, catapults and five new mobile spear-launchers being pulled by two Centaurs came charging, firing more armor-piercing Javelin ballistae's(3). To the right flank three trolls and 2 hobgoblins charged at them as the summon dirt monster attacks. The unit's support Stryker cut down all the trolls and hobgoblins before they got close, but the Parabecel Ballista bolts punch heavily damaged the M2 Browning .50 caliber turret.
Everyone knew the enemy was close thanks to the MQ-9 Reaper which detected heat signatures up the mountain slope. Their mission was to annihilate them however it was discovered those heat signatures were faked with fire pits, fake bodies and only a few real soldiers to help make the illusion real. The only thing that stopped the Empire was bold leadership Captain Robinson and the company commander, Captain Stonewall with proper artillery support.
Once the Canadian rapid response force with an Estonia attached unit arrived to assist Charlie Company was then the battle stabilized. A Chinook brought over a new bridge and they were able to cross.
At the end of the battle, Vanguard-5 had to be detached from the main force to recover two wounded National Guardsmen that were taken by two Leonoids. Both of their uniforms were covered in blood. That was the first time he saw a Leonoid and he assumed they were just stronger Nekos. He was wrong, they were far stronger, faster, and more warrior-like than Nekos. One of them almost killed him if it was not for crazy Delilah and her enhanced abilities because she is pregnant.
"Sorry," James replied as he rests. "Just been a rough week. People forget that while we are trained for this, we are still Human, people. So much death and blood all because some drone pilot at a computer made a mistake and assumed the enemy was to dume to trick our thermal tracking. Burned corpse, never having a chance to get out of the vehicle to defend themselves."
"I am sorry," Aimi said. "Just rest and sleep."
Feeling relaxed and safe, James takes a short nap. After a few hours pass he gets dressed and pulls out his wallet. He pays her two hundred and ten dollars plus tip. While this is the second time with Aimi, he has come here four times now, slowly becoming a regular.
"Hold on," Aimi said as she counts. "You didn't bring a condom, remember condom, remember. Now pay up."
"Shit," James mumbles angrily. He pats her an extra five bucks. "Kind of a rip off."
Aimi giggles and shrugs it off. "You know the rules. If you did not bring one you had to buy from me. You didn't bring one so it's your fault."
"But you are on the pill? You should be safe anyway."
Annoyed by that comment, Aimi rolls her eyes as she puts her clothes on. "Look James I like you, but this is business, not love. You come here looking for comfort and I do this because I want to help you guys, and this is how I choose to help. I have seen some of you soldiers come back after seeing something barbaric. A little comfort goes a long way, but I am not risking a baby with someone I don't love."
Once the transaction is finished, James grabs his personal goods and leaves. He passes a female High Elf Lyeneru and a human woman Benkaei. They say hi to him and he returns the gesture. Once he gets to the main dance floor, he sees two of his comrades. Private First-Class Daisy Wallace and Private First-Class Adam Hopkins. "What are you two doing here?"
Daisy looks away from the Bunny dancer. "I don't know, you and Adam here talked about this place a lot. I wanted to see if they had some sexy men eye candy to look at."
"And she forced me to bring her," Adam adds. "I wanted to see if you wanted to check out the new shipments in town? They are opening a new theater here."
"I know you were kind of a bastard kid, but you don't have to follow in your father footsteps," Daisy said.
What Daisy is referencing is that James's father met his mother at a strip club when he was in the Army. And then his grandfather met his grandmother in a brothel in Vietnam before being her to the States. Both his male father figures, especially his grandfather has a history of such activities.
"What?" James said. "You of all people say enjoy life, being what, a hippie?"
"Libertarian Hippie," Daisy corrected. "Got to add that first part or people will think I am a pussy."
James shrug, never seeing a way to win. "Always have a response. Ladies' night is on Tuesday."
Both Rangers are his teammates from Vanguard-5. All three of them were replacements for the losses Vanguard-5 suffered early in the war in the Elies Forest and First Raid on Sadera.
Daisy or Dizz, she came from money. Her father owns a logistic company in New England. She always jokes around that she got caught with drugs, so she enlisted into the Army rather than going to jail, which no one believes. From what James knows, she is a free spirit girl than most of the Rangers, ditching collage and enlisted. She saw college was a waste of time and boring and though the Army would bring more excitement. Who knew she would end up being right? She never likes fantasy or science fiction however she enjoys the diversity of Falmart. Different bad guys to kill, better stories to tell.
Adam, always been more of a follower and believes that it was Daisy who dragged him here. He was the one who introduced James to this place. Usually a quiet guy, once he gets some drinks in, he likes to become the life of the party. That is why so many like him at parties. Unlike Daisy, he felt like he did not have a choice. Grew up in a poor family from West Virginia, he wanted a way out of poverty and saw the Army as his only chance to get out and gain some trade skills.
James shrugs. "I believe this place has male prostitutes. You must talk to the head manager, Mizari. After the Adventurers assaulted a Neko and trashed the place she has been vetting her customers."
"I... I actually respect that," Daisy said. "I was surprised how clean and decorated this place is. I was expecting some dirty, looking gross and smelly. Not this flower sent. Food is not bad either. I see why our superiors came here. Far quieter than I expected to, expected nothing but groans."
"Shut up Dizz," James said.
"Mizari wants this place to be a legal and safe establishment," Adam said. "She lobbied hard to establish this district here to help the economy and escaped slaves and prostitutes like herself."
"I don't care," Daisy said as she stands up. "Whatever excuses you can come up with to make yourself feel better. But, I admit, this place feels nice. Now let us head into town."
The three head out, it is a cloudy day but nothing serious. The town of Alnus is busy like always and foot traffic consumes the streets. James turns around as he describes how cool a recent film that was released was. Distracted, he feels someone rams right into him.
His training kicked him, and he ended up on top of this woman, holding her down. Getting a good look, he noticed it was a Japanese American woman with short bob-cut black hair and copper-brown eyes. Her eyes show that she is terrified. To his shock this woman is beautiful, more beautiful than the other fantasy races.
Hearing his name from Daisy, he snaps out of his trance and helps the girl up. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you and toss you onto the ground."
Brushing her shirt and shorts off, she grabs the stroller from Adam. "Thank you sir and I am sorry. I thought I saw... I am late. I've been around soldiers, I know you were only acting on reflexes."
James noticed that she changed her story halfway through. He looks at his teammates and they seem confused. "Whatever you fear, you don't have to worry about us. We are Rangers. This is Daisy, this is Adam, and I am James."
The woman looks away and looks back at him. "Yes, I think so. I think I just saw something but I must be wrong."
Daisy elbows James to get his attention. She points to the woman's wrist.
James sees a scare bondage mark on her wrist. Paying more attention, he sees some scares, mostly hidden by makeup. He understands what happened now, she was once a slave. "Ok ma'am."
The woman looks at them all. "Vanguard-5, Captain Bailey team. I thought you guys look familiar. I hand out with Vanguard-7 all the time."
"Oh, you are that girl," Daisy said. "Cute baby. Love the eyes."
"Thank you, my name is Mochizuki Noriko but you can call me Noriko," Noriko said. "Again, I am sorry but I should go."
"Hold on," Jame said and then realized he sounded needy. "Would you like an escort to your location? I got nothing going on right now. Off duty."
Noriko looks at him closely, then plugs her nose. She looks behind them. "Dancing Princess Strip Club. I can smell it all over you. Thank you but no thanks. I cannot handle... I don't know... Sorry again." She bows and leaves.
Not knowing what to do, he stands there, watching Noriko leave. He takes a depressing breath and then smells himself. "I do smell like sex. Need to shower."
Adam walks up behind him and pats him on the back. "I wouldn't bother man. Broken goods. She has a baby so you are better off finding someone else."
"Hey, that is rude," Daisy said, slapping Adam's arm. She then walks to James' side. "But he is right about one thing, you should look elsewhere. That is Noriko, Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe's little side project. If you want to bang that you would have to get both the Captain and Sharpe permission and no way Sharpe will grant you that. Better off witty hookers."
After a frustrating breath, he starts heading out. But for some reason, he feels like he cannot drop it.
Special thanks to for brainstorming and inspiration for this chapter
(1)Chapter 64, Gate: WotW Part 1
(2)Chapter 41, Gate: WotW Part 1
(3)Chapter 88, Gate: WotW Part 1
Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman
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