V15 - Chapter 187 Tourist Day
"Yesterday, a joint Australian-Elbe force ended a campaign in the Itemyui Forest, a three-week campaign to end the Imperial presence in the Gorge Valley, a farming region between the northern border of Elbe Fiefdom and the southern tip of the Dumas Mountains. The objective is to surround the city of Marais.
The casualties have been reported to be eleven Australians, two Japanese advisors, and thirty-nine Elbe Knights dead. Two helicopters were brought down in an Air Assault operation from the English 16th Air Assault Brigade. While we still don't know how many wounded per nation there were, we do know that the total number of injured is over three hundred. It is believed that the majority came from the Elbe Knights.
Marais, second only to the port city of Beutem in the Gorge, has become a priority again. This will be the second attempt by NATO forces to take the city.
In August 2025, Operation Roundball was in effect, but it ran into unexpected problems. While NATO forces conquered Deabis and got fifty miles to Marais on the Roma Highway, a massive rainstorm destroyed the highway. Tanks, APCs, and other equipment needed to take the city kept getting stuck in the thick mud. At the time, NATO Aviation was not at strength to launch a massive operation at such a long distance from Alnus, so the priority went to secure the Fillit Highway, the only ground route between Alnus and the Elbe Fiefdom - with the growing need for military resources in the Greater Elies Region, combined with the miniature war against the Alguna Kingdom, the Gorge became a secondary priority.
Last month, General Stanford approved Operation Uppercut, proposed by Brigadier General Royce Tomaski of the newly activated 2nd Armored Division, 3rd Armored Brigade. Currently, the Army Engineers have been building a paved highway from Alnus to Deabis to help speed up travel between Alnus and Elbe. He wants to make a road to Marais so his division can take the city. And then continue up to the twin cities of Daduale and Issilit, about one hundred miles south of Sadera.
The objective is to surround the Imperial Army in the mountains and isolate them. The current plan is to build three highways through the Dumas Mountains to create a path to Sadera for tanks.
With Operation Uppercut, the US Army is hoping to distract and divide the Imperial Army leader in the Dumas Mountains, General Briteon Hasulo. Little is known about this Imperial General; however, the Military has said that he is a highly decorated and respected General within the Empire and is a human-lion hybrid.
The operation will begin next week as military forces from five different nations begin the mobilization.
In other news, the repair of the destroyed bridge in Valtris will be completed by next month. Meanwhile all supplies to Elies Region are being transported through an improved ribbon bridge" - Free Alnus News
--- Ohio, Sandusky County, Fremont ---
Date: April 23rd, 2026
Pina stands there looking out at the crop field. Earth's Flare is beating hot, matching with the endless sea of small bush crops, "What are those?"
Pina is with Myui, Duran, Nater, and a few other delegates. The President wanted the delegation to see for their own eyes what the future of agriculture will look like, and now she can see why. Their guide today is Secretary of Agriculture Harry Hunt.
"Those are soybean bushes," Hunt answered. "It is a bean we use in many different foods and livestock. I assume you know about soil erosion?"
"Of course," Duran said. "It is a major concern of my Fiefdom. We always are forced to abandon fields to allow the lands to recover, and the amount of slave labor to maintain the land is expensive. This process sometimes takes years." He says and then rethinks what he said. "I should say labor."
"Don't worry about being politically correct," Willington said. "We all know what you mean. You cannot fix the problem if you ban your ability to see it and fix it."
Pina looks at Willington, always impressed by his diplomatic ability. Sharpe is very direct with everything he does, leaving little room to negotiate. Willington, on the other hand, while he is passive in how he speaks, it is intentional. He says it in a non-threatening way; however, every word is guiding the person he is talking to into the direction he wants. He plants seeds into people's minds without knowing and lets the seed grow, then capitalizing on them. She knows he would control the Imperial senate with little ease.
"I can agree to that," Duran said. He analyzes the farmlands carefully.
"But you were saying something about these types of crops?" Duran asked.
"One reason we grow soybeans is that it replenishes the crop fields," Hunt said. "During the 1800s, most US farmlands were growing cotton; however, cotton is known to destroy the lands, sucking them dry. We saw the consequences during the 1920s Dust Bowl(1), where our farmlands became a wasteland. Because the earth was dead, the soil polluted the air creating a dust storm that spanned into five states. Soy and other crops allowed us to turn our dead farmlands into the productive and healthy crop fields we see today."
"I didn't realize there was so much to know about crops," Pina said. "I just thought it was food."
Duran sees two moving machines moving through the fields. "What are those machines?."
"Those are tractors and combine harvesters," Hunt replied. "The tractor plows the field while the combine harvester harvests the crops, automatically separates the beans from the plant, and dumps the beans on the back of the trailer pulled by other tractors. Three men with tractors and combine harvesters can cover large fields quickly in just an hour."
Pina cannot believe what she was told. She can see the same amazed reaction on the other delegations. If a single man with a tractor can pick a crop field, which generally would require dozens if not hundreds of slaves. While it can surely remove any needs of slaves but how do they keep people employed?
"Secretary, I can see that this machinery can eradicate slavery, but how do you prevent a mass employment crisis if everyone is out of work? And how can you produce enough food for the large population in your country and have so many abundant foods to sell it to other countries in the world?" Pina asks.
"Modern agriculture only represents three percent of the US economy," Hunt said. "For the rest of the world, agriculture only represents a third of Earth's GPD. Please feel free to correct me, Princess; however, I believe Falmart agriculture output is closer to eighty-five to ninety percent of the GDP?"
Pina blinks, unable to believe how few people farm. "Yes, that number sounds right. I assume the people who are not on the farms are the people who invented flying machines, cars, the tall buildings made out of metal?"
"Correct, this frees up the population to do other things," Hunt said. "This transformation took decades in the 1800s; however, it can be done."
Pina thinks of everything that has been said so far as she watches the tractor.
"I have a question," Countess Canutia Gaia of Kipiten asked. "I have noticed birds all over the place."
"Those are hawks," Hunt stated as he points. "Every farm is different because these are private farms; however, we encourage a more friendly natural way of protecting farms. To prevent bugs from eating the crops, we bring in ladybugs to eat the pesky bugs. The hawks fly around and eat any rodents who try to eat the crops. We used to use pesticide to kill crop pests but that practice has been abandoned for many years due to health concerns as pesticide is toxic."
"Furthermore, to answer your question of how we can produce so much food stuff that have more than enough to export to other countries, the answer is that most of our crops have been bioengineered to not only endure harsh climate like drought or diseases but also yields dozens time more than any crops in Uros," Hunt added.
"Impressive, your farming machinery and enhanced crops not only make slave labour undesirable but also produces far more foods than traditional means," Myui says. "I just assumed everything you people do has a machine behind it."
"Oh no," Hunt replied. "Not everything requires a machine. However, we discovered this because of our science into biology and environmentalism. While this isn't the norm everywhere, I see it being effective on your people's homelands."
"That is good to hear! The trade agreement enables favourable loans for our farmers to purchase these wondrous farming machines to farm far better. However, I am afraid that these machines are too complex for the simple-minded farmers in our world to know how to use. I myself struggle to try to drive one of your cars," explained Canutia.
Secretary of Commerce Ali O'Connor turns to Canutia. "I understand your concern, but I do not believe that this will be a problem."
That statement baffled Pina. It sounded very arrogant; however, she wonders if there is something she doesn't know about. "Can you please explain why this isn't a problem?"
"The free market will resolve any problems over time," O'Connor explained. "There will be a need to regulate and oversee; however, companies want people to buy their products.They find ways to lower the price for their customers to buy from them. It is the law of competition."
"Don't get me wrong, I don't expect expensive tractors or combine harvesters like this to be common on Falmart any time soon," O'Connor added. "However, these corporations who were waiting for the free trade agreement to pass the other day, are already designing and developing new tools for your people, which will start the process of ending the need for slave labor. This includes creating simpler farming machines for your people to use."
Pina has heard Sharpe talk about the Free Market and Free Enterprise before. She thought it was another way for Americans to say freedom because they were obsessed with that word. While she finds all this interesting, it is not her place of expertise. She knows her brother Diabo would love being here, knowing he would find this topic fascinating.
"If you all would like I can send some books through the State Department to help you understand the foundation of modern economics," O'Connor said. "Basic Economics by Thomas Sowel, Best Overall: Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, and Best on Capitalism: Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman."
"I assume these materials are expensive?" Duran asked. "I assume knowledge like this is expensive. For my people to adapt, they need to understand how the economy works. Currently the nobles manage the economic tasks of their region while the people manage the work."
"That is fine," O'Connor replied. "While this is not the same as a full education, these books are cheap because we can mass produce them which brings the price down. This should be a good stopgap until more formal educational institutions can be created. What best about these types of books are that they are designed for the common people to understand."
As Pina listens, she still cannot believe how easy information is spread. She has seen the small liberty Sharpe and Lelei have. Any reading material had to be arranged in advance so scripts can handwrite them - which is a slow and expensive process. Only official documents and important stories are normally allowed to be written down.
"Hamilton, I hope you've been recording all of this," Pina asked.
"Of course, Princess," Hamilton said. "I already have four pages of notes. I have to say, writing with a ballpoint pen is far better than a feather. I also wrote down some questions you might like to ask in a follow-up conversation."
"Thank you."
Pina looks at the Darfellan named Nater, the elected Elies Ambassador Nater Da Akilu in dealing with the Americans. He has been quiet so far. She walks over to him. "Ambassador, what do you think?"
"I was elected by the Counts who are under NATO occupation," Natar said. "They picked my clan because we were a more neutral party, and they don't trust the Duke. Many are still loyal to the Empire; however, I see this changing everything."
"How so?"
"What you see are machines collecting crops and plowing the fields without the needs of slave labour," Nater said. "What Duran and I see is a complete social revolution between the 'haves' and 'haves not.' The Americans are moving right into the middle and offering everyone everything they want. The nobles and counts will remain with only some political power and wealth, while the common folks and merchants gain vast sums of wealth and political power."
"Yeah," Pina said. "Isn't that the point of all this? They were honest about all of that."
"Except for one fact," Natar said. "The Americans have taken control by being the provider, just like the Empire did. We have been annexed into their realm without it being stated."
Pina thinks about it and realizes that Nater is right. While it was not the Americans' idea for Valtris, Italica, and Alnus to unify into a regional state, they did not oppose it and their presence actually gave Myui an idea of its and the unification would benefit the American in the region, allowing them more political influence. "You see this as a bad thing?"
"That is the question I am struggling with," Natar replied. "The truth is that I do not have a problem with it. I have seen too much to ignore this. The Duke and the slavers would rather keep all these advances away from the people to maintain control and privilege. I must remember, am I picking a side because I like it or because it is best for the people who placed their faith into me. Not all change is good since it affects many people's benefits and influences, so I must be careful.
"But all of these changes would be good for the people of Falmart," Pina said. "Look at how advanced and well-off the Americans and their allies are."
"Are you saying that because you believe it or because they have the guns?" Natar asked. "Yes, look at all these wonders but we must remember why we are doing this. Are we doing this because it is right for the people we represent, not because we feel forced because the Americans are more powerful."
"We also must remember not to be too prideful like your brother," Natar added. "We cannot be like your brother and the rest of the Falmart League. They are inflexible, refusing to change in a changing world just to maintain their power."
Pina could not respond, finding Nater's point of view impressive. She realized how little she understands the world because of her time living in Sadera, sheltered from other people's points of view.
"You shouldn't speak like that to your Princess," Hamilton began, unappreciative of how Nater's words were conveyed. "Please be more respectful."
"It's alright Hamilton, he is just speaking his mind," Pina quickly replied.
As Pina thinks of her response, she notices an Apache helicopter in the sky. "Why is there a military helicopter flying above us?"
Willington looks at her. "About sixty miles west from here is the detention center from the Empire's attack on Philadelphia."
"I remember," Pina said. "You gave me some of them(2). So, this is where you've been keeping them."
"Correct," Willington said. "Under military guard by a federalized 28th Division, the Ohio National Guard."
"What is your plan with them?" Natar asked.
"As of now, nothing," Willington said. "As long as the war continues, we will not be releasing them."
Pina wonders if that is a good idea. She has already seen some Imperials and Legionnaires switch sides. She wonders if any of them would do the same.
"Are you sure that is a good idea?" Pina asked. "They could be useful in the war effort."
"I don't have clearance on the situation at Mansfield Military Prison Camp," Willington said. "Six months ago, seven of the prisoners killed a guard and escaped. They murdered a family of five that was driving by. The only reason why they were captured was because they were struggling trying to figure out how to drive it and failed."
Pina can see why the Americans want nothing to do with the prisoners. The prisoners are living up to the Imperial standard - of being a pain in the ass. Six dead in an escape attempt, she wonders if they knew they were destroying their chance of being free.
"What happened after that?" Pina asked. "Were there other attempts?"
"No," Willington said. "The soldiers who recaptured the seven prisoners executed them for killing that family. The ringleader had the nerve to say to the soldiers that they were honor-bound by the Geneva Convention to treat them with dignity and safety. I guess the soldiers were so enraged that they would bring that up after killing that family."
"Then the camp leader Brigadier General Miles Graham lined up the prisoners and personally executed six of them," Willington added. "According to the reports, he never said a word. Once he killed the six prisoners, he walked off. However, the message became clear; that any escape would result in other people's deaths, and if they harm anyone, no one will survive."
Pina understood why Graham did that. If anyone broke out of the dungeons and killed the citizens in the Empire, they would have begged to be crucified for what they did. To her, this was tamed. "I am surprised your people did that, and no one got in trouble."
"There were investigations and the government publicly denouncing the actions, saying we are a nation of law and not a mob," Willington said. "However, the statement was weak, and there is an ongoing investigation on the matter but most don't expect any real consequences."
"No consequences?"
"There have been protests on the matter," Willington said. "Locals that don't like the camp here. Some protesting for the murders of the family while others protesting on the general mannerisms."
"I would like to talk to them," Pina asked. "Maybe I could help with the situation there."
"I am sorry, Princess; however, none of us have that authority," O'Connor said. "You need to talk to the people in charge."
"In the meantime, let's continue the tour," Hunt said, trying to change the topic. "I would like to show you the food production factories; cattle industrial farm; indoor environment-controlled farming facilities, which allows us to farm year-round without depleting the soil. Finally, I will also show you the most advanced form of farming in the form of vertical farming facility, which uses zero soil for farming and uses 90% less water. After we are done, we will visit the forges to see how our modern metalwork works. At the end of the day, all of you will understand the concept and the importance of the industrial revolutions."
--- Fremont, Ohio ---
Karther is walking through the town of Fremont. When he was en-route here on the plane, Willington said this was considered small-town America. The town is far smaller and less developed than Philadelphia and Washington D.C., he is not impressed. He prefers the towns on Falmart like Rondel and Knappnai.
The only odd thing he has seen so far is the people's reaction. Besides the Secret Service escort they have, all the townsfolk are staring at them with curiosity and indifference.
Karther did not like how the people were indifferently staring at him and his party. At Falmart, everyone always celebrated their presence. Adventurers usually are the ones who help townsfolk with their problems, fighting bandits and goblins, being ordered to lawless places, keeping commerce between towns safe. Of course, for a small fee.
"This place feels so peaceful," Lillie said. "I am surprised not to see merchant booths everywhere but instead large stores like in the big cities. Most merchants back in Falmart cannot even afford the smallest stores; the merchants of this world have so much."
"And look there," Liz said. "That looks like those Military Police cars we have seen in Alnus. They must be non-military police."
As Karther looks, what Lillie said bothered him. She is correct; this place is peaceful, too peaceful.
Karther did not understand why Willington invited his party as a special guest. He saw the farms and the technology that was used. While massively impressive, he cares nothing for farming or government official's business.
"I wonder how they keep the town safe without a wall," Harthdru asked.
Karther noticed that when they came to this town. They just drove in, no gate, no wall, no guards. He saw that in the cities and correctly assumes this is normal across Earth.
So many towns and cities on Falmart have defensive walls to protect against bandit armies, hordes, monsters, invasions, whatever threat that comes. The people take shelter behind the walls and hope they can withstand a siege. Without a wall, there can be no siege or protection against monsters.
The only thing that seems a threat is petty crimes; otherwise, why would they have police? That is it, though; this place only has petty crimes, no fear of attacks.
"Don't be a fool, Harthdru," Gorgth said. "With their weapons, they don't need walls, and besides, the security in the world is far superior to in Falmart that you will never see any kinds of hordes of bandits or monsters that can threaten even a small town. If it has, it will only take a small number of that police to put them down with their guns without the military's needs. Their military safeguards all kinds of foreign invasions so tightly that these townsfolk never need to worry. Furthermore, I heard that most civilians in this country have access to guns and vehicles, so these people can effectively defend themselves when police are not available. Heck. If we attack the townsfolk or farmers in this town, there is a high chance they are going to kill us first by shooting at us or running over us with their cars before the police arrive."
"That bastard!" Karther suddenly slipped out, surprising Lillie.
"What?" Lillie said. "Who's a bastard? Is everything ok Karther?"
"You and Gorgth are correct," Karther said. "Look at this place; it is peaceful. These people fear nothing. Maybe scared of someone breaking into their home, but that is it. And the farm, Willington wasn't showing us how agriculture works."
"Why else would we be there?" Liz asked. "It was showing us the future of farming. Why else was the delegation there?"
"That was why they were there," Karther replied. "Just like the town, it was peaceful. The farmers were not scared of anything since they can easily dispatch even high-ranked adventurers like us with a few shots from their guns or run over us with their vehicles. Everything looked defenseless because the security is so good. Willington screwed us over."
Lillie gets in front of Karther and holds his hand. "What is wrong? I don't get it? Willington has given us a rare opportunity."
"Lillie is right," Vauo said. "We are the only Adventurers allowed in Alnus right now, creating our Post there. We have the advantage to get in early."
"Don't be fools," Karther said. "That agreement we made in Valtris(3) was a lie. You have all been to Alnus, you all saw Italica. They don't need us anymore. We barely scrape by in Alnus, getting only the poorest of quests, and those quests are highly rare and only happen when the NATO troops or MP are too busy with something else. There was no grand opportunity for riches and glory. And look around here, do you believe our kind would survive here or in the future back in our world? There is no need for Adventurers here on Earth and soon will be in Falmart."
"Ok," Lillie said. "But we can stay on Falmart. We can leave Alnus for a better Post."
While Karther likes Lillie, likes her smile, her cheerful beauty, sometimes she enrages him. Even though he saved her from a brothel girl's life, that was only because as payment for his debt with her mother, he would bring her along. She just turned out to be a better fighter than he expected. Otherwise, he would have abandoned her long ago.
"You silly girl, don't you understand what is happening?"
"We have been played," Karther said. He then looks at everyone. "Every quest was a joke. We failed at everything, and the one time we had a real quest(4), we ended up in jail as we celebrated."
Lillie glares at him. "That only happened because you have a bad habit of forcing your will on girls, and it also because that man Sharpe and his buddies along with that brown-haired bunny were there."
Karther remembers Sharpe(5). While that was the first time he met Sharpe, he heard his name all over Alnus. He never understood how a soldier like Sharpe could be a hero people and an Adventurer like himself is looked down upon. If Sharpe was a general or a nobleman he could understand but Sharpe is neither. He felt that Sharpe was only respected just because Rory and Pina favor him for some reasons.
"She was a brothel girl," Karther said. "And a catgirl nonetheless. Don't tell me you have sympathy for such a lowly creature?"
"Of course not," Lillie replied. At the same time, she understands why Karther thinks that Cat-People is considered the lowest of casts among beast and standard races, with the bunnies. However, she was not as convinced of that belief as she once did. "It is just, it is their way, and that is why we got thrown in jail."
"But it was Willington who got us out of jail," Vauo said. "He paid for all the fees for us. In the name of cooperation and building a better relationship between us."
"I see now," Gorgth said as he crossed his arms. "Karther is correct; we have been played. Willington knew the Adventurer Guild is a powerful force on Falmart; however, he knows our ways and their ways cannot coexist. That is why he was so willing to allow us in Alnus. He knows we would fail."
"Look around here," Karther said. "What we see now in this town, back at the farm, shows what the future will be."
That is what angers Karther the most, this future. A world that is at peace, no fear of being attacked, no monsters, nothing. There will be no place for people like him, who want glory, adventure, wealth, to be free and travel and do as he pleases.
"So, we were set up," Lillie asked. "Are you saying Falmart will end up like this town?"
"Yes," Karther said. "If NATO wins the war and Earth gets their way, the Guild will be gone. They already turned the people in Alnus and Italica against us. Elies will hate us in time and the rest of Falmart. Our days are numbered."
"And that was Wellington's plan," Gorgth added. "He set us up so we would make ourselves fools. He can tell everyone that he respects the Guild and tried to have us coexistence, but because we failed, he can make a clear argument to the people of Falmart to trust in their security over the Guild's."
"And if the Guild complains, Willington can say that he tried, but we proved it couldn't work," Harthdru said.
Karther takes a deep breath as he thinks about this new reality. He watches as a family walks into what he thinks is a tavern. He has been an Adventurer for all his life, and he assumed he would die as one. For the first time, he is now considering options outside the Guild, seeing that its days are numbered.
"Once we get back to Alnus, we can figure out what to do there." Karther said.
"What about the so-called Private Military Companies? I heard that they are pretty much like adventurers like us but only work for money, and it is said that they make an even better profit than any adventurers since they work exclusively for rich clients. I think that would be the best option for us, in case the guild is gone and we are out of jobs," Liz analytically said.
Karther knows about these Private Military Companies. He has started to see some appear in Alnus and setting up headquarters. At first he thought they were Earth Guilds but they weren't.
He has seen three companies so far, the Triple Canopy, G4S and FDG Corp. Willington's plan is to end the Guild and that means these mercenaries will hire ex-Adventurers as native guides. He will have to obey their rules, their laws, and their beliefs. He is worried that any freedom he had as an Adventure will be gone.
"No, we will not work for those mercenaries! Those people look down on us much like NATO troops and they also render us jobless as much as NATO!" Kather said.
"You said that because you don't like taking orders from them and their strict rules of conduct, not to mention there are no glories to gain from its beside money. However, that is one of our best options, besides the potential MP jobs," Liz replied
"Liz's right!" Vauo said with passion. "We should consider more alternative options right now! Things have changed and we must adapt. You always taught us Karther that we must be flexible to win quests. This is no different."
--- Washington D.C., President's Guest House ---
Date: April 22nd, 2026
Lelei yawns after a long day touring Washington, D.C.
"I liked the two statues in the plaza," Tuka said. "The one about World War Two."
Lelei liked that one too. She has not seen the statue design before, being the whole plaza with two points on each side representing the soldiers who fought in the Pacific and the other in Europe.
"I liked that one; however, my favorite was seeing Lincoln statue, the one where he is sitting down," Rory said. "When I looked at it, I could tell that was the defining difference between your world and my world."
"I liked the reflecting pool," Selina said.
"Because you could see yourself and the ducks?" Tuka asked.
Selina looks at Tuka with a blank stare. "No..."
"What about you, Yao?" Rory asked. "This is your first real chance to get to see the sights of America."
Yao sits there, collecting her thoughts. "I don't know. Everything was nice but I don't think I am into these topics like you are. But if I had to pick, I did like the National Museum of Natural History. Seeing all the different plants, animals, and rocks."
"I enjoyed seeing that myself," Tuka added. "My people are very into nature, and while it has been hard to adjust to these Other Worlder's mental lifestyles. Seeing value in plant-life helps."
"I bet Lelei liked the National Air and Space Museum," Rory said. "All those flying machines and rockets. And then there was that cute tourguild."
"Shut up."
"Ahh," Rory says.
Lelei looks to Sharpe for help as the Girls make fun of her.
"I know better than to get in the middle of this fight," Sharpe said. "We are leaving early, so don't have too much drama."
"Where are you going?" Selina asked.
"Going to the bar with some army buddies I know here," Sharpe replies.
"Are we still going to watch Night of the Museum?" Selina asked. "Where everything comes to live?"
"Yes," Sharpe said.
After going to many museums, everyone thought it would be good to watch the Night of Museum, seeing everyone and everything come to life and enjoy themselves. Lelei thought about trying to get enough attention from the Senate hearings and wanted to stay a good girl. She will never understand how Rory can be a bad girl and get away with everything.
While Lelei hates her 'sisters' right now, she did enjoy the National Air and Space Museum. She found it fascinating to see all the planes, reading the history of their science and innovation. She saw the Apollo 11 spacecraft and got to learn the history of the Apollo Program. It showed what is currently happening on the Moon now with the Armstrong Outpost program. SpaceX with its Starship will be bringing people there, all building up to the Mars mission in a few years.
Lelei got to see a large model of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek. While she has seen many Earth shows and movies, seeing this ship baffled her. A federation of planets that has many different species working to a common goal, which is that of exploring space, expanding their knowledge, and upholding their high ideals. She demanded that Sharpe show her this show.
After some time and everyone settling in, Lelei walked past Rory's room as she headed to hers. She hears Rory mumbling about something like she is talking to someone.
Lelei has always found Rory to be the random one in the group, and she had to learn to adjust to that. She decides to ignore Rory and let her play her games, being tired herself.
But then the hallway disappears, and she ends up in a room.
"What?" Lelei looks around in a panic, wondering if this was Soredin doing again.
Rory tells Lelei to be quiet. "Do not panic. You are in my room."
Lelei sees Rory and is confused. "Did you do this?"
"Of course not," Rory said. "I am not a mage. But she did."
Lelei sees Rory pointing to her left. She looks and sees a woman who was not there a moment ago, lightly glowing blue in Greek clothing. "Who are you?"
"Some called me Ishtar; others called me Aizen. Myo-o, you can call me Aphrodite."
It took Lelei a moment to understand what is happening and to recognize the names. "You are the Earth Goddess of Love? I remember Rory telling me about it but I never fully believed her. It sounded too good to be true."
"Hey!" Rory said. "I am totally believable!"
"Rory was able to feel our presence during the first time you came through the Gate," Aphrodite said. "It was only a matter of time she would inform our Earth children of our presence."
Lelei remembers what Rory told her. Aphrodite explained Earth's history. That a second gate appeared thousands of years ago, and an invasion first came. The gods were unable to stop it. However, the Abraham Alliance, a group of Romans, Parthians, Jews, and others, fought against demons. The Romans led an expedition under the command of general Kaeso Shura through the Gate and appeared on Uros, turning the tide of a major war, but the expedition force was also trapped there. From how we understand from the video feeds and much debate, this eventually led to the foundation of the Saderan Empire by those who were trapped. This fact shocks Lelei to the core as she realizes that the people of Falmart are actually originated from Earth. The terms "Other Worlders" used by the Falmart human natives are entirely incorrect since they and Earth humans are the same with the only differences is the massive tech and civilization gap between them.
Another thing that shocked her was that the Earth Gods decided to exile themselves from everyday life, and this was how Humanity on Earth developed into who they are today. Aphrodite described it as a parent finally letting their children go off into the world and stand on their own two feet.
Lelei could never imagine Uros gods doing the same. They are very influential in everyday life. While she is not a historical sage, she knows Falmart history and culture are older than Earth's history and culture. However, at the same time, Lelei also feels incredibly depressed that Uros' humans seem "left-behind" in terms of civilization development as the people of their original world of Earth moved on and advanced without them. Furthermore, this also makes Lelei realise that the third opening of the Gate is a blessing in disguise for the people of Uros. Just like what happened with the US and Japan when the US forced the Bakumatsu era Japan to open up to the world, which brought many advancements. Or the Chinese never become the superpower like they are today without their humiliated loss of sovereignty, the collapse of their feudal monarchy and being turned into the meat pie to be craved by Western Powers after the Opium war.
"Fascinating," Lelei said. "I assume there are other gods and goddesses?"
"That is why I summoned you here," Aphrodite said. "Rory has been asking for us to meet you for a while."
"What is that?" Lelei asked.
"Oh please," Rory said as she rolled her eyes. "While I am the sexiest of us all, you are the brains. You are going to be changing the world in more ways than I ever could."
"Rory has said that many times to me," Aphrodite said. "She thinks highly of you."
Lelei blinks. She never realized Rory thought so highly of her before. "Did you tell Sharpe about this?"
"I said you could not," Aphrodite said. "If you tell Sharpe, we will wipe your mind of us, and you will be punished."
"Trust me, Lelei, you don't want to piss off a goddess," Rory said. "The last thing you want is a Goddess chasing after you."
Lelei knows whom Rory is talking about, Hardy. She will never understand why Hardy wants to marry Rory. Rory did tell her about that experience when Hardy kidnapped her after breaking up with Taylin and was abused and raped by Hardy. It is part of the curse Uros gods have. Emotionless. However, they can go insane, two extremes. She wonders if Earth gods suffer from the same sickness.
"I promised I wouldn't hide anything from Sharpe again," Lelei said.
"I know."
Hearing another feminine voice, Lelei turns around and sees another woman in blue standing there in Roman clothing. "Who are you?"
"I am Omoikane, I am Minerva, I am Athena."
"The Goddess of Wisdom."
Lelei could not believe what was happening. "Wow, I take it you are my goddess on Earth?"
"Correct," Athena said. "Now, you must promise not to tell Sharpe or anyone else until we deem necessary or he will not be pleased."
"He, who is he?" Lelei asked. "You mean Zeus?"
"No," Athena replied. "Sharpe must rediscover his path and faith. It has been commanded, and no one is above him."
Lelei blinks, confused by what Athena is saying. "But-"
"But nothing," Athena said. "As you have already seen with your mage friend Soredin, too much knowledge can lead to negative effects."
Lelei takes a deep breath as she thinks about the hearing and the meeting with the President. She regrets how she did everything. While Earth is beginning to calm down from the new reality that mages live on Earth, learning that gods exist would tear apart Earth.
"I accept," Lelei said. "But I don't like lying to him again. I didn't like how we got into a fight and that look of disappointment."
"It isn't a lying young one," Athena said. "Please correct me, but Sharpe withheld information from you all so you can learn and grow yourselves. To earn the wisdom so you could embrace it?"
"Then this shall be the same," Athena said. "Everyone has a journey, and you must let them go through it. That is why we gods exiled ourselves from Humanity. For Mankind to grow into their full potential, they must first discover their footing among the stars."
"But fear not," Athena quickly added. "Stay true to yourselves, and you will not need to be fearful of what you desire the most."
"I understand," Lelei said. "I do have questions."
"Really?" Rory gasped mockingly. "Who saw that coming? Lelei with questions?"
"Shut up."
Rory giggles and looks back at Aphrodite.
"Athena," Lelei said. "During my research, I was always confused about why Earth had so many different mythologies. On Falmart - I mean Uros, everyone knows who the gods are, regardless of where they came from. Why is it that Earth has so many gods that represent the same thing?"
"I asked that question myself," Rory said. "Just with fewer words."
"Rory here has been informing us what Uros is like every time she comes to Earth," Athena said. "Your world has one mythology, fascinating. Yes, on Earth, there are many mythologies. Throughout time people have worshipped us on a regional level. That is why we go by many different names. However, we are the same."
Lelei found that interesting. She wonders if this is because the gods of Uros are more involved in people's daily lives, like Apostles and grabbing unique benefits, for example. Or she wonders if it's because Uros has dozens of different species and Earth only has Humans.
Lelei then realizes something important. "Wait. This means every world that has life on it has gods on them. If it were just Uros, it could have just meant our world was special. If Earth has them too, that means there are probably gods everywhere."
"We came to the same conclusion," Athena said.
"But how do people on Earth not know of you?" Lelei asked. "Did you erase them of your history? And did you forbid Soredin for telling me about the gods?"
"No to both," Athena said. "Your new friend Soredin does not know us, as it should be. Knowledge is discovered and lost through the passage of history."
"Like Troy?" Lelei said. "I know your gods had a big role to play in that war."
"Troy was a factor for why we stepped away from mortal life," Athena said, smiling and amused by Lelei's knowledge. "Just like when the Romans and Greek discovered Earth's place in the universe and lost through war and destruction."
Lelei understands this and remembers a recent report about some lost discovery of a Roman dodecahedron(7).
"Wait," Lelei said. "I thought it was Galileo Galilei who discovered that Earth was round and orbited your Flare."
"Incorrect," Athena said. "Many in the Classical Era from the Greeks and Romans to India to the Maya's. When we exiled, it brought great chaos to the world as the world readjusted. It was Galileo who began the rediscovering efforts of Humanity's lost past."
"Just like with magic?"
"Correct," Athena said. "That is one of many."
"Will one day Zeus allow you all to interact with Mankind again?" Lelei asked.
"For now, no," Athena said. "The only reason we are interacting with you and Rory is that you are not from this world, and the Gate reappearing forced our hand."
"What do you mean?" Lelei asked.
"I asked that question too," Rory said. "Gods cannot go through the Gate, so they are isolated from each other. So, they know nothing about each other."
"Correct," Aphrodite said. "The other two times the Gate appeared, we knew nothing on what was on the other side. Because of television, we have learned more about your world. But it is nice to meet people from another world. It gives us a chance to know what the old man's plan is."
"You keep saying he and his," Lelei said. "What are you talking about? I assume you are talking about Zeus? Wait a minute! Previously you said that no one is above him when you two are referring to him. Are you talking about the man that a lot of Earth people pray to in any meals, representation of Christmas and Thanksgiving and people often say the word "Amen" at the end of the prayer?"
Lelei watches Athena and Aphrodite look at each other.
"That is a complicated topic Lelei," Athena said. "However, you will find your answer when the time comes."
That is when they hear a knock on the door. Selina then walks in.
Lelei looks at Selina and then looks around. She noticed that Athena and Aphrodite are gone.
"Yeah, they do that," Rory said.
"Do what?" Selina asked. "Dad is back and said come down for movie night."
"Will be right down there," Rory said. Once Selina leaves, she looks at Lelei. "Interesting? What did you think?"
"That the more I know, the smaller I feel," Lelei said. Her mind is still processing what just happened. She only just realized that it had been two and a half hours since she came up here.
Rory laughs, hearing that.
"Still," Lelei said as she collected her thoughts. "I feel like there is something else at play."
"I feel the same, but it isn't our place," Rory said.
"But what did she mean with Jackson?" Lelei said, concerned. "I don't want anything bad to happen to him."
"Neither do I," Rory said. "That was news to me. But we must do what we always do."
"That is?"
Rory stands up laughing and stands up. She walks up to Lelei and places her arm around her. "Be a young, beautiful, charming, and sexy woman. To love, respect, and guild our mutual man and be there whenever he needs us, on whatever journey they were speaking of."
Lelei stands there blushing, scared at what Rory is implying. "Ok..."
--- Kremlin Palace, Russian Federation ---
"I hope the vinegret and kamchatka crabs are suited to your liking. We made these dishes special for you, as the guest of honor," Dmitry said.
"No need for such flattery, Mr President. I am just a humble old lady living in isolation from the woods that has been invited to enjoy luxurious meals in the presidential residence. Besides, people are not fond of my presence after all," an old and ugly lady said.
"Well, as long you and your sisters are just a myth to scare children during bedtime stories but now things have changed," Dmitry replies.
"You need me and my kin to deal with Soredin and her council as well as Lelei since you don't need to get her DNA anymore. Mine are more than enough and I am your living test subject," the old lady snidely replies.
"Don't worry I guarantee our cooperation will be pleasant and favourable to you and your kin. You will like our lucrative payment at the end of the day. However, there are some certain rules and boundaries that you need to check out since we are not yet understanding your kinds clearly enough and we certainly do not want the scandalous and unhealthy relationship of the Tsars with Mad Mork to happen again", Dmitry said.
"Do not worry Mr President. People called me Baba Yaga not Rasputin. Besides, I told you before he was not a mage, he just abused our magic portions for selfish desires", Yaga replied.
(1)The 1920s Dust Bowl was when the US farmlands became a wasteland
(2)Chapter 40
(3)Chapter 135
(4)Chapter 178
(5)Chapter 178
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