V14 - Chapter 167 Naminto
--- Coan Forest ---
March 25th, 2026
Delilah is out with her boyfriend and leader, Captain Bailey Robinson. Vanguard-5 is on a mission, scouting out the Coan Forest. Coming along with them are some High Elves, led by Hodor himself.
"What was your home country like, boss lady?" James asks. "I have been told that you have been with us since the Raid."
She looks at the new guy and smiles. "You are new, correct?"
"Correct ma'am," James replies.
She has not gotten to know James yet. He is new to Vanguard-5. He is not the only one. Over the past six months, Bailey has been getting more Rangers to replace the unit's losses.
Early in the war, half of Vanguard-5 was either killed or wounded during the Elies Forest Campaign from Imperial ambushes (1). During the Raid of Sadera to rescue four Americans and one Brazilian slave, Sergeant Oliver Harris was mortally wounded, and Staff Sergeant Gerald Foley was mauled to death by a Volraden.
She always felt terrible about what happened in Sadera. She convinced General Stanford to rescue her queen, Tyuule from Prince Zorzal(2). Because of that, a part of her thought she was responsible for Bailey's loss of one of his men because it was her idea to save her queen. She was being selfish, and it got strangers hurt.
In the beginning, she was just trying to pay Bailey and the rest of Vanguard-5 back to save her queen. However, it turned into something more, and now she is in love with the man.
Specialist James Ward, Private First-Class Daisy Wallace, Private First-Class Adam Hopkins, and Private First-Class Dohate or known by his Native American name Kiowa are all new to Bailey's command, with James being the most recent.
She thinks about the question and smirks. Normally when a male asks her a question about her people and homeland, it is usually full of ill intent and prejudice. Many Imperial Citizens consider Warrior Bunnies as savages that need to be put down due to the extreme racism toward non-humans.
However, it is different with these Other Worlders. When they ask questions about her people and homeland it is more like a naïve and curious child than ill intent. Furthermore, the Other Worlders maintain a strict policy of anti-racism. As Rory explained it to her, everything to these Other Worlders is new and exotic. While noble and powerful, they lack the general knowledge regarding all the different races on Falmart.
She knows why James is asking that, he previously heard many rumors about her people's society. The stories of a warrior race that consisted of all female Bunnies. He is fantasizing about how a country with over ninety-nine percent female population would be like. She even saw female soldiers fantasizing about it.
"While my homeland doesn't have tall buildings like you. Humans have," she replies. "However, you have these beautiful huts everywhere covered in a sea of flowers."
"When you say huts, do you mean like tribal villages?" James asks.
She replies. "Yep, we bunnies are a tribal society and a very social people. We were always outside together, working as one community. We don't treat huts like your people's houses."
Daisy looks back at her as she walks. "I hear your kind have lots of offsprings much like bunnies with their fecundity."
She looks to the only other female soldier on Bailey's team. "Not quite, we look like bunnies, but we don't breed abundantly like normal bunnies. It is to prevent overpopulation."
"In an all-female society, how did you get children?" James asks. "You still need a dude to have children so..."
She chuckles, expecting that question. She was about to respond but stops herself, remembering that she must be careful on how she answers. "As you know all babies will end up as female Warrior Bunnies. Even though we were isolationists, we let in what we call honorable and desirable characteristics into our villages to breed with."
While that was partly true, she decided not to tell them about the raid parties that used to attack villages and kidnap males. They would bring them back to their tribes to get impregnated and that is how her people maintain their numbers.
She then smiles as she thinks of a memory. "I remember seeing hundreds of little girls running around. Playing games, getting dirty, getting in trouble. It was so peaceful before the Empire invaded."
"Aww," Daisy says. "That is cute."
James smirks at Daisy. "You like to know who else is cute?"
Daisy looks at him and smirks. "I love everything that is cute. Just not that little stick in your pants."
She hears Adam and Trenton laugh, hearing what Daisy says. She could not help but chuckle, hearing that.
"Damn," James says. "That's cold."
"That is because you say it wrong," Hodor Marceau comments.
"What do you mean?" James asks.
She looks to the High Elf. Hodor, Tuka Luna Marceau's father. She has heard many rumors that Hodor is a great leader, leading his people through eight years of travel after being betrayed by the Edras Kingdom(3). She also heard that he is a ladies' man. Rumor has it that he already slept with a hundred of the female Other Worlder soldiers.
"Let me show you," Hodor says.
Hodor speaks to Daisy. He looks her up with his eyes and speaks very smoothly, implying what a great time they could have.
What surprised her is how she barely says anything. Everything he says and facial expressions implied everything. His gaze from his eyes beamed what he wanted her to think into her. He gives her a seductive smirk.
She sees all this and is impressed by Hodor's skill. Only getting a glimpse of him, even she feels a sudden attraction. If they were not on a scouting mission, she wants to take Bailey alone somewhere.
"Knock it off everyone," Second Lieutenant John Callahan orders. "We are on a mission, so keep your wits. And Hodor. We are here because your people want to set up a new village. Not to hit on our troops. Get with it."
She sees everyone getting back into formation. Daisy winks at Hodor and looks forward.
"Damn Hodor," Adam says. "You're like James Bond."
"My name isn't Bond," Hodor says as he walks forward to join Bailey and John.
She chuckles, understanding the reference.
What John says was correct; many elves want to establish a village close to Alnus. Alnus' command agreed with Hodor's proposal and saw the Coan Forest as an ideal location.
The idea is to help booster Alnus eastern flank. Early in the war the Flame Dragon destroyed either all the towns or forced everyone to flee(4) so this region should be free of population.
After some time, Daisy looks back at Delilah. "You don't have to answer this question, but did you have children before... well you know, before what happened?"
She glances away as she thinks about the day her country fell to the Empire. "They're nothing to worry about Daisy. I guess I was lucky that I didn't have kids yet."
"When I was fleeing, I saw cages full of Bunny Kids," she continues, struggling with the memories. "I saw my fellow sisters being tortured, raped. Their kits taken from their arms, never to be seen again."
She stops herself as she sees everyone's reaction. All the Rangers have a horrified expression. The elves, while they look sympathetic, they know how this world is like and are used to this story. She does not want to drag the morale of the Rangers down while on a mission.
She smiles, placing one hand behind her head and the other on her chest. "But there is hope now. When I saw Vanguard-7 and the 101st flow into Italica, for the first time that challenged the current power. Hearing Myuute new boyfriend Miloslav Suchanek story(5)."
"Well, I am glad," James says. "We are here to kick ass, make names."
"That is what Tyuule and I are hoping," she replies. "But the truth is our way of life will not come back."
"That is a shame," Daisy says.
"Not all of it is bad," she replies. "My people were very isolationist. I think that might have a hand in the fall of our people. If we are to be free, we cannot go back to those ways, especially after all the sacrifice by your people."
She then glances towards Bailey. "Also, and I think more importantly, your people value relationships. We didn't believe in marriage and such." She stops for a moment to think. "What did Bailey call it, the nuclear family(6)? Anyway, I never saw the value of such an arrangement because we were one community. But now, I have grown to like being in a close relationship."
"Aww," Daisy comments.
"If we are going to live together, we will have to change by starting to commit to a long-term relationship" she continues.
Delilah then stops as the elf next to her stops. She and he look around and draw their weapons out. Having enhanced natural senses, allow the Bunnies and Elves to be able to detect the slightest movements around the environment in a near and far from their position.
"We got companies!!" - Delilah alarms the entire group
A single arrow lands in the middle of the ground. Some of the Rangers begin to lay suppressive fire as everyone else rushes to cover.
She quickly rushes up to Bailey.
"Single arrow shot," Hodor says.
"Yeah," Bailey adds. "That means it is a warning shot. Probably by those trees."
"John, take three guys and two elves," Bailey says. "Flank to the left. The rest of us will advance with suppressive fire."
"Deliah! I want you to move around to the right and flank the bastard," Bailey says. "If there is one guy, he will probably retreat seeing us advance. Stop him."
She smirks and then rushes toward her target with her new Kukri knife as the newest weapon for the Bunnies to be used in conjunction with their short old swords. Sharpe and Bailey thought the Bunnie vicious melee attacks should be improved with the Kukri knife as it gives more chopping power and vicious wounds to the opponents.
As everyone moves out, she rushes to the right, using the trees and bushes as cover.
She stops as she hears some weapons fire. While she always has been impressed by how powerful the Other Worlders are, she never liked how loud their weapons are. It makes her assassin job harder.
Based on how little engagement there has been she assumes Bailey was right. It is a rogue archer.
She sniffs the air, hoping to pick up a scent. Like their hearing ability, Bunnies have a good sense of smell. The air is very humid which normally hurts her ability to smell. However, she can smell through the humidity and discover the rogue archer.
She was expecting to smell a Human archer, but she smelled a Wood Elf.
While she does not like how loud the Other Worlders weapons are, she loves their communication devices. "Bailey. I smell a Wood Elf. The ones who have been after Sharpe's kid, Selina."
"Shit," Bailey replies over the radio. "Sharpe is going to be pissed. Capture the elf alive."
Hearing her orders, she rushes through the forest, heading directly towards the archer. She can smell that he is running away as the scent gets stronger.
She jumps and then jumps off a tree. She lands right in front of the Wood Elf.
The Wood Elf stops and looks at her, scared.
"Hey," she replies and pulls out her Kukri.
The Wood Elf aims and fires an arrow at her. She blocks the arrow and charges at him.
She slices the bow in half and then kicks him.
The elf flies backward and hits a tree. He slowly gets up and places a hand on the tree.
Before she charges, she notices the tree come to life and she realizes it is an Ent
A large branch-arm tries to hit her. She jumps to dodge and lands on the arm.
She runs up, slashing all the branches that are in her way.
When she gets to the head, she slashes it.
She jumps off the Ent and lands on another branch. She can hear the roar of the tree beast.
The beast looks to her and its branches start heading towards her.
A fire blast hits the back of the tree beast, which causes. it to be engulfed in flames.
She sees Hodor use his flame magic to burn the tree.
As the tree starts to burn, it starts stumbling around as it screams in pain.
One of the Rangers fires an incendiary grenade at the tree beast. Again, the tree beast engulfs in flames and falls to the ground dead.
She hears the Wood Elf fleeing. She hopes onto three branches and lands right in front of the Wood Elf.
She grabs the elf arm and flips him over. She then secures the elf as the other elves and Rangers rush over to take him prisoner.
Bailey walls up. "Good job sweetheart."
She smiles. "It was nothing. Why are they here though?"
"That is why I want him," Bailey says. "Maybe we can finally get some answers."
She looks at the Wood Elf as he struggles. She feels bad for Selina and Sharpe. It must be scary for Selina, knowing there is a group of people who are committed to murdering her. Sharpe knows that his daughter is always in danger, so he keeps one eye out. She never knew who her father was, never cared until recently but she wonders what that feels like.
"Sir," John says over the NW radio. "You are going to want to see this."
"Roger," Bailey says. He points to two Rangers and one Elf. "You three take him back to our vehicle. The rest of us move out.".
She follows Bailey through the forest, staying alert. She heard stories of how dangerous Wood Elves are. Masters of using the forest with their Fey Magic and their affinity with the Ents against their enemies.
When they reached Lieutenant John's team position, she didn't see anything wrong. That is when she smells someone new.
She looks around and sees this boy sitting on the ground. Next to him is the team medic Dohate treating him. She also sees Daisy next to him, taking care of him like a mother.
"Who is the boy?" she asks.
John looks at the boy. "He's from the farming family that was murdered(6)."
"I thought he looked familiar," Bailey says.
She looks at them confused. "What are you two talking about?"
Bailey looks at her. "I will explain the details later, but the short story is, the people who are after Selina are tracking down everyone whom Sharpe befriended outside Alnus and murdering them."
She quickly sees the gravity of Bailey's word. As long as Sharpe protects Selina, they will kill everyone else whom he has ever met. The Wood Elves are trying to find out how many dead bodies he can accept just to protect one. They are using American ideals against him.
She is impressed with the strategy. It shows the Wood Elves are smart enough not to fight directly. The Americans are too powerful. It shows their leader is smart and what scares her is that Lord Lashin is an elf. That means he can wait as long he wants, having a long lifespan.
"Alright everyone, " Bailey says. "Let's get out of here. Adam, contact Alnus Command and tell them to send in the German battalion to sweep this area for signs of hostiles."
As everyone leaves, she follows behind Bailey. "I see why you are always so nice to Sharpe. You are a good friend."
"It's not like we have a long history," Bailey replies. "I just don't try to be another chip on his shoulder. The man has enough issues to deal with."
"Yeah," she replies. "I've never seen him look stressed or angry. He never talks about it."
"Well, he is a guy," Bailey says. "It is illegal for two guys to talk and get all feely."
She crosses her arms glaring at him. "That is dumb. That cannot be a real rule between men. You need to talk about things."
Bailey looks at her directly. "It kind of is. What would you want? Me to remind him of what he already knows? That any day now that they kill his daughter? Because of what her bastard father did?"
Bailey looks away annoyed. "They kept the boy alive to send a message. This is a game and the worse part if that Sharpe understands this game. I know you don't know much about Earth but there are some very nasty people there too. Sharpe used to go hunt them down and kill them so he knows what will happen. First, it is the farm family. Then it's some other village. Then maybe one of his soldiers. Maybe go after Sarah or Lelei because they are close to him. If they do not stop soon god knows who they will kill next. Just to murder a thirteen-year-old girl."
"So," Bailey finishes. "Do you want me to remind him of all that?"
She crosses her arms angrily. She knows he is technically right. "I still think it is dumb that men don't talk. Besides, he is your friend. If you are not going to talk to him about it, then do something else. Help him some other way."
"... fine," Bailey responds. "I will figure something out."
--- Fort Minick ---
March 25th, 2026
Alicia is sitting in the mess hall. She is talking to Shino and Ling, getting to know her allies. By her side are Beluutie, Andrew, and Jerry, eating.
"I still can't believe Itami and Sharpe are friends," she says. "They are so opposite of each other."
"It gets annoying," Shino says as she eats. "What pissed me off is when he does his job he is pretty good at it. While he's just plain lazy and I once suspected he cheated to get a ranger badge."
"You think Sharpe is lazy?" Beluutie asked, confused.
"She means Itami," Jerry corrects. "Honestly Sharpe should get a little lazy for his health."
"Well, I enjoy it," Ling says. "I find it relaxing."
"I bet," she comments.
"I mean it," Ling replies. "In the last unit, my CO was a hard ass. He made it a living hell to work for. I don't have to worry about getting yelled at for no reason now."
"I notice that," Andrew says.
"It seems like the Rose Knights have taken an interest in him," she adds. "Is that true?"
"Yes, it is," Hamilton says as she walks by.
She looks over and sees Hamilton standing there. She sets Andrew up first.
"Can I get you anything else, Andrew?" Hamilton asked.
Andrew looks nervous as he glances away. "Ahh, no. Please sit down and eat."
"As you command," Hamilton says. She sits down next to him.
"Command?" she asks in a strange tone. Making sure that she heard that right.
Andrew looks at the other two women. "What? She won't stop saying that."
"If I am going to be his wife, I must follow my wifely duties," Hamilton says. "It is my people's way. To love and respect my man."
"Sounds like a normal marriage to me," Beluutie says, in a slightly confused tone. "I dreamed about those days after the war with Muilk before he was murdered by Herm. Don't you have marriage on your world?"
She gives Andrew a strange look. A look that warns him not to take advantage of her. She then looks to Beluutie. "Of course."
"Traditionally, the husband is the head of the household; however, that isn't a strict rule," Jerry says. "Women in our country are not considered doormats."
"Just because a wife brings her man a sandwich doesn't mean it is a mandate," Shino says. "To use a western metaphor."
"Fascinating," Ling says. "It is like going back in time and experiencing how everyone lived. So different."
"Just play nice, Andrew," she says.
She knows that Andrew won't hurt or abuse Hamilton. He is too much of a nerd to do so. Plus, she has noticed that Andrew tries to model himself after Sharpe and he seems very respectful of women. Still, she knows a good reminder could not hurt.
She knows Hamilton and some of the other Knights grew up in an ultra-traditional family unit. It is her culture. What bothers her the most is that she wishes she has a man to bring a plate to.
"If he doesn't treat you well just tell us, Hamilton," she says. "We girls need to stick together."
"Damn right," Beluutie says with a big smile. "Did I swear in the right context?
She chuckles hearing that. "Yes."
She and the other girls at the table giggle, leaving Andrew confused. "Andrew, Jerry, want to play poker tonight? Real money."
"I am up for it," Jerry says.
"Yeah, count me in," Andrew replies.
"No," Hamilton says. "You will lose money again! Remember, the last time, you lost five hundred dollars to Lelei."
"It is just for fun, and besides I am not going to play poker with Lelei again. She read me like a book and she has that poker face of her" Andrew says, annoyed.
"Come on Hamilton," Shino says. "It is just for fun. You can come to join us too."
"Join what?"
She looks up and sees Sharpe and Selina walk up.
She finds the two together adorable. She didn't think Sharpe could be a good father but having Selina around really helped him turn himself around.
She thinks back to her conversation with Rory during the Elies Forest Campaign. While asking Rory's opinion about Sharpe she says, 'all you need is love'(7).
She is glad Rory was right and now she and the others are willing to follow Sharpe to whatever end.
"Hey boss, hey kid," she says.
Sharpe and Selina take a seat.
"Hello guys," Selina says.
"Hello everyone, "Sharpe says. "I hope we're not interrupting."
"Not at all," Jerry says. "We weren't really saying much."
She leans forward. "Do you have any news on our next mission?"
"I do," Sharpe says. "It is coming up very soon. I just need the Knight to be better trained. It will be a tough mission."
"And what about your training?" Hamilton asks.
"Training?" Beluutie asks.
"Grey offered him sword training," she says. "We are all waiting to see that."
Sharpe sits there and thinks. "We will see. I have been very busy to dedicate time to that."
"We were watching a Bug's Life yesterday," Selina says.
"Traitor," Sharpe says to Selina.
"I can see you are busy sir," Shino says.
She knows that Sharpe wants to learn swordsmanship. Fighting Krysist and facing those Wood Elves showed the Rangers they should know some swordsmanship skills.
She thinks that Sharpe is still pissed at Grey for not telling him that Selina royalty and that people are wanting to murder her.
"Speaking of training sir but I think you should join us when doing martial arts." Ling proposes.
"I already know martial arts, I was trained in the art of karate and Jiu Jitsu while I was in Japan. I even learned some Muay Thai while I was in Thailand," Sharpe responds. "I think I have it covered."
"I know," Ling says. "But from what I can tell you that you still have not achieved the true essence of martial art." She then points to her chest. "You still have not achieved inner peace, so I can teach you with that along with the concept of Chi."
Sharpe takes a slight breath. "I will think about it. Maybe once some things calm down."
She knows what Sharpe meant by that, Sofia. Everyone saw what Sofia tried to do. She snapped and it looked like she tried to kill Princess Pina. While she is only a Non-Commissioned Officer and understands what diplomatic and political shitshow killing a princess would bring on Sharpe and the unit, her anger and desire for vengeance clouded her judgement.
"What are you going to do with Sofia sir?" she asks.
"Is she being court martial, sir?" Jerry asks.
Sharpe looks at everyone. "Mind the team and mind your training. I will deal with the issue."
Sharpe then looks to Selina. "Alicia. When you have time can you take over in her workouts? I want her to learn some self-defense. Oh, and Shino, can you also teach her some karate moves too since you are good enough to wrestle a Volraden or an Orc to the ground."
"I don't mind," she responds. "I love to spend more time with the brat."
"Hey!" Selina says, chuckling.
"Let's hope she is tough enough to endure my teaching!" - Shino smiles evilly
Right then Sharpe's cell phone rings. He takes it out of his pocket and answers. "This is Sharpe."
She looks at Selina. She is happy seeing how much she has grown up. "I think it will be a good idea. I will show you how to kick some boys butt if they get a little too close if you know what I mean." She then winks at her, being silly.
"That will be cool," Selina said.
"Why are they back so soon?" Sharpe said, using his commanding tone. Not happy with what he is being told. "What?"
Sharpe stands up and almost leaves. He stops himself and looks at Selina. "Ahh... Selina. Stay with Alicia." He then storms off.
"What was that?" Shino asked. "It is like a switch just went off."
"Just like in the forest with the Wood Elves and Legrath," Hamilton adds.
"Yeah," Jerry agrees. "I haven't seen that look in his eyes for a long time."
She saw his eyes. He was not happy. Like a bad dream that just came true. "Let's go check it out."
"Is that a good idea?" Jerry asks. "We have to watch Selina."
"I am not a kid you know," Selina says.
"As she said, she is not a kid," she says. "Besides, Sharpe told her to stay with me. He never said all of us stay here."
"That is pushing it," Andrew says. "But I like to know what is going on."
"That settles it," Shino says as she stands up. "Let's go."
Selina is holding Alicia's hand as they walk on the pavement. She wonders why her father dashed off from the mess hall table.
Up ahead he sees her father talking to Captain Bailey. The conversation seems intense, however neither of them is yelling.
"What is happening Alicia?" she asks.
"I don't know, kid," Alicia replies.
As they get closer she stops as she hears a struggle. She sees six Military Police or MPs dragging a Wood Elf out of the JLTV.
"Let go of me, you filth," the Wood Elf says.
The Wood Elf stands once he sees her and suddenly stops moving. He looks directly at her, his eyes filled with pure hatred and the intent to kill her.
"You Edran," the Wood Elf says. "You might shelter her, however our will and resolve have only strengthened. Your kind has slaughtered my people and you will pay for your crimes. With your life!"
Her eyes widened hearing that. When Lashin threatened her, it was more logical and meaningful. This was a direct threat.
She sees Sharpe walk over. He grabs the Wood Elf chin and then punches him hard.
"You cannot do that sir," one of the MPs says. "That is against a prisoner of war rules."
Sharp looks at the Military Policeman. "And threatening a thirteen-year-old girl is allowed? Get him out of here then you can arrest me."
She can see that the Military Policeman is not going to arrest Sharpe. She smiles, happy to see her father knocking out a man who threatens her. Feeling that nothing will ever hurt her again.
As the MPs take the Wood Elf away, Sharpe looks at Alicia, Andrew, and Jerry. "Why are you all here?"
"Sorry sir," Alicia says.
"What is happening, sir?" Jerry asks.
Her father starts to explain what happened. He brings up when the Wood Elves killed that nice farming family and that Bailey's team ran into the Wood Elves on their mission.
That is when she sees a boy standing next to Delilah. She recognizes him, Naminto. She knows the look in his eyes, traumatized from losing his family. It reminds her of the day her parents and little brother were murdered by the Nobles.
She rushes past her father and a few of the Rangers. She gets to Naminto. "Hello, Naminto."
She waits for a response until Naminto starts looking at her with a cold, blank look. She then hugs him. "I am sorry Naminto. You are safe now."
She lets go of him with a smile. She looks behind her when she hears someone coming.
Sharpe kneels on one leg while smiling. "Hey, Selina. I have to take care of this, but I need you to do me a favor."
"Yes, father?" she asks.
Sharpe leans closer. "Take Naminto to our place. Make him something nice. Find some clothes for him. He is your responsibility right now. Can you handle that squirt?"
She smiles. "Yes sir. I can do this."
"Good," Sharpe says as he lightly pats her on the arm. "I am trusting you. I will have Tuka come over soon to keep watch."
She nods and takes Naminto hand. "Follow me. Everything will be ok."
As she leaves, she overheard either Delilah or Alicia saying how that was cute. She doesn't care, just wanting to help her friend.
After she gets to Sharpe officer barracks, she sets him down on the couch. She found something for him to wear, along with some blankets and a pillow.
Once that is done, she is in a small kitchen. Her father told her to make him something nice. At first, she thought taking care of him would be easy, but she feels incredibly nervous. Her father placed a lot of trust in her and she doesn't want to fail. Plus, Naminto is one of her few friends who was nice to her.
She leaves the kitchen and walks over to the couch.
Naminto is sitting there wrapped in her green fluffy blanket with flowers all around it.
She thinks back on when she met her father, wanting to do what he did with her(9). She walks up and sets a plate of food on the table in front of him. "Here you go Naminto. It is called French toast however father always likes to call it American Toast.... I know it doesn't make sense, but father enjoys not making sense... which I know makes no sense.... Sorry."
She cuts up the French toast into pieces. "Please eat. You need your strength."
Naminto looks at her. "Sorry. I am not hungry."
She knows he is lying. She understands how he must be feeling.
She sits down next to him and glances at him. "I know how you feel. My first family died a few years ago. My father who was a King was murdered by people he thought he could trust. I saw him get cut down by a dozen men in the throne chambers."
She takes a deep breath, holding back her tears. She knows she needs to be strong for Naminto, and her father trusted her to do so. "I saw my mother be taken by the Nobles and they cut her throat open. There was so much blood."
"Then they took my little brother and quickly put a sword into him," she said as she rubs her eyes. "They were all murdered because of some treaty with the Empire. Then they handed me over to the Empire to become their slave."
"I was held by my slave traders for months," she continues. "It was the worst thing I have ever experienced. They treated me like I was not even Human."
She then looks at him. "But then my new father appeared out of nowhere. Then it became the best thing ever. I miss my first parents, but I just want to say that you are not alone. I understand what it is like to lose your family."
She then remembers what Sarah said almost a year ago. During the Raid of Sadera, she was talking with Sarah, scared that her father would die and that she would be alone again. She told her the difference between boys and girls(10). That boys are usually fighters, wheither good or bad. They build, fight, defend, and provide.
Sarah also said that girls usually are the ones who makes a boy good or bad. That girls help bring beauty to the world, which is peace, love, and happiness. Sarah said that a girl has a massive impact on how a boy acts if given the right encouragement.
She never understood that, but she saw how Sarah influenced her father. She helped change her father from a cold warrior to more of a family leader. Same with Rory, she has massive help with her father.
She looks at Naminto and smiles. "I know you have been through a lot. Those Wood Elves are bad people and they never should have killed your parents. I am always here if you need me. I am your friend."
"Also," she mumbles nervously. "I know you will be fine. You are a boy and boys are strong."
She then kisses him on the cheek, wanting to show him that he is not alone. "I know you miss your parents; I miss mine too. But just remember you are not alone Naminto. We are friends."
Naminto looks at her and nods. He grabs the plate and starts eating.
She smiles, seeing some life in his eyes again. She looks at the TV. "While the adults talk let me show you what father showed me. If you need anything just ask, I will get it for you."
(1)Chapter 29
(2)Chapter 44
(3)Chapter 48
(4)Chapter 5
(5)Chapter 28
(6) A nuclear family is a type of family unit. It is made up of a husband, a wife, and their children.
(7)Chapter 150
(8)Chapter 32
(9)Chapter 5
(10)Chapter 46
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