A/N: Changed EXP gain again, I'm just gonna multiply the MC's level and enemy's. Final time I promise.
3 Months Ago
3rd POV
Just before the start of the school year, Rasa had called two specific shinobi and ordered them to his office. The two were named Nagisa and Subaru.
Rasa : "Thank you both for coming on such short notice"
Nagisa : "No need Lord Kazekage, we will come running the moment you call for us"
Rasa : "Right. I want the both of you to teach at the Academy"
The two shinobi look at each other confused. They are merely guards who patrol Sunagakure's walls, why the sudden change in assignment?
Subara : "Could you explain Lord Kazekage?"
Rasa : "Jojao's son will be attending this year. I believe the current staff will attempt to hinder Kazuki's studies and hold him back for as long as they can. Due to your connection to Jojao, I want you both to give that child a fair education. Show him no special treatment or discrimination"
Subara : "Jojao-sensei's child? The Jinchūriki?"
Rasa : "That won't be an issue will it?"
He looks at them both with a glare, the two shake their heads in response.
Subaru : "I just wanted to confirm his identity"
Nagisa : "What will we be doing?"
Rasa : "Subaru, you will be teaching Kazuki during general studies. When he advances, he will go to you Nagisa, you will teach him how to be a ninja and how to control the One Tail. Report to me tomorrow and I'll hand you the paperwork to fill out. That is all."
They bow and exit Rasa's office. As they stroll through the hallway, they talk about their new mission.
Nagisa : "I didn't expect to be teaching Sensei's child"
Subaru : "He did save our lives, I suppose Lord Kazekage chose us so we'd return the favor since we couldn't before the incident"
Nagisa : "We've been given a second chance to repay Sensei, I will prevent anyone from interfering with his education"
Subaru : "Calm down, you won't be involved with him until I say he's ready"
Nagisa : "If he's anything like Sensei, I'll see him in 3 years"
Present Time
Kazuki POV
A week after the semester exam, I finished the first draft of my book and handed a copy to Aboa. Maybe when I'm older I can write stories from my world as a hobby, or when I need money.
Aboa : "Wow its pretty long"
Kazuki : "Maybe just a you like reading long books Aboa?"
Aboa : "Yeah, dad said he'd give me the business when I get older and there's always a lot of paperwork so I read a lot at home"
I didn't notice Subaru-sensei behind us, looking down at the draft in Aboa's hands.
Subaru : "What's that Aboa?"
Aboa : "Subaru-sensei! Kazuki wrote a book"
Subaru : "You wrote a book Kazuki? I know you're studious but I didn't peg you for a writer"
Kazuki : "Well I got bored of reading the same old same old so I decided to write my own thing"
Subara : "Do you have an extra copy, I'd love to give it a read"
Kazuki : "Yeah..."
Out of his view, I pull out another draft from my inventory. Made it look like I pulled one out of my bookbag. I hand it to him and he reads the title.
Subaru : "Akame Ga Kill, little heavy on the title for someone your age"
Eh, I didn't really change much from the original story so why change the title.
Days later, Aboa and Subaru were completely invested in the story line. I get it, its delving into new territory that hasn't really been done before. I do wonder if other people will enjoy it like those two do. Another week later, I see Subaru on the last couple pages crying his eyes out.
I know those feels, I cried at the end too. At the end of the school day he came up to me.
Subaru : "This is amazing Kazuki!"
Kazuki : "Glad you enjoyed it"
Subaru : "I half expected it to be like other books I find, but this is new and original, I'm curious where did you think of the concepts for the Imperial Arms?"
Kazuki : "Well, I got the idea from being a Jinchūriki. Instead of sealing the beasts inside someone they crafted the items using the monsters blood, flesh and anything else they can collect"
Subaru : "I did questions whether or not that inspired you, looks like I was right. Tell me, are you thinking of making a career in writing?"
Kazuki : "Maybe just as a hobby. Ninja duties will eat up most of my time so I guess I'll write during any free time I have"
Subaru : "I look forward to anything you write up. Also you don't mind if I keep the draft and let others give it a read do you?"
Kazuki : "Not at all, I'd like to hear what others have to say about it"
After that conversation I return to Becky's place for some relaxation. Imagine my surprise when I found him in the living room reading a familiar bundle of papers. He looks up at me and puts the stack down.
Beketsu : "I read your draft"
Oh shit...
Beketsu : "And I hate to admit this, but I actually enjoyed it"
Beketsu : "Hiragi saw Aboa reading it and decided to take a look, once she read about the fate of Tatsumi's friends she said it was too violent for someone her age. When Aboa said you wrote it, my daughter gave it to me for kindling. In all honesty, I was looking to ridicule you for writing a story but the more I read, the more I was intrigued"
Kazuki : "I certainly didn't expect to hear those words from you"
Beketsu : "Don't think this puts you in my good graces, I merely enjoy your work nothing more"
Yup, but thanks to this his rep dropped to -65. It sucks Aboa won't be able to finish the book but this could help me branch out. If I can find a publisher maybe I can sell the book and make some extra money. Yeah, that's what I'll do.
[Mission Alert!]
D-rank : Writer
Get your work published
+300 EXP
The only problem is finding someone who's willing to work with a Jinchūriki. Sigh...this is gonna be a pain in the ass. Maybe Subaru can help me out, he doesn't hate me so he could probably introduce me to someone.
3 Months Later
The Winter exam came and I aced it again. It was little more difficult than Fall, but still a breeze for someone like me. Granted, they were questions based on the certain scenarios but I answered them all logically and the way everyone in Suna expects you to.
When the scores were posted, some of my classmates rep increased. Whether it be competitive or something to prove, the overall average increased in our class. They didn't care about what Kayda would do to them anymore, all they wanted was to beat me or pass.
Since the day I stood up to her, kids haven't been as scared of her as before. I mean, if a 4 year old can drop her to the ground is she really that tough? Whenever she bullied someone, another student would come up and bully her, then another one and another.
It was none of my business so I didn't really care what happened to her. Only two more exams and I am out of here.
While school's been helping me raise my intelligence and wisdom, I managed to learn a new skill by overhearing a group of kids studying ninja courses. Thank you [Eavesdropping] skill!
Student 1 : "Man, did you get anything Nagisa sensei explain?"
Student 2 : "You mean [Sand Walking]? Yeah its easy, here let me show you"
I saw him toss a hand sign and walk on the sand without leaving a footprint. That'll be especially useful in getting rid of my trail in the desert and a good way of increasing my chakra control.
Sand Walking, Level 2 (17.85%)
- Infuse chakra into the soles of your feet and walk on sand without sinking or leaving a footprint.
Cp Cost : 38/min
+2 permanent CC per level
I remember Naruto and Sasuke first learning about chakra control using a tree, but it being Sunakagure I couldn't find any to use. So on Saturday I asked Becky if he could take me somewhere to train. He didn't have anything to do that day so he brought me to a field full of tall rocks.
Beketsu : "You wanna practice wall climbing right? Use those big rocks to do it"
Alright, just mimic the same chakra flow as the [Sand Walking] skill and run up the flat surface of the stone. Wasn't that hard actually. Ever since I maxed out [Paper Sticking], regulating the flow of my chakra isn't as difficult.
[Due to certain actions you have created a new skill!]
Wall Climbing, Level 1 (2.44%)
- Infuse chakra into the soles of your feet and walk up vertical surfaces.
Cp Cost : 35/min
+1 permanent CC per level
Only problem was getting used to the sudden change of perception. The ground and sky were suddenly to my sides, its a super weird feeling. I managed to increase it to level 2 before the end of the day.
Even though my stats are pretty high, Itachi Uchiha who should be around my age is still stronger. He learned how to do the [Shadow Clone Jutsu] at the age of 7. I need to do something that'll make me stand out.
Another 3 Months Later
Finally, I've managed to create several sand based skills on my own. [Sand Coffin], [Sand Wave] and [Sand Cloud] were the end results. I'd say I'm getting the hang of this. Just need to max out my chakra control and it'll be easier to use more advanced sand skills.
I also finished the Spring Exam and to no ones surprise I'm still the top student. I'll give the others credit though. The sight of 100% next to my name always got to them and pushed everyone to excel.
Aboa got pushed to third place and was replaced by an orphan named Madoka. She lost both her parents during the war and wants to become a ninja just like them.
Speaking of parents, I haven't heard anything about Jojao yet. Wonder what he's doing nowadays. I don't really care about his well being or anything, I'm just curious.
3rd POV
Inside the Kazekage office, Rasa is seen stamping away at a pile of forms when he suddenly stumbles on a mission from the Daimyo himself.
Apparently, a story from Sunagakure made its way to the capital city and someone wishes to meet the author and have it published. The story had become popular with the guards of the capital and young adults. The Kage grew curious and looked into the story requested...
Rasa : "Akame Ga Kill? Never heard of it..."
It doesn't matter. If there's a way to bring some money into Sunagakure's economy he'll do anything. So Rasa asked his secretary about the book, hoping she's at least heard of it.
Luckily she did. She gleefully expressed how much she enjoyed the book for its originality and recommended Rasa give it a read. While he is curious, he's far too busy dealing with Suna's financial situation.
Rasa : "How long has this story been out and do you know where it came from?"
Secretary : "About 6 months from what I heard and I don't know where it originated from"
Rasa : "Damn..."
Secretary : "If it helps I recommend speaking with Beketsu, I overheard the guards say they heard it from him"
So he did. The retired shinobi arrived quickly and stood before the Kage in his office.
Beketsu : "Lord Fourth"
Rasa : "Beketsu, this book Akame Ga Kill? Where did you hear it from?"
Beketsu : "Kazuki Inei, he is the writer of that book"
Rasa : "What did you say?"
Beketsu : "It might sound hard to believe but its true. Is there a problem?"
Rasa signs heavily and leans back in his chair, contemplating on what to do about this sudden wrench in his plans.
Rasa : "Our Daimyo has put in an order to bring the author of that book to Aero so that it can be published. If it is discovered that a Jinchūriki wrote it, they might pull out of the investment"
Beketsu : "Then why not pretend someone else wrote it?"
Rasa : "I was just thinking the same thing"
Kazuki : "Don't I get a word in here?"
The two look over at one of the nearby windows and see Kazuki sitting atop a floating lump of sand. He climbs through the window and stands before the two with his arms crossed.
Rasa : "Hello Kazuki"
Kazuki : "Rasa"
The Red Blade comes near the boy and slaps him behind the head.
Beketsu : "Its Lord Kazekage or Lord Fourth, don't talk to him so casually"
Kazuki : "You're just jealous because I call him by his real name, unlike you Becky"
Another slap later, Kazuki sets up his demands.
Kazuki : "I'll give Suna the rights to publish my book but I'll be expecting something in return"
The Kage's eyes narrow, he's never liked being put in this situation with the boy. He's too cheeky and it annoys him to no end.
Rasa : "What do you want?"
Kazuki : "I want a scroll that teaches me the [Puppet Master Jutsu]"
Beketsu : "I already told you, puppet class starts once you complete the general exam"
Kazuki : "Its too slow and I already know I'm gonna ace it, you've both heard the rumors and seen my perfect scores"
Lord Fourth sighs once again. He's been monitoring Kazuki's scores to see if he's doing his part of the deal. The boy is doing better than expected.
Rasa : "Fine"
Reaching into his desk, he pulls out a key and tosses it to Beketsu.
Rasa : "Go down to the archive and hand the boy a copy of the jutsu, he'll have no claim to the title once its published"
Beketsu/Kazuki : "Yes Lord Fourth/Okay"
Rasa : "You're free to leave"
They exit the office and head straight for the Archive. Beketsu pulls out one of many copies of the scroll and hands it to Kazuki.
Beketsu : "Don't ask me to help you, if you're the genius you claim to be, figure it out on your own"
Kazuki POV
[Mission Complete!]
D-rank : Writer
+300 EXP
Jutsu Scroll : [Puppet Master Jutsu]
Yes...I knew this was better than asking for money. I could always write another book so its not a total loss.
As soon as I get home, I went straight to my room and open up the jutsu scroll. The same window as before pops up in front of me right when I absorb the scroll.
Puppet Master Jutsu, Level 1 (0%)
Cp Cost : 50 per string | Max Length : 20ft/6m | Max Control : 2
- Emit thin lines of chakra from the tip of your fingers which can be used to control puppets/bodies.
Oh yeah, its all coming together. I pull out a small doll from my inventory and attach my threads to it. I make it dance, hop around, carry small objects and hover off the ground. Had to use 5 strings to control it properly.
I did see a training puppet in the market place, maybe I'll buy it later. Right now...
3rd POV
Kazuki's bedroom door opens and Beketsu, who's currently on the couch reading a newspaper, sees a doll come out and grab an apple.
Beketsu : "You've got to be kidding me..."
The doll salutes him and returns to its master's dwelling. Its only been 30 minutes and Kazuki already knows how to use the jutsu. The retired shinobi's rep immediately went up by 7 points.
3 More Months Later
The general exams final is today. This test will determine whether or not a student can attend ninja courses or repeat the year. In the examination room, Nagisa, Subaru and several other teachers stayed around to prevent cheating.
The exam itself was a combination of everything taught throughout the year, with several new scenarios that test your loyalty. Sunagakure always believes the mission takes priority over ones life, so Kazuki answered however they wanted.
He of course wouldn't actually do it, if something doesn't benefit him it ain't worth his time. While the brainwashing worked on the others, if Kazuki was sent on a death mission he'd leave Suna and move to Konoha.
Back to the exam, once complete Kazuki was allowed to leave early. He decided to head down to the market place and explore a bit. As he passed by a book stand he noticed Akame Ga Kill on the, 'New Best Sellers,' section.
The book did extremely well. The change in theme is its biggest hook, even garnering attention from villages like Konoha and Kumo. That wasn't the only thing...
[Mission Alert!]
A-rank : Restoration
Bring up Sunagakure's economy (1.64%)
More Vendors
+5000 EXP
Kazuki POV
Oh ho ho. I could probably increase the economy alone with stories from my world. Though, I don't want people to think we're soft just because we write a lot of books. Maybe I can introduce board games like D&D, Kingdom Death Monster or even card games like Magic The Gathering.
Should hold off on that until I get better connections. Nobody would trust a kid with such a weird ideas.
Anyway, on my weekly stroll through the market I met someone I didn't expect to see.
Pakura, Hero of Sunagakure
Level - 67
Rep - 0 [Stranger]
The hero of Suna herself. I thought she already died, but then again it was never explained when she died. I know Rasa was Kazekage during her time so maybe he hasn't decided to get rid of her yet.
[Mission Alert!]
D-rank : Save a Hero!
Prevent Pakura's death
+250 EXP
Increase Rep with Pakura
Oh yeah, if I can save her life maybe she'll teach me some cool jutsu. How would I do it though? I'm not allowed outside the village and even then Becky would report me if I stay out too long. Hmm...
......shit did she notice me? She's smiling and waving at me! Dammit, can't avoid meeting her now. I approach her and she kneels down to my level.
Pakura : "Hello there, what's your name?"
Kazuki : "Kazuki..."
I waited for her rep to change, but it didn't...
Pakura : "Hello Kazuki, I'm Pakura, can I ask why you're staring at me like that?"
Don't know if this'll work, but oh well...
Kazuki : "I saw my dream"
She looks confused and asks me about it.
Kazuki : "Lord Kazekage sent you out on a mission to Kirigakure, you were an ambassador but the man escorting you stabs you in the back. You were in a ravine and people from above threw shuriken and kunai at you, then I woke up..."
Pakura : "I see...."
Did I do it? Mission isn't complete so I guess I'll have to wait until that day. Instead of being creeped out, Pakura smiled and patted my head.
Pakura : "Don't worry about me Kazuki, if your dream comes true I'll know exactly what to do"
And she leaves. Guess I can't really do anything else, man I hate waiting. A week later, the final results showed up and as soon as I arrive, I'm met with children pointing at me and adults looking stupefied.
I look at the scores posted and get it.
General Studies Final Exams
1. Kazuki Inei 100%
2. Madoka 98%
3. Aboa Masuyo 95%
4. Itsubu Rayma 92%
5. Zebuni Satomoska 91%
Boom! Going to ninja course next month! And because I finished my first try, I went straight home...
[Mission Complete!]
D-rank : Prove your worth
1. 400 EXP
2. Enter Ninja Classes
3. +30 Rep with Becky
Haha! Even the system calls him Becky. He stood in the living room with his arms crossed and a very stern expression on his face.
Beketsu : "Well, you've certainly proven yourself"
Kazuki : "Ho? Is that acknowledgement I hear?"
Beketsu : "Don't sass me. From here on out, your life is going to be exceptionally harder. So don't slack off or you'll regret it"
Becky Rep - 16
I'll take it I guess. All I need now is to become a ninja at an early age. Ugh, might need to explore the dungeon to get anything cool. Or maybe...
Kazuki : 'Hey Shukaku, change your mind on training me?"
Shukaku : '*huff* You're doing fine on your own. Kids your age with the kind of talents you have are destined to become strong. You don't need my help'
Kazuki : 'Sounds more like you're too lazy to teach me"
Shukaku : 'You already have the power to control sand, that should be enough'
Kazuki : 'Its not, there are still people out there who are way stronger than me. At the moment I know two jutsu and can barely create sand structures to defend myself. I guess that, 'absolute defense,' is just a saying'
Shukaku : '*unholy screech* How dare you insult my powers! My sand is the strongest and greatest of defenses!'
Kazuki : 'I'll believe it when I see it'
The sand spirit went berserk and went about calling me a fool, idiot and blah blah blah. He's way too proud and if I say the right things he'll fall into my trap. So after a bit more bickering, Shukaku buried himself in the sand again. He always does that when he can't win an argument.
We've been connecting well over the last couple of months. He's mainly been criticizing me about my life choices and trying to convince me to kill people.
I already told him he'll get to taste blood when I become a ninja. He just needs to be a little more patient. Don't know what I'll do during the month break. Maybe I'll work on my [Wood Working] skill.
3rd POV
Inside the Kazekage's office building, Rasa had called a meeting and ordered the council members to arrive quickly. When everyone arrived, Rasa plopped down a fat folder on the table and looked annoyed.
Rasa : "Recently, Kirigakure has been demanding Pakura be handed over to pay for all those she killed during the war"
Council Member 1 : "What right does Kiri think it can just demand anything of us? War has brought loss to all, they must get over it"
Rasa : "I agree with you, but there have been reports of ninjas from Kiri within the Land of Wind. The Mizukage has even offered Suna a substantial amount of money if we accept"
Council Member 2 : "How much?"
Lord Fourth passes over a single piece of paper and hands it to the council members. When he reads it, his eyes go wide from the number of zeroes.
Council Member 2 : "H-how, does Kiri even have the budget?"
Rasa : "I am unsure, but we only have 3 days to answer or they'll come for her themselves"
They all discuss what to do. They weigh the pros and cons from losing such a kunoichi and ultimately decide to offer her over. Rasa returned to his office and called Pakura to him.
Pakura : "Lord Fourth, you called for me?"
Rasa : "Pakura, Kirigakure has recently contacted us and is offering a temporarily alliance against Iwa. I want you to head to the village as an ambassador and deliver a message"
Pakura : "Am I going alone?"
The Fourth nods and explains she's powerful enough on her own and that she can take care of herself. Pakura left the office feeling resentful. After hearing what the boy said days earlier, she knows she's being set up.
Instead of refusing the mission, she accepted it gladly. If Kiri wants a piece of her, she won't go down without a fight.
After several days of traveling, she arrived in the Land of Water and met with her escort. When she found herself in a ravine, she set her plan into motion.
Pakura : "So I'll be meeting with Lord Mizukage correct?"
Escort : "Yes, we just have to get past this area"
The escort pulls out a kunai and plunges it right into Pakura's back. She falls forward but immediately turns into a poof of smoke.
Escort : "Huh?!"
Pakura : "Up here!"
The escort follows the voice to the top of the ravine, revealing his target surrounded by several orbs of fire.
Escort : "Shit! The ambush didn't work! Kill her!"
From the bushes fly out several Kiri ninja, armed and ready to kill the hero of Suna. Pakura merely smiles and combines the spheres into one of greater power and proportion.
Pakura : "Scorch Release: Evaporation Blast"
The white ball immediately explodes and burns the nearby area, including the one that conjured it. There were no corpses, only ash and melted fragments of kunai and shuriken. From afar, Pakura looks at the sight of destruction and covers herself with a cloak.
Pakura : "The shadow clone did well, I better leave before others come to investigate"
She walks into the forest line behind her and disappears.
Back in Suna, Kazuki is currently in his room carving at a block of wood when a sudden ping grabs his attention. He smiles at the window before him and continues chipping away...
[Mission Complete!]
D-rank : Save a hero
+250 EXP
+30 Rep with Pakura
Name : Kazuki Inei
Level : 6
EXP : 17/1200
Age : 5 Years
Title(s) : Suna's Jinchūriki
HP - 1,634 (+408.5/min)
CP - 5,342.4 (+801.36/min)
Control - 96% Wind - 92% Earth - 88% Magnet - 88%
STR - 43
DEX - 36
VIT - 38
AGI - 35
INT - 72
WIS - 53
CC - 92
LCK - 9
Points - 5
Ryo - 9752
A/N : Birthday level already happened. Didn't want to put stats up twice.
Passive Abilities
Health Regen - 25% (+5% Base Regen) (+5% from VIT) (+15% from Title)
Chakra Regen - 15% (+5% Base Regen) (+10% from WIS)
Skill Study Bonus - 19% (+5% Base) (+14% from INT)
Control Per Level - 22% (4% Base) (+18% from CC)
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