Chapter 23 - Part 2
I didn't believe for a moment this was actually going to work. After Angel had left with James I had gone back into the house to wait until seven when security changed. Just before the time I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.
I checked my watch. It was exactly seven, I hurried into the garage. There was no Jack to ask questions. I hurried to the car Jack usually used. My nerves were all over the place and my hands shook as I got into the car and tried to figure out how to start the car. Luckily, Jack had left the keys in the vehicle.
To ease my shaky hand I took a breath hand exhaled, giving myself a pep talk that I could do this.
I didn't consider what I would do if this didn't work, if I did I would falter and I had to keep my head to get out now while I had the chance.
When the car started I felt a moment of relief. I was closer to getting out but I still had to make it through the security at the gate. I'd only ever entered and exited the estate with a bodyguard and a driver. Would they allow me to leave without either of those?
There was only one way to find out. I found the remote for the garage and opened the door. Nervously, I eased the car out. I wasn't a confident driver and I found driving at night even more nerve wracking but I breathed through my fear, taking it slow.
I could do this. I had to do this. There was no other choice.
If I took too long then the small opening I had would close and it would be more difficult to get out of here.
I drove the car to the end of the property and slowed when I reached the big iron gates. There was only one man standing guard.
He walked over to the window to talk to me and I fumbled to find the button to lower my window.
"Mrs Knox," he greeted stiffly. My stomach tightened.
"Hi there," I murmured sweetly, trying my best to look at ease driving myself without a bodyguard in sight.
"Have a good evening," he said as he gave a brief nod, stepping back. Then the gates began to open slowly and I waited.
It was working. I felt almost giddy but kept my composure as I closed the window and waited for the gates to open before I left the property.
Looking in the rearview mirror, I couldn't stop smiling as I saw the gates disappear into the distance. Now I had to find the quickest way to Claire's to meet Kaiden.
The moment was bittersweet. I had escaped without incident but the hurt unfolding in my chest made it difficult to breathe. I loved a man who had used me for revenge, when I had believed he had done it for me. It was hard to accept but I had the facts to prove it. This wasn't a hunch, it was the truth and it was difficult to process it.
There had been a few times when I had started to believe or hope that I was reaching the part of him that might just be able to love me but I had clearly been kidding myself. I had mistaken something else entirely for what I had thought was him starting to feel something for me.
I had been such a fool even though Angel had warned me not to fall for him. Then I had a sobering thought. Is that why he had told me that? Was it because he had entered into our marriage under false pretenses? It was possible and there was no way to be sure.
I tried to stay just below the speed limit to ensure I didn't draw any unwanted attention, the quicker I got to Claire's the better.
When I arrived at Claire's house she came out to greet me with a hug.
I fought the emotion that made it difficult to say anything.
"It's okay darling," she murmured and I trembled.
"Kaiden said he will be here soon," she assured me as she led me into the house.
I wasn't sure what Kaiden had told or and what he hadn't. She made me some tea and gave me some biscuits, chocolate chip. My favorite. It transported me back to when I was a child, when things were less complicated.
Feeling jittering I couldn't sit still for long and preferred to pace the kitchen while watching every minute tick by on the clock hanging on the wall.
"Where is he?" I frowned. He would have been here by now and the fact that he wasn't was increasing my stress level.
"He will be here, Kira. He probably had to take care of something."
I didn't like it one bit, not one bit. Kaiden was punctual and rarely late for anything especially something so important. It was difficult not to allow my imagination to run wild with every possible scenario. None of them good.
By now Angel would probably know I was missing, that skyrocketed my agitation. My eyes stayed on the window that overlooked the front driveway.
The phone Kaiden gave me rang and the sound made me jump. I rushed over to it to see a number I didn't know. For a moment I hesitated before I answered it.
It was Kaiden.
"Where have you been?" I asked, still relieved that he had called. My stress level was through the roof and I was on the verge of another panic attack.
"Meet me at the park down the street," he instructed, not answering my question. "Angel knows you left without your bodyguard and is already starting to look for you. You have to leave Claire's."
My heart hammered in my chest and my hand shook. "How?"
"Go. Now." His voice stern.
"Okay." I faltered and ended the call.
I grabbed my bag. "I've got to go. I'll call you when I get a chance."
"Be safe," Claire hugged me.
"I will." I hugged her a little closer.
When I pulled up by the park I only had to wait for a few minutes before Kaiden pulled up beside me in a car.
He embraced me briefly before bundling me into the car.
"Where are we going?" That was the first and most important question.
"A friend has a place we can use. It's only until we figure out our next move."
I didn't want to think of the path ahead, I was still finding it hard to handle all the revelations I had uncovered in the last couple of days.
He drove in silence, checking the rear view mirror constantly.
"Why were you late?"
He gave me a side glance. "I had a surprise visit from Angel."
I was stunned.
"He wasn't happy that dad had upset you. And wanted me to relay a message to him to tread carefully."
I looked ahead watching the street lights pass by us. "I saw him after our phone call. I was upset. He assumed it was over dad." I shrugged.
"When he was there he got a call from the security at the house to let him know that you had left without a driver and a bodyguard. He knew immediately something was up and left."
"It was easier than I had expected."
I was relieved to have been able to leave without a big confrontation between Angel. My heart was broken, the last thing I wanted was to face the man who had crushed it.
"Nothing from this point on will be easy Kira. Are you ready for that?"
I glanced at my brother. "I have to be. I don't have a choice."
It wasn't my actions that had led me to take drastic measures. It had been Angel's. I had entered into a marriage under the pretense of safety only to find out he had married me for revenge. It still cut into my chest like a knife every time I thought about Angel's betrayal.
It made me think back to every time he had stood by me when I had been alone and it made me question why he had done any of it.
But it didn't matter now. All that mattered was his deception now.
He had been my first lover and I had fallen for him hard.
It was a difficult lesson to learn but I was not going to make that mistake again.
When we arrived at a cabin in the woods which was an hour outside the city I was mentally and physically exhausted.
"Are you hungry?" he asked going through the contents of the fridge.
I shook my head. I had no appetite.
"Get some sleep. We can talk in the morning," Kaiden said.
I nodded even though I was sure I wouldn't be able to sleep. How could I after finding out how I had been betrayed in such a brutal manner?
In the room Kaiden showed me to I sat down on the bed and stared at my wedding ring and engagement ring with a heavy heart. I slid the rings off and put them on the small side table beside the bed.
My marriage was over.
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