OK, before we start. Standard boring stuff. I don't own anything in this story except Motta, Hulo, and my idea of a "Guardian of Angels". That's it. If I use my own artwork, I'll let you know in the story. Now, let's get this party started!
I watched as Lady Purple Heart addressed everyone in Gamindustri. "Heed my words, all those who make Gamindustri their home!" Spears with ribbons were raised, all of us having practiced this for about a month now. "This day represents the first step into a new era, and I am thrilled that you and I are able to greet it, together." Beside me, Hulo began to squirm, seeing Lady Purple Heart. She took a couple of steps forward. "Welcome to the next level."
She walked down the aisle, causing Hulo to squirm even more. "It's Lady Purple Heart, it's Lady Purple Heart!"
I chuckled and put my hand on his small shoulder. "I know, calm down."
"As I'm sure you know, in the past years, this fantasy star of ours has been plagued by constant war." I looked towards the east to see Lady Black Heart throw off a shawl she had wrapped around herself, causing her nation's people to let out a unified stomp. "Lastation, ruled by the goddess Black Heart." I looked towards the north, seeing Lady White Heart regally walk down the aisle. "Lowee, ruled by the goddess White Heart." I turned my head to the south to see Lady Green Heart, hand held under her chest. "Leanbox, ruled by the goddess Green Heart." I turned my head towards the west to see Lady Purple Heart. "And last, but not least, Planeptune, ruled by yours truly, Purple Heart." I stomped in sync with everyone else.
Hulo looked at me. "Did I do good?"
I nodded. "You did great."
"Our kingdoms have vied for Share Energy, the source of a nation's strength, and on occasion, even the goddesses themselves have come to blows in this fruitless struggle." I watched as they were lifted into the sky on Air Walk Pads. "But that shall be no more. The Friendship Treaty we shall sign today will ban all taking of Shares with military force. From now on, we shall increase our own Shares by improving our beloved countries," the four goddesses began to walk towards the coordinates 0' 0', the center of Gamindustri and hopefully the start of a nation ruled by the people, "and fostering a healthy development of the whole world." They all pressed their hands together and spoke.
"We hereby vow to overcome our past and create a world of hope," something within me shifted slightly, "so that all people may prosper as long as we live."
Fireworks designed for use during the day began to shoot into the sky as we all celebrated. Next to me, my little brother tugged at my pant leg. "Did you see her, did you see her?!"
I chuckled as Compa, IF, Nepgear and Historie (who had been standing next to us) began to giggle. "Yes, yes I did. I'm standing right next to you."
"She was so cool...!"
Later that night...
We had retreated to Planeptune's Basilicom with IF, Compa, Histoire, Nepgear, Lady White Heart, Lady Black Heart, Lady Green Heart, Lady Purple Heart, Uni, Rom, Ram, and several others. As I leaned on the railing, watching the fireworks shoot up all over the world, Lady Purple Heart next to me started to transform.
"Whoop dee woo!" She was now Neptune, the laziest goddess around. "We did it, guys!"
Lady Black Heart put down her drink. "And now you're a bite-sized idiot again, how charming." I snorted as Lady Black Heart transformed into her human form, now known as Lady Noire.
"Whatever, Noire, you know you love me. But how did you like the speech?"
"It was... adequate, I suppose, though I'm sure Histoire wrote it for you."
I raised a hand. "I'd like to claim responsibility for the speech."
Lady Noire gazed at me. "Or Motta. Those are about the only two people I'd trust from your country with writing a speech so important." She froze for a second. "Not to insult anyone here, th-that is!"
Lady White Heart spoke up. "Either way, I'm still pissed you had to attention-hore all over our moment!" She transformed into Lady Blanc.
"Aww! Blanc, I won my chance to give the speech, fair and square!"
She finished transforming. "Don't be smug, it was just a game of rock, paper, scissors."
Lady Green Heart spoke up. "Well, we did all agree." She transformed into Lady Vert. "No use bickering over it after the fact!"
Neptune handed the goddesses a drink, including me, for some reason. "For real, cause we're all on each other's friends list now, right?"
I looked at the white drink in my hand. Limeade, one of my favorites. "Uh, th-thanks...?" I looked at my friends, confused.
Neptune held out her drink and the other goddesses clinked their drinks together. I simply raised my glass, feeling out of place, and waited for them to take a sip before taking my own. Hulo ran over to me and hugged my leg.
"Big Bro!"
I looked down at him. "Whoa there! Where's the fire?"
He smiled at me. "I'm so happy! Maybe Lady Neptune will finally do some work!"
We all laughed as Neptune spun around to glare at my little brother. "Hey! Now listen here, little boy!"
She strode towards Hulo, putting down her glass, then proceeded to give him a noogie, smiling. We all laughed and the formal air in the air fully vanished.
One Month Later...
I was in the gym, punching away at a punching bag when I noticed IF come in. Letting loose a super strong punch, I watched as the bag was sent flying off the chain and landed a handful of feet away, spilling sand all over the place.
The gym goers chuckled at me and as I cleaned up my mess, I smirked when IF began to help me. "Thanks, IF. What's up?"
She looked at me as we disposed of the last of the sand. "I was going to go to the Basilicom to see Neptune and Nepgear. I figured you'd wanna come with me."
I nodded, checking out of the gym for the day. "Yeah, sure. Let's go."
We got onto an Air Walk Tube headed for the Planeptune Basilicom and as we watched the buildings go by, heard someone run up from behind us. Turning around, we saw it was Compa. "Iffy! Mot-Mot!"
"Hey, Compa!"
I smirked at her. "Nice to see ya, Compa. Just got off work?"
"Yup! Now I'm on my way to see Nep-Nep! Hey, that rhymed..."
IF smiled. "Good. I guess we'll join you, then."
We got off the Air Walk Tube and was going to pass a lady with white hair handing out flyers when she accidentally bumped into me. Without a word, she handed me a flyer and ran off. We all looked at it.
"Whoa, now that is intense!"
"Hey, this art really is an explosion, isn't it?" Compa gazed at the flyer which called for no more goddesses. There was no art.
IF and I looked at her. "Huh?"
"You haven't done anything to make them like you either, though. I mean-! Uh..."
We walked in, IF speaking first. "Nepgear's right and you know it." Their attention turned to us as we opened the door to the Shareicite Chamber.
"Please excuse our intrusion, Lady Histoire." I gave a small bow. "We happened to overhear you talking."
"Motta, you, IF, Compa, and Hulo are always welcome." We walked in as Histoire smiled at us.
"You're siding with Histy, too, Iffy? Mot-Mot? But Compa and Hulo still love me, right?"
Compa smiled, holding the flyer we got behind her back. "Well, Nep-Nep. She has a point." She pulled out the flyer we got.
Neptune leaned over to read it. "Hmm... 'We don't need goddesses.'" Histoire reacted as if he was hit with a hammer.
"If they understood you a little better, then everything would be fine!" She smiled at Neptune as the room grew dark. "Don't worry. It's nothing hard work can't fix."
"Eueh! Everyone's against me, I'm in a major pinch!"
Histoire's mouth twitched before snapping. "Tch. It's this country of yours that's in a pinch!" Neptune shied away from the tiny (yet scary) Oracle. "Remember, CPUs are supposed to work tirelessly for the good of their people! Why do you think you have those powers of yours? As a wise man once said, 'With great power comes great responsibility.'" I noticed Neptune wasn't paying attention at all.
"I am gonna get me some schooling in the goddess arts!" I sweatdropped.
"Huh?" Histoire was caught off-guard by this. "O...K... But schooling from who?"
I bit my lip. Here it comes...
"From, uh... Noire!"
The girls were all caught off-guard by this. "WHAT?!"
Neptune smiled. "Time for a Lastation vacation!"
I sighed, letting my head hang. "And there it is."
Hello! This is going to be a story based on the Neptunia Anime! Now, first things first. Do you guys want Motta here to fall in love with any of the girls and if so, who? I'm willing to possibly make a harem if that's what you guys are into. See you gamers in Gamindustri!
Oh, and one more thing. Motta has black hair, brown eyes, and is fairly tech-savvy (not to the extent that Nepgear is, though.) And here are his clothes. (He has simple black jeans and Planeptune's logo on his right shoulder.)
(His hair)
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