V16 - Chapter 200 Box and Relax
"The US Congress has recently drafted a new Constitutional Amendment. Expecting to pass in a landslide, this would be the 34th Amendment passed by congress however, if passed by the States it would only be the 28th Amendment (potentially) ratified by the States.
The potential 28th Amendment is also known as the Salem Act. It will establish the law of the land regarding magic. Many considered it a spiritual successor to the 2nd Amendment which from the past decade found new life and meaning among Americans. The Amendment will be used to legalize, manage and monitor the practice of magic by the mage community in the US.
President Potts states that she is strong 2A support and believes that the people should have the right to practice magic. That every American has the right to self and national defense. That this amendment will be a spiritual extension to the 2nd Amendment. However, the President also stated that magic cannot be left unchecked because of the specialized training required for magic.
Little is known about the draft, but it is speculated that much like the Gun Control Art, all mages are required to register to the government and have specific licenses to practice their crafts. Anyone who wishes and is able to become a mage must enroll into authorized institutions like that Wiccan Institution to receive training and licencing. Each of these institutions will be in charge of teaching and enforcing such regulations in coordinates with the newly formed Bureau called the Federal Bureau of Magical Investigation (FBMI).
It is also speculated that Grand High Witch Verona Soredin will be a likely candidate for the Minister of Magic for the upcoming-established US Department of Magic. The UK government also recently drafted a similar art like the Salem Art in the form of Hogwart Art.
The overall acceptance and tolerance toward mages in the US have been good so far, with celebrities and business people like Lady Gaga, Daniel Radcliffe, Beyonce, and even Elon Musk promoting the acceptance of magic in society; however, several left and right wing hate groups have emerged. The most prominent one is the Children of Salem that are the make-up of descendants of witch-prosecutors back in the Salem Witch Trials. They advocate for the segregation of magical and non-magical people and state that witches and wizards are the banes to society and only God can have the power of magic.
The potential 28th Amendment has strong competition to become the 28th Amendment, a State backed ratification movement for their own 28th Amendment is moving through the States Legislators to repeal the 17th Amendment. While the order of these amendments are/if ratified has no meaning, if passed this will be the first time the States has successfully pushed to reform the US Constitution without Congress approval.
The motivation for this move is States wanting to regain power from the Federal government and to re energize interest in State politics. Currently, the population of a State elects both Senators to Congress. Before the 17th Amendment was ratified in 1913 State Senators appointed Senators to represent State interests. The reason for the 17th Amendment ratification was to take money out of State politics as politicians bribed State Senators to be appointed and to provide more representation to the population.
Supporters of the amendment say that career politicians have become devastating to State politics and created a situation where the people only vote for the letter of a party rather than the Senator positions, which created a situation where the Senators represent neither the State or its people. A second byproduct from the 17th Amendment was that local politics has declined and that Americans no longer care about State politics because the lack of state the citizens have, that the Founding Fathers intended that the United States is a Constitutional Republic and not a pure democracy.
Opponents say that this is a setback to democracy and would reduce the voting power by the people. They say that States will look after their own interest over the people they are supposed to represent and that corruption would return in selecting Senators.
In other new, Myanmar celebrated the anniversary of the victory of the Spring Revolution today that marks the bloody revolution back in 2023 when the Burma Liberation Front, along with the alliance of the Karen National Union, overthrew the dictatorial military junta rules upon the country and installed back the civilian government, headed by Aung San Suu Kyi. Seen then, Burma finally ended the decade-long civil war that plagued the country with the joint government between the Karen National Union and the National League of Democracy. Despite the Rohingya people having representation in the government, the Rohingya are still being discriminated against by most Buddhists in the country." - CNBC
--- Fort Minick ---
Date: June 1st, 2026
Scott wipes the sweat off his forehead. This is round three, and both are sweating, but still energized. HIs opponent, Specialist Harvey Frost.
Just like Frost, Scott wears boxing gloves and a padded helmet. Moving left, Frost takes a jab and then goes for the chest.
Taking the blow to the chest, Scott jabs his fist at Frost, hitting him hard. From the hit, Frost moves back, leaving an opening.
Scott moves in for the kill. Punch after punch, he pushes Frost to the corner of the Ring.
Carlos stops Scott and holds up his hands.
"Why do boys like to fight?" Selina asks.
"Because boys need to burn off their manliness before doing something stupid," Sarah said as she knits Selina's dress. "You cannot keep ripping your clothes like this. They are not cheap."
"It is fine," Sharpe said.
Watching the match finish, he points to the ring. "For a bit of fun, Carlos started this boxing match for the Rangers and Knights. People need to blow off steam, let go of any personal issues they have."
Sharpe then looks at his daughter. "As a leader, Selina, the well-being of your people is a priority. The Rondel mission is going to be dangerous; everyone at all times must be focused. Do you understand?"
Selina thinks. "Just like in those Karate Kid movies."
"Correct," Sharpe responds. "If your soldier's mindset is elsewhere for whatever reason, their combat effectiveness decreases. While we go on this trip to Rondel, you will have to learn these things, kid. This is not a joy ride."
"I still think Selina shouldn't go," Sarah said, annoyed. "Going on a diplomatic mission and visiting villages is one thing; going to an enemy city is another."
"Stop turning my sister into a pussy, Sarah," Rory said. "This is better, and besides, I won't let anything happen. She will need to go if she wants to be an influential leader and Ranger one day."
Lelei leans forward, poking Selina's head. "Besides, she is a mage now. The first healer I have ever seen. She and I have been trying to have her use it again, but it's been a struggle. She needs to go to Rondel and meet my master for her to unlock it. She needs to understand the basics first."
As Sarah and Lelei debate about the need for Selina to visit Rondel for her new healing powers, Alicia walks over.
"Hey kid, ready to watch me kick some Knight ass?" Alicia said as she wraps a tap around her hand.
Selina stands up, encouraging Alicia. For the past few months, Alicia and Shino have been helping with Selina's self-defense training. Compared to Alicia's boxing training, Shino is much more hardass on Selina due to her Karate and Judo complexity. Selina complains that Shino's training is more painful than with Alicia, especially the stretching exercise they do to make her limbs flexible enough to perform kicking techniques or the wrestling technique in which Shino makes Selina get used to the pain by constantly wrestling her to the ground. Even goes as far as to make Selina train with the militia in some session.
Despite this, Selina never gives up and tries her best to push on to train and overcome the pain. Recently, Selina boasts that she manages to perform Nukite or Spear hands technique successfully for the first time, which is a technique to jab five fingers at the eyes and throat of the opponents to severely stun them.
While Sharpe tries to teach his daughter self-defense, he is too busy as an Officer to help train her in every way. While Rory, Lelei, and Tuka are like sisters to Selina, Alicia is seen more like an aunt because she was there when Selina was freed(1).
As Specialist Alicia Moore gets into the ring, the Rose Knight opponent Honorary Second Lieutenant Beefeater E Caty. This is the eighth match in this competition, and both sides seem to be energetic. Beefeater appears to be the most roughly of the Rose Knights, just like Alicia. More guts than brains, acting more tomboyish than ladylike.
Carlos gets both women into the ring, making sure their protective gear is worn correctly. "I want a clean fight else the both of you will give me thirty push ups each."
"Nothing to worry about Sarge, we don't have anything down below to protect," Beefeater said cockily.
"Let this be a good old catfight," Alicia jokes.
As the boxing match begins, Selina is standing on her seat as she cheers.
"Selina, let's go down there," Sharpe said.
Selina jumps down and quickly gets to the arena. Sharpe loves the vibrant energy coming from her. Once he gets down there, he watches as both warrior women go at it.
Alicia dodges a jab, and then sucker punches Beefeater with a right hook. Beefeater backs up and dodges Alicia's thrust.
From behind, Beefeater haymaker-punches Alicia and forces her against the rim, going at it. Carlos has to come over and break it up for the fight to continue.
With the bell, Beefeater gets the first strike, having slightly longer arms. This puts Alicia on the defensive as she backs up.
Seeing an opening, Alicia moves down and up, landing a straight punch through Beefeater's defense. With that, Alicia uses her speed to get in close and begin whaling in on Beefeater.
"See Selina, Alicia is smaller but uses her opponent's height and length advantage against her opponent," Sharpe explains.
"I see."
Carlos has to get involved in breaking up the fight. When the bell rings, the two women immediately spring at each other.
Beefeater gets a left-uppercut on Alicia, hitting her back to the arena rope. From the uppercut, Alicia bleeds from the noise. Quickly, Alicia moves down and uppercuts Beefeater, hitting her in the chin with a right uppercut.
With Beefeater stunned, Alicia starts going after Beefeater. She punches and punches until Beefeater is against the rope, forcing Carlos to stop her.
Looking, Alicia sees Carlos raise Alicia's hand in the air.
As Alicia catches her breath, Beefeater walks over. Both bump their fists together.
As the two women get out of the ring, Selina jumps at Alicia, rapidly talking about how incredible the fight was. Sharpe is pleased that the both of them could walk away as friends. This is the point of this, after all.
"Impressive fight."
Hearing a familiar voice, Sharpe looks at Beluutie, a pink Siren bird humanoid. During the Battle of Legrath, Beluutie and some of her followers switched sides and joined him in an effort to avoid dying for Herm. He trained them to the NATO standard, and they are assigned to defend Legrath with the NATO garrison there.
"Just preparing for our Rondel mission, Pinkie," Sharpe said.
Beluutie crosses her arm. "Rondel. I visited twice before the war. They are all stuck up-"
Noticing something is wrong, Sharpe cuts Beluutie off. He looks directly at Beluutie, not trusting her.
Beluutie blinks at the sudden intervention, but then smirks. "What?"
"Since the day we met, you have gotten angry at me for calling you Pinkie," Sharpe said. "This is the first time I called you that, and you didn't make a scene. Something is wrong."
"What if I just got used to it?"
"Lies," Sharpe can see this confident look in the Siren's eyes. As he thought, she is plotting something. That is when he sees a reflection in her eyes; he catches a glimpse of a prominent figure behind him. "Shit."
Sharpe feels two large hands grab both ends of his jacket, easily lift him up off the ground, and throw him into the boxing ring. The next thing he knew, he was rolling on the floor.
Recovering, he looks up and sees this giant man standing there, pounding his own chest with his fists as he laughs. "Fuck, it's the Terminator. Should have seen that coming."
'Terminator,' a nickname Sharpe gave Gal-joa back when they first met in Legrath. He was one of the swordsmen who were loyal to Beluutie and switched sides. He gave him that nickname because of his sheer size and the fact that Gal-joa genuinely reminded Sharpe of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
As Sharpe gets up, the ground shakes from Gal-joa's charge. Sharpe dodges, but Gal-joa grabs his jacket and swings him to the other side of the ring.
As he gets up, he notices Selina right there.
"I think you are losing daddy," Selina stated calmly in a matter-of-fact tone.
Sharpe blankly stares at her, unable to believe it. He rolls to the side before Gal-joa gets to him. He gets onto his feet and watches this goliath of a man walk up to him.
Gal-joa bangs his chest and then points to Sharpe. "Me, Gal, fight you, Colonel. The winner shall rule the clan!"
"Well, that is one way to do a total recall," Sharpe mumbles. "Better finish this before he time travels to finish me."
Hearing the thumping sounds, Sharpe moves around, dodging. He dodges again, using his faster speed against the strong, but slower opponent's body.
Gal-joa swings his fist down to the ground. Seeing an opening, Sharpe flanks the rear and jumps on Gal-joa's back, trying to bring him down.
To Sharpe's surprise, Gal-joa is moving wildly, trying to swing him off. Unable to hold on, he flies out of the ring, only stopped by Lelei's telekinesis.
Rory slowly claps. "Wow... you lost. How pathetic."
Sharpe gets up, looking at Rory. "Andrew," he says. Once Andrew walks up, he takes his jacket off and hands it to him. "Hold my jacket." He then grabs a towel and dries off the sweat as he walks back in the ring.
Carlos walks over. "You're insane, sir."
"Was that before or after I got married?"
Carlos nods. "Good point. Begin!"
Gal-joa lets out a roar as he charges at Sharpe.
Sharpe stands there and waits for Gal-joa to get close. He then tosses the towel on his opponent's head.
Seeing that Gal-joa is blinded, Sharpe quickly moves out of the way. He rushes to the boxing ring rope and uses it to gather more momentum. By the time Gal-joa takes the towel off and finds Sharpe, he already rams his full might into him.
Gal-joa backs up, being hit on the side. Sharpe ducks down, so he is not grabbed again. Grabbing the towel, he wraps it around Gal-joa hand and twists its arm. Finally getting Gal-joa in a vulnerable position, Sharpe swings him onto the ground.
Gal-joa gets up, Sharpe gets up behind him and places the towel around his face again, blinding him. Sharpe gets on one of the ends of the ring and jumps to ram against Gal-joa back.
As Gal-joa hits the rope and starts walking backward, Sharpe gets slow and trips him, knocking him into his back.
Once Sharpe's opponent is down, he gets on top of Gal-joa and looks him into the eye. "Good game, but I am King around here."
Carlos walks over and gets Sharpe off the Gal-joa. He then helps Gal-joa up and raises his hand. "Corporal Gal-joa, also known as the Terminator, wins!" He looks to Sharpe as he raises an eyebrow. "He did throw you out of the ring."
"Damnit." Sharpe looks around and sees some people happy as they won bets and others disappointed because they lost. Beluutie walked up and gave Gal-joa a hug for winning.
"So you lost?" Itami points out, walking up with Randy and Carlos. "Never thought I see the day."
"On paper," Sharpe points out. "But I still have a trick up my sleeve."
--- Alnus Community, Alnus Movie Theater ---
Date: June 2nd, 2026
Out of all the new buildings in Alnus, this one is the most confusing for Selina. It is full of seats, all facing a large screen in the front. Unlike the one her father had at home, this looks like paper against a wall and far more significant.
"What is going on?" Naminto asked. "This is a strange place."
"Everything about these people is strange," Lares points out.
"I know, Lares, but that is why they are fun," Selina said.
Like Mentiv's little brother, Jasif, Lares was kidnapped and forced to fight in the child soldier group. He lost his left arm during an engagement with Vanguard-7(2) from his insane boss. The doctors at the Alnus Army Hospital saved his life and even reattached his arm.
In the row in front of Selina is Nassico and Mandy. Mandy was saved by Vanguard-7 from slavery and has recently joined the school. She has noticed Nassico taking an interest in Mandy. Sherry is next to them, holding up popcorn and analyzing it, Leaning forward, Selina says, "It's called popcorn. You eat it. It's fluffy, but crunchy."
"I don't understand this food," Sherry said. "It does not look very sustaining. How does someone remain full with this?"
"It isn't, it is not meant to fill you up" Lelei said. "However, it's tasty, and according to the Rangers, by law, you have to eat popcorn during a major movie event."
"I find that hard to believe," Sherry replied.
"Just eat it," Selina said. "It is supposed to be for fun."
"I wonder what we are watching this time?" Naminto asked. "Last month, it was the Ninja Turtle movies."
"Yeah, my dad really likes the classics," Selina said. "But I do too."
Sharpe walks in front of everyone, all the Vanguard teams under his command, Rose Knights, 3rd Recon, and Legrath Knights. "Hello everyone. I am going to keep this short. I thought it would be a good time to do something together because many operations are coming up, as you know. There are not going to be many opportunities for R&R. So, enjoy. I know you all have been waiting for this for a long time."
That last part confused Selina. She and her friends are confused about what they are watching. Her father refused to tell her, and no one else would say to her.
The lights go dark, and the screen comes on. A loud 'Ba' opera music playing. Then these yellow font words appear, 'STAR WARS IV, New Hope.' Then the writing begins to scroll down as the music continues the hype. Selina has watched Star Wars: The Phantom Menace back in Maltris, so she is curious how good the original Star Wars is(3).
In the next scene, Selina's eyes are glued once she was the small ship behind, chased by that massive ship as they fight.
She has only recently learned about space, and there are other worlds with life. That the world is not flat, and there are millions, if not more.
Right in the beginning, witnessing that man in black armor scares Selina. His presence dominates the screen. The next moment Selina likes is seeing that cute smuggler called Han Solo at the bar. She gets pissed about how she did not kill that alien first like a badass should.
Selina hears a comment from Lelei, wondering how Obi-Wan Kenobi can use a spell called "'Jedi Mind Trick' to manipulate the mind of the enemy soldiers.
When the giant Death Star appears, Selina hears her friend's comment on the station. They were utterly shocked and terrified by it. Destroying that planet along with the knights as they just relived the moment they first witnessed the mushroom cloud back at the White House, only for this to be far more terrifying. While it is just work-of-fiction, Pina and her knights, as well as the girls and the militia, know fully well by now that any pieces of sci-fi technology can become a reality in the future, so it is normal for them to horrifyingly think that one day Earth can build a planet-destroying weapon like the Death Star. She and all her friends understand the Galactic Empire, being like the Empire on Falmart. The enemy destroyed everyone's homes for power.
Sherry points to the screen and looks at Selina, "That is what I was talking about. Princess Leia."
Selina watches and sees this bold, strong princess but still can carry her weight. She likes Leia because she takes charge, and everyone respects her but is willing to fight. That she is not above anyone. However, she still finds Han cute and is not happy that he abandoned everyone.
The final part was unique, watching the Death Star move around that gas planet. Watching all those rebel fighters fight against impossible odds. Moving through the trench to destroy the station.
As Luke Skywalker moves through the tench, alone. When it looked like Darth Vador was going to kill Luke, defeating the rebels, Han Solo came back and saved Luke. Selina is happy to see this, her favorite character saving the day.
Then the next film appears, 'Star Wars V, The Empire Strike Back.'
The shocking moment was when the Empire deployed their walkers. They all watch the slow walkers approach the rebel base. In Lord of the Rings, the good guys usually won, sometimes with significant loss. To everyone's surprise, the Empire slaughtered most of the rebels as they tried to escape.
"This was when the Empire was still cool," Andrew said, explaining to Hamiton. He describes how the Galactic Empire became a joke as a bad guy later on in the sequel series in the form of the First Order, but here, they are a respectable enemy.
Selina notices Naminto and Lares looking at the air battle, fighting against the walkers. What Rory says is true, boys and their toys.
When the story follows Luke to the jungle planet and meets Yoda. Selina watches as Yoda teaches Luke how to be a better man and warrior. Now she understands what her father means by mentoring. He tells stories of his mentor Major Harper, and she has been confused by what he meant.
"The Force is like magic, but you need what's called Midichlorian to access it," Lelei states.
"So basically, we need to have those tiny creatures in our body to use the Force," Tuka said, continuing the chain.
"Yep, but from what I've observed so far, the Force can be manipulated in a more flexible way. You don't need incantations to perform complex Force power," Lelei replied.
Andrew leans into Lelei's ear. "No such thing as Midiclorean. Star War fans don't like to talk about those."
"Not all," Frost added. "I did not mind that. Adds to the lore."
Andrew glares at Frost. "I will abuse my rank to correct you."
Seeing the heroes go to that cloud city. It felt like a nice moment until Darth Vader appeared and defeated Han. Selina got worried when Han was being tortured.
The actual moment came when Luke came to the city to save his friends. The fight between Luke and Darth Vader was intense. It was hard to watch Luke slowly be defeated by Vader. Lelei made a comment when Vader started lifting these objects and tossing them at Luke.
But the part that shook the room was when Darth Vador told Luke after chopping his hand, 'I am your father.'
Selina looks back. "Dad, is that true?"
"Yes, Selina," Sharpe said.
Selina looks around and sees the same reaction from most of the people. No one saw that coming, everyone wondering how someone so evil could be but with a good guy son.
The ending comes with Han being imprisoned and taken away.
Selina asks her friends what they thought, and they all thought it was intense. She sees Lares and sees him looking at his arm, being chopped off too. "See Lares. You can be a hero like Luke."
The last film begins, 'Star Wars VI, The Return of the Jedi.'
The movie begins with the heroes going into the Huts base. Selina was so happy when Leia freed Han but got scared to see that evil worm monster, Sarlac, appear. At first, she thought they would get away but was proven wrong. She and the girls, especially Rory were terrified of the Sarlac since her father stated that the victims of the Sarlacc will be devoured for one thousand years in constant agony from the neurotoxin of the creature to the point that the only wish the victims could have is to die.
The next scene confused Selina with Luke appearing. She sees Leia here, chained and wearing skimpy clothes. It is clear that she is the snake monster Jabba's slave.
"Hey daddy, did the snake monster rape the Princess?" Selina asked
Sharpe is hesitant to respond. "No..., she was there as a trophy to trick people. Nothing more."
Rory leans closer. "It is always good to have a pretty girl in sexy clothes. Makes boys dumber." Then winks. Sharpe grabs Rory's hair and drags her back.
Going back to the film, Selina watches the character gear up for the final battle. After seeing dozens of American movies, she expected the main hero to fight to the end against the main bad guy, but that did not happen.
As the rebel fleet is getting beaten, Selina is impressed by the conversation between Luke, Vader, and the Emperor. She has heard Rory's stories on how her father, Taylin, Zorzal, and others had a philosophical debate and was surprised to see that here. Usually, she finds these topics boring and just wanted to be entertained however found it more intense than the battle.
For the first time, Selina understands why her father puts so much effort into that topic. Everything about Luke is being tested; everything he worked to might be thrown away before the very fact that Vader is his father.
Seeing Luke's friends being killed, Luke finally breaks and fights Vader. Unlike in the last movie, Luke stops and refuses to kill his father. In return, the Emperor uses lightning magic, or as the film calls it, Force Lighting.
"So this why you call me Darth Lelei back in the Darlko facility(4). Now I love that title," Lelei smiles wickedly.
"You are falling to the Dark Side, Lelei!" Alicia jokes.
"If I can generate a continuous and torturous powerful lighting stream like what Palpatine did to Luke, I could even make Taylin completely squeal while the XM77 taser rifle failed" Lelei replies, already imagining the scenario.
"This is exactly why I scare you the most, Lelei," Rory states. "No sister of mine is gonna turn into a Dark Lord."
"If I have to use the dark spells to protect who I care about then I am not actually a Dark Lord after all. Dark Power can be used for good you know. Have you heard the phrase 'Fight Fire With Fire?'" Lelei aks.
It looked like the hero was going to die as the Emperor and Darth Vader stood there, looking down at Luke. To Selina's shock, Vader picked up his master and tossed him over the edge.
Selina could not believe it. She struggles to understand why Darth Vader would betray his master like that. Once the movie is over, she looks to Sharpe. "Why did he betray his master?"
Sharpe leans forward. "Because Vader decided he loved his son more than serving the Emperor. Sometimes someone who has gone that far to the dark side of life can come back if they care about something."
"I like it," Rory said. "During my time in this world, I have learned it is the small things in life that usually have the greatest effect on people. I used to think it was these big events that changed things. But that is not true."
Selina looks at Sherry. She wrote Sherry off as the enemy that she has to be nice too. She realizes that if Darth Vader could change, maybe Sherry would be good too.
Leaning forward, Selina pokes Sherry's shoulder. "I am sorry. I should not have gotten mad at you. I let my emotions get the better of me."
Sherry looks up. "I am sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was just trying to help."
After making peace with Sherry, she sees her father standing there. There are others, all wondering what is going on.
"I know that Earth people can build spaceships capable of going from Earth to other worlds without using the Gate. I am curious about the difference between ships in Star Wars and the spaceships you have now? I often see that ships in Star Wars have to "jump" into some form of realm called "hyperspace," Pina asks after the movie.
"Basically, hyperspace is a dimension, or a realm, that enables spaceships to travel faster than the speed of light," Sharpe said. "As far as we know light can travel faster than virtually anything in existence. The distance between Earth and Uros is 10.47 light-years, so it will take 31,500 years from Earth to reach Uros using the conventional means of space travel.
"That means all the crew members would have died of old age before they could ever reach the destination," Lelei adds. "Therefore, the solution is to find a way to travel at the speed of light or preferably faster than the speed of light to reach the destination in space much faster without having the passengers in the spaceships withering away."
"The Hyperdrive works by compressing space-time to enable ships to reach speeds that are faster than light," Sharpe adds, in the lecture. "But, all this is just theory right now."
Pina and the other natives look shocked at the extreme distances and how long it takes to actually travel from Earth to here using the current spaceships Earth has now.
"So that means the Gate actually can be considered as a means of faster-than-light travel?" Shandy asks as she takes notes.
"Not really," Sharpe replies. "I see that is more like interdimensional travel than faster-than-light travel."
"Currently, NASA is experimenting and developing the Hall Thruster, which is a powerful ion thruster that can enable a spaceship to travel 200,000 mph to reach Mars faster. Despite being much slower than the speed of light, it is still a great foundation for the development of FTL travel," Sharpe states
"I hope you people don't try to develop something like the Death Star in the future. Your nuclear weapon is already far too terrifying enough!" Hamilton said dreadfully.
Sharpe chuckles and then takes a drink. "I would love to command a Death Star. I have fantasized doing that while listening to heavy metal."
"Don't worry Hami!" Andrew quickly said, trying to rescue everyone and direct them away from what Sharpe said. "No one is going to build a Death Star since it was wasteful for the Galactic Empire to build that thing anyway while they could have used their resources to build hundreds of Star Destroyers and initiate base delta zero on a planet or building the World Devastators."
"What is a World Devastator?" Panache asked.
"It is another superweapon of the Empire that is not featured in the movie. It uses a powerful tractor beam to suck the entire planet into it and turn into raw material for production of weaponry for the Galactic Empire", Andrew stated
"You Earth people really like to imagine tons of destructive and world-shattering weapons. I am still deeply surprised that you people have enough restraint to not devastate the Earth with your nukes," Yao states.
"Actually, we don't just create tons of deadly weapons from our imagination all the time. Within Star Wars itself, we also imagine tons of technological concepts that greatly benefit society, like anti-gravity vehicles, cybernetic limbs, or the means of hyperspace travel. Sci-fi can feature both the good and bad side of technology, and how it can inspire us to develop new technology in positive and negative ways or not is all depending on our choice. However, at the end of the day, imagination is a godlike power that can bring individuals or even a civilization forward to achieve extraordinary things that are considered impossible. So we may not achieve things that feature in Star Wars, but with imagination and great effort, and diligence, we will someday achieve it. It is just like the words "Make your dream come true" and "Nothing is impossible.", Sharpe lectures as he looks at Pina.
As Pina listens, she realizes what Sharpe is trying to imply to her. In order to be the leader, she has to be more than just herself and she needs to imagine a clear vision of the end result of her revolution in order to succeed in the end.
"I wish I could use the blasters during my lifetime," Scott said
(1)Chapter 5
(2)Chapter 133
(3) Chapter 194
(4) Chapter 171
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