Demon Of The Sand
Readers : We have to wait a month for the next chapter.
Me : Bitch you thought!
[Mission Alert!]
A-rank : One Hundred
Escape/Repel The Pursuing Kiri Forces
Kill Unique Individual
+10,000 EXP
+5 Skill Scroll
They're coming from the east, in the direction of the Land of Rivers.
Pakura : "Kazuki!"
Oh yeah, she was just calling me.
I jump down from my elevated position and quickly warn the kunoichi about the approaching forces, making her eyes go wide.
Pakura : "100 chūnin? Why is Kiri sending so many ninja?"
Beketsu : "Hey you two, we're about to leave, cut the chit chat and get a move on"
Kazuki : "We might have to change plans again"
Beketsu : "Is something wrong?"
Kazuki : "There are 100 chūnin level ninja heading our way. I don't recognize their chakra so they're definitely foreign"
Beketsu : "What?! How far?"
Kazuki : "About 250ft/76.2m. If I had to guess, they're taking a slow approach to not attract attention"
Beketsu : "Dammit, we're moving out now!"
We quickly regroup and decide to abandon the barren village at this moment. When Becky explained the situation to the others, they understood and dropped whatever they were doing to leave the area in a hurry.
Beketsu : "Alright, since your the sensor brat you'll be at the back of the pack. Warn us of any incoming shinobi"
Kazuki : "Right"
Guy knows if any ninjas do catch up, I'll be the first to die. That aside, we can probably lose them in the desert, there should be a sandstorm coming in a few hours.
While I'm in the back, Pakura is in position at the front cause she's the fastest out of everyone here. Becky and the other no names are at center.
With a plan in place, we flee from the village and head straight for Suna. It was quiet for about 5 minutes before I felt a single ninja closing in on us. That's not the speed a chūnin should have, is the person using some kind of enhancement?
I should warn the others...
-743 HP
A streak of lightning struck me on the left shoulder, making me tumble and eat it.
Ah fuck this hurts! I'm not bleeding but I can't move my shoulder too well.
The others....they're not stopping! They're actually gonna leave me behind. Two shinobi turn their heads to see me down and instead of telling the others, they just stare at me.
Those eyes....
"Just die monster"
"Cursed child"
They want me to die, the fuckers!
-891 HP
Another bolt of lightning hit me and my entire body tenses up! I can't let this end here, I am not gonna die.
Another bolt comes for me but I use my stored sand to erect a wall of sand. It holds and I immediately start healing my injury using the [Mystical Palm Technique]. When feeling returns to my arm, I confront my attacker.
??? : "Oh? You're just kid, didn't think Suna had someone as young as you in their ranks. Don't worry, I'll kill you quick and easy"
Damn, why this guy of all people....
Raiga Kurosuki, Thunder of Kiri
Level - 54
Rep - -90 [Enemy of Kiri]
HP - 41,013
One of the seven ninja swordsmen, heh, just my luck.
So that's how he was able to catch up. He used [Lightning Strike Armor] to increase his speed. In his hands are the lightning blades [Kiba], if I can steal them, I'll have a strong weapon in my arsenal.
Raiga : "Are you ready to die?"
Kazuki : "Are you? [Force Release : Repulsion Cannon]!"
-11,250 CP
I shoot my arms forward, launching a wave of wind pressure that blows the man away along with the surrounding terrain behind him.
That should give me enough time. I know how dangerous this guy is with those swords, I can't afford to hold anything back!
Kazuki : 'Shukaku, I need your help! I'm going full power!'
Shukaku : 'You got it!'
[Shukaku has gifted you 250,000 Chakra!]
3rd POV
While Raiga was flung through the air like a ragdoll, the other Kiri shinobi had caught up and witnessed the destruction left behind by the boy's jutsu.
The swordsman crashes into the ground and his allies quickly come up to him.
Kiri Chūnin 1 : "Raiga, are you okay?"
Said man, stands up, cracks his neck and stares at his fellow shinobi.
Raiga : "I'm a swordsman of the Hidden Mist, of course I'm fine. That boy just caught me off guard is all"
Kiri Chūnin 2 : "Boy? That wind pressure came from a child?"
Raiga : "Yes, he hails from Suna so he is our enemy and we must kill him"
Kiri Chūnin 3 : "What about his team? Where are they?"
Raiga : "They left him behind. Probably to use as bait. After we kill him we're going after the others"
Kiri forces suddenly sense an ominous aura approaching and turn to see something charging at them with incredible speed. It was Kazuki.
At 100%.
With [Power Release : Full Cowling 100%], Kazuki has doubled his speed, strength and maneuverability. Just barely matching Raiga's own.
When his fist came crashing down on the swordsman, he blocked it by crossing [Kiba] together but was blow away from the intense impact force. Not wanting to let the man rest, Kazuki ignores the nearby ninja and continues to rush at his target with a barrage of punches.
The loud explosions in the distance catch the attention of the Suna group. They stop running and notice the fighting off in the distance.
Pakura : "What the hell is going on over there?"
Beketsu : "Could it be our pursuers? But who are they...."
That's when he realizes Kazuki is not among the group.
Beketsu : "Where is the boy?"
He questions the two shinobi in the back and they claim to have not noticed his disappearance.
Pakura : "Dammit, I'm going back for him"
Obviously, a majority of the Suna shinobi object to this action, even Beketsu, who stated that Kazuki knew the risk of running in the back and they must report this before doing anything else.
Pakura : "So you're just gonna leave him to deal with a 100 Chūnin?"
Beketsu : "We have our orders, if Kazuki can't handle a few ninja then whatever happens happens-"
Pakura : "If Kazuki thought the same way you do, he'd have let you die by that jōnin's hand"
She breaks away from the group and heads straight for the battlefield. Beketsu and the rest watch her leave for a few seconds before continuing forward to Suna.
Back on the battlefield, Raiga is going on the offensive and swipes his dual blades across the boy's right cheek. He immediately jumps away to gain some distance and avoid another lightning strike from mystical blades.
Kazuki : 'Even 100% ain't enough, I have to go even further! [Full Cowling 150%]!'
The energy flowing through his body intensifies to dangerous levels. He felt his muscles beginning to tear apart from the constant stimulation.
Kazuki : 'Everything hurts! I've never pushed my body beyond 100%!'
Raiga : "DIE!"
The Kiri swordsman shoots out another bolt of lightning but Kazuki quickly dodges and charges at the man, much faster than before and Raiga notices this.
Raiga's : 'He's gotten faster!'
Despite realizing the difference in speed, Raiga couldn't avoid the jinchūriki's volley of devastating punches to his stomach, chest and face. When he was given time to retaliate, he swung at the child but he would just dodge and counter with another attack.
Raiga : 'I-I can't keep up with his speed! No matter where I swing he keeps moving somewhere else and punching me!'
Appearing behind him, Kazuki plunges his fingers through Raiga's eyes and rids him of his vision. The man bellows in pain and drops his weapons to pointlessly reduce the pain by pressing his hands against his bleeding eyeholes.
Noticing that [Kiba] is out of his grip, Kazuki grabs the blades and pours his own red lightning through it.
Kazuki : "Oh! This makes it way easier to control!"
Raiga was attempting to crawl away, but his opponent didn't want to give him a chance. He jumps high in the air and dives down to plunge both blades into the man's back.
He screamed and Kazuki continually poured the red energy through his body until he stopped.
Kiri Chūnin 4 : "Quickly, we must save Raiga!"
Before they could interfere, several orbs of white fire come at the ninja and burn straight through their stomachs, transforming them into dried corpses.
Pakura arrives on the scene to assist her comrade and plans to defend him with her life, just like he did for her.
Kiri Chūnin 5 : "That's our target, kill her and avenge our fallen comrades!"
Upon hearing this, Kazuki looks up and sees all the ninja heading straight for Pakura.
Kazuki : 'So that's why they're doing this, vengeful little bastards. I can't let them surround her, she won't last long with this many shinobi, looks like I'll put these weapons to use'
Kazuki POV
Before I go out to help the Kunoichi, I pour my power inside [Kiba], surrounding the blades in a red energy and use it to slice Raiga's head off.
+648 EXP (-648)
[You have killed Raiga Kurosaki, one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist!]
I guess he was the unique individual I had to kill. Now it's time to deal with the rest!
Kazuki : 'Shukaku!'
Shukaku : 'Blood for chakra, I'll support you all the way!'
[Shukaku has gifted you 300,000 chakra!]
I smile at the notification and thank the sand spirit.
Shukaku : 'Unfortunately, this'll be the last time I can do this. I have to infuse more chakra, which will take some time'
Kazuki : 'This will be enough, I'll be sure to finish them all off'
Shukaku : 'Heh, you better'
Reading the levels of the opposing forces, they're all much weaker than Raiga. I don't have to try as hard. I downgrade to 100% and rush at the Kiri shinobi with my speed.
Judging by their looks of surprise, they can't keep up. This is gonna be easy!
I swipe the blades across several people's neck and kill them instantly, earning me a net full of EXP.
+2,652 EXP (-2652)
Sensing a few shinobi throwing hand seals, I charge at them next and sidestep their attacks, letting me get close enough to kill them too.
+1,116 EXP (-1116)
Damn, my arms are getting weaker, I can barely hold the swords. I store [Kiba] and go over to Pakura's side. We stand back to back as the remaining enemies surround us both.
Kazuki : "What are you doing here? I thought the group was heading back"
Pakura : "When I didn't see you with us and noticed the fighting, I decided to come and assist you"
Kazuki : "Heh. Thanks for doing that, guess we can die together"
Pakura : "Giving up? That's so not like you"
Kazuki : "Ha! These guys aren't a challenge, I'd sooner die of boredom than fall to a dog from Kiri!"
Someone throws a [Water Dragon Jutsu] but I erect a wall of earth around us to block it. Behind the cover, I drop my [Full Cowling] and pour the [Iron Sand] I've accumulated in the [Inventory] over time, out and surround my body with it.
I grab a hold of Pakura's waist and have the black sand take the forms of wings, allowing us to take to the skies.
Pakura : "[Iron Sand]? Like the Third Kazekage..."
Kazuki : "Yup, but I'm way better at controlling it than him"
Kazuki : "[Iron Sand Shower]!"
Miniscule grains of sand come flying at the ground units below, punching holes straight through their bodies. A few manage to dodge and get to cover but the ones I shot are gonna die of blood loss.
Someone tried to slice me in half using [Water Whip] but the sand surrounds me protectively and I retaliated by shooting sand at them.
I'm still exhausted from [Full Cowling], I can't move much. This [Iron Sand] will act as my limbs for now.
I collect several piles of sand and shape them in the form of spears. The black weapons fly and break through any defenses they planned to hide behind.
Yes, this will work. I just gotta keep doing this until they're all dead.
It took 30 minutes to clear everyone out. I would've been completely exhausted if I didn't level up in the middle of the slaughter. Well, I actually leveled up 3 times...
[Mission Complete!]
A-rank : One Hundred
+5,000 EXP (-5000)
+5 Skill Scroll
Name : Kazuki Inei
Level : 27
EXP : 19143/30000
Age : 7.0 Years
Title(s) : Suna's Jinchūriki, Prodigy, Sunagakure Genin, Demon of the Sand, Bloodline Target, Enemy Of Kiri
HP - 15,246 (+6,860.7/min)
CP - 21,683.2 (+7,589.12/min)
Control - 100% Fire - 100% Wind - 100% Earth - 100% Lightning - 100% Water - 100% Yin - 100% Yang - 100% Magnet - 100% Scorch - 100% Force - 100% Wood - 100% Steel - 100% Power - 100%
STR - 116 (+10)
DEX - 92
VIT - 114 (+7)
AGI - 87
INT - 128
WIS - 121
CC - 200
LCK - 117 (+5)
Points - 20
Ryo - 1,452,291
[Chakra Control has reached 200, perk will be rewarded!]
Superior Sensor - Your ability to sense chakra signatures has increased to 800ft/243.84m.
Ho! Oh ho ho ho! That's a super increase to my chakra sensing ability.
Anyway, after retrieving the bodies, we head off towards Suna. We were in no hurry so we decided to walk there.
It was quiet for a while, it felt awkward so I decided to start a conversation.
Kazuki : "Thanks for breaking the rules and returning for me when nobody else would"
Pakura : "Think of it as paying you back for saving my life. If you hadn't warned me about your dream, I would've been killed on that mission. Speaking of dreams, have you had any recently?"
Kazuki : "Only one. There were 10 people dressed in black robes with red clouds trying to kill me. That's all I know right now"
We were silent for a few more minutes before she brought something up.
Pakura : "If you don't mind me asking, what was that red lightning coming from your body?"
Oh yeah, she saw me using [Full Cowling]. Should I tell her? I know she wouldn't tell Rasa so I guess it's okay....
Kazuki : "Don't tell anyone, okay?"
Pakura : "I won't tell a soul"
Kazuki : "It's part of my kekkei genkai"
She gasps and looks at me with wide eyes.
Pakura : "You have another kekkei genkai?!"
Kazuki : "I only figured it out a couple of months ago. It's called [Power Release], it allows me to convert chakra into energy that I can use to strengthen my body or use it for attacks"
Kazuki : "The technique you saw is called [Full Cowling], it allows me to use the stored energy to power up my body. I had to increase it to 150% just to beat Raiga"
Pakura : "Raiga? Raiga Kurosuki?! One of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist?"
Kazuki : "Oh, I didn't tell you? Yeah, I managed to kill him too. *pulls out Kiba* That's how I got these babies"
Pakura : "The lightning dual blades, this is an amazing trophy Kazuki! Those Kiri dogs just lost one of their sacred treasures, I bet they'll get real mad when they hear it's in your hands"
Heh, she's right. I might just get hunted down by the entire nation, but it'll take weeks for forces to get here from Kiri. Plus with the desert, we have additional protection from an army of water dwellers.
I store the things back in my [Inventory] and continue the rest of the way with small chatter every once and a while. When Suna came into view, a cluster of shinobi were standing by the entrance, looking ready to head out on mission.
When they saw the two of us approaching, a few came rushing over.
Suna Guard 1 : "It's you two! Rasa just finished assigning a small army to help push back the invading Kiri forces"
Pakura : "No need for that. *grabs Kazuki* This one took them all out"
Kazuki : "Hey now, you helped out too"
Pakura : " Yeah but you did a majority of the work, you even killed one of the Seven Swordsman of the mist and snatched the sacred treasure [Kiba]"
Her eyes darted over to the guard who suddenly dropped his jaw. Oh, I see what she's trying to do.
Suna Guard 2 : "Raiga Kurosuki, you mean to tell me a genin killed a Swordsman of the Mist?"
Guess I better show them. I pull out the scroll containing his body and present it to the guards. He was decapitated, so one of the guards picked up his head, pulled out a bingo book and nodded his head.
Suna Guard 3 : "That's the guy. He's got a bounty on his head, so you might make some cash for turning in his body"
Suna Guard 4 : "You should report to Rasa, he needs to learn of this information"
We agree and I store the body back before going to the office building. When we knocked on his office door, we walked in and saw Beketsu and Rasa talking to one another.
The Fourth looks surprised to see us still alive. Guess they expected us to die.
Beketsu : "You managed to get away, how lucky you are..."
Pakura : "No we didn't. They're all dead"
Beketsu : "What?"
Pakura : "Kazuki killed all the Kiri ninja, even took out Raiga Kurosuki"
Rasa : "What?"
I pulled out his scroll and laid his fresh body inside the Kazekage's office floor. I even whipped out [Kiba] and showed them off.
Rasa : "You managed to steal one of Kiri's sacred treasure?"
Kazuki : "Yeah. Also they're mine, so don't even ask me to turn them over"
Rasa : "Are you even capable of wielding them?"
I just stare at the man and pour my chakra into the blades, sending currents of lightning through the room, scattering the stack of papers he had all over the office.
Kazuki : "That answer your question?"
Rasa : "*sigh* You're a pain, Kazuki. Pakura, I'll need you to write a report. I don't trust this one around official documents"
With my job done, I head on over to the Armory and see Shira outside, punching the training dummy I made for him.
Kazuki : "Thought I told you to take the day off today"
The kid turns around and bows to me.
Shira : "I'm sorry sensei, but I didn't want to rest. I still have a long way to go to reach your level of strength"
Kazuki : "Overwork is worse than slacking off. If you ever injure yourself beyond repair, your dream of becoming strong will be harder to reach. It's okay to take a break every once an a while"
Shira : "Okay, I will learn to rest more often"
~1 Week Later~
While I held Shira's legs up straight so he could do pushups, I felt a chakra signature appear behind me. It was a member of the ANBU unit wearing an oni mask with red markings on his cheeks and a red diamond on his forehead.
ANBU : "Lord Rasa wishes to see you"
Kazuki : "Alright, I'll be right there"
He disappears and I put Shira down.
Shira : "What does Lord Fourth need from you, sensei?"
Kazuki : "Probably to nag me again. Been a week since I've seen him so it can't be good. Use the building walls to hold you up, this might be a while"
Shira : "Yes sensei!"
I make my way over the Kazekage's office and find Rasa talking to a jōnin and two genin.
Kazuki : "Yo, how it do?"
Rasa : "Ah Kazuki, would you like to take a guess as to why I've called you here?"
Kazuki : "Another A-rank mission?"
Rasa : "No, the chūnin exams are coming up and I want you to join this team to take it"
He points to the three people in front of his desk and I read their info. The sensei...
Yashamaru, Sunagakure Jōnin
Level - 53
Rep - 37 [Fellow Shinobi]
Oh, the sand sibling's uncle. That's weird, he's about 6 level below the average range of a jōnin. Does that mean I can become a chūnin before level 30?
Wait, before that, isn't this guy 22 years old right now? Damn, whatever training he did the others should follow his example.
Now for the other two...
Enkimu, Sunagakure Genin
Level - 31
Rep - 5 [Show Off]
Birque, Sunagakure Genin
Level - 29
Rep - 11 [Show Off]
The one called Enkimu, is a female with short lavender hair and dark blue eyes. She wore a beige poncho over a violet vest, black pants and shoes. Looking over her shoulder, I see a something on her back wrapped in cloth. Must be a puppet user.
The younger one named Birque, has short spiky forest green hair and periwinkle eyes. His outfit consisted of a tight black shirt, silver scarf, blue shorts and brown sandals. This one is wearing a giant fan on his back, a wind user aye....
Kazuki : "First, tell me where the chūnin exams are being held"
Rasa : "Konohagakure"
Hmm, this would be a good chance to gauge the village's strength right now.
Kazuki : "What about my former team? Are you sending them out too?"
Rasa : "No, I don't consider them ready to take the exams. Since you have 12 completed missions, you are eligible for the exams"
Kazuki : "Why is this team 1 member down?"
Rasa : "The third member of this group has recently been transferred to guard patrol after a lack of personal and he himself opted out of taking the exams"
Should I?
[Mission Alert!]
A-rank : Chūnin Exams
Pass Exams
Show Off During Final Round
Win Tournament
+50,000 EXP
+Chūnin Title
+Increased Rep With Sunagakure
There we go...
Kazuki : "Alright, I'll join. So when are we heading out?"
Rasa : "A week"
Kazuki : "That's pretty short notice"
Rasa : "And you'll be leaving tomorrow"
Kazuki : "I feel like you intentionally did this to spite me"
Rasa : "Whatever do you mean?"
Rasa : "So gather your belongings and be ready to head out in the morning. You'll meet with the 6 other teams at the south gates at 7am. I expect good results from you all"
Team/Kazuki : "Yes sir!/Ugh, fine...."
I leave through the window and ride a cloud of sand back to the armory.
The chūnin exams....I didn't expect to take them so soon. If only I had the dungeon, I would've grinded until I was ready. Damn...
I need something to help me out. Maybe I can ask Pakura.
I fly over to her house and knock on the wooden door.
Pakura : "Kazuki? What brings you here?"
Kazuki : "I need you to teach me the [Shadow Clone Jutsu], in one day"
Pakura : "Aren't you a little young for that, plus why do you need to learn it so quickly?"
Kazuki : "I'm leaving the village tomorrow to take the chūnin exams"
When I told her that, her eyes twitched a little bit and she sighs.
Pakura : "But you just became a genin 6 months ago, isn't it a little too soon?"
Kazuki : "Rasa probably wants me to move up in the ranks quickly, not a lot of useful people like me around, plus I'll be able to take higher ranked missions therefore earning more money for the village"
Pakura : "You do have the skill, but I don't think you'll be able to learn it one day"
Kazuki : "Please just help me try, if I can't learn the jutsu then I'll drop out of the exams"
Pakura : "*sigh* Alright, I'll head over to the Armory and train you, just let me get changed"
She closes the door and I fly over to the armory to wait for her. While I do, I told Shira about taking the exams and how I'll be gone for about a week.
Shira : "You're already taking the chūnin exams sensei? That's amazing!"
Kazuki : "Maybe I'll take the exams, if I don't master a jutsu that Pakura is teaching me then I'm dropping out"
Shira : "Of course you'll learn it, you're incredible sensei"
I sense Pakura's chakra coming and I wait near the training field.
If only I had a scroll to learn from....
Speaking of scrolls, if I manage to steal the Forbidden Scroll in Konoha, would I be able to absorb all it's knowledge?
If we do end up going to war, guess I'll just steal it. Naruto managed to pull it off so why can't I? Thoughts for later, Pakura just arrived.
Pakura : "I hope you're ready. This jutsu isn't exactly easy to perform"
That's when she reaches into her ninja pouch and presents a scroll.
Pakura : "I've written everything down in here just incase you don't learn it today. You can take it with you to Konoha so you can read while you're out on the road"
I take the scroll and oh my god....
Kazuki : "Mind if I grab something real quick?"
Pakura : "Sure, I'll be here all day so I got nowhere to be"
I enter the Armory and as soon as I'm in the clear, open the scroll up and....
Shadow Clone Jutsu
Cp Cost : X (depends on user)
- Divides your chakra equally to create clones of yourself.
Clone(s) HP - 10% of User
All I had to do was ask her and I could've obtained it!? Arg, this is so frustrating!
I didn't have to save up the money, though I guess if it wasn't for last week's display of power, she probably wouldn't have considered it.
Using the cross hand seal, I form a single clone of 100 chakra and stare at him.
Kazuki : "*smirk* So, we finally did it"
Clone 1 : "*smirk* Looks like we're about to become even more dangerous"
I couldn't agree more...
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