Chapter 1 - The Raxulon Massacre
3rd pov:
Narrator: Galaxy at peace! Having won their independence from the Republic, the Confederacy of Independent Systems has issued a parade of droids on their capital planet of Raxus. Count Dooku and his droid general Sephtis are taking part in the display; as honored heroes of the war. Thousands flock to the streets in celebration of their freedom, blissfully unaware of the horrors that will soon unfold.
Cheers and shouts erupted all around the planet of Raxus. After a long and costly war, they were finally free from the tyranny of the Republic. The galaxy was now in an era of peace: something once thought impossible to accomplish. The only sound as loud as the peoples' cries were the sound of metal feet marching in unison on the streets. Columns of B1s held the honor of leading the march and holding up banners of the Separatist Alliance; a few were even playing instruments.
B2 super battle droids marched behind them, slamming their fists on their bulky frames, creating a sound that fueled the civilians' cheers. A small squadron of AATs slowly hovered along with droid commanders poking out the hatches and waving. Commandos performed acrobatic feats jumping from tank to tank and throwing each other into the air. Droid starfighters thundered overhead, performing tricks and aerial maneuvers in the sky. And finally, in the back was a Multi Troop Transport whose large stature gave everyone a sense of pride.
But it was the two beings on top of the MTT that caused the people to cheer harder. Count Dooku and an enormous bulky droid were on top of the MTT, waving at the people. The droid was Sephtis, an ST-series super tactical droid with dark plating color and three bright red sensors. But it was the machine's stature that made him stand out. It stood at an impressive 7.2 feet with the bulky body of a B2, easily dwarfing the man next to him.
They were being closely guarded; by a detachment of IG-100 MagnaGuards. Seeing the two responsible for liberating them, the people began to shout their names. The droid general leaned toward his master while continuing to wave. His voice was deep and robotic.
Sephtis: I do believe they're chanting my name the loudest.
The count glanced at his droid. A trace of amusement was in the man's usually stern eyes.
Count Dooku: Perhaps, but the tool is only as good as the one who crafted it, Sephtis. Never forget your roots.
Sephtis: Well put, master. Your tongue is as sharp as ever.
They continued to wave. A few children in the crowd waved toys of the droid general and the count. It was a sight that warmed Sephtis' circuits. Nothing could ruin this grand celebration.
Droid Officer: General, come in general!
Sephtis was receiving a transmission from one of his droids. The voice could hardly be heard: over the cheers of the people. Sephtis pushed a button on his wrist link, causing a hologram of a droid commander to project from his left palm. The holographic droid was walking along with two other B1 battle droids.
Sephtis: We're in the middle of a celebration unit E-390. What is it?
E-390: We've detected a strange anomaly in sector 1138-0. We couldn't identify the cause of it, but it's big. I'm on my way to investigate.
The droid general looked to an area of buildings seeing the top of an unknown marble structure.
Sephtis: Evacuate any civilians in the area to safety. You also have my authority to enlist the help of any nearby droid in case of trouble.
E-390: Roger roger-- Wait, our scanners have detected several lifeforms exiting the structure.
It was then the blaring sound of a horn echoed throughout the city, and the sound of blaster fire and screams soon erupted. The parade came to a halt as everyone quieted down. The holographic droid officer suddenly opened fire on something as to did the droids that were accompanying him.
E-390: We're under attack by an unknown enemy force! Multiple civilians have been killed, requesting immediate reinforcements!
A roar caused Sephtis to look up in time to see a group of several dragon-like creatures flying overhead. They all suddenly looped back around and began heading straight for the crowd. The people were unsure if they should run or not as the beasts let out another booming roar. Sephtis pointed to the creatures and their riders before calling out to the droids.
Sephtis: Blast them!
Immediately every droid and vehicle turned and aimed up at the attackers before unleashing a shower of blaster fire. The bolts were too quick for the beasts to avoid, so they ended up cutting through the flesh and armor of the attackers while the fire from the tanks disintegrated them entirely. All that was left were the maimed carcasses of the beasts and a few limbs as they rained down on the buildings. The count couldn't help but chuckle at the droids' lack of restraint. With the threat dealt with, Count Dooku addressed the crowd.
Count Dooku: Everyone, please remain calm! The droid army will protect you and drive these attackers back to whence they came. The Senate Building is nearby; an escort will take you there and secure its perimeter. All we ask is for your cooperation and patience while we deal with these invaders.
The words of the charismatic man seemed to have eased the crowd as they began to regain their composure. An escort of droids and law enforcement personnel quickly lead the people away from the scene. Count Dooku turned to his subordinate his eyes were no longer joyful. Instead, they held the silent fury of the count.
Count Dooku: I want these terrorists brought in alive, but if they resist, eradicate them.
The droid general bowed his head to his master.
Sephtis: By your command.
The droid general then began to broadcast his voice to every droid in the city, even to the vulture droids that zoomed high in the sky.
Sephtis: All units, be advised. A hostile force has just appeared on Raxus. Their objective is unknown, but we will crush them before they can accomplish it. Ground units move to sector 1138-0 immediately; kill anyone that does not surrender! Air units secure the skies and rain fire upon the invaders! One way or another, these fools will die here and know what it means to face the largest droid army the galaxy has ever seen!
Quickly the droids began to march towards the area where the gate was while vulture droids zoomed overhead. Meanwhile, in sector 1138-0, the large marble structure was situated in the middle of an intersection. Invaders had spread in all directions once they exited the gate, quickly overwhelming the few droids in the area. A human riding an armored horse rode to the center of the street. He gazed at the bloody road with a grin.
They had just conquered an entire city effortlessly.
Commander: I claim this land in the name of the Saderan Empire! Men begin pillaging this area for anything valuable and inform the rest of the army that we've established a foothold!
The soldiers around him cheered as they raised their blood-soaked weapons. They soon spread out to loot and destroy the surrounding buildings for plunder. The commander, meanwhile, got off his horse and approached the body of a B1 battle droid. Scratches and dents covered its body, with the broken end of a spear lodged in its right eye. These soldiers were unlike anything he'd seen before.
None of them reacted to being slashed by multiple blades nor affected by the barrage of arrows that rained down on them. The commander's eyes trailed its body before stopping at the blaster in the droid's hand. They even had devastating ranged weapons, with many empire soldiers falling in mere seconds. The commander reached out to pick up the strange weapon but quickly reeled his hand back on contact.
Commander: S-Shit!
He turned his hand around, revealing his entire palm to be burned and quickly turning red. But before he could get his hand treated, the clanging of metal got his attention. Up ahead, three squads of droids could be seen, marching in unison toward the gate. The commander quickly mounted his horse before unsheathing his sword. The damaged flesh on his hand stung, causing him to grit his teeth in order not to let out any sounds of pain.
Commander: An enemy army is approaching! Form up on me!
Hearing the voice of their commander, the soldiers dropped whatever they were carrying and rallied out into the streets. Although, there seemed to be far fewer soldiers this time, as many had dispersed all over the city. While the soldiers were assembling, the small group of droids stopped and gazed at the bloody sight before them. Civilians and droids littered the ground, paving the once beautiful streets in a mess of blood and shattered metal. And the ones responsible for it were straight ahead.
A droid officer moved to the front of the group. He quickly organized the droid garrison into a firing line to repel the gathering army. They didn't have the means to clear the entire city of invaders, but they could at least conduct rescue operations while delaying them long enough for reinforcements to arrive.
E-390: All units form a firing line here!
They quickly moved into position, aiming their weapons toward the enemy army.
E-390: Ready, aim, fire!
The droids didn't shoot; they instead continued to aim. The invading army had finally organized themselves and was now ready to charge down the droids.
Commander: Charge! Cut them down!
The invading army began thundering toward them. The droid officer, in a panic, yelled out once more while flailing his arms.
E-390: I said fire!
This time the droids obeyed and unleashed a short salvo of red bolts. The entire frontline of soldiers suddenly collapsed, causing the rest of the charging force to falter.
Commander: Damn it, shields move in front and continue the charge! Archers cover our advance!
Their shield units moved in front to protect the rest of the army while arrows began to rain down on the droids. However, the change in tactics did little to help protect them from the waves of bolts as they effortlessly melted through the metal and into the flesh of the soldiers. Even the barrage of arrows couldn't penetrate the droids' superior armor as they merely bounced off. The droid officer spotted the invader's commander within the ranks of the enemy army, causing him to point his blaster pistol at the mounted foe.
E-390: There, that's their commander, blast him!
The droids shifted their fire toward the enemy commander, but they couldn't place an accurate shot. Seeing this, the droid officer chose a different method.
E-390: Throw thermals!
Two B1s quickly moved out of position and ran towards the enemy clutching two thermal grenades.
Droid: Goodbye grenade!
They both threw the thermals toward the middle of the enemy's ranks just as an unfortunate soldier looked up. He was hit in the face by one of the grenades causing it to detonate, sending limbs and soldiers flying in all directions. The commander's horse whined in pain as a thermal exploded at its feet. It exploded into pieces along with its rider. Chaos and fear immediately spread throughout the ranks of soldiers as they tried to figure out what was happening.
Soldier: By the gods, what was that?!
Soldier 2: Mages, the enemy has mages!
Soldier 3: The commander is dead!
With the majority of the invaders dead and the rest disorganized, the droids had the opportunity to begin rescuing any remaining civilians.
E-390: Squads two and three engage rescue subroutines! Squad one, engage the enemy! The general is counting on us, so win or be deactivated!
Droids: Roger roger.
As the droids dispersed to rescue civilians, an incoming message came to the droid officer's communicator. He held it in front of himself and answered the transmission causing a small hologram of Sephtis to appear.
Sephtis: Unit E-390, what's the situation down there?
E-390: We've managed to repel an initial wave of invaders and kill one of their commanders. We are now rescuing civilians in the area.
Sephtis: Excellent work unit E-390. Escort any civilians and prisoners to the Senate Building. The count and I are on the way to deal with these marauders personally. We'll be at your position shortly, so hold out until then.
The transmission ended, so the droid put away his communicator before leaving to assist in looking for civilians. Nearby, a small family of Twi'leks was running down one of the bloody streets, but an arrow zoomed through the sky and lodged itself into the mother's leg, causing the husband and daughter to stop and go to her aid. Unfortunately, a cavalryman spotted them and charged straight for them. The father grabbed a sword from a fallen soldier and stood in front of his family. His wife held their daughter closely as they waited for their inevitable death. The child buried her face into her mother's chest, shaking from the terror happening around her, but the sound of rolling metal caused her to look up.
There stood a droideka in front of them firing bolt after bolt at the charging enemy. The shots penetrated through the horse's armor, causing it to whine in pain before tumbling forward. The rider was flung into the air and in front of the droideka, but before it could finish him off, the Twi'lek father yelled as he slammed the sword into the invader's neck. Blood began to squirt from the soldier's wound as he futilely tried to pull the sword out. Arrows came barreling toward the family, but the droideka's shield shattered the projectiles on contact.
It was then B1 battle droids appeared around them, returning fire. A droid stopped firing and addressed the family.
Droid: Please evacuate to the Senate Building; you'll find medical personnel there to treat your wounds. We will hold the invaders here while all of you escape.
Twi'lek father: Arni'soyacho, Chee.
Droid: We're just doing our duty, sir.
The child and a nearby droid snickered.
Droid 2: Heh, duty.
The droids stepped on and over the dying soldier as they continued to push back the remaining invaders. The Twi'lek family took this chance to run, with the father carrying both his wife and daughter. The child peeked over her father's shoulder and watched as the droids, in her eyes, charged bravely into the fray to protect them. Close by a B2 super battle droid engaged in hand-to-hand combat with two soldiers. They tried to slash the droid's thick armor, but they couldn't even leave a dent. The droid slammed his metal fist into the side of the closest soldier's head, knocking him to the ground before blasting him.
The remaining soldier went in for an overhead strike, but the hulking machine smacked the blade out of his grip before clamping his hand on his head. The droid effortlessly lifted him and unloaded multiple shots into his chest. Without a second thought, the droid tossed the lifeless body away. He then turned his attention to a group of civilians cornered by a large green creature wielding a wooden war hammer. The droid raised his arm to fire, but before he could shoot, a bolt went into the side of the creature's head.
A spider droid was perched on a rooftop, providing covering fire. It sniped the invaders with precision, not allowing them any chance to attack. Soon the fighting was over as the droids realized they were the only ones left standing. The droids fanned out and searched the area for any more remaining civilians, but all they could find were dead bodies. A B2 lifted some rubble, revealing the crushed body of a woman holding a bundle of cloth close to her chest.
Two B1s pulled the body from underneath the rubble before examining them for any sign of life, but the mother and baby were dead.
Droid: There is no more organic life left in the area. Inform the officer.
Droid 2: Roger roger.
As the droid walked down the street toward E-390, he passed body after body of both friend and foe. Many were killed or mutilated in gruesome ways, but the sight of the dead didn't affect the droids. After all, they were only machines. The droid soon found E-390 in a cleaner area of the street flanked by two B2s in front of some bound soldiers. He was trying to interrogate some invaders they've captured during the skirmish but wasn't having much success.
E-390: Who do you fight for, the Republic? The Hutt Clans? Hondo?
The soldiers just looked at each other, unsure of what the metal man was saying. The droid captain gestured over to one of the B2s who unfurled a destroyed banner of the Empire. E-390 shoved the end of his pistol into the flag, growing more and more frustrated.
E-390: This is your flag. Who are they?
Still no response. The B1 soon approached, getting the attention of his superior.
Droid: Sir, there are no more signs of life in the sector. We've given first aid to those injured, but many are in critical condition.
The droid officer lowered his pistol and faced the B1.
E-390: We need to get moving then. Gather the prisoners and civilians, but sweep the area one final time.
The droid officer watched the B1 walk away before pulling out his communicator.
E-390: This is unit E-390 calling all units to inform that sector 1138-0 is clear of invaders. We'll now be heading to the Senate Building with civilians and a few prisoners--
It was then an arrow went flying by E-390's head. He looked toward the gate and saw hundreds of invaders begin to pour through.
E-390: Not clear, not clear! Another army just came through the gate!
With more and more warriors pouring from the marble gate, the defending droids quickly found themselves for the first time at a numerical disadvantage. A few droids were near the marble gate, firing upon the invaders. Their resistance provided E-390 with time to organize a defensive plan.
E-390: Squads 3 and 2 escort the civilians and prisoners to the Senate Building! Squad 1, you're with me! We will hold the enemy here while they escape!
As the droid officer walked away to organize their last stand, two B1s turned to each other.
Droid: Why do we always get the dangerous assignments?
Droid 2: Obviously because we're the best. Why else would they assign us to something that means certain destruction?
Droid: Yeah, you're right. It sure is tough being the best.
The droid officer soon came back and smacked them both upside the head.
E-390: Cut the chatter and get into positions!
Droids: Roger, roger.
By this point, the droids near the gate were all slaughtered. But their sacrifice allowed the remaining droids to establish a makeshift barrier of bodies and rubble that stretched from one side of the street to the other.
E-390: Squads 2 and 3 begin your retreat. You'll only have a minute at most to escape before they destroy us and go after you.
Droids: Roger roger.
As the two droid squads left, E-390 joined the defending droids behind the barrier before pointing his blaster at the approaching army prompting the others to do the same. Altogether they were only nine strong against a hundred invaders, possibly even thousands. Yet, unlike their organic foes, they were not impeded by emotions allowing them to fight at peak efficiency even in the face of certain death.
E-390: Hold the line.
With that, the droid officer fired his blaster, killing one of the invaders and initiating their last stand. For now, the army was at a distance allowing the droids the opportunity to dwindle their numbers. It didn't seem to matter where the droids shot as there were plenty of targets all coming in a straight line.
Droid: Is this what it's like to fight us?
Droid 2: Of course not. Finely crafted machines like us are far superior to these meatbags.
As the droids fought, Sephtis and Count Dooku were making their way to their position, killing and capturing any invaders along the way. The battalion split into several squads in order to cover the most ground as they moved through the city. The droid general was currently engaged in hand-to-hand combat with three giant green monsters. One raised a wooden club and swung for the droid's head, but Septhis ducked beneath it and delivered a punch through the creature's chest. Its body went limp as the droid pulled the creature's heart out and crushed it.
The reaming two charged forward, hoping to overwhelm the machine with their combined strength. Sephtis merely raised his blood-stained fists and waited for their attack. One swung for Sephtis, but the droid general punched the wooden weapon causing it to splinter and break. The creature was shocked at having his weapon destroyed, giving Septhis the chance to follow up with a powerful haymaker to his head. His face still held that look of shock as it soared through the sky and hit a B1 in the head. The other tackled his legs and tried to lift him, only to be stunned by the sheer weight of the machine.
Two metal arms reached down and wrapped around the creature's waist and hoisted him off the ground effortlessly. He soon found himself sitting on Sephtis' shoulders before being driven into the ground head first. The creature's head was split open with blood and brain matter pooling around it.
Sephtis: Hm, these creatures bear some resemblance to the Gamorreans. Perhaps the Hutts are aiding these invaders?
As Sephtis inspected the dead creatures, Count Dooku was slaughtering soldiers left and right, cutting through them with the grace and skill of an experienced duelist.
Count Dooku: Unlikely, the Hutts seem fond of you, Sephtis. I doubt they would even invest in such weak allies with nothing to gain.
Multiple soldiers tried to rush the Sith Lord, but their combined attack came undone by the lightning that streamed out the count's fingertips and into their bodies. The smoking bodies went flying backward as the count turned to his droid.
Count Dooku: Septhis, where is the origin of this attack?
The droid general had a soldier in a headlock and another held by the arm.
Sephtis: Earlier reports suggested they first appeared in sector 1138-0 and have since spread throughout the city.
He then proceeded to snap the neck of the soldier in his arm before dropping the now dead body. The remaining soldier in his grip dropped his sword and fell to his knees in front of the droid.
Soldier: Mercy, I beg of you show mercy!
The count soon approached, deactivating his lightsaber and gazing at the pathetic sight before him.
Count Dooku: What is he babbling about Sephtis?
The droid general just tilted his head as he searched through his databanks for the language the soldier was using, but surprisingly he couldn't find it.
Sephtis: How odd; I can't seem to match his speech to any language in my databank. But it seems to be a blend of ancient dialects in the galactic standard.
Count Dooku: Hmm, this is peculiar. Is it possible these invaders aren't of this galaxy?
Sephtis: More than likely, yes. Even some of the most primitive species utilize firearms, but these humans seem to haven't even discovered gunpowder yet, not to mention they still use outdated weaponry and tactics. We could decipher their language, but it will take time.
The count stroked his beard in thought as his stern gaze focused on the quivering soldier on the ground. It was then a voice came from Sephtis' comlink.
E-390: This is unit E-390 calling all units to inform that sector 1138-0 is clear of invaders. We'll now be heading to the Senate Building with civilians and a few prisoners--
A commotion could be heard in the background with blaster fire and screams resonating from the device.
E-390: Not clear, not clear! Another army just came through the gate!
The transmission ended, leaving Sephtis and the count in silence.
Count Dooku: It seems the fighting carries on.
The droid general merely nodded as he hoisted the soldier over his shoulder as he contacted the entire battalion to double-time it to sector 1138-0.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
Squad 1 was still holding their ground as they fired from their makeshift cover. Many invading soldiers were being killed but not nearly enough to sway the tide of this battle.
E-390: Incoming!
From the enemy backlines came a volley of arrows. However, they did little against the metal bodies of the droids as they either shattered or deflected off. Prolonged usage was beginning to overheat the droids' blasters, causing many to stop firing to let them cool. The invading army was now halfway down the street.
E-390: They're in range of our grenades throw everything we got!
The droids did as told and threw all the remaining thermals they had. Mayhem spread among the enemy ranks as they watched their friends and allies blow up into pieces. Yet the charge continued. As E-390 was about to call out another order, an arrow lodged itself in his left optic knocking him to the ground. A nearby B1 crouched down and began inspecting the droid officer.
Droid: Is the officer still operating?
The droid lifted E-390's head, seeing the arrow had lodged itself into the officer's CPU but not deep enough to disable him. E-390 tried to move, but his body refused to obey.
Droid 2: He's still functioning, but the arrow hit his processor! I don't think he can move anymore!
The droid laid the officer back on the ground before rejoining the fight. With no reinforcements and their leader disabled, they couldn't hope to win or live to see another battle, yet they persisted. A soldier attempted to climb the barricade, but a B2 grabbed his arm and yanked him over, causing him to flat on his back next to E-390. Two stomps from the droid's heavy foot ended his life as he proceeded to use the body to reinforce the barricade. More and more soldiers attempted to climb the wall of bodies and rubble, only to die and add to its strength.
But their defense soon crumbled when the bulk of the army reached the barricade. There were too many soldiers to hold back, and the droids soon found themselves enveloped by the invaders. Droid after droid began to fall from the sheer number of attackers. As the few remaining droids continued to fight, they heard a familiar sound come from the sky, as too did the invaders. E-390 watched the skies pleased with himself and his squad as they had stalled the enemy long enough for the main force to arrive.
Several squadrons of vulture droids thundered overhead, with one lifting its head and scanning the battlefield below. Soon the vultures redirected their flight to head straight for the invading army. Explosions began to erupt in the ranks of soldiers as the fighters rained fire upon the panicking invaders. As the vultures flew over them, the soldiers swore they could hear laughter coming from the droids.
Soldier: Iron dragons?!
Screams echoed through the street as the invaders were torn to shreds by the vultures' bombs and blaster cannons. A soldier watched as his comrades were practically disintegrated by the fiery breath of the iron dragons, causing him to go into a panic.
Soldier: W-We shouldn't be here; none of this feels right.
The soldiers around him all looked at him as he began to breathe heavily. He saw five vultures coming back around, causing him to scream as he turned tail and ran.
Soldier: I don't want to die here!
He began running back toward the gate, pushing anyone out of his way, but just as he was about to go through the marble monument, he suddenly stopped. His hands shot to his neck as he struggled to breathe. Slowly he began to levitate off the ground just as Count Dooku and Sephtis came out from behind the gate. A few soldiers raised their weapons at the Sith Lord, getting an uneasy feeling from his mere presence.
Count Dooku: Lay down your weapons, or my associate will reduce you to pieces.
Sephtis stepped forward as a click came from his right arm, making the armor peel back and extend outward, forming a shield at the base of his elbow. With the armor gone, it revealed the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon within his arm, which he promptly pointed at the levitating soldier. The minigun whirred as a vicious torrent of bolts eviscerated the poor soldier. Sephtis continued to fire until all that was left was a few pieces of mangled flesh.
The count threw the remains at the soldiers' feet, causing many to back up, yet they didn't show any sign of yielding.
Count Dooku: It seems they need a little encouragement Sephtis. Perhaps a little incentive will make them more cooperative.
Sephtis: My thoughts exactly, master.
The droid general raised his left forearm to his face as he spoke to the droid battalion.
Sephtis: All units, you're clear to engage.
Immediately a shower of bolts began to rain on the invading army as droids started to emerge from every street corner.
A few soldiers charged for the droid general and Sith Lord, but they were gunned down by Sephtis' minigun and the droids moving in from behind the gate.
Droid: Die Republic dogs!
Sephtis: Wrong enemy unit J9-46.
The MTT soon appeared, being closely escorted by several squadrons of tanks. The giant vehicle parked itself in front of the gate, preventing anyone from entering or leaving through it. With no way to escape or combat the newly arrived forces, the commanders of the invading army had no choice but to order a complete surrender.
Commander: Men, quickly drop your weapons! We can't win this battle! Don't needlessly die!
Quickly the soldiers dropped their weapons and fell to their knees, with some even laying face down on the bloody streets. From what Sephtis could see, about 1,000 enemy soldiers were surrendering, with thousands more lying dead at their feet. Several Munificent-class star frigates appeared in orbit above the planet, from which hundreds of fighters and bombers poured out to secure the city. The soldiers could only watch in terror at why they were seeing. Thousands of metal men, iron dragons, iron elephants, and now iron behemoths. Just who were they sent to fight?
With the gate firmly placed under Confederacy control, the invasion was over. In the aftermath of the attack, over 35,000 civilians were reported either slain or missing, with 5,000 more wounded. This bloody day will become known across all Confederacy worlds as the Raxulon Massacre. It took 4 hours to completely clear the city of invaders with those captured loaded on vessels heading to the planet of Lola Sayu, where they will be detained and interrogated.
But for now, an emergency meeting was held in the Senate Building in order to determine how to respond to this unwarranted assault. Count Dooku was overseeing the meeting along with his droid general.
Senator Sara Syko: We must counter-attack! If we don't, it'll show the galaxy that we are weak without the guidance of the Republic.
Many yelled in agreement, eager to get revenge for their slaughtered citizens, but not all were as hasty.
Senator Ledo Donnall: We can't just rush into this. We don't know what lies beyond that gate or if any army we send will be able to come back.
A few seemed to agree with their fellow senator, causing a heated debate to ensue between the two sides. All the while, Count Dooku sat in his chair unbothered by the noise around him. That was until his droid general spoke up.
Sephtis: Then send me and my battalion.
The entire room quieted down at the sound of the deep robotic voice. They all looked to the grand general giving him their full attention.
Sephtis: Mister Donnall is correct; we can not just rush in with an army without knowing what is beyond the gate. However, taking no action is ill-advised. The people demand retribution, and if none is delivered, they will become restless. If we're to be sent, no life would be at risk besides those of our attackers, of course. We'll also be able to fight better than an organic army blinded by rage. If you need further convincing, I invite you to review my service record. You will find I am quite capable of dealing with impossible odds.
The senators began to talk amongst themselves, unsure if they should grant the general's request. After all, there was only one of him, but who else was capable of undertaking such a task?
Senator: You're confident you won't fail, grand general?
Sephtis: It is not in my programming to fail.
With that, the room fell quiet as the count took this as his cue to proceed with the voting.
Count Dooku: All those in favor of sending the general and a battalion through the gate say aye.
The room flared in various words of agreement before they quieted down.
Count Dooku: All those opposed?
The room remained silent as the count's eyes scanned the room. He seemed a little surprised no one was attempting to disagree, but regardless he continued.
Count Dooku: The ayes have it.
The count pressed a button on his chair, causing an enormous hologram of himself to appear on the roof of the Senate Building. Everyone around the city stopped and stared up at the hologram.
Count Dooku: The council has decided that this massacre can not go unpunished. We will retaliate with the full force of the droid army, with the grand general leading a battalion through the gate himself. He will find those responsible for this heinous attack on the people of Raxxus and make them pay tenfold. You will all have your vengeance, this I promise.
The entire crowd erupted in cheer as they began to chant the count's name. The lives savagely taken by these invaders will be answered for, if not by diplomacy, then by the might of the droid army. Either way, the result will be the same. The droid army will be marching on Falmart.
Next time: March of The Droids
Word count: 5660
I gave up near the end; this took way too long.
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