🌸Interview(47): Remember Me
Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to yet another lovely session of our interviews!
Who is excited?
(Crowd goes wild!)
-Thank you. Thank you.😀
Today, I am not in the studio. No, I am not.
Some very awesome fans recommended a very unique book and since Zara was using the studio, I went over to his house for the interview.
I am talking about his holy cuteness, the superstar, Lord_Of_Fanfics with his book, "Remember me"
I know y'all are gasping at his handsomeness😎, I mean who wouldn't?
He is a guy!😉
And he wrote a love story!😉
And there's an AI in it!😋
Okay, I'll shut up now. . .
Let the interview begin!
Li: First question, tell me about your story, 'Remember me'
I found the plot quite intriguing. . .
Lo: It's a story following Conner Bailey, a college student who had just gone through a fight with his girlfriend of 5 years, Bree Campbell. 💏
He finds her with another guy at the coffee shop where he works and he's heartbroken.🙇
However, when he goes to his parents' house for a family reunion, he finds out that she's gone through a process to erase him from her memory. 🤖
Should I tell the whole plot or just the start?🤔
Li: No no!
This snippet is okay to lure in readers. . .😈
(That's right people, if you want to find out more, go check out the book.
You can find it in my reading list,'Interviewed books' or the author's profile)🤖🤖
Lo: Oh gotcha!
Conner is faced with a choice: Does he follow in her footsteps and erase her from his own memory or does he choose to remember her? 🤖
Li: Wow😶
I think Connor is the Avatar on your profile, am I right or am I right? 😏
Lo: That's actually a self portrait that I did a little while ago😁
Li: Ooh the cute avatar I am seeing is you?!😱
(Okay, I know I just contradicted myself. I am not in his house, we are just having a discord convo😹)
Lo: Yes, I actually have an entire artbook full of drawings of my characters on Wattpad📚
And I did a self portrait for fun
I hid little easter eggs about myself in the portrait😀
Li: Do you have blonde hair like Connor?
Lo: I do, mine's a little more of a dirty blonde, while Conner's is more of a strawberry blonde
Li: We have a basement at the studio where we keep cute guys😈
I think you fit the profile my lord😈😈
Lo: Lol thank you😂
someone's knocking on my door
Li: Oh my God! Should I hide?
(Starts looking around for a place to hide. . .)
Lo: ermmm why should you hide? You are not here with me🤔
Li: We don't want-
So who is at the door?
Lo: Oh that was a joke
Li: that was a joke? (I think my blood pressure just went lower!😫)
Lo: I am sorry🙁
I should leave the jokes to you. . .
Li: Why be sorry when you are awesome?😜😝
Speaking of jokes, in your book, Connor thinks sand is overrated?
What do you think of this?
(Do people even rate sand? Like hey sand, I rate you 2 stars cuz you are not even stony enough😂)
Lo: I actually found a little bit of sand in my yard while I was writing this book and something clicked in my head and I just wrote the line and I kept it in.
Li: That's what I thought. . .
but I imagined something like this: you were writing and then somehow sand got into your nice blonde hair and you were so pissed off with it, you went: sand is so overrated?🤓
*Sophie's voice in my head: That doesn't make any sense Lilly!*
Anyway, I noticed your book won an award!
Lo: I'm still over the moon about Remember Me's success in the 2021 Colfer Awards.
Li: Congratulations on the win!
Tell me how did you feel when you got notified?
Lo: I was shocked, ecstatic, and in disbelief all at the same time.
Li: Awwwww 😊
Lo: The way the author had published the chapters was that they came out with the results for each category one or two minutes apart.
So I was refreshing the page over and over again to find the next one and I was already losing my mind because Remember Me won the Romance category!
Li: Aaahhhh I can only imagine the joy!😃😃😃
I would have jumped and screamed!
Here is the happy bell for you;
Lo: I would have screamed too, but I was right next to my brother (who was taking a nap)😁
Li: Does your brother know about Wattpad?🤔
Lo: No, he's still trying to figure out picture books
Li: Oooh that's cute!😍
Anyway allow me to congratulate you once again; it is the dream of every writer to win awards.
It is the best feeling ever!
Lo: thank you, it is an absolutely amazing feeling☺
Li: Now since you have so many questions from your readers, I will be doing this differently.
Lo: I was very surprised to see so many of my fans recommend my book so quickly.
I've been looking forward to this.
Li: Great!😎
This is from bingbonbonbombguba
1)Which character are you most like?
Lo: Hmmm, that's tricky. . .
I'm probably closer to Conner than anyone else in the story, but he and I are very different in quite a few ways.
Li: How different?🤔
Lo: I'm very shy when I first meet people but once I'm about 15 minutes into hanging out with someone, I'm really outgoing.
Conner's more of an introvert, while I'm a big outdoors person.
Li: Hmmmm Connor should be your twin brother😎
Lo: I would love to have a twin brother☺
Identical twins would be even more fun.
Li: With your hair color and features, that wish isn't far off from reaching you.😋😇
Okay next question,
Are there any missable easter eggs hidden in your story?
Lo: Oh man😁
Credit to bingbonbonbombguba you know me very well. . .
Yes, there are a number of things I've hidden.
Li: He sure does😎
Lo: some of them you'll have to find yourself.
I'll tell you about a few;
-Huckleberry Hound: Conner was a big fan of Huckleberry Hound as a kid.
Li: The song about Clementine?
Lo: Yes. Breanne Clementine Campbell, who is now gone and lost forever; Just like the song. . .
Li: Hmmm waw now I see the connection🤔
Lo: . . .but the memory became so ingrained with Bree that it was also erased along with her.
-Bree's beanie: Bree never went anywhere without her signature purple beanie. It too, became part of her memories with Conner and that's why she didn't know what a beanie was in the second chapter because it had been erased.
Li: I was wondering where the beanie went. . .🤔
Okay, moving on_
His final question; How do you get/make your covers?
Lo: Ohh
I draw all of them by hand
Li: No wonder they are so unique!
Damn you are so talented!
Have you considered opening a cover shop?
Lo: Recently, my drawing tablet has been stuck on the "black screen of death", so I've had to use other methods to make Remember Me's cover.
And I was planning to open a graphic shop but I've been stuck with my drawing tablet being broken.
Li: Well, let's hope Santa sends you a new one🎅
Lo: Yes, Santa is the king of stuff like that🎅
Li: And Yes! I still believe in Santa people!🎅
And I am not seven years old!🙊
Lo: Hey, Vote Santa 2024!🎅🎅
Li: 😂😂
These next set of questions are from LibertyFiction:
Where did you get the idea for the book?
Lo: I had this dream and it came back to me while I was doing dishes. I put down the pan I was washing and ran to my computer to type down my idea
Sudsy hands and all!
Li: A dream?
My lord, do you have a special lady in your life?😈
Lo: I am single.
Li: So how do you dream up memory wipers and beautiful girls?🤔
(Sophie and Zara would probably reprimand me for this but. . .so you don't have to answer)
Single and dreamy!?
You are so coming to the basement😂😂😂😂😈😈😈😈
Lo: Lol, thank you
I'm not sure if the basement actually exists🤔
I'm starting to think you're only half-joking🤔
Li: Ooh don't ya' worry☺
Just make sure you check the comment sections.
It's a different world down there and yes there is a basement for cute boys😈 we take special care of them😉
Okay. Back to the interview;
HOW are you able to torture us emotionally with these stories?
Lo: Oh man
well I think I'm just partially a horrible person😎
But to be honest, writing is like a form of therapy for me.
Li: 😈😈
Lo: I pour my emotions into my stories and it doesn't always connect with the readers but when it does, it means you and I have shared experiences.
Li: Yeah, you are right
Final question from Liberty,
When did you start writing?
Lo: I actually started writing when I was 3 years old.
They were pretty terrible🙈
I still have them in a box in my closet
but I've been writing stories since I learned how to write sentences.
Li: Wow, at 3 I probably chewed all the papers in my house.😂😂
Lo: Well there are some delicious gourmet papers out there.
Who could blame you?😁
Li: Lol!😂😂
No one!
Except my mum. . .🙄 she is no fun!
Next questions from islandauthor_7;
Why are all your stories so dark?
Lo: Well, it's a combination of emotion and I also enjoy stories and movies where it isn't always, "and they lived happily ever after".
I think my stories are more realistic, at least compared to my own experiences.
Love isn't about perfection, its about the imperfections and why you love that person's imperfections.
Li: Yeah they did and you are right! Love is never perfect! It's about loving that person's imperfections perfectly❤
So, I don't know why they think your story is dark though. . .🤔
Last question from islandauthor_7;
Would this count as psychological horror in your view?
Lo: Man, you guys have the best questions.
Yes, I think it would. At least for me on a personal level.
Li: Next question from HelterStelter;
What music did you listen to when you wrote this story?
Lo: A lot of sad instrumental music
not beethoven or anything like that❤🙄
Li: 😂😂
Lo: That gives me headache for some reason. .
Li: What's your favourite song?🤔
Lo: that is constantly changing (probably every day)
Li: What is your favourite song today then?😋
Lo: As of right now, it's probably Into Tomorrow by Sugar Ray
Li: I don't think I know who Sugar Ray is . . .but as long as it gives you inspo
Keep listening!
Lo: I listen to a lot of old music
60's, 70's, 80's, etc
Li: wow! *awkwardly nods head*
Helter also asked if you cried while writing this?
Now I am thinking, did he cry while reading?🤔 because I didn't even come close. . .
Lo: I got a lot of feedback from fans
in which they did cry.
Also from friends who read it,
Who also cried
Li: But did you cry?🤔
Lo: Personally, I didn't cry because I'm a heartless monster😈
But I definitely understand someone crying over my story.
It's devastating.
Especially if you are able to become emotionally invested in the characters.
Li: Oh my God
I feel like. . .I am evil😈
Because. . .
I didn't cry. . .😪
Cameraman: Boss, if this is any consolation. . . You have always been Evil.
Li: How did you-?🙄
Lo: Don't worry, I'm evil too
Li: I'm sure that list is going to get pretty long in the comment section in a couple of days.
We have an academy for Evil people! 😃😄
Anyway, you are right
If they cried, that means they connected with the characters.
And that makes you an awesome writer!
Lo: Oh thank you.
I've been trying to figure out how to translate the story into an audio form. . .
Li: That would be very great!
Lo: . . .but it's very difficult because so much of it is a visual story.
If there are any animators reading this who are interested, just let me know😂
Li: You heard the man people:
IF YOU ARE AN ANIMATOR please signify via his DM so you guys can get your talented brains working!
Lo: I actually have a couple of voice actors lined up. I'm also a voice actor and a podcaster, so I have a lot of familiarity in the audio field.
Li: (Okay I need to go change my outfit!)
You didn't tell me I was hanging out with a superstar!
Lo: I'm far from a superstar, but you are too nice, I swear.
Li: (blushing into oblivion! -is that even a thing?-)
Okay, back to being a professional;
These are from yetanotherbookhugger;
Are any of your characters based off of people you know in real life?
Lo: Bree Campbell is a mix of a few different people, but other than that, not really.
Li: Why did the Al decide to self-destruct?
Lo: I actually thought it was kind of funny and more realistic.
You see stuff like Terminator and other movies where the AI decides to rule the world.
In my book, the AI took one look at the mess we live in and decided it was too far gone.
Li: I thought it was an easy way to break their hearts even further😪
Lo: That too, of course.
I am very sentimental and losing your memories is super frightening to me.
Li: And that's a sweet Al you have there. . .😪
Lo: It is, I suppose
As sweet as a robot can be
Li: A robot that wipes brains-
If such things really existed would you opt to have a section of your memory wiped?
Lo: Nope, another difference between Conner and me.
"It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."
Li: 😊 awwww such thoughtful words
Now, who is Dave?
Is he your best friend or something?
Because it seems he wanted your book interviewed at all cost and that's so sweet!
Lo: David!
O man!
He and I started talking recently after he read Remember me.
Li: Yup they wanted it to be a surprise but someone forgot and tagged you.
(I think I should make an announcement because a lot of people do this. They want to surprise their friends but they tag them in the forms!)
(WARNING: If you want to SURPRISE your friends with an interview, DO NOT TAG THEM! I REPEAT, DO NOT TAG THEM! YOU'LL BE SPOILING THE SURPRISE! Just send me a DM of their username and let me go to them, that'll be a better SURPRISE)
Lo: He is an awesome guy and I can't thank him enough for doing this for me.
Li: Awwww😊
You call yourself Lord of Fanfictions
Is this story a fan fiction?
Lo: Barely. . . Conner and Bree are two characters from a book series called The Land Of Stories.
I completely rewrote their personalities.
Li: That's TLOS?
I wanted to ask about that too. . .
Lo: Yes, the TLOS Anonymous Trilogy is another series I've been writing. It's substantially more popular, but I prefer Remember Me from a story perspective.
TLOS Anonymous also features Bree and Conner, but with a number of other characters.
It's not connected to Remember Me at all.
Li: Oooh okay.😁
We have come to the end of our show, do you have any message you'd want to share?
And don't forget to drop shout out to your amazing friends.
Lo: Yes, thank you so much to bingbonbonbombguba , LibertyFiction, HelterStelter (awesome name), yetanotherbookhugger , and everyone else that recommended my story and got me this awesome interview.
Thank you to all my readers and my friend queen_of_tlos for helping motivate me to write this story.
And thank you Lilly, for having me, it's been my pleasure.
Li: Awww❤❤ I got a shout out; you are welcome.
PS: Lord_Of_Fanfics is a very friendly person please check his profile and give him a follow, I think he deserves so much more than what he has at the moment.✌
Thank you guys so much for reading, I really really appreciate all the love.
All the votes.
All the comments.
And yes, to all those adding this book to their public reading list and libraries, my heart goes out to all of you.
Thank you so much❤❤❤
Until next time, I remain, your superstar favourite host, Lilly❤
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