Hidden Dungeon
[You have reached 100% Control! Perk will be rewarded]
Chakra Control Mastery - Jutsu without elemental affinity cost 25% less and are 25% more powerful.
[You have reached 100% Wind Control! Perk will be rewarded!]
Wind Control Mastery - Jutsu with Wind affinity cost 25% less and are 25% more powerful.
[You have reached 100% Earth Control! Perk will be rewarded!]
Earth Control Mastery - Jutsu with Earth affinity cost 25% less and are 25% more powerful.
[You have reached 100% Magnet Control! Perk will be rewarded!]
Magnet Control Master - Jutsu with Magnet affinity cost 25% less and are 25% more powerful.
Whoa. Certainly didn't expect a perk after maxing out these things. Now at least I can perform jutsu without wasting too much chakra. Like these sand fists...
Desert Hands
Cp Cost : 150 | 25/min
Dam : 125
These aren't that heavy. Either that or my transformation makes it easier to handle.
My biggest problem in the dungeon was my size. If I wanted to stand a chance, I needed to get bigger soon. So I decided to transform into Ichigo Kurosaki to make fighting easier.
So for the next hour or so, I harvest the boss's body and store it all in my inventory. I only have 3 free slots left, should probably get rid of the sand that's been taking up 6 slots.
I rip off the Great Jagras's skull, and yup it definitely feels denser than wood. If this is the first boss of the dungeon, wouldn't the others have stronger skulls? Yeah, I'll use their skulls instead.
After storing the skull, I summon the strange key into my hand. It's got a pretty simple design, but it doesn't tell me what it's for. Until...
[You have found ? Dungeon Key! Would you like to enter?]
Uh...I guess? The key lights up and teleports me to a nighttime version of Sunagakure. I didn't have time to investigate as a blood curdling screech echoed throughout the empty village.
I follow the voice towards the night sky and see a winged silhouette flying straight at me. I jump out of the way but feel something nick me just as the blur passed me.
-76 HP
That much damage from a small scratch? Whatever this thing is, its powerful. Said creature lands a couple of feet in front of me and reveals its decaying form.
Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
Level - 11
HP - 720
Well, that certainly explains the damage. The dragon reels back its decrepit neck and expels a nasty white breath towards me. I felt my eyes water from the intense smell then I heard it screech again and lunge at me.
I jump back to avoid a strike from the Paladin and return the favor by tossing a kunai at the white armored warrior. It nails him in the shoulder but the zombie simply rips it out of its shoulder. It's dead, of course it wouldn't feel pain.
It lost some health so I should able to kill. I toss the hands seals and spit boulders at the white warrior. The dragon attempts to fly away but I nail it in the wing and knock it out of the sky. Spitting more boulders at the downed dragon, its soon crushed and buried underneath a stone grave.
+77 EXP
+42 Ryo
Well that's certainly harder to deal with, but at least I get a lot of experience from it. That's when I hear another set of screeches behind me. At least two more dragon riders appeared and below them are a two new enemies.
Shinobi Necro
Level - 13
HP - 806
Ryu Kokki
Level - 18
HP - 1,240
Necro looked to be around my height, Kokki on the other hand was about 7 meters tall. I couldn't run away because Necro was already on me with a bone kunai in hand. I meet his blade with my own and get face to face with it.
Kazuki : "Nice to meet a fellow shinobi! Do you know any jutsu?"
Necro : "Die....."
I'll take that as a no. I kick him away and throw more hand seals to spit boulders, but he leaps off the ground and lands on the roof of a sand building. I follow him but Kokki swipes at me with its long bony arms.
I hop over its swing and plant an explosive tag on it. The tag explodes and covers the area in a thick black smoke cloud.
-100 Damage
Under the smoke, I land on the ground and pour my chakra into the sand below to have it climb up Kokki's left leg. Once ensnared, I close my fist and deliver a bone shattering blow.
[Critical Hit!]
-1,125 Damage
I could hear its bone break from the pressure, its body collapses and destroys a sand house under it. With the sand still in my control, I have it fly up towards the undead wyvern riders. They avoid it by flying further and further away, not realizing my plan to separate them.
Necro meanwhile, attempts to land a sneak attack but the nearby sand rises up and defends me from his bone kunai. This is my [Automatic Sand Wall], I set it to automatically defend me when a flying object enters a set vicinity.
I try to catch Necro with the sand but he's too nimble to catch and continuously performs flips to avoid it. I think he's just trying to show off. I throw another hand sign and spit rocks at him. He dodges my boulders but the excess movements slowed him down enough for the pursuing sand to finally catch and consume him.
[Sand Burial!] The sand crushes the undead shinobi and drops him to the ground. Fucking finally...
+91 EXP
+56 Ryo
I hop onto a roof just above Kokki's fallen body. It's trying to get up, but without a leg it finds it incredibly difficult. I activate the [Puppet Master Jutsu] and take control of Necro's frail and chipped body.
I write up a couple of explosive tags using paper and ink and slap them onto Necro, who leaps onto Kokki and blows up along with it.
-700 Damage
Half of Kokki's face had blown off and I made a leap towards its exposed body. I plunge Masaru down on the giant red orb in its chest.
[Critical Hit!]
-615 Damage
The orb shatters to pieces and the giant's body collapses, brewing up a dust storm that covered the surrounding area.
+126 EXP
+72 Ryo
1x Corrupted Bone
A corrupted bone? I pull up the item, which resembles a black bone, and read the description.
Corrupted Bone, D-rank Material
- A corroded bone collected from an undead that emits dark energy. Used in smelting/alchemy to provide certain effects in weapons/armor/items.
Hmm, maybe I can use this in poisons, the bacteria alone could kill someone if it enters the blood stream. I'll worry about that later, still got the wyverns to deal with.
I look to the sky and see the two remaining undead hovering above me. They're getting smart, if they come too close I'll use the sand to catch them. But if they stay up too long, I'll just shoot them down once I restore my chakra.
About 5 minutes later, I have enough chakra to finish these guys. I spat boulders at them and they fly around trying to avoid them. One of the riders got knocked down and is immediately swarm by a wave of sand.
The dragon and paladin get crushed the instant they're caught. I would've gone for the last one but another Ryu Kokki and two Shinobi Necro's appeared. Ugh, guess I'll be here a while.
3 Hours Later
9 Paladins, 6 Ryu Kokki and 5 Shinobi Necro lay dead before me. Grinding in real life is harder than I though. I could usually predict a monster's movements in a game, but that doesn't apply here.
These monsters evolve with each fight, if they see something to watch out for they'd try their best to avoid it while looking for an opportunity to attack me. I would complain, but this is pretty much getting me ready for the outside world.
Either way, I'm tired of fighting now. I didn't see a boss yet but I've already leveled up so I'll fight it later-
[You cannot exit dungeon during combat!]
......the boss is right behind me isn't it?
I turn my head slightly and see blue flames emitting from its back. I jump just as the monster fires said blue flames. I land on a nearby roof and inspect the new arrival.
Goku En [Boss]
Level - 24
HP - 2,142
That thing is an undead? The beast follows me and jumps on the same roof. It rushes me and I throw a set of hand seals but I wasn't fast enough. The boss headbutts me off the roof and I fall towards the ground.
-347 HP
Luckily I still had some chakra infused sand in the ground and it caught me. I try to use the sand to capture the boss but its too quick and bounces off the nearby buildings. It's got speed, power and ranged attacks, the worst kind of boss for a low level like me.
To make it worse two Shinobi Necro's had appeared alongside it. Dammit! The undead ninja rush me as I use Masaru to counter them. Goku En used their assault to attack me with a fan of blue flames.
The sand fortunately rose up to protect me. However, the ninja circled around me and stabbed me in the back.
-253 HP
3rd POV
The boy orders his sand to move in on the two ninja but they jump in the opposite directions. With the boss releasing a never ending stream of fire one way and two enemies with long ranged attacks on the other, Kazuki thinks of an escape plan.
He adds more sand to the wall and covers Goku En's vision of the three. Using the [Transformation Jutsu], Kazuki changes into Shinobi Necro and assaults the two with a sea of sand. They spread out even further and Kazuki calls back the sand to reveal he disappeared.
While the boss and two ninja scan the area, Kazuki digs underneath the sand and found the body of a dead Kokki. Attaching 10 chakra strings to the corpse, he manages to make it move and raise it off the ground.
Kazuki : "Its slow, but it should pack a punch"
He makes it move as naturally as he could and closes in on the two ninja, who are still searching. Being under the guise of a Necro, the two shinobi didn't expect to be caught by the Kokki and get crushed. The puppet then flings the corpses at Goku En and knocks it off the roof.
-234 Damage
The boss recovers and roars loudly, rushing at the puppet corpse and engulfing it in fire. Kazuki jumps off and lands behind a building, out of Goku En's view.
Kazuki : "Here's hoping this works"
He pulls out the scroll attached to his side and opens it up. After the boss burned the corpse, it sees Kazuki running towards the Kazekage's office building. It quickly gives chase and manages to catch up, tackling the boy to the ground and stomping down on his chest.
Kazuki wheezes from the impact and Goku En decides to finish off its prey by stabbing its claws into the boy's chest. Blood pours out of Kazuki's wound, but he suddenly smirks and grabs a hold of its leg.
The real Kazuki comes up behind Goku En and hops on it, driving down Masaru through its back. The undead beast howls in pain and tries to buck the young Gamer off.
Kazuki : "I didn't sacrifice Hollow just for you to get away!"
He repeatedly stabs the beast with his blade, holding on for dear life while the boss continues to jump. After a minute, the blue flames of the beast dwindle and its body collapses. Kazuki rolls off the corpse and lies down beside En.
Kazuki POV
[You have defeated Boss 1 : Goku En]
+1500 EXP
+2000 Ryo
+Fire Affinity Stone
+Jutsu Scroll : [Fire Release - Hell Flame]
Name : Kazuki Inei
Level : 9
EXP : 794/1800
Age : 5 Years
Title(s) : Suna's Jinchūriki
HP - 1,755 (+438.75/min)
CP - 6,090 (+913.5/min)
Control - 100% Wind - 100% Earth - 100% Magnet - 100%
STR - 47
DEX - 38
VIT - 42
AGI - 36
INT - 75
WIS - 58
CC - 100
LCK - 9 (+5)
Points - 15
Ryo - 11,215
Wait...boss 1? Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!
I quickly grab Hollow and mash the yes button on the exit dungeon window. I'm brought back to my room in Becky's house, out of breath and on the floor mentally exhausted.
Shukaku : 'What the hell is up with you?'
Oh crap, he was awake.
Kazuki : 'Just having bad thoughts, maybe the sleep deprivation is finally getting to me'
Shukaku : 'Kukuku, I told you so. Maybe you should fall asleep now'
Kazuki : "And let you destroy the village? Nah, keep hoping buddy'
Shukaku : 'Hmph!'
He goes back to his slumber and I pull out Hollow. If I didn't use the transformation on Hollow, I would've been in real trouble. Don't worry friend, I'll put you back together. I didn't realize it would take all night.
30 minutes before I left the apartment, I finished fixing up Hollow and put him back in his storage seal. Wait, didn't I get something else from the boss? I open up my inventory and summon the red affinity stone.
Fire Affinity Stone, B-rank Consumable
- Grants the user the ability to use fire release. Eat this!
Yeah! I swallow the red jewel immediately and out pops a notification.
Control - 100% Fire - 0% Wind - 100% Earth - 100% Magnet - 100%
Damn, if only I got it before the boss. I would've increased it to 24% with that level up. What about the scroll? I open it up and absorb its knowledge.
Fire Release : Hell Flame Jutsu
Dam : 500 (+100 per every 300 Cp) | Cp Cost : 600
- User takes a deep breath and spews forth a stream of intense blue fire that burns anything to ash. Adding chakra increases the damage output.
I've never heard of such a jutsu. Meh, I'll test it out when I get the chance. Time to head to the Academy...
Marconi plays the mamba...listen to the radio...
Pakura : "Ah Kazuki, good morning"
Huh? Oh, Pakura's back!
Kazuki : "Hi Pakura, I thought...that bad thing happened when you didn't show up"
Pakura : "Nah, I ended up fine thanks to you. I'm going to report to the Kazekage right now, how about we walk to the Academy together"
Kazuki : "Sure"
We stroll through the marketplace and talk about the previous month.
Pakura : "Congratulations on passing the general exams, not many pass their first year"
Kazuki : "I heard about that, wanted to prove I'm different from everyone else. Anyway, you think you can help me with wind jutsu? Or anything else for that matter?"
Pakura : "The wind jutsu I know are far too complicated for someone your age, but I can teach you the [Sand Clone Jutsu] if you want. Think of it as paying you back for saving my life"
Ahh, wanted to use that to learn something more complicated. Oh well, I'll take anything that can help me.
Kazuki : "Sure, where do we meet?"
Pakura : "How about training ground 9 on Saturday in the afternoon?"
Kazuki : "Okay, I'll see you there"
We separate and I enter class with several students glaring at me. I take my seat and wait for teach to arrive. Meanwhile, I overhear the others talking...
Ringo : "Did you hear? Kazuki's already in the advanced puppet class"
Nariki : "Yeah I heard. Man what a pain..."
Paste : "I really hate kids, they don't respect us and always want attention"
Heh, guess this is the same treatment Itachi got during his youth. Might as well put these guys in their place.
Kazuki : "Hey, while you guys talk behind my back, feel free to bend down and kiss my ass"
That got some shocked reactions from the kids, while some snickered at my smartass remark.
After Nagisa came in, the class went on as normal. During the chakra control hour, sensei started teaching everyone the [Transformation Jutsu]. Since Augus and I are the only ones who can use transformation, we had to go around the class to help the others.
Due to my reputation however, the kids were quick to wave me off and refuse my help, saying they'd do it themselves.
I watch them with a straight face as they struggle to perform such an easy jutsu. Guess I must've pissed one of them off enough because they decided to confront me.
Deb : "What are you looking at?"
Kazuki : "Watching your dumbass struggling to do a simple jutsu"
He launches a quick right jab, but Nagisa came between us and caught the boy's fist.
Nagisa : "Both of you stop right now, fighting is not allowed in the classroom"
Deb : "But sensei he-"
I could feel Nagisa emit an intense feeling of bloodlust, directed at the now scared little boy.
Nagisa : "Stop. Now."
Deb : "Y-yes!"
He scurries off to the other side of the room and leaves me alone for the rest of the class. When taijutsu training came, I fought against Augus and won. Thanks to that training in the dungeon, my reaction time increased dramatically.
When I dropped Augus and my victory was called, a notification popped up.
[You have defeated your classmate!]
+100 EXP
Oh, so that's how everyone else levels up. I always questioned how they would if it wasn't for their birthday. By the end of the school day, I headed up to class 205 for fan training and saw a couple of familiar faces.
Nariki : "Oh man, its him"
Paste : "Isn't he already taking puppet training? He's gonna bomb super hard"
I roll my eyes and take a seat in the back row. About 10 minutes later, the teacher walked in wielding a giant battle fan. She's got light blue hair tied in a pony tail with the forehead protector hanging around her neck.
Momo Kanetame, Jōnin
Level - 67
Rep - 10 [Teacher]
What the hell is up with all the teachers liking me already? I thought they were already told about me being Jinchūriki.
She scans the classroom and looks pleased at the amount of students attending.
Momo : "I surely didn't expect so many of you. Now then, to begin why don't you tell me why you've decided to attend this class starting with...you"
She points to Nariki, who stands up and speaks.
Nariki : "I came here to learn about fans because they look really cool and they can blow things away"
Momo : "Simple but true, what about you?"
She points to me.
Kazuki : "I want to learn about fans because I want to become Suna's first God of Shinobi, to do that I'll learn and master everything the village has to offer"
Momo : "Oh yeah, I heard about you from Subaru. Well I look forward to that day Kazuki"
With questions and introductions out of the way, Momo slams her fan on the ground and opens up a hidden armory filled with battle fans of all sizes. She tells us to grab one that fits our size and follow her out to the field.
Since I'm 5, I grab a small battle fan and head out to the training grounds.
Momo : "We'll be starting out with form, imitate my movements and keep going until I tell you otherwise"
So we do. My form in the beginning was a little sloppy but with Momo pointing out the flaws in my posture, I quickly improved and earned a skill.
Fan Mastery, Level 1 (0%)
- The art of wielding Battle Fans and performing various fan-based combat techniques.
+10 damage with Battle Fans | 5% attack speed
We had to practice side and overhead swings while the fan was open. Momo-sensei said it would help us with muscle memory and building up arm strength.
Momo : "Alright, that'll be all for today. If you're looking to practice at home, buy your own fan at the marketplace and practice with that. You're dismissed"
We leave the Academy grounds and I head over to the marketplace to buy a small Battle Fan. I head over to the undead dungeon and practice there. Had to keep an eye out for the boss though, wouldn't want to get ambushed again.
I used the sand to hold down the undead and beat them all with the metal fan. The skill increased about three times at the 6 hour mark. I feel like I'm cheating super hard by doing this.
But hey, no pain no gain.
1 Year Later
Nagisa : "You're gonna be fine Nariki, Kazuki's been in medic class for 4 months and is the top of his class"
Nariki : "B-but it hurts Sensei..."
Whining is only gonna make it worse. I activate the [Mystical Palm Technique] over his bleeding wound and start the healing process. I force the surrounded cells to quickly replicate to close the open gash.
Kazuki : "I thought we were outside Antlion territory Sensei?"
Nagisa : "This one must've been left behind, it also looked pretty agitated"
Kazuki : "I mean, if I missed out on a giant sex party that only happens once a year, I'd be pretty pissed too"
Nagisa : "Fair point"
We're currently in the middle of an exam focused on wilderness survival. The entire class was separated in groups of three where we had to survive on our own for a week in the desert. My team and I passed in second place and were dismissed for the day, but I was left behind as a standby medic.
Apparently, the Antlions were suppose to be to the south of Sunagakure for mating season but one got separated and camped out near our exam field in the north. That one attacked Nariki's team and he got bit real bad on the leg.
He's lucky really. Had the bite been a couple inches to the left, it would've bitten his balls off. I stop healing his leg and cover the rest in gauze. So long as he doesn't move too much, the nerve damage will heal over a couple of hours.
Kazuki : "Alright I'm done, try not to move so much. Your muscles are still recovering from the poison and will get damaged from excessive movement"
Nariki : "O-okay..."
I get up and stand beside Sensei, who's currently looking through binoculars to spot incoming students. While I wait, I take a look at my stats...
Name : Kazuki Inei
Level : 18
EXP : 1906/6000
Age : 6 Years
Title(s) : Suna's Jinchūriki, Prodigy
HP - 9,964 (+3,487.4/min)
CP - 19,975.2 (+5,992.56/min)
Control - 100% Fire - 100% Wind - 100% Earth - 100% Lightning - 68% Magnet - 100% Scorch - 100%
STR - 96 (+10)
DEX - 82
VIT - 87 (+7)
AGI - 73 (+15)
INT - 123
WIS - 116
CC - 154
LCK - 89 (+5)
Points - 0
Ryo - 52,971
A/N : These stats are high for a kid his age. A Jonin still has higher stat points, like in the 250-300 range for most stats.
My appearance has also changed. I got Jojoa's brown hair and red eyes but mom's facial features. Made me look cute as hell. I wore a blood red scarf around my neck which I obtained as a drop from Shinobi Necro.
My clothes consisted of a black body suit with t-shirt like sleeves and a white undershirt. My ninja pouch is attached to my right hip, scrolls and medicine on the left. I carried an obsidian colored battle fan on my back and sheathed Masaru on my lower back.
Nagisa : "Can you sense anyone nearby?"
Kazuki : "Let me check......nope"
After reaching 100 in chakra control, a very useful perk was given to me.
Chakra Sensor - User is able to detect chakra signatures within 300ft/91.44m.
No more sneaking up on ole Kazuki. Anyway...
Kazuki : "Shouldn't we send out a rescue party about now? Its been a while"
Nagisa : "They still have 6 hours to pass. After that, then we'll go searching"
So we wait. I on the other hand, open up the [Black Lion Shop] to see if anything new popped up. When I reached level 15, the option of buying things from the system came up. Only problem is the items on sale are completely random and cost way too much Ryo.
Shop Items [New items in 09:34:13]
Shadow Clone Jutsu - 2,000,000 Ryo
Fire Release : Phoenix Flower Jutsu - 50,000 Ryo
Clone Jutsu - 12,000 Ryo
Byakugan - 1,000,000 Ryo
Lightning Release : Black Lightning - 200,000 Ryo
10 Pound Chakra Ore - 25,000 Ryo
Force Release - 50,000
I bought lightning and scorch release last week, cost me 75,000 Ryo. The basic elements cost 25,000 while Kekkei Genkai go for 50,000. Dust Release was on the very first list and cost 100,000.
No way I'm gonna be able to earn all that money in the lower dungeons. Not until I reach the third or fourth floor. Sigh...although, that Force Release sounds interesting. I could probably create a weaker version of the [Almighty Push] with it.
[You have purchased Force Release!]
Control - 100% Fire - 100% Wind - 100% Earth - 100% Lightning - 68% Magnet - 100% Scorch - 100% Force - 0%
While I do have the ability to use these elements, I gotta obtain or create the jutsu on my own. The only ones I've managed to obtain were ones in the dungeon. I could go to the Kazekage and tell him about my many elemental affinities, but I know what happens to shinobi with unique abilities like mine.
I'd be expected to start a family and made to raise the next generation of overpowered shinobi. I'm not gonna let that happen, I won't let anyone control me. I am thinking about going to Pakura for scorch though, she hates Rasa and wouldn't tell him anything that would put my life at risk.
After the six hours came to an end four more teams had arrived, each exhausted and sweating heavily.
Since I didn't have any problem with navigation and am a chakra sensor, I was tasked with following a team of chūnin to look for the two missing teams. We scan the desert for at least 2 hours before finding Paste's team, dead from dehydration and food poisoning.
I stare at their lifeless bodies with a thousand mile gaze. The others noticed and I was brought back to reality with a quick shake.
Suna Chūnin 1 : "Steel your nerves kid, ninjas see these kinds of things all the time. You better get used to it"
I know but...actually seeing a kid only a few years older than me dead...it's a fucked up thing to see. This is my life...
Suna Chūnin 2 : "Back off, this is probably the first dead body the kid's seen. Don't make it worse for him"
I can't let them see me like this, I have to stay strong. I wrap Paste's body with a giant cloth and carry him on my back.
Kazuki : "Let's go"
They collect the other two bodies and we return to Sunagakure without trouble. The wave of emotions on Nariki's face when he overheard me telling sensei about Paste's death, tugged at my heart strings.
I didn't like the kid, but he was my classmate and didn't deserve to die at such a young age...
I can't let that happen to me, I won't let it happen to me. When class ended, I went straight for the dungeon to develop my own jutsu. Pakura bought me a book called Hand Seal Theory, which would help someone learn about hand seals and explains what each one does.
Tiger - Fire & Earth Release
Bird - Wind Release
Dog - Water Release
Snake - Lightning & Earth Release
Then the hand seals that help manipulate the chakra.
Dragon - Projectile
Ram - Channels chakra
Rat - Focus chakra into a specific use
Ox - Building up chakra
Hare - Chakra infusion
Horse - Controls volatile chakra
Boar - Focus chakra into a specific part of the body
Monkey - Wide area of effect
This knowledge would certainly help me create a variety of jutsu. I clear the floor of the undead and have an hour to myself before they respawn. Okay let's start on an easy one...Tiger -> Bird -> Horse -> Monkey. I mix the wind and fire chakra in my lungs and fire a powerful blast of heat from my mouth.
Scorch Release : Searing Stream
Dam : 1000 | Cp Cost : 1200
- The user take a deep breath and expels a scorching hot breath of fire from their mouth, capable of turning any organic matter into ash.
The attack left a large cone shaped burn mark on the sand. Sure was pricey but worth the damage. If I keep this up, I'll have my own arsenal at my disposal.
1 Week Later
I've been in the dungeon for a week straight. I don't remember what sunlight looks like. Doesn't matter I suppose, I was successful...
Scorch Release : Blaze Ball
Dam : 400 | Cp Cost : 500
- Shoot a white ball of fire from your mouth. Explodes on contact and easily burns flesh.
Scorch Release : Rings of Cinder
Dam : 50/1sec | Cp Cost : 250 (per ring)
- Conjure controllable floating rings of fire from your mouth that can expand and shrink on command.
Scorch Release : Heat Wave
Cp Cost : 20/1sec
- Release intense heat from your mouth that makes it difficult for anyone nearby to breath. May cause heatstroke and quick exhaustion.
Magnet Release : Polar Declaration
Cp Cost : X (depends on weight of object)
- Create a magnetic field on an item using chakra and declare it polarized north or south.
Magnet Release : Polar Repulsion
Cp Cost : X (depends on user)
- Touch a polarized object and pour magnet chakra into your hand to propel the object away. Force depends on the amount of chakra used.
Earth Release : Tremor
Cp Cost : 250
- Channel chakra into the ground below and make it shake violently, knocking anyone within 10ft/3m off balance.
Wind Release : Air Blade
Dam : 700 | Cp Cost : 900
- Infuse wind chakra into your hand which transforms it into a small thin blade that can cut through stone and iron.
Fire Release : Burning Torrent
Dam : 200/sec | Cp Cost : 300/sec
- Spew forth powerful flames from your mouth in a fan formation.
The only reason I was able to create these jutsu is because of my excellent chakra control. Anybody else would have a lot of trouble, that should be enough for today, time to call it a night.
I exit the dungeon and collapse in my bed. Ah~ soft bedding...
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