V14 - Chapter 172
"A scientific conference has been held in the last few days in Copenhagen, Denmark to discuss the possibility of magic as a new form of advancement alongside conventional science and technology.
According to the reports by top scientists and researchers from Harvard and Princeton University in collaboration with American's very first wizard, Lelei La Lalena, magic works based on the principle similar to classical philosophy of the Aether, which indicates the dimensions which are beyond the third dimension.
The reports indicate that magic uses the energy called mana to open a doorway to the fourth, fifth or sixth dimensions to let the force from these dimensions bend the laws of physics in the third dimension. This clearly shows why magic enables mages and other magical races like Elves to perform impossible feats such as creating fire out of thin air or generating electricity without any battery.
Many scientists advocate for huge investment in researching magic to greatly advance technology and help humans understand more about the force of the universe. They also speculate that magic will create a huge leap in a way we understand and conduct science. However, there is also a lingering fear of what magic can do in warfare. The Imperial force already showed us how lethal combat magic is in combat which has resulted in many NATO casualties. The most effective Imperial uses of magic in this war have been spells which cause severe burns which are difficult to counter with body armor, as well as ones that create storms which prevent aircraft from entering the area. However, the most worrying fact is that it has been proven that scientific principles like physics or chemistry can make magic incredibly destructive. It is rumored that Lelei La Lalena has perfected a spell that can punch through tungsten easily, like a hot knife to butter using the principle of kinetic acceleration.
In other news, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay just introduced his new menu consisting of Manuga steak, roasted Manuga and Manuga stew made from Manuga, an animal native to Uros, that is raised as cattle to get meat and milk. According to him, it tastes better than both beef and lambs combined and the best part is that it has low fat content. Manuga products and many native products export has been restricted by NATO for quite some time during the beginning of the war but after NATO took over of Elias region and getting more towns and cities on their side, trade restrictions between Uros and Earth have been loosen off - Jessica Moore, SCNR
--- Fort Minich, Sharpe Quarters, Lelei Room ---
April 2nd, 2026
Lelei is on her computer, typing.
She is working on a letter to her master, Cato. She has been writing letters to him since she first arrived at Alnus, telling him stories, her new friends, what and who the Americans are. About all the other countries like the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Canada, and the rest. She also has written about everything she has learned and the new spells she has been learning and inventing.
Of course, she is leaving out information that would hurt Vanguard-7 and the Other Worlders. She is careful not to explain how her new spells work, the knowledge she has learned, and such. She knows the people she is working for trusted her with this knowledge and she does not want to abuse it.
She finds it hard sometimes because most of the knowledge like gravity, electricity and sonic waves are so basic for the Other Worlders, however the concept is so foreign for the people on this world she struggles where the line is at times.
Every few weeks she writes a letter to Cato after a major event happens, like fighting a wraith. She thinks it is important for the Rondel Academic Council to know what she learned from Lord Valker of Darlko. She got Sharpe's permission to do so, seeing the importance of this information.
Once done she will head to Alnus and go to the Alnus Mailing Station. They will take her letter to Italica to a pigeon carrier station. From there, a pigeon will fly her letter to Cato.
However, she has been struggling to write theis letter, finding herself still tired from the fight. She never felt so powerful before after allowing Frayen to use her body's mana. On top of that, she is trying to decide if she should mention Frayen and that she was able to use a combination spell because of him, using three different spells at once.
She does not remember much about the experience, but she heard Frayn voice in her head. For a moment it felt like he was in control and she was just a vessel.
The more she thinks about it, the more she realizes that while, Earth's knowledge of science and technology is new and exotic, there are many secrets and mysteries her world still has to offer. That she shouldn't write off her world's knowledge of things quite yet.
Even right now she has no idea how she was able to do any of that and wonders how Frayen allowed her to do it. That he is correct, while she has learned a lot in the past year, she has a long way to go to fully master and understand these new spells.
She leans back into her chair and sees the mug of coffee Sarah gave her before she and Sharpe left for work. There is a cute witch on the mug. She finds it strange there is a witch on the mug, as witches are associated with Darlko however, she knows Sarah doesn't know or understand that. So, she decides to accept that the witch is just cute.
She grabs the mug and leans back into her chair. She looks around her room as she lets her mind refresh. It has been two days since she faced that wraith. By the time she got back to base she was out cold, every muscle was in pain.
She slept all day yesterday and only woke up for the first time a few hours ago.
Over to her right in the corner of the room is a giant six-foot teddy bear sitting there. She saw it the last time she was on the Earth and ordered it.
As she looks around, she sees her two bookshelves full of books. There are books from all different fields from science, nature, math, romance books, manga, D&D books, fantasy, personal journals, etc. Everything she likes to read. For study or just for fun.
She finds that last part funny as she never read for fun before. Living as a nomad, she never had books to read for entertainment. When she went to Rondel, she learned how to read, but only to study and learn magic. There are stories she knows she could read for entertainment however the vast majority of reading material was for study.
Her older sister Arpeggio became a scribe part-time, so she was able to see how hard it is to make reading material due to the lack of printing press, which explains why there are so few entertaining types of books.
Unlike Cato, she hasn't written to her sister much. A few letters but with large gaps in between. When she left with Cato for special training, her sister was not happy to be left alone. They have always butted heads. She wonders if Arpeggio has been thinking about her. She has been thinking about her a lot in recent weeks(1).
When she first met the Americans, she was shocked by the millions of books that are just entertainment, more than any educational books. It was mind boggling at first. Now she has gotten used to it and enjoys them. Anything that is fantasy-romance she loves.
She looks at her 'project' table and sees the model Sol system she is halfway done with. After learning that her world and Earth are not flat and that they orbit their Flare and Sol, she has gotten interested in the topic. She sees why Sharpe is so interested in the topic since the possibilities are endless. She saw a BitChute(2) video of the Artemis docking with the Lunar Gateway Station this morning. She wishes that she saw it live and hopes she will see the Moon landing live in a few days.
As she spins in her chair she stops and blushes, seeing the large poster of a shirtless TV-star Akira. He plays a character named Lucer in a fantasy world where there is magic called dust, creatures, and young warriors. He works with a team of girls as they save the world.
She likes the character Lucer a lot and watches the show mainly for him. Basically, Lucer is just a kid who was raised on a poor farm, lost his family, and grew spiteful. But he became a soldier and went to the magic academies to learn how to fight and protect others who he cares for. She likes how motivated he is.
She also likes how hot he is. The post shows off all his muscles and how strong he is. While she is not romantically attracted to Sharpe, she also finds him attractive. Both Rory and Selina have made fun of her for taking glances. She does not understand why she likes his chest. In her tribe, strength was the most important quality.
Looking at the poster she reaches for her desk drawer. She opens it and reaches in.
She then hears a knock on the door, scaring her. "Hello? Just a moment!"
She slams the desk drawer shut, annoyed and frustrated.
Selina bursts through the door.
"You are energetic today," she says.
"I am trying out my costume," she says. "I have yours too!"
She looks at Selina, confused by that statement. She sees Selina in a strange outfit.
It is a white one piece outside with a skirt around it. The skirt is yellow with a red ribbon at the waist with a red then black under layer under it. A blue with gold stripe neck collar with pink fluffy shoulder pads. These wings like wings on her chest with a golden heart star. A two pair set of wing clips in her hair. Long white gloves going up to her upper arm and wearing white boots(3).
"What are you wearing?" she asks.
"I am Sailor Moon," Selina replies. "That show I have been watching."
"Oh yeah," she replies. She has noticed that Selina has picked up Sharpe's fascination with cartoons. "But why are you wearing it?"
"It is for Halloween!" Selina replies. "Halloween is a day when you dress up and go place to place and collect free candy from other people and-."
She holds her hand up. "Selina. Calm down."
"Sorry," Selina says, embarrassed.
She has heard of that holiday before but never put thought into it. "Isn't it tomorrow?"
Selina nods. "Yes, but there is a movie party tonight. Then tomorrow we go to trick or treat!"
The last part nearly broke her mind. "Trick or treat? That sounds... wrong?"
"It confuses me too," Selina says. "At first I thought we stole candy because of the trick part but it turned out that we just throw toilet paper at people's houses if they don't give us candy. But who cares, we get free candy and if they don't give us, we can have some fun, like throwing toilet paper at their house."
"Ok," she says.
"So, what do you think?" Selina asks as she spins around. "I like it."
She looks at the costume again. "It looks nice on you. But is mine like that?"
"No," Selina says as she stops. She walks to the bed and grabs a package. She then hands it to her. "Sarah got us all customs. Each one of us got something different."
She opens the package and sees a WOW(4) symbol on the protective packaging. On it is a picture of a female sorceress and then she sees the name, Jaina Proudmoore. She is one of her favorite characters in the Warcraft franchise as the most powerful human sorcerer.
She smiles. "Very cool."
"You can wear it tonight for movie night," Selina says. "But you have to wear it tomorrow. Assuming you are feeling better."
"I think I am," she replies. "What is everyone else wearing?"
"Ahh," Selina mumbles as she thinks. "Sarah got Rory a dress that makes her look like Aphrodite. I think Rory just wants to look sexy, that is what she said."
"That is Rory," she replies, not shocked by that. She has always been impressed how open Rory is, no shame in her openness. That kind of openness would have been looked down in her tribe, or maybe that was just with her father.
"You have yours so Tuka will be wearing Galadriel while Yao will be wearing an Arwen costume. Both from Lord of the Rings."
--- Fort Minich, Vanguard Rapid Task Force 2 Headquarters, Conference room ---
"What do you mean you are taking me off the roster?" Delilah asked.
Sarah is leaning against the wall watching the argument between Sharpe and Bailey vs Delilah and Tyuule. All related to Delilah's pregnancy.
Sharpe takes a calm, controlled breath. He just told Delilah that he won't send her on combat missions. She is not taking it well, as expected.
"As I said, you cannot risk the child," Sharpe says.
"With all due respect," Tyuule says. "I already told you why it is ok. We Warrior Bunnies get enhanced abilities. You should be embracing it. Think about it, better warriors."
"That is not the point," Bailey says. "You are carrying a child into battle. Our daughter mind you."
"You should know this Bailey," Delilah says, pointing at him. "It is not the same as a pregnant human female. We don't get weaker when pregnant... no offense Sarah. Furthermore, I told you before you are not denying our unborn daughter her duty to help her parents in this war! I will be damned if I do not do the sacred duty of introducing her to the warrior way while she is within me!! You hear me Bailey? You hear me? Our daughter is a warrior!" Delilah yells. She then grabs Bailey's shoulder and violently shakes him.
"Calm down Deliah! Don't let the Heat consume you or you're gonna hurt him!" Tyuule says as she grabs Deliah and calms her down, after which she lets go of Bailey
"Damn! You were right, Tyuule.! When you said I needed to be gentle with her to protect myself from her, I thought it was a joke but now I just realize that you are quite serious.!! Her mood swings are worse than Ii thought possible." Bailey struggles to say, dazed from the shakes.
"Well, this is why some pregnant Bunnies tend to be isolated when they are pregnant since the Bunnies tend to be incredibly moody to the point of violence during the Heat period.! It takes quite a discipline for the Bunnies to control their moods in this stage." Tyuule explains.
She found the whole situation quite cute, despite its roughness. Sometimes she wonders if people think that she is soft because of her calm voice.
"Ok to make it clear, this has nothing to do with sexism," Sharpe says. "This is about you carrying a child into battle. This is a war, and frankly I don't understand how this is an issue."
"Delilah," Bailey says in a gentler tone. "I am not doubting your fighting abilities. It is just every time we go out there is a risk of us not coming back. Do you want our daughter to end up dead before being born?"
"You are right Colonel, this is war," Delilah says. "I want to live here; I want your people to win. I want to spend the rest of my life here. I am willing to fight for it. And besides, how do you think we will feel if you die out there? That goes both ways, Bailey."
"But...-," Sharpe says but is stopped by Tyuule.
"Don't we have the right to fight for what we love?" Tyuule asks. "I understand why you are worried about the child but if you lose the war then there is no future for the girl. You need everyone's help to defeat the Empire. Only then she will have a long-term future."
"She has a point sir," she says. "I started a school because I wanted to invest in the future of Alnus."
"Starting a school isn't the same as sending pregnant women into battle," Sharpe replies.
"No one is saying you cannot help," Bailey says. "I am just not comfortable putting my unborn into combat. If anything happens, I won't forgive myself."
"Who says a male dictate what a female can do with her body and life?" Tyuule says. "We have our ways. We adopted many of your ways. I am starting to see this as a one-way relationship."
She now sees where the Bunnies are coming from. Most races are a male-female species with the male is dominant. While the Bunnies are technically the same, there are only about .5% to 1% males. So few that they are barely worth mentioning.
They are not used to having a male in their lives, or at least a positive one. The Empire is a horrible example of masculinity, if not the worse example. She wonders if they are still adjusting to s positive versions of masculinity, like Sharpe and Bailey.
"And besides," Delilah adds. "I thought you people believe in equal rights between men and women. You advertise that all over the place."
"That doesn't apply when biology comes into play. When you're pregnant," Sharpe says. "It isn't about you, it is about the child."
After hearing that she sees this conversation descending further. She understands both sides and why Sharpe asked her to be here.
She feels divided on the issue. She agrees with the Bunnies for wanting the right to fight for what they love. She started the school because she is trying to build a future in Alnus, with Sharpe.
While believing in more of a traditional way of life where the male the head of a household that doesn't mean the only role for a woman is in the kitchen while pregnant(5). Her mother raised her and her sister not to be doormats but a live life they choose.
And while Sharpe could have stated what he said more diplomatically, he isn't wrong. The equality vs biology argument is as old as time. It's why you see male and female sports separated. Plus, carrying a child brings many different logistical problems.
As both sides argue she tries to figure out a solution. There must be a middle ground somewhere.
"Alright everyone, I think I have a compromise," she says. Once she sees that she has everyone's attention she continues. "The big difference is the Warrior Bunnies are not your typical women. Not all the same rules apply. They are faster and stronger than the average male. However, we cannot put the baby at risk. There is no way our people would allow it."
"Ok," Delilah says, annoyed. "Just get to the point. What is your idea?"
"Sir," she says. "Why don't you let Delilah be in a support role on some missions. Helping with scouting, gilding, marksmen with a crossbow, any non-direction fighting duties. Most missions are first contact or reach out missions anyway. At least until the third trimester."
"What is the third trimester?" Delilah asks.
"It is the last three months of being pregnant," she answers. "The seventh, eighth, and ninth month."
"Bunnies 'pregnancy' is only six months," Tyuule says.
She is surprised to hear that and gets jealous. That is three months shorter than Humans. She also noticed that Tyuule used the word 'pregnant' instead of 'with child'. Tyuule didn't struggle to say the word however it was clear it is a word she is not used to saying.
"If it's three months shorter then why not just wait?" Bailey asks.
"Because I won't be able to fight and help you," Delilah replies. "I don't understand why you cannot understand this!"
"Hold on sir," she says, trying to prevent things from accelerating further. "The final months are when the baby is most developed. Bailey, you are in command, but I think she can still perform a supporting role until the final months. What do you think?"
She watches as Sharpe and Bailey huddle up to talk about the proposal.
Tyuule and Delilah walk up to her.
"I cannot believe this," Delilah says. "I don't know how you women put up with males l this much."
"I guess it is true," Tyuule says. "Men have to control everything."
"Hold on," she says. "Yes, in general it is true that men are usually the head of the household-."
"Not on my watch," Delilah says with pride.
She chuckles hearing that. "Anyway, and yes men like to control everything. But it is just they are just trying to protect you, because Bailey loves you. Would you rather have Bailey be a deadbeat male in your life who doesn't care? Bailey and Sharpe could say 'whatever, the baby could die for the care'. Look what happened with Selina, a sex slave for months and no one did anything. Bailey wouldn't want that to happen to your daughter."
She sees them reflecting her point, glad they are taking it seriously.
"I guess that makes some sense," Tyuule says. "We are just used to how things were."
"That is the other thing," she says. "I understand how you feel, even if they don't. I understand you had to do what to survive. Life is brutal. If you're not strong enough, someone stronger will come by and take over."
She holds up her finger, making a point. "However, you are no longer alone in this world. You do not have to be strong all of the time now. If your people are going to be freed and rebuilt, you cannot be isolationist anymore. And accept that there are men who want to help you."
"Maybe you should have been the one talking," Tyuule says. "You make more sense."
She smiles. "That's my job. To be Sharpe's balance."
Delilah takes a deep breath and places both hands on her belly. "How do I do this wife thing?"
"Ahh, I am not married, but just listen to your heart," she replies.
"But I have seen you obey and submit to Sharpe," Delilah says. "I even saw the other 'Girls' do it. I don't understand why a female would do that."
She giggles. "First, I don't simply submit. We talk about the subject, he asks for my input and my ideas and if he were smart, he would take everything I say with great value, which he usually does."
"Second, because he earned it," she says. "Your man has to earn it. Because I follow a more traditional family life doesn't mean everyone should. I don't think you should. It isn't in your culture to do so and I don't think Bailey will care. He seems a bit more of a free spirit than Sharpe."
"What if you disagree with Sharpe on something?" Delilah asks.
She knows what Delilah means, she means 'what if she and Bailey have another disagreement like this'. Early in the conversation, it seemed more like a fight, but now it seems like Delilah and Tyuule are trying to understand how romantic relationships work.
"Well," she says as she collects her thoughts. "If you are the head then you make the rules. But let's say Sharpe makes a decision I don't like,well, in the words of my mom,'just nag him until he makes the correct decision'.
She sees them giggle, understanding the meaning.
"Men like to take control," she says. "It is just because they love you and are trying to make you happy. As I told Selina(6), the more you love and build up Bailey, the better chance he will be a good man. He isn't trying to control you; he is just trying to protect you. It might sound the same, but there is a difference."
She knows that they don't think Sharpe and Bailey are evil or misogynist. She knows Tyuule had a hard time for a while trusting Sharpe after her experience with Zorzal, both being alpha males. Being an all-female civilization and being consensually attacked by a bad masculine civilization, they grew to be distrustful towards masculinity. It's all part of building bridges and healing old wounds. To help the Bunnies learn to love and trust men, that they are stronger together.
She sees Sharpe and Bailey finish talking. "Looks like the boys are done."
Bailey takes a deep breath and places his hands on his hips. "I accept the compromise. At least until she cannot act independently."
Delilah smiles and tackles him, giving him a big hug. "I am glad we agree. Let's go to your quarters and talk about the baby. There is a lot you need to know! And finally, we can start talking about our wedding! I know you Humans like to marry when with children so let's do it. And everyone! Please call Mrs Robinson from now! Hehe!"
"Oh no...," Bailey mumbles as he gets up and is dragged out of the room.
She watches Delilah pull Bailey with no effort out the door. "I guess we know who will wear the pants in that relationship."
"I don't want to picture Bailey in a dress," Sharpe replies.
"Ten bucks he will end up on all four by the end of the week," she says.
Sharpe looks at her, surprised by that comment.
She looks at him with confusion. "What?"
"You have a dark side," Sharpe says, impressed.
"Well... maybe," she says softly, poking her fingers together. "It is Rory's fault. And Tuka a little."
Tyuule laughs and then looks to Sharpe. "I am sorry for the heated argument. I should have been more understanding and given you two the benefit of the doubt."
"It is ok," Sharpe says. "It is going to take us, my people, and I some time to adjust and understand other races' way of life. Especially with me because I worked directly with tribal societies in South-east Asia."
"One problem with Americans is that we are very idealistic," Sharpe adds.
"We believe that we are the good guys so we cannot be wrong, which gets us in trouble at times. Seeing yourself as righteous can blind you to other ways and solutions. We can forget that our ways aren't everyone's ways. Especially me."
Tyuule nods. "I agree. I better go. I need to get the bar ready for your candy day." She then walks out.
"That could have gone smoother," Sharpe says.
"You did fine," she replies. "It is hard to be diplomatic on a topic like this. Everyone walked away happy so let's leave it there."
"Agreed," Sharpe says and then sits down, holding his side. "I have to admit, I felt like an ass through most of that."
"I understand," she says. She sits down next to Sharpe. "If Delilah and Tyuule were Human or Elves or any other race I would have removed them from combat duty right then and there. But the Bunnies are different, regardless if I agree with them."
"Thank you," Sharpe says as he takes a relaxing breath.
She gives him a warm smile. "Your welcome. How is your side?"
"Hurts," he says. "But not the first time I got broken ribs. Nothing that beer and Hot-Cold pads(7) can't cure."
"...really?" she mumbles. She realizes that she forgot to tell the Bunnies that guys are kind of dumb.
"Do not disrespect the Hot-Cold pads," Sharpe says. "Back in Delta, we loved them. We considered them a gift from God. Hell, both Jessy and Cortez used to put them all over their body this time a year, pretending to be mummies."
"That explains a lot," she states. "Going back to Delilah, a lot of other men and women under your command are hooking up. You might want to consider birth control. Just to be safe."
"That has crossed my mind," Sharpe replies. "I wonder if many would? Seeing it as an unnatural thing."
"We can try at least," she says. "Unless you want a lot of babies running around."
"Let's try it," Sharpe replies. "Work on a memo and I will bring it up with Yang."
"Yes sir," she says.
She stands up. "Come on, let's go get something to eat."
--- Fort Alnus, Alnus Military Hospital ---
Private First-Class Marvin Scott is lying in bed. He can hear screaming down the hall as a soldier is being treated.
"First time wounded?"
He looks to the left and sees a line of beds, all with a wounded soldier on them.
The man next to him is a Ranger. Sergeant First Class Willy from Vanguard-1.
"Yeah," he replies. He is not able to look at him directly as the pain is too much
"Don't worry about it," Willy says. "Don't hurt yourself more."
He takes a deep breath. "Yeah, it is my first time. I take it you've been here more than once?"
"This is my second time," Willy says.
He couldn't believe it. "Twice?"
"Yes Sergeant," Willy replies. "First time during the invasion of Elies. We were attacking at his village and this bastard got me in the back with an arrow. Right in the sweet spot. It was tipped with some kind of poison. Was out for a month recovering."
"Ouch," he replies. He has seen soldiers get hit by arrows. It is always a wild card on the amount of damage. While in theory body armor is effective against arrows, it isn't like a Knight's armor that covers the entire body."
"And why are you here now?" he asks.
Willy chuckles. "We were helping the Elbe Knights clear out the Imperialist and Elbe Resistance in the southern part of the Tuba Mountains, by Wuthord."
"I thought our southern flank was secured a while ago?" he asks.
"Secured yes, cleared no," Willy says. "There are many Imperialists still holding up in the Tuba Mountains and threatening to cut Elbe off from Alnus."
"We were on a public relations mission. One of the cities there is not happy King Duren allied with us since we killed their husband and sons(8). A few women were kidnapped by goblins. However, it was a trap to lure us in." Willy says.
"A trap inside the cave?" he asks. "I've heard stories about going into goblin caves."
He has heard the stories. Goblins like to set traps and use the darkness to their advantage. However, NATO night vision and thermal counter that easily. While soldiers have died on these raids, they have been highly successful.
"No," Willy replies. "We never got close."
"What do you mean?" he asks. "Goblins are dumb."
"Dumb yes," Willy says. "Unless led by an Imperialist. They set up an ambush before we got to the cave. A goblin on top of me and cut my arm and eye right out. Furthermore, we also must shoot all the women and children that are involved in setting the traps too. The Imperialists were using blind vengeance to recruit civilians that lost their loved ones from the massacre of Alnus HIll to join their cause even if it was the Imperial fault to begin with much like those damn Middle East terrorists who instructed children to throw anti-tank grenades at US troops."
He had a hard time finding the words.
Willy looks at him. "Don't worry Sarge. I get to go home. But let me tell you something that the brass hasn't seen yet. They are learning and adapting."
"I have seen them," he says. "They seem to think they still have a chance.
Willy nods. "At first the war seemed simpler. We roll up with tanks and then we blow them away. Then have beers afterward. Now, it no longer looks as simple."
He thinks about that for a moment. Being attacked by that mage, those Apostles, so many raids and sieges. He is surprised that this is the first time he has gotten hurt.
"Don't overthink it," Willy says. "The only reason I am alive is the fact that we have each other. Two Rangers picked me up and carried me out of danger. They got hit themselves."
He looks at Willy and sees his missing arm. He reflects on his adventures with Vanguard-7. They have been through a lot and what got them through all that been each other and the friends they made on the way.
Then a fairy flies above him.
"Hello, their Sergeant Marvin Scott," the fairy says. "How are you feeling today?"
He looks at the fairy. NATO has been using them to help with administrative tasks like this. "My right-side stings like hell."
"That is what happens when you get 2nd-degree burns," the fairy says. "You are lucky, that spell could have been far worse."
"It feels worse," he says.
"I thought Rangers were tough," the fairy says.
"Hey!" he says, getting angry. "I like to see you get burned by acid or being surrounded inside an Imperialist city."
"Glad to see that energy back Ranger," the fairy says. "You have a guest. Don't want you to look depressing for the lady."
"Lady?" he asks, confused.
As the fairy leaves, he looks at the entryway. To his surprise, he sees the purple cat Persia. She is a maid from Italica and has always been a big help when they visit. In Italica she always wore a maid outfit, since she is one of the Countess protectors and servants. But right now, he sees her in white and blue roman style robs clothing.
"Hey kitty, kitty," Willy says.
He looks at Willy. "Shut up!"
Willy just laughs.
He looks back and sees Persia standing next to his bed. "What happened to you? You are so hurt and all these bandages or is it Band-Aid. I heard both from your people."
He chuckles but hurts himself from the acid wound.
"Yeah," he says. "I got hit by an acid magic attack from a dark mage."
He can see Persia look at his bandages. They start from his right cheek and go down to his lower waist.
"By the gods," Persia says in a worried tone. "How long will you be like this?"
"I don't know," he replies. "The fairy told me I should be back to normal in a few weeks. But as soon as I can walk, I am out of here."
"No, no, no," Persia says. "You will stay here until you get better. I have seen too many of you males get hurt only to get hurt again because you refused to properly heal."
"By the way, how did you get here?" he asks.
"Your Lieutenant Rose informed me about your situation," Persia replies. "I had to piggyback on one of your supply trucks to get here. Sorry it took so long."
"Ahh don't be sorry," he replies. "Kind of surprised, that's all. Why would you come here?"
He can see an embarrassed look on Persia.
"Well ahh, I was worried about you," Persia says, nervously. "And I was hoping that one day we could be together."
He knows she had a crush on him for a long time now(9). While he has found her attractive, he has never been comfortable with it.
He has seen some members of his team start relationships with people of their world. Sharpe with the Girls, Andrew with Hamilton, and Johnson with Bozes. But at least most of them are Humans.
Frost started a relationship with a bat named Mentiv and he doesn't know how he can be comfortable with it. He has struggled with the fact that Persia is a cat demi-human. Having a relationship with an alien let alone a cat-looking one sounds wrong and he feels like crap for it.
"Ahh, yeah...," he is hesitant to respond, which she noticed as her ears bend down.
"Son," Willy says. "It is a short life. What you think is important is usually overrated. You're alive. You still got all your body parts and this fine kitty came all this way, be a man."
He looks at Willy and then back at Persia. "Persia, if you let me, I would like to see where this goes."
Persia claps happily. She leans forward and kisses his cheek.
(1)Chapter 159
(2)Bitchute is a video streaming site that is becoming popular. Like YouTube, just supportive of free speech.
(3)Sailor Moon in Sailor Star uniform. One of Selina favorite characters she models off of
(4)WOW = World of Warcraft
(5)An old American phrase saying the only place for a woman is in the kitchen used by sexists.
(6)Chapter 46
(7)Hot-Cold pad is a pad product you place on skin to relax/relieve pain, stress joints, relax muscles
(8)Chapter 3
(9)Chapter 115
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