Chapter 22 - Part 1
The next morning when I woke I lay watching Angel sleeping. I didn't want to get up and have to face anything. I wanted to stay right in the warmth of the night I had shared Angel. There had been something different, something more. I couldn't quite put word to it, but all the mattered was how it made me feel. It gave me hope that he would be love me one day. It wasn't impossible.
A shrill pierced the air and I looked around. It was a foreign sound. It sounded like a phone ringing but it wasn't a ring tone I recognized. I slipped from my bed and followed the sound to my bag. Frowning, I looked through my hand bag and found a phone I didn't recognize.
I answered the call to stop the constant ringing to wake up Angel.
"Kira." It was Kaiden.
"Kaiden?" I was confused.
"Before you say another word, go into the bathroom and run the shower."
"What?" I whispered, peering back over my shoulder to make sure Angel was still sleeping. He was lying on his stomach, eyes closed, his breathing steady.
"Do exactly what I say Kira. Go to the bathroom and the run the shower."
I did as he said even though I had no idea why he was acting so strange.
Once I closed the bathroom door softly I ran the shower.
"What the hell Kaiden?" I asked in a harsh, whisper. "Whose phone is this?"
"I dropped the phone into your bag, in case I needed to talk to you without being overheard."
Was he crazy paranoid? He sure sounded it.
"Why not just give it to me like a normal person Kaiden?" I swear the years in the FBI had tainted him into thinking there was danger and deception at every corner, in every person. I had the urge to roll my eyes.
"I didn't think you would take it, You would have argued that it was overkill. Sometimes, Kira I know what I'm doing and it's just easier if you don't fight me on it."
The crazy thing was, what if he was right? That sent a shiver of awareness through me.
"You think someone might be listening in on my calls?" I asked, not quite believing it.
"I didn't want to take any chances."
"So what's so important you had to call me first thing in the morning and nearly wake Angel up?" I asked, feeling irritated and annoyed that there might be something more to worry about.
"I figured it out." His tone ominous.
The dread inside me grew. Whatever it was, it didn't sound good?
"Um...what did you find out?" I asked the question, knowing I didn't not want the hear the answer.
"Why Angel married you?"
My heart skipped a beat at the mention of my husband. I gripped the phone tighter, trying to fight my fear of what my brother had discovered.
The truth was I didn't want to know. I wanted to believe he cared for me and that had been his sole reason for his actions. I didn't want to think that there was another more underhanded reason for everything.
"Kira? You still there?" My brother prompted while I was struggling with the thought to hang up and ignore whatever he had discovered.
But pretending wasn't an option. With enemies around every corner I had to know the truth.
"Yes. I'm here." I hoped that whatever he had to tell me wouldn't tear me apart.
"Maybe it's best to have this conversation in person," my brother said.
He was giving a reprieve for a little while and I was taking it with both hands, even knowing that delaying wouldn't change a thing.
"Yes," I breathed, trying to calm my racing heart.
There was silence.
"Is it bad Kaiden?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.
There was that part of me that hoped it wasn't so bad and it was something that wouldn't crush me.
"It's bad Kira."
And there was it. There was no more hope that it was some misunderstanding or something I would be able to explain away.
"I might never forgive him for this," he said.
I tried not to think back to last night when I felt we had shared something special. Something I had cherished until just moments before. To think I had been so close and intimate with someone who had been deceiving me the whole time and I had fallen for it hook, line and sinker. I felt so naive.
"Have you figured out a solution yet?" I asked, needing him to have the answers that I didn't for the other problem I still had to figure out.
He sighed. "I'm still working on it."
There was another pause. That wasn't a good sign either.
I looked up to the ceiling, trying to stop myself from going into a full on panic. It felt like my whole life was coming apart and I didn't know if there was anything I could do to stop it.
"I'll figure it out. Kira. Don't worry," he assured me, with a confidence I didn't feel. "I will find a way to deal with all of it."
At least I wasn't in this alone. I at least had him. There had been times in my life when he hadn't been there but he was showing up at the most important time. I got that when our mother died, it had hit him so hard, he had barely kept himself together. Anger had torn him apart, leaving him hateful of the life we led, that's why he had fought so hard to change his. It was the reason he had fought me so hard when I had decided to marry Angel.
"I know you will," I murmured gently.
"Come over this afternoon and we can talk," he said.
I nodded. "Okay."
I would have to figure a way to get away so I could see him without Angel asking too many questions. I wasn't sure after what I had revealed, he would just let me go.
My brother ended the call before I had a chance to tell him, I had told Angel that he had found our father. I bit my lip as I stared down at the phone, trying to figure out at which point my life had spiraled into this mess.
I was having breakfast when Angel joined me later that morning.
"You were up early," he said, kissing me on the cheek before he sat down beside me.
Every time I saw him or thought of him, I was reminded of his betrayal. Granted, I didn't know the details but from what Kaiden had said I knew it was worse than even he had initially thought and my brother always had this way of seeing the worst in every situation so for him to say it was bad I knew it was something that I couldn't come back from.
I shrugged. "I had some stuff on my mind."
"Your father?" he asked, pouring some coffee.
I nodded. Could he tell I was lying?
I found it nearly impossible to sit and have breakfast with him while making polite conversation.
"Everything okay?" he asked.
Plastering a smile to my mouth I nodded. "Yeah. I just need to go see my brother later today."
Apprehension settled in me when Angel's eyes met mine. "Why?"
"He wants to discuss how we are going to take care of our father to ensure he doesn't cause any more trouble." I kept my voice light, holding back the anger and hurt.
How could I feel so torn before I even knew the truth of why Angel had married me? It was never a marriage born out of love, but I had never believed for a second he had done it without my wellbeing in mind.
He studied me and I shrugged. "I'm not looking forward to it. My father still doesn't believe he did anything wrong." I scoffed. "Who does what he does and not take responsibility for it?"
"I spoke to Kaiden this morning," Angel revealed.
My hand holding my coffee shook and set it down. He had already called my brother. I hadn't given Kaiden a heads up and I felt guilty.
"What um did he say?" I asked, hoping that Kaiden hadn't revealed anything.
"Pretty much everything you told me."
I swallowed. "I'm not even sure how he found him."
"Your father is good at disappearing. He might not have morals, or self preservation but he can vanish without any leads. I'm curious as to how Kaiden found him but he wouldn't reveal anything."
Kaiden had access to resources Angel didn't have. Maybe that's how he was able to find my father when Angel hadn't been able to.
"I think he just got tired of running," I murmured. "Besides the Vincents aren't after him anymore, they want me. And you were the only one actively looking for him. Maybe he heard about the wedding and figured you wouldn't harm your father in law."
"He put you in a dangerous position, and I won't forgive that. Not when it comes to your safety." His words were so convincing.
Was I so easily manipulated? Maybe if I had just looked below the surface I wouldn't be sitting across from the man I loved wondering why he had really married me.
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