She ran straight to her room, slamming the door in the process. 'He just broke up with me.' The thought of that ran through her head. She quietly sobbed onto her pillow. Both the girls, and Vylad were out at the moment. Aaron had told her that his "late" girlfriend had been found, Lily. So he went after her. And Aphmau couldn't stay by his side. She needed comfort.
'Please pick up.'
A silent sob escaped her mouth. She tried to cover it. "I-I need y-you
n-now." Her voice cracked toward the end.
"Are you okay Aph?! What's going on?! Why are you crying?!" His British voice rang at the other end. She couldn't reply. She kept crying and sobbing, with little sniffles. "I'm coming over." He said before hanging up. He was her best friend. Her shoulder to cry on. Once she started dating Aaron, they had a BIG fight. They hadn't been speaking to each other for over a week. It was kinda comforting for her. She was still sobbing when he burst through the door. He immediately rushed to her side and hugged her. Quietly shushing her and he sat her in his lap. She managed to sob out, "I'm so sorry, you were right." He looked at her confused. "It's okay. It's okay. Can you tell me what happened?" She grabbed him by his shirt and pulled herself closer to him, crying into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her. Cooing into her ear. She pulled away, he used his thumb to wipe away her tears.
"He broke up with me." She told him. Surprisingly without stuttering, his presence had calmed her. "Aph, it's okay. That's his mistake. He doesn't know what he just lost. You're an amazing girl. Your beautiful, smart, kind, caring, and many more. Any guy would be lucky to have you." He stated. Then mumbled, "Even me.." She had heard him though. "What?" She asked. "Nothing!" He exclaimed blushing bright red. "I heard you." She stated turning a bit pink. She had always kinda liked Garroth but pushed the feelings away. 'Best friends and nothing more.' That was always the thoughts that came up when she thought of him like that. "What did you mean?" She asked looking up at him. She was still snuggled up to his chest. "I-I like you Aph. A lot. And I know that you probably like some-" Aphmau cut him off by kissing him. He kissed back obviously whist smiling through it.
It was like the fight between the two didn't happen.
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