Chapter 02
Just as Clara pulls the tip of the needle out of my flesh, the doctor enters the room. He wears a pair of very big glasses and has a bald patch exposing his pale skin. Gray hair is forming a small wreath on his head and a white coat is wrapped around his body. They are the first people I've seen today --since I have been awake. Outside it's summer and the warm sun is shining through the window. If I'm not mistaken, I even hear a few birds chirping, one of a few sounds that can calm me down. I hope I will see my brother soon...hopefully he is doing well... I'm afraid to ask though...
I haven't heard anything from Harry, probably he got kicked out early. Maybe it's even better that way, then I will finally have the room all to myself and not having to constantly be afraid that he would stare at me again when I would need to use the toilet. I feel the familiar heat in my cheeks, a reaction that only one man could caused in my life so far. Harry Edward Styles, that guy who I shared a hospital room with not that long ago. Maybe even a few minutes ago... It is a strange, unfamiliar feeling, and I would prefer to just run away as soon as it creeps it's way inside my body.
The man in white sits down next to me and looks briefly at his documents that Clara almost threw at him, frowning. Then he looks up at me, his gray eyes meet mine. He doesn't look very happy, but he is trying to hide his some sort of raw emotions, I can tell.
"Well, Ms. Rees. Have you noticed any special pain in your chest area for the past few years?" he asks me, looking very concentrated. I am hesitating for a few seconds before I give him am answer.
"Yeah. I g-guess...a couple times actually."
"How many times and how much pain was it? What did it feel like?" He holds his pen ready to write down my answers, but I hesitate for another few seconds. Those are a lot of questions for my aching head. Deep in mind I try to collect myself, taking a long, lasting breath. Dr. Freeman, as I can read on his badge is very patient with me, but something about him seems strange to me. He hasn't even told me his name, as he walked in previously. He probably just got caught having a bad day, no need to worry.
"Almost every day, it depends on how much I would exercise, or how much I would move my body. Sometimes it's hard for me to breathe, but it's never been that bad as of yesterday. Now that I have got the right med I don't feel any pain in my chest anymore...Usually it's like needles picking me inside out... sometimes it feels like someone is strangling me though," I answer and somehow I feel sort of relieved. It's been the first time I have ever told someone about my issues.
Dr. Freeman has this thoughtful facial expression and writes down my information on a sheet of paper. I see him doodling a few crosses and as I try to read his mind I fail, miserably.
"Okay, Ms. Rees. It does not look good for you...I unfortunately have to say that you are suffering a very bad lung-disease. Often it's to be found in women in your age, but I'm glad that now, after the accident, we will finally get to take care of it. We will do our best." My mouth opens slightly, but I don't get out any single word. Lung disease?
All the pain I had to endure for years. The nights as I lay awake on my mattress, my brother hugging me tightly, even though the sting was hurting in my chest. Someone tells me now that the reason for it is a lung disease?
I know this is a situation my family would cry about. They should be sad about it. I should be sad. But apart from my brother, I have no one. And the emotions inside me are rather scared. I know my brother would cry if only he knew. But I am still too afraid to ask about him. There may be two other people in my life, but they are dead to me. When I think of her dark red hair that is way too greasy because she has never haf time to wash it, ever. The face of evil and dull eyes that stare at me and my brother as if we were scum. Her husband is even worse: Dark, black hair that constantly falls across his face...and that ugly smell of cigarettes and alcohol mixed together if you would come near him.
Suddenly my thoughts lead to Harry. He has had that exact same smell.
I wonder if he knows them. Maybe he is in the same scene... or am I just imagining the worst? I have to stop to judge people by their appearance -- or may I add: by their smell--, just because they are like that. I somehow hope that Harry isn't like my foster parents in the first place. But either way, it doesn't matter because apparently he has been thrown out of here anyway. I will never see him again.
"I know this is hard, but do you have any questions?" Dr. Freeman interrupts my thoughts and I cringe... then I instantly shake my head, no.
"No," I whisper so softly that I'm surprised that the doctor has even heard it. I can't think of any questions right now, nor do I want to ask him anything after all.
"Okay, if you change your mind, you can always ask me or Clara."
"Thanks." The rapid pumping of my heart makes it not that easy for me because although I got painkillers, the pain creeps back into my chest area.
"I promise, you will like it here, I will see you tomorrow Ms. Rees," he says goodbye. His sentence makes me worry, because indirectly it means that I have to stay, although I don't like it here.
"Wait, I - ... where is Casper," I ask and notice the nervousness and desperation in my shaky voice.
"Who is Casper?" Dr. Freeman wonders and my eyes widen. He doesn't know where my brother is?!
My eyes follow his white coat, until the door is blocking my view. He is a strange man.
He doesn't know where my brother is...he doesn't know. Where is he? Please don't tell me he is with Karla and John...please?!
No matter what happens to me, I want my brother to be happy. He needs to be happy. He deserves it so much.
I only remember the flames, his little hand that had wrapped around mine and the smoke, burning inside my chest like acid.
It's the literal hell, and it looks like heaven isn't in sight...
Question of the chapter: Where do you think is Casper?
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