V14 - Chapter 170 Dark Magic
"Today, Artemis-V has reached the Lunar Gateway Space Station orbiting the Moon. The Artemis(1) mission is to bring supplies and a new habitat module to the space station to allow more astronauts to be assigned to the space station. Currently, the United States has two permanent astronauts at Gateway, just like the International Space Station.
The purpose of this expansion to the space station is to prepare for the 2028 construction of the Lunar Foundational Surface Habitat, nicknamed the Armstrong Outpost. While the Outpost and Gateway Station is an American venture with an international effort. Unlike past ventures, NASA is bypassing the European Space Agency and working with national space agencies directly, either with Artemis, Gateway or on the Lunar surface.
A recent funding source has come from the US Space Force as planetary Defense against alien threats became one of its roles. While the Empire went through a portal called the Gate, General Logan Barton of the USSF states in a Congress hearing that since the existence of life outside the solar system has been confirmed, it could be possible that other alien groups, more advanced than the ones we know of now past the Gate, could travel to Earth by ship, bearing technology more advanced than anyone on Earth and Uros combined.
With Congress' approval, the USSF intends to install a deep-space monitoring module into Armstrong Outpost to monitor the solar system for threats in space to Earth as a whole. These threats include asteroids, solar flares, and anything else that can damage and maybe even cripple civilization as we know it.
Both Russia and China have criticized the US and NATO for utilizing the Gate situation as an excuse to militarize the Moon and claim ownership of it.
While the primary focus of Artemis-V is to expand Gateway to allow a total of ten astronauts at once, the crew will go to the Moon surface for a five-day expedition. The objective of the expedition is to follow up on potential resources deposits that have been detected on the lunar surface." – Space News.
--- Malo Plains, east of the Blue Sea coast ---
March 30th, 2026
Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe is kneeling on the long grass. He and the rest of the Sharpe's Rifles(2) are on Operation Head Hunt.
Colonel John Yang had him deploy his full force for this operation because the threat level was high. Vanguard-2, Vanguard-5, Rose Knights, Legrath Knights, some of the Alnus Militia, and his Vanguard-7 unit. They are attacking a Magic research facility. Air Force Intelligence claims that a body part of Frayen is here, being tested on.
The brass is so worried about this facility that they even brought Frayen's head, just in case. Frayen claims he can detect his body parts when he gets close.
"I do not like being carried like a bag," Frayen mumbles to himself.
"Be quiet," he responds. "You're lucky I'm the one lugging you around. Your head is heavier than it looks."
"Lack of exercise," Frayen replies.
He hears a few of his soldier's chuckles hearing that.
"I don't remember you being so chatty," Lelei states.
"When you lose your body, young one, you gain a new perspective of things," Frayen answers. "Besides, if I don't speak, then people ignore me."
He knows Frayen is right about that. From what his DARPA friends told him that he is helping them a lot.
Frayen is the Apostle of Elange, the God of Knowledge, Understanding, and Intellect. He once was a willing slave to General Krysist, being a Dark Elf(3). When he and Krysist were betrayed by the Empire, General Herm conducted the Ritual of Elbaga on him where an Apostle is cut into pieces and sent across the lands so they cannot reconnect and regenerate. While this cannot kill an Apostle, Rory has described it worse than death due to the state of being helplessly immobilized, which would open many unsavory experiences such as being tortured or being completely killed if devoured by a beast
The military brass wants to put him back together so he can help NATO in the war effort. While he understands the value Frayen could have to the war effort, he has not forgotten that time when Frayen shot him in the chest(4).
The enemy mages have been identified to be Dark Mages from Darlko, a puppet city of the Empire, and a rival city to Rondel. When he asked Lelei for details about the city, she said absolutely nothing positive about them. The big difference between the two cities' ideology when regarding magic is that Darlko believes there should be no restrictions on magic and specializes in Dark Magic. Darlko is also the reason why the Empire invests so much in Rondel as Rondel is the only magic city that put a rein on Darlko. Recently, based on CIA reports, the Empire seems to be more on friendly terms with Darlko, trying to secure all the power they can get their hands on to fight against NATO.
He looks around to see Vanguard-7 and Princess Pina's team consisting of her Rose Knights all-round, hidden within the tall grass.
The grass reminds him of his missions in Thailand and Vietnam. While grasses are simple, he learned how easy it can hide an enemy force. He finds it pathetic that the mages at this facility allow these grasses to grow this tall as it is providing a stealthy path for his team to get close to the facility.
However, he is assuming that they don't have the same detection abilities like thermal, night vision, or some other form of sensor. Based on what he has seen from Lelei and other mages do their magic, and he has seen them do many things he still does not understand. He knows to be careful.
Because of this mission, his command got some new equipment like the new AN/HPSL62 Hyperspectral Digital Visors(5) or HSDG or just VISOR. Unlike normal goggles, the user cannot see through these however the HUD is a screen. The VISOR records what is in front of the wearer and creates a digital image just like with modern night vision. The VISOR was designed to help reduce glare and flash, so the user doesn't have so many distractions.
The VISOR also has a built-in identification friend or foe or IFF system. This IFF also has an identifier to tell the user if it is a Russian, Chinese, an English soldier, or in this case all the different humanoids and creatures in this world. It is also integrated with NW so he can see everything through the VISOR, simplifying everything into one system. The user can see his teammate's camera, see other local assets, like the RQ-11 Raven, in the area.
Just like most military goggles, the VISOR has the standard night vision and thermal technologies all built into one. The user can switch between the settings without having to touch anything.
Unlike the prototype versions he tested during his time in Delta, these Mark II's have three new features DARPA added. The first one is a limited version of X-Ray so the user can see through some walls.
The other is that the VISOR can detect mana signatures. Mages emits some form of energy and radiation when they are about to use a spell. The VISOR can see this, and the user can see it in advance. This also allows the VISOR to detect ghosts or as Lelei and Rory explain it, spirits.
When Frayen uses Phantom magic and phased out of this realm(6), DARPA is looking for a way to detect anything in the Phantom realm or any other realm; however, all of it is untested. DARPA has struggled to adapt to the magical side of things in this world. Frayen has helped DARPA develop this technology, trying to help NATO close this disadvantage they have against the Empire. Lelei once mentioned that if they have a chance to go to Rondel, her older sister Arpeggio could be a great help due to her expertise in alchemy and enchantment, which could enable NATO to develop more magic-related technology.
He looks around and sees the waypoint. "Move out and stay low. When Vanguard-5, the Legrath Knights, and the Militia make their distraction, we move in. Knights first, then Rangers."
Chief Master Sergeant Carlos Cruz and Captain Yoji Itami trained the Knights to work closely with Rangers. The idea is to utilize both sides' strengths into one unit.
He looks at Pina. He can see that she is nervous. "Just remember your training, Princess."
Pina looks at him. "I am fine. It's just, there was a reason why the Empire preferred to work with Rondel than Darlko."
"Just remember your training," he replies.
He then looks at Lelei. She is still goofing around with the VISOR, amazed by the technology. "Don't break them."
"Oh, sorry," Lelei says. "I am still trying to figure how you people made this."
He chuckles hearing her innocence.
He then hears an explosion and sees the signal from Vanguard-2. A Javelin missile hitting the opposite end of the facility.
"Move it," he orders. "Rory, bust the door down."
"Alright, boys and girls," Randy says. "Two by two. Two Knights after Rory and secure. Then two Rangers and keep going."
He moves up as Sergeant Major Randy Dodson organizes everyone.
Rory uses her Halberd to tear a hole in the wall.
He sees two Rose Knights enter the facility in their new black Knight armor.
Just like the Rangers, the Knights and Militia received new prototypes of armor and weapons. The new armor is based on a heavy riot uniform design after the 2020 riots. It is the latest generation of riot cop armors outfitted with nano-carbon plates and soft Kevlar armor, which enables the armor to be both light and effectively resist any cut from the bladed weapon, blows from blunt weapons, or even arrows and bolts.
Their new swords are made from Adamantium, the new ore that was discovered on Falmart. These new prototypes are being used to field-test how Adamantium can be used to improve military armor, weaponry, and general technology.
Earlier tests in the lab, showing that Adamantium swords are far more durable than normal steel swords as the sword never shown any signs of damage after being applied with tremendous pressure of 90,000 pounds per square on it and never dulls. These advantages are also being amplified with laser forging technology, enabling the swords to even bifurcate a full armored Imperial soldier in one swing, slicing through both the armor, shield, and the flesh. The knights were so amazed at the swords and even thought that it was made by magic that rivaled even the works of Mortar Mobkis, the Apostle of the Smith God, Duncan, who was in charge of making the Apostle's weapons. Most US personnel comment that the Adamantium material revives the legendary lost technology of Damascus Steel. Each Knight and Militia has a small side bow gun while more specialized units like Warrior Bunnies utilize compound crossbows.
While being lightweight however more accurate than the ones the Empire has. The bow gun fires two types of bolts: normal aluminum bolt and explosive-tipped bolts. Finally, they are also being equipped with flashbangs and smoke grenades as well as tasers.
With all that, they have their VISOR's and NW system so they can better integrate with the rangers. As stated before, native warriors will get all NATO technology besides offensive weapons like rifles.
Once the first groups get inside, he sees Rory wave at him. "Everything is clear Colonel!"
"Roger," he says. "Everyone, roll out and secure the breach."
First Lieutenant Charles Johnson looks at the damage from the Javelin missile through a binocular. "Nice shot."
"That should get their attention," Bozes states.
He looks at Lieutenant Bozes Co Palesti and smiles. They have been dating since right after the Battle of Legrath. They worked together when hunting General Herm(7). They learned that they had some chemistry.
"Sure did," he replies. He gets on NW and sees Wolf's point of view. He sees his Militia and Bozes' Knights forming up. "All right people. Here they come. Wolf, they are coming right at you."
He sees what looks like Darlko Knights forming up. He sees three mages among them.
"I still don't understand the difference between a Knight and a soldier." He asks.
"How can I explain it that makes sense to you," says Bozes before being interrupted by a female human Legreth Knight.
He looks at the female Knight. She has black hair, blue eyes, and a blushed-pale white face.
"The Empire is the only one to have an official army," the woman says. "A soldier who serves the greater need and goes off to fight wars. A Knight is a special position that protects their city and Count or Duke. While the soldier goes off and fights, a Knight stays home and defends their home. They are considered to be more honorable because they are the defenders of the home however they usually are made up of nobles who use the title of Knight to avoid war. Safety at home while 'defending it' while the soldiers fight and die far away."
He sees Bozes cross her arms, annoyed being interrupted or begrudging how disrespectful the noblewoman's comments were. While Bozes and the rest were disowned and declared traitors by their families, she still clings to some noble life traditions.
He looks at the other women. "That is a good way of putting it. Thank you."
Bozes looks carefully at her. "It is a good summary. But we Rose Knights didn't sit back and avoided battle. We went out and fought."
"True," the dark-haired woman says, although seeming to not care about what Bozes had just said. "But, the Rose-Order of Knights is known to be the most elite of nobles. They claimed to be open to others; however, they are only open to friends. Outside of their little circle, no one else is allowed. The Rose Knights are as Elite as the fools of Sadera."
Before she can get any ideas, he places his hand on Bozes' shoulder, trying to calm her down. Ever since he had lived with her, he has learned that she is quick to anger.
"You brat," says Bozes as she squeezes her fist. "You say that like we met before. But you've never experienced everything we have been through."
"We could have, but it was not meant to be," the dark hair women reply calmly, which angers Bozes even more. "And you claim personal experience as a shield and assume no one else has suffered. I also have experienced things in life, some only a woman can experience. While I am new to the Legrath Knights, Guardian Pinkie has welcomed me with open arms."
She is talking about the pink Siren woman Captain, or Guardian, Beluutie, Guardian being her title at Fort Legrath and among her troops. She and her loyalists switch sides and join his commander, Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe, during the battle. Because of the urgent need to follow Herm, he nicknamed her 'Pinkie' because she is pink. Since then, her nickname stuck. She complains about the nickname, but he thinks she likes it in secret.
"Have we met before?" Bozes asks.
The dark-haired woman pulls out her sword as she prepares for battle. "I was past and now present. A hollow shell with no presence or value. Just here to serve and do my duty, hoping to be worthy of a Knight one day." After saying that she leaves to join her ranks.
After the woman leaves, Bozes sticks out her tongue. "What a bitch! Who the hell does she think she is?"
He looks through his VISOR. "Corporal Faira, Legrath Knights. She joined two months ago. Check your VISOR next time."
"Faira?! It cannot be! How did she end up in Alnus in the first place?!!" Bozes shockingly mumbled as she looked at her VISOR. "I wonder if the Princess knows this?"
"Contact sir!" Sergeant Oka Masaru says over NW. "Looks like a large Ghoul wave is incoming."
"I hate ghouls," Bozes scowls. "Mindless undead beasts, but loyal to their masters. Darlko is full of them, as well as their skeleton troops. They are hard to kill since the only way to dispose of them is through decapitation or burning, much like vampires. If not properly killed, they just shrug off sword slashes, arrows, and even gunshots"
"Lelei mentioned that," he adds. "Her people in Rondel consider necromancy as barbaric as it disrespects the deceased."
He looks as he watches the horde of ghouls charging forward. He counts about two hundred of them with about twenty Knights hanging back protecting the mages. He also sees a company size Imperial force with them. "Guardian, mind coming here?"
Beluutie quickly rushes over. "What is it, sir?"
He looks at her. "Can you give us a cover?"
"Yes sir," Beluutie replies and smirks. She then jumps forward and lands on the edge of the small mound they are on.
He watches her put her hands together. A small gust of wind flows around her. It gets bigger and bigger until the battlefield is covered by her wind magic.
Beluutie then focuses her wind magic on the ghouls, having the wind blow crisscross. Its immediate effect is clear, both slowing and distracting the enemy.
He is impressed by this sight. So far, he has only seen Lelei consistently conducting magic. He sees the desired effect on the charging ghoul.
"Everything is going as planned," he mumbles and then gets on NW. "Wolf. They are almost on top of you. Engage at will."
Within the tall grass, he sees Wolf and his twenty Alnus Militia, Bozes' Rose team, and Beluutie's Legrath Knights. Their new swords enable them to easily kill the first wave of ghouls like chopping trees. They then begin battling the ghouls in a surprise attack.
He then sees Wolf let out a roar and kill two ghouls at once. He grabs one and tosses it into another ghoul wave.
"Rangers," he says. "Selective fire. We don't want the enemy to retreat into the facility."
He sees his team open fire, picking off ghouls and summoning monsters from the mages.
He looks out and sees a mage perform a summon spell. A large dirt monster comes out of the ground. It starts charging towards them.
He understands that threat, being made of dirt, the dirt monster is a bullet sponge. While he was part of Vanguard-7 and cleared out the Path of Hadritus, near to the Town of Euscro(8). They faced a summoned monster like this, and it was hard to take it down. Rory had to kill the mage for them to do real damage and kill it.
"Focus fire on the summoning monster," he orders. "If you can snipe out the mage who is summoning it, we should be ok."
Sharpe and the rest of Vanguard-7 move through the facility. He does not like how things have progressed. They were in the facility for ten minutes and they had no contact.
"Maybe the distraction is going better than planned?" Pina says.
"Impossible," he replies. "Plan A never works. Always remember that Princess. Plans rarely work after the first contact with the enemy."
"That explains a lot," Pina mumbles. "I thought I was just a bad leader."
He pats Pina on the shoulder and walks over to Lelei. "Hey kiddo, know where you are going?"
"I have never been to a Darklo facility before. Their layout is illogical. Your satellite mapping of this building is a mess."
"That is why you have to use your gut Lelei," he replies. "If this place is illogical to you then think illogically. Pick a path you normally would not go down. If what you said is true, these people are like that jealous sibling who is angry at dad, so they do the opposite of what you do."
"My brain is in my head, not my gut, Colonel," Lelei responds. "Besides, it would help if Frayen could guide me."
"It's just a saying Lelei," he points out and then looks at Frayen. "Well? You are supposed to be our tracker. Where is your body part?"
Frayen closes his eyes and thinks. He opens them back up. "I am sorry, Lieutenant Colonel, however I can't feel my body part. It is either not here or, somehow, I am being blocked. This place is full of magic barriers to prevent me from tracking my body parts after all."
"Then my gut says left," Lelei says.
He then raises his hand, pointing to Randy, signaling his team to advance.
Randy and his mixed team of Rangers and Knights rush past him. They move down the hallway.
He then orders everyone to advance down the hallway.
When they get to a staircase, he sees that Randy has stopped. This annoys him as they are not making as much progress as he was expecting. "What is going on?"
"I saw this, sir," Randy says. He then points to the wall.
He looks at this strange faint purple symbol. This is something he has never seen before. He looks at Lelei and waves her up.
"Why don't you ask me?" Frayen asks.
He ignores Frayen and watches Lelei rush up. "Lelei. This looks magical, do you know what it is?"
Lelei looks at it and nods. "I read about this. It is a magical trap rune. Somewhat like your anti-personnel mines."
"Oh shit," Scott says, shocked by that news.
"Indeed, what those runes goanna do? Burn us, electrocute us, or freeze us?" Alicia asks.
"I am not sure," Lelei responds. "This is not my specialty."
"Wow. The bookworm doesn't know something," Alicia jokes.
Lelei glares at Specialist Alicia Moore. "I apologize. I never completed my training with Master Cato El Altestan. You people found me before he came back from Rondel. Besides, runes are my sister's, Arpeggio's, specialty. She knows how to deal with them properly."
"No one is mad at you Lelei," Randy says. "Alicia, knock it off."
He looks at the rune, studying the design. He gets on NW to contact Vanguard Actual. "Sarah, are you getting this?"
"Yes sir," Sarah responds. "We are studying the design right now however we have no references."
"Roger that," he says and looks at Lelei. "Can you remove it like in Mount Tube?"
"This is not the same runes as in Mount Tube, and much like bomb disarming, if I defuse the runes incorrectly, it might backfire and kill all of us" Lelei replies in a defeated tone. "I am sorry, I cannot risk it."
"All good," he replies and pats her on the shoulder. "As you said, not your specialty. It is my fault for not being more prepared."
He then looks to Frayen's head. "Can you remove it?"
"Now you want to listen?" Frayen replies. "Yes, I can remove it, however, it will be hard without arms. I will need Lelei's help."
He unclips Frayen's head and hands it to Lelei, which she takes. The experience of handling a head that is still alive disturbs him. None of this feels natural and yet it is happening.
"How long will this take?" he asks.
Frayen looks at the rune. "Definitely a high-quality rune. It is a lightning rune, where the intruder walks past it and they are electrocuted to death."
"That sounds horrible!" Pina states.
"Horrible, this place should be its own horror movie," Andrew points out.
"So, we are stuck here until you remove this," he says, annoyed. "Sarah, please tell the other teams we are delayed."
"Yes sir," Sarah says over NW. "Just to inform you Lieutenant Johnson is holding the line. Bailey's team has broken the northern sector of the facility and is heading to their objective."
He is glad to hear that everyone else's mission is going smoothly.
He looks at Randy. "Sergeant Major, take give guys and go down that other path. See what is there."
"Yes sir," Randy says.
Sergeant Major Randy Dodson moves through the right pathway as ordered. With him is Private First-Class Marvin Scott, Private First-Class Harvey Frost, and Tuka Luna Marceau. From the Rose Knights Ran, Balalaika, and Jalin.
When it became more official that the Rose-Order of Knights and other native organizations would be integrated into the NATO military structure, everyone was given ranks. The ranks are more of an honorary title to help them integrate and for NATO troops to see them as fellow soldiers. While Princess Pina is a Captain, she does not have the full weight of the rank unless directly given to by a superior officer.
It did not take them long before they ended up in what looks like a barracks.
"Keep your eyes focused," he orders. "If we found that one rune, there might be more."
"I wonder if they will be different colors?" Jalin asks.
He looks at Jalin, one of the few male Rose Knights. "You don't seem to know much about magic? I thought magic is this amazing power in this world that nobles like you should know?"
Jalin uses his sword to move some cloth. "Some people, like I, never cared for magic. I find it disrespectful to the arts of the warrior. Besides, do you know of every topic in your world?"
"Hmm. I guess not," he replies. "Look around to see if there's anything of value."
As everyone starts searching the crates, boxes, and the bunks for anything of value he takes a good look around. He is impressed by the way these Falmartians live.
He has heard soldiers complain about not having a candy bar in their MRA. He knows that is just venting talk but seeing how barren these bunks are, he cannot imagine living like this. On a mission, yes, but this is normal to these people.
He sees Jalin walk into a bunk. He grabs a bag and empties it onto the bunk.
He walks over to Jalin.
He has been impressed that a man works alone in an all-female unit. He has a wife and daughter and the drama sometimes drove him crazy. Being in an entire unit and not getting angry, he is impressed.
He also noticed that he has solid views. He has been somewhat critical of the Rangers and NATO troops, pointing out their differences. While it is not in a disrespectful way, it is proof that there are bridges that need to be closed.
"Jalin, have a minute?" he asks.
"I have as long as you need Sergeant Major," Jalin says. "I have found nothing of worth yet."
"That is fine," he replies. "I was wondering how are you fitting into the team? I know you had doubts."
Jalin looks at him and thinks carefully about his response. "Everyone, as well as myself, in the Rose Knights, grew up with the Empire. I had to work hard to get into the Rose Knights, it was the only path to a higher station."
"I understand," he says. "You do what you have to do."
"I agree," Jalin says. "It's just, it's just never easy being a traitor to my own home, but sometimes I feel like it was too easy to become one. Don't get me wrong, the new Emperor and the Imperial Senate have gone mad, but these are my countrymen and I have to kill them."
He nods as he thinks. "Then don't look at it like that."
"What do you mean?" Jalin asked, confused.
"This war will end one day," he says. "Today, you are enemies, and tomorrow when the war ends, you are friends again. Fighting them does not have to be personal. It helps to dehumanize your enemies however they are still Human... or whatever race they are."
"Not a bad way to look at things for a people with no warrior code," Jalin says.
That statement confused him at first. One topic he has heard from the natives is they think NATO troops have no warrior code.
From what he understands based on different media and what he has seen here, the warrior code includes sword duals, the idea of 'living by the sword and dying by the sword', aiming for personal glory, their different types of oaths, and so forth.
Being a swordsman means being intimate with their opponents as they can see each other face to face. There is a special set of skills a swordsman needs to beat your opponent. From what he can tell, there are just differences between the native warrior code and modern-day one.
"I thought so too," he says. "But let me explain something. I know you and the other Knights see us as honorless warriors."
"I didn't mean it like that, sir, it's just that the warrior code has become worthless when you people have all these destructive weapons and war machines. Who cares about warrior code when you can just kill thousands of enemies at once with a single bomb or with one of your machine guns," Jalin says nervously, thinking back about the movie 'Midway' and 'Saving Private Ryan.'
"I know," he replies. "I know what you mean but let me explain this. The warrior code you speak of never went away. It just changed."
"Changed to what?" Jalin asks. "I mean no disrespect, sir, but it just seems all you people do is shoot and kill the enemy in mass from afar. A code of honor seems pointless with your weapons."
"Not true," he counters. "Our code is the manner of the soldier. We still protect civilians, protect others. Our code is the unit, serving our country. We set ourselves a standard and most importantly, we don't leave our people behind."
"You see Jalin," he continues. "You are right that it is easier to kill with a rifle. Bad people use these weapons and kill defenseless people all the time. Our honor is using this power with responsibility and to help. You think joining us means that you must give up your code of honor, but it doesn't. You just update it."
He can see Jalin thinking about what he said. He hears Scott yell something, so he turns around and leaves.
Sharpe walks away from Lelei and Frayen as they are halfway done removing the rune.
This reminds him of a mission where his Delta team had to break into an installation in Laos. The information the NSA(9) gave them was wrong. His team had to hack through the security system which took up time and left the team vulnerable.
While North Korea taught him, what happens when you go on an operation unprepared, that mission taught him that there are some things outside his control.
As they wait, he suddenly hears weapon fire. He and everyone else looked towards the direction.
The battle sounds far away, on the other side of the facility. He checks his NW and sees that Bailey's team has engaged an enemy force. "Everything is good. That is Vanguard-5. But we need to hurry."
"Oh, yes!"
He hears Rory and looks at her. She is holding both of her arms, licking her lips. "Rory?"
Rory's only response was looking at him with eyes quite obviously carrying lust.
As the sound of battle intensifies, he sees her hand move down and rub her leg. That is when he figures it out. "Shit. Rory, try to regain control of yourself."
"Everyone, get back," Alicia says cautiously, having caught on the moment Sharpe figured it out. "You don't want to get close."
He understands what is happening. This has happened before in battle. How Rory explained it is that when there is a battle, she feels the souls passing through her body. This triggers an orgasmic effect. The more she resists as the souls pass through her body, the more sexual tension she feels. The only way to release the tension is to join the battle. She says this is how Emroy makes his Apostles fight battles.
He walks over, not knowing what is going to happen. All the other times this happened was when they were in battle, not somewhere else(10). And right now, this is the worst time for this to happen. If the Dark Mages learn of their position, they can get ambushed.
"Rory, get control of yourself," he orders.
"I feel it," Rory says. "And there is another." She then twists her legs and looks at the direction of the sound of battle. "I am sorry Jackson, but I must. Emroy is calling!"
"Rory, no..." He says as Rory pushes him away down onto the ground, moving past him.
Rory uses her weapon and rams through the wall. She then rushes down the path as she laughs.
"Holy crap," Hamilton says in shock.
"Yeah," Alicia added. "I used to get jealous, but now, too much craziness."
Specialist Jerry William rushes up and helps him up. "Are you ok sir? It looks like she pushed you very hard to the floor."
"I'm fine," he replies.
Sergeant Andrew Steele follows up. "Should we go after her, or should we let her go?"
"I vote to let her go," Alicia replies.
Pina rushes up. "Why would you go after her? She is an Apostle after all. She can take care of herself."
"Yeah," Andrew said.
He listens to what was said he does not like the idea of letting Rory run around randomly. He understands their logic; Rory is a wild card, a rampaging beast. While good at teamwork, Rory is better when operating as a lone wolf due to her battle frenzy and he knows she prefers that.
People like Pina are used to the Apostles doing their own thing so having her runoff is the norm.
He hates the idea of letting her run loose. Besides, it could ruin the mission, he cannot accept the fact if something happens to her like Frayen. However, he is in command and he cannot just leave everyone for personal feelings.
"Go, Jackson."
He looks around to see who said that but sees no one. The voice sounded like it was his head, so he assumed it was Sarah. He then looks back down that path Rory went.
"Princess," He says as he checks his clip. "You are in command. Get that rune thing removed and advance on the objective. Get Randy's team back here. I am going after Rory."
He then rushes down the path Rory made.
"Lieutenant Colonel," Sarah says. "What are you doing? You cannot just leave your unit."
He takes a stressful breath as he runs as fast as he can. He is impressed by the amount of structural damage she inflicted.
"What do you want me to do Sarah?" he replies. "I know the commander cannot just leave his unit, but I cannot split the team even more and none of them can take on Rory."
"Take on?" Sarah asks in confusion. She then realizes what he means. "You think she would attack her own?"
"I saw her eyes, Sarah," he replies. "Would she attack us intentionally, no, but when she is full of bloodlust? We need her to complete the mission. Sending anyone else to try and stop her, I don't know if they can control herself."
He keeps running and sees two dead bodies slashed apart.
As he runs, he hears a scream. He jumps on a table and jumps to this hole in the wall. Once on the other side he rolls on the ground and stands up, looking around.
He sees Rory standing there holding up this man in a brown cloak with a skull necklace. He also sees two skeleton warriors charging after her.
He aims his rifle and shots at one. Some of the bullets go through it but the ones that hit, shatter the bone parts. Because there are no body parts, he sees that he must break the bones to kill it.
He then aims at the joints and fires one shot for each joint. The skeleton warrior falls apart.
He looks up and sees Rory already killed everyone else.
He sees Rory about to rush away again, halberd in her hand. He aims his rifle and shoots the pillar next to her, making her stop in her tracks. "Rory, stop!"
Rory looks at him and licks her lips. "Hi, Jackson~ So much fun! I need more~"
He lowers his rifle and holds out his hand to show that he is no threat. "You need to stop this and come with me. We are a team; we do not split up."
"You don't understand, Jackson," Rory says as she holds her arm. "I am close enough to the outside battle now. I can feel the souls pouring into my body. I can feel the screams, the sweat, the love, and passion."
"Rory...," he calls out, before getting cut off.
"Emroy calls me to collect," Rory says as she twists her legs. "If I stop, then I lose control of my sanity. The pleasure will overwhelm me."
He then hears loud noises nearby. He is surprised by the number of enemy warriors here. He wonders if this place is more than just a research facility. Probably more of a staging ground for Darlko forces.
He sees Rory about to run off again. He moves up and grabs her arm. What surprised him was that she stopped far easier than he thought. This changes when he looks into her eyes, seeing a predatory glare consisting of both anger and lust.
"Oh shit."
Rory grabs his vest and tosses him onto a table.
When he lands on the table, the wood breaks immediately. He rolls once and stands back up, a little dizzy. "Rory! Oh..."
He dodges as Rory just misses him. He notices that she has stopped using her Halberd, giving him a moment of relief, glad to see that she was not trying to kill him. However, he does feel her grab the back of his vest and tosses him into the wall.
He ignores the pain from being tossed around. He turns around and grabs Rory's incoming fist. He uses her momentum against her and swings her around, tossing her into the wall.
Rory rams into the wall at full force.
He stops to catch his breath.
"You are crazy Sharpe," Sarah says.
"Why is she suddenly focused on me?" he asks as he is still catching his breath. He watches Rory climb out of the hole in the wall, laughing almost manically. Well, not almost, only plain maniacally.
"Remember, sir," Sarah says. "This thing Emroy did to her is to make her want to fight. You are giving her that."
"Oh," he replies absentmindedly as he dodges Rory's next charge.
Rory then stops, jumps, does a backflip, and then lands next to him in a smooth sequence. She swings her leg to the back of his, tripping him.
He falls onto his back.
He falls onto his back, letting out an 'oomph' when he impacts the ground. Then, hHe sees her fist coming at him. His instincts kicked in, making him roll to the left. He hears her fist hitting the floor.
He rolls back to his feet and rebalances himself. He looks up and sees her attacking him. He tries to deflect as best as he can, however, as an Apostle, she is faster than him.
He grabs her arm and twists her around.
Rory moves around and grabs him. She lifts him into the air to the point where his feet are hanging about half an inch off the ground.
He looks down at her. He can see this lustful look in her eyes as she smirks and giggles.
Rory then rams him into the wall. She lets go and then punches him in the gut.
He places his hand to his chest, nearly throwing up. He falls to one knee as he struggles to catch his breath. "That's... a rib..."
He hears Rory laughing. "This is a fun fight. It is time to please Emroy."
He looks up at Rory. He knows she could have killed him easily but has not.
"Jackson!" Sarah yells into his radio. "Kiss her."
"Trust me," Sarah says.
He looks directly at Rory and then tackles her to the ground.
Rory grabs him and tosses him across the room. This time he lays there.
Rory walks up to him and grabs his vest. She raises her fist to punch him again.
He grabs Rory's shoulder and then kisses her, giving her a passionate kiss.
For a few seconds, nothing happened. He stops and looks at her. He can see that she is crying. He sees in her eyes that she is back to normal, that lustful desire is gone.
"I am so sorry! I am so sorry Jackson! I didn't mean to hurt you! I cannot control myself!" Rory mumbles as she cries uncontrollably. She drops to her knees and holds him up.
"That's ok!" he replies in a tired voice. "I am glad you came back to your senses now!"
"Great job Sharpe!" Sarah states with a prideful tone.
"Damn! She kicked your ass hard!" Tuka replies over NW.
He hears some of his teammates cheering, impressed by the fight or the kiss. He cannot figure out which one. He is glad it is over.
"How did that work?" he mumbles, confused.
"There is a lot you need to learn about women Jackson," Sarah replies.
"We need to do something about that battle frenzy of yours, Rory! Or else you are going to hurt him more than the enemies," Tuka states
Rory helps him stand up. He has his hand on his side. "Are you ok? I didn't hurt you?"
"I am fine," he replies. "Just a broken rib or two. Let us head back."
He grabs his rifle and starts going back the way they came. "Pina, Randy. Get everyone together. We roll out when we get back."
After getting his orders confirmed, the way back is quiet. He can tell that Rory is ashamed of what happened. He wants to cheer her up however he knows there is no point. He understands it was not her fault, it is part of being an Apostle and he accepted things like this would happen.
"Hey Jackson...," Rory mumbles. "I see now why you have me at the bottom."
He stops and looks at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Rory stops, placing her hands behind her back. She glances up but refuses to look at him in the eyes. "You listed me at the bottom on who is your favorite."
He blinks as he tries to think. "Again. What on earth are you talking about?"
Rory looks at him now, confused. "Back on Earth, you listed who you like the most, that being Lelei. I was listed on the bottom. Every time I go berserk, I never had a situation like this. People usually let me do my thing. I try but it is hard."
He tries to think about what Rory is referencing. "Rory. I would never list you or anyone at the bottom."
"That is not true," Rory replies.
Rory then explains about the night he ranked all the girls, leaving a space for any late entries to the team(11). That he said Lelei was on top because she never caused any headaches while Rory was on the button for being a daily headache.
"Oh yeah...," he mumbles. "Rory. I was just picking on you. I thought we were just teasing like always. Besides, even if that a joke, you are never at the bottom since that is the place for Pina. She pissed me far more than you do"
"Ok...," Rory mumbles.
He knees so he is at eye level. "Look. I am sorry. I thought I was just teasing. And I do not want you to worry about what happened. I am in charge and when I was planning this missing, I overlooked this... sexual thing that Emroy does with you."
He looks directly into her eyes. "I am in charge. You all placed your faith in me that I would keep you safe. I need to do better in understanding you all so I can properly apply it to you. And besides, about that list. If it is based on headache, that means I am below you."
"But I broke your ribs," Rory replies. "And who knows what else is hurt under your armor."
"Just remember rule number one," he replies and then stands up. However, when he fully stood up, it hurt.
"That you are always wrong, or that you deserved it, or that no socks on Tuesdays, or was it that which your gay on Thursdays? I will never understand that one." Rory mumbles off the list. "I will never understand that last one but how about agreeing to whatever you say and then do the opposite?"
"Ok...," he mumbles.
They get to the rest of the Rangers. He sees everyone there.
"Jesus Christ sir," Scott says. "You look like shit."
Jerry walks up with this pissed off look. "Why is it every mission I have to patch you up."
"How else would you use your medical degree?" he replies and looks at everyone. "Alright, Rangers and Knights. We are linking with Vanguard-5 and going after that body part. Let's end this. Roll out."
(1)Artemis Program is NASA man space program to go to the Moon and Mars
(2) Sharpe's Rifles is officially called Vanguard Rapid Task Force 2
(3)Chapter 89
(4)Chapter 73
(5)AN/HPSL62 Hyperspectral Digital Vizors is made up, based on the Hyperspectral Goggles from the film Spectral
(6)Chapter 73
(7)Chapter 109
(8)Chapter 63
(9)NSA = National Security Agency
(10)Chapter 17, 33, 63
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