V18 - Chapter 222 Pyrrhic Victory
--- Rondel ---
Date: June 18th, 2026
Although the cost was immeasurable, the Battle for Rondel was finally over. Vanguard-7, exhausted and bloodied, was resting at the city plaza. Even though the Guilds had surrendered, much work still needed to be done. All the Guild leadership that weren't already killed had been detained, including Duke Aulus Fastidius of the Secessionist faction.
"I think there are at least a hundred prisoners," Sofia said.
"One hundred and three," Andrew corrected. "More than I would like."
Surprised by the amount, Sofia watched as some of the Italian reinforcements organized the prisoners into groups to be taken to Alnus while the rest were guarding the rest of them. Usually, it would mean keeping an eye on the captives and preventing them from doing anything suspicious. Still, in this case, the Italians are also guarding them against the angry mob of Rondel citizens, who were shouting all kinds of curses and death threats at them while occasionally throwing rotten eggs, rotten vegetables, and stones.
At first, many local mages and knights volunteered to watch the prisoners, but Colonel Yang politely refused them and asked them to focus on other tasks instead; some, like any knights and earth-specialized mages, who were not fatigued, were asked to build a simple runway outside Rondel so that the cargo planes would have a place to land for evacuation efforts and support the city needs like medical attention, food, and clean up. While the city was taken, it proved to be a short-term resource drain for NATO. The current method of ferrying troops and supplies by helicopter and airdrop won't work long as it is becoming a significant logistical strain.
Since Yang noticed that some of them were clearly showing signs of anger despite their best effort to mask them, giving out their malicious intentions towards the prisoners, he didn't want any of the locals anywhere near the prisoners. That was what prompted Yang to request reinforcement from the Italian stationed at the town of Populis, which was recently captured by the Italian 23rd infantry battalion a week ago, to help with the prisoner issue; in addition to helping with the city's security and recovery. Right now, every NATO personnel in Rondel, including Sofia, just wished that all of the prisoners be hauled off already and end one of their major headaches. Because the forest around Crety was still being cleared of the infecteds and the limited capacity of the ribbon bridges that were being used until the Valtris bridge was rebuilt, right now the city has to rely on long range cargo helicopters like the V-22 Osprey, which further hampered the prisoners' transport effort.
The Italians would have gotten here sooner, but the Siege of Crety had evolved into a theater-level campaign. SOCOM sent Green Berets to the town as part of an agreement that they helped Vanguard-7 save Lelei and prevented the town from falling to the now dubbed Arrun Virus. However, it prevented ground forces from quickly rushing to Rondel to assist. Even now, troops from other theaters of war were forced to be redeployed to the surrounding areas and Rondel to quarantine the infection crisis. Luckily, with Rondel taken, the Rondel Knights and 14th Legion are now assisting.
"They are heading to Ohio, right?"
"Yup," Andrew replied. "I heard from Sarah that they are expanding the facility for them."
Ohio is the home of the Mansfield Military Prison Camp, where all prisoners from the invasion of Philadelphia and throughout the war have been taken to. While the history of the facility has been short-lived, it has a very controversial one. News and rumors of prisoners' mistreatment or disappearance came up every now and then, garnering various comments and criticism from the public. Many people consider the facility as the modern Guantánamo Bay, which Sofia has nothing against.
Sensing tension from Andrew, Sofia asked, "What is up with you? We won. Those bastards deserve what's coming."
Grunting, Sergeant Andrew Steele responded with a disappointed tone, "When we first came to Falmart, I was hoping to see Adventurers. In my manga and games, they were always the good guys who saved the day. But now look at them." Andrew pointed toward the once-proud adventurers, now turned prisoners of war, sitting on the pavement with their heads hanging in defeat. The locals whom Sofia imagined once hailed the adventurers as heroes before NATO's arrival in Falmart were now shouting death threats towards them. Their bodies were also covered in rotten eggs and vegetables and some bruises caused by thrown stones from the angry mob. "I hoped to meet them at a party, share adventure stories and some laughs, maybe work alongside them but now that'll never happen. My childhood is ruined, man."
"I see, well welcome to the real world Sarge," Sofia said. "They were just as corrupt as the police department where I lived. Greed. No matter the place, people will always be people."
Tired of watching the prisoners being marched off, Sofia sat down on a fallen pillar.
Looking out, she watched civilians wander around their destroyed streets. A husband and wife were clearing out the debris from their shop. A few others cleaned the roads to allow wagons through. An elf was wandering around as she called out for her husband, worriedly.
The sight reminded Sofia of the Invasion of Philadelphia(1). The people are either looking for their loved ones or trying to fix their homes or businesses. Even after the military secured the area, it took weeks to clear it out.
Hearing someone approaching, Sofia saw Knight Reldom Masulk. "What's up?" She asked. Giving a confused reaction, Masulk looked up into the sky, stating that he saw three large birds. She couldn't help but chuckle. "It is just a phrase. It means what do you want."
"Ah, I see," Masulk said. "I never had a chance to thank you."
Now being the confused one, Sofia responded, "What do you mean?"
"At the graduation, you prevented my former master from killing me," Masulk explained. "It would be considered a dishonor if I did not at least thank you, warrior to warrior."
So much has happened that Sofia almost forgot about that fight. It showed just how exhausted her mind was, forgetting a significant battle that just happened less than a day ago like that. "Well, if I didn't, that bastard would have killed me next. And to be honest, I thought you were going to side with him."
Taking a long, distressing breath, Masulk explained, "I admit, it crossed my mind. Bandits burned down my village back when I was a kid and I could barely be considered an adult. The only reason why I am still alive today and not sold into slavery was because of him. He taught me everything."
"So, why didn't you?"
"Because it was not right," Masulk said. "I don't know how to explain it; it was just a feeling. I always knew he was doing something on the side, but seeing that girl reminded me of what happened to my village. By the gods, I am even starting to wonder whether he had a role in the destruction of my village or not."
"With the fight at the graduation, I saw who he truly was. I used to take every one of his words in, but now his words have turned hollow. The man I knew was a lie, and all he cared about was his self-interests. The only reason he wanted to side with NATO was that he saw it as an opportunity to profit himself and protect his business interests."
It took a moment for Sofia to realize the full extent of Russus' plan. He was trying to become a cartel lord within the new territory of Alcatris, like the ones in the North and South American continents. He saw where the winds were blowing in the war, and instead of going against the grain, he went with it. Publicly advocating to join the NATO side, he hoped his business activities would slip under the radar, just like the drug Cartels on the U.S. Southern border. If it were not for Selina being here, his plan probably would have succeeded.
As Sofia tried to figure out what else to say, Masulk continued, "The reason why I was convinced to switch my allegiances was that in Lelei's letters, she said that villages and towns did not have to worry about being raided and burned to the ground, nor our friends and family being murdered or sold into slavery anymore. I enjoy the thought of living in a world where all of that doesn't happen, but now... it has happened to two of my homes."
Understanding the emotions Reldom is going through, she allowed him to sit down next to her. "When my home city was attacked, I saw many places I once knew destroyed: my school, my first job. And the worst of all, My uncle was murdered. I didn't have much, living on the streets at times. I even went as far as joining gangs, but my uncle got my life back on track. But now... all of it is gone."
After a short silence, she thought back to what Sharpe, Randy, Pina, and others had said. "Well, I guess we have one thing in common, our homes were destroyed."
"Make it two," Masulk said. "Just like your city, from its ashes, we will have a new home built."
Baffled by how optimistic coming from the young knight, Sofia asked, "How are you this positive? Your boss betrayed you and your home was destroyed; your friends were killed. Hell, a Demon came out of the ground and laid waste to everything."
"And I am alive," Masulk replied. "And so is Rondel. She's hurt, but she, too, is still alive. And just like people, you can either treat her wounds or let her bleed to death. I can still help and rebuild. I can seek revenge on those who were responsible. But, most importantly, my people are more united than ever before in my lifetime. All the petty issues that once plagued the council are gone, and our mission is clear, the end of the League once and for all."
Surprised by his strength, Sofia looked out and took in the sight of the city. "You're stupidly naive...," she said as she struggled to compare Rondel to Philadelphia, "but maybe that is what's needed."
Finally, it is all over.
Amidst her Rose-Order of Knights, Pina had never been happier, surrounded by all her friends as they celebrated their most significant victory.
"You did it, your Highness!" Hamilton excitedly stated while giving Pina a hug.
"Hold on there Hamilton, it is your Majesty now," Beefeater proudly corrected. "We don't just have a bunch of young women and men, but an Army now."
"Oh yeah, I am sorry," Hamilton said. "It is a habit now."
Ending the long hug from one of her most loyal friends, she said, "Glad you are here. All of you."
With a giant smile, Hamilton asked, "Did you really ride a Minotaur through an enemy formation?"
Laughing, Pina responded, "Yes, I did. I had no choice; I still can't believe I did that."
During this battle, Pina realized she had to do many things she never expected to do. Nothing out of the ordinary, mainly pushing her limits to get the job done. It fascinated her how quickly the reality of a battle can change. Enemies turned to allies. Ignored factions turned into public enemy number one.
"That Minotaur, Kulras, you speak of, was one of our best commanders. Show some respect, girls!"
Looking over, Pina saw a group of Imperial soldiers of the 14th Legion. Thirteen of them were human as expected, another was a Dark Elf, two were High elves, and the last was a Lizardman mage. While always dominated by humans, there is always a mixture of different races in the Empire's ranks, working to gain wealth and station.
While not knowing who said that, many of them glared toward her Rose Knights. Like they did not belong or have some misgiving.
"Now, at the matter at hand." Panache glancing toward the Imperial soldiers. "Can we trust them?"
"Now that the battle is over, are we still allies?" Bozes asked.
Looking toward the Legionaries, Pina smiled. "We shall see."
The Legionaries noticed and grouped. Marching forward, Pina and her lieutenants approach them. One of the men she recognized was Evocatus from the attack on the barracks. The man took his helmet off and showed a dark burn on his neck that was not there before, covered with the plant base white powder that the Empire uses to help heal a soldier from magical attacks.
"Nice to see you again, Evocatus."
"It is Evocatus Broth Aio-Tiskith of the 14th Legion, 5th Cohort," Aio stated.
To an extent, this man reminded her of Gray. An older, seasoned, veteran of many wars. Regardless of the situation, he is standing tall and representing his comrades. The gravity of responsibility began to fall on Pina's shoulders, realizing that she mustn't let this alliance falter now without a common enemy.
"I can see that Kulras was beloved by many of you," Pina said. "Do not miss my intent; I have nothing but respect for him and the rest of you. We are the Legion affer all. We serve, we fight, we win. I don't have to tell the stories of how we fought impossible wars and came out on top. That is why the Imperial Army has always been the most respected throughout the Empire because we put the Legion above oneself."
"Just like you Evocatus Aio-Tiskith, your comrade did what had to be done to save this city, to save his general, to save the Legion. We all had to do what we must. Why? Because it is what we do. Time and time again, we are called upon to serve. We, the Legion, accept the challenge for better or worse. And that is what makes us mighty."
"In every war, men like you from across the Empire: a Elf, Minotaur, Dwarf, Centaurs, Human, and all the other subjects of the Empire come and serve. But this war has been different, and we all know it. We were asked to wage war against people that were far stronger than us. My father, my brother, and the rest of the corrupted nobles' folly continued the war for their self-interests and ego, and yet, the Legion maintained its oath to protect the Empire."
"We all know of General Krysist and his deeds. He spoke of a victory for his Legions in Elies. At first, we all thought he was insane. A victory against NATO might? Impossible. And yet, they did the impossible. They posed a challenge to NATO in the trenches they dug, in the streets of Havcristen, forcing NATO to bring their full might against Legrath because of the feat you achieved." Pina then walked past the soldiers and pointed to the city's south, where the Balrog was killed. "Facing the Balrog seemed impossible; saving this city seemed impossible as the underworld reared its ugly head from the depths of Falmart and brought the Second Age of Darkness."
Pina walked back and placed her hand on Aio-Tiskith's shoulder, remembering that Sharpe had done. Aio-Tiskith allowed Pina to do so, a sign of him opening himself up, showing trust and connection. "The only reason we are here today was because of the sacrifices of your friend, among many more, for ignoring what seemed impossible and continued to fight on."
"Nice words, but what is this victory you spoke of?" Pepreos emerged from the ranks, hand on his sword handle.
Staring at the General, Pina replied, "Victory for the Empire, of course, but not in its current form. This war has stopped being a conflict between two powers, but the soul of who we are as a people. With all of NATO's might, they are not the future masters of this world; we are. We were once strong, mighty people that were respected."
"The victory Krysist spoke to me about, the victory that I see in my dreams is a beautiful future where our children can play in peace. Traders venturing town to town without fear. Most importantly, returning our people back to what it once stood for, a Republic. For the people, by the people."
"The corruption that allowed this war to continue needs to end. That corruption is what allowed Darlko to summon a Demon and wreak havoc on this amazing city. My brother and the rest of the Senate are willing to go this far, bringing suffering unto our people, just to maintain their own power. As the Empress of the Empire, I call upon the Legion to take the last impossible step. To side with me and save the country you swore an oath to protect. I will fight to my last breath like my fallen comrades before me, will you?"
Hearing silence, Pina stood there waiting for a response. The Legionaries mumbled to each other, trying to decide what was happening and what they should do. They're probably wondering if they can believe in her words or if she is just like her brother. Great at talking the big talk, but only to impose their own agenda.
Pepreos approached the Empress and looked down, towering her. "You spoke similar words before. What you said then and now are correct, the Imperial family and their cronies have brought our people to the brink of destruction. However, how can we trust that you won't be like your brother?"
Staring at the General, looking directly into his eyes Pina replied, "Because two years ago I was not worthy of taking the throne. The truth is that I was just like my father, and my brother. But no more. No longer." Deciding to end there, letting her actions speak for themselves. If everyone cannot see that she is no longer like the rest of her family then she still is not worthy of leading.
The stare lasted for what felt like decades, knowing this moment would decide the direction of the revolution Pina and her Knights started. Then, Pepreos pulled out his sword. Bozes and Beefeater wanted to intervene, but she stopped them.
Pepreos placed the tip of his blade onto his other hand and then took a knee, holding his sword up.
Seeing the offering, Pina took the sword. She took the handle and raised the blade high. "For the Legion! For the Republic!"
Aio-Tiskith then unsheathed his sword and pointed it into the air. "For the Republic!" Soon enough the other Legionaries and Rose Knights did the same, chanting the Republic.
"Thank you again Bailey," Sharpe said.
Sharpe was extremely happy that Bailey reached the Villa in time to save Selina. The one part of the job that he had struggled with, is his duty as an Army officer and his duty as a father. To his surprise, those lines are getting blurred more than he expected.
Bailey laughed before responding, "I honestly came late. I have to say, she has good aim."
"I no longer fear any boy who decides to chase after her," Johnson commented with a laugh. "At least we know she can take care of herself."
Looking toward Selina, she is surrounded by some members of Vanguard-7, being lifted by Scott, all celebrating how she killed Russus, saved Jerry and the remaining Councilman. "She's definitely not that little girl anymore."
"Still, there are a lot of dead bodies," Bailey pointed out. "I expected your mission to go sideways but what happened is just crazy. Like... I don't know how to put it into proper words. You guys faced a Demon, mutated zombies, multiple conspiracies, becoming allies with the Imperialists and god knows what else."
"When you state it like that." Sharpe noticed his wife walking toward him. Sarah and a few others from Vanguard Rapid Task Force 2 arrived to assist with the post-battle logistics. On a personal note, she knows they wanted to come and be with loved ones. WIth what happened with Lelei and her sister, he is glad Sarah arrived to help with that situation. Once his wife approached, before she said a word she slapped him across the face.
"What was that for?"
"For scaring the shit out of me." Sarah then gave him a public kiss. "And that's for living."
Glaring at Bailey and Johnson to knock it off, looked back at Sarah. "Thanks for the cavalry. Just wish it was under better circumstances.
As they look toward Lelei, their semi-daughter is sitting on a stone from a broken wall with Arpeggio and Soredin. With everyone else preoccupied, Tuka is there with Welulia to support her grieving sister. Sharpe is glad one of them is there right now. He knew all the Girls would rather be there to comfort Lelei. But Rory is busy with the other Apostles in maintaining order and investigating what Mabel's role was in the battle. Yao and Selina have been assisting in helping the children who were missing their parents. Yang wanted to prevent any children from being harmed, this crisis being any trafficker's dream moment.
"Do you really have to keep people so busy?" Sarah asked.
"Sadly," Sharpe answered. "Until the Italians arrived, we just needed everyone we had out there. I know everyone wants to help Lelei, even I do but..."
"I get it," Sarah said. "I would have assumed Mimoza would be with them though."
"She was before but something came up," Sharpe replied. "With Cato gone and the city government in chaos, Mimoza has become the leader of the city. Pina has agreed to let NATO provide security for the city, as long as it is a joint effort. Ambassador Hanson and Agent Bank already agreed to the terms and would rather work with Mimoza over an Imperial General. It's become a compromise."
Taking Sharpe's arms, Sarah began rubbing it. "It never ends does it?"
"Nope," Sharpe said. "I should go talk with Lelei." After learning of Cato's death, Sharpe gave Lelei a hug but not much else. He was needed to help establish the occupation - another example of conflicting duties. The Girls have been spending time with them over the past two days, taking turns while they carry out their assignments. Still, he knows everyone would rather just be together right now. "I should go over there."
"Not yet, this is why I came," Sarah said. "Right now both of them need to cry, not someone who wants to fix what happened. Let me deal with it for now and once we let the emotions out then she will need your shoulder as an anchor. Trust me, I don't want her to go down the same path like you did."
The idea of staying on the sidelines is hard, Sharpe preferring to go over there and 'fix' the problem. But Sarah is correct, his way of handling situations is more direct, being a hammer to problems. Great on the battlefields, not great for domestic issues.
"I will go talk to her, right now go hang out with Selina." Sarah then gave her husband another kiss and walked toward Lelei and Arpeggio.
Giving Johnson and Bailey their orders, Sharpe approached his daughter, who was sitting on top of Rory's shoulders. The team was still bragging about their victory, some of the team picking on Jerry for a teenage girl saving a Special Forces trained Ranger, all in good humor.
Approaching Specialist Jerry William, the medic gave a salute. After returning it, Sharpe held out his hand. "Thank you, Ranger."
Taking the Lieutenant Colonel's hand, Jerry responded, "no problem sir. At this point she is one of us and besides, I would hate to lose my helper at the Columna Lactaria. Just more work for me."
Enjoying the humor, Sharpe patted Jerry on the shoulder and approached his daughter. Once Scott set Selina down, she gave him a salute. "You did good, Selina, very proud of you."
"Thank you," Selina replied. "I am glad I killed him but... it feels different than I expected. All of you make it seem easy."
This reminded Sharpe of the first time he took a life. The rest of his day was off as he debated the moral dilemma. Taking a life, he thought it would have changed him forever but to his surprise it became normalized, just part of the job.
The issue is, while he wanted to teach Selina to take a life if needed, he wants her to do it responsibility. The biggest fear he has with his daughter is with her history, taking a life that changes her to seek revenge. It is why he pushed so hard on responsibility and building her character up and giving her role models, like him with Optimus Prime.
"I am glad you brought this up," Sharpe said. "The answer is no. You are going to feel strange now as taking a life is a big deal. But remember why you did it."
Selina looked at the Rangers, feeling embarrassed. "Because I wanted to save everyone at the Villa."
"Attagirl. Just remember that, and you will be fine." Sharpe replied proudly, but he noticed Selina fidgeting as if she wanted to say something else. "Selina? Is there something else you want to talk about?"
Selina glanced toward Sharpe for a while, gathering the courage to speak. Sharpe noticed that her eyes were starting to tear up. "Those people," she finally spoke, while pointing to a row of people with their faces covered, laying on the villa's main hall, telling her that they're now deceased "I-.. I let them die, so I could save medicines and bandages for other people.. Does that mean I killed them, too?"
Sharpe was taken aback by Selina's words, while noticing that Selina could barely keep her tears in. He looked at the row of the deceased and did a quick count of fourteen people. Sharpe had seen this many times before during his deployments, where doctors who failed to save lives would break down and become depressed. He then looks around the rest of the hall before turning back to Selina, smiling. This would be an easy answer.
"Selina." Sharpe softly said to her while turning her head to the rest of the room where many more people were resting from their injuries. "Don't just look at the dead. Look at all the lives that you have saved. In this hall alone, I counted at least three dozen people resting soundly with their injuries treated because of you, not counting the other people in other rooms. It is hard to make that choice, and I'm not going to pretend that I know what it feels like. But without you making that choice, many more people would have lost their lives."
Selina was somewhat calmed down listening to Sharpe. "Really?"
"Yes, really." Sharpe answered. "You're not a murderer for letting fourteen people die, you're a savior for saving the lives of over thirty-five people. Don't let anybody tell you anything different, you hear? If somebody does, you tell me. I'll take care of them. Remember that."
Hearing Sharpe's full answer to her question, Selina smiles while wiping the tears from her face. Selina then puts on her bright smile before replying "Yes. Thank you, daddy!"
Seeing Selina's response, Sharpe can see the maturity in Selina's eyes. All their time together he is glad she soaked in everything. "Good. Always remember that."
"Off the high horse Sharpie," Rory said as she approached. "She did great and you don't have to worry, she will end up more like me before she becomes a monster."
Not wanting to reply however, that also scares Sharpe. While he loves Rory, even two worlds are not big enough for a second Rory. Besides, morality lessons from Rory are not the best influence toward Selina in matters like this. "Thank you for your input Rory but she needs to learn the differences."
"It is ok daddy," Selina said before looking toward Lelei. "Can I go to Lelei? She really needs a shoulder to cry on now. The other soldiers came and took over the orphan tent."
Hearing that, Sharpe nodded. "Good, thank you for your hard work. Please go to Lelei. Both of you, Lelei is going to need all of you more than ever."
As Selina left, Rory approached. "We couldn't find the other Apostles. Jasis stated that she was brainwashed."
"Is that even possible?" Johnson asked. "You guys are pretty OP."
"We might be OP but we are not invincible," Rory replied. "There are spells that you can do to brainwash an Apostle but being Apostles, it takes a lot to pin us down long enough to do such a thing. The question is why."
"It is a bigger question than that, Rory," Sharpe added. "From what you told us, the gods don't like other gods messing with their Apostles directly."
Nodding, Rory replied, "That is correct. This can only mean one thing, there is a schism between the gods and Zufmuut is winning."
The thought terrified Sharpe and the other two Rangers. No words were needed as they glanced at each other, confirming the deeper meaning of what was said.
What felt like forever, early in the war he remembered General Stanford mentioning that the war felt like something else was going on once Rory explained more about the mythology of this world, especially when Gesille told them that Hardy summoned the Gate to Earth.
"We will debrief later, Rory, go meet Lelei," Sharpe said. "I hope she does not end up doing anything drastic after this. I can sense her burning desire for vengeance."
"I promise you Sharpe! No sisters of mine will fall under the temptation of Palapon or ending up like the old you," Rory firmly stated.
Once Rory left, he looked to his officers. "You got all that?"
"Sadly, yeah," Bailey answered. "Now we have to deal with a Darlko-Deity conspiracy. At least we get paid."
--- Rondel ---
Date: June 20th, 2026
It took a few days to clear out the Hall of Heroes. A cemetery next to the Academy for mages who gained great achievement in life or war. What was once considered as one of the most sacred places in Rondel, was hit hard by the Balrog, almost completely destroyed by the flames.
Lelei knew this day would come, death comes with age. Because of her childhood and serving with Vanguard-7 she has seen much death. She believed that she was prepared, but that belief came crashing down once she saw her first father figure Cato El Altestan killed. A man who invested much of his life in raising and educating her.
But now he is gone.
Not wanting to bury their adopted father fearing someone might desecrate his grave, Arpeggio and Lelei agreed to cremation to protect his body and to keep a piece of him with them.
Feeling a hand wrapping around Lelei's shoulder, she glanced toward Sarah who was giving her emotional support.
Once the battle was over, Sarah arrived to help. After hearing what happened to Cato, she wanted to be there for Lelei, during her darkest moment.
While Mimoza always was her mother growing up, Sarah had become a second mother. "I cannot believe he is gone."
"He is not gone, Lelei." Sarah replied. "He will always be in your heart. As long as you love him, he will stay with you." Looking toward Lelei's older sister, she continued, "and Arpeggio, I want you to know you are welcome to come home with us. If you need a place to stay, our door is always opened."
"Thank you, Mrs Sharpe." Arpeggio replied, wiping tears from her right cheek.
Glancing over to Sharpe, Lelei's arm was still wrapped around his. Since leaving the Villa, she had been holding onto his arm for emotional support. Since Cato's death, she had tried to form the words to express her current emotions but nothing ever seemed right. He told her that it is ok, that the words will come.
To Lelei's enjoyment, everyone had arrived, including the main members of the Rose-Order of Knights and Vanguard-7. Also in the crowd are many other professors, students, important townsfolk that Cato had relations with, even some women he fancied with who were close. Outside the cemetery are hundreds of people, other acquaintances of Cato's. While she knew her formal father was well established within the city community, there were more than she expected.
The three Apostles are standing at attention, with Rory and Giselle standing at the wooden podium, as both of their gods represent death in one manner or another. Tuka is with Cato's recently freed slave assistent, Welulia, comforting her. Selina and Yao are behind her. All her 'sisters' have been very comforting at the Villa, helping her deal with the loss.
Suddenly hearing an elvish song coming from the entrance, Lelei knew the main group was nearing. The song is famous, used to honor great men and women who lived life to the fullest and protect their souls as it travels to the gods.
Lelei saw many of the city and school leadership like Master Mimoza, Councilman Skrotarot, Knight Commander Reldom Masulk and the pro-Empire leader, Councilmen Atticus, and many others regardless of their political beliefs. The pro-NATO figures, while deeply believing that their choice was correct to side with NATO, they didn't boast about it and only silently hoped that now everyone else thought the same as them. The Pro-Empire figures who had hoped the Empire would continue to protect them in exchange of their loyalty thought that Zorzal had gone out of line. But above all else, they are still colleagues and friends of Cato, and they all had lost him. Today, all political divisions in Rondel had crumbled, and everyone was standing together as one.
Mimoza took center stage and faced the crowd. "We all know Master Cato El Altestan. While most mages have come and gone, Cato always remained an influential figure within the city. Both as a politician, a warrior, and a teacher. Many here were taught by Cato, inspiring generations of mages. Unlike most teachers, Cato was different..."
Listening to Mimoza speaking about Cato, Lelei struggled not to burst out crying. Taking a handkerchief from Sarah to wipe her tears while also being comforted by her sisters. Her adopted mother told the crowd about Cato's life story, but not as a teacher nor a friend. More like someone who was madly in love and had a rich history. She told stories of their times as adventurers and the battles they fought, some were glorious while others were embarrassing. However, in the end, it was a great celebration of his entire life.
After Mimoza ended her speech, she gave Pepreos the podium to say his own words for his deceased master. The speech was simple, talking about the time where he forced Cato to become his teacher. The adventures he went on as part of his training. Stating that if it was not for Cato's teachings, he never would have joined the Imperial Army. He unsheathed a sword, placing it in his former master's hands, explaining that this sword was passed down to him once he graduated and joined the Imperial Army.
Once everyone gave their speeches, Tuka Luna Marceau stood from her chair with her violin. Because of the current situation in the city, she agreed to share her services, bringing in the combination of American and Elf music, creating a smoothing and spiritual atmosphere.
"Now, as tradition, the two most closest to Cato El Altestan shall send him to the gods," Mimoza said.
Lelei and Arpeggio approached the body of their former master and father figure, Cato. It laid upon a pyre created with the utmost care and intricacy. They stood for a moment, silently gazing over, eyes glossy and puffy, fighting the urge to shed more tears. Arpeggio was the first to break as some streaks slowly made their way down her cheeks but Lelei took a deep breath to compose herself once more.
The younger sister slowly raises both of her hands as small rune-like magic circles appear right on both of her palms. Almost as if painted onto the air near her hands; the circles floated there, dimly lit, just hanging in the air. Lelei looked up to her older sister, who was now beginning to regain her composure as well. Arpeggio followed her sister's lead and raised her hands, where more circles began to form.
With both of them in sync, the dimly lit circles began to brighten up steadily until the fusion of orange and yellow covered their hands. The circles emitted a fierce and yet gentle flame that started to release small firefly-like sparks. The sparks gently spread across the body, rapidly igniting different parts of the body wherever they touched. Eventually the body was entirely enveloped in a sunset-colored flame, quickly burning up the fabric he was wrapped in, and eating away at his flesh until finally reaching down to his bones.
"I will never forget....," Lelei said while her right hand formed into a fist as Cato's body burned away into ash.
(1)Chapter 166
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