The Princes Guard
Garroth and Aphmau were in a heated argument, with Laurence kinda just in the corner, disappointed in himself. And even though Garroth is a prince and can command his guard to do anything he doesn't. Aphmau is his guard, but she's a silent one. She is pretending to be a guy because Garte wouldn't give her this opportunity to be the princes personal knight. He didn't think a girl could ever be a good knight. But she showed him. She pretended to be a guy, and learned sign language. She lives in the guard tower with the rest of the guards. Laurence, Dante, and Dale. (A/N I know we are in O'Khasis but just go with it. Thanks!) But Aphmau made the mistake of believing that no one was awake in the guard tower and she went to get a glass of water from the kitchen, but when she turn around from grabbing it she was met with a sword, to the neck. "WHO ARE YOU?" He yelled. She was signing as fast as she could. 'LAURENCE!!! Shhh... You could wake up the others.' "Wait! Why am I not talking?" "IM GOING TO ASK AGAIN WHO ARE YOU?" "I'm Adam." "You don't look like Adam."He sneers. "Have you ever see Adam?" She retorts. "N-no.." He slowly lowers his sword. To which she sticks out her hand "My real name is Aphmau." "Your beautiful." "Hey hey! Laurence I can still chop you in half with my sword." "Okay.. But why are you hiding?" He asked. "I would rather discuss this later, tomorrow maybe?" "Tomorrow could do." "Okay because I honestly just wanted a drink of water and didn't expect anyone to be awake." "Every good guard sleeps with one eye open," "But not with you door open!" He lightly laughs. "But you cannot tell anyone I'm a girl!! And Laurence I mean anyone, not even the royal family know!" She exclaimed. "Wait. So you mean to tell me your Garroth's personal guard and you didn't tell him that you were a girl." She lightly nods and signs 'I told you I will tell you tomorrow.' And she proceeds upstairs to her room.
Now here we are the next day. Aphmau was watching Garroth and they were talking/signing about his work for lord duties. When Laurence entered, completely oblivious to Garroth being there. "HEY APH!! Will you tell me now?" She signed to him really quickly. 'LAURENCE!!! PRINCE GARROTH IS IN YOU ROOM YOU COULD HAVE EXPOSED ME!!!' "Sorry Aph." 'STOP CALLING ME THAT, MY NAME IS ADAM REMEMBER!!' She signed angrily. Garroth confused on everything screamed "WHAT IS GOING ON!!" "Ap- Adam you haven't told him yet?" Laurence asked, even though he already knew the answer. 'I never intended on telling him' She signed. "Tell me what? Adam, what are you guys not telling me?" 'I can't tell you.' She signed warily, afraid it will make him mad. And it did. He commanded Laurence to stay silent, and Laurence had to obey. So Garroth and Aph were having a very heated argument, to which Laurence couldn't take it anymore and left. Aphmau finally caved in. She spoke out loud for the first time ever infront of him. "If you tell your father what I'm about to tell you, you might as well be asking for a new guard. But I beg of you! I need this job. So please don't tell anyone." She sighed and removed her helmet. Letting her long Raven black hair fall out. Her Carmel eyes meeting his ocean blue eyes. Laurence slowly backed away from the two saying "Um I will leave you two alone, talk to you later Aph." When he left Aphmau snapped out of Garroth entrancing eyes, and straightened her posture. "Prince Garroth, I'm am sorry I kept this secret, but I needed this job to much." She said. He looked at her confused. "I never caught your real name? But I'm confused all the guards in O'Khasis are provided houses and food, there is no need for you to need the money. What do you possibly need the money for." He looked to her. Her face went bright red. "Um.... My r-real n-name is A-Aphmau. And y-you'll
h-have t-to f-follow me for the n-next a-answer. I always sneak off, either when I'm with you or when I'm at the guard tower. But he is very important to me." She looked towards Garroth with sad eyes. Garroth felt something rise in his chest. He seemed to feel it when she said it was a 'he' that was very special. Thoughts swarmed his head like, is it her boyfriend? If so why does she need to provide for him? Can't he provide for himself? His thoughts were ruined when Aph called out to him. "Prince Garroth! Are you coming? You do want to know why I need this job right?" He nodded and followed her lead. But on their way, it was an awkward silence. Garroth decided to break it. "You know Aphmau I did think it was weird for a guy to like purple." "Hey guys can like purple, and I thought it was weird that an 18 year old Prince still sleeps with a teddy bear." "Okay you got me there." He said looking toward her. When she finally noticed she started blushing but quickly recovered. She cleared her throat and asked Garroth. "Prince Garr-" "Just call me Garroth."
"But that would be a vio-" "I command you to call me Garroth then. And we are friends right?" "Y-yes Garroth we are. But how are you with going into the woods, sorry I probably should of asked that before." "I'm fine with the woods, why?" "Because that's where I live." "Huh?" "I only stay in the guard tower a couple nights a week, and when I do I always check up on him and his brother before I leave." Can you tell me who him is?" Garroth didn't even notice they were already standing infront of a cottage, with a water fall right next to it.
(A/N yes I know these look like they wouldn't fit together but just try to picture it)
"This place is beautiful." He stated staring wide eyed at her. She just gave a small nod and led him into her house all around there were pictures of her and two kids. "Malachi! Levin! I'm home!" She yelled. Two little boys came bounding up on her legs hugging them. One definitely looked older than the two, he had brown hair and green eyes, the younger one had sandy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. Garroth was so astonished with how much he looked like the little one that he almost missed them calling her "Mom!" Garroth looked at her confused. She just laughed and pulled them off of her. "Guys hold on, let Mommie change. Um by the way guys, this is Garroth, and Garroth these are my sons." She started then she put her hand on the older ones shoulder and said "This is Malachi, and the younger one is Levin." She then headed off into the hallway. But as soon as she was out of ear shot, the boys bounded up to Garroth and Malachi asked "Gar are you our dad?" Garroth started blushing, and looked around to see no Aphmau, he sighed and said "No, but I wish I was, I actually just found out she was a girl today." "I finished changing!" Aphmau yelled as she bounced down the hallway. She looked at her two boys. "You guys were behaving for Garroth right?" They both nodded their heads and Malachi winked at Garroth, making Garroth worry. "Mom! Gar! Come on let's go play!" Malachi pleaded at his mother. Knowing that she likes guys who help take care of children. She lightly laughed, "If it's okay with 'Gar'." She said putting air quotes around 'Gar' while asking him. He's having a victory dance in his head screaming that she gave him a nickname. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind, I really like these kids." He said. She took both of her boys hands and led them outside towards the waterfall. They played for hours around it and then layed under the stars. Aphmau and Levin curled up together and fell asleep, Garroth watching over them. He lifted them up, and carried them with Malachi walking next to him. "You know mom likes you a lot Garroth. She likes guys who can help take care of kids." Garroth looked at him wide eyed and Malachi just nodded. They walked into the cottage and Malachi crawled into bed. Garroth carefully layed Aphmau in her bed then took Levin to his and Malachi's room. He wrote Aphmau a small note, telling her he was going back home. He creeped into her room and left the note on her nightstand, "Goodnight, my love." He whispered and kissed her forehead. And turned to leave but a hand stopped him. He blushed slightly. "No come on Gar you can stay here with me." A light voice said, and pulled him into the bed. "I love you too Gar now sleep." She whispered.
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