V18 - Chapter 213 Planning
"With the new materials that have been discovered on Uros, the United States Geological Survey(USGS) announced a new rare earth element called Aradium - a crystal element - that was discovered in the Elies Region and Elbe Fiefdom. The new element has been labeled to be in the Transition Metal group of the periodic table, having an atomic number of 126.
The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) has proposed the Aradium crystal that showed the properties of a room-temperature superconductor. For decades, scientists have tried to create a holy grail of electricity conduction to revolutionize energy generation. One of the key limitations with current energy technology is that the current materials that we use cannot handle the next generation of energy generation. Either new materials needed to be invented or found to help birth an energy revolution.
Assuming the Aradium crystal lives up to expectations, dozens of corporations have pledged to invest funds for research on applying and creating technology around this new rare-earth element. A trust, led by Elon Musk and his newly formed 'Time to get Jolted' company planned to create, manufacture, and install the new superconductor by 2034. If successful, it would save homeowners and businesses 30%-40% in energy bills.
Another economic area of opportunity for the Aradium crystal could be used as a large battery and battery energy storage units. Prospects for Aradium into a battery, they believe it should increase the energy capacity by 20% than current generation batteries - however, some experts warn about the increased weight of the technology. Some say that this could make the electric car from a novelty to a real clean-energy alternative. Current issues with eclectic vehicles is that the mining and refining the batteries for the vehicles are as dirty as using a fossil-fuel vehicle. In addition, most electric car owners still use fossil-fuel energy sources to recharge the vehicle, making the intent of going green mute.
The real prospect is the element being used in battery energy storage. Energy storage is considered the next frontier of energy technology and many are seeing this as the door to open that frontier. Humans know how to create energy as we have been doing in the caveman days. The issue has always been in putting that energy into reserve to be used later. While billions of dollars have been poured into the technology, the technology is still immature because of the lack of proper materials.
As part of the current wartime agreements, the US has given Japan and Europe both Aradium and Adamantinum elements for their own research. Unlike the US where air travel is the primary long distance travel both Europe and Japan rely heavily on train travel. Both places see both elements as new materials to help transform the rail industry. During the bullet-train era in rail history, it was believed that these trains would be cheaper, faster, and more efficient than older designs. While faster, the cost of such trains proved to outweigh any benefit of such trains as over 95% of all bullet-trains operate at a loss world-wide without major government subsidies. With development, they hope to change this fact and make the next generation of train travel live up to expectations." - The Lotus Eaters
--- Villa, Directorate Palace, Rondel ---
Date: June 14th, 2026
Shocked to see the head of Imperial forces in Rondel walked into their room unopposed, Sharpe grabbed his sidearm. His Delta buddies were outside so he wondered if they were dead, making Sharpe wary of his abilities. The Girls and Rangers grabbed their weapons for battle. Pina and her knights drew daggers and swords for battle.
"Hold on," Cato said, appearing from behind Opoctia.
The next moment was a horrific sight as Opoctia grabbed his neck and ripped his face off, holding it in his hand. A new face appeared, underneath the mask. "I am Agent Cory Banks of the CIA, Special Activities Center. None of you have anything to fear, we're on the same side."
Rory appeared in Sharpe's arms, holding onto him tightly. Selina held his leg tightly as Lelei behind him as she peeked over, hands on his shoulders. They all pointed toward Agent Banks, "He just ripped his face off!"
Banks laughed, "you all can lower your weapons, there is nothing to fear."
"That's debatable," Sharpe mumbled, struggling to maintain his balance.
"He is correct," Cato said as he followed behind. "Agent Banks and I have been working together for some time."
After tossing Rory to the couch, Rory stood up and pointed. "Hold on. Backup. What just happened?"
"Yes, please explain how you are not dead," Lelei asked.
Sharpe knew of this CIA trick. "You know about 3D printing Girls. The CIA can make fake masks that look exactly like someone's face. That gray sticker on his neck is a device that allows him to sound like the man he is pretending to be."
"That is correct," Banks said. "I have been operating here for three months, influencing the city and the Imperial Army.."
"What happened to the real Legatus Opoctia?" Tuka asked.
Sharpe sat down and grabbed his bottle of water. "Best not to ask those questions to a secret agent Tuka. You might not like the answer." Sharpe fully understood the answer. There is a high chance that Banks murdered Opoctia and took his place.
After an uncomfortable silence, Lelei spoke, "Cato, you knew about this? Why didn't you tell us?"
"That is correct," Cato said. "It was Agent Banks' idea to keep it a secret. The reason is that when you arrived, he wanted your people to feel natural and take him seriously as a Legatus. Banks described it as controlled opposition?"
"Correct," Banks said. "The CIA created a cell in Rondel to figure out how best to take the city. While the military would never admit it, the idea of assaulting a city with thousands of mages is not ideal. Legrath was the most costly battle in the war and we estimated at least triple the death count unless we level the entire city to nothing, defeating the purpose of taking the city. Through Lelei letters we learned of Cato support for the US, so we made contact with them."
"Because many hardliners on the council, we agreed that we should go slow and convince the undecided," Cato added. "The goal was that if popular support was swinging in our direction even the hardliners on the council would follow public opinion."
Hanson then laughed, "That explains your poor debating skills."
"What do you mean?" Lelei asked. "I watched your debate and I thought he did a good job."
"That is what he wanted you to think," Hanson replied. "I noticed this during the first debate. When you are debating someone, you never want to leave any loose points in your argument. Going in you want to have the most solid position you can so your opponent cannot counter you. Everything Opoctia spoke he always left himself open to be countered. I always knew something was off but now it makes sense."
It took a moment for Sharpe to understand what they were talking about. He enjoyed playing mind games with his opponents but always in a direct way. Then he remembered when Opoctia approached him in the academy halls during the tour, trying to embarrass him and Lelei. "What you did on the hall yesterday was a black flag operation?"
"Fancy words Sharpe, but correct," Banks said. "I apologize but I needed to catch both of you off guard in front of the students. I wanted the students to see your natural defensive reaction so they could see your true self. I also wanted them to think that I was an ass, even though they might have agreed with me politically. Everything I have done has been to discredit any anti-American points or emotions."
"Impressive," Rory commented. "Oprichnina has nothing on this."
Tuka pointed to the other men behind Banks. "Are the two men behind you CIA agents too?"
"No," Banks replied. "Both men are part of the Imperial Army who defected to our side."
"How can we trust them?" Pina asked. "Imperial officers do not switch sides. They are too prideful and honor-bound."
"You should know better, princess; I thought your brother taught you better than that." Banks then pointed to the man to his left.
"I am Proculus Arius of the 14th Legion," Arius stated. "My brother served in the legions with General Krysist and Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk and was crucified. That bastard Zorzal and his goons killed my brother during their coup, and I swear they will pay. I will not serve an Empire who disrespects their own soldiers."
The other man chuckled, patting Arius on the shoulder. "Down, Arius. I am Opiter Vitalion. I wished I had a personal motive like my friend here, but I saw where the wind was blowing so I decided to switch sides. I have to say, Agent Banks here knew how to make an offer."
"How can we trust a man who switched their allegiance for money?" Pina asked.
"Calm down everyone," Banks said. "Even with the 3D mask, the vocal strip, and five years of acting does not trick a city and Legion for long. Both men have been helping me act the part to make sure I stay believable. They helped make sure I followed the proper protocols so no one would question me."
"I must say, I am very impressed by your operation here," Soredin said.
As Soredin pointed out how impressed she was about Banks's operation and what he had learned, Sharpe looked at Pina. "You, ok?"
Pina, staring at both Imperial soldiers as they chatted with the other Rose Knights and Rangers. "I am struggling to believe how two high-ranking soldiers would just switch sides. It has happened once and awhile but mostly unheard of within the Imperial Army. I know I did but it is still very uncommon. Even my brother and Muilk were still loyal."
"It is called honor Pina," Sharpe said. "Soldiers are not robots. They are people too. While it is also a struggle for me to picture Imperialists switching sides, it shows they are still Human. Maybe, one day, you can use this Pina."
"I understand."
Sharpe looked at the conversation. "So, what is the plan now?"
Everyone looked at Cato.
Cato put down his tea. "It is simple. Tomorrow we go to the ball and talk with the nobles directly. After today's demonstration, many of them will have questions. This is where Pina comes into play as this is something you have done dozens of times. Then, there will be the graduation where Lelei will make her speech. This is where we will make our final case for Lelei to be granted her the diploma and gain the title."
Mimoza poured tea for everyone, "Fun fact, if she is granted the title of Archmage it would mean Lelei would be the youngest Archemage in Rondel history. That is my Lily"
"Royal balls, it has been a while," Pina stated. "But they are mostly hot air so I think it should be easy." She turned to Sharpe. "Please don't kill someone." She then turned to Selina. "And please don't get kidnapped."
Everyone laughed at Pina's joke.
Noticing Selina nodding towards Banks, Sharpe nodded, knowing the question she wanted to ask.
"Mister Banks, I was told that you knew someone here from my home country?" Selina asked. "Is that true?"
Banks hesitates to respond, but replies, "That is correct but there has been a complication. During an arranged meeting our Delta team arrived. Nicholas."
Nicholas stood at attention. "Sir, when we reached the agreed location, we found a bloodbath. Somehow, the Oprichnima - or we assume it was them - found out about the meeting and killed them to prevent an alliance. However, we know the head of the delegation was not murdered."
"Oh," Selina said. "I had questions."
Knowing the questions Selina wanted to ask, Sharpe held her close. Her number one question is why didn't anyone protect her or betray her family. "So, everyone is dead?"
"We don't have the proper equipment but I don't think so," Nicholas replied. "I believe Noble Hethrin was taken during the raid as we did not see a corpse who fit the description."
Selina blinked. "I know Hethrin. From what I remember he was an honorable man."
"Except for the fact that he betrayed my people," Tuka commented before Yao slapped her on the head, warning her to be nice.
"I understand Tuka," Selina mumbled. "But, why is he here?"
"I have no idea Princess," Nicholas replied.
"I do have a question about the graduation," Tuka asked. "I don't see why it is this important."
"It is easy Tuka," Cato replied. "What makes this graduation important is because of the meaning behind it. If Lelei gets her diploma and becomes an Archmage, then it shows which side the elites will support. The stronger the support, the more likely Rondel will join the US. The general population will see this and most will adjust to the winds and even many nobles will go along, hoping to maintain their position once things change."
"It is basic politics," Pina said. "Having a strong showing will make more people want to join our side. Just like Opiter Vitalion here, when people see where the winds are blowing, they will join the crowds."
"Correct," Banks said. "This is the plan. While still powerful, my controlled opposition tactics on the pro-Empire side have been weakened. It is still early but I think many of the students will side with you now, Lelei, seeing the opportunities that can come from your research."
--- Magic Guild, Rondel ---
"I do have to say, that was an impressive demonstration."
Head Knight Albus Russus stood there, summoned at the Magic Guild high chamber. Before coming here, he was summoned by the Rondel High Council after his fight with the Other Worlders delegation. Seeing a diplomatic crisis, the council socially and politically crucified him in front of the city nobles and stripped him of his title.
During Albus' public shame, he hoped to gain Imperial support by bringing up the slave issue, however Opoctia blocked any hope of that. While many Rondel nobles knew of his business activities Opoctia somehow knew about the entire child trafficking operation he had in great detail. While slavery is legal and trafficking children is nothing new, he specialized in higher-quality children, nobility, magic sensitivity, even prince and princess, children of worth. Some of the nobles in this city even took him up on his offers.
To even the nobles' shock, Opoctia defended Sharpe and the Other Worlders against the action. While saying the practice is legitimate he respected a father's duty to protect his daughter - stating while they are at odds both NATO and the Imperial Army have formed some degree of respect for each other.
The vote was not close, most of the Council voted to expel Albus for illegal activities, a made up charge. All his life he has obeyed the law. No one has ever made an issue of the matter until now. Being stripped and exiled to prevent a diplomatic disaster with NATO, all business he had sex with one of his property that happened to be a Princess, a once in a life opportunity that he assumed never world reappear again. But again, nothing illegal about it.
Being exiled for his legal merchant activities, the head of the Magic Guild Drasho Getro approached him. By now, the Guild leaders should know of what happened to him, so this was a surprise.
Now, he watched this woman pace as she read this document. Up to this point, she has barely spoken. To the right is Getro, standing there quietly with deep fear in his eyes.
"You have not answered my question."
"I apologize," Albus said. "I was impressed by Lelei spells. If adopted, it would make Rondel the most powerful city on Falmart. Even the Empire wouldn't be able to contain us forever."
The woman giggled. "You used the word us, how cute. The same people who disgraced all your decades of work. All because of some little girl who was at the wrong place, wrong time."
Hearing her giggle angered Albus. It was only earlier that day that he suffered his darkest humiliation. The city has remained safe under his watch, order, and justice. Many nobles came to him to bribe him, which he has always rejected. He has done everything he could for the greatness of this great city and as a reward for his efforts, he started a common trading business far away. It is how he has been able to stay strong and noble in Rondel, being that uncompromising Knight.
The woman looked directly at him and smiled. "You say nothing but your body says everything. Personally, I saw nothing wrong."
"You saw?"
"Of course, I did," the woman replied. "Who did not? The nobles are angry at you for doing something everyone does on Falmart? Look at Sadera, one of the largest slave-trading posts for the elites. It is not even about economics most of the time, they do it to show their power. Rondel was built on stripping others for their own gain. Banishing all forms of magic across the lands to empower themselves."
Hearing the words, Albus figured out what she meant. "You are from Dalko?
"Wow, a smart public servant, I am impressed," the woman chuckled. "Yes."
With the confirmation, Albus turned to warn people. As he turned, he saw this large, scary man blocking him. Turning back around he noticed a fairy fly up to the woman. To his horror, he watched as the woman smirked.
"Ahh, that is interesting," the woman said with a shocked reaction. "Interesting indeed." She then flickered the fairy to leave.
"Why did you summon me, witch?"
"Don't call me witch, you can call me Kagash." She started pacing around Albus. "Why did I summon you? I have an offer for you. Work for me and help lead the guilds and we will purge both NATO and the Empire from this city."
"Why would I do that?"
"Don't be a fool, you are smarter than that," Kagash said. "Your life is over Sir Knight. You raped the daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe, the most well-known warrior the Other Worlders have. The Pro-NATO faction will never accept you. And the Pro-Empire side, they rejected you too. You have no allies, no wealth, no home. What I can offer you is a second life, a return back to the way things were."
That point hit hard because it is true. Albus has yet to fully come to terms with his situation. Kagash is correct, it either goes into the wild and is killed by a goblin horde or takes her offer. "What do you want me to do?"
"As you know the Guilds of Falmart have been under attack by the Empire and NATO," Kagash stated. "Their way of life is being destroyed. If NATO wins, they will abolish their institutions and replace them with whatever their equivalents are. The Empire, with their drafting laws, have been abusing them to the breaking point because of the war effort. What I want you to do is lead these Guilds who join me. Your experience and relationships with them will be a massive assist for my plans."
"And what are those plans?" Albus asked.
"Rondel will pay for these sins," Kagash shamelessly replied. "The old Rondel will be replaced by a new Rondel, one that will be free of thought and mages being allowed to be who they are. We will push out these people, both factions, and we will take Rondel for ourselves. And you, you will have a place in the next world."
Not seeing a choice and wanting revenge against the people who tossed him aside, Albus nodded. "All my life I served Rondel, placing my life on the line. I have given up much wealth and status and the one thing I give myself, something that we all do, I was publicly humiliated for it." He then got on one knee. "I will serve."
"Good," Kagash said. "You will work with Drasho and coordinate with the other Guilds. I already have the Adventurers and Slave Guilds' leadership on our side. First, take care of the other Guilds, and second, prepare for the coming battle."
"Yes, battle," Kagash said. "Neither the Empire nor NATO will let this city go. That is when we will strike."
"What about Vanguard-7?" Albus asked. "Sharpe, Rory, and Lelei are known warriors. They have overcome everything the Empire has thrown at them. They will not be easy to beat, assuming they could be beaten. If we have any chance of winning, they will have to die."
Casually, Kagash played with a ball. "Dear Albus. Please do not think of us as this dumb. We will take care of them. Besides, their presence has only helped with our plans."
While Kagash is correct that both powers will fight over this city which was why Albus sided with NATO in the first place, he is shocked by how calm and convicted Kagash is. He can tell she has a plan and even though she has said little, he knows she has a plan throughout the plan."
"Okay, but one more thing," Albus said. "If you want my trust, tell me what that fairy whispered to you. You clearly looked surprised after hearing her words and then rushed out to have some private discussion."
Kagash remained silent, staring directly at Albus. After a few moments, she giggled. The large man behind Albus spoke in a language he could not understand. "Okay my love, I guess I can." She picked up a sphere and hovered it. "You know that strange woman who is with Vanguard-7? The one that doesn't seem to belong with them?"
Thinking for a moment, Albus believed he knew who Kagash was talking about. "Soredin I believe. She always seemed odd to me as there was no story about her."
"Yes, Soredin," Kagash said, looking at the sphere. "Apparently, she is a mage from Earth and Lelei's newest master."
Albus struggled to reply, unable to believe what he was just told. "Earth has mages? I thought their world had no magic?"
"Apparently, we were wrong," Kagash replied, rubbing her chin. "There are very few things that can surprise me, but this one is new. I knew something was strange about that woman, Sharpe does not carry dead weights so my intuitions were correct when I saw her during Lelei's presentation. I assumed she was one of the mages who sided with them." She paused as she collected her thoughts. "Her presence can be considered to be detrimental for us if we lose the magical advantages. However, my fairy managed to gather a detail that can be used to our advantage. We can use Soredin to bring Rondel to our side."
While Albus still cannot understand much of the details, at least he understood that the nobility would not like the belief that they could be replaced. Whatever Kagash is planning, it looks like it can work.
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