V16 - Chapter 190
"The center taskforce led by the 10th Mountain Division has captured the recently built Imperial Dwarven Fortress. Storming the underground fortress at first proved to be complex as NATO troops were unable to figure out how to open the Dwarven doors.
Major General Brandon Chapman stated: 'If we cannot use the front door, then I will make my own door'.
The Major General Chapman used three Massive Ordnance Penetrators (MOP) at a weak point in the mountain. The three bombs were used one after another, creating an opening for NATO soldiers to invade.
This opening took the enemy by surprise, preventing them to wage an effective counter-attack. NATO troops took the main chamber of the fort. Once taken, the 10th Mountain was able to destroy the defenders.
With the fort taken, the 10th Mountain can use the tunnel network to assault other underground forts and the 1st Cavalry Division will be able to continue building the center highway network through the Dumas Mountains. This is considered one of three major obstacles for the Center Campaign needed to take to punch through the mountains." - Free Alnus News
--- Fort Minick, Rose-Order of Knights Barracks ---
Date: May 3rd, 2026
The Rose Knights who went to Earth finished explaining what they have learned and experienced while on Earth.
Most Knights talked about how they liked the tall buildings, all the cars and technology they saw, the many different styles of merchandise, and more.
Bozes went on about enjoying the roughness of the streets, how alive everything was over there. She also appreciated how no one stopped for her to acknowledge her nobility. For the first time, she felt free to be who she wanted and did not feel shamed by anyone around her.
Panache surprised everyone by not saying anything negative about Earth. Up to this point, she only saw the US's war machine and the rest of NATO. Witnessing the much higher and more advanced society, she saw the Other Worlders as far more civilized from that and she even admits that she was absolutely wrong to judge them negatively from the beginning and before she came to Earth. She even went as far as to admit that the Empire never was a civilized society to begin with.
Beefeater, a natural-born fighter, had an exciting outlook. She enjoyed how peaceful everything was, especially in Ohio. She pointed out that the only issues humans created were no fear of goblins, outlaws, monsters, demi-humans, and nothing naturally evil. Even the threats of armed criminals are considered to be highly tamed compared to the harsh environment of Uros.
Pina noticed that too. On Falmart, every moment could be someone's last, even in the major races. Before the Empire, Humans were considered some of the weaker races, unable to rise among the other Common Races. She does not know what changed, but humanity was able to rise above the other Common Races and take over at some point.
But Pina agrees with Beefeater the most; the people of Earth have no idea how lucky they are that their number one enemy is themselves.
Pina walks upfront, "Very impressive. I am glad everyone took something different. I was worried that everyone would just say the same thing up here."
"What was yours?" Nikolasha asked.
Pina thought the answer would be hard. She thought she would bring up her time at the ballroom(2) or meeting the president, or meeting the American version of the Senate. However, she can only think about what happened at the Ohio Mansfield Military Prison Camp(3). She learned a hard lesson in dealing with Brigadier General Miles Graham and Noble Olgrondo Altrona.
"This is what I learned from the Knights," Pina said. "The importance of learned leadership."
The barracks are silent. Everyone looks at each other, all wondering what Pina meant.
"Let me explain," Pina said. "All this time, I have been learning to be a better soldier. However, training, following orders, I was not learning how to lead, just following the footsteps of others."
"Come on, Princess, even the NATO soldiers, call you Princess," Bozes said. "You are overthinking it."
"No, I am not," Pina replied. "While I was at the Prison Camp, I learned that while I might have a title, I don't command or lead with experience. When Sharpe leads, he leads from experience because he does what he is commanding others to do. When I was talking with Graham, he explained to me that the higher ranks come with age because the rank represents the tasks and knowledge, a stepping stone."
Pina thinks back to where she became friends with Tyuule(4). Tyuule has more of a reason to hate the Empire and everyone in it; however, they could put aside their past and move forward together. She knows she will have to do that with the Empire somehow.
Altrona showed her that it will be far harder than she expected. Until now, she assumed she would just replace Zorzal on the throne; however, she realized she would need to earn everyone's respect first. If she cannot convince Imperial prisoners to join her side, why would the Imperial Army switch sides to her?
"My dealings with Altrona showed me that while I have the title, I don't have the voice or experience yet to take over the Empire," Pina explained. "To use an American military phrase, I am too green."
"Green?" Beefeater said, confused. "After all the battles we've been through? How are we green? From what I understand, most of the Other Worlders soldiers rarely see combat until this war started."
"That isn't what she means," Grey said. "There is a difference between fighting and leading. Being a leader isn't a choice or a title but something that is earned. But you earn it through being mentored by someone who knows more. Americans have schools to teach leadership. Programs to give the next generation mentorship, scrolls, and other resources."
"That is correct," Pina said. "I remember Sharpe telling me that he had a mentor when he went to West Point. That was the only reason he got through school, got through his training. He became a skilled leader and warrior, not on his own but because of others. I have been missing that."
"Ok," Bozes said. "What are you trying to say? That you are going to start taking these same lessons?"
"That is correct," Pina said. "But that isn't all. All of us need to step up. We can no longer play these half games of what side we are on or hope the war will end so we can go home. We all need to embrace western values, not the old ways."
"So, we have to give up everything our people did; not a lot of people will like that," Elison points out. "That is why the war is still going on right now."
"Not entirely true," Panache corrects. "Bozes and I traveled around Philadelphia we saw many clothes, clothes from many cultures. Same with the food. I always thought we had to pick one culture or the other."
"That is correct," Pina said. "And for us to shed the bad part of our traditions, we here must step up, starting with me."
"However, since we're gonna shred the bad part of our traditions and evolve it. You all know what that means, right?" Pina askes with much energy. "We have to make ultimate sacrifices even if we have to move over a lot of our people and love ones dead bodies, and worse off, many people live in the process."
The knights start to sulk at Pina words since they all know what she means when she and her knights who went with her told the rest of the knights about Earth's history and the further details of its advancement. After the Uros delegates visited and witnessed the wonders of industrial factories from food production to metalworks to advance vertical farms. These advancements can forever change the ways the economy of Uros works to the next level and brighter era.
The delegates visit several museums to learn about the development of many civilizations on Earth. During her time in the National Museum of Natural History, she, her knights, and the delegation learned about the many essential things that make the Earth so advanced and far better than Uros. What Uros could become.
Pina learned that many cultures had to be collapsed for civilization to progress. Many government regimes have to be replaced to accommodate advancement and changes. Moreover, she also understood why Earth's people often said that, "No Empire lasts forever."
The best example is the collapses of the Roman Empire, strikingly similar to the Empire, which opened the way for many regions across Europe to advance without the tyranny and stagnation of the Roman Empire, leading to the Middle Age and many eras after that when one period expired, which gradually advancing the civilization of Earth over time. As Pina dug deeper into this matter, she realized why the Empire was so stagnant and backward because it had never collapsed and was being replaced with something entirely new.
When Pina and the delegates were shown the industrial revolution in the 19th century and the fact that ancient Roman and greek could have industrialized sooner, she realized that the People of the Empire limitated their own thinking and lack of foresight because of power and greed. This is why Uros technological, economical, and cultural stagnation has been the norm even though civilization has been around longer compared to Earth.
Pina compares this to her own world history. Six hundred years of Imperial history plus the ancient Elves and Dwarves ages, civilization has been on Falmart far longer than on Earth. This fact has always confused her on how Earth could be so powerful but now she understands.
In essence, the Empire only knows conquests, enslavement, and pillaging to enrich and maintain their society and are unable to think of anything else beyond those actions. The collapse of many dynasties showed and enlightened the people of Earth the power of creation, creativity and innovation that went beyond the needs of bloody conquest and despicable enslavement as it paved the ways for new ideas and ideology to emerge to inspire people to create the foundation and advancement of scientific understanding; the industrial, ideologic, and social-economic revolution.
At the moment, Pina saw the horrible truth that her country was collapsing on itself before waging war against the US. After claiming most of the valuable lands and wealth on Falmart, the Empire needed new lands to grow and maintain itself. Pina happily cried at her own revelation since the opening of the Gate and the entire war were actually a great blessing in disguise to enable her people to see the better ways of life and better means to maintain and move forward but most of all preventing them toward self-destruction.
Another fact of Earth history that made her want to talk to her knights about ultimate sacrifice was the Meiji Restoration. She had great fascination with the Emperor Meiji as he was willing to go great length to advance his country and people to the point of willingly sacrificing and decimating many cultures and many of his own people that defined the Japanese as a whole like he abolished the Samurai class, the Shogunate feudal system and many backward ideologies so Japan could become a top technological powerhouse like they are today. Through him, she learned about the concept of Japanese bonsai in terms of 'pruning the tree' is that in order for the trees to grow healthily, the old and rotten branches must be trimmed, which represents the stagnant and backward cultures and ideas that hold back society to advance better.
In conclusion, for Uros to move forwards toward a brighter future, she and her knights have to cast away their tears and reluctance to eradicate a lot of resistance to changes, which includes killing someone close to you and eliminating the culture and things that they and their people once held dear in the name of the greater goods.
"It was hard for me when my father disowned me. I felt betrayed. I always honored and respected my father. However, no matter what, I will do it for you, Princess! This world and our people deserve better!" Panache bravely cries as she is willing to make a hard choice.
"Me too! Even if my child would not know their grandparents, at least the life within me will see a better better! I am always behind you Princess." Hamilton cries as she accepts her own hard choice.
Pina nods at Hamilton, always loyal.
"If you say so! Everyone! From now on, we are not fighting this war to stop my brother but the war for this world to see the brighter and better tomorrow!" Pina rallies her knight.
"For the better tomorrow! For the brighter new era!" all the knight's cheer.
--- Fort Minick, VRTF-2 Headquarters ---
Date: May 4th, 2026
Pina looks through the windows of the Vanguard Rapid Task Force-2 (VRTF-2) Operation Center. She sees all the Rangers walking, talking, or at their desks walking to their teams.
Pina heard that Vanguard-5 is in Elies right now(1) fighting Insurgents.
Shandy walks by, holding files. Pina bangs on the door and waves at her.
Shandy walks out, "Hi, Princess!"
"How is your new job?"
Shandy looks at Pina with an exhausted look. "So much paperwork and so many terms." She then puts a smile on her face. "But I like it. Lieutenant Hill is training me well, and I will be ready to serve my Knights and your crusade."
The US Army has had to adopt specific age rules when working with local warriors, like some Rose Knights and Lelei. The Army gave everyone honorary ranks and status within the Army ranks as a loophole. However, Shandy is a redline, being fourteen years old. The Army was not going to send a fourteen-year-old into battle, regardless if she is part of the Rose-Order of Knights.
Sarah found a compromise, employing her as a Logistical Officer within her staff. There, Shandy will not see combat and still be an influential member of the Rose-Knights.
Each Vanguard unit has a logistical staff that does the behind the scenes work like paperwork, operation planning, intelligence gathering, war updates, mission anything a field unit needs to be effective in combat.
Pina has seen Sharpe and the other Vanguard-7 Rangers talk to Sarah over NW during missions. Asking for any NATO support, or new information ofr enemy locations from the IRS. The goal is for Shandy to become the Rose Knights Logistics Officer, helping her during missions.
"Is there anything I should know about?" Pina asked.
"Vanguard-5 found proof that Duke Mettius Fla Agonix was aiding the rebels in Elies and executed him and his conspirators," Shandy said. "They also found Adventurers helping them and now becoming part of the Imperial army. I have been in endless meetings explaining how the Guild system works. While I don't know much about how it works, I know the more basic public information. I think NATO is planning a major operation against the Adventurers."
Pina finds the situation sad. The Adventurers were once considered the people's heroes. They did the small work for the Empire, keep bandits, outlaws, hordes, and help maintain order throughout the lands so the Army could focus its resources elsewhere. They acted similarly to law enforcement services as she saw on Earth. It was an effective system that is beginning to crumble and now they are fighting to maintain the status quos.
"Thank you," Pina said.
A fairy flies over and addresses Pina. "Princess Pina, the Lieutenant Colonel, will see you now."
After saying goodbye to Shandy, Pina follows the fairy to Sharpe's office. Just like in the Empire, NATO has been using fairies for administration work. She has heard stories of some soldiers using them as scouts due to their tiny stature; however, fairies are not natural fighters.
Pina sees Sharpe at his desk. She walks up to attention, waiting to be addressed.
"What can I do for you, Princess?"
"I was hoping to talk to you about mentorship, sir."
Sharpe drops all his paperwork and pen. He stands up. "Let's head outside-."
Then the speakerphone goes off, "Sir," Sarah said. "Do not leave that office until all those documents are signed."
Pina sees this hateful look on Sharpe's face. "Everything ok, sir?"
"A word of advice Princess, never get a desk job," Sharpe said as he sat down. "I hate paperwork. I thought that this was the point of secretaries."
Sharpe orders Pina to relax, so she sits down, "What do you want with mentorship?"
Pina sits down and takes a deep breath, "Colonel. I like you to mentor me. Like how you were."
"You are talking about Major Harper?" Sharpe said.
"That is correct," Pina said. "I realized on Earth that I need to be a better leader to replace Zorzal. But I cannot live without some guidance. I noticed that you give a lot of credit to Harper. I was hoping to meet him at some point, to see this man who you look up to so much."
Sharpe is hesitant to reply. "He is dead. Died in combat in North Korea."
Pina has heard the rumors. Sharpe was forced to take command during a horrible operation. While she knows little about this country, she knows there was a coup, and a lot of American, South Korean, and loyalist North Korean special forces, the Storm Corp died to protect the regime(5).
"I am sorry," Pina said.
"It is fine," Sharpe replied. "Harper was my commanding officer when I was in the Green Berets. When he went into Delta, he helped sponsor me when I became a Captain. He was a soldier I never would be."
"I was a very raw officer, struggling to find his place," Sharpe continued. "I don't know why Harper and General Holland got me into West Point and guided me through the service. But they helped me to become confident, to be able to turn my strengths into a weapon, how to turn my creativity into something useful. But most importantly, to believe in oneself."
"That one I have always struggled with because of my relationship with my parents. Through the program and his mentorship, he helped me move past issues and helped show me what was important."
"And what was that?"
"To be ready when that moment comes, Pina. When both my commanding officers were killed, and when I was forced to take command, I knew Harper was preparing me for that moment."
"Leadership isn't just about leading soldiers into battle," Sharpe explains. "Harper said mentorship covers many areas in your life. You will be forced to look deep inside you. Leadership will affect how you talk to people, how you see the world, how you wake up in the morning when you go to bed. It is a daily contest that you will have to face. You will have to grow as a woman. You are going to have to grow emotionally and mentally. That is why so few people choose to be leaders."
Pina did not realize how intense this was going to be. She knew she was going to walk into a new world of knowledge. However, Sharpe is making it sound more than she expected. It sounds more like a lifestyle than a lesson.
"I understand."
Sharpe stands up and walks to his bookshelf. He grabs three books and walks over to Pina, and hands them to her.
Pina looks at them: Hal Moore on Leadership; Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 by John Maxwell; Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. "What are these? Are they great warriors?"
"Two of them are; the other isn't," Sharpe replied. "Hal Moore is an Army legend from Vietnam. He helped write the book on modern military thinking within the US Army. He helped birth our mindset that we don't leave our people behind. He won battles because he went the extra mile in studying, training his men, always planning for the future, and most importantly, standing by his principles. From a bloody, dark war, he came out as one of the big bright spots, and his philosophy shaped the modern Army."
"John Maxwell never served in the military."
"Then why should I read it? How can someone who never fought in battle help me lead?"
"That is your brother's mindset Pina," Sharpe said in his commanding tone, making sure she understands his point.
Pina realized her mistake. She has seen Sharpe come up with ideas based on his cartoons or other random subjects with nothing to do with war. His mind is open to the world, and when he sees something, he might be able to use it; regardless of what it is, he uses it. "Sorry, I understand."
"While Maxwell isn't a soldier, he is considered the greatest leader of our time," Sharpe said. "He will help you break the belief that leadership is based on a title or rank. He is a believer that leadership is your ability to insert influence over others. The more positive influence you have, the more people will follow you. To do this, you must build yourself up through personal growth. Only then can you develop into a leader."
"With the last book, it is written by a Navy Seal who fought in the Battle of Ramadi. He applies the lessons he learned in that battle to the business world. His key lesson is how taking ownership of everything you do helps build you up, wins you respect with the people around you and yourself. If you want to be in charge, anything bad that happens is on you; in short, the buck stops with you. That is leadership."
Pina looks at her books. She then looks back at Sharpe. "Alright. What do I do after I read them?"
"What do you think?" Sharpe asked. "Return them. They're not cheap, and I would like them back. And I will give you another round of books. I know the saying is a bit cringe, but it is true. Leaders are readers."
Pina stands up, "Thank you, Sharpe."
--- Sadera ---
Date: May 4th, 2026
Praetor Svenhard Lupus Moon, the head of the Oprichnina, looks around his men. Everyone is ready to do what needs to be done.
"Are you men ready?"
Moon looks over at Empress Famulis. However, a succubus is not any normal succubus; she is a force to be reckoned with. He usually must kill these demi-humans before they destroy the nobility. Without him, succubus and incubus would ravage Sadera and bring it to its knees in anarchy. That is why he does what he does, the nasty deeds the life demands.
However, Moon has complete respect for Famulis. While he does not understand how her bloodline became so powerful, it has. He wonders what pack she made with the Goddess Siflies, the Goddess of terror, corruption, evil, malice, but as a follower of the same Goddess, she has proven her worth and loyalty.
"Yes, we are my Empress," Moon replied.
"You have done good, Preator Moon," Famulis said. "You saved the Empire by discovering the enemy Oprichnina."
"They are called the Central Intelligence Agency and MI6," Moon replied. "Plus, a dozen other groups. They thought that they could come here and rule this city with their technology and tricks. But this is my city; I know who to trust and not to trust. Who to bribe and who to watch."
Since the Raid of Sadera the Other Worlders had established a spy ring in Sadera. However, he suspected about it from the very beginning and NATO's understanding and awareness of many clandestine movements and operations of the Imperial army reinforced that. Moon has been impressed by their operations and technology, but it is his city and he won't let them do as they please in it.
While the CIA has been placing their agents around the city; bribing local and government officials, and silencing his men to cover their tracks, he has assigned his agents around them.
Moon knew respectable senators like Kaeso Id Tyueli started working with the CIA, which would have been brilliant if he could keep it a secret. What Tyueli did not know is that he placed spies among their ranks. They intercepted many of his carrier pigeons and discovered he was trying to gather information for the CIA(6). He also knew Tyueli was not alone. Casel El Tiberius was dragged into the conspiracy against Zorzal as Casel has been stockpiling a lot of carrier pigeons for a while and the fact that Casel has been the voice for reformation in the Imperial Senate and government for many decades. So it is no surprise that he is willing to work with NATO since they seem to match his visions.
They were plotting against the Emperor and trying to find a way to end the war. They were going to use Zorzal's marriage with Famulis, a Dark Race, to help rule over the Empire against them. Moon stopped this by threatening Tyueli daughter Sherry, forcing him to betray Tiberius allies and publicly support Zorzal, the war, and the marriage, crushing all resistance in the Senate(7).
With these victories, he started a misinformation campaign against the Other Worlders. He passed along disinformation to his puppets, some of them not knowing they are his puppets. A recent example being having the enemy Special Forces raid on old forts thinking that they are essential or have their slaves(8).
Moon understands that NATO is a newcomer to this world and must rely on the natives to find their way. His objective is to use that fact against them. Forcing them to waste resources on bogus targets, fake threats, anything to keep NATO chasing ghosts.
But that time has come to an end. Based on recent pigeon messages, Tiberius and the few remaining Pro-Peace senators plot to take matters into their own hands.
"Alright," Famulis said. "Purge the traitors."
"As you command, My Empress," Moon replied. He looks to all his men and gives them a single.
The Oprichnina mission is to round up all the Pro-Peace faction and their supporters. With this, the goal is to purge all NATO forces hiding within Sadera, especially the CIA and MI6. His target is Crown Prince Diabo El Caesar.
Moon knows Diabo has been working with the CIA since the beginning. Diabo's personal fairy is his secret agent. The fairy has been telling him what the CIA has been looking for, like the location of their slaves, so he planted the information Diabo is looking for to give to the CIA, which is always fake.
Diabo is an intelligent man, one of the smartest on Falmart; however, he is not a people person. That is what makes him weak and easy to manipulate.
Moon marches through the streets, torch in hand. By his side is his daughter Nytcha.
"Are we finally purging them, daddy?"
"Yes, we are. Do you remember what I taught you?"
Nytcha thinks carefully as she walks. "Lay low, let minions lay in the shadows, watch, then strike?"
Moon smiles. "Good. Tonight, we strike."
"What about brother?" Nytcha asked.
"He is with the group going after the Tyueli Clan. He will be kidnapping Sherry. Once we are done here, I want you to join your brother and do what I taught you. I want you two to get any information out of the girl."
Moon has been raising his kids to replace him. To be the followers of Silfis because that is what keeps the Empire together. He introduced them to be ruthless, to do what has to be done.
"What are you going to do, daddy?"
"Going to go make a Prince squeal until he gives up his CIA and MI6 buddies."
As the Oprichnina approaches Diabo's palace, Diabo looks through the window with his hand squeezing his personal fairy.
"Killing me won't solve anything. My master will see your head on the pole!! Me and my kins owe a big debt to him!" the fairy proudly mocks
"I know, Faro. I know Moon is really good at making loyal dogs like you," Diabo then uses both his hands to crush Faro's spine, killing him
While Moon is right about Diabo not being a people person, he does not realize the depth of the second prince's personality. Diabo extreme paranoia and overthinking. Pina always states that Diabo has the tendency to overthink and overcomplicate everything. Being a son of Molt, this has resulted in Diabo creating every possible contingencies when anything can possibly go wrong.
His secluded nature and lack of social interaction make a lot of people in the Imperial courts, even the highly perceptive Moon, fail to see this and assume that the prince mostly thinks nonsense and mainly unable to think straight because they do not have a chance to dig deep into the prince's mind.
"Like they always say, those that are close to you are the ones you should watch out for the most!" Diabo said as he threw away Faro's corpse and rushed to his office and pushed a button underneath his desk.
"Moon thinks he can outsmart me, huh!? Too bad, he only dug half of the surface," Diabo mocks.
"We need to escape now, my prince, they are coming!" Diabo's trusted servant said.
"There is nowhere to run right now, so running is futile at the moment. Do not worry, they are looking for me, not you," Diabo said
"But they're gonna kill you!" the servant replies.
"I will live. They need me to rat out CIA and MI6 members in the capital, and I am too precious for NATO to let me die. Moon is cunning but like my idiot brother, he is too overconfident for his own goods," Diabo confidently said.
"Sir! Inferno Protocol has been activated," Tyson said while watching the Black Hornet II minidrones monitoring the movement of the imperial force toward the Pro-peace senator's palace.
"It is the time, time to pack everyone," Gracia orders.
The CIA and MI6 teams start scrambling, packing their equipment and evacuate.
"Hello, boys, I brought some delicious stew for all of you for dinner," Nelisia said as she walked into the room with a tray with steaming hot stew bowls.
"No time for that Nelisia, we are under attack," Gracia replied as she put away his laptop. "I am activating Protocol Inferno. Remember what that is?"
"You are kidding, right," Nelisai said dreadfully as she dropped the tray. She takes a deep breath, realizing the situation.
"Do I look like I am joking!!" Gracia spat back.
"No, sorry," Nelisai said. She then runs frantically outside with some agents and meets some Akusho people outside.
"Hey, Nelisia," a group of prostitutes and Crime Lord thugs ask as she approaches them. "What is going on?"
"Everyone, Inferno! Inferno!" Nelisia shouts.
As soon as the word "inferno" is brought out, almost everyone in Akusho starts running frantically to their home and packs their stuff.
The thugs of all three Crime Lord houses run as fast as they can to where the crime bosses are meeting about their recent businesses with NATO and within Akusho to inform their bosses of the scary word.
"Sire!" a thug bangs in.
"What the hell is going on? Can you see we have an important meeting," Gonzori chides.
"Inferno Sire! Inferno!" the thug shouts, causing all three crime lords to stand up and hastily give order
"Gather all our assets, men, and prepare to move. Prepare the wagons for my family to move," all three crime bosses order their subordinates.
"You three order some of our men to make sure all our places in Akusho are properly turned into cinder when the Imperial army comes and raids the place," the Paramount family boss orders.
"Get the kero-sense the CIA gave us from the warehouse," Gracia adds.
"You four followed me back to my estate with a hammer to smash the column to collapse the place," The Medusa boss orders.
As the word 'Inferno" covers the whole Akusho, the slum district of the capital of Saderan is starting to repeat the event of what the historian back on Earth called "The Great Fire of Rome."
"This is agent Gracia," Gracia radios. "Inferno Protocol has been activated. I repeat, Inferno Protocol has been activated."
"This is Actual, Protocol Inferno has been confirmed. Local assist are being assigned to your position. The extraction will be on the way. ETA 5 hours."
(1)Chapter 187
(2)Chapter 185
(3)Chapter 189
(4)Chapter 177
(5)Chapter 25
(6)Chapter 119
(7)Chapter 158
(8)Chapter 186
(9)Quick Reaction Force
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