Toriel was walking Frisk to snowdin' and see Dr. Gaster and his two sons.
Frisk looked at Toriel, Toriel noticed.
"What is it my child?" She looked puzzled.
"Why do we have to see Dr. Gaster mom?" Toriel smiled.
"Because Dr. Gaster needed my help on his working project." Frisk Frowned. "Then what will I do?".
"My Child, You can play with Gaster's Two sons, Sans and Papyrus!" Frisk sighed. "Okay mom".
~Pie skip, Brought to you by Goat mom's Buttpie!~♢
Frisk's P.O.V
We have arrived to a little lab in the hotlands.
We both walked inside, Inside we're Three skeletons.
Two small baby bones that looked like their in my age and a very tall skeleton wearing a lab coat and glasses and has holes in both of his hands.
"Ah, Ms. Toriel Dreemur, I have been expecting you. Come. We have alot to discuss and work on." The very tall skeleton said to my mum.
My mom nodded then lean down toward me.
"I'll see you in a bit my child, Okay?" I nodded. She gave me a kiss on the forhead and left with Dr. Gaster or whatever his name was.
I turned to face where the two skeletons we're but I only saw one playing around.
Sans's P.O.V
I was playing around with my Brother in the lab.
We we're both just jumping around and playing around.
We we're both playing untill I heard a door opened.
I saw a tall goat lady and a human girl standing beside the tall goat lady.
I think those are the two people my dad we're talking about.
But, i've never seen a human before, the human looked pretty kind. So... why not greet her?
She looked at our direction, I quickly teleported behind her.
I smiled. "h u m a n , D o n ' t y o u k n o w h o w t o g r e e t a n e w p a l? T u r n a r o u n d a n d s h a k e m y h a n d.."
The human girl, slowly turned around then shook my hand.
'Pbbbblllllltttt' she then blushed.
"Heh, the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick!" She laughed. I blushed.
She looks pretty cute when she laughs.
"I-I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton" She smiled. "I'm Frisk, Frisk the human!" We both laughed.
I stopped laughing then pointed to my brother.
"Over there, that's my bro, papyrus! Why don't you go meet him? Don't worry, he's harmless." She then smiled. "Okay!" Then she walked over to him. They we're talking for a bit then papyrus suddenly hugged her then jumped to me.
"SAAAAAANNS!!!!!!! I HAVE FOUND A VERY LOST HUMAN!!!!!!!!!!! ISN'T THE HUMAN CUUUUUUUUTE?!?!?!?!??!?!?" I chuckled then smirked. "Yes, the human is a-doorable" then I booped her nose.
"Hey!! No boops!!!" We laughed.
Toriel's P.O.V
I walked into the room where Gaster was heading to.
I saw alphys sitting on a chair with stacks of papers.
I sat down across from Dr. W.D. Gaster.
"So, why did you call me here again? I know to help you but on what?" I asked him.
"I need an assistant, to help me while i'm working and Alphys here is researching on the human souls and how they work so we could finally get out of the underground and be free, but of course your human child is important to you so, we won't hurt her eventually.. " I nodded.
"So were gonna wait until another human falls?" He sighed. "Im afraid so."
Well, cliffhanger here! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this first
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