V17 - Chapter 205 Political Winds
"After the successful Second Raid on Sadera, rescuing many key allies and defectors from the Empire, many of the Senators and persons of interests were invited to Washington D.C. to be debriefed and answer questions.
Unlike the last major hearing, which was pushed by the White House, Congress is taking the lead in these hearings. Senate Majority Leader Thomas Evans and Speaker of the House Lawson Roman will be holding hearings with many rebel leaders. Their stated objective is to learn more of the Empire and the Imperial system's inner workings and discover why so many nations continue to support the Empire and the Falmart League.
There has been an extensive discussion among the NATO nations and Capitol Hill about another endless war scenario. After the approval to move troop totals from two hundred fifty thousand to three hundred thousand soldiers to help maintain the current occupation and prepare for the following stages of offensive operations. For example, at the height of the Afghanistan War, there were one hundred and ten thousand Coalitional forces, Afghanistan representing about 2/3s of the currently occupied territory on Falmart.
The emerging fear is how much territory NATO forces will have to take before forcing the League to surrender. According to Princess Piña Co Lada, while Sadera is the heart of the Empire, other locations are considered the head, the arms, and legs, using the human body as an example. That her brother will drain the Empire and Falmart as a whole dry before surrendering.
An emerging leader within the Imperial Resistance is Senator Casel El Tiberius and Prince Diabo El Caesar. Reports state that Tiberius believes in the older values of the Empire during a time when the Empire was a Republic and more moderate with the Imperial Hierarchy. In a quick interview at the Gate, Tiberius said that he supported Princess Pina's revolutionary efforts and hopes to learn about Earth culture, especially regarding the federal system.
With Prince Diabo El Caesar, he stated he is interested in learning more about the British and Japanese constitutional monarchy systems with a legislative branch and a Monarchy. There are reports that Diabo was working with the CIA and lost his hand during the 2nd Raid after refusing to give up CIA and MI6 operations.
Outside the White House and Capitol building were protestors. Thousands came, all protesting for many different reasons. Many were protesting the delegation for starting the war and enslaving American and other nations citizens. Many were protesting the act of war in general while others were protesting the idea of integrating or tolerating the many humanoid species on Falmart.
From recent polls the majority of Americans believe they must help the natives who are being oppressed and welcome the addition. However, what that means is different depending on who you ask. Some see the benefit of including some natives into the general population (through legal means) others just want to help as long as they are not in their community." - Timcast IRL
--- Rondel Academic Council, Rondel ---
Date: June 5th, 2026
A week prior to Vanguard-7's journey towards Rondel.
Cato El Altestan listens to the Imperial Legatus, Quali-gin Opoctia. It is the usual talk about Imperial superiority talking points.
"Let me remind all you great noblemen and Mage Grand Masters that we have been your protectors for over five hundred years," Opoctia said. "We have spilled our blood protecting you from the hordes, from the Ticaret, from all threats. We granted you Crown Jewel status within the Empire, allowing you to act freely for your research and discovery projects."
Opoctia paces around the Rondel Academic Council floor. "I know this city has stepped up for this grand crusade, the Magic Guild providing much-needed Mages for the war effort, and also providing Sages to research new weapons against this enemy."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Fastidius yells. "You have said that before."
"Here we go again," Cato mumbles. He watches Duke Aulus Fastidius, the Duke title being the political leader of this region, stand up from his seat to challenge Opoctia in debate. Fastidius has spent a lot of time in Rondel in recent months - wedding himself into current politics.
Opoctia is a Legatus was appointed as the regional military leader here to represent the Empire in the city and this region. He is here to convince the Separatists and Pro-NATO faction to stay in the Empire and fight.
Fastidius, on the other hand, is the head of the Separatist faction. They want to use the war to secede from the Empire to end Rondel's involvement in the war, and crown Fastidius as ruler of Rondel; to turn it into a city state. While his following is small, it has split the nobility establishment enough to stonewall any progress on the current situation.
"Legatus Opoctia, we have heard this before," Fastidius said. "Answer this, how many of our young mages have died in this war?" He then faces the crowds. "We all know how difficult it is to just find someone who has an affinity towards magic and then it takes a decade to train them. Five, ten, and fifteen years of searching, molding, training, mentoring, just to send them out into the world to be killed moments later."
"Rondel is not like the Empire; we do not have endless bodies that can be thrown at our enemies. We all have seen a reduction in the number of students in the city, at the academy. The Guild has been forced to go out farther just to find a possible future mage. And then what? Why would anyone want to become a mage just to die in a pointless war?"
Opoctia waves his hand, brushing off what Fastidius said. "Maybe if Rondel stopped toying around with the idea of succession all the time and remained loyal, this war could be over by now."
"Politicians," Mimoza mumbles. "I bet they wouldn't want to waste lives if they were the ones fighting."
"Opoctia is here, same with General Pepreos," Cato counters. "Remember, don't underestimate him."
While Opoctia is the regional military leader, General Pepreos is the head General of the Imperial Army in this theater. While not in the city right now – currently trying to keep NATO away from this region, Cato is worried that he would return before Lelei arrives and ruin his plans. Unlike most Imperial Generals, this one is native to Rondel and is a magic-user.
"Right," Mimoza replied. "I hope your plan works by dragging Lelei into this mess. While her training has been impressive, she is too young to understand the politics of the Magic Guild and the Academy. And she never had many friends here to begin with."
That last point is one of the reasons why Cato took Lelei to the Koan Forest. He always knew Lelei was unique, but the establishment training was hampering the development. He wanted to take her away from the city and give her specialized training. Besides, he had a strange feeling telling him to take her to Koan.
"I know, but I have faith," Cato replied. "Lelei's innocence will be her greatest advantage. Showing what she has learned from these people will help show them what the future could be."
Mage Grandmaster Mimoza La Mer is one of Cato's most extended friends. Long ago, when they were young mages, they considered each other rivals but Cato often tried pulling a leg up on her; the most notable prank being when he magically stripped her underwear off, causing her to go on rampage in the research section for a week to chase him. It was the Thirty-Year War where they became allies and then friends.
"It sounds like they are about to fight again," Welulia said.
Cato looks to his High Elf assistant slave. He took Welulia a decade ago before taking Lelei under his wing and treated her kindly, unlike the typical slave owners. Differing from most slaves throughout the Empire, which are used more for labor and servants, slaves in Rondel are used more for assistant and academic research. Rondel has fewer slaves than any other city in the Empire per capita but not because of morality or idealism. Rondel's industry is magic, research, academia, and advanced manufacturing – all industries where skilled labor is needed, which require educated free folk.
Once Lelei started working with the United States, Cato began to get her letters. Through her letters, he learned much about Western and American culture and was fascinated by how different the Other Worlders are. He has heard nobles like the deceased Count Colt Formal of Italica and Senator Casel El Tiberius talk about liberty and a republic, however, what baffled him the most was despite slavery beening abolished Earth's civilizations had prospered.
However, what Cato is most impressed about is what Lelei has discovered – merging Falmart magic with Earth science. Her discoveries have rocked the bedrock of the Rondel elite which could easily make her the youngest Archmage in Rondel history. Most of the established Mages have enjoyed having a monopoly of control over the current system so they aren't keen in changesthat would threaten that.
There are six mage ranks in Rondel from lowest to highest based on their magical ability and contribution: Novice, Adept, Master, Grandmaster, Sage, and Archmage. Only a few mages ever achieved the rank of Archmage, requiring decades of training, having a great understanding of the magical arts, and so on. He or she must possess exceptional magical power, which is said to be strong enough to decimate a whole column of legionnaires and contribute something revolutionary to the magical community as a whole
As of now all past and current Archmages have only achieved their ranks at the very old age which grants them great power within Rondel culture therefore holding greater influence in the decision-making of the Rondel Council.
But Lelei has shown to be qualified enough to achieve this prestigious rank while only almost eighteen. Rondel has always been the bastion of magic education on Falmart, but what Lelei has discovered could push the traditional powers out, bringing in a new elite; which can be seen as a gigantic threat to those that are currently in powers within the councils.
"Thank you, Welulia," Cato replied. "Please keep taking notes. These conversations are important and recording this will be valuable later."
"Yes, Master Cato."
"It looks like they are going to kill each other," Mimoza said. "You better go down there and represent our case."
Cato stands up and then faces Mimoza. He takes her hand and kisses it. "Afterwards, we can have dinner and see where that leads to?"
Mimoza giggles. "You are better off pitching the cadets."
With a smirk. "Still angry about the underwear I see. Alright." Cato joins in the debate.
"Ahh, the mighty Grand Mage Cato," Opoctia said. "You finally want to get in the debate?"
"We have had many of these debates so far, and they've given little results," Cato said.
"Expect for the discovery that you are working for the enemy," Opoctia said. "This debate never would have happened if it was not for you."
"I never hid that fact," Cato points out. "Based on the information I have, I am siding with NATO. From what I learned, they have similar values as us, that being the advancement of knowledge."
Hearing the crowds chattering, Cato continues, "Let us remember what Rondel is. Our city is far older than the Empire. Rondel has a three thousand years history, one of the few remaining ancient cities left after the Dark Age. Don't we have a duty to continue that legacy?"
Opoctia interrupts. "And the reason it did not fall long ago was because of the Empire. As I stated before, we defended your city from attackers when you needed it the most. When you needed a defender, we were there, always."
"That is true," Cato said. "But now you are leading our city to destruction. How many times has Sadera been raided? Twice? Now it is being besieged by the enemy's long-range weapons. The Dumas and Tube Mountains will not protect your armies forever. The Empire is on the verge of being split in half." He looks towards the crowd. "This is the question all of us in this chamber must answer; is this war worth the cost of this city?"
Cato points his staff to Fastidius. "While I admire Duke Fastidius' loyalty to the city – going alone will not be the way. We would be surrounded by enemies with no say in the world around us. With no allies we would have to protect ourselves, feed ourselves and how would we gain new students with a limited population? The Empire or NATO would allow us to recruit their people for our needs."
"Now with you, Legatus Opoctia, Fastidius is correct. We have lost so many mages in this war. We boldly upheld our duty to assist the Emperor's call for war, the defense of Falmart against NATO. What has been gained? What has been achieved?"
"To the nobles and mage masters in this chamber, where is the honor and duty in sending our mages to their deaths? For three thousand years, this city has raised mages, and we must decide if we will continue this tradition.? If there is a future for our ways and art, then we must reconsider our place in the war if not the Empire?"
Opoctia claps with a chuckle. "Home. That is what it all boils down to. It is always about home. Rondel is your home, and you must consider its future. We have a history; we know each other and respect each other. We have always given you a special place within the Empire. We even adopted your ways throughout the centuries. Your magic, your culture, your traditions."
"And that is what we are defending," Opoctia added. "If the Empire loses this war, you lose all influence over Falmart. Home is not just a place but also an idea. If you walk away from the war now, you will show all of Falmart your character. People will ignore your Guild laws, abandoning centuries of progress in rooting out impure magic. Your credibility will be destroyed, and what would have been the point of surviving three thousand years then?"
Cato hears whispers throughout the chambers. The chamber is deeply divided, but he can tell many people agree with the Legatus. However, he is not worried as Opoctia made a significant flaw that will anger the chamber. "The Earth people are new to magic. We have the opportunity to shape a new world to our culture and ways. And besides, you say we must remain loyal to the Empire for our ways to remain dominant; however, we all know about Sadera's dealings with Darlko."
Now Cato is getting the reactions he wanted. Darlko is the enemy of Rondel, practicing evil magic. This is what Rondel considers barbaric, and the fact that the Empire is employing them has angered almost everyone in Rondel.
"It looks like you are replacing Rondel as the dominant magical city on Falmart. You have been employing them on the frontlines and even allowed them to settle in Sadera itself. Our alliance is based on banishing Darlko to the frontiers so their barbarism would never spread."
"You just complained about your mages being sacrificed," Opoctia responded. "This is a grand war like the Thirty-Year-War, even grander than that. This is worse than the Dark Age, and it would be unjust if we did not employ the full strength of the Empire. Why do you think the Falmart League was formed in the first place(1)? To rally all of Falmart against NATO and drive them back through the Gate once and for all. But we will not stop there, no. We will pursue those cowardly savages and invade Earth for greater glory."
"And in the meantime, replace us with Darlko," Cato responded. "I fought in the Thirty-Year War. I saw the bloodshed during those times. Many times the Empire has stated this war is like that war, but there are key differences. In that war, we were fighting for our survival. A world ruled by the Dark Races, a world where goblins and other monsters roam free, is not a world worth living in. But that is not NATO."
"The NATO Alliance does not bring destruction. While they have different values, has it corrupted them? Look how far they come? We should not be afraid of their technological might but see how it could benefit us. You claim that if we join NATO, we will lose our station on Falmart, but it seems like staying with you will just result in us being stabbed in the back."
Fastidius barges in, holding his hand up. "And that is why we must form our own kingdom! We all know what the Empire is and the fact they are willing to work with Darlko. To Hardy's Pits, the Emperor's wife is a Succubus. We all can see the take over by the Dark Races, and it will only be a matter of time before they come for us."
"And my friend Cato here wants to throw all that away for a gamble, an unknown. He is assuming NATO is better, but you all know the stories. Business is being destroyed all over the occupied territories. Property being stripped away from their owners. Their economy is in free fall. Cultures being forced to change by a foreign power. If we side with NATO, we will be forced to adopt their values and cultures. Look how devastating their armies have been, and you think they will come with a hand of peace?"
"And that is not all. Cato believes our institutions will be protected by siding with NATO, however, look at what happened with the other Guilds. The Adventurer Guild has been devastated by NATO(2). The Slaver and Mercenary Guilds are falling apart because of NATO's harassment."
Hearing Fastidius speak annoyed Cato. He glances over and sees the same reaction from Opoctia. The Separatists have only been good for one thing, getting in the way of debate.
"You are partly correct Fastidius," Cato responded. "However, that has not been the rule. The Empire conscripted the Adventurers into soldiers to fill the manpower and training cap. Then NATO waged war against them. The Adventurer Guild's failure to adapt to the changing world, their greed which put their own interest above the people, and a split within the Guild on where to go. We all know about the scandals within that Guild, abusing our mages and being kicked out of Italica, Elbe, and other places."
"And the Slaver Guild, you have complained about how NATO is ripping property away from their owners. According to Lelei, they are actually phasing out slavery. They've explained how inefficient slaves are and we all know they're right. Somehow, Earth has found a way around the problem. As Sages, we should see how they did it and adapt because look how much more advanced they are compared to us. And the Mercantile Guilds that still operate within NATO occupied territory have flourished greatly and increased their station. If NATO is such a threat to all Guilds, why are the Mercantile Guild succeeding?"
"That is why I have recalled Lelei La Lalena," Cato states. "She has been with the Americans for over a year now and has a deep insight into their character. You have all read her letters, her stories, and her adventures. She was the one who discovered that Darlko's Lord Valker had returned. She was the one who told us about the Great Betrayal in Elies where Emperor Zorzal ordered the death of his sister and many soldiers of Elies Legions during a power grab. She was part of the people who not only defeated the Flame Dragon but managed to mortally wound its offspring by herself, and if it were not for her convincing NATO not to destroy our city with their flying machines, we would be like Valtris and Havcristen. Regardless if you agree with her motives or not, do not question Lelei's loyalty."
As the chamber debates, the High Knight Albus Russus walks to the debate floor and announces. "And let me remind all factions in this room that any action taken against Lelei La Lalena and her friends, the Vanguard-7, will be punished by my Knights. They have the Imperial Seal alongside the Rondel Academic Council's blessing." He then looks at Opoctia. "And I know the Imperial Army will not break the law. But if they ever do, they will face my Knights."
Albus Russus is the man in charge of the Rondel Knights. Cato knew he needed the Knights on his side for him to stand a chance in siding with NATO. To his surprise, Russus agreed that joining NATO would be better for Rondel. While an honorable man, he was scared Russus would have joined the Separatists for power or side with the Empire because of pride.
Opoctia crosses his arm and chuckles. "I know the law, and unlike the NATO faction, I have honor. I fear not this girl; she will prove why NATO must be defeated."
As the debate continues, Kagash Poprila watches. "Pathetic. This is what the great city of Rondel descended to? They have forgotten their own history."
Kagash cannot believe the smug coming from the Rondel elite. Long ago, Valker and his followers were banished to die by the Rondel Academic Council. They disagreed with Valker's ways regarding Dark Magic and an Archmage defeated him in battle. In his banishment he created Darlko. She finds it pathetic how uptight they still are about Darlko after all these millennia.
Kagash finds Fastidius pointless, trying to grasp at a dream that is impossible in this situation. Cato smells where the wind is blowing and wants to follow it. Opoctia just wants to keep the Empire intact and not lose more critical assets to the enemy. As long as the three fight, then that only helps her and her husband Galrik goals.
This is not the first debate between these three factions, and they all ended up pointless. But now that Lelei La Lalena is coming, Kagash's opportunity to finally remove Lelei as a threat is finally here.
Hearing her husband speak in his ancient language, she places her hand on his arm and sides it down. "I know, my love. This is finally coming to an end. This city is ripe for us to take over - or burn."
Unknown to everyone here during the Empire Summit in Knappnai, Kagash had a secret meeting with Drasho Getro, the head of the Mage Guild. Seeing that the current world was falling apart, Drasho decided to side with Darlko, seeing their rising power in the future. Regardless if Rondel chooses to stay in the Empire or go Independent, having the Magic Guild under the control of Darlko will subvert every institution here. The only problem would be if Rondel joined NATO.
"That is why we must kill her," Kagash said. "But we have to do it in a way that makes NATO think Rondel is the culprit. They will never forgive Rondel and then we can snare them into our web without them knowing."
Taking an annoyed breath after hearing Kagash's husband point out how hard it will be. He points out that both Vanguard-7 and Lelei defeated Lord Valkers, and Cato's list of accomplishments is worth noting. Lelei's discovery of merging both Earth science and Falmart magic has changed the game.
"That is why I had you go to those ruins, my love. One way or another, we will win. Now we better go; politics bore me."
--- Sadera ---
Date: June 10th, 2026
What was believed to be another peaceful night turned into Bouro running for his life.? Sadera was supposed to be safe; he was permitted by Zorzal himself to operate in Sadera.
After taking a turn, Bouro hides behind a pillar. As he catches his breath, he glances at the hallway intersection.
The Warrior Bunny Alonbula stops, holding her sword. She then looks directly at him, smirking.
Bouro runs again, just barely dodging a sword strike. "Why are you attacking me? I am protected!"
Alonbula, Famulis' slave bodyguard. Because of her brainwash, she would never act like this alone. Bouro's can only assume Famulus ordered this attack. During a casual stroll to his mud bath, she attacked him, killing his two guards.
As Bouro takes a left, two throwing knives block him, forcing him to take a right.
The reason became clear as Famulis stood there, glaring. "Empress, what... What is the meaning of this? When the Emperor finds out."
"He is not here," Famulis states, eyes glowing purple.
The situation is clear, seeing Alonbula blocks his path to retreat. He realizes that he was led into a trap.
Famulis grabs Bouro and lifts him, bringing him close. "Explain to yourself, you shriveling pig before I roast you alive."
"What... what do you mean?"
Famulis tosses him onto the floor. "You know what I am talking about! Your secret base and your hybrid experiments. You betrayed us, you little bastard."
Bouro hits the floor hard. As he gets up, he feels a continuous shock around his body, making him scream in pain. "What are you doing?"
"I am going to zap you with my magic until I get bored," Famulis said as she took her anger out on Bouros. "Then I have questions. If I like the answer, I might just kill you quickly."
"Stop!" Bouro begged. "I will tell you anything you want, Empress. Just stop!" Once the zapping stops, Alonbula grabs him and leans him against the wall.
Alonbula then punches Bouro in the noise. "That was a warning. If you try anything I will kill you."
Bouro squeals then nods. He looks at Famulis and sees this deep hatred for his kind, especially him. Their people never got along, this war being the first time they worked together. When Zorzal accepted Famulis into the Empire he almost plotted to assassinate her, fearing that she would interfere with their plans to hijack the Empire and become the dominant race in the world. Those plans were ruined when he learned that Preator Svenhard Moon was more loyal to Famulis than him, ruining any plans to assassinate her.
Famulis walks over. She stops right behind her bunny slave, looking right into Bouro's eyes as they glow. "You were plotting to betray us. That is why you wanted the Other Worlder slaves."
"Yes," Bouro said. "You don't understand...."
"Don't I?" Famulis asked. "It is pretty clear to me. You were secretly using our resources, resources we needed for the war effort. How many Oprichmana died because you lied to us? Svenhard is not happy that his men are dead. That is the last news he needs right now after his wife was murdered."
While Moon and Bouro had a close working relationship, he doesn't care about Moon and his dead wife. The man is just a tool for him to use for his people's ultimate goal; domination. However, he knows better than to cross Svenhard's wrong side.
"Look, you said it yourself; NATO is too powerful," Bouro struggles to say. "My people specialize in essence mixing. We need to find ways to increase our chances, or else the war is lost. You know that both our peoples will be purged if we don't do something drastic."
After catching his breath, Bouro looks up. "Before the base was destroyed, I got reports that our experiments were succeeding. The other facilities are making progress."
Famulis just looks at Bouro, quietly. She then nods at Alonbula. Alonbula drops him. "You say that, but you also kept it from us. I will be taking over management from now on, and if you have a problem with this." Alonbula then aims her sword at Bouro's throat, making her point, to which Bouro has no objection.
"So tell me what is the so-called success you are talking about with your experiment?", Famulis states
"Well, we managed to find a way that can potentially enhance our troops, making them stronger, larger, and much more resistant to the enemy's weapons. We fed a captive American man with a fruit called the Essence of the Beasts that we discovered in the Mountain Range of Ice and Snow. It is a fruit that can absorb the essence of many powerful beasts. This results in the captive turning into anigh uncontrollable hulking giant but with the pure strength of an Ogre and the speed of a Great Wolf that is strong enough to make spears, arrows, and swords hardly slow him down a bit as he rushes at the enemy at blinding speed. Suppose we can cultivate these fruits and find a way to effectively control the transformed subjects. In that case, we can create a legion of Ogre-like legionaries that are far more resistant against gunshots from the enemies to slaughter them," Bouro states.
Hearing this unnerves Famulis. She has no trust in the Haryo Tribe. While she is Queen of the Dark Races even she has lines she won't cross. While the League needs every advantage it can get, she doesn't trust Bouro's efforts. "I would like you to show me this fruit of yours."
"Of course, maybe your bunny bodyguard can have some," Bouro states.
"Why do I have to eat that filthy fruit of yours?" Alonbula states.
Bouro smirks. "You barely stood a chance against your former Queen and your fellow bunnies during the raid. If it wasn't for Tyuule's mercy on you for being her former bodyguard, she would have easily ended your life."
Hearing that Alonbula rams Bouro against the wall again.
"You said that because you want me to get rid of her so she couldn't come after your head! Of all the people she wants to kill, you are at the top of the list because it was your idea to make the Empire invade the bunny lands. My former Queen and kin might be much stronger than me now thanks to NATO, but I will not become an abomination in your experiment," Alonbula sees through Bouro's intention.
Famulis places her hand on her bodyguard's shoulder, calming her down. "That is enough Alonbula. Bouro, you will bring your research to Telta so I can see it for myself. If you dare go against my will I will have Moon rip you into pieces slowly and then feed you to the ogres he keeps in his dungeon. I do not care if my husband is not here, he will not protect you if I tell him you are working against his will."
--- Charles Standford office, Fort Alnus ---
Date: June 10th, 2026
WIth another day at General Charles Standford office, Tyuule sat down on a chair. Being in this office reminds her when Delilah broke into this office to demand the Americans to free her from Zorza(3)l. While Delilah got what she wanted she learned never to demand anything from the General again.
At the time Tyuule was still recovering from the shock of being freed and figuring out her newfound freedom. Now, she finds the story humorous. As she looks at the General she learns a lot about the man from Delilah's experience. Always calm, focused and in control. But willing to hear people out, even during unexpected times.
That is why Tyuule understands why Stanford was chosen to lead this war and became Military Governor of the proposed territory of Alcatris and Elies.
"Are you sure about this?" Stanford asked. "I was under the impression that you were happy with your current position."
"Don't get me wrong General, or is it Governor now?" Tyuule asked.
"Just General."
"General, as a Queen and from my experience in Sadera I can see that events are happening quickly," Tyuule said. "My people are being freed and that is why so many are willing to fight. But that will only last for so long as my people don't know why they are fighting for the long term."
"You want a home?"
Tyuule smirks. "I see you figured out my motive. Yes, you gave the elves a home and I know my people will have a home."
Stanford sits there, thinking about Tyuule's proposal. "Why now? The reason we gave the elves a country of their own was because they already had one beforehand. And honestly, we still don't know how to handle them. Being able to live a thousand years can have an unknown impact on our culture like being in political office for five hundred years or be in other positions of power far longer than we are used to, a situation we are not prepared to deal with."
"I understand your motives, they were obvious to me." Tyuule enjoys how much trust Stanford has in her, willing to speak 'frankly' around her. Besides Pina, she is the only other major leader around that Stanford could relate to. Probably the only mature one as Pina only started her ascent to become Empress. "I feel like my situation is similar. It was only four years ago my people had a home. While I do expect many of my bunnies to stay under your rule, many will want their own home again."
"And please, I am not threatening you or staying. I want one now," Tyuule said. "I just know my people. We are too independent and my people need something to fight for besides freedom. Because once we free someone, there's not much motive to continue the fight. My people's spirit and heart is broken and I need to put it back together. Having a home to fight for will fix that."
Stanford takes a breath. "We already ran simulations on retaking your old home and it was deemed impossible. Our last estimate is that your territory is over three thousand kilometers away, deep into Imperial territory. Any attack would result in defeat just from running out of ammo and food."
"I was afraid of that," Tyuule said. "I came to the same conclusion. As of now my home is lost. Even when your people win the war and Pina takes over the throne, my home is so far away there is no way we could safely reclaim it."
"Tyuule, I have known you long enough to know you have a motive," Stanford said. "Please state it."
"I want your people to give me a land where I can call myself Queen again," Tyuule said. "Doing this will allow me to claim to my people I am a Queen again. Not a Queen in name only but a Queen of a people again."
"A Queen in Exile," Stanford points out. "During World War Two many conquered governments functioned in exile. I can see that working with your kind. But I am surprised your people want this. So many seem happy here."
That is true, Tyuule has seen many of her people in Alnus, Italcia, and a few other cities happy, starting their lives. Just like her friend Delilah. To her surprise other bunnies want to adopt this 'marriage' custom, some started farms and businesses. But she knows her people have strong traditions and many will want to return to the old ways.
"If you people are willing to concede territory after the war then this will allow me to better organize an army," Tyuule said. "This Army will help you just like the High Elves and after what happened at your outpost I think the need is there."
Stanford leans back into his chair, remaining quiet. After a few moments staring at Tyuule, making her feel nervous he nods. "I do see the merits of this. I will bring it up with the President but I don't see why not."
Hearing that was a relief. Now this gives Tyuule something to work for besides following others. Now there is a future for her kind and visualize it.
"I get the sense there is something else."
"Yes, General," Tyuule said. "While I am Queen in Exile I still represent my people here. I know a few of my people are going to stay here regardless if I create a new country for my people, like Delilah. I still will honor those wishes and represent them."
"That is why I think you should open more of your military to species like us. Think about it, my people have done much to you for the entire war until now, and we can do even more with your problem back on Earth? We can take on the Taliban, ISIS, or any homeland security threats you will potentially face with proper means."
"That is a bold statement from you, your highness," Stanford points out. "The Pentagon has run studies on how to properly do this. That is why what Colonel Yang Rangers is doing is so important. But I see this becoming useful in special forces or law enforcement task forces."
"As of now your race has shown an excellent track record in combat so far with a huge potential in modern-day special force and ranger operation. Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe reports have stated he has been pleased with your work. Maybe, this is plausible after all. We will discuss this matter later," Stanford states.
(1)Chapter 127
(2)Chapter 188
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