V22 - Chapter 261 Mount Olympus
--- Mount Olympus, Greece, Earth ---
Date: September 12th, 2026
The pilots of their Chinook said that they would reach the top of the mountain in about fifteen minutes. The aircraft was full. Lieutenant Colonel Jackson Sharpe, Rory, Lelei, and a bunch of Secret Services and Navy Seals escorting the President of the United States.
Sharpe couldn't help himself but feel antsy, meeting the Earth Gods once again. What comforted him was feeling his wife's hand over him as Sarah sat beside him.
"Calm down, Jackson," Rory said. "I highly doubt they will challenge you to another duel."
"You say that." Sharpe thought about every battle so far. "History says otherwise."
He heard a giggle coming from the other side of the chinook, from the President.
"I would not mind if there was another duel," Potts said. "I have yet to see one of these duels that you like to do so much."
Hearing what the President just said, Sharpe looked toward Rory as the two burst out laughing. "If it is a duel you want Madam President, a duel you shall receive. However, I will be charging tickets this time."
Potts smiled and said, "Glad you still have that sense of humor. But I guess it would be best if this went down as peacefully as possible."
"What are you going to propose?" Lelei asked.
"As of now," Potts replied. "Peace and a permanent forum of dialogue. I do understand their desire to be left alone and I believe that would be wise. However, after everything we all have been through the revelation from the Roman Chamber, and the fact we needed their help to defeat the Demon God, we cannot ignore their presence. We are both part of this world and need to maintain a formal relationship."
"I expect them to wish to remain isolated from the world," Rory said. "I have had enough conversations with them that they do not want to interfere with your development as a worldwide civilization."
"I do believe that would be best," Potts said. "The world has already experienced a lot and maybe, one day when they choose, they can join us in the public Realm."
The Chinook hovered above the great Mount Olympus, slowly dissenting until it touched the ground. The loadmaster walked past everyone and lowered the ramp. The Navy Seals were first to walk off down the ramp, securing the area.
Once the area was secured, the Secret Service escorted the President, Sharpe, and the Girls of the helicopter. A strong breeze blazed through the mountaintop, forcing the females to protect their dresses and skirts.
"That felt unusually strong," Sarah said.
"Because they know we are here," Rory said.
Hearing the Hellenic Army Chinook land nearby, which was carrying the Greek Prime Minister, the French President, and the English and Japanese Prime Ministers. The other major players within NATO that contributed to the war effort. The helicopter landed and they offloaded themselves.
Seeing nothing on the mountaintop, Sharpe saw the disappointment in the President. "Is something wrong?"
"I was expecting a welcome party," Potts said. "Not, nothing."
"Do not underestimate them," Rory said. "They are here and watching."
The intense wind suddenly stopped dead. The mountain chill disappeared as the surrounding area became room temperature. The air went sweet like an olive-wine smell.
"What just happened?" Sarah asked.
"As I said, they are here," Rory replied.
A fog emerged around the mountaintop to where there was no visibility outside of it, like a protective wall was being formed.
Sharpe heard Lelei mention that she saw a ghostly figure. With adjusting his eyes, he saw a man form from thin air until coming into full form. "Hello, Apollo."
"Welcome back," Apollo replied. "We were beginning to wonder if you were going to return."
Sharpe saw other gods emerge. Aphrodite and Athena appeared by the side of Apollo.
The Navy Seals and Secret Services aimed their weapons. Sharpe held his hand, warning them not to do anything foolish and lower their weapons.
The President's security lowered their weapons after she ordered them to do so.
Once the situation calmed, Sharpe took out the Spear from his vest. He approached the God of Protection and held it out. "As promised, here is the Holy Spear. Thank you very much for helping us in this moment of need."
Apollo took and held the Spear up as it turned bright as the sun before it was strapped to the god's armor. "I believe our business is complete."
"Wait," Potts said. "I would like to speak with your leader. Now that we know of each other, we cannot ignore one another."
"We had a feeling that you would bring that point up," Apollo said. "I recommend that you stand back as he likes to make an entrance."
Upon hearing Apollo's warning, many of the security looked at each other with confusion. Some considered it a threat and wanted to aim their weapons to protect their leaders.
Rory took a step forward and faced the ground. "It is okay everyone, you can trust them. These are not the enemy of Mankind but your fathers and mothers, your past, your history. For two thousand years they have trusted you to forge your own destiny. Please, trust them."
There was a moment of silence before Potts spoke, "Everyone, lower your weapons."
All the security lowered their weapons for the final time.
Noticing a blue light from above, a large single lightning strike impacted the ground. A bright white light emerged, blinding everyone. As the light faded a tall man wearing golden armor walked out, towering over everyone.
Potts took a step forward and smiled. "Zeus, I presume?"
"Within Greek mythology, yes." Zeus then changed into a man with four arms, red skin with eyes all over his body. "Others call me Indra." He then changed again - his red skin turned blue. Two of his arms folded back inside his body as a black, thin but long beard formed.
"Amun," Lelei said. "The Egyptian God."
"That is correct," Amun said. He then turned back into the golden armor Zeus wore. "As Rory and Lelei already know, we are the gods of all your cultures. We have allowed your people to choose how you saw us."
"Even when we ruled this world, the freedom of choice was always yours," Athena said.
"After much debate," Aphrodite added. "That love is what allowed this world to be different compared to the other worlds with life, like Uros."
"There is much for us to learn," Potts said, staring up at the massive King of Gods. "I understand you wish to remain in isolation."
"It is what is best," Zeus said. "Our presence over not just your nation but all of Mankind only limits your potential. For our children to flourish, you must stand on your own two feet."
"I understand that, but I wish to disagree with you," Potts said.
Sarah leaned in and asked her husband, "The President is taking a huge risk by not addressing these Gods appropriately."
Sharpe understood what his wife meant. Being a religious woman, she had used terms to express their mighty creator. Everyone throughout history had always done that and he would agree with that statement. From what he had seen throughout the war one of the biggest issues that resulted in the war was that respect was not given when it was due. However, he disagrees with her and thought the President was respecting the god who is representing the form, Zeus.
"She is," Sharpe whispered. "From what Rory and Leai informed me is that they want to be respected but not overbearing. That they are not above us."
"That is correct," Lelei added. "That has become the fatal flaw in Uros as we all worship our gods, so we never challenged ourselves to be more. Your kind, for better or worse, always pushed further, harder, and faster. Never knowing of a ceiling of your imagination."
"If you all say so," Sarah said. "I grew up a different way, but okay."
Sharpe wrapped his arm around his wife and watched history in the making, watching the leader of the Free World and the King of Earth Gods speak.
Zeus took a step back as he found it fascinating that a mortal would disagree with him. "I find it strange that you would disagree with my statement."
"I have informed you that they have become interesting," Athena said.
"They are no longer the blind followers that they once were," Aphrodite said. "Our children have grown up in a blink of an eye."
"Speak young one," Zeus demanded. "Speak on what you mean."
"While I enjoyed being addressed as young at my age, I cannot," Potts said. "But I know of one who can."
A strange silence emerged throughout the quiet mountaintop as Sharpe noticed everyone turning to face him. A strong feeling of confusion sank in as he thought he was only here to deliver the Spear and watch as the world leaders negotiate.
"Men...," Rory commented. "They always need clear directions." She walked over and grabbed Sharpe arm, pulling him to the President.
Confused, he stopped and looked around. Before he would ask any questions Rory walked away. He turned to face the President but got the 'you should know that to say' look, which he had no idea what he was supposed to say.
Hearing the voice of the all-powerful King of Gods, Sharpe turned around and looked up at the tall man. Zeus had to be close to ten feet tall. A blue aurora filtered around his body, making the golden armor shine slightly brighter.
"Well," Sharpe said as he tried to stall for him. He looked toward his family and just saw them smiling, waving, showing their support.
"Well..., the reason is that everything has changed. All of you were right to step aside and watch us grow. The kids of an overbearing parent are doomed to be weak and fall victims of their own sins. Never looking up into the stars and dreaming about what is to come. If it was not for that, we never would have been able to deal with the situation with the Gate, the Empire, and Darlko. However, from what I learned, being absent is also not a good thing as there is no one to help in their darkest hour, like what happened to us.
For me, when this war started, I was in a dark place as I tried to figure out what to do with my life after losing my team. I never would have been able to break from that if it was not for my team and my now family. By myself I never would have been able to face the challenge in this war. Taylin, Krysists, Zorzal, Valker. I was only able to because I knew I had others watching my back."
"Rory and Lelei have informed us of all of your accomplishments," Zeus said.
"Calm father," Apollo said. "There is a reason why I sided with him."
"I understand," Zeus said as he crossed his arms. "Please continue."
Not fully understanding the dynamic between these gods, Sharpe continued, "What I am getting at is that, with all those accomplishments as you said, not just me but Rory, Lelei, my wife, everyone. We still needed your guiding hand in defeating the most powerful enemy we have ever faced. We needed it two thousand years ago; we needed it now and we will need it again sometime in the future."
"If you want us to give you the Lance of Longinus again," Zeus asked.
"I do not," Sharpe quickly responded. "I mean, us as a whole. I needed my family to come home. I mean we, Mankind. With the war over, a new chapter will begin for us of rebuilding Falmart and exploring the galaxy with our own Gate one day. We will have many challenges, maybe we will face the Demons again. The only way we can do that as a people that's not divided but, meaning all of us which includes you."
"He is correct," Potts said. "I am not asking you to appear at the UN and publicly declare yourselves to the world; however, we need to come together. You guided us when we were young and then allowed us to grow in your absence. Now, we must become whole."
Zeus placed his hand on his chin, rubbing his beard. "Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, you were correct." He then lowered himself until he was on one knee. Holding out his hand toward the President. "The people of Earth's destiny are in their own hands; however, we shall become one."
The President took his hand. The other leaders of NATO approached and joined in.
Sharpe walked away as the political leaders talked among themselves. As he got closer, Rory and Lelei talked him into a hug. "Ready to go home?"
"Not yet," Athena said.
"There is one more task for you all," Apollo said. "Rory, please approach your Goddess."
This time Rory looked confused as she did not know what to do. After a push from Lelei, Rory walked over to the Earth Goddess of Love. "What is it?"
"It is not me but the Archangel," Aphrodite said. "You have told us that your days as an Apostle are coming to an end. That you will be separated from your family."
Taking a deep breath, Rory teared up as she said, "That is correct. I have lived a full life and while I only have a few decades left." She turned around and saw Sharpe, Sarah, and Lelei. She also thought about Selina, Yao, Tuka, and baby John back at Alnus.
"If you recall," Aphrodite said. "Michael the Archangel said that your journey was not over."
"I do recall him saying that," Rory replied. She then turned around as she saw a winged-man shadow emerged.
"All of you have done well," Michael the Archangel said. "You have followed through on his lord wishes and brought peace to Falmart, ending Satan's plot to conquered the sanctuary world of Uros. Life has been preserved."
"No problem," Sharpe said. "I assume there will be no more surprises?"
"In the game of life, there will always be surprises," Michael said. "For now, you can live in the peace that your soul had fought for." He then turned to Rory.
"You did well, Rory Mercury, the Apostle of Emroy," Michael stated. "Our time has come, and I wish you all a goodbye. Hopefully we shall not meet until your time."
"Wait," Rory said. The angels stopped and turned toward her, smiling. Almost as if he knew what she was about to ask.
"I have a request," Rory said.
Rory noticed that the Archangel did not respond, only staring at her with a smile.
"Because we killed Mabel's God, she lost her Apostle abilities," Rory explained. "No god, no abilities."
"What are you asking?"
"I am asking, can you return her powers to her? Not permanently, just until her time is up like before?"
The Archangel crossed his arms with a smile. "After everything she has done? Do you really think she is worthy of renewal?"
"I know," Rory mumbled. "And I get that she nearly brought the end to the world and all... but it was not really her fault. Me and Taylin were the ones that created the Empire after all, and I go on joyrides all the time so. We all make our mistakes.
Just like me, she deserves a chance for redemption. I can take responsibly for her; she just needs a place."
Michael placed his hands together and said, "You have finally come to terms with yourself and passed your final test to become a Proto-Angel, one of our kin."
"A Proto-Angel?!" Rory struggled to speak as if she was not expecting that.
"Are you ready?"
Rory felt a strong inner strength as if all her hard work and redemption had paid off. "Yes I am."
The Archangel placed his hand on the Apostle's head. A bright golden light consumed her.
As the golden light faded, the once black and red Gothic cloth vanished and was replaced with saint-white armor. On her back, a small set of wings grew as her body height grew into a young adult.
"What..., what just happened?" Rory asked as she looked around her body.
"For your deeds of the almighty plan," Michael said. "You have proved that you can rise above your needs to save others, you have been granted the status of Proto-Angel. As a result, your friend Mabel will serve you until her redemption has come to pass."
"This is an honor," Rory said.
"Your duty is to guide the people of Earth and Uros, assist Sharpe and his comrades through the Gate to new worlds when the time comes. You will be his hand to bring a new Golden Age."
"Thank you," Rory said as she checked out her wings. She then turned to face the angel to ask a follow up question but realized that he was gone. "Where did he go?"
"His job is done," Aphrodite answered. "We were informed about this before your arrival, Rory. As the almighty one commands, you are Humanity angel and shall assist in Earth and Uros protection and exploration of the universe."
"I am so proud of her," Sarah said.
"I am too," Sharpe said. He has been dreading the day he had to watch Rory fade away and join her world's gods. Emotionless and detached from everything she loved. He couldn't imagine a worse hell than that.
Rory rushed over and started showing off her new body. "Check this out, I have these cute wings. Firm, sexy body, and best of all, I am not that short so you cannot joke about that anymore."
"That is fine," Sharpe said with a confident smirk. "I guess I just have to ignore you now. Let's go home." He then walked away.
"But...," Rory mumbled. "Wait, I still want to be picked on. Jackson! Hey! Stop ignoring me!"
Sharpe let out a laugh as he saw that everything was going back to normal. He stopped at the ramp and looked at the mountaintop one last time. The four gods stood there watching, some waving goodbye as they faded away.
Hearing the Chinook engines turning on, Sharpe walked inside and got into a seat. He looked at everyone and was ready to go home; to Alnus.
--- Sadera, Falmart, Uros ---
Date: September 23rd, 2026
Staring at the mirror, Empress Pina Co Lada struggled to look away as she saw her wedding dress. The realization that everything for the past year and a half had finally been completed. All the fighting, struggles, betrayals, and reunions. All finished.
Staring at her robe, a multicolored fine silk with a wide ribbon went down her side. One of the most expensive robes that was left in Sadera. The clothing helped settle the new reality of the situation that she was now in.
That she was about to officially be crowned Empress and marry O'iloiat. The war was over however, the peace must be won now, and this was step one.
"I am so excited for you," Hamilton said.
"It is finally happening," Bozes added. "I mean, everything we worked towards has finally been achieved."
"Do you remember?" Beefeater asked. "When we first left these walls, we were rebels. But now, we are crowning you, Empress."
"What an amazing adventure we had," Pina said. "I never imagined this is how life would turn out."
Looking around the room, Pina saw her friends gathered around her. All wearing colorful noble robing. Everyone was well dressed for the coming crowning ceremony.
For the moment, Pina was just happy to be surrounded by her closest friends. Hamilton, Bozes, Beefeater, Panache. For many of them, this would be their last time seeing each other consistently throughout the war as new relationships were formed and must be followed. However, their friendship would last forever.
"I cannot believe this is happening," Hamilton said. "I am going to miss all of you."
"Do not worry," Beefeater said. "We will be able to visit anytime."
"She is correct," Bozes said. "We will always be friends."
"Still," Panache said. "It will be strange not being part of the Rose Knights anymore."
Noticing the look in everyone's eyes, Pina understood what they were feeling. Eight years ago, they formed the Rose-Order of Knights to rebel against their parents, seeking adventure and later, respect. All thanks to an old play that they saw when they were kids, watching heroic warriors defeat their enemies and be glorified, something she deeply wanted. A part of her now wonders if they only wanted their father's approval.
Either way now that they have won their war and gained respect within society so their reason to stay as soldiers ended. However, she decided the legacy of the knighthood should remain.
"You are all welcome to remain," Beefeater said.
"With you in charge, never," Panache replied.
The girls laughed.
Beefeater, being the only remaining senior Rose Knight to stay, Pina decided to promote her to Captain of the Rose-Order of Knights.
"Thank you again," Beefeater said. "It is an honor."
"You have earned it," Pina said. "The Knights are in good hands."
A servant woman walked in and stated that everyone was ready.
Acknowledging the servant, Pina turned to her friends. "I cannot believe this-." She stopped herself as she realized everyone else said those words multiple times this morning. "The past few years have been the greatest time of my life. I never would have been able to get this far if it was not for all of you always being by my side. I love you all and remember, all of you will always have a home here."
"We love you too, Pina," Hamilton said.
"She said it for us," Bozes responded. "I think I can speak for everyone by saying, we have no regrets. When we first set out from Sadera to Italica, we never could have imagined what that journey would take us. At the time I hated it siding with the Terrans. I was confused and questioning everything. However, now that I look back, everything has been worth it."
"I could not say it better myself," Beefeater commented. "We set out to prove ourselves and I say we exceeded that. And look at you Pina, you are now the leader of our people. A people that only saw us as childish and now look upon you to be guided into the future."
"Thank you," Pina said. "Now. It is time for history."
The five women quickly gave each other one large group hug before heading toward the door. Pina took the lead and walked through the halls.
Unable to use the Capitol building as it was destroyed almost two months ago, the crowning ceremony was forced to move to one of the large cleared-out plazas. NATO engineers plus Imperial mages cleared out an area to allow for this ceremony to happen.
Exiting the hall, Pina emerged on the upper stage of the plaza. She remembered this place as a child, where thousands gathered to play, trade in the markets, or watch the many arts. While she had yet to reach the platform, she could already hear the massive amount of crowds.
Seeing four of her formal Rose Knight at the entrance in full uniform. As she passed them, they pulled out their sword and held them into the air, giving one last cheer.
As Pina emerged on the platform, she saw many of her friends, Senators, and Generals like her brother Krysist, Fabius with his neko wife, and Pepreos. President Potts, General Stanford, and their respective staff. There were other political leaders like King Duran, Queen Tyuule, Hodor, and others throughout the continent. By them were her Terran comrades, Sharpe, Sarah, Noriko with her baby Tenchi, Rory, Lelei, Selina, and the rest of Vanguard-7.
Then there is her soon-to-be husband O'iloiat Dusses, standing on the platform as he waits for her.
As Pina passed everyone, they all congratulated her in their own ways, she stopped for a moment and looked at Sharpe. She recalled it was only a year ago when she was standing at the gates of Alnus, angrily yelling at him like a child. Now, she was about to formally become the Empress of the new Constitutional-Monarchy and Republic. She received a nod, and she returned it before walking along.
She stopped at the platform and looked at the thousands of people, surprised by the sheer amount. "That is a lot of people."
"They came for you," O'iloiat said. "It is time for a new era, as you spoke about."
Pina smiled, feeling nothing but pride.
A priest approached with two crowns on a pillow.
Pina grabbed the crown and then placed it on top of O'iloiat head. In return, he grabbed the crown and slowly placed it on her head.
The announcer yelled out through the microphone that was installed on the stage so everyone could hear with ease. "To the citizens of Sadera, your new Emperor and Empress. O'iloiat and Pina Lada."
The newly crowned Empress looked out as she heard thousands of people cheering, whistling, and more types of celebration gestures. Behind her she noticed everyone clapping.
O'iloiat then took a step back, opening the platform for her. "You have earned it. Time for you to speak to your people."
Taking a nervous breath, she smiled and approached the stage.
"My fellow Citizens. Two years ago, there was a dream by my father to expand our lands and bring glory to the formal Empire. The Gate provided an opportunity to accomplish that dream. However, great ambition came at great cost, and we plunged ourselves into a war that we did not understand. We became aggressors to serve a select few and not champions of our world.
But I must be truthful as when the war started, I did not seek reform or the needs of the people. I was no different than my father or my brother. I only wanted glory for myself.
Then I spent time fighting alongside the Terrans. The freedoms, the liberty, and the pride of one's country. During my time with the Terrans, I also spent a lot of time among my brethren, the Legionaries.
During my time at Legrath, I was reminded of what it meant to be Saderan. Long ago the people of Falmart looked up to us as great protectors. We stood with honor and respect. During my time with the Terran's and the Legionaries, the one thing I quickly learned that we had in common was this. We are warriors of our beliefs. We are warriors of faith, love, passion, and ideas.
Our Empire once had a purpose. We stood on values and principles. Somewhere down the line we allowed personal greed to overtake our pride but no more. While my family wanted the war to be about enriching personal wealth, it developed a new meaning among the common Legionaries and citizens.
Against the impossible, our warriors were not fighting to conquer some distant lands or personal wealth. The Terrans were too powerful for anything like that. And yet they still held strong.
The war was not about fighting off an invader but rediscovering our honor. The old Empire was founded on opposing evil throughout these lands and now, when the moment came, we united, and together with the Terrans we saved Falmart from Darlko's evil. We stood as we once did.
A new era has begun. Not just for us but for everyone. As the new Republic, I will entrust the Senate to rebuild our people. Not just Humans but all citizens will have a place. We will work with our new allies and bring about a new golden age in the likes we have not seen. With our allies and our pride, the era of self-doubt and chaos is over, and a new era of pride, honor, and respect has begun. Let there be peace between our worlds."
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