What are we...?
Garroth's POV: I pull back from luarence. L-Luarence w-what are we? Whatever you want us to be Garroth. He smirked and pulled me towards him and our lips colide. Me touching his lips felt.. Perfect.. like it was ment to be i knew he was the one. when we finally stoped beacuse we needed to breather. Time skip to 10 PM: Still Garroth's POV: I cant stop thinking of luarence... what he said to me We can be anything you want us to be Dose he really love me? i keep thinking about until rei hear soeone open my door. It was Luarence. H-Hey L-L-L-Luarence.... Why are you still up? i notice he has his Gitair he goes on my bed and plays his guitair while singing: Music: You can be the peanut butter to my jelly, you can be the butterflies i feel in my belly You can be the captain and i can be your first mate, You can be chills that i feel on our first date, You can be the hero and i can be your side kick, You can be the tear that i cry if we ever spilt You can be the rain from the cloud when it stormin', Or you can be the when it shines in the mornin' Dont know if could ever be without you cuz boy you conplete me, and in time I know that we'll both see that we're all we need cuz your the apple to my pie and the straw to my berry your the smoke to my high and your the one i want to marry. cuz your the one for me, for e, and im the one for you for you, you tske the both of us and where the perfect two. ( Im to lazy to right the song ) just lisen to it it. Garroth's POV: L-Luarence that was butiful.. i hug him. T-Thanks i've been practicing... Sudently i hear Dante snapping pictures. OMI MY NEW OPT DHJERFBYH!!!! I pull away GAH! D-D-DANTE WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE IT'S 10 PM! Well i heard some music it was coming from here so i diced to check it out but them i find you to hugging each other it so adorable!!! To be continued WAIT. YOU FORGOT AMY ( Me ) MOMENTS!!! Amy POV ( Me) Whew done wrting my fanfic * Luarence approches* AHA SO YOU WHERE WRTING A FANFIC!!! L-LARENCE WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?! I broke in here WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Just kidding he chuckles. But srsly do you really have to write fanfic's about us? YES NOW GET OUT OF ROOM!!!!!!! HOLY IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?! well hoped you liked this chapter and dont forget to give e feed back in the comments! and faverite AMY OUT!
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