V20 - Chapter 238 When the child is born
--- Army Hospital, Fort Alnus, ---
Date: August 5th, 2026
After a successful rescue operation in Thaluilas, Empress Pina Co Lada wanted nothing more but to celebrate with her Rose Knights at the Apex bar. Celebrating that, they saved a very popular Imperial General from a betrayal, bringing a massive force to her side and another influential individual into the future administration of the Saderan Republic.
However, all celebrational moods evaporated once Vanguard-7 returned. She assumed she would have tackled her brother with a giant hug. Instead, she watched in horror as the beaten and bloodied body of her, once proud, sibling lay on a stretcher. The brutal scars of torture were visible everywhere on his body.
Standing outside a large glass wall at the Army Hospital, Pina watched the doctors perform surgery on her brother.
"How are you holding up?" a voice spoke to her.
Glancing over, Pina saw Sharpe and said, "Your doctors said they are working on it. His right arm was severed, and they said that area had a severe infection. Deep cuts throughout his body, dehydration, starvation, some blindness, maybe."
Nothing but despair filled her mind as she spoke, listing all the issues with her eldest brother.
Sharpe responded with a story when an operation against the terrorist group Abu Sayyaf went bad in the Philippines where one of his comrades nearly died from a claymore mine. However, although he and others felt that he might not survive, the man was utterly strong in his will to live and pushed through the pain long enough to be brought to a hospital. In the end, the American soldier managed to survive and taught Sharpe an important lesson of not giving up living even when the Grim Reaper is near.
"I wondered if he was going to die," Pina said. "It would be a tragedy after all that work to rescue him just so I could watch him die."
There was a short silence before Sharpe's response. "He is a tough one so I wouldn't worry too much. Besides, he is too much of a pain in the ass to die like this."
"I know," Pina replied. "I never properly thanked you, Lieutenant Colonel."
"You don't need to," Sharpe said.
Looking back into the surgery room, Pina struggled to form the words. It was taking all her strength not to break down.
With another short silence, Sharpe continued, "You know. I originally came to congratulate you on saving Fabius and Albon."
She had almost completely forgotten about her mission in Elies. The situation was beginning to improve in the region. With Fabius's help and intel, NATO was able to deploy their module bridge across Agaront Stream. It would only be a matter of days before Thaluilas fell as Imperial defense crumbled and surrendered, allowing the enemy to be outflanked and outmaneuvered and ending the Elies Front Permanently.
"Thank you," Pina said. "Just wish the mood was different."
"It might sound harsh, but you will need to move on," Sharpe said. "It is not your fault, he made his choice then and I bet that he still wouldn't change a thing. You can only control what you do, not the world."
"I know," Pina replied. "I just remember being so childish and helpless. I just wish I did more."
"Well, you have changed a lot in the past year," Sharpe pointed out. "From a naive princess who wanted to play knight to a proper Empress where you are now. Just keep living up to the expectation and he will see the sacrifice he made for you was worth it."
With a smile, Pina responded, "I know you are not a fan of him, but I appreciate you bringing him back. But while you are here, how did your meeting go?"
"Like any other," Sharpe responded. "The rescue of the Seckin Sanctum commander Albon Dac Kalv tipped the scale in Ticaret. I gambled and lied to all those rebels, hoping that your mission would be successful."
"Does that mean it is over?" Pina asked.
"For us, mostly," Sharpe said. "The general said our priority will be closing out the western front. Once that is done, we'll supply the alliance of House Atlin, House Tozuko and Seckin Sanctum. Outside special forces, I don't see any major involvement on our end."
Glad to hear, Pina saw Bozes and Hamilton's approach. Behind her were the rebel Senators, with some not too happy.
She could already tell what the issue was going to be. Most of them hate her oldest brother for rebelling against the Empire and nearly bringing Sadera to its knees.
"Not them. Mind shooting them?" Pina jokingly asked.
"Ha, maybe next time," Sharpe said. "Well, good luck."
Watching her formal commander and mentor leave, Pina stopped him and smiled. "By the way, I wish it was under better circumstances but I heard that the ultrasound checkup revealed that your child will be a boy
"Yep, that's right," Sharpe said with a smile. "We will name him, Harper. Should be born any day now."
"You name your son after your late commander and mentor. That is nice. Being your son, he will probably be a handful."
Once Sharpe left, Pina turned to Bozes Co Palesti. There was this apologetic look on her friend's face.
"So Gentlemen! What can I do for you all?" Pina asked.
"Pina, how could you...," Dussie boldly said.
Noticing that Gnaeus Dussie used her first name and not her proper title, Pina stopped him by holding up her index finger, silencing them all. While she could understand that they were angry and felt threatened, however, she knew she could not allow such disrespect to her authority to slide, even if it was accidental.
"First, you will address me as 'Empress' or 'Your Highness'," Pina calmly but boldly said. "Second, I understand your history with my oldest brother, but that stays in the past. We have to leave those pasts behind and move on."
"My apologies Empress, I meant no disrespect," Dussie said and then turned to the surgery room. "I do not care that the bastard is Molt's oldest known son. He is a disgrace and will put everything we are doing at risk."
Bozes nearly laughed but stopped herself. "The truth is you all are worried that he might want to seek vengeance on you all."
"But the Empress, here, is the only one that can protect you from his revenge," Hamilton mockingly elaborated. "You tried to kill him out of fear of his charisma and influence within the Imperial Army and could turn that back at you once this war is over."
Silence hovered among them all, to the point that if it was not for all the hospital noises they could have heard a pin drop.
Pina could tell that Bozes and Hamilton hit their nerves.
Casel El Tiberius got between everyone, calming everyone down. "We must remain calm. What is done is done." He then looked toward Pina. "However, have you thought this through, Empress?"
"I have thought it through very clearly," Pina slightly raised her tone to make sure that all the Senators understood that her decision is final and not up for debate. It did concern her that she might not be able to control Krysist however, as long as she stood strong he would follow.
"Now Empress," Tiberius said. "You told us that this man was your father's firstborn. By our laws, that means the throne belongs to him, not you. This fact along with all his past deeds could throw the revolution into chaos, especially your Imperial generals who certainly refuse to work with a traitor like him."
Looking back into the surgery room, Pina had to admit that scenario did cross her mind. Krysist did plot against the Empire twice, once during a rebellion six years ago and a second time last year(1), using NATO to boost his image to then force the previous emperor and senate to surrender, effectively enabling NATO to replace the Empire. He was in the perfect position to take the throne, especially if he found out who his real father was.
However, she recalled that he never cared about the throne and his greatest desire was for the Terrans to improve this world, a very thing the Empire has failed to accomplish. From her short period of time being his captive at Legrath, she never learned what Krysist thought what that better world would look like but she assumed it was similar to hers. And that is why he passed the baton to her to make his vision of a better Uros come to fruition.
"When he recovers, I fully intend to make him my General of the Army. And before anyone says a word, I have made my decision. If any of you do not like it, you may turn in your resignation at any time. Your positions aren't forced upon you. But if you wish to continue to build this Republic, then I look forward to all of your help."
Seeing their reactions, some clearly disapproved however none protested under the threat of dismissal. Pina continued, "Now, I will handle him once he recovers. But, I highly doubt he will want the throne since he was never interested in ruling a nation. Especially when he learns who his father was."
"I hope you are right, Empress! You have shown so far to be not like your father or Zorzal," Caelus Aebutus said. "I know this was a heated topic, but I must state that the Senate do believe in you and trust your judgment. You carried us this far, we just wish to live to see this through."
Once the conversation is over, the Senators left the hospital.
"Those senators sure are so stubborn," Hamilton noted. "Well, nobles mostly never admit they are wrong after all. It is good that you show them who..oh!" She stopped as she feels multiple strong kick in her big belly which she leans in discomfort
"Hamilton, you're supposed to stay in bed and not come here," Pina said. "You are nine months pregnant already for Mirithia's sake. You can give birth any moment."
"It is ok, Empress." Hamilton placed her hands on her pregnant belly. "I am your loyal servant after all so I must personally come to congratulate you on the successful operation. Hana just can't wait to come out of my belly, and see her parents and Empress."
"I have to say your daughter is ferocious as the Empress and her father." Bozes placed her hand on Hamilton's belly. "She kicks pretty hard there."
Pina walked over and placed her hand on her loyal servant's belly.
"You are gonna be a wonderful mother, Hamilton," Pina said, making Hamilton blush.
"Hana, if you can hear me, I promise you that when you grow up, I will make this world a wonderful world for you. You will never have to bear the scars of the past of anyone," Pina said. "This is a promise I make to you as your godmother."
"Thank you so much, Empress," Hamilton replied while she was being embraced by her friends.
"While we wait for Krysist to recover, I say we deserve a celebration for our hard work so far and the fact that our first knight is to become a mother," Bozes proposed.
"Yep, let's go and get everyone to celebrate," Pina replied as the three left the hospital.
--- Army Residence, Fort Minick ---
Lelei, who was floating in the middle of the room with multiple books floating around her and on a magic ritual circle, suddenly falls as her concentration was suddenly cut off.
"Big Sis! Dad is Home!" Selina happily shouted as she opened the door to Lelei's room.
"Selina! What did I tell you about...," Lelei angrily yelled as she turned toward the door. Not happy that she was interrupted again, her eyes glowed with rage at Selina. "I have told you a dozen times Selina, stop barging into my room!" When she turned to face her sister, she saw Sharpe, Sarah, Rory, and Yao at the door. She saw a sharp glare coming from Sarah, warning her to be nice.
"Hey, Lelei! How is it going? Is there anything wrong while we were away in Ticaret?" Sharpe gently asked his second adopted daughter.
"Oh no, no, everything is fine, dad," Lelei replied awkwardly as she put her right hand into her left arm nervously.
"My, my, You have been very busy," Rory said as she picked up some of the science books and grimoires as well as notes scattered across the bed and floor. "This is different, meditation, spirituality, shamanism, body energy conservation, and Wiccan rituals."
"Yeah," Lelei replied. "Since dad did not want me on his mission, I needed to keep myself busy. I have learned all these new spells over the years and yet, efficiency has become an issue. I am tired of using my Hypersonic-Star burst spell and having my mana depleted after one use. Besides, Frayen was the one who told me to begin studying this topic."
"Look Lelei," Sharpe said. "I know that you are eager to be part of the team but you need time to move on from Cato's death. Putting you in an intense operation might not be ideal for your mental state right now as it could make it worse. I do this because I care about you."
"I know that," Lelei said. "It is just that I feel useless when I was left out of all of this because of my grieving. I just do not want to see any of my family lose again," Lelei tore as she placed her hand on Cato's ash urn near her lamp desk as Rory, Selina, and Yao came to hug her.
"There, there," Selina said. "I understand, I know that you care for us but you have to live for us as well."
"What you are trying to do is very much like when Selina never told us about her royal blood," Rory added. "You can not be selfish like that. We are here for you so you must be here for us."
"Thank you, everyone!" Lelei cried as she hugged her sisters.
"Now then," Sharpe said, trying to change the subject. "Since we have successfully completed two big operations, how about we celebrate with a nice dinner and a movie night? However, before that, I have a surprise for everyone."
"Well, I am due any day now. Pretty soon we will have a new member of our family. I will be giving birth to little Harper pretty soon," Sarah announced as she placed her hands on her pregnant belly.
"Our family is growing. I can't wait to see my brother being born," Selina came and kissed Sarah's belly.
"So, Lelei, where do you want to eat tonight?" Sharpe asked.
"How about Korean Food?" Lelei proposed. "There is a new Korean Restaurant opening in Alnus Town."
"Why does it have to be Korean Food?" Rory complained.
"Look Rory," Lelei said. "Jaleoa and I checked it out and it seemed good. Mostly Falmart meats but the flavors are amazing. And just because you hate Kimchi does not mean the food is bad. Besides, we can order some nice Korean BBQ. I guarantee you it is as good as Texas BBQ."
"Ok, I give you the benefit of doubt for that," Rory replied as they left for the restaurant. "Besides, I am wondering more about why you went to lunch with a boy?" She teased as she winked when she walked out, hinting at a romantic encounter.
Realizing the slipup, Lelei's face turned bright red. "It was not like that."
"I said no boys unless I meet them," Sharpe said. "That is final. You can tell me about him over dinner. Now, let's go."
"Not what happened.... Wait, how did this get tuned on me?! Damn," Lelei mumbled.
"So Lelei, how are things between you and Master Soredin?" Yao asked.
"I am still annoyed that she rejected my application," Lelei said. "But we have talked and things are okay now between us. She gave me the same reason as dad, about time to mourn Cato death and not wanting to rush into things because of my emotions. She gave me tons of grimoires as a token of apology but I still hate it though. She said we can talk about me going to school once the war is over."
"You cannot go around hating everyone forever," Yao said. "I think Sharpe was right to keep you here. And while I do not know much about Master Soredin, rushing into her school all emotional would not end well. I recalled that Master Nissan and Odelia stated another reason for rejecting you was because you might abuse Voodoo magic to do reckless stuff."
"I know..." Lelei mumbled. "Does not mean that I have to like it."
--- Army Hospital, Fort Alnus, ------
Date: 7 days later
"Congratulations. It is a healthy baby boy," the doctor said as he came out of the emergency room.
Everyone rushed into the room and saw Sarah holding a newborn baby that Sarah gave to Sharpe to embrace. As he held him, he could not help but note how light the baby was and that he took his eyes.
"Can I hug my baby brother? Please Please!" Selina eagerly asked, bouncing up and down with excitement.
After a warning, Sharpe then handed Harper to Selina, where Lelei and Yao cuddled the baby.
"Hello, baby brother! My name is Selina, your big sister and this is Lelei and Yao, your other big sisters as well. There's another one named Tuka but she is on a mission right now so you will see her later. However, most of all, this is your Godmother, Rory Mercury, she is the Apostle of Emroy and she will be the guardian of your spirit."
"Selina, he does not understand any of that," Sharpe said.
Rory saw the baby and cried uncontrollably as her emotion overflowed throughout every part of her body.
"Rory, do you want to hug your godson?" Sarah asked.
"Yes, yes!" Rory cried as she rushed toward Selina and took the baby. She then hugged it with all her heart.
"After nine hundred years, this is the greatest moment of my entire existence! I have a son! A son of my own! I have become a mother! A mother!" Rory continued to cry as she put her face on the baby, kissing him like she never kissed a person before.
"Ok, ok, I think that is overdoing it," Sharpe said as he took the baby and gave it back to Sarah.
"I am sorry! I'm just being too emotional for it!" Rory said as she wiped her tears.
"Don't worry, you're gonna be an awesome godmother to our child, Rory," Sarah said.
"Yea but first you should stop being a childish girl to be a proper godmother," Lelei teased.
"Oh shut up! I am fun-loving, not childish," Rory shot back.
The door of the emergency room opened with Andrew pushing a wheelchair. His wife Hamilton was sitting on it, holding their newborn daughter. Around them were some of the Rose Knights, Pina, Bozes, and Beefeater.
"Congratulations, Lieutenant Colonel," Andrew said. "That's one good-looking boy."
"Thank you," Sharpe replied.
"Oh, is that Hana! Can I hug her?" Selina innocently asked as Hamilton handed the baby to her. "She is so cute. Maybe one day when they grow up, they will be together."
"She is marrying no one, ever," Andrew said.
"That is what dad always says about me," Selina commented.
"Now you know how it feels," Sharpe said.
--- A day later ---
With the cool evening breeze, Sharpe looked up at the silver-colored moon this world called Idos.
Staring up into the sky, Sharpe couldn't help but think of the future. For most of his life, he only saw the past, what has happened, the good and bad. His past missions, his past relations. Even with adopting Selina, he spent most of his time trying to protect her past. Seeing the face of his newborn son, it was the first time he took a solid look at the future.
Hearing First Lieutenant Charles Johnson's voice, Sharpe turned. The two cheered their two beers together and he said, "Thank you."
"I cannot believe it, Jackson has a son," Captain Bailey Roberson said. "We are totally screwed."
"Ha, ha, ha," Sharpe said.
"Don't take it, personal boss," Johnson commented. "Bailey here is just worried that your son will seduce his twin daughters."
"To hell with that," Bailey said. "If any boy gets anywhere close to them, I will shoot them."
"Bullshit," Sharpe said. "For the past year, everyone said I was overprotective with Selina and now you are acting like me. See, I was not crazy."
"I think both of you are nuts," Johnson said, taking a drink.
"But, I do think Johnson has a point," Sharpe said. "If Harper takes after me, he will be a ladies' man so be careful Bailey."
Bailey laughed and replied, "Then I have nothing to worry about sir. You, a ladies' man?"
Sharpe smirked, expecting that response. He pointed toward the glass door that looked into the living room. Inside, was Rory, Lelei, Yao, and Selina all gossiping about the newborn. "Factor in the fact that I originally picked up the Rose Knights when we first met. And there is Tuka. Also, there's that dragon and that crazy succubus Apostle. I wonder who else..."
Bailey stood there for a moment. He then took a long drink and said, "There is no way your son doing sleepovers in his teen years. You are banned from visiting."
Johnson laughed and then said, "Is this really what married life is? It changed both of you and not for the better."
"Don't worry you're next. When you get married Johnson, you will act this dumb," Sharpe explained.
"Are you going to marry Bozes?" Bailey asked.
"Short answer is, yes," Johnson said. "But, we decided to wait until after the war. Watching you three and all the problems that came with it with marriage and kids, we figured it would be smoother after the war than during. Want to keep our priorities straight."
"I totally get it," Sharpe said. "I love Sarah and I regret nothing, but if we could have, we should have waited until after the war to expand our family. It just made everything more complicated."
"Oh god," Bailey added. "My folks always said kids were a handful, but damn. I spend so much time thinking about them. If I was not in a firefight, it would be about them."
"Especially that they are bunnies," Johnson said. "The way this world works, everyone is going to want them."
"Then I am happy to boldly say, thank god for fathers with rifles," Sharpe said.
Bailey added, "Back by Special Forces training."
The three cheered with mugs in hand and took a drink.
"Before we head in, what is next?" Johnson asked.
"VRTF-2, is on hold," Sharpe said. "Right now there is a massive influx right now. Currently, the only active theaters are the Dumas and Mealud Valley."
"That shouldn't last long," Bailey said. "With Elies done, that region won't be sucking up all those resources."
"Then you have not heard," Johnson said. "The Empress' plan worked. Most of the Imperial Army in the region rebelled, taking no prisoners. They easily stormed Thaluilas and not a single hostile was left. The leader of Thaluilas Olafina, Oprichnina Head Katsuo, and Ganog Sandshield were found with their heads on spikes.
"Holy shit," Bailey commented. "Were any of our assets involved?"
"Not from what I heard," Johnson said. "Rumor is that Lieutenant General Adam Young allowed it to happen."
"I am honestly not that surprised," Sharpe said and then took a drink.
"Really," Johnson asked. "It is pretty extreme."
"I am not saying I agree," Sharpe said. "But I saw Krysist. He is in bad shape. Imagine the rest of them there? They were betrayed twice by their government and leadership. Even a Ticaret was part of the coup against them. The General probably saw the writing on the wall and let the natives handle it."
"Damm, I see your point," Bailey said. "Well, the healing process will be hell. Hopefully, it won't be Afghanistan 2.0."
"I don't think it will," Sharpe said. "The old regime's credibility has been destroyed and I think this new one will work. Might be biased but, I think we got a good replacement regime."
The main issue hasn't been winning battles but having a long-term plan with Falmart. Being newcomers to these lands, NATO didn't have the history or depth to know how to properly win the war that will last.
The old regime was always going to be toppled, however, the question has always been replaced with who? Especially with a massive population that was loyal to that regime. That was then, now that Pina has an Army behind her, a native army, the populists preferring the Republic and NATO side over their own government, all the dominoes are set to close out the war.
Hearing a knock on the glass, Sharpe saw Yao waving them inside. "Seems like cake is ready."
Finishing their beers, the three-headed inside.
Inside, Sharpe saw his son getting a lot of attention. His wife sat on the small couch, holding the baby. The Girls, all making jokes about how Harper was so much cuter than his father, all expressing fear when he grew up, sparking laughter.
It was Yao who proposed a group photo. After a few shots, Sarah wanted to get a photo of the original four with the baby.
Taking his son into his arms, Selina was placed right in front of him, with Rory to the left and Lelei to the right.
Together, the five took stood there as the picture was taken.
(1)Chapter 95
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