Adventures at the Market
I want to give a special thanks to Rizkyputrar for winning the Fan Story Contest I ran in the story discord server. Please check out his fan story he made of my Gate series and check out his other work.
It's been one week since the Indonesian army entered GATE to become peacekeepers in a world called Uros.
early in the morning they were eating breakfast together with soldiers from other countries such as Turkey, because the two countries are predominantly Muslim so it is a bit difficult to find halal food there
at one of the tables there are three people eating their breakfast together
at one table there are three people eating their breakfast together, they are the group that made an "accident" at the airport belonging to the PRC in Papua New Guinea
Rizky: *sigh*
Budi: "Hhmmm....? What's wrong rizky ?"
Rizky: "lots of comments and questions from my friends......." *say while eat his breakfast*
Arip: "heh, there are still many of your friends asking questions ?"
Rizky: "well, almost all my friends are weebs... So yeah"
Budi: "just give them a photo or something"
Rizky: "fine budi"
Budi: "good" *finished his breakfast* "come on you two, let's walk around the base"
Rizky: "you two go first, i have promise with my friend"
Budi:" ok, come on arip"
Arip: *finished his breakfast* "ok"
Budi and Arip then got up and left
Couple hours later
rizky is walking around while taking photos
Most of the photos rizky took were of the falmartians and shops belonging to the NATO army which sell a wide variety of food and to the shop owned by the falmartians that sells goods from Uros
Rizky: "hhmmm.....? What is that ?"
Rizky finds a turkey street food selling kebab
Rizky: "I haven't eaten kebabs in a long time, better taste it"
And then Rizky goes to the kebab street food and finds two Turkish soldiers
Rizky: "excuse me, can i buy one kebab please ?"
Turkey soldier 1: "oh sure...!"
Turkey soldier 2: *make kebab and give it to rizky* "here"
Rizky: "thanks" *give the money and take the kebab and eat it*" mmmm... delicious"
Turkey soldier 2: "thank you*
And then two Indonesia soldier came
Indonesia soldier 1: "hey rizky..!"
Rizky: "hhmmm...? Oh hey iqbal, supriyadi"
Iqbal: "wait, what are you eating ?"
Rizky: "kebab, from this turkey street food"
Supriyadi: "look delicious, two kebab please"
Turkey soldier 1:"two kebab on the way"
The turkey soldier make two kebab again for iqbal and supriyadi
Turkey soldier 2: "here gentleman" *give kebab to iqbal and supriyadi*
Iqba and supriyadil: "thanks"
Rizky: "so.. Why did you two call me here ?"
Iqbal: "oh right, i and supriyadi planning to make indonesia street food in here"
Supriyadi: "do you want to join me?"
Rizky: "hhmmm.... Well, why not, im good at cooking"
Supriyadi: "wellcome to the club man"
Rizky: "ok, when we gonna start ?"
Iqbal: "now"
Rizky: "what ?"
Iqbal: "we gonna start now"
Rizky: "w-wait seriously ?"
Supriyadi: "yup, we have our stands"
Supriyadi then point at stands
Rizky: "h-how you two get that ?"
Iqbal: "we already planning it from couple days ago"
Rizky: "wow......."
Supriyadi: "so what, we waiting for ? Let's start to work !"
And then iqbal, supriyadi, and rizky start to work
Meanwhile with the turkish stands
Turkey soldier 1: "hey omar, look like we gonna have new neighbor"
Omar: "yeah, maybe your right emirhan"
After a while the street food was ready, while the two Turkish troops only watched with slight interest
Rizky: "wait, what food are we gonna sell ?"
Iqbal: "Our main focus is fried rice, but we will also sell other foods such as rendang, satay, and even indomie"
Rizky: "That's a lot of food, how are we gonna get the cooking utensils and food ingredients ?"
Iqbal: "supriyadi already have it"
Rizky: "where do you get all that ?"
Supriyadi: "my dad gave all this to me, he said he wanted me to be a chef like him too, so why not just make food stands here?"
Rizky: "oh............"
Iqbal: "whait, where are you other friend rizky...?"
Rizky: "i don't know, maybe go to armory with several NATO soldier to try some american weapons"
Meanwhile with arip and budi
Arip: "come on budi...!"
Budi is arm wrestling with the NATO soldiers
So many NATO soldier around them cheers both side
And finally
Budi: *win* "yes baby...!"
Arip: "wooho...! That's the arm wrestling for ya"
USA soldier 1: *sigh* "at least i just lost couple dollar"
French soldier 1: "I think my wife will get mad if she finds out I lost the bet... Again..."
USA soldier 2: *look at french soldier* "heh, first time...?"
Back to rizky place
Rizky: "yeah, they must be try so weapons"
Iqbal: "w-well, how about we start now ?"
Rizky and supriyadi: "let's go !"
The three Indonesian soldiers started to work, and in just a few moments they attracted the attention of many people with the smell of their cooking
And the two Turkish soldiers who sell kebabs also got a lot of customers because their stands are right next to the stands of the Indonesian Army
Omar: "emirhan...! Help me with this..!"
Emirhan: "do not worry my friend..!"
a few hours later they all rested
Supriyadi: "wow, we've only been selling for a few hours and have already made a lot of money"
Rizky: "it's indomie for you"
Iqbal: "hey, how about we sell a wider variety of food"
Supriyadi: "nah, let's just stay like this for a while"
Rizky: "agree"
Then the two Turkish soldiers arrived with Omar carrying a plate of kebabs, and gave it to the three Indonesian soldiers
Omar: "here"
Iqbal: "u-uhmm....."
Rizky: "b-but we not buy it"
Omar: "it's okay, it's free"
Iqbal, supriyadi, rizky: "thanks"
Then the three Indonesian soldiers took kebabs and ate together, while the two Turkish soldiers tried to speak
Emirhan: "my name is emirhan zeynep" *point at omar* "and he is my best friend Omar nisanur, nice to meet you"
iqbal: "my name is iqbal arditama "*point at supriyadi* "he supriyadi hardinata" *point at rizky* "he rizky putra R, and nice to meet you to"
Two turkish soldier smile
and then there were two women, one human and the other a race known as kitsune
Female human adventurer: "hhmmm...? H-hey you worlders !"
Emirhan and omar: "hhmmm...?"
Female human: "w-what you two selling here ? I-i just wanna know it's not like i will buy it or anything !" *look away*
Emirhan and omar:................. "Wut...?"
Emirhan and Omar whispered in Turkish
Omar: "is she just ?"
Emirhan: "i know right..? It's a tsundere... your kind of type"
Omar: "shut the fuck up"
Emirhan: "why you not talk with her ?" *smirk*
Omar surprise a bit
Omar: "are you crazy ? the girl is a stranger, what should I say ?"
After Omar said that, the human female adventurer replied in a slightly high and angry tone
Female human adventurer: "hey ! are you listening to me ?!?"
Emirhan: "go ! Talk with her...!"
Emirhan and omar look that girl and replied
Omar: "uhhmmm..... W-we selling food call kebab"
The human female adventurer then looked at the menu and read it as if she was looking for something
Female human adventurer: "ughh... Why do they look the same but have different prize?"
Omar: "That's because our kebabs have a variety of sizes from small, medium, and large, and also have additional ingredients such as cheese and even super hot sauce"
before the human female adventurer replies her right shoulder is grabbed by her friend who is a kitsune who also seems to be an adventurer
Female kitsune adventurer: "my my shizuka, you can't be rough to the worlders, remember we come here for eat some earth food"
Shizuka: *sigh* "fine..."
Then they both introduce them self to the worlders
Shirayuki: "hello worlders let me introduce myself, my name is shirayuki Ro kaede" *point at shizuka* "and she shizuka El tanaka, nice to meet you"
Both turkish and indonesia soldier replied
Emirhan and omar: "nice to meet you to"
Iqbal, supriyadi, and rizky: "nice to meet you to"
Shizuka: "So what are you selling here?" *look at three indonesia soldier*
Iqbal: "we sell food that comes from our country"
Shirayuki: ""Oh my, it looks delicious doesn't it Shizuka?"
Shizuka read the menu on Indonesia street food
Shizuka: "ughhh.... so many types of food that I have never seen in my life"
Supriyadi: "so...... are you two will order something ?"
Shizuka: "w-what ? N-no, we just walk around and see worlders food"
After Shizuka said that suddenly her stomach growled which made the earth soldiers who heard her giggle
Shizuka: *look away and blush a bit* ""m-maybe tasting some other world food isn't bad"
Shirayuki: *giggles* "can we have two of these foods called kebab please ?"
Emirhan: *nod* "give us a minute" *look at omar and nod*
Omar: *make two kebab with some attractions*
Shirayuki and shizuka surprise with how omar make a kebab
And then shirayuki look at indonesia street food especially rizky
Shirayuki: "Do you sell some cold drinks ?"
Rizky: "uhhh... yes"
Shirayuki: "are you going to have tea ?"
Rizky: "yes we have a cold or hot one ?"
Shirayuki: "i will take the cold one"
Shizuka: "same with her"
Rizky: "o-ok" *start make tea*
after a while the kebabs and tea are ready
the two adventurers started eating kebabs and they were quite satisfied
Shirayuki: "mmmm...... this food is so good, right shizuka ?"
Shizuka: "y-yes ! I never eat something like- i-im mian yes this kebab quiet good"
Omar: "thanks"
Shizuka: "i-i think i'm gonna buy it more next time"
Shirayuki: "mmmm...? You sure come for the food ? Not the one who made it~ ?"
Shizuka face become so red while omar just surprise because what he hear
Shizuka: "n-no ! It's not like i like that guy or anything !" *blushing*
Omar: "u-uhmm........."
Emirhan: "look like you get a girl for yourself"
Omar: "shut up"
Shirayuki: *giggles* "maybe you two can become a cute couple~"
Shizuka: *blushing more* "c-can you shut up and eat your food please ?!?!"
Shirayuki: *giggles* "fine" *drink tea* "mmmm this tea is so good"
Rizky: "t-thanks"
Shirayuki: "im am a bit curious on what can you do~"
Rizky: "u-uhmm...."
Iqbal and supriyadi: "cie cie" *tease rizky*
Rizky: "shut up you two"
Iqbal and supriyadi laugh
But supriyadi curious about something
Supriyadi: "wait the minute are you two an adventurer ?"
Shizuka: "yes we are"
then the earth soldiers remembered something
if the adventurer guild has officially joined the war and sided with the saderan empire
the earth soldiers immediately went on alert if the two adventurers became aggressive, but then the two adventurers spoke
Shirayuki: "don't worry, we not here to attack anyone"
Shizuka: "yes, we come here to get protec"
Supriyadi: "what do you mean ?"
Shirayuki: "We are from the elbe kingdom, after the adventurers guild joined to fight against NATO we were all forced to help them, some of us decided to leave, luckily the Elbe kingdom is allied with NATO so we are fine, but still Oprichina will catch the adventurer and in the end forced us"
Earth soldiers who heard it felt sorry to hear it
Supriyadi: "sorry to ask it"
Shirayuki: *shake head* "no it's ok"
Omar: "if you two need help you can always come"
Iqbal: "same with us"
Shirayuki: "thank you, but we planning to join alnus militia"
Omar: "alnus militia ? Why ?"
Shizuka: "of course to help and protect the weak you idiot"
Emirhan: *giggles* "well good luck then, i'm pretty sure you can join alnus militia easily"
Iqbal: "yes, and if you need help or something about alnus militia, you can ask him" *point at rizky*
The two adventurer look at rizky
Shirayuki: "hhhmmmm...? He can help us with alnus militia ? Thank you cutie"
Rizky: *blush a bit* "u-uhmm...."
Supriyadi: "heh, yes if you two need something just tell him, he know someone who can help you with alnus militia"
Shirayuki: "oh really~ ? Who ?"
Rizky: "u-uhmm... i know someone name lieutenant colonel sharpe"
The turkish soldier surprise
Omar: "wait, sharpe ? How do you know him ?"
Rizky: "Let's just say he helped my ass on one of the islands in the south china sea...."
Shirayuki: *giggles* "thank you rizky"
Rizky: "s-so what are you two planning now ?"
Shizuka: "u-uhmm... maybe a walk around, I'm still not familiar with the place around here"
Emirhan: "oh you can brought omar, he can show you around"
Shizuka: "e-eh ?"
Omar: "w-what ?"
Emirhan: *smirk and wink to omar* "you can do it my friend"
Omar: "b-but how about this street food ?"
Emirhan: "don't worry, i can handle it trust me"
Omar: "b-but"
Emirhan: "i say don't worry, just enjoy your date and show around"
Emirhan then pushed Omar right in front of Shizuka
Shizuka: "u-uhmm...." *face become red*
Omar: "i-i can show you around if you want"
Shizuka: "y-yes, but don't take a wrong idea w-we just walk around and not a date understand ?!?!"
Omar: "heh, yeah sure, Let's go"
Shizuka: *nod while blushing*
Then Omar went with Shizuka to show her around Alnus
Then left Shirayuki who just giggled when she saw her friend going on a "date" with the earth soldier
Rizky: "wait, you didn't join them shirayuki ?"
Shirayuki look ay Rizky and smile
Shirayuki: "hhhmmm...? Why ? Don't say you're jealous of them both~?"
Rizky: "n-no of course not"
But to their surprise, Shirayuki suddenly grabbed Rizky's cheek and smiled which conveyed something creepy
Shirayuki: "You like her right~ ?"
Rizky: "w-what ?"
Shirayuki: "you already have mine~"
Rizky: "u-uhmm...What ?"
Iqbal and supriyadi who surprise slowly walk back and leave rizky there
Rizky: "h-hey iqbal, supriyadi ?"
Both of them not respond
Rizky: "h-hey you two ! Help me-"
Shirayuki: "hhhmmm...? Help with what ?"
Rizky: "u-uhmm...."
Shirayuki: "You are not planning to leave me right~ ?"
Rizky: "n-no i just-"
Shirayuki: "good~ , because i'm the only one who you need~"
Rizky: "uhhmmm.... Shirayuki ? What happened to you ?"
Shirayuki: "oh, nothing dear~ , im fine as long you not cheat on me~ fufufu~"
Rizky: *gulp*
Finally iqbal and supriyadi spoke
Iqbal: "h-hey rizky why don't you bring her around? Show her the sights?"
Supriyadi: "y-yes you two can enjoy your date to"
Rizky: "wait what ?!?!"
Shirayuki: "fufufu~ That's right, can you show me around rizky dear~ ?"
Rizky: "y-yes of course ! I can show you around, a-and maybe introduce you to my other friend-"
Shirayuki: "friend...?"
Rizky: " h-huh ?"
Shirayuki: *giggles* "rizky dear~ , the friend of you is not a girl right~ ?"
Rizky: "n-no, don't worry they a dude"
Shirayuki: "great ! Because i don't like you cheat on our first date~"
Rizky: *gulp*
Shirayuki: "then" *grab rizky hand*
Rizky: "h-huh ?"
Shirayuki: "show me arround alnus dear~"
Rizky: *gulp* "o-ok"
Iqbal and supriyadi: "good luck/have fun !" *wave hand*
and then Rizky took Shirayuki around Alnus
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