V16 - Chapter 199 Koda Woodline State
"The first major strike on the Empire capital city of Sadera has completed. OPERATION: Tropic Thunder, the US Air Force, used a B-1b Lancer bomber to conduct bombing runs over the city, hitting three key locations.
Two targets were military installations, believed to be warehouses full of swords, armor, and other war materials. The third target was a manufacturing facility that was producing armor-piercing Javelin ballistae. These Javelins are launched from fixed ballistas or from mobile versions called Scorpio's.
While most weapons employed by the Empire have proven to be ineffective against NATO equipment, these Javelins have proven to be a hassle as they have been able to penetrate light and medium-class vehicles like Stryker's.
Air Force Brigadier Stryder from Global Strike Command has followed up by stating more strikes will be coming in the coming weeks. The goal is to destroy all manufacturing capabilities in Sadera and then expand to the other cities. Stryder believes they have discovered one of the facilities that produce the magical jamming towers and, once identified, will be destroyed.
Following up with that is to continue the campaign against the Imperial wartime economy. There have been two major issues that the Air Force and Space Force have been investing in to overcome. 1) How decentralized the Imperial economy is. 2) how far away most Imperial cities are with industry capacity. 3) Identify which supply convoys are civilian or military.
A critical issue that has plagued the Air Force bombing campaigns against the League supply lines is identified who is military and who is civilian. Once the Empire discovered that their supply wagons could be detected by NATO surveillance aircraft, they adopted them by moving supplies in smaller groups or away from traditional routes.
According to Space Force and native maps of Falmart, it is assumed NATO is only operating on about one-eight of Falmart landmass, putting most key cities out of reach except for B-52 Stratofortress and B-1b Lancer. Because swords, armor, bows, and other standard Legion equipment can be made at any blacksmith meaning targeting them has been tricky.
To counter this decentralization of industry and out-of-reach facilities, the Air Force is bombing critical infrastructure like bridges, highways, and other routes to prevent war materials. The idea is that the Empire can make as many weapons as they want; however, if they cannot be moved to the frontlines, it is wasted materials, being a drain on the economy.
The US Army has set up a Mid-Range Capability (MRC) Tomahawk missile battery at FOB Atlas, a 101st Airborne camp inside the Dumas Mountains. The Army is planning to use the Tomahawk range to strike targets of interest." - National Interest
--- Koda Woodline State, Coan Forest ---
Date: May 30th, 2026
The once-abandoned Coan Forest now has life again. The original human inhabitants were either killed by the Flame Dragon, or Vanguard-7 helped escape the forest to safety(1). For the past year, the forest has been empty, allowing Tuka people to move in.
"You look, great father," Tuka said.
"I thought Humans here had strange clothing," Hodor mumbles as he tries to figure out how to wrap a tie.
Seeing her father struggle, Tuka walks over and does his tie for him. "I saw Sarah had to do this all the time for Sharpe. I had her teach me how to. She always said a good lady knows how to dress their man."
"Ha, ha." Hordor looks at the mirror. "I swear, these Other Worlders like to make everything complicated."
"Stop calling them Other Worlders," Tuka corrects. "I think the term is Terran now."
"Right, right," Hodor said. "Why is that again?"
"I don't know," Tuka replied. "I think they got sick and tired of being called Other Worlders. According to Lelei, some professors started using the term to separate them from the Humans on Falmart to help clarify which humans they are talking about. As you said, they are complicated people. None of that matters, though, as you have a big day, daddy."
"I noticed you picked up some of their words," Hordor said.
"Daddy? You can blame Selina for that," Tuka replied. "She gets under you; I never thought I would befriend an Edrean after what they did."
Hodor looks at the mirror. "Right, what they did..."
Tuka notices a strange look as her father stares into the mirror. "Everything on, father?"
"Yes, of course," Hodor said. "Just memories." Now, let's build a country."
Those last words were like music to Tuka years. For eight years, her people have been chased across half of Falmart, from the west to here. They have been forced to become marauders to survive, most have committed savage acts to survive. While her father agreed to support the war effort with small Elvish warriors, most of her people can finally rest in a land that belongs to them.
As they walk out of their wooden building, Tuka sees Ambassador Willington and a few other ambassadors from other nations, Vanguard-7, and her people all around. There are a few structures around, the foundation for their capital Kowan.
Seeing her father shake Willington's hand and Sharpe giving him a salute, she can see how stressed out and nervous her father is. This much ceremony, appearance, and statehood are not her people's way. Her people, as the Americans describe, are more hippie libertarians. Free love and spirit, relax and enjoy life.
"Why are you saluting me, Sharpe?" Hodor asked.
"You outrank me now," Sharpe said. "When you sign the paperwork, the United States and all other NATO countries will recognize you as a sovereign nation; you being the leader of it means you outrank me Chieftain."
Hodor laughs. "Interesting. When we first met, I would have never imagined I outrank you, good man(2)." He takes Sharpe's hand and shakes it with a tremendous amount of respect. "Do you remember the first time we met? You freed me from that small dungeon from that Minotaur lord."
"I believe so; I rescued tons of people," Sharpe replied and then reflected. "Now I think about it; it seems like that's half of my job nowadays. I guess they make good stories, though."
"That is true," Hodor said, feeling more relaxed. "What did you say when we met? I was insulting you for being a Human because a Human chained me up and took my people. You said, 'I am not Human, I am an American' or something like that."
Willington looks at Sharpe. "Did you really say that?"
Sharpe shrugs. "What? It made him shut up long enough to be saved."
Hearing this drama, Tuka giggles. "I guess the saying is true. Boys will be boys. Now, don't we have work to do?"
Tuka watches her father sit down next to Willington. The first document is the treaty that recognizes the Coan Forest, the farmlands on the east side of the Roma River, and the surrounding mountains as part of the new Elvish nation, the Koda Woodline State.
Some of the territories are still part of the Empire and under contest. Within the treaty, the United States agrees to acknowledge these contested lands as official Koda territory when the war ends, regardless of what the Empire says.
The part Tuka enjoys the most is the fact that her father is officially the leader of her people. While it is her people's responsibility to draft a constitution, her father is the Chieftain. She knows the sacrifices he had to make, the things he had to do, and she is happy that he is being rewarded for it.
The subsequent treaties Hodor signs are the Falmart Economic Trade Agreement (FETA), the Falmart Investment Fund, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. These agreements are meant to give her people access to the Falmart and Earth economy, allowing them to trade with Elies, Alcatris territory, Elbe, and Alguna as well as Earth. The banks are to enable Koda to accept economic investment and loans needed to grow their new homeland.
The last two significant treaties are the US Mutual Defense Treaty and the NATO Joint Defense Agreement. This means by law, the US is required to defend Koda from any external threats and permission to establish a military outpost for security. Sense to the north, east, and southeast of Koda are active warzones, Tuka does not mind the extra security. The NATO agreement is to provide funds, training, and integration into the military alliance, just like with Elbe and Alguna.
Once the treaties and agreements are signed, her father shakes hands with all the ambassadors as they begin signing the treaties and agreements.
Hodor walks up to the crowd. "My comrades, my friends. I have been told that it is tradition to make a speech after an important moment—something relating to making soundbites for the media. I just want to say this is an important time for our people. We have fought, we have suffered, all in the hopes of finding new land to call home. We have seen many who betrayed us along the way here. I know many of us thought there was no love left, no trust, honesty, and honor left in the world, but that has changed. We have a home, friends, a new chance to rebuild, to grow. A safe place to raise our young, so they don't have to become warriors to survive but enjoy the blessings our world has to offer. But I am proud to say that we will not have to do this alone. There is still a long road to be laid. However, everything we build will be ours, and that is worth fighting for."
Shocked by what Tuka's father said, she has never been prouder of him. Like everyone else, she claps. She quickly rushes to him and gives him a hug. "I love you father."
"Love you to daughter," Hodor said. "Now, let's all go celebrate."
All around the newly recognized capital city Kown, people are celebrating the signing of the treaties. Elvish wine is passed around, the birth of the Koda wine industry. With the amount of people, most are outside, moving around.
Vanguard-7 is mingling with most of the elves, each group having a history with each other. It was Vanguard-7 who helped freed them from Legrath and brought them to Alnus. Many have saw Tuka Luna Marceau brought back some national pride to their clan. This has created a lot of respect towards the Rangers.
Sarah is sitting at a booth outside, watching everyone enjoying themselves. In her lap is Tenchi, being stubborn. Because this was a special moment in history, where a new nation is being born, an elven one. She brought her students to watch and experience history.
The goal was to help bridge the racial relations gap between the races, show them history and how national civics work and more. Willington agreed, seeing it as a public relations win. To do this she brought Noriko and Mentiv to help with watching the students while she dealt with her military responsibilities.
Tenchi struggles as he wants to play with a knife. "No, no Tenchi." Sarah said. "Don't be a troublemaker."
Watching everyone, Sarah sees her future husband Sharpe with her students, showing off as usual. Playing with his combat knife, he tosses it at a tree, hitting his target. Tuka is with her father and Yao is helping in managing the kids. While Sarah considered Yao a slut for stripping at Sharpe promotion party(3), she is impressed by how child friendly Yao is, which is not much of a surprise due to her profession as a babysitter within her tribe. Lelei is with Alicia and Randy.
That is when Sarah sees the noble girl Sherry by herself, looking lonely and confused. To her shock it was Pina who recommended Sherry's father, one of the pro-peace senators, to allow his daughter to go to her school. A sign of good faith and so Sherry can learn western culture. Pulling out her cell phone, she texts Selina to come here.
Selina walks over, confused. "What is it mom?"
Hearing that word felt so good to Sarah. It has felt like forever to listen to those words, even though it has only been a year. "Selina, I need you to do me a favor. See that girl there; her name is Sherry. Can you please include her into the group?"
Selina looks at Sherry and back at Sarah. "But she is an Imperialist Noble. They are the enemy. No one wants to be around her because of that."
Sarah smiles and waves Tenchi's hand at Selina. "And Tenchi is the son of Emperor Zorzal. I guess you don't like the baby then. Isn't that right Tenchi, Selina doesn't like you anymore."
Selina stands there, confused. "I... I like the baby. He is cute, though." She knows the point Sarah is making however she doesn't want to accept it.
Now Sarah gives Selina a stern look. "Selina, remember how all those kids picked on you because you are Edran?" Seeing the look she wanted, making Selina remember how she was an outcast and how it made her feel. "You don't want to treat Sherry like how those kids treated you. You are a Princess and your father's daughter. There are expectations from you and you are an example to the other children. If you choose to see her as the enemy, same with all your friends and undermine your father's work."
Taking an annoying breath, Selina nods. "Ok." While reluctant, she walks away and joins Sherry.
"I am always impressed by you." Rory sits next to Sarah. With her are this massive jug of wine.
"What do you mean?" Tenchi starts grabbing Sarah's upper shirt, trying to get to her breast for food. "No Tenchi, I cannot yet. But your mommy left me a bottle." After taking a drink from her juice, she hands Tenchi her phone to play with as she grabs the baby bottle to feed him.
Finding Tenchi actions humorous Rory giggles. "Boys, such graby people. I mean you never let anything get under you. And just like that, you turn Selina from hating an Imperial noble to being friends just like that. And some of those boys went from hating being taught by a woman to enjoying it. Never making anyone feel bad in their views but challenging them in a way they don't feel inferior."
Giggling, Sarah leans back as she feeds Tenchi. "Thank you. I think it is because I came from a christen conservative family but also having a military dad. City folk like to think we are backward people who, like in the bible days who still think we are gay-bashers, even though grandma was. Some think being a traditional woman means you are a doormat, that all you do is cook in the kitchen while pregnant, but it is not. It is about supporting the ones you love the most. Have strong values for your family and kids; being a strong woman doesn't mean you have a nine to five strong but being truthful with yourself.
"If that means a career or a housewife, we have the right to choose. My mom was a housewife and I loved that growing up but I chose to follow in my father's footsteps with a Army career. While I hope I can be as strong as my mother I needed to become an officer to prove to myself that I can."
"I never enjoyed the notion that men and women are the same because I feel like it takes everything we bring to the world, one is not superior, and the other is not inferior, equal but different, and that is what makes us strong and whole, at least that is what my church taught me."
Sarah takes a drink, not expecting a conversation like this with Rory, ever. "While men have physical strength, women have far superior inner strength, and that is what I show my students and the soldiers under my command. I apply that mentality to everything I do, and it has worked so far. I remind myself that I grew up differently from the locals. Like the boys in my class, the hostility early on was not because they hated women; they grew up in a different situation, a world where pure survival means everything. Same thing on Earth for thousands of years so I cannot get that angry. Women only had equal rights for less that two hundred years after all. I choose not to look at them as inferiors but as equals with differences, and that has allowed them to come to my side."
"That is an interesting way of looking at things." Rory then giggles. "Well, you got that half going for you. I guess I can see why people like you. You are the better woman for Sharpe to be with."
Rory's comment confused Sarah. Usually Rory would be out with the others, partying. Rory has a reputation for being a party animal, enjoying being the star of the show. But she is sitting next to her, something she has never done before, and confessing her feelings.
"I am not the better woman Rory," Sarah replied. "Don't get me wrong; I am happy that I am going to be Sharpe's wife and that I am carrying his child. It is a dream come true, but honestly, you were a major part of creating the man I fell in love with. I was just there taking a load off him, but you reached into his heart and pulled him back. I cannot look past that, it wouldn't be fair."
Sarah then places her hand on Rory's shoulder. "That is why I wanted you to be the baby godmother. He loves you, Rory. Not many men would be willing to risk their lives for an Apostle, especially when you go berserk(4)."
During the assault on the Darlko facility, Rory went insane from the number of souls passing through her during a stealth mission. Sharpe said someone told him to go after her; however, she never heard anyone say that. Either way, Sharpe went after Rory, and both ended up in a melee fight.
"I remember that," Rory mumbles, placing her index finger on her lower lip. "I felt so bad, but it was nice getting physical." She then looks at Tenchi, playing with him. "I later learned you told Sharpe to kiss me. Why? I was surprised to learn that, coming from you."
That question confused Sarah at first. Now that she thinks about it, she never had an issue. "Well, I didn't want you to kill Sharpe, and I had faith it would. You are the Apostle of Love after all, so if that didn't work, nothing would."
Rory takes a long drink from her wine. "Well, most people believe being an Apostle is a blessing or the greatest opportunity ever. While I don't regret being Emroy Apostle and would never change that, it has come with a price. Everyone sees Apostles like me as above them, so it was impossible to have meaningful relationships. Because I cannot bear a child I cannot marry. As a woman, living for a thousand years and I cannot do what only a woman can do, create life. Which was why I fell in love with Taylin when I did. We were both equal and I thought that would fill that hole. While there were good times in those centuries, the truth is I was still alone."
"One thing that always bothered me about you Sarah was that your plans to create roots in Alnus," Rory continues. "The school, like Selina. I love Selina, she is like a sister to me, but that is one reason why I think it never worked out with Taylin and so many others. I am unable to create those roots."
Rory holds up her massive jug of wine. "Well. Congratulations Sarah. When are you guys going to do it?"
Sarah takes a breath, thinking about a recent proposal by Willington. "Usually, an engagement is a year or longer. This is to allow the bride to set up the wedding, arrange it, invite people."
"And the groom?"
"The groom is a guy; he already proposed," Sarah states. "If the guys had it their way, the wedding would be five minutes and done with, especially Sharpe. I want to dress, the oath, the event, everything."
Rory nods her head, agreeing with what Sarah said. "Yeah, I've been to dozens of weddings during my time. Sometimes by invite, other times by force. It usually is a woman thing, being the center of attention and how romantic it is. But Sarah, why did you say usually? Is everything ok?"
"Everything is fine," Sarah said. "Willington had a proposal from the Office of Political Strategy and Outreach, Domestic Policy Council, Office of the Press Secretary, and Office of Public Liaison all want to use our wedding to boost morale and to push the President interspecies marriage bill and the creation of Alcatris Territory for annexation reasons."
"They want all of our weddings at once. Bailey and Delilah, Andrew and Hamilton, and Miloslav and Myuute. They see this as a political opportunity and, to be honest, the presidential election campaign in two years."
"Wow, politics suck everywhere," Rory states. "Why don't you just say no? It should be romantic, not political."
"I don't have all the details, but it will be filmed so it can be watched by millions if not billions of people. So technically, the wedding can be an equivalent to the British Royal Weddings," Sarah said. "Because of that, they are willing to pay for it all, so there is that. The President has invested a lot of energy into Sharpe and you girls. While I would like to say no for personal reasons, it might be worth playing ball. And after what happened with Lelei and the Earth Mage stunt and how much political capital the President lost in defending the action, I think we owe her this one."
The congressional hearings overall were a benefit for the White House, except for Soredin's stunt. It would have been easy for President Potts to disown the action, but accepting the American mages politically hurt her hard. The reaction is mainly from fear by the population, another dent into their changing reality. Using the four-way wedding as propaganda could help boost that reality, showing that there are still some things in common across worlds.
"So yeah, I still need to talk to Sharpe and the others, but I think it is in our best interest to do it," Sarah states. "The fact it is free saves all of us collectively a hundred thousand dollars of debt."
Sarah places her hand on Rory's shoulder. "By the way, Rory. I like you to be my maid of honor while the rest of the girls will be bridesmaids. I think Sharpe would love that."
Rory smiles, wiping a tear from her eye. "I will be honored. I wish your marriage and baby the best of luck."
Not knowing how to respond, Sarah gives Rory a hug.
"Mind if I sit with you ladies?" Hodor then sits down at the table.
Sarah looks at Hodor, the new High Chieftain of Koda. This was very unexpected; the only time he is known to sit down at a table with only women is for one thing. "Congratulations on becoming High Chieftain Hodor; however, we were not interested in a one-night stand. You might want to go back to the enlisted and try there."
Hodor laughs. "Tuka never mentioned to me you were a joker."
"What brings you here, Hodor?" Rory asked. "I thought you would be with your daughter, or with the ambassadors, or doing another one of your lectures to Sharpe on how to manage a harem."
Hodor laughs again. "Normally yes, but I never met a Human as thick-headed. When he does not want to hear something, he fights. Who knew a man would ignore a free harem"
Sarah shakes her head and taps the table. "Nope, it is not our way Hodor. Selina was adopted. We could have adopted Lelei, but she was too old, but we gave her the love and attention she needed. Your daughter, while sweet, she is with us by choice to help your people. It is offensive to him because you are implying that he is sleeping with everyone which is below him."
"I noticed you did not mention Yao, let me... guess-." Hodor stops what he was saying as he notices this deep glare from Sarah and Rory.
"I see," Hodor then said. "Well, speaking of Tuka, she has been telling all the adventures you people have been on. More importantly, she has been telling me about all of you. Let my intentions be clear; while I am the leader of my people, I have a debt I must pay off."
"I am listening," Sarah said, concerned.
"An issue I had is I never knew how to pay my debt," Hodor explains. He looks directly at Rory and then Sarah. "I heard about you and Jackson getting married and that you are carrying his child. Congratulations."
"Thank you," Sarah said. "Seems like everyone is excited about that. More than I expected."
Hodor points to both women. "I think both of you should jointly be Sharpe mates or wives as you humans call it."
"What?" Both collectively asked, shocked.
"Look," Hodor said. "Both of you are madly in love with him. I could see that. Tuka has told me stories about how both of you have saved his soul, how both of you would do anything. I talked with Sharpe many times about how to manage his harem. Sometimes I brought this up to see what his state of mind is. He loves both of you two."
"The truth is life is short. I still remember the Tuka mother idea. I loved that woman. We elves don't follow a marriage ritual, living around one thousand hundred years; the idea seems silly; however, there is still a special place for the ones we love."
Looking at both Sarah and Rory in the eyes, making sure they wonder if he is serious. "Your superior, while a good man still has a long way to go. He has made enemies, which includes you two."
Hodor then stands up. "We all know where this was going to lead; the baby only just forced the issue. You both love him, and he loves both of you. Tuka said, you all have been through so much. When you were taken by Krysist Sarah and when you were in trouble Rory, he came after you and saved you, and both of you saved his soul from darkness. You three are a strong team, and now that a baby is coming, his enemies will come for it. I still remember what those Wood Elves did to that farm boy(5) Naminto and his family. What they tried to do to Selina."
Before Sarah would respond, Hodor walks away to join Sharpe and the children.
Both look at each other, confused. There is silence as both reflect on what Hodor said. The problem Sarah is having is that Everything Hodor said made sense. Now she understands when her mother said, 'love makes everyone dumb.'
"Sarah, don't worry about me," Rory said. "I am not going to get in the way or anything. He made his choice, and let's leave it like that."
Hearing that, Sarah looks at Rory. She can hear the hurt, loneliness in Rory's voice, Everything Hodor said was true; Rory was there from the beginning. Sharpe told her when he was at the outer perimeter when everyone first met(6), debating killing himself. Rory appeared and prevented it, sparking a long road of recovery.
Sarah holds Tenchi close, with one arm, and the other takes a long drink of her juice, finishing it. As she debates about what is happening, she came to this conclusion, to trust her faith. She has noticed too many events, people, and situations over the past year and a half for them to be just coincidences. She believes Everything is happening for a reason, and most importantly, she has no intention of splitting up this family that was created.
"Rory, let's do it," Sarah said, catching Rory off guard. "I admit this is not how I planned things, but do you know the story of Noah's Ark?"
"It is a story from the bible, one of my favorites," Sarah explains. "It is a story where a family learned a great flood would destroy the world. God commanded them to build a large ark to house two of every animal. The vessel had to survive forty days until the great flood ended."
"Wow," Rory said. "Did that happen, and what does it have to do with marriage?"
"The event never happened, like most stories in the bible," Sarah said. "But each story has a core meaning that brings value, like Noah's Ark. The story behind it is this, a united family can conquer anything. Can overcome any challenge. That is why Vanguard-7 has been so effective; that is why we have been so effective. We follow the story of Noah."
"While this is not how I imagine it," Sarah pauses as she looks towards Sharpe, placing one hand on her belly. "Let's not play games and do it. Hodor is correct, we all mutually love him, and more importantly, we have made many enemies. Powerful ones. I would feel at peace knowing you are by his side in this and future wars Rory. I will be honored if we do this together as one."
Of course, an arrangement would not be legal. Under US law, polygamy is illegal and for good reasons. However, she knows Rory would not care about the legal aspects of the matter, being an Apostle. Almost a thousand years and the only law Rory has followed is hers and Emroy's.
However, just like being the spiritual godmother, it is the act and heart that matters the most, not a legal document. While Sarah still needs to work out the details, she imagines that she will be the legal wife under US law, and Rory is there acting as a partner. But both will see each other as equal wives.
Rory reaches out and grabs Sarah's hand. "Let's do it. But how will we convince Sharpe?"
That is a tricky question, Sarah snaps. "Well, it's a man will vs. woman will, and we both know who will win."
--- Later that night, private diplomatic huts ---
Feeling an elbow, Sharpe sits up and places his hand on his head.
Sharpe grabs his phone and says it's three in the morning. Looking around, he realizes where he is at.
Tuka showed him where his quarters are. One of the edits being an officer, privacy. To his surprise, the hut is quite warm for being made out of wood.
The place is far warmer than he expected and more private. While it's not a lifestyle he could accept, it is not what he expected.
Feeling another elbow, he looks to Sarah, laying there under the blanket. Then he looks to the left and sees Rory. Both fast asleep.
Taking a deep breath, "I guess they won this round."
He then feels the hands of both women grab his hands. They pull him back down into the bed and their heads put closer to his shoulder.
--- Koda Woodline State, Coan Forest ---
Date: May 31th, 2026
After a yawn, Selina looks around, confused. "Are you sure we're allowed to be out here?"
An elf boy called Alieon peeks around a tree. "We do this all the time, Princess. Besides, your bat friend can see in the dark, so we are safe."
"I have a name," Jasif said.
Before everyone went to bed last night, some of the elven children told them about a hideout they enjoy hanging out at. In the spirit of cooperation, they offered some of the students to come along.
"We are not that far away," Alieon said.
Taking a nervous breath, Selina looks around the dark forest. She looks back and makes sure everyone who comes is safe. Nassico, the tough boy in the class, Nassuulo, the class girl Medusae. The batboy Jasif and Sherry, the Imperial noble girl. With them are three elves, two boys and one girl.
"This is a bad idea," Sherry said. "We shouldn't have left the other nobles. We need an escort."
Nassico makes a derogatory comment as he passes, upsetting Sherry. He stated that she should go back to Sadera if she is afraid. While Selina has 'embraced' her as one of the group due to Sherry having undergone the same brutal abuses as her, the others still see her as the enemy.
While Selina is not happy that the Imperial noble girl Sherry is with them, she promised her new mother to be kind. That is when the elves proposed this adventure. She offered it to Sherry.
"I've been in combat situations before, so don't worry," Selina said. She then shows Sherry her Glock 43. "Daddy taught me to kill."
Sherry looks at Selina with a blank stare, shocked by that statement. "Aren't you a princess? Isn't it unladylike?"
Selina looks at Sherry as she fixes her dress. "I am a princess, yes, but dad says I am an American Citizen first. My father said girls should know how to defend myself just in case someone evil wants to take us. So my father teaches me. Beside it is not just me who act in the so-called "unladylike", look no further than Pina and her woman knights."
"You people are strange," Sherry said. "My father always had a guard with me to protect me. Besides, if you want to be a Princess of Alnus, you need to be more ladylike, so everyone respects you, like learning how to speak properly. You cannot act like a boy; otherwise, the boys will not respect you when you get older. There are expectations of you as a Princess, even from boys. Princess Pina and her knights are often considered deviants among the nobility in Sadera due to their lack of womanhood, so you should not use her and her knights as a comparison."
Hearing that angered Selina. One reason is how good Sherry speaking skills are, making her feel inferior. "Ladylike? How am I not ladylike? I am a girl, after all. I almost got killed twice." She then moves her dress's strap and shows Sherry the arrow scare. "See. If I was ladylike, I would have been weak and crying and be dead by Wood Elves. Moreover, if Princess Pina acted ladylike like you said, you would be dead by now by Stokadi's hand if it wasn't for Pina kicking that rapist brat away from you."
"Not what I mean," Sherry said. "I... I meant..."
Selina grabs Naminto's arm and pulls him, following the elves and other kids. "Come on Naminto."
"You were kind of mean," Naminto said while being dragged. "I think she was just trying to help you."
Hearing that, Selina stops and looks at Naminto. "So you are picking her side? Friends with her now?"
Sensing a sudden cold tension in the air, Naminto notices that he is in trouble and has no idea why. "I... what? I am picking no sides. I am just saying..."
Having enough, Selina marches away, following everyone else. She is baffled by how her best friend could agree with a different girl. Up to this point, she has been keeping an eye on Naminto after what happened to his parents, and he sides with an Imperial noble girl, all because she struggles with words and tries to be popular with the other boys like Nassico.
Everyone continues to move through the forest until they reach an abandoned town. Everyone lines up impressed.
"Where is everyone?" Naminto asked.
Alieon and his friends look at each other. "It is rumored they all died by a strange mist. Inside the mist are monsters!"
"That is not true," Selina replied. "All the towns in this forest were evacuated by my father because the Flame Dragon was trying to kill everyone. That is how Alnus was created, from refogees..."
"Refugees," Sherry corrects.
"...refugees," Selina said correctly but annoyed. "No one came back, so the Americans granted this land to your people, Alieon."
"Come on, we found our own tree house we like to use as a fort," the elf girl Sana said.
"We made it like home," Alieon said. "We also have bread there, so Sana and the other girls can make something while we finish setting it up. Now let's go."
As the kids walk through the abandoned town, the place feels familiar to Selina. It is like she has been here before. "Why do you think people died from monsters?"
"We found some dead bodies over here," Alieon answered. "Over here. When we found them, Sana screamed."
"No, I didn't!"
Alieon adjusts his bow. "We also found this big one. I think it is a bear body or leonoids. Died long ago, probably from that mist."
"Let's go check it out," Nassico said.
As everyone walks away, following the elves, Selina turns around and sees Naminto and Sherry. She ignores them and follows Naminto and Alieon.
Passing some more buildings, again, Selian feels like she has been at this place before. While she knows other villages have been abandoned because of the Flame Dragon, she wonders if this is Coan, where she met Sharpe and Vanguard-7.
"Take a look!" Alieon yells.
Looking at Alieon as he picks up a leonoids skull, she sees what she feared the most, that wagon. She sees the rope on the ground, the same rope that Sharpe cut.
All her memories hit at once, remembering what these four men did to her, all the abuse, the torment, selling her, the worst. Being tied to that wagon and forced to walk thousands of kilometers here. While Lord Lashin is evil, all he wants to do is kill her for what her father did. These four skeletal corpses have done far greater horrors to her when they were alive, just for the sake of it.
The memory of her past family being murdered. Forced to travel against her will and that shadow Knight. That Knight who paid to have her, who desired her, who still lurks her dreams.
"Hey, Selina?" Naminto asked. "Why are you crying? You look like you saw a ghost."
"There ghosts here?" Alieon asked, deeply concerned. He pulls out his bow and arrow.
"I thought you were joking about that mist Alieon," Sana said.
As Selina stared at the skeletons, she did not realize she was crying. She slowly looks at Naminto and then runs away. Hearing her friend's voices calling out to her, but she ignores them, just wanting to get away from the wrong stop.
Out of nowhere, all she can hear is that Knight laughing, calling her princess. Making degrading Edran and Miritta comments and more. His hands over her body. No matter how hard she runs, this Knight seems to keep up.
Going around a corner, she trips over something.
Hitting the ground hard, Selina rolls over, ripping her dress and scraping her knee from a rock. However, the Knight magically is gone.
Catching her breath, she wipes off the tears from her face and gets up. She hears noises.
What she hit starts to move, and what looks like a wing lifts up. Then some whimpering sounds.
Not feeling there is a threat, she crawls over to the wing. Laying on the ground is a tiny baby griffin. While still a baby, it is already as big as a medium-size earth dog. "Hi there. Did I trip over to you? I am sorry."
The griffin makes a sound, trying to move its wing. What is over the wing is this sticky white silk, something she has never seen before.
Reaching down, she tries to rip the silk off the wing. Besides freeing the griffin, her hands get stuck.
"Selina!" Naminto yells as he appears around the corner.
"Damn, for a girl, you run fast," Nassico said, catching his breath.
Looking up, Selina sees the two boys and Alieon. They came after her. "I am sorry for running. How did you find me?"
"You dropped your white ribbon," Naminto said. He holds out a white ribbon.
Ribbons constitute a significant part of Edran culture. It shows what stage or current time in a Mirrittae follows. Selina has had the purple ribbon, meaning that she was ready to prostitution herself for her goddess. Because of Karlin, she has learned other types of ribbons she could wear, not forcing herself to prostitute herself to someone she does not love. The white ribbon represents is inherently a cheerful color associated with purity, virtue, and inner strength.
"Thank you," Selina said. "Alieon, Nassico, can you two cut us free?"
As the two boys cut the strange silk, Naminto walks over and helps her up. "What is that?"
"It is a Griffin, a creature with a lion body, but possesses the head and wings of an eagle," Selina said. "I saw them before in my homelands, but I am surprised to see them here. They hate being around dragons and Wyverns."
Once free, the griffin stands up and looks up, scared. It starts trying to fly away but unable to move the wing that was trapped.
Seeing its fear, Selina gets on her knees and holds out her hand. "It is a little one. I won't hurt you. We are friends, ok? Can we be friends?"
The griffin looks at her, confused. It slowly walks over to her, limping. Selina can see the fear in its eyes.
Once the griffin is close, she slowly picks it up and gives it a warm hug. Feeling the fear go away, she stands back up. "It is ok. We all are friends."
"I have never seen a griffin before; they are not native to these lands," Naminto said.
Alieon places his arrow back into his quiver. "I have. Both Selina and I are from the far west. They like to be around the Western Desert Mountains. The question is, why is it way over here?"
"I don't know, but we should go to your fort," Selina proposes.
Selina then looks at Nassico. He has been known as the class bully; however, he has gotten better. He constantly challenges Sarah in class, sometimes being a sexist. In the beginning, he did not like being taught by a woman, but now she believes he enjoys making those comments to see what Sarah says and respecting how she responds. She knows he acts like that because he lost his mother from goblins and enjoys the attention. So far, she has never seen him scared, but right now, he looks terrified.
Hearing something behind her, Selina slowly turns around. She sees a large griffin body. Based on the smell, it is already dead. That is not what is scaring her and everyone else but the two long but thin legs that reached around it. Then two more and then another one.
"A giant spider," Alieon mumbles in a terrified voice.
All four rush out of the alley, following Alieon. Looking behind, Selina sees the giant Spider is crawling after them, catching up quickly. From her experience on the battlefield, she knows they won't get away in time.
"Alieon, fire an arrow at its eye," Selina yells. "Hurry!"
An arrow hits the Spider in the head, just missing the eye. However, it stopped the Spider for a moment for Selina to put down the griffin baby and grab her Glock 43.
Thanks to her father and other Vanguard-7 ranger's training, her reaction is sharp. She aims and fires quickly. Each bullet hits its mark, stopping the Spider in its place, confused about what is going on.
Selina empties the six rounds in the magazine and the extra one in the chamber. She lowers her pistol as the Spider stands there. "Did I kill it?"
The Spider then fires a web shot at them all. The three humans were caught. However, Alieon used his fire magic to save himself. Selina falls to the ground, unable to move.
The Spider wobbles back a little, stunned by Selina's attack. Green blood drops from its head with three of its eyes broken open. Suddenly, seeing Selina as a threat the spider crawls towards her but stops once it gets close. The griffin runs in front of her and starts screeching at the Spider.
The Spider looks at the griffin. It raises one of its legs at it, but the griffin bits it. The monster then lifts the griffin up and stabs its side.
The griffin lets out a weep and falls to the ground. From the griffin distraction, Alieon starts trying to free Naminto.
Selina's eyes widen, and she lets out an angry scream. "Leave him alone!"
That got the Spider's attention, and it walked towards Selina. She realizes she cannot reload her pistol.
Naminto grabs her shoulders, his hand getting stuck in the web, but he pulls as hard as he can so she isn't dragged to the spider mouth. Nassico grabs and pulls him while Alieon fires another arrow.
As the spider starts to pull on the web, its front fangs are suddenly cut in half, and the web connection is cut.
The spider backs away, letting out a screech. Too Selina left, she sees Rory walking towards it.
"Leave my little sister alone, you bitch!" Rory states. She tightened her grip and charged forward, slicing the spider in half.
Seeing that the threat is over, Naminto rushes over to Selina and starts cutting the web off her.
Rory speeds over and hugs her once Selina is free. "You little brat, you know better to go off like that! You know what is out here! If you didn't fire that pistol, I would have been too late. You are so grounded this time!"
"It was not her fault Rory," Alieon said. "I did not tell them we were going this far. I wanted it to be a surprise."
Selina pushes Rory away. She desperately rushes over to the baby griffin, falling over once she reaches the body.
The griffin lets out a weep as it lays there. Blood coming out of its side.
Rory walks over. "I am sorry, Selina, but that looks bad. It is going to die, Selina."
"But I don't want it to," Selina yells. "It tried to save me. I don't want it to die; it is my fault! There already has been so much death and pain, I don't want more. No more..."
Selina grabs the griffin, but then her hands glow yellow. Everyone backs away as the griffin whimpers.
After a short glow from Selina's hands, she looks down and sees that stab spot healed up.
"Wow!" Nassico said. "How did you do that?"
Selina looks around and sees this strange look on everyone's faces. "What?"
Rory kneels and places a hand on Selina's shoulder. "Sweetheart. You just healed that animal. You have magic!"
Selina grabs the griffin and holds it tight. "I did?"
Rory helps Selina stand up and then clean up her face. "I recall Karlin saying that true followers of Mirrita can learn healing magic. Just like Karlin did on you."
Rory then looks to Naminto. "I need you to watch her while we go home. Elf boy, go get everyone else. We are going back to Kowan.
As Rory walks away, Naminto walks up to Selina. "Do you want me to carry it?"
Selina looks at the griffin as it looks around. The animal seems very weak, still unable to move. Because of its size, she is struggling to carry it and knows she won't be able to go all the way back to Kowan. "Ok. Thank you."
Naminto takes the griffin and carries it. The other kids walk over and see the spider's body. Rory gathers everyone up and escorts them back to Kowan.
It took an hour for everyone to get back to Kowan. Alieon would not stop apologizing to everyone, stating that there never been a spider there before.
On the way back, Selina realizes how dirty she became. Same with everyone else. Sharpe and Sarah are going to get mad, but right now, she does not care as she saved a griffin.
Glancing back at Naminto, remembering that he helped pull her to safety from the spider. "Thank you. We can be friends again."
Naminto looks at Selina, confused. "We stop being friends?"
"For five minutes, yes," Selina mumbles. "But it is ok now."
"Just forget it, Naminto," Rory said, giggling. "Girls are complex and beyond your mind. Just accept it, and you are good."
"Hi, Dad," Selina said, waving.
"What is going on here?" Sharpe asked. He sees Selina's dirty clothes. "Did something happen, and why does Naminto have that, bird?" He looks at Rory. "Rory?"
"Wow!" Rory holds her hands up, trying to calm him down. "Everything is all good. Did you know Coan is nearby? The elf boy wanted to show the kids around, so I went with them."
Rory then points to the griffin. "But you are not going to believe this. Selina found this griffin. The mother was dead but guess what Selina can do?"
"And what is that?" Sharpe asked.
"She has magic! Selina can use healing magic," Rory enthusiastically said. "I saw it for myself. That griffin was hurt, and she healed it."
"It is true, daddy," Selina said. She holds her arm. "I don't know how but I did."
Sharpe stands there, trying to understand what was said. He looks to Lelei. "Is that possible? I thought you said only some people can become mages. That it is genetics."
Lelei scratches her head. "It is possible. The Magic Guild invests a huge amount of energy in finding children who can use magic. The average age where kids discover they are mages is usually around eight to ten. I found out when I was seven but my sister when she was nine. But there are examples of people when they are fourteen we call late bloomers. So, Selina is still at that age."
Sharpe takes a look around and stops at Rory. "So, this is the story you are going with?"
Rory nods. "Yup. We had a lot of fun." She then looks at Selina and winks.
Finding the situation humorous, Sharpe walks over to Selina and picks her up. "My girl can use magic!!!. Fancy that. Let's celebrate."
"Hey, Dad, can I keep the griffin?" Selina asked.
Sharpe thinks on it and nods. "Why not. Sarah and Rory seem to forge an alliance and are friends now, so with adding a griffin to the mix, why not."
"Well since you now have magic Selina. You know what that means! Time for your magic training," Lelei lectures.
"Yes master Lelei," Selina states and then bows.
--- Marine Swimming Pool, Fort Minick ---
"Again! You have to hold your breath at least two minutes," Carlos shouts at the knights and militias.
"This is more difficult than I thought," Pina complains. "Not even the imperial army can do this type of amphibious assault. That is what merfolks and Darfellan are for."
"Well get used to it, in the next few assignments, we're going to assault several strategic points with deep rivers and lakes full of merfolks. Now hold your breath again," Tyuule states as she submerges herself again in the pool.
"I wish we had some mermaids with us," Bozes states.
"Quit complaining! On Earth, we don't have mermaids so we have to become frogmen ourselves," Carlos states." In my home country I had to move through fifteen kilometers of swamplands, creeks, rivers, with far worse creatures than anything you have to deal with. All just to sneak up on insurgents. Now get going!"
(1)Chapter 5
(2)Chapter 66
(3)Chapter 157
(4)Chapter 171
(5)Chapter 167
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