Kazuki : "Guess I'll call it a night. *turns around and fake yawns* Don't bother me with anything until next week"
Been a month since I entered the dungeon, and with main events starting to come together, I'll need to get a lot stronger.
I'm about to leave but Rasa calls out to me.
Rasa : "Wait, I still have need of you, Kazuki"
Kazuki : "What? Another mission?"
Rasa : "Somewhat. Wait in my office and I'll be there shortly to explain"
Ugh, I hope it has nothing to do with the chūnin exams. I hear that non-allied nations are no longer participating in exams together.
I thought it was weird that Konoha allowed Iwa and Kumo shinobi to participate, especially when Iwa and Konoha were pretty nasty to each other during the third war.
I was then dismissed as the Council had important matters to discuss and a child like me wouldn't understand any of it. Like bitch, I wrote books with better politics then what they have here.
Sigh...whatever. Let these old farts think they're important for a little while longer, when things start to take off they'll be like chickens with their heads cut off.
I summon a shadow clone and have him head over to the Armory. Been a while since I've seen Pakura and Shira, it'll be good to hear from them again.
Clone POV
After being summoned, the original has me head over to Armory to meet with Shira first. I want to see his progress for myself. Luckily for me, I spot Pakura sitting on a bench right next to the boy, both of them enjoying a bottle of cold cola in their hands.
Thank you, Dr. Stone.
Shira : "Ah, Kazuki-sensei!"
Upon being spotted, the little guy gets up and rushes me, throwing a punch aimed at my abdomen. I block his attack with my forearm and smirk at the power behind it. He's grown.
Clone : "That definitely hit harder the last time we fought. You've improve a lot, Shira"
Shira : "It's all thanks to your training regiment and Pakura-san's lesson"
I ruffle the kid's hair and walk over to Pakura, who is smiling at me.
Pakura : "It's been a while, Kazuki. How was your mission in the Land of Snow?"
Since the country's stabilized now, there's no harm in telling the others about what I did.
Clone : "Five months. Three of them spent babysitting the Daimyo's daughter in freezing temperatures and making sure she wasn't bored. Then a rebellion kicked off and I had to solve it single-handedly"
Pakura : "What?"
I take a seat on the bench and motion for the two to do the same. This is gonna be a long story....
~Two Hours Later~
Clone : "Since the rebels were lead by the Daimyo's brother, we didn't know who we could trust. So I hid the royal family in a cave, somewhere deep in the mountains, then I slaughtered everyone who pointed a sword at me"
Pakura : "Wow, that must've been so difficult"
Clone : "Meh. Their ice kekkei genkai wasn't all that strong. It relied heavily on the surrounding snow, which I melted away by using a fire jutsu. Then I beat them up with my fists"
Shira : "Did you get hurt?"
Clone : "Couple of times. *lifts shirt* I got this scar from a 1v11 fight and this one...."
Kazuki POV
It's been about ten minutes since I left the council room and I'm bored of waiting here.
I've already rifted through Rasa's personal belongings and drew a curly mustache on him in his family portrait. Wonder how long it'll take for him to notice it.
And since I'm here, might as well put a seal, just to be safe.
Pressing my right palm against the front of the Kazekage's desk, I activate my eyes to see if it's been placed correctly.
Flying Thunder God Seal
My vision now colored a violet hue, the kanji of the seal becomes a glowing light blue. When I deactivate my eyes, the writing completely disappears.
No doubt the most useful gift father gave to me. [Invisible Ink]. A special substance known only to those of the Kurogiri clan. Seals produced from this ink are invisible to the naked eye and all other forms of dōjutsu, except the [Kurofūgan].
And as much as I hate to admit it, father is actually a genius. With a few tweaks to the recipe, he learned how to make the ink odorless without affecting the quality. Not even a ninja hound would be able to sniff it out.
Rasa : "What are you doing to my desk?"
Kazuki : "I'm internally mocking it. I thought the Kazekage would have a work station befitting his status, but this is basic"
Rasa : "It is the same desk the First Kazekage used during his time in office, show some respect"
Kazuki : "Then he's basic too!"
Rasa : "Shut up and listen, this is important"
Oh, he's got his serious face on, guess I can save the jokes for later.
Kazuki : "So what's this about?"
Rasa : "I want you to be the proctor of the first exam"
Kazuki : "I refuse"
Rasa : "This isn't a request-"
Kazuki : "I refuse"
The man sighs. Don't give me that shit, I just got back from a long-term mission in a cold environment while you sat on your ass, you don't get to complain!
[Mission Alert!]
A-rank : First Proctor
Eliminate teams from Chūnin Exams (0/49)
+10,000 EXP
+1 Stat Point per team eliminated
Why you gotta do me dirty, system? I wanna relax for a bit but you have to come in and present me with something like this?
Sigh.... pain in the ass.
Kazuki : "Fine, give me a list of all available buildings that can fit at least 300 people that I can modify"
With all the relevant data in my hand, I left the Kazekage's office and scoped out the various exam buildings in the village. An hour in, I decided on a four story school, which is mainly used by civilians for studying a variety of subjects.
Going in and taking notes of the interior, each floor looks to fit around 110 people, 130 if we really squeeze them in. I'll also have to reinforce the walls to make them sturdy and soundproof.
Looks like I'll be working hard the next couple of weeks....
~3 Weeks Later~
Walking into the monitoring room, I'm met with the second proctor sitting in a chair beside mine.
Kazuki : "What brings you here, Becky? Your part doesn't start for another hour"
Beketsu : "I'm here to see just how ineffective your exam is"
Kazuki : "You're still on that shit? Get over it already, you're not the one taking the exam and it's been approved by Rasa, so I'll hear a pip on the matter no longer"
Beketsu : "It's-"
Kazuki : "NOT A PIP!"
The man groans and I take my seat. Looking at the spreadsheet, there are 21 teams from Suna, 15 from Konoha, 6 from Kusa, 4 from Taki and 3 from Ame. 49 teams, exactly what the system predicted.
Kazuki : "147 participants, 49 teams are taking the exams"
Beketsu : "Since we decided not to accept genin from non-allied nations, the head count has dropped significantly"
Kazuki : "Makes my job a whole lot easier"
Back to the exams, each team member would be separated and sent to different rooms on three floors. They then have to answer a single question out of three which are worth a set amount of points.
The first is 30 points, second 40 and the last is worth 50.
They're given 30 minutes to complete the exam and once that time is up, the amount of points a team has scored will determine whether they pass or not. If there are too many people who pass, well, I'll have to thin them out.
Teams who earn more than 100 points will automatically fail. By the end, I will then average out the scores of those that remain and any team that falls below the average will fail, while those above the average will pass.
Shikamaru, only you would think of an exam like this.
Anyway, with the teams being separated, it'll be difficult for any of them to communicate.
The shadow clones I placed in the testing rooms to explain the rules had just dispelled, sending over their memories.
Hmm, I didn't expect to see him here....
Clone 1 POV
I took a mental note of every genin that entered the room. Everyone's almost here and nobody of interest has shown up yet. Well, this isn't exactly the golden generation, but, you never know.
??? : "You!"
Sand that I keep on hand moves in to form a defensive barrier, protecting me from a fist aimed at my face. I briefly glare at my attacker before being surprised by who threw it.
Clone 1 : "So it's you"
Iruka Umino, Konohagakure Genin
Level - 36
Rep - -73 [Bastard]
Iruka : "You killed Mizuki, I won't forgive you!"
He goes to throw another punch, but my sand lunges at him and pins the leaf genin against the wall. I then pull out a kunai and press it against his throat.
Clone 1 : "Did you really just attack a shinobi from an allied nation? This provocation could lead to an international incident if it were to get out. *eyes genin in room* And with this many witnesses around, you wouldn't be able to escape punishment"
Iruka : "Why? Why did you do it......? Why spare us?!"
Clone 1 : "Your friend had quite the mouth on him, kept calling me a fucker and ended up dealing with the consequences. As for you and the Hyūga, there wasn't a need to kill you. Don't make me change my mind"
The sand shifts and wraps around Iruka before hurling him across the room and into a wall. As the final person enters, the doors close and lock. I then release my killing intent, getting everyone to shut up and focus on me.
Clone 1 : "Now then, I am Kazuki Inei, the proctor of the first exam...."
Clone 2 POV
Iguchi : "What the hell is a kid doing here?"
Sitting near the front of the room, a genin from Konoha decided to open his mouth. This is a pretty normal reaction I get from those outside of Suna. No matter how many times I hear it, it always annoys me.
Clone 2 : "I am the proctor of the first exam. Take your seat and wait for the others to arrive"
Iguchi : "Ha! How old are you kid?"
Clone 2 : "9"
Iguchi : "What the hell? Go back to the Academy and play with your toys. You're not ready to hang around with the big boys!"
Not ready, am I? Putting my right hand behind my back, I reach for something in the [Inventory] and toss it at the genin. He catches it and immediately screams after realizing what it is.
The object falls and rolls along the floor, a stream of fresh blood flowing from the neck. Items stored in the [Inventory] stay fresh as the day they were put in.
Clone 2 : "Judging by your reaction, you haven't killed anyone yet. Well guess what? I've killed hundreds, maybe even a thousand. Do you know what they all had in common?"
The genin shakes his head, legs trembling and eyes filled with terror.
Clone 2 : "They all underestimated me. Don't make the same mistake"
I added a little [Bloodlust] to get the point across. Now the boy is seated at the back of the room. Heheh....
??? : "Pardon me"
My eyes wander to the voice, oh, it's the Hyūga from my exams two years ago.
Natsu Hyūga, Konohagakure Genin
Level - 37
Rep - 17 [Friend of the Hyūga]
My rep with her changed? Guess she's thankful that I shared my fake vision with her.
Clone 2 : "Greetings, Natsu Hyūga"
Natsu : "I come bearing a letter from the head of my clan"
From Hiashi?
I take the letter and thank the future maid for delivering it, promising that I'll take a look once the exam is finished. She bows and returns to her seat.
I then store the letter in the [Inventory] for the original to read later.
Clone 3 POV
To think he'd already be this powerful despite not having the system to help him. This guy really is dangerous.
Itachi Uchiha, Konoha Genin
Level - 34
Rep - 0 [Suna Shinobi]
I'm not surprised to see he doesn't hate me, the guy's always been a pacifist.
Damn, that level. Then again, if someone as powerful as Shisui trained with me, I'd probably have a pretty high level too.
If I remember correctly, Itachi's sensei was an ass who refused to let his team take the chūnin exams because they outshine him. Then Danzo decided to step in and overrule the guy, sending Itachi to take the exams on his own.
I wonder who his teammates are? Guess that'll be answered once we all disperse.
Maki : "I'm here Kazuki! I'm gonna be chūnin by the end of this!"
Clone 3 : "Quiet in the back!"
Kazuki POV
Having just finished going over the clones memories, I start the timer and observe the genin.
Beketsu : "Tell me, how would you solve this if you were put in this situation?"
Kazuki : "I have a number a solutions for this type of scenario, but there are too many to list so there's no point in explaining. However, this exam works in my favor. Suna shinobi don't exactly focus on teamwork so nobody would expect this type of test"
Beketsu : "Then why-"
Kazuki : "Because, when you're out there doing missions, it's important to know how well you know your teammates. You never know, they could end up turning on you one day...."
I give him a side-glance while he glares at me.
Beketsu : "Now I get it, you're still bitter about being left behind"
Kazuki : "Very much so. You're all lucky Rasa agreed to my demands, else I would've executed those two shinobi who watched me go down and maimed the rest of you, except Pakura of course"
Beketsu : "You knew the risk-"
Kazuki : "Did you expect Kiri to send in one of their Seven Swordsmen? No, so shut up"
Beketsu : "Suna had to be notified about the situation, if losing a shinobi or two is all it took, then I would do it again"
Kazuki : "Best you remember just who you decided to leave behind, Beketsu. The village might have praised you for your actions but that wouldn't mean you won't face any consequences"
Kazuki : "You don't screw me over and get away with it"
Beketsu : "Argh!"
Out of nowhere, a kunai suddenly stabbed Becky through the hand, pinning him to the monitoring desk in front of us.
The assailant drops their invisibility, revealing to be a shadow clone I summoned earlier to protect me. It was a precaution I placed in case someone like Orochimaru showed up and tried to take me out while my back was turned.
I didn't tell anyone about this, not even Rasa. You never know when someone might be coming to kill you.
I yank the blade out and turn back to face the cameras.
Kazuki : "Go get ready for the second exam"
The man lets out a growl and exits the room. He'll be fine, not like he's doing ninja work now.
I heard Becky finally decided to hang up his headband and retire. Aboa told me he's a workaholic and can't sit still for less then an hour, so he became an instructor at the academy.
If what the rumor mill says is true, his lessons are absolute hell, even for his granddaughter. So glad I decided to graduate early.
Getting back to the exams, everyone has just finished reading over the questions and realize how simple they all are. Some have already seen the truth behind this exam and started planning.
Since I didn't say talking was forbidden, many of them came together to try and figure out what to do. The only rule I set in place is no unauthorized fighting.
I notice a handful of people get through this without trouble, thanks to their communication techniques, while the majority start to fall into a panic.
Though, most of the time, I'm watching Itachi. If the timeline stays true, he'll be a chūnin by this year. However, because of my existence, that might change.
He's just sitting at his desk, occasionally looking up to observe his fellow genin. My eyes are then drawn to another test taker in the same room, a big guy from Suna, who just started screaming and punching at the walls of the exam room.
Suna Genin : "Who cares about some stupid exam! Strength is what matters in this world! Not knowing something stupid like what choices my teammates would make!"
Sigh....there's one every generation. The idea is there, you're just not hitting it hard enough buddy.
Suddenly, a burst of chakra flared on the third floor. Wasn't strong but enough to grab any sensor's attention. Glancing at the screens, Itachi is standing near a wall while looking down.
Going to the second floor cam, Natsu is looking up at the Uchiha while nodding her head. She then speaks with the others in her room and approaches the wall.
Don't tell me....
Following that, five small tremors shake the entire building. Natsu is the source of the pounding. She's in her [Gentle Fist] stance. But how did.... no.
Rewinding a few seconds, I see Itachi is observing the big guy punching the wall. Gah, he gave him the idea!
The burst of chakra was used to make contact with Natsu. Using her [Byakugan] to see through the floor, Itachi motions for her to strike the wall five times. Glancing at Iruka's window, he seems to have understood the message and fills out his question.
So Iruka knows that he and Itachi will be the ones to answer the 50 point question, leaving Natsu to answer none of them.
Heh. You clever bastard, Itachi. But, even if you share this with everyone, at least half of them will get cut.
20 seconds on the clock, I summon three shadow clones to go and explain the second part of the written exam. When the timer hits zero, my clones enter the room and tell everyone to flip over their papers.
Turning on the mic, I then announce the second part of the exam, earning gasps and annoyed grunts from the participants.
Clone 1 : "While on a mission, enemy forces have spotted your team and are in the pursuit"
Clone 2 : "In order to shake them off, someone must be left behind and used as a decoy, knowing that they'll face certain death"
Clone 3 : "To pass, each team member must have the same answer on the back of their exam sheet. And the selected decoy will be considered killed and eliminated from the exams"
Clones : "You have 3 minutes"
Since the wait isn't long, I told the clones to hang around until the papers are collected. Meanwhile, some of the more confident people are looking nervous now. I wonder if any of them picked up on my word choice.
When the timer ran out, I turn off the monitor and head out to count the points and eliminate people. With the help of my clones, scoring only took a few minutes.
By the end, I called up 45 names, which include Itachi's team. That guy, I swear.....
Most people failed because of the second portion, just as I expected. Handing the results over to my former caretaker, he gives me a scowl as he yanks the papers from my hand.
With this, my responsibilities are now over.
[Mission Complete!]
A-rank : First Proctor
+5000 EXP (-5000)
+34 Stat Points
Hmm, now that I have the points, I guess I should even out my stats.
STR - 200
DEX - 200
AGI - 200
INT - 200
Which of course, earned me 4 new perks.
Peak Performance - So long as health stays above 95%, increase all physical damage by 20% and cut duration of physical debuffs by half.
Half Signs - Allows you to perform certain jutsu with a single hand, but when doing so, reduce damage and increase chakra cost by 25%.
Expeditious Dodger - Dodging attacks increase movement speed by 5% for 60sec. Can be stacked up to x10.
Parallel Tactics - You can now imagine how a battle will turn out in your head. Possessing more knowledge on the scenario will show greater detail. During use, time outside slows down by 99.9%.
Oh, these are pretty good. Definitely something that will help me in the dungeon, especially parallel tactics.
On the topic of stats, I've noticed something about intelligence. Whenever I improve it, visions about my old world have started to seep into my mind. Nothing personal, but more like, how to create certain things.
Radio towers, trains, wind turbines, electrical instruments and computers. I know how to build and operate them, only problem is, I gotta make everything from scratch. I have the knowledge and time, all I lack is the material.
I've already sent out clones to the capital to purchase what I need. All that's left is to wait.
Well now, what do we have here....
??? POV
My team and I managed to infiltrate Sunagakure successfully. We've been tasked with locating our informants within the village who have suddenly gone dark. My superiors believe their covers have been blown, but we have to confirm it with our own eyes.
We've been told that many spies before us have been sent in, but none of them have returned. From the little information we've gathered, everything seems to point to one shinobi, Kazuki Inei.
A 9 year old with incredible intellect and a variety of jutsu in his arsenal, even ones belonging to deceased shinobi from foreign nations. There are already two bounties in the bingo books for him, one from Kirigakure, the other is Kumogakure.
Rumor has it, he's the jinchūriki of the one-tail, a vicious demon made of sand who kills indiscriminately. It's no wonder the boy was able to take on a battalion of kiri shinobi and a member of the seven swordsmen by himself.
I was warned not to make contact with the child, but if we were to meet, I had to run. With his level of skill and the massive boost to his chakra supply from the one-tail, he's a very dangerous person.
The team separates to search for their own informant. I stroll through the village streets buying produce to really sell my false identity. My guy works in a restaurant, I'll slowly make my way there and—
Hmm? A book store. I wonder if they have it?
Entering the building, a man behind a register welcomes me and I ask for a specific book. I heard the fourth and final installment of Attack on Titan was released last week, but it isn't available in my village yet. The author, Akira Toriyama, hails from Sunagakure, it makes sense they would get it first.
The man tells me he has several copies and I buy two. One for me, the other for my friend. He'll be so excited, we've been waiting to see what lies beyond the walls. I stow the books in my pouch and continue with the mission.
I grew up reading Attack on Titan. I didn't like it at first because I thought it was just about blood and vengeance, but the story, characters and growth shown through the series, really kept me hooked. Akira Toriyama, I wonder what he's really like....
Wait. Stay focused. I'm here to complete my mission. I exit the store and head for the restaurant.
However, ever since I entered this village, something is making me feel uneasy. This is a simple intel gathering mission, but, why do I feel like there's a sword constantly looming over me?
Suddenly, the sand below my feet wraps around my legs and holds me in place. Then, I see a blue spherical object heading right for me.
3rd POV
An explosion occurred in the middle of the marketplace, throwing up sand in the air and creating a cloud of dust. The spy had used a substitution to narrowly escape the attack and takes cover behind a food stall.
Kazuki : "I never thought they'd send you...."
The cloud of dust dissipates, revealing Kazuki standing in the center of the crater he created with a [Rasengan]. Poking his head out, the spy's eyes then shifts to something dangling in the boy's hand. Four bloody leaf headbands....
Kazuki : "Shisui Uchiha!!"
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