V20 - Chapter 236
--- Ticaret, Ticaret Conglomerate ---
Date: August 3rd, 2026
Everything they had been working toward had finally reached their grasp, so Altin thought.
He sat at his desk, looking over all the ancient desert city. The realization that he would have to see a man die in battle for the first time was weighting over his shoulders heavily. Not men from a far away land but men who were his countrymen. In the city he was currently living in, no less.
"I cannot believe the only way to end the bloodshed is to cause more bloodshed."
"Do not think of it like that," Tyuwal reassured him.
Leaning over his chair, he saw the love of his life freshening up in front of a mirror. Her beautiful feminine frame, the well-groomed blue feathers throughout her body. However, what had always attracted him the most had been her soft, soothing voice that brought a positive light.
"What makes you say that?" Altin asked. "I am terrified. I am starting a civil war and about to commit the worst crime in our people's history."
Putting down a pad, Tyuwal walked over and then sat on Altin's lap, slowly moving her hand down from his cheek to his jaw. "You have been preparing for this for the past six months. Your House is loyal to you, one of the only houses that are loyal to your character and not greed. It will be ok."
Hearing that relaxed him to a point. However, he realized that many of his loyal men were about to die.
"I know, Tyuwal," Altin said. "I just... it came so quickly. I do not know if I have the strength to follow through. I am not as strong or cunning as your Mistress or Azariah."
With a light kiss, Tyuwal laid her head against his shoulder and cuddled. "That is not true. Madame Tozuko bet everything on you. That is because she believes in you. You will lead us through these dark times. I believe in you."
Feeling empowered, Altin placed his hand on her side as he looked back outside the window, gazing at the city.
--- Ticaret, Ticaret Conglomerate ---
Date: August 3rd, 2026
Looking around the stone table, with Jackson Sharpe were Randy, Beluutie, Malena, and Rory. On the other side of the table was Tozuko, Altin, Tyuuwal, and the most important addition, Azariah Galen.
"This is risky," Azariah said. "It is too soon. The populace is still supportive toward the war."
"It is now or never," Altin said.
"Even with Gagnog Sand Shield betrayal, it will be a large task to start this war," Azariah Galen said.
"The Terrans are here to help," Tozuko said. "However, it is your decision."
Sharpe watched as Azariah Galen carefully analyzed the map on the table. Unlike the other two, it had become clear that this elf was far more conscious about kicking off a civil war, something he respected. The people who never fought are usually too eager to go to war. With the head of the Seckin Sanctum here, he felt far more comfortable with this agreement.
"A first strike will be simple," Azariah Galen said. "The thing is, while the Seckin Sanctum is the most elite force, it is still not large enough to fight off both the Tecim Union and Gummus House with multiple lower houses if they are mobilized. Even if most are deployed to war. But if we do secure the city, there will be counter-attacks and we will be overwhelmed."
"My team cannot help with the counter-attacks," Sharpe said. "However, if we do this right we can give you a decisive edge. It will give you a clear advantage until proper NATO assists arrive."
"Go through your plan again," Azariah Galen said.
"The plan is pretty simple," Sharpe said. He then pointed to the round table. "We are going to strike the House of Gummus and retrieve Krysist."
"How?" Azariah Galen asked. "They are not just going to let you go inside."
"That is my job," Tozuko said. "Tyuuwal already has connections with some of the sons. She will be able to slip in with some escorts."
"That is where my team comes in," Malena added. "We will go with Tyuuwal as entertainers."
"Then we make our strike," Sharpe continued. "Vanguard-7, the Legarth Knights, and your forces will strike at these key locations." He then pointed at different locations on the map.
"Frayen and I will deal with Martimus Onur and any other surprises that might appear," Rory said.
A long silence appeared over them as they consumed the details.
"Bold plan Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe," Azariah Galen stated. "But what is preventing them from overrunning us? It seems your plan stretches us thin. Just one misstep could see anyone of our groups surrounded."
"That is by design," Sharpe said. "The goal is to turn their numbers against them. The other Houses will attack in large formations, and they'll be a nice target for our bomber. The B-1 Lancer bomber will be on station to provide us with airstrike when that happens. Once it arrives, the bomber will drop its bombs on the targets we designated. It should tip the scale to your side to wage your revolution. Long enough until we are assisted."
"The main issue is, the bomber will only have a limited amount of JDAM and SDBs," Sharpe added. "Once we use them, that is it. We will have no more support so we have to make sure that the airstrike will be as effective as possible."
"I thought your power was limitless," Altin said, confused by the lack of support.
"Be thankful we have that," Beluutie said. "While NATO has many powerful wonders, they are no gods."
"We're two thousand kilometers away from Legrath, three from Alnus," Sharpe said. "We just don't have the resources and command refuses to invest all of our bombers and tankers for a non-priority theater of war."
"I understand," Azariah Galen said. "It is a lot better than no support. And the main problem is merely to make sure that your... airstrike will take out as many loyalist forces as possible, yes? I will let my men know."
"Good," Sharpe said. "In addition, Andrew and Yao will be our overwatch. They will kill targets of interest and call in our air support."
"And hopefully," Malena said. "During all this chaos we will be able to reach Krysist."
"Remember, we are not here to win the war today," Sharpe said. "That comes later. What we do today should weaken your opponents though, but only if we stick to the plan. No going off-mission or unnecessary risks that could jeopardize everything."
Seeing that the group understood the operation, everyone began to leave. However, Sharpe noticed that Azariah Galen stood by the table, looking at the mission layout. Once the room was cleared, he asked, "Is there something I can clear up?"
"No," Azariah Galen said. "I do wish to talk to you in private, though..."
"I cannot believe I am doing this a second time," Malena mumbled.
"Stop complaining," Tyuuwal said. "You already agreed to this and put more sway into your hips. You want everyone to think you are one of us."
Being the only non-suspicious way to enter the House of Gummus, Malena again agreed to pretend to be a courtesan. Unlike last time, Tyuuwal gave her the proper dress wear for the mission. It even got to the point where the blue siren and her five friends were teaching her how to do the job better.
In a way, she was grateful to Tyuuwal for her help and at the same time, impressed. The professionalism and pride could be seen in her. Despite her embarrassing apparel, the one thrill she got to enjoy from this plan was seeing the horrific look on Aldon's face when he was forced to pretend to be a male whore.
Watching Tyuuwal getting past the guards amazed Malena. How easily it was to sneak past the guards with just a pretty face. She could not believe how men could become that blind. The fact they did not even check their bags with their weapons and gear baffled her, but she held no complaints. One man's carelessness was another's opportunity.
Once they were cleared, Malena whispered to Tyuuwal and asked, "Why did they let us pass so easily? Are you not worried?"
Confused, Tyuuwal responded with, "What do you mean? I am well known among the family. This is how things work here."
"I guess I just do not understand your ways," Malena said.
As the group moved through the mansion, Aldon stopped, asking what the giant stone throne was for.
Looking at the throne, at first, Malena wanted to say it was of course the throne for the ruler. However, once she gazed at it, the sheer size shocked her, making her believe it was a statue rather than an actual throne.
"That is Mortimer Gummus' throne,'' Tyuuwal answered. "He is the size of three men, mostly from his belly. But, do not let that fool you. He can still walk on his own."
"The fact that he could walk at all is an accomplishment of its own," Aldon added.
Unable to fathom the size of that man, the group moved along, heading up the long flight of stairs.
As they walked up the eerily creepy stairs, Malena could feel the sweat drip from her ear, damping her fur, seeing why her people never migrated to these lands. She looked over to the blue siren and noticed she was doing fine. Probably used to walking like this in this climate.
The one thing Malena noticed from Tyuuwal were the two sides of her. The professional and bold side, like how she is now. The other was when she was around Altin. At first, she assumed it was just her side when she was being a prostitute, however the eyes gave it away. Tyuuwal was in love.
"Tyuuwal, what is your reason for doing all this?" Malena asked. "Do you really think Altin will love you if you put your life at risk? Do you really think you will attract his attention like this?"
"For one thing, I know he loves me," Tyuuwal corrected. "Out of all the whores he could go to, he always comes to me. He shares his heart with me."
"Sure, but you are just a prostitute at the end of the day and he is a powerful man," Malena said. "Not disrespecting the man, but I have never met him until now. I have seen hundreds of men in powerful positions like that and even they have a favorite, a tool to release stress and nothing more. Eventually, they will just replace you."
"I know that all too well and understand that," Tyuuwal said. "But once all this is over, I will show you my coin jar of just Altin. I have been charging double than anyone else since we met, slowly collecting it. And when I am free, I will give it back, as a symbol of our love."
Stunned, Malena replied, "You are very foolish if that really is what you believe. If you have amassed a fortune, then use it to put yourself ahead. But if you really believe in this then it is your decision. Just hope you don't regret it."
"I guess I will find out once all this is over," Tyuuwal said, steeling her resolve. "What about you? You are not the soldier type. Mercenaries but why would you come up here? Surely the pay isn't worth the risk for your kind."
Malena's ear twitched at that quick jab hidden within that question but this was far more personal to Malena than the siren thought. She had never met Krysist before, but from the tales she had heard she knew he was the man who she'd been seeking . A man who had everything in this world thrown at him and he just smiled like it was nothing(1). Being exiled, betrayed, banished, but still managed to get everything he wanted. Even earning the recognition of her late master, Atilius. She was hoping he could provide the answer she needed to prevent her clan from completely dividing.
"I guess that would make sense to think so, but you wouldn't believe the amount of money that was offered," Malena replied.
Tyuuwal merely shook her head as she continued on. Aldon looked at her, curiously as she discreetly shook her head at him as he slightly nodded in understanding.
They reached a hallway with a strangely large amount of guards. Their escort stopped them, forcing them against the wall.
Aldon expressed concern that they had been made, however, Malena calmed him, stating that they seemed focused on a presentation of security.
Seeing a group of nearly a dozen, maybe two dozen young men, many of them being hybrids of different races, Malena whispered to Tyuuwal who they were.
"Those are all of Mortimer Gummus' bastards," Tyuuwal responded. "This must be important if they all are tolerating each other enough to meet."
"Those are all his sons?"
"Some of them," Tyuuwal replied. "Most of them are fighting in the war around Sadera with their father." She then pointed to one of the sons. "That is him, who captured your General."
It took a moment for Malena to spot the man. Her eyes refused to accept who Tyuuwal was pointing at. The small frame for a man seemed so impossible to be the one who brought Krysist here as he appeared to not be able to stand up against an average warrior whether it from Uros or Earth.
After what felt like forever, the group reached the dorm floor, where many of the sons and chosen men lived. Within moments, an explosion from outside rattled the torches and glass decorations on the walls.
As planned, Malena watched the guards and sons storm from their rooms or posts, heading to the lower levels. Hearing feminine screams, Malena looked to see Tyuuwal and her fellow courtesans were scared to death, not fully understanding the loud sounds and rumbling coming from outside. "It is ok, it is just the Americans, they seem to like to make an entrance."
Aldon quickly pulled out his knife and killed one of the guards who stood next to him. "I guess it is time to get busy?"
— — —
Vanguard-7 reached the Gummus mansions and noticed a marble stair set that led up to the plaza. They quickly made their way to the top to take up a defensive position outside. It was perfect for their 6.8mm Fury rounds.
Below were the city defenders: soldiers from the Tecim Union, Sand Shield Deep, Sand Shield Deep Clan Eastern Salamanders, the Gummus armies, security, and anyone else that could hold a weapon. To no surprise, he also saw personnel from the local guilds, mainly from the magic, adventurer, exploration, and slave guilds. However, they noticed one that he had never seen before; all were wearing black cloaks. Altin stated that they were from the Black Bird Amphitheater, one of the five orders of Djinns that were tasked with protecting the Ticaret Conglomerate as a whole from threats from both outside and inside.
Before that, Sharpe questioned why Tozuko, Atlin, or Azariah about why could not get some of the Djinns to be part of their force. Atlin stated that since all Djinns never leave their domain in the Western Desert due to their lack of interest in expansion and conquest or even exploration, they were quite shallow-minded and downright ignorant with the world outside the Ticaret. Therefore, all of them were easily convinced by the houses and those that participated in the war that NATO was a threat to the Ticaret. It was no surprise that if anyone asked the Djinns to participate in this whole operation they would be immediately seen as traitors to the Ticaret and must be destroyed on the spot.
"If I ever see another guild, I will shoot myself," Randy said.
"Only after me Sergeant Major," Sharpe replied.
Watching below, Sharpe was baffled as he saw the disorganized mess of the enemy forces. They couldn't properly organize into a single cohesive unit as they bickered amongst themselves on who should do what. He quickly realized the lack of centralization among them, all divided by their Houses or Guilds. While he understood why they all had separate forces, all nations within NATO maintained their own independent armed forces, he could not believe how they did not have a single commander organizing them. Wondering if there was a lack of trust between them all.
"I'm surprised a force like that is considered a competitor with the Empire," Randy commented.
"No kidding. At least they're organized," Sharpe responded.
"Lieutenant Colonel," Yao said while looking through her sniper scope from a high tower. "I see some forming up three blocks from you."
Acknowledging the news, Sharpe nodded to Randy to give them a warm welcome.
Randy turned and ordered Specialist Daniel Chapman, the team demolition expert to prepare their mortar. With him were two Legrath Knights assisting in loading the round.
Firing the mortar, the round flew above them all, using the extra elevation to increase the range. The force marched forward, inching ever closer as their focus was directed upward by an eerie whistling sound. The round landed between the ground and a building, bringing destruction onto both. The remainder of that force fled, not understanding what just happened.
"That should keep them busy for a bit," Randy said.
Suddenly, the sound of a M250 opening fire from the rear grabbed Sharpe's attention as he turned and saw that a small ground of guards from the mansion was cut down.
"Be careful with your ammo," Randy said. "Do not spray and pray. Our ammo isn't unlimited."
"Sorry, Sergeant Major," Scott said.
The sounds of sniper rounds popped off all around as the Rangers picked off targets of interest.
The house head, Falson Altin approached and said, "I feel like you do not need us. It seems like we are only a hindrance to you. Our efforts seem wasted."
"Do not get too bored," Randy said. "Soon enough, there will be corpses all around us. Just hope they are the enemy, not yours."
"Listen to the Sergeant Major," Sharpe said. "Keep your position to our rear. Right now, that is the best chance of a breakthrough by the enemy."
"Alright, I understand," Alton replied as he returned to his formation with his elite guard, or so they claimed to be. While the armor and weapons seemed to be high quality, the best someone could buy on Falmart, it was clear that the guards lacked experience in the art of war.
Watching Altin leave with his Knights, Beluutie approached. "I guess they do not make them as they use to, right?"
"Possible, but give him a chance," Sharpe said. "The fact they are here says a lot, but depending on how events unfold, will determine if I propose honoring our agreement in helping them."
"Sir," Yao said through the comm as she sniped one of the enemies. "Watch out, a large group is coming."
Looking down the stairway, a large ground of spearmen marched up, shields at the ready. While the Ranger's weapons could cut through them, they deployed mages augmented with powerful amulets to create enhanced magic shields, deflecting the bullets.
"Contact the B1 bomber and blow them away," Sharpe ordered.
Alicia kneeled as she spoke with the pilot of the bomber above them. Aknowledging approval for a bombing run, she told everyone to keep thier heads down.
As Alicia counted down, a JDAM impacted the ground that was protected by magical shielding, leaving nothing but a crater in the stairway.
Noticing one of his Rangers reacting to something, Sharpe turned around and saw this floating crimson strange-looking woman in decorated armor and armed with a metal double edge spear. As he looked closely, he saw that the woman had no legs but instead a trail of smoke in place of them, indicating that she was a Djinn.
Noticing the target was Altin, Sharpe used all his strength to knock the half-elf to the ground, missing the spear strike.
Seeing the cold reaction from the Djinn, she swung her spear.
Sharpe felt someone grab the vest strap from behind and was pulled back, falling onto the ground, on top of someone.
Looking back, to his surprise, he saw Sofia under him, struggling from his weight.
Sofia tried to say something, probably to comment how heavy he was and get off. However, her demeanor completely changed from struggle to panic as she tried to pull out her rifle from under him.
As the two were helped up by Randy and Jerry, Sofia said as she caught her breath, "Damn, I enjoy the hulk on top but not to be crushed."
With a quick pat on Sofia's shoulder, Sharpe turned and who he calls the 'Terminator' meleeing with the Djinn.
It was clear the Terminator knew what to do, maintaining his grab on the spear as each struggled against the other.
Surprised by the unnatural strength of this human, the Djinn swung her fist into the Legrath Knight, nearly cracking the armor. Once he let go of the spear, she backed away.
Seeing that she was surrounded, the Djinn pulled out a lamp and scrubbed the lamp which caused multiple smokes to come out of it. Suddenly, one, then two, and then four more additional Djins appeared, all looking exactly like her.
"Hold on there!" Beluutie said. She held out her hands as a powerful gust of wind blew past everyone, impacting the seven Djinn. Once the blast was over, all seven Djinn remained, standing strong. "That was supposed to reveal which one is an illusion."
"Normally you are right," Altin said. "But this is Mors Efreet, of the Black Bird Amphitheater. While powerful in her own right, she has mastered the magic of illusion."
As one of the illusion Djinn was about to strike the 'Terminator' from behind, Sharpe pulled out his M1911 and fired a bullet right at its head, knocking it back. However, its head regenerated back like ink repouring. "It is always something. Bellute! Overwhelm her with your wind magic. Her element is smoke so strong wind should disperse her"
As he finished giving his orders, he heard Yao warn that someone with a massive mace was incoming. Sharpe knew it had to be the Apostle.
From one of the tall buildings, a figure jumped off and landed on the plaza. The dark-skinned human man stood up and pulled out a large mace and spoke, "Altin. I have always seen you as an honorable man. I never expected you to betray your god, Deldort."
"I betrayed no one Martimus," Altin responded. "The war was wrong from the beginning and I have proof. The Other Worlders are not the enemy."
"Do not speak lies half-breed," Martimus said. "I know that you and Tozuko have met in secret with these Other Worlders who bring darkness to our world. Azariah Galen, Seckin Sanctum has informed me of everything."
"What?" Altin stated with shock.
"Shit sir," Randy said. "We have been played."
"I see that," Sharpe said as he grabbed his radio. "Rory. Now please."
As Martimus approached, a sudden impact between him and everyone else. Rory emerged from the dust, wagging her finger at the Apostle.
Three of the illusion Djinns burst apart as Frayen phased through a wall.
"I warned you that he was too thick-headed to listen," Rory said. "Look Martimus, you need to listen to them. The reason for the war..." She stopped speaking and looked closer at Martimus. Immediately, Rory began to panic when she realized the gravity of the situation. "Sharpe! Mabel was here. Martimus has been brainwashed!"
"How can you tell?" Sharpe asked.
"His eyes!" Rory replied as she prepared for a fight.
"They knew we would come here," Randy said. "Just like Rondel, they are trying to keep the war going for some reason."
Believing Randy's theory was correct, Sharpe ordered Rory and Frayen to take care of Martimus and Mors Efreet while he reassessed the current situation. According to Martimus, Altin's and Tozuko's alliance with the Seckin Sanctum either was a fraud or was compromised in some manner.
Hearing Beluutie comment about enemy reinforcements, Sharpe watched as one segment of the plaza opened up and a large elevator emerged. On it were lightly armed enemy warriors however what terrified Sharpe and everyone one else the most was a hulking dark-furred beast with a set of horns that towered over the others. A Minotaur, not the humanoid ones you'd normally see in villages and in the army but the massive feral ones.
"Sir," Alicia said. "You will want to see this."
Seeing the three apostles and the djinn fight, Sharpe ordered Randy and Altin to stay away from them and hold this position. He ordered concentrated fire on that beast in order to bring down that monster as fast as possible before it got the opportunity to charge over to Alicia and Scott. If it got through, they would risk getting overrun.
"What is it?"
"Out there," Alicia said, pointing to a distant plaza. "I think that is Azariah."
Taking her binoculars, Sharpe saw where she was pointing. His deepest fear was confirmed, it was Azariah. Below her were legions of soldiers from the other houses. All of them look more like peasants that quickly were armed and not true soldiers. However, the numbers concerned Sharpe. One thing he noticed, while Azariah was there, he still has yet to see any of her warriors, putting fear in what they might be up to.
"Tell Malena's team to hurry up and get Krysist out," Sharpe said. "This is going to go from bad to worse quickly."
"They are all in a file, perfect for a bombing run," Alicia pointed out.
"I don't think they understand air power yet," Sharpe said. "Keep hammering them but be wise on your targets. The last thing we need is to lose our air support."
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