Part 1: The First Meeting
~Aphmau's POV~
"NO MOMMY! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL I WANNA STAY HOME AND SLEEP AND PLAY WITH YOU!" I screamed at mommy as she carried me to the kindergarten classroom.
"I'm sorry Mija, but you have to get your education if you want to be successful in life." Mommy replied.
"What does that mean mommy?" "Never mind Mija. Look, in exchange to you going to school, I'll make you my super spicy salsa and homemade tortilla chips when you get home."
"YASSSSSSSS!!! OKAY MOMMY! SEE YOU LATER!" I hugged and kissed mommy goodbye and walked into the classroom. The teacher spotted me, and beckoned me over.
"Why hello! Please, come over and introduce yourself to the class" She said as I walked up to the front of the room. "Ummmm... Hi! My N-n-name is A-a-aphmau. I like the color purple and I LOVE KITTIES AND DOGGIES!!!" "Alright class, this is our new student Aphmoo and please make her feel welcome." "It's actually A-ph-mau." I mumbled. "Aphmoo, you will be sitting next to Katelyn Fire. Katelyn, please raise your hand so Aphmoo can find you." I looked around and saw a girl with light blue hair and fair skin raise her hand. I slowly made my way toward her and sat down in the desk next to her.
As the teacher started to teach, the blue haired girl leaned over toward me. "Is your name actually Aphmoo?" Katelyn asked. "N-n-no, It's actually pronounced A-ph-mau." "Oh," she said," Well, I like your name! It's cool and different." "Thanks! I like your hair! It's soooo pretty!" I replied. "Thanks! Hey Aphmoo, wanna sit next to each other at lunch?" "Sure!"
After lunch, we went outside for recess. That's when I saw a kid with blonde hair sitting alone on the swings. "Hey Katelyn, who's that blonde kid over there?" I asked. "Oh, that's Garroth Ro'Meave." She replied. "He's alone because his BFF Laurence wasn't at school today." Said Katelyn's friend Nicole. "Hey, I'll see you guys after school, Okay? My house?" "Okay!" They replied at the same time. As they walked away, I went over to the blonde kid that was on the swings. "H-h-hi, I'm Apmau, What's your name?" I asked him. He looked up at me and his face turned a bright red. "Oh, uh, my n-n-name is G-g-garroth." I went ahead and sat down on the swing next to him. "Do you wanna be friends?" I asked. His face turned even redder. "S-s-sure." He replied. "Great! Me and my other friends are going to my house after school, wanna come?" "S-s-sure." He replied his face turning back to normal. "Okay! Here's my address." I pulled out a slip of paper, wrote down my address, then gave it to him. Just then, the teacher blew the whistle and we had to go inside. We said goodbye, then I met back up with Katelyn and Nicole.
"Aphmoo, why were you talking to Garroth?" Nicole asked. "He looked lonely on the swings, and my mommy told me that you should always talk to the kids that look lonely." I replied. "Do you like him!" Katelyn asked. I could feel myself blush. "N-n-no, m-m-maybe, y-y-yes?" "APHMOO'S GOT A CRUSH! APHMOO'S GOT A CRUSH!" They started chanting. "SHHHHH! He might hear!" I say. "Sorry." They both reply. We continue talking as we head inside.
Alright! So sorry if this chapter ain't that great, this is my first book ever on Wattpad and I hope y'all like it! I'll post again tomorrow.
BYE ~Bails
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