V22 - Chapter 252 Operation Apocalypse Fall
--- City of Dalko, Great Plains Region ---
Date: August 26th, 2026
With the hillside up ahead, the only source of light came from the spells from the Darlko mages, tracer grounds, and the explosives shells from the Griffins II Mobile Protected Firepower. The hillside turned into flames from incendiary weapons while magical attacks scorched the advancing allied approach, forcing them into funnels, usually trapped with runes.
The Dark City of Dalko was situated in a unique geographic position with the large city standing between two Devil Tower mountains. For the better part of a week, US bombers have been bombing the magical city - which is the only platform with enough range to reach the city and back with enough ordinance with ariel refueling. However, the strikes have had minimal effect thanks to the city layout, the few bombers deployed on Falmart, and lack of knowledgeable targets to focus on.
In preparation for the inevitable Terran attacks, the mages of Darlko took advantage of the limited build-up at their quickly established airfield. Darlko turned the chain of hills that lead to the open valley toward their city into a formidable hill fortress, rune traps and additional garrisons.
Vanguard-7 took cover by a collapsed tree and a cluster of boulders, returning fire as they covered the next group. Around them are the other Airborne and some of Krysist's Republican Legionaries. The other Rangers were with other companies, assisting them with their zones.
Once the third Platoon advanced, they triggered a combination of runes that were hiddenly marketed on the ground. A long line of ice formed from the ground and into a twelve-foot-tall wall. A small ground of soldiers was cut off, stuck on the other side while two soldiers were impaled between the forming ice wall.
One of the Griffin tanks fired three rounds against the Ice Wall, finally punching a hole through it. This allowed the rest of the third platoon to breach, backing up their comrades and securing the beachhead.
"I see why the brass was terrified of the possibility of assaulting Rondel," Randy said. "We are going to have to flush them out of their position."
"And now you all understand why the old Empire invested so many resources into magic," Lelei said. "As you saw throughout the war, your technology might have overwhelmed a few mages however, go up against a few hundred or a few thousand?"
"Don't give me the image Lelei," Sharpe ordered. "Tell Soredin and the Rondel mages to move up and remove those runes."
With a combination of tank and rocket fire, holes within the Ice Wall were large enough to allow more forces through. Getting the order to advance, Vanguard-7 got into formation and rushed toward the breach.
Once across, they saw nothing but bright lights on the hillside fortifications, all coming from different mages and whatever spells they were casting. The few Airborne that already made it through were taking cover, trying to pick the Darlko forces off as they covered their comrades.
As Vanguard-7 took cover and returned fire, it was Scott who commented about the strange black ground that was classified as creep by Soredin. While not overbearing, it has been slippery and slimy for the infantry to walk on.
Once Bailey and Johnson's teams followed up behind Sharpe's team, the two teams focused their fire on an attempt to gain fire superiority. The enemy mages forced powerful barriers, deflecting the majority of their fire.
"This would be easier if it was not for those barriers," Andrew said.
"We are going to have to do this the hard way," Randy said.
Looking toward the battle and watching their forces struggled to find a quick way to break through the enemy defenses. Sharpe realized that the enemy was smart. Using the terrain to bunker down. As Andrew pointed out, the main issue has been the barriers - making most of their projectile weapons almost worthless. In the past, it was easy to get around this spell as US troops counter with a rocket or armor support but against a wall of hundreds of mages is another matter.
Being thousands of kilometers away from Sadera and Alnus, they are unable to bring their full force to bear and this time the enemy has the advantage in numbers and firepower. While they are confident that they can take the hill line, but not in the timeframe they want.
A unit of Legionaries came through the opening, with their Centurion commanding them to form a shield wall. While not as effective as a magical barrier, this has drawn some fire from the riflemen and provided some level of protection.
General Krysist followed up with his personal guard and Malena followed him. Once the General saw Sharpe he quickly approached and said, "Colonel If you cover us, we can storm right up this passage and break their ranges."
"I already thought about that, General," Sharpe said. "Half of your forces would be cut down before you get close, and you know-." A large sound from the 105mm cannon cut him off as the blast impacted a trench of mages and city militia. "I want you to keep your forces in reserve. Once we crack the door open then your forces move in and breach."
"Then we leave none alive," Krysist firmly said.
"Not going to argue with you." Analyzing the situation, Sharpe radioed Rory, "Where are you?"
Rory quickly popped up behind him. "What do you need?"
Sharpe turned, surprised that she was nearby. "I thought you would be having fun?"
"Maybe next time."
"Next time. Now, forget the original plan. Gather all your Apostle friends and push right through. We will follow up behind."
"What about the other Apostles?" Rory asked.
"I know, " Sharpe said. "But at this rate, it will take forever to punch through."
"You are the boss." Rory took off to gather the other Apostles.
Sharpe turned to Krysist. "This will be our focal point. I want Johnson and Bailey to lay down cover fire and be ready to exploit."
The sound of gunfire silenced everything else as the Rangers opened fire. The enemy barriers formed to deflect the bullets. In combination, multiple forms of magic bolts came through the barriers and toward the Rangers.
Much of the ground was engulfed in flames as it consumed the creep, creating a strange smell.
"Cover me," Lelei said.
Lelei placed her hands together and mumbled a summoning chant until they turned green. She then placed them on the ground.
In front of the Rangers, a large beast emerged from the ground. The summoned beast had long horns on its head with four long arms. It charged forward and struck one of the barriers. The mud beast struggled to dig through the barrier. The beast managed to pierce the barrier that was protecting the bunker and broke inside, forming a small opening - which killed several Darlko mages.
Seeing the threat, the other Darlko mage's focused on the summon beast. One mage fired a stream of water against the dirt-made beast while another one opened a gap in the ground. The summoned beast started to falter from the water attack and fell inside the gap before breaking apart.
While the beast failed to break the Darlko formation, it gave Vanguard-7 time to counter. Tuka and Yao generate a smoke screen while Frost and Chapman each fire a rocket into the enemy formation, blasting a hole.
With the smoke, the three Vanguard teams rushed through, and before the enemy realized what was happening the three teams broke through and cut the enemy down.
Once the bunker was secured, Sharpe ordered everyone to regroup to continue the assault.
---- Apostle fight ----
It became clear that Darlko was using the hillside as a natural fortress and using it as a final stand to prevent the allied force from reaching the city.
Rory finished clearing out a fortification of mage to allow the Rangers to occupy a section. This should allow them to start breaking apart the enemy defenses from within besides using the frontal assault. Sharpe didn't want a head-on firefight against mages or being pinned.
Looking towards Karlin, Frayen, and Giselle who had all finished clearing their sections, allowing the Republican Legionaries and American forces to exploit the openings and remove any remaining Darlko mages.
Rory took a moment to look around as her gut warned that something was wrong. Based on the formation, it looked like it was a last stand. Trying to delay the US as much as possible. If so, she wondered where the brainwashed Apostles were?
Seeing Frayen, Rory leaped toward his side and asked, "where are the other Apostles?"
"I was wondering the same thing," Frayen said. "It seems they are being held in reserve, waiting for us to make our move or something more."
Looking toward the battle that was being waged, a summoned stone golem attacked a few soldiers before being destroyed by a Rondel mage. A dark mist from the burning creep started to spread as a ground of soldiers killed a few defending mages. Legionaries sliced through the ghouls and skeleton warriors as the Airborne followed up from behind.
"If I was them, I would want to do maximum damage-ah shit, Frayen!" Rory said as she saw a slight glowing bluish-white reflecting on the creep and quickly looked up toward the glowing clouds.
A bright blue bolt of lightning strikes from the sky. Frayen established an energy barrier, deflecting the lightning toward the surrounding area. As the barrier faded, they saw the surrounding area scorched as steam rose from the ground.
Over in the distance, Rory sensed someone incoming with incredible speed. She spanned her Halberd and blocked a red sword.
Seeing that the attacker was her old friend Mabel Forn. Just like the redness of her sword, her eyes glowed like rubies. Showing that she is still suffering from this mind-control magic.
"Mabel, you need to listen." As Rory spoke, she suddenly flew toward Mabel as she felt someone kick her back with great force.
Unable to stabilize herself, she passed Mabel and received a large cut along her chest. Hearing that her opponent was on the move, she turned around and was forced to block the attack. This allowed them to exploit her stance and get knocked back.
As Mabel prepared to follow up her attack, multiple bullets struck the Apostle. Confused by the strange attack, the moment Rory realized what was happening she saw three Airborne soldiers standing there as they tried to cover her. She wondered if they saw her in trouble and decided to help without fully understanding the consequences - or if they did and knew the importance of the situation. Either way, she knew they were helpless. "You idiots, get out of here!"
Mabel smirked and leaped past the soldiers, slicing them in half with ease.
Rory got back on her feet as her body slowly regenerated the chest wound.
Wondering where Frayen went, she saw Frayen and Envira - the Apostle of Learning - having a magical duel over in the distance.
Giselle landed next to Rory and said, "You need to tell your friends to get away. They are only going to get killed."
"I know," Rory said with frustration. She clicked the button on the radio around her neck and said, "Jackson, you need to tell your comrades to get away from us. The enemy Apostles are in play, and they will just get themselves killed. Leave them to us."
"Roger that," Sharpe replied over the radio. "Remember, this is a war for survival. Show them what the Apostle of Love and War is. Good luck."
Just like Rondel, the merfork Apostle, Valma - the Apostle of Danra, Goddess of the sea - joined Mabel with her silver trident. However, other Apostles joined the group. Cronan, the Apostle of God of Harvest of Hoboro. Mortar, the Apostle of Smith God of Duncan, Appeato, the Apostle of Sun God of Flare. Xenmmoa, Apostle of God of Revenge of Palapon. And Elvo, Apostle of God of Music of Lunaryur. All with deep red eyes. To Rory's confusion, none of these Apostles have been on Falmart for decades so why were they here?
Karlin approached Rory from the other side, "It seems that we are outnumbered."
"It seems that Mabel has been very busy," Giselle said. "It is hard to imagine that she brainwashed them all in this short amount of time."
"I doubt that she did," Karlin replied.
Rory took out a blue crystal from under her shirt. "Frayen gave this to me, just in case." She then carved a marking on the ground.
"A teleportation crystal?" Mabel said, nearly laughing. "You are already giving up? I expected more from the Apostle of War."
"No," Rory replied. "Just evening the odds."
A bright blue glow appeared around the three Apostles. To their left Jasis, the Apostle of Siflis appear. To the right, Martimus, the Apostle of Deldort. Jasis was successfully relieved from her brainwashing thanks to the assistance from Elange, Martimus came from the Ticaret revolution to assist in Uros's darkest hour. Rory wanted to wait and see what Mabel was planning before showing all her cards. A trick she learned from Jackson.
"Hi everyone, missed me?" Jasis said with an evil smirk. "I have been waiting for this."
"Mabel," Martimus said with his deep voice. "You forced me to send my subjects to their deaths and corrupted my covenant."
Mabel stared for a moment and laughed. "Thank you, Rory, for bringing them back to me so the rest of you will serve Zufmuut."
"Giselle, we will team up against Mabel," Rory said. "Remember, we need to get her sword away from her and destroy it. Everyone else, cover us."
"Easier said than done," Giselle said. "I will flank left."
The two sides of the Apostles charged against each other. Being outnumbered, the engagement quickly turned into a two-vs-one fight as Jasis, Karlin, and Martimus picked up the bulk of the defense.
Martimus, being the more buckier compared to most Apostles, easily burst through Mabel comrades. With his large mace, he knocked Cronan hard into Xenmmoa. As the two recovered, he marched over and grabbed Cronan. With one strong spin he tossed him over into a large creep infested boulder which crumbled from the impact.
Karlin danced around Elvo. Not being an offensive person by nature, the kitsune created illusions of herself and maneuvered around Elvo. To her surprise, one of her illusions evaporated by a burst of water from Valma.
The insane laughter from Jasis left an unsettling feeling under many of the Apostles as she attacked Valma. The crazy succubus psychopath collided against the merfork trident with her bow. The two clashed before Appeato struck her with his flail, knocking her onto the ground.
As Appeato came directly at Jasis, wanting to go for the kill. Before he could reach her, a bright light appeared between them that was caused by Karlin magic, blinding him. Jasis took the opportunity and sliced across her opponent with her razor-sharp wings.
While the other Apostles fought against the others, Giselle moved left and flew quickly around to flank Mabel. Rory gripped her weapon and charged forward.
To her confusion, her old friend stood there unfazed and staring directly at her. With all the chaos happening around them, this reaction did not fit the situation. She stopped and realized it was another trap. "Giselle!"
Looking toward Giselle, Rory saw her dragon friend get attacked by another Apostle. To her horror, she saw Taylin with his half-broken axe who just stopped Giselle. "Taylin...!" Seeing his eyes, they went from colorful star filled eyes replaced with pure red. That is when the gravity of the truth that he fell to Zufmuut hit her.
"I will handle him," Giselle said.
Rory looked back to Mabel and already saw her friend advancing. While hoping for a quick fight, it is clear she must handle this alone.
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