V15 - Chapter 183 Hearings
"Sir, forty Frumentarri members, thirty regular Oprichnina members, twenty elite desert scorpion assassins of the Ticaret Conglomerate, including the head of the Frumentarri General Upson, have been successfully eliminated by the "gift" we sent to them three days ago during their celebration party in the mansion north of the noble district in retaliation for the destruction of the bridge in Valtris. While the explosion indeed reduces the intelligence capability of the Oprichnina and the presence of the Imperial secret police in the capital, the vigilance of the imperial force significantly will be much higher from now on, so it is wise that we lay low for now. We also manage to gather some intel from the Gonzori family moles that there are at least three dozens Frumentarri agents present in Valktris and Naktai. We have their gathering locations, which are all in the file below, so that we can purge all of them in one go. If any situation arises, I will report you soon" - Field report from agent James Gracia
--- Earth, United States, Washington D.C., President's Guest House ---
Date: April 20th, 2026
Rory is in the kitchen, cooking early. She is humming as she steers some batter.
"You know the cooking staff here could make pancakes for you," Lelei says as she rubs her eyes.
"I wanted to make Jackson some food," she replies.
"Because you feel bad because you beat the crap out of him twice now?" Lelei says.
"No, I didn't," she states angrily.
"Once at the Darlko Facility(1) when you went berserk," Lelei points out. "And the other when you were punishing him for a week after the incident in the strip club(2)."
"For the strip club incident, he deserved that," she shoots back. "And now I feel bad."
She does feel bad for hurting Sharpe. She went berserk during the assault on the Darlko mages and couldn't stop herself. Her urges forced her to fight, and Sharpe was there. Plus, her feelings for him didn't help the situation.
She sees Tuka walk into the room, "What did you think of yesterday's bombshell?"
Lelei takes a deep breath, "I spend most of the night thinking about it and understanding. Some part of me feels small after hearing that. So much power, it is surprising that they didn't destroy themselves. However, I am happy to learn the nations of this world are responsible enough. The three powers of this world – while they disagree choose not to use them."
"Interesting outlook, Lelei," Tuka says, "I don't know how to think about it. Life seems more complicated with these people. I like it when things are simple."
"Like everything has a major consequence," Lelei says. She thinks about past conversations with Sharpe. "I remember Sharpe telling Pina that in his world, everything they have today had to be earned. Threw wars, destruction, sweat and blood, and so on. On Falmart, we fight for power while in this world, they fight to progress."
Rory agreed with what Lelei said. One of the reasons she joined the Americans and their allies was because she saw much potential in them(?). She knew the Americans are powerful however, she also noticed they were childish. Not childish in knowledge pre say, but ready to take responsibility as the Empire replacement. Handling the different races, the power struggle, the new reality like magic, the Gods, and so on. She saw them as an immature child that has a powerful weapon. She knew early on that without guidance, these Americans and their allies, with all their power and the new reality they are not alone among the stars, would descend into another Empire.
When the President started talking about their place among the stars, she was thrilled. She has been waiting to hear that for a while now, signs that the Americans are fitting into those shoes.
"And that is why they need guidance," she says, "I am glad this world has shown some restraint, even though they have their issues."
She finishes putting the pancakes on the plate. She looks at them, proud of her creation. "Perfect!"
"Maybe," Lelei says and points to the oven, "except for the fact the oven is on. And why did you have the oven on for pancaked?"
"Shut up," she replies.
She turns all the kitchen equipment off. She then grabs the plate of pancakes and rushes to Sharpe's room.
"Should we tell her that her pancake is a little bit...," Tuka said.
"Just don't. She put so much heart in that breakfast so let her be but it is better that I can tell her to read cookbook later " Lelei replies
Rory knocks on the door and hears Sharpe say 'come in', she opens the door. She sees him shirtless as he does push ups.
She smirks at the shirtless sight, seeing all the battle scars over his body. She loves to see them, each telling a beautiful story of war and character. And there is hers on the rib section. While she feels bad for hurting him - she is thrilled that she left a permanent mark on him, a mark no one can talk away.
"I brought you pancakes," she says.
Sharpe stops at thirty-five pushups and stands up, "You know Rory, twenty-five pushups and sit-ups daily does wonders to the body."
"Oh, I bet it does," she replies in a sexual tone. She then looks around to make sure they are alone. "Where is Selina?"
"With Sarah getting dressed," Sharpe replies, "she has a big day today. You all do."
She smiles hearing that. She hands the plate to him with much eagerness.
Sharpe takes a bite out of one and froze for a moment. "It is... good."
She smiles and claps that Sharpe likes her food.
"Are you going to leave?" Sharpe asks.
She shakes her head, "No. I want to watch." She then watches Sharpe eat.
Sarah opens Sharpe's door. "We are leaving soon."
She then sees Sharpe sitting on the bed, holding his chest. "Are you ok?"
"Rory made breakfast...," Sharpe replies.
Sarah quickly realizes what the problem is. While Rory is amazing at many things, she isn't known for her cooking skills. Rory was trying to be nice but might have poisoned Sharpe.
She walks inside and helps him stand up, "what did Rory make?"
"Pancakes," Sharpe answers as he stands, "they were so soggy and I think I tasted bourbon."
Once she got Sharpe up, she started putting his medals and ribbons on his dress uniform, "you cannot be sick today. You have a big day, the girls are relying on you in these hearings."
"I know," Sharpe replies.
She smiles at him. "Alright. Let me go get some Pepto for your stomach and get you a quick breakfast. Just get out there and kickass."
She then kisses him on the cheek.
--- Capital Hill, Senate Chamber, Uros Committee and Committee ---
Date: April 20th, 2026
Selina is sitting at a long table inside the Senate chambers. To her right is her father and to her left is Ambassador Willington.
She is impressed by how big and fancy the room is. The Edras Kingdom has a grand council of nobles that helped her old father govern the kingdom. The building was made of wood with many clothes for decoration, nothing like this.
In front of her are thirteen senators sitting at their booths.
"You have nothing to fear," Sharpe says. "They're just normal people looking for a photo op. They're not interested in attacking you; it would look bad."
"Why does the President want me to speak?" she asks.
Willington leans over, "because you are royalty, a Princess of your kingdom. You have a story people want to hear. You can inspire greatness if you speak. And if you get stuck, I am here to help."
She nods and looks at the senators.
"Miss," Senator Ryan Laymen from Texas, head of the Uros Committee and Committee says. "Do you mind telling everyone your name?"
She leans into the microphone, "I am Selina Mir Sharpe, Princess of the Edras Kingdom but a citizen of America."
"Thank you, Miss Sharpe," Layman says. "For the record, how did you end up with the military at Alnus Hill."
She takes a deep breath as she begins explaining. She tells the story of how her family was murdered in a noble coup backed by the Empire. She describes how she was sold into slavery and was forced to march for five months with slave traders until she met Sharpe in the Coan Forest. She explains how Sharpe killed the slave traders and took her in. She then describes how she was adopted by Sharpe and how she is extremely happy about it.
"Fascinating story Miss Sharpe," Layman says. "I think it is a beautiful story of a soldier taking care of a native of Falmart, proving our worlds can be corporate. However, we do have some questions, Princess. I now give the floor to Senator Nathaly Ellis from Washington."
"Thank you, Chairman," Ellis says. "Princess, are you a political refugee or in political exile?"
She looks at her father, not understanding the question. He gives her the answer, and she looks at the female Senator Ellis, "I think I am in political exile. The nobles removed my family from power against our will. If they see me, they will kill me."
Willington leans forward, "During the classical era, it was a custom to purge the old ruling class for the coup to be successful. As long as Princess Sharpe is alive the current ruling class will be seen as illegitimate and will look for ways to assassinate her. That is why we let her live in Alnus and live under Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe and his team's protection."
"However," Ellis asks. "None of you learned that Princess Sharpe here was royalty until nine months later? Your reports say you didn't know about her true status until those terrorist Nadris Wood Elves kidnapped her. Or did you know, and were covering it up?"
Sharpe leans forward, "slavery is common on Falmart, so at the time I assumed Selina was just another girl. There are no age laws which means a six-year-olds is considered old enough for abuse. Based on how she talked, I assumed she might have been a noble; however, I did not deem it important because I believed she would tell me when she was ready and she's my daughter and that's all that matters. I decided it was more important to treat her as a young girl who needed support."
"It was my fault," she says. "When I first meant my father and your people, I was scared, and I didn't know who you were. Once I learned you could be trusted, I was scared to share my identity because I didn't want to lose how I was being treated. My new father took an interest in my education and happiness, and I made lots of friends. I thought if I told you that I wouldn't be able to stay with my dad and with everyone else. I was happy, and I didn't want to lose it."
Selina leans back in her seat, feeling her heart pound. She cannot think of a more nervous moment in her life. She has been scared many times. but not this tense. She feels her father rub her back to relax her.
"The official position from the State Department is that we nor the military knew about Princess Sharpe royalty; however we fully support that she kept it a secret," Willington states, "in her situation, she has to protect herself, and while we are regretful, we didn't know early to prevent the Nadris terrorist from hunting her, we understand."
She leans to Sharpe, "Why is he talking like that?"
"Political speech Selina," Sharpe answers. "It is a skill; you say as much as you can as vaguely as possible. Personally, I never could speak like that. I prefer to be direct and clear in my meaning. Unless I am messing with someone."
"Senator Sullivan Foley from Puerto Rico has the floor," Laymen says.
"Thank you, Chairman," Foley says and then looks at Selina. "Princess Sharpe, why are these terrorists after you? My reports state that these terrorists tried to kill her twice, almost accomplishing that goal both times. I like to know why."
"Lord Lashin told me because my Edras father's blood flows through my veins so he thinks I will continue the decades-long wars between our people," she says.
"They see her as their last chance to remove an old enemy," Sharpe adds. "Lashin is a zealot, I know this because I fought him twice. The military has devoted resources to remove this terrorist threat."
"Can you handle that Lieutenant Colonel?" Foley asks. "He nearly killed her twice and it seems he has murdered others. Maybe it would be better to relocate Princess Sharpe here for protection."
Sharpe takes a deep breath, "When I adopted Selina, I had no idea of her royalty. I adopted the girl, not the title. Lashin won't get away from what he has done and about the protection of my daughter, I am a father now. There is no limit for how far I will protect her and if she wants to reclaim her title I will aid and protect her."
"Is that what you want Princess Sharpe?" Laymen ask, "based on our report you had mixed feelings about going back to your people. I can understand why but what are the specifics of your future plans?"
Selina takes a deep breath as she figures out what to say. She has hated the nobles in her country for killing her family and the horrors they inflicted on her. However, she also has learned from Tyuule(3) that she has a responsibility to her people, Pina fighting for her people and she admires her father's strength.
In the beginning, she was running away from her past, hiding behind her father for protection. Now she has a better idea of what she should do in life.
"It is Senator Layman?" she asks. "I thought about what my pac...pacific... plans are. I will follow my father's wishes and go to school and learn more so I can be a better fighter and leader, like my dad. Then I will free my people from the corrupt nobles who killed my family and sold themselves to the Empire. Just like Queen Tyuule and Princess Pina, I wish for my people to be free."
"A very strong statement from someone as young as yourself," Laymen says. "A model citizen. Now I have a few more questions and we will be done."
Pina rubs her head after hearing the questions by these Senators. She always thought the Imperial Senators were dull, however, these American Senators seem to practice being boring. So far, they have been asking about her days with the Empire and what it was like.
"And that is why you left the Empire?" Senator Glen Walker from New Hampshire asks.
"Yes," she replies. "After returning all the American prisoners I decided I wanted to help fight against my father and brother."
She almost called the American prisoner's slaves again. Twenty years of upbringing can be a hard change. It was until she meant Sharpe and Lelei in Italica(4) that she ever thought about the lower classes of society and the differences of prisoners and slaves.
"And why did you go against your family and your people?" Walker asks.
"I didn't go against my people!" she yells.
Willington covers her microphone and leans at her. "Don't yell. Just answer the question calmly."
"I am sorry," she replies.
"Princess Lada," Laymen says. "What do you mean that you didn't go against your people? Are you still fighting for the Empire?"
She takes a deep breath to calm herself down, "My father knew the Gate was going to reappear and was promised riches and forever lasting glory if he conquered your world. My brother is willing to burn the continent to the ground just to keep his throne. When I say I am not fighting against my people, I mean I joined you people to protect my people. My brother has to be stopped."
"I give Senator William Dean from Guam the floor," Laymen says.
"Thank you, Chairman," Dean says, "Princess, your brother, Emperor Caesar created a continental sized military alliance called the Falmart League. If these are your people, then why are they siding with your brother."
"Because they don't see an alternative yet," she replies. "They are mostly consumed by fear and paranoia about the bad things they ignorantly assume NATO is gonna do to them. Many of them are good, honest, decent people who truly believe that they are protecting their homes. Right now many only see the bullet or work for my brother. They need to see if it is ok to switch sides, that protecting their homes means siding with you, not my brother. You must understand, the Imperial Army is prideful, almost to the point of being suicidal. Many would rather die until their superiors tell them to stop or a leader they respect."
"Respect?" Foley asks. "The Imperial Army seems prideful however you think they will follow a twenty-year-old girl like you? Princess or not?"
"Be careful Pina," Sharpe says. "It is just a direct question, a character question. They want to know if they should put these careers on the line to back you."
"I don't know if any of you know about the Elies Campaign," she says. "My brother Krysist led the Imperial Army in that region against your forces during that campaign. However, we later learned he never was fighting us, but the Empire core values itself. He wanted a surrender with honor(5)."
"His goal was to instill pride in the Army so they could accept surrender without disgrace," she says. "By fighting in the trenches with the Legion he showed them there was another path. They respected him and not my father or brother."
"But his plan failed," Walker says. "Krysist and Muilk were murdered by General Herm and the Oprichnina. His army was crucified for their treason."
"It was not a complete failure though," she replies. "During the Battle of Legrath many of its defenders defected to our side(6)."
"I can verify this Senators," Sharpe says. "You all know of Guardian Beluutie. She and her forces switched sides."
"And you think you will carry this mantle?" Foley asks.
She thinks about that question, feeling bugs in her stomach. She leans into the microphone, "Yes. Krysist had a vision and he placed it with me. The Empire is corrupted and it lost its way long ago. When this war ends something will need to replace it. The Empire was once a powerful republic like yours, and my vision is to bring back a republic, free for all people."
Tyuule bends her ear and glances over at Willington, "Are they idiots?"
"No," Willington replies. "They are politicians. Be careful of Laymen though, he actually cares."
She chuckles a little. She realizes that even though these Americans are more advanced in every way, the wheels of bureaucracy are the same everywhere.
"Oh," she replies, "I was expecting giants."
"You were in Sadera for three years," Sharpe says. "You should know politicians are lazy."
Tyuule smirks, enjoying Sharpe's humor. She cannot believe she was scared of him for so long.
"I think I can speak for this committee and the American people that we are all sorry for what happened to your country," Laymen says. "However, how does this affect us? I mean no disrespect, but the United States cannot be responsible for every civilian on Falmart."
"I am not asking you to," she replies. "All you need to do is start the abolition movement and others will carry that torch."
She understands why the Senators are hesitant about her slavery abolishment proposal. Falmart has a population of over three hundred million of all races. She knows the nations of Earth are not required to help her people however she understands the game they are playing.
"There are millions of slaves who were stolen from their homes," she explains. "I am not just talking about Bunnies like myself, but you must remember these people are not property people. You all heard the stories of people from this world taken and brought to my world to be enslaved. Many are raped, abused, killed for sport, hard labor, and more. What happens to slaves like me every day."
"To give you a context think about the holocaust during World War Two," she says. "Dozens of ethnic groups suffered horrors from a people who considered themselves the master race, just like the Empire. The blood diamond mines which uses people as slave labor for the rich and powerful. The Empire is all of that into one organization."
"We understand your highness," Laymen says. "You want this government to send more of our boys and girls to abolish these slaves? An entire continent? Falmart the size of Europe and northern Asia combined. The war must be our priority, not a moral crusade."
She sees Willington leaning toward her to comment. She brushes him off and smiles.
"Then we are in agreement," she replies.
She sees all the Senators, Willington and Sharpe stunned by her response.
"What do you mean?" Foley asks. "That the Empire must be our priority?"
"Yes," she says. "All I am requesting is your voice and stance. Alnus is a beacon of Liberty, something Falmart has never seen before. Your presence is showing my world there is another path. Many people in Alnus were once slaves and now they are free. Many have started building business, trading with the people of Philadelphia. I was in Philadelphia(7) and I saw people from both worlds trading and it was beautiful."
"All I need is your voice so we can free slaves ourselves," she continues. "Like when you people fought for your freedom hundreds of years ago against your Empire, the British Empire. We need to fight just like you did. So please, just lend us your voice and presence. Thank you."
Tyuule leans back looking at the Senators. She can see them thinking and talking among themselves. Everything is going according to her plan.
She can see Sharpe and Willington sitting there confused, "Jackson, I listened to all your little lectures very carefully over the past six months. You really like to run your mouth on subjects like these. I wanted to see if you walked the talk or were just another Zorzal."
She then looks at Willington, "Also, I know how to handle politicians. I am a Queen after all."
"I am impressed," Willington comments with a chuckle, "I didn't realize I wouldn't be needed."
"Let me get this straight," Sharpe asks. "I thought you came here to enlist more support. Not to go solo."
She nods, "I assumed because you are the most powerful nation in this world people and countries ask for your help all the time. I asked for your help however unlike everyone else I didn't ask for your muscle, so I separated myself. I linked my motivations to your people and your world's horrific history."
"You see Jackson," she continues. "I put your pride on the line. Because I ask for so little, now they feel like they can offer everything I wanted, making it seem like they are doing me a service by doing more than I asked. Now they get to go to the people they represent and act how great they are for going above and beyond. In the end, I get what I wanted, your military to assist in my goals to free my people and end slavery without having to deal with politics."
Sharpe blinks, impressed, "I shouldn't ever debate with you."
She smiles, enjoying that comment.
Tuka takes a drink of water.
So far, she explained her story about how her people spent eight years on the run, migrating town to town. She told them how they had to fight local Knights, Adventurer's, Guild Mercenaries, and the Empire before they were captured at Legrath.
She then told the Senators that she convinced her people to stay at Alnus for protection and in return her people have been assisting the Rangers on their missions.
However, her people miss the woods. While Alnus is great, it isn't the Elf way.
"That is correct Senator Laymen," she says. "Unlike the many slaves who never had a home, my people did. We still have a culture and identity. We are not the ones who think this."
"You speak of the Schwarz tribes?" Laymen says, "what you are asking for us to recognize current land sovereignty and to grant it to your people?"
"That is correct," she says.
Before coming to D.C., she agreed to represent many tribes who wish to maintain control over their lands. The Schwarz Tribe, the Vilgla tribe(8), and others the military has made agreements with. These tribes want assurances that they will be able to keep their lands once the war is over.
"We have agreements with such groups however they have been mixed results," Laymen says.
"In a report on May 21st, 2025 one of our Ranger Vanguard teams, Vanguard-5 I believe was attacked by one of these tribes," Dean says. "Four Rangers died in an ambush?"
"I can speak to that," Sharpe says. "I worked with Vanguard-5 and was ambushed by a rogue Elf. The tribal leader agreed to all terms as an apology, allowing our forces through the forest unchallenged."
"You must remember Senators that in this world racial distrust is the norm," Willington adds. "Different races can be friends, work together; however everyone always watches the others with suspicion. It has been hard to build trust with these tribes. Up to this point, our advantage has been that we are not from Uros so there is no negative historical context between us and the natives."
"I understand," Dean says. "Do you believe making these agreements more official will build trust?"
"Correct," Tuka says. "Elves are very territorial."
"We need to be clear about this," Foley says. "These sovereignty treaties can only be made by tribes that are under NATO occupation. Outside these territories, we cannot provide support."
"Based on your story Miss Marceau," Laymen says. "Your lands are over two-thousand miles(9) away by ground. Unlike the other tribes, you are asking for us to give you land. That will require us to take away land from others, others who placed their trust in us."
"That is what General Stanford told us; however my proposal doesn't require you to take anyone's land," she says. "My people would never want to steal someone's land however this is a forest called the Coan forest that is unoccupied right now. After a year no one has resettled the area. We are asking to settle in that forest and turn it into our home."
"How has no one resettled it by now?" Foley asks.
"All the villages were destroyed or abandoned in the Coan Forest," Sharpe says. "My team was the one when the Flame Dragon attacked the Coan Forest. The villages that were not destroyed were evacuated. My team helped escorted them out of the danger zone. Miss Marceau is correct, no one will be coming back because they think it is too dangerous."
"If you grant this territory to us, we will develop it and be happy to enter relations, just like the other tribes I am representing today," she says. "In return, we will help your people defeat the Empire. We will help fight, track, scout, whatever is needed as allies."
"To do this each tribe-state will need to agree to a Protectorate Nations program," Laymen says, "everyone will maintain their territory that is agreed too and the United States will be the security guarantee. Just like what we do with the Pacific Islands Compact of Free Association treaty(9)."
Yao is in the hall looking into the hearings. She is upset that she isn't allowed to speak like everyone else, "Why won't you let me speak?"
"Because you might strip again," Sarah replies.
"You still mad about that?" she asks.
"Very," Sarah replies, "Besides, the State Department wants to talk to you about Mount Tube."
She looks at Sarah confused, "To me? What about Mount Tube?"
"Follow me," Sarah says.
She follows Sarah. She wonders why Sharpe picked Sarah as a mate. She seemed too strict, lacked the willingness to give Sharpe a son, and doesn't seem to be a warrior like the other Girls.
"Am I in trouble?" she asks.
"No," Sarah says. She stops at a door and looks at Yao. "They are going to offer you a lot. All of their agreements, before you say yes make sure you get a lawyer to look it over, understand?"
She nods, not fully understanding what that means but not wanting to anger Sarah.
Sarah opens the door and walks in.
As she walks in, she sees a bunch of men and women in suits, sitting at the tables.
"Welcome Yao Ha Dushi," a woman says. "We have been expecting you. Please have a seat."
She sits down, nervously, "Hi there-,"
"I am Ambassador Melissa Clarke," Clarke says. "I am here to represent the State Department for the forming Protectorate Nations program. I was informed that you will be representing your people on this tribe."
"Kind of but I thought Tuka was in the hearing?" she asks, confused.
"In the hearings yes," Clarke replies. "But she cannot make economic agreements for you as she isn't a citizen of your people or appointed by your people."
She blinks at how she talks, baffled by how Clarke is speaking, "can you speak plainly please." She then feels an elbow nudge by Sarah.
"That reason why I asked Captain Rose to bring you here is that the Office of Surface Mining and the United States Geological Survey discovered a large deposit of Adamantium at Mount Tube," Clarke says, "the largest yet."
"Really?" she asks, "I don't understand. We don't use it."
"I know but we will," Clarke says. "We believe that is why the Flame Dragon nested there. The dragon was attracted by the ore in some way."
Yao heard stories that the Flame Dragon nested at Mount Tube. Her people stayed away as much as possible not to anger it. That was until Giselle awakened it to destroy her people.
"So, what do you need me for?" she asks.
Tao watches Clarke and her aids look at each other confused.
Clarke looks back at Yao, "We are asking for mining rights of Mount Tube and other deposits that are discovered. These rare earth metals are vital to the US and NATO militaries and economies."
"Of course, your people will be compensated," Clarke says. "We can work out the details in further talks."
"How much money is the deposit worth?" she asks, "I assume it is a lot for you to go through all this trouble?"
"Our current estimates are four hundred billion dollars of Adamantium," Clarke says. "We are still working out the currency exchange rates however we believe this equals out to two trillion Sinku(10). We will give your people two percent in royalties monthly on the ore profites."
"That sounds like a lot," she says and then looks to Sarah, "is it?"
"I didn't major in ancient currency conversation or mining law. I think that is a lot." Sarah replies. "Let's say your people's problems will be gone for a long time."
She looks at Clarke, "This sounds great and all but my people are not miners. We are farmers and hunters."
"That is no issue," Clarke says. "Your people won't have to lift ant dirt. If you agree to the contract then the contract will go into open competition. Corporations who specialize in mining will bid for the mining rights. Whoever wins will do all the work while your treasury collects the royalties every month. We already have seven ongoing mining operations."
"We are also willing to help in the construction of new homes and infrastructure," Clarke says, "We will need to establish a mining post and refinery there. We also believe the British Geological Survey found promising findings for other rare earth metals in the Tube Mountains so we will need a base of operation. We are taking great interest in the Schwarz Forest."
She blinks, finally realizing what the offer is, "I thank you for the offers and wishing to aid my people. Before I agree to anything though, I'd like to see a lawyer to review the treaty."
Rory is leaning back in her chair, feet on the desk.
"I see that you are an expressive woman, Miss Mercury," Foley points out.
"Just doing what a lovely woman like me has to do," she replies.
"Can you please tell the world how you are over nine-hundred years old but you are in a twelve year old body." Foley asks. "Is it common for your world gods to pick children as Apostles?"
She can see the confusion in all of the Senators eyes. She understands, she remembers this issue when she first met the Americans. It took awhile to see past her body age over her actual age.
She has already explained what happens when a god picks someone to become their Apostle. That they gain supernatural speed, strength, intelligence, and special magical abilities.
"Most Apostles are at adult ages however it is common for gods to pick children," she states. "You must remember, they are gods, the age of us means nothing to them. And besides, when our enemy sees an Apostle like me, we are setting them up for jailbait. Then off with their heads."
After saying that she laughs. She heard some chuckles from aids and Senators, some trying to hold in the humor.
"Rory...," Sharpe says.
She glances over and smirks, "Jackson."
She looks back at the Senators and sees their confusion from the mannerisms. She can tell they are unsure how to handle her personality. The impression she got is that everyone who comes here has to be professional and act the part or in her terms, boring. She has no intention to just be another suit but leave an impression.
"I see," Foley replies. "In the reports, you said the reason you joined our side was to assist us in the war. Can you clarify that please?"
"Don't you trust my motives?" she asks. "I started it many times with your commanders."
"It isn't about trusting Miss Mercury," Foley replies. "The American people wish to know more about you and your kind. You and the other Apostles. Many have seen you in live feeds on your trip to Earth and heard the story of a young warrior fighting alongside our soldiers, saving lives."
She glances to Sharpe, "Why is she speaking like that?"
"She is giving you a chance to tell your story and to tell the world that you are friendly," Sharpe says.
Rory smirks and looks back at the Senators.
"To my fellow Americans and the people of Earth," she says as she holds up her right hand and points to the female senators and aids. "I have two main reasons why I have sided with you. The first one and every woman out there will understand this one, once you find a tough, action pack, handsome man, wild man, he's yours."
She hears some of the women in the chamber chuckle as Laymen calls for order.
"Rory," Sharpe says in his command tone, warning her to stop.
"Jackson," she replies, ignoring Sharpe's warning again. She knows she is in trouble now and wonders how that will play out later tonight. "Don't worry. I am not talking about... yet." She then gives him a wink.
"The second is that I believe in your people's values," she says in a more serious tone. "I know you all know about the Empire however this cycle has been going on for thousands of years. The Empire was originally built to stop this cycle, however they became what they were designed to stop."
"I believe you had a hand in building the Empire?" Ellis asks.
"That is correct," she says. "I was working with another name Taylin(11), the Apostle of Idos. Idos is the God of Tranquility and Stability, just like our moon. He had the vision to forge an Empire that would bring tranquility and stability to Falmart. I later learned his definition of tranquility and stability was different than mine, so I left. Ruling with an iron first is not the way to bring peace."
"And now you join us to destroy your creation," Foley asks.
She takes her feet off the table and looks forward, into the mic. "Yes. Taylin forgot the one thing that he needed the most for his plan to work and that is why the Empire failed."
"And that is?" Laymen ask.
"As you all know I represent the God Emroy," she says. "For those who don't know, Emroy is the God of Darkness, War, Warrior death, Insanity, Crime, Execution, and most important of all, Love. Love is the greatest motivator of all. Everything that is done is related to love."
"When I first met you people last year," she says. "With all of your power I noticed something different. You love your people, you love your history. Everything that motivated you was for love, right or wrong. Your history about rising above tradition, defying oppression and the rules of nature."
"Rules of nature?" Walker asks. "I have read that in reports before, can you explain what this means?"
"I love how innocent you people are," she replies. "It is a term in our world. It means that the strong rules over the weak. That is the natural order of things. If you can be enslaved you should be, if you can be killed or controlled you should be. My world encourages abusing others for personal power and wealth. You are expected to rise above it or you deserve your fate."
"You people found a different way," she continues. "Not just you Americans but others throughout your history. All tributing blocks to who you are today. With every war, with every challenge, you find a way to grow from it. The history of Falmart goes back hundreds of thousands of years and yet everything is still the same. With you people, everything that has happened in a fraction of that time and it has led you to this point. All because of love."
She meant everything she said. She knows that she was being a bit hyperbolic however Willington said this is a public relations stunt to help gain public support for the war. To show a more positive side of Falmart. She knows why Humanity of Earth changed, Aphrodite told her that the Gods of Earth step back to let Humanity grow on their own(12).
Rory also doesn't want to tell them the truth that she is trying to shepherd them to the ideal Empire she hopes they can be. She was not lying when she called them 'innocent', while the Americans and their allies are powerful, they lack experience with dealing with other races, mythical creatures and monsters, gods, and more. She remembers the deep fear and confusion they had when they first meat and that their technology was the only security they had. The last thing she wants is them reverting to the evil Empire because they don't understand Falmart.
"Very interesting Miss Mercury," Walker says. "Please tell us about the other Apostles. How many are there?"
"Last time I checked there were twenty-two," she says. "However, I cannot confirm if that is the total number. That is just what I know from my travels around the world and talking to other temples. I have only been to three continents, Falmart being my home continent. Not all Apostles are as outgoing as myself, scared of my amazing beauty. Some like Frayen like to stay among themselves or in their communities."
"We know about the Apostles Taylin, Frayen, Giselle, and Jasis," Walker says. "Are all these Apostles hostile?"
"Let me make a correction," she says. "Frayen and Karlin are your ally now. You have three Apostles who are actively helping you win the war. Giselle is not an enemy nor a friend, she is a prisoner. Right now, she is being punished in Alnus for her crimes against the Dark Elves."
"Apostles are agents of our gods," she says. "Our duty on Uros is to maintain balance. We don't let the other Apostles spread their religion too far. We spread out God's will to people. We are the balance."
"And your world Gods?" Walker asks. "Should the United States consider them a threat?"
She laughs after hearing that, "Of course not. The gods rarely intervene in mortal life. That is why we Apostles exist. We do their work for them. However, they are there and have the power to intervene. But to answer your question Senator is no. As long as you don't cross their lines, directly attacking them or commit a great sin they probably will leave you alone."
"But they can be a threat," Laymen asks again.
She realizes she made a mistake. Willington told her to be clear in what she said. Don't leave anything to interpretation like she just did. "Possibly, however highly unlikely. It is just as likely the Russians are going to nuke you tomorrow because they felt like it. You would have to do something so extreme for them to take notice. In addition to that, some gods like mine and Hardy are no fans of the Empire so you are doing their bidding in removing a stain on Falmart's history."
"This world seems to be vastly different than ours," Laymen says as he rubs his head. "Everything we once thought was make believe turned out to be all true."
"Let me tell you this Senator," she says. "You have yet to see everything Uros has to offer. There will be many things you have yet to see. People, creatures, and subjects that will defy everything you know. However, always remember this. You are not alone. I vowed to assist you through this journey, and I am not alone. Many are willing to help, you are not alone among the stars and we are all not hostile."
"Miss Lalena," Dean says. "Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe has stated in his reports that you are an expert in magical activities. Is that correct?"
"I wouldn't say I am an expert," she replies, "but I know a lot about magic. I never graduated from the Mage Academy because I joined Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe's team. But I have been working on expanding my knowledge of magic from your science, so I like to say thank you so much for your people's knowledge. I promise I have been respectful of your knowledge."
"Thank you," Dean says. "That knowledge took generations to be earned, so I am glad you are being responsible with it. Now, explain how magic works. Our scientists are still puzzled on how it is even possible."
"To start with magic isn't a science," she replies. "They can overlap like everything in life. The best comparison I can think of is art. You people need to relearn how to think beyond currently."
"What do you mean by relearn?" Walker asks.
"I mean you once knew how to do magic but lost that knowledge for a more scientific mindset," she says. "I think I traced it to the Golden Age of Islam when they developed and spread advance mathematics during the 9th and 10th centuries."
"Did you just say we once had magic on Earth?" Laymen asked in a shocked tone.
"That is correct," she replies.
"Senators," Sharpe says. "This is just a current theory on a thought experiment. Looking back in history to see if anything else we wrote off as fantasy and debate if it was true. We currently have no evidence there was ever magic in Earth history."
She looks at Sharpe, annoyed by what he said.
Sharpe looks at her, "You are on a live feed. There are a billion people watching right now. You cannot just say things like that on live TV."
"But it is the truth, you just need to wait and see," she says.
"It is not true but just a theory," Sharpe replies. "You are going to start a global panic. This is meant to reassure people that everything they know in the world isn't crashing down on them. Not scaring people."
She takes an annoying breath.
"Miss Lalena," Ellis says. "You got your education from a city called Rondel. For your report Rondel is considered a Crown Jewel of the Empire, the third most important city."
"That is correct," she says. "Most of the top academies, guilds, and universities are in Rondel. If you seek knowledge that is the place you want to go to."
"However, they are an Imperial city," Dean states. "From your recommendation General Stanford has limited attacks to that city. Since the city is so important to the Empire war effort, why did you request us to limit attacks on the city? Do you have a conflict of loyalties between your commitments for us and your home?"
"My loyalties are not divided, Senator," she says. "Your people wish for knowledge on how magic works, knowledge about the Gate, about all the different races and more. If you want this knowledge, destroying Rondel would destroy much of this knowledge that you seek. Falmart doesn't have the kind of backing up abilities like your computers do when it comes to information. Most information only has the master copy, only the most important of knowledge has copies but that is expensive. I know this because my sister is a scribe."
"What Miss Lalena proposed was that we pick what our priorities are," Sharpe adds. "We can destroy an important economic and research hub of the Empire and lose anything of value that city has or invest in ways to take the city without destroying it, claiming the knowledge we need."
"I see," Laymen says, "gaining that knowledge is a priority of ours however if the city is hostile, according to recent reports from our agents and our drones. If we cannot get that information, it seems a waste of our resources not to remove Rondel as a threat."
"We believe there is another option," Willington says. "Miss Lalena has friends in Rondel, many in the Rondel High Council like Grand Master Cato El Altestan and Mimoza La Mer. Based on her letters there is a movement within Rondel that they want to reach out to us diplomatically. The information is still in development however we believe many in the city don't see us as the enemy as we once thought, thanks to Miss Lalena's letters. Assuming if this is true, this will show other cities of interest that can switch sides and benefit. Falmart is a large continent and we cannot occupy it all. We need to show diplomatic outreach to the cities and Counts that are out of our military reach to help bring the war to an end."
She notices a strange silence in the chamber as the Senators talk to each other.
"Miss Lalena," Laymen says. "Are you saying with the right pressure and diplomatic outreach that Rondel could switch sides in the war?"
"I believe so," she replies, "while many in Rondel might not like you, many see the future is with you. The Empire only encourages the correct opinions in Rondel and there are many there who will enjoy your First Amendment beliefs. I have been informing my master about some of your freedoms and they have taken interest."
"I see," Laymen says.
"By the way, I know that NATO is still struggling with the problem of magic in Uros and there is a great chance that magic can help you people advance greatly. Trying to reach Rondel at the same time is very time consuming, so why not get your own mages to help," Lelei states.
"What do you mean our 'mages'?'' Laymen replies.
Everyone in the room is confused by Lelei's words.
"I mean the Wiccans, Gypsy and Native Indian Shamans. They are the mages of Earth. To be frank with all of you and everyone in this world! Magic does exist on Earth!" she loudly states.
A massive Ohh echoes across the Senate floor
"Lelei! You shouldn't talk like that we discuss this already," Sharpe states.
Willington quickly moves to the microphone, "Senators, this is just a theory and not endorsed by the military or State Department."
"I know it is hard to believe what i said and you properly think that i am joking so i would like the real mage of your world to present here," Lelei then pulls out her phone and speak
"You come here now, Grand High Witch," Lelei speaks
A huge black smoke bursts through the door of the Senate Room and lands in front of the podium and manifests in the form of a middle-age woman in gothic dress.
"Greeting ladies and gentlemen, I am Grand High Witch Verona Soredin of the North American Coven Council and descendant of the Merlin bloodline. I am here to talk," The woman says.
A mass panic starts to emerge.
She watches as Senators get from their seats, terrified. All the aids and guests move back, all terrified. She sees panic all over the chamber. Everything she is watching is confusing her.
She watches as four Secret Service agents rush up, aiming their weapons at her Earth Mage. She gets between the agents and the Wiccans delegations, "Don't shoot! She means you no harm."
She sees this confused and scared look on Wellington's face as two agents grab him and start dragging him away. She looks at Sharpe and sees this baffled look in his eyes.
"I came to disclose my people's presence to the world," Soredin says. "No need to be angry. Here, you can restrain me if you want and then we can clear out the confusion in the interrogation room," Soredin calmly raises her hands to be handcuffed as she anticipated this situation might happen.
The secret service agents handcuff Soredin and takes her away as Lelei watches on. As Sharpe still baffled about the situation, she gets to his side
"Lelei," Sharpe says. "Follow me."
(1)Chapter 170
(?)Chapter 7
(2)Chapter 179
(3)Chapter 67
(4)Chapter 20
(5)Chapter 94
(6)Chapter 107-111
(7)Chapter 136
(7)Chapter 29-30
(8)2,000 miles = 3218.688 kilometers
(9)Compact of Free Association is a security alliance with many Pacific islands and the United States
(10)Conversion Rate is every $1 USD = 5 Sinku. Sinku is the official Gate lore currency for the Empire.
(11)Chapter 59
(12)Chapter 105
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