Chapter Fifteen : His Thug; Idolized
Chapter Fifteen : His Thug; Idolized
Ciel had returned to his room after the long day of others celebrating his birthday, seeing but a lone box unopened on his bed. A box wrapped in black, and a crimson ribbon.
He walked towards it, gently picking up the card which had To Ciel, but it didn't have a From-?
However Ciel cautiously opened it, seeing inside was a newly customized pistol, a 36 revolver, loading limit of 9.
Ciel smiled, he knew exactly whom it was from then, and he'd be sure to thank her the next time he laid eyes on her.
'Winter- In Great Britain, it is an ashen season covered by thick, heavy clouds. With the Jack the Ripper case resolved, the hum of daily life returned to London. That peace however, proved but a brief respite-
There occurred a curious incident in which Anglo-Indians frequenting the Hindustani Coffee House, a local pub within Britain that serves Indian food, near Portman Square were attacked, stripped and hung upside down from the roof. Afterword, in a rash of similar incidents, Aristocrats and Military Personnel who had returned from India were likewise assaulted all over London.
An the same notice was affixed to all of the victims.
'Watch this wild, pathetic child of sloth and depravity. To all the idiots of the bitch ruled land, you are the ones who deserve the vengeance of heaven.'
Red constantly review the case in her head as Ciel, Sebastian and herself made their way to the most recent attack.
"-d. Red." Ciel spoke.
She was instantly pulled from her thoughts.
"Oh. Y-Yes?" She then spoke.
"We're nearly there, are you alright?" He had asked her, Sebastian to watching her wearily.
She had smiled small and nodded.
"Yes, I'm alright. Just a bit shaken up in the brutality of this, normally kinds of attacks like this are controlled and well managed, and if supposed Indians are to blame they must have a relation to someone who knows the people to target." She had said to Ciel, however she sighed and looked away.
"However I'm getting a more, softer side to this whole thing.."
Ciel had looked to her a bit questionable, however he knew she hasn't been wrong, not yet.
"I believe you, but for now let's go into the crime scene with a open mind, alright?" Asked Ciel.
Red smiled and nodded, she following behind Ciel, but beside Sebastian.
Sebastian had gently rubbed her shoulder as a means of comfort.
An as soon as they neared the Scotland Yard Commissioner Sir Randall and Chief Inspector Fred Abberline seemed to be having a conversation.
"Another incident! This is the twentieth one!" Hollered Randall as he crumbled a piece of paper.
"Haven't you been able to arrest the perpetrators yet, Abberline?" He then yelled at a much younger male.
"Sorry Sir!" He froze stiff.
"We let Jack the Ripper slip through our fingers, and that bloody brat and his bloody bitch snatched away our glory." Randall had replied.
"Oh, do forgive me for being a brat." Ciel had responded.
"Earl Phantomhive!" Randall had responded seeing both Ciel and Red.
He paled.
"You, Boy! How'd you get in here?" Hollered the male named Abberline.
Randall extended his arm, halting the young chief to stay back.
"Earl Phantomhive, why are you here?" Randall asked stern and strong.
Red had slowly made her way closer to the male known as Abberline, she acting seemingly harmless towards them both.
Abberline kept his eyes on her.
"Ha! I should think that would be obvious. I've come to clean up after the bumbling hounds." Ciel had responded, his smile still present on his face.
Red had walked closer to Abberline, her eyes having not once left his gaze, that was until she snatched the clipboard gently and hid it behind her back for Ciel to take.
"Wha-!" Abberline had spoke up, he glaring at the woman before him.
"I see. Only Anglo-Indians have been targeted in this case. And there don't appear to be any casualties as of yet." Ciel said.
"Who gave you the right to-!" He charged the boy, Red stepping between him and her master, Ciel then extending a letter from the queen out to Randall's face.
"I would not be here if mere bandits were to blame, but I cannot rightly sit by as the royal family continues to be insulted." Ciel responded.
Randall gritted his teeth, Red stepping back to her place beside Ciel, her eyes befalling on the pages he inspected not moments before.
"I say "child of sloth and deprivaty" is a wonderfully accurate expression on the part of the culprit. I'd have to agree that this country would be marginally better without the Indian Nabobs." Ciel had replied with a leer on his face.
The British Indian Empire. At the time, masses of Englishmen lives in the British colony of India. The third and fourth sons of Well-to-do families, who could not live in luxury in their homeland were able to live the elegant lives of "nobleman" in India. Those who returned from India were called "Anglo-Indians," and the many who were unable to shed their lifestyles of extravagance and idleness even after their return were known as "Indian Nabobs."
"Even if they wallowed in base amusements while in India and are cowards who single-mindedly squandered their fortunes, many of them are members of the British gentry. We must protect them!" Declared Sir Randall, his eyes landing on Red with almost another glare of some sorts.
"Gentry hm...? Worthless. In any case what if this Mark...?" Ciel had asked himself, thumb over a Strange symbol which Red had easily recognized as Indian culture, however she kept her mouth shut. For now.
"They're making a mockery of we British and Her Majesty the Queen! How dare they cock about like this! The victims are all returnees from India. That means the perpetrator must be a vile Indian. Those Bloody Savages!" Randall bellowed again, crushing the paper full of evidence in his fist.
Abberline trying to calm the wild beast.
"Oh? So that's why we were summoned here." Ciel had stated softly to the angered elder male.
"Most of the Indians who've stolen their way into Great Britain are holed up in the east end. The city police seem to have trouble dealing with the underworld there. So learning the exact number of stowaways or by the routes they make it here is rather problematic, hm? Well if you don't mind, I'll be going about my business. I'd like to return to the manor as soon as possible you see. Sebastian, Red, you've memorized the papers?" He had asked the demon and human.
"Yes sir." Sebastian had said, while Red had just nodded her head once.
"Come along then, Sebastian. Red." Ciel then turned and began to walk away.
"Very good sir." Sebastian said returning the papers, to Abberline.
Red was about to turn and follow but she was stopped.
"Miss Red, wait! Who is that child? This kid you follow around?" Abberline had asked her, Randall looking to the female with a weary glance.
"Phantomhive." Was all Red said with smirk before following her master and the demonic butler. Hearing Randall explain everything.
"So, anything that you recognize Red?" Ciel had asked her as his cane tapped the ground as he went.
"It's definitely Indian, I know that, that mark is a symbol from on of their gods, however I don't recall her name right off the top of my head." She had replied to her master truthfully as she held her chin, thinking.
"That's a start I suppose, I didn't realize you were so good with other cultures Miss Glass." Sebastian had teased her, and honestly she couldn't believe he'd have the balls to do so in front of Ciel.
"Your asking for a beat down." Red had replied with a cold glare, to which Ciel smiled and the brave human girl named Red.
"Come now, it was a compliment." Sebastian replied.
"Then why'd it sound like an insult." Red said quickly back with her arms crossed over her chest.
Sebastian did nothing but smile and continued to walk behind his master, and Red had sighed softly, letting her eyes wander around the area.
"Normally you'd send me to the Undertaker for information but since their hasn't been any deaths yet, still, something is bothering me about this whole ordeal." Red had spoke up.
"How so?" Ciel had asked her, actually giving her his undivided attention.
"Remember how I said their was this certain, kindness to it? I don't think this was, what's the word, it was intentional but, it wasn't of a willing soul, if that makes sense?" She had then said to which Sebastian looked to her with a baffled look.
"How exactly does that seem kind?" He had asked her then.
She turned and looked back to the direction of the crime scene.
"Back home I worked a case similar to this, however it wasn't the same kind of people, a man was killing lives but not because he wished to, but because he was protecting someone. However with each kill he did he had wrote a different apology letter to their families and to the ones they loved." She had said, she gently lifting her mask.
"I feel the same kind of situation here. It's practically screaming unwilling victim." She had said to them and then turned, being meet by three eyes, two red and one blue.
"It's not that I don't believe you Red, it's just this doesn't seem that way to me, however I'll consider what you have spoken throughout the case, we should go, I know someone whom might have information." Ciel turned and continued on towards the path he was going.
Sebastian however had gently held her shoulder and smiled softly before continuing on.
An after a few more seconds, she had followed.
"Young Master. We have arrived." Sebastian had said to him, his eyes down the staircase.
"-You sure this is it?" Ciel then asks.
"Yes, sir." Sebastian replied looking to Red.
"I'll wait out here," She had said leaning against the wall, awaiting their exit out.
Ciel and Sebastian nodded their heads and then left down the staircase.
She had sighed and hung her head as she leaned against the stone brick wall, letting her ears fill with the sounds of London.
"I still think there is another motive here. But what?" She had asked herself, she closing her eyes and thinking. Not of the case.
Minutes passed and the sound of Lau filled her ears.
"Ah! You brought the little red riding hood with you?" Lau had asked as he looked to the female whom leaned against the stone wall.
"I always bring her with me. She is a part of the Phantomhives too." Ciel had snapped back.
"But why- oh, now I see! So you'd like to capture that little prankster." Lau then realized the purpose of Ciel visiting.
"There haven't been any deaths yet but the gentry and military personnel are being targeted." Ciel had replied, with a deadpan and completely done face.
"Ah, you have to make an example of him to keep the common folk in line! There simply is no end to your troubles, earl." Lau then practically purred.
"What drivel." Ciel had responded as they began to walk again.
"Incidentally we have walked quite a distance. At which lodging house are Indian based." Sebastian then spoke up.
"Ah! Do forgive me! I was so caught up in our conversation that I think I may have gotten lost! Ha ha ha! Silly me!" Lau had chuckled.
"Why you-!" Ciel growled in anger.
"Actually he had is in the general direction until about a mile back." Red had said softly.
"Why didn't you say-, never mind. Then first let's trace our steps back and- ow! Oh Par-." Ciel began as it seemed he had bumped into an Indian.
"Ow! I think I just cracked a rib!" The Indian bellowed a fib.
"Wha-!"Ciel shouted to which Sebastian just sighed and looked away in almost a agitated or not surprised manner.
"Someone help!"
"You okay?"
"What happened? That's terrible!" Bellowed more Indians as they rushed to the scene.
"Oh my." Lau spoke.
An Red quickly stood beside Ciel ready to act.
An before long a whole swarm of men of the Indian decent surrounded them.
The little master's awfully well dressed for an east ender. Are you a noble?" He had asked, quickly grabbing Ciel's clothing, to which Ciel quickly swatted it away, and Red slid between them. She glaring at the male with eyes of anger.
"Please refrain from touching my master, I wouldn't want to hurt you." She had replied, however he paid no attention to her.
"I gotta demand damages for you banging into me, kid! Leave everything you've got on ya behind, ya hear?" He had bellowed and extended his greedy hand.
"And Once again, you have gotten yourself caught by a second rate thug, young master." Sebastian had stated.
"Again?" Red had snapped, she a bit angry since Sebastian didn't tell her.
"Not now Red, how shall we deal with this?" Sebastian had replied in return, his eyes scanning the group around them.
"How? Both of you just get rid of them quick." Ciel had responded.
"As you wish." Sebastian tugged the cuff of his glove as a smile widened on his handsome features.
Red had gotten into a fighting stance, awaiting their first attack.
She drowned out the pathetic group of thugs from her ears, keeping her eyes locked around them as well, however her attention was snatched by another voice, it seemed to be more accented then the thugs whom have been here longer.
"Quiet down, you lot. I'm looking for someone. Have you seen an Indian like this?" The sharply dressed male held up a poorly drawn image of what appeared to be a woman.
"Don't interrupt us, you cur!" Shouted the leader of the thug group, he thrusting his face into the newly arrived males.
"How dare you call me a cur. I am asking you a question." He replied, pulling out a jagged knife from his belt.
"What's going on? Are you fighting a duel?" He then asks, leaning to the side of the thug to see.
"Hey, Don't igno-!" The thug bellowed.
The male shoved the thug to the side seeming to be surprised of the view.
"He has a khansama with him. Are you, a British Noble?" The sharply dressed Indian asked Ciel.
Ciel seemingly aggravated but relatively calm responded.
"And what if I am?"
Then just like that the male replied,
"Then I shall ally with my brothers in this battle. Agni!" He then called out a name.
Another male dressed in white and tan robes with a wrapped right hand had beckoned in return.
"Yes, your highness."
"Defeat them!"
An Red knee exactly who and what this hot shot was, being quick she had tucked Ciel between her and Sebastian, to defend him.
"Jo aagyaa! This right hand, with which god has blessed me shall I wield for my master." He declared as he unwrapped his hand, and within a blink of her gaze this Indian servant had attacked Sebastian quickly, and continued to do so.
Sebastian picking up the smaller lord, and another male attacking Red, she quickly dodging and swinging a one hit knock out attack in order for the thugs to remain alive.
She had become so involved with her combat she didn't even realize that the two better dressed Indians had come, beat up their brothers and then left as quickly as they had appeared, to which she was clueless.
"Myyy-! Those two were something else!" Lau, or more so the frightened cat bellowed from a nearby roof.
"And where were you been this whole time?" Ciel had shouted clearly upset however Red had quickly blocked out the Chinese male and then let her eyes follow the strange two Indian's pathway, wondering whom was the woman they were searching for.
"Red, everything alright?" Asked Ciel softly as her attention was focused on the two Indians.
"I don't know, we should return to the town house, I wouldn't know how to handle it if my master got hurt on my watch." She had smiled and said, fixing his clothing were the man who grabbed him earlier messed it up.
"Yes I suppose so, Sebastian, meet up with us as soon as they are in custody of the Scotland Yard." Ciel had said beginning to walk back to the town house.
"Of course Sir, Red, care for the master in my absence?" He then asked.
"Of course." Red responded, following beside him.
It had began to snow upon their arrival home and Ciel was drained out, and he wanted nothing more but to sleep.
"We labored in vain-." Ciel complained.
"The culprit might be among them. Let us wait for Lord Randall to contact us." Sebastian responded, tending to Ciel's coat and hat.
"Really! I'm tired of being summoned to London every time a silly incident like this occurs!" Ciel then spatted, steaming of irritation.
Red couldn't help but smile and then gently hug the lord from behind, someone that making him relax and take a deep breathe out.
"Haha! You must howl if there is even the faintest possibility of harm befalling her majesty! Such is the difficult role of the watch dog, Earl." Lau had replied in return, he sighing at the scene the boy was making, and of course Red's quick acting to relief some of the stress on her Master.
"Young Master! Red! Sebastian! Welcome home!" Chimes the four servants, Mey-Rin, Finny, Baldroy and of course Tanaka.
"You brought your servants with you this time?" Lau tilted his head.
"Yes. It would be troublesome to leave them behind at the manor." Sebastian said with a easily identifiable gloomed irritated expression to which Red had snickered at.
Just as quickly as the face came it left, and Sebastian resumed the butler esthetic, bright smile and all.
"You must be worn out from the cold. I will have tea ready right away." Sebastian declared.
An after a soft sigh Ciel's body released the remaining stress.
"I would prefer chai to English Tea," spoke up a familiar voice.
"Indeed." Ciel spoke again but quickly looked to where the voice came from, and low and behold the two Indians from earlier stood inside in the doorway.
Red smiled beneath the mask, knowing full well this was going to be hell.
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