Chūnin Exams
3rd POV
Inside Kazuki's mind, Shukaku stares at the sleeping child in his consciousness. The boy is laying in his bed in the middle of the desert and doesn't seem bothered by the bright light and warm environment.
The one tail extends his large arm out, picks up the blanket and further covers his host with it.
Shukaku : 'You don't see me as a monster, so I won't steal your body and turn you into one'
Rep - 54 [Friend]
Kazuki POV
A week after the survival exam, things pretty much returned to normal. We mourned our dead and then went right back to studying. We were pretty much expected to push our feelings aside and continue forward.
Since we were the advanced class, we had to take it a month earlier then the others. So in about three weeks, Aboa and the rest of my former classmates would be taking their turn. They didn't like the thought of that and asked me for tutoring since I made it without trouble.
So during lunch, I was in class giving any students looking to survive extra tips. Only reason I did it is because of a mission...
[Mission Alert!]
C-rank : Survival Tutor
Make sure your former classmates survive
+100 EXP per student that survives (0/10)
I mentioned what sort of plants to look out for, signs of an incoming sandstorm, how to pitch a tent that can't be blown away by strong winds etc. I gave them a list of items to bring with them and informed them how to keep the snakes/insects away from their camp.
At the start of school a few days later, Nagisa said he had a very important announcement.
Nagisa : "Now now quiet down, before beginning our lesson I must announce that the chūnin exams are starting for the first time since the end of the war. But there has been a massive change. Instead of the villages holding their own individual exam, it's been decided that a selected village will be in charge of hosting and perform the necessary tests. Sunagakure is the first and will bring in foreign ninjas to our village to participate"
That's right, after the third war they decided to host the chunin exams in separate villages. A couple of kids whisper to each other, excited to see ninjas from other villages. I'm curious too, I want to see the difference in power between myself and a foreign genin.
I need to know if I should up my training or keep going at a steady rate. These exams should give me the answers.
Nagisa : "During the exams, we'll have plenty of traders and food stands working to make a profit. The Kazekage has ordered that academy students will be assisting these vendors in any way you can"
He flips through several papers on his clipboard and asks students where they would like to go. A few wanted to go to the food stands, but those with bad test scores were tasked with cleaning the bathrooms.
I have to get close to the arena and gauge people's strength, maybe work somewhere in the stands. I raise my hand to offer my assistance, but Sensei waves me off.
Nagisa : "I've already assigned you as a standby medic Kazuki, you'll be assisting Lady Chiyo while standing in the sidelines"
Oh, well that certainly worked out for me. Haven't seen Chiyo since the day she sealed Shukaku inside me. I wonder if she'll bring that topic up...or should I? Nah, let bygones be bygones.
Nagisa : "With that out of the way, let's begin our session..."
Even with an event this big, we students were still expected to put our all into studying. I'm taking four different classes after school, and I wasn't expected to slow down. Now I hate that I've been improving faster than everyone else.
Sigh...guess I shouldn't complain. Thanks to the system, I've never needed sleep or suffer from sleep deprivation. So I can study all I want without repercussion, but I'm starting to get far ahead of my peers. So after the school day ended, I went up to sensei and asked...
Kazuki : "Nagisa-sensei, if I want to become a genin early what would I need to do?"
Nagisa : "But you're only 6, you should at least wait until you're 10 to become a genin. You certainly have the grades and recommendations of your teachers but unless you pass the graduation exam, which you can only take with my written approval, you'll stay until I say so"
Damn...I need to show sensei I can take care of myself. Maybe if I learn how to do more advanced jutsu like the [Iron Sand] or [Shadow Clone Jutsu].
What should I do while I wait...maybe I can write another book, probably Fullmetal Alchemist.
Thanks to my high [Calligraphy] skill, the first set of drafts were done in under a week. I focused entirely on writing, no dungeon, no late night studying and no jutsu training. If I don't get the money, I can't buy the shit that saves my life!
Two weeks later, I went over to Subaru and asked him to review my final draft.
Subaru : "You're writing another book?"
Kazuki : "Yeah, I've been getting into science recently so I wrote something about alchemy"
Subaru : "Alchemy huh? I love science so this'll be a good read"
After that, I handed Nagisa a copy as well. Since those two got my book popular before, I'm sure they'll be able to do it again. Near the end of the month, my stories were the talk of the Academy staff. Just like before, I was called into the Kazekage office without Becky this time.
Rasa : "I believe you know why I called you here?"
Kazuki : "The Daimyo wishes to publish my book again?"
Rasa : "Correct, your last book sold surprisingly well. And just in time for the chūnin exams, so we'll be increasing the economy even more. What would you like in exchange for the publishing rights?"
Kazuki : "Actually, I would like monetary compensation instead. Since the price for paper, ink and wood increased, I've been spending a lot more money recently and have started to dip into my savings"
Rasa : "Wood is expensive, we have to export it from the Land of Fire and it takes a lot of money to pay for security"
That's true, the desert is always a deadly place even for those that call it home. Only the brave would choose to....wait.
Kazuki : "I'll be right back"
Before he replies, I head to the bathroom and open the [Black Lion Shop]. Yes, that jutsu is here! If I can buy it, we can cut out the money used on bodyguards. I head back to the Kazekage and offer him something else.
Kazuki : "Instead of paying me monthly, how about I just sell you the rights for 150,000 Ryo, right here and right now"
Rasa : "150,000 Ryo!? What could a child such as yourself do with that sort of money?!"
Kazuki : "I know for a fact that Akame Ga Kill sold over 3 million copies, the money I'm requesting is chump change and would just recover after my book gets printed. Besides, I need the money today for reasons I can't disclose without my lawyer present"
The guy rests his chin on his hands, clearly in thought about what to do with me. I know for a fact he can't read or predict my actions, I'm too random and think of everything I do on the fly.
After a few moments, he reaches into his desk and hands me a check. For some reason, the system accepts checks and just transfers the funds straight to my inventory. Don't know if it just plucks it out of the treasury, but so long as I get paid I don't care either way.
I slide over the final draft and make my way out of his office and towards the bathroom. I open up the [Black Lion Shop] and purchase a very useful and unique jutsu...
[You have purchased Ethereal Transmission Jutsu!]
Ethereal Transmission Jutsu
Cp Cost : 100 for every 50lbs/22kg
- Teleport nearby objects/targets to a desired location at the speed of light. Object/target must hold still for 10 seconds. Humans will die without proper protection.
Having the ability to teleport objects from one place to another is going to be extremely useful, especially during missions. I exit the office building and see a well dressed man with tan skin speaking to the receptionist Layuri.
Merchant : "But I must have my goods brought to Aero by nightfall or the Daimyo will have my head!"
Layuri : "You're asking the impossible sir, as Lord Fourth said he can provide you a protection squad of shinobi, but having to transport over 900lbs/408kg in a matter of hours is asking for too much"
The gods are smiling down on me today...
Kazuki : "I believe I can be of some assistance"
I enter the room and the two adults look over at me confused. Layuri's expression quickly turns sour upon realizing it was me, still got people hating on me for hosting a Tanuki. Don't care though.
Kazuki : "I hear you're having trouble transporting your goods, maybe I can help you but I'll be needing compensation"
Merchant : "Um, who is this?"
He looks to Layuri for answers and the woman sighs and gives the Merchant a tired stare.
Rasa : "A boy who doesn't know to keep his nose out of other people's business"
Kazuki : "Cute but I'm learning how to be a ninja, espionage is an essential skill. Now then..."
I stand in front of the large pile of objects in front of me. Clothes, books, plants, jewels and trinkets of all sorts were pouring out of boxes, clearly stuffed to the brim.
I focus on the objects and throw a ram seal, covering the goods in lightning before disappearing instantly.
Merchant : "Wh-what? What have you done with my goods?"
A bolt of lightning crashes into the sand and the goods reappear, only now a couple feet away from its original position. Good, testing complete. I can delay the order by putting in certain commands.
I look at the merchant and receptionist with a smile.
Kazuki : "All I need now is the position you want me to send these to"
[+20 Rep with Merchant Tarvo!]
So his name's Tarvo...
Tarvo : "Thank you child! Thank you! Thank you!"
Okay okay, calm down now...stop shaking my hand.....shhhtop......shhhtop
After letting go of my hand he gives me the location and luckily I memorized the map of Aero so I know exactly where to send it to. Right before sending it out, I have Tarvo write a note to explain the circumstances and zoom! It's gone. Here's hoping it doesn't land on anyone.
Kazuki : "Think your employees will get scared from the sudden noise?"
Tarvo : "They will I promise you, they're not used to loud noises. Now I should prepare for my own departure, if you ever come to Aero and need assistance, come and meet me in my store"
He hands me a business card and my reward, but Layuri quickly snatches it and looks at me.
Layuri : "Rewards from missions will be handed out once we deduct taxes and what not"
Fuckin biiiiitch... One of these days, I'm gonna get her ass fired. When Tarvo left, Layuri hands me 5,000 ryo. I look at her with a deadpan and she waves me off like a fart in the room.
[You will remember this...]
Damn straight I will. I still kept 15,000 today so I guess it isn't a total loss. Besides, next week is the chūnin exams and I need to take a lot of notes.
A week later, the exams came and vendors from around the world come flooding in Sunagakure's gates. There were so many places I wanted to go, but duty calls and says I need to report to Lady Chiyo.
I meet the old lady at the Academy grounds and greet her with a bow.
Kazuki : "Hello Lady Chiyo, my name is Kazuki Inei and I'll be with you during the chūnin exams"
Chiyo : "Hmph. Don't get too comfortable child, this is only the first test which is meant to eliminate those who can't get past a simple test"
So they're repeating the same thing Konoha did? Or will do?
Kazuki : "The first exam is just a written test?"
Chiyo : "Ha! That is only an illusion boy, the real test is about quick wit"
Chiyo : "Since we won't be needed until the second part, I want to see your skills"
She pulls out a kunai and stabs her own hand.
Chiyo : "Heal my hand before I die of blood loss"
I calmly heal her hand and quickly close the wound. Her health dropped a bit, but she'll live.
Chiyo : "Good. Now for part two..."
She goes in to stab herself again, but I attach my chakra threads to her weapon wielding arm.
Kazuki : "Stop"
Chiyo : "Hehehe, your chakra threads are quite strong, I thought taking four classes would make your skills dull but that is clearly not the case"
Kazuki : "I plan to become Suna's first God of Shinobi, I will master everything I can and become better at it than anyone, even you..."
The old bat glares at me. Looks like I touched a nerve...
Chiyo : "Is that so?"
She jumps a few feet back and I gotta admit, she sure can move for someone her age. She pulls out a scroll and summons a Crow puppet. A challenge!
[Mission Alert!]
D-rank : Dancing with the Master
Face Chiyo in a battle of puppets
Increase Rep with Chiyo
+200 EXP
Oh ho ho! I pull out my own storage scroll and call out the new and improved demon puppet. While it remained unchanged appearance wise, the material used to construct it had improved. During a dungeon raid, I encountered a boss named Anjanath which resembles a T-rex covered in fur.
Its skull was incredibly dense so I used it to create Hollow's new skull. The hide I harvested also granted fire resistance so I made a cloak out of it and gave it to the puppet. Not only that, but I also constructed a special weapon using an organ from the corpse.
3rd POV
The two puppet wielders stand before each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Kazuki shifts his index and pinky making Hollow advance. Chiyo bends her ring finger and sends Crow into battle.
Chiyo's puppet unsheathes a weapon from its elbow and clashes with the demonic puppet. Hollow uses its sharp metallic claws to counter and catch the blade, holding Crow in place. Chiyo then has crow coil around Hollow's body and constrict it. Luckily, the puppet's body has been reinforced with iron plates and only receives minor dents.
Chiyo : "You still have a lot to learn about puppets boy!"
Kazuki : "I wouldn't be so smug granny"
Hollow's head suddenly jerks towards Chiyo and opens its jaws, revealing a dim light inside. The old lady's eyes widen and quickly uses Crow to block the incoming geyser of flames. The puppet successfully protected its master from the fire but left her open for an attack.
Chiyo : "A built in flamethrower, I never would've expected that. That thin frame didn't look capable of handling such a weapon"
Kazuki : "A puppet has many secrets-"
He stops abruptly, one of the puppet's blade had managed to sneak around Kazuki's eyesight and found its way into his left leg.
Chiyo : "But every puppeteer shares the same weakness-"
Instead of blood pouring out of the wound, Chiyo is surprised to find sand leaking out. She squints her eyes just as Kazuki's body drops to the ground revealing to be a sand clone.
Chiyo : 'So he already knows the [Sand Clone Jutsu]'
Her eyes dart to the ground below and she jumps back to avoid a rising strike from a naginata. The weapon retracts and Kazuki's second puppet climbs out of the sand.
A/N : It don't look exactly like that, it still a prototype.
Thanks to his sensor abilities, Kazuki could bury himself in sand and manipulate the puppet without revealing his exact location.
Chiyo : "Your puppets have unique designs Kazuki. Though they don't look very durable"
Kazuki : "*pops head from underground* They're both a work in progress. *goes back underground*"
The naginata wielder named Narukami, rushes forward and swipes at Chiyo, who quickly summons Salamander from a seal to block the attack. Using knowledge from the show, Narukami aims for the joint connecting the shield and breaks it off.
With Chiyo's only defense destroyed, Narukami swings at the old lady but stops a few centimeters from her neck. She doesn't react in the slightest as the wind pressure blows through her hair. Then her neutral expression turns to a small smile.
Chiyo : "You're certainly smart I'll give you that. Being able to locate Salamander's weakness in a few seconds shows you're very attentive"
Kazuki : "*climbs out of sand* The joints are every puppet's weakness, that's the first thing they told us about combating other puppet users"
Kazuki POV
Damn, had she been fighting seriously, I would've lost in a matter of seconds. I'm no idiot, I know when someone's holding back on me.
Chiyo, Honored Grandmother
Level - 81
Rep - 7 [Stranger]
[Mission Complete!]
D-rank : Dancing with the Master
+10 Rep with Chiyo
+200 EXP
Chiyo : "Well you're competent, glad to know I won't need to hold your hand through this"
Kazuki : "If I'm being perfectly honest, I wanted to go somewhere close to the fighting arena to see all the genin. Measure myself up against foreign ninjas"
Chiyo : "Then you might want to watch those from Konoha, they always pump out dangerous individuals"
Kazuki : "Like the Yellow Flash"
Chiyo : "Exactly, since we have plenty of time before the test ends, I'm going to get me a sand dumpling"
Kazuki : "I'll join you, haven't had a sand dumpling since I was a kid"
Shukaku : 'Oi boy, you know this is the old lady that put me inside you right?'
Kazuki : 'I know, though it was also the Third Kazekage who ordered it so she's not entirely to blame. Plus, it's thanks to her that I got to meet you'
Shukaku : 'Huh?'
Kazuki : 'Don't you ever wonder if I wasn't your host, who would you've been sealed into? Would they have treated you kindly or like a pet? Could they only see you as a monster that gives them immense power or a misunderstood being only looking to live its life like everybody else?'
Shukaku : '...'
Kazuki : 'People see us as things to feared. They judge us before they get to know us'
I bring my consciousness to the mindscape and look at the sand tanuki with a smile.
Kazuki : 'I may not understand all the pain you've gone through, but I can help you by giving you a friend to talk to. One that cares about your well being and doesn't see you as the weapon everyone claims you to be'
Shukaku : 'Hmph! Fine, I'll allow to be my....friend. But only because you're more tolerable than the rest of these bozos!'
I'll take it. At first, I really only wanted to befriend him so he'd give me chakra, but after getting to know him and being labeled a monster by the populace, I didn't want to be alone. He's the only one who can understand me and if Suna decides to turn its back on me, he'll be by my side.
I've never asked the big guy for his chakra. Everything I accomplished I did it on my own. Only asking him occasionally for any tips. So he knows I don't see him as a back up chakra supply.
About 20 minutes later, Chiyo and I return to the Academy to find a giant group of genin being spoken to a familiar face.
Baki, Sunagakure Chūnin
Level - 42
Rep - -40 [Monster]
So uh yeah....probably still mad about me poking his eye. I scan the group and see most of them in the 25-34 range. The strongest I found was a kunoichi from Kumo, she's level 37. Her text color is orange, so she'll only attack me when provoked.
Samui, Kumogakure Genin
Level - 37
Rep - -70 [Foreigner]
That name...she's the busty blonde who says cool a lot. She looks to be about 14, I wonder if she participated in the war or got lucky and didn't get drafted before it ended. Meh, doesn't matter. I probably won't run into her again.
Baki : "Out of 20 groups, only 7 of you got through. Two from Kumogakure, one from Sunagakure, another two from Konohagakure and two more from Iwagakure. I honestly didn't expect so many of you to pass, but this next session will put your skills to the test"
He pulls up a giant map of the desert surrounding Sunagakure, with several points marked with red x's.
Baki : "We have set up numerous towers around the desert but only 3 of them contain the treasure needed to pass. Using what little information you have, you must determine which tower contains a treasure and return it to one of Sunagakure's two entrances. You only have one minute to memorize this map and until sunrise to return before you automatically fail"
Damn. They ain't holding back.
Iwa Genin : "But if there are only 3 treasures, only three teams will be able to advance or even less if none of us get a single treasure!"
Baki : "Exactly, its meant to weed out those who can't make up a plan on the spot. Ninjas face this sort of problem everyday, if you can't take the pressure of dealing with that then go back to your village with your tail tucked between your legs"
The genin don't respond to his provocation and instead read over the map over and over again. When time came to an end, each group was handed a piece of paper with three sentences. Judging by the wording, the items are a silver snake, golden falcon and copper bull.
As for the location, they seem to be in the northeast, southeast and southwest. There are 24 towers in total with 4 in every cardinal and intermediate direction. If I can figure that out, then the others shouldn't have any trouble. Only problem now is surviving the desert.
Chiyo : "Well, seems we won't be needed until after the second part. Come back here at sunrise, we'll go looking for bodies then"
What a nice old lady. The next morning just before dawn, I head over to the east entrance with a homemade breakfast burrito in my hand. I spot Chiyo and approach her.
Kazuki : "Anyone come back?"
Chiyo : "Two teams, one from Kumo and the other from Konoha"
Kazuki : "I'm surprised one of our own hasn't returned yet, they should know the desert like the back of their hands"
Chiyo : "Indeed, I'm afraid our shinobi won't be-what is that?"
Kazuki : "Breakfast burrito, want one?"
I pull out a wrapped and still warm burrito from my inventory and hand it to the old bat. She looks at it and takes a huge bite. Her eyes became the size of saucers in that moment and I could've sworn she became 20 years younger.
Chiyo : "Mmm~ Such a delicious combination of flavors. Where did you get such a thing?"
Kazuki : "Made it myself. Ever since Jojoa left and I was put under Becky's roof, I've pretty much been taking care of myself"
Chiyo : "Well, you're certainly more grown up than most of the adults I know"
Kazuki : "I'm training to be a powerful ninja so I can't stay a kid forever, I wouldn't be able to defend my home that way"
Chiyo : "You know what Kazuki, I think you'll turn into a fine ninja"
I smile at her and finish the burrito. When the sun rose over the horizon, the guards fired off a yellow flare to alert the others that the second test is over. The winning teams were then called to the entrance for the tournament matchups.
Baki : "Since the Kumo team obtained the golden falcon, they'll be the first to draw lots"
Kumo Genin : "What for?"
Baki : "For the tournament, in one month you'll return here to fight against ninjas of your own team or the enemy's. Since you exposed some of your skills during the tests, we're giving you a month to prepare and come up with something new. The lots you draw will determine the person you will fight one month from now"
I didn't get to see the lots as I was sent to search for missing teams. Nobody died, but the other team from Konoha was starting to suffer from dehydration and hunger. I gave them water and breakfast burritos before sending them away.
When I returned, I saw the Suna team getting reamed by their sensei. If only they took practice lessons like they do in Konoha, then they'd have better results. I meet up with Chiyo and she tells me to get ready in one month for the final tournament.
That Samui girl, she's a little over twice my age and double my level. Compared to the academy students and genin here in Suna, I'm obviously strong for someone my age. So I don't have to worry about falling behind in terms of power, I should focus more on improving my skills.
So I head to the training grounds for Fan training, that's where I felt two different people following me. They both have low readings so they must be kids. I take a corner and wait for them to come around. Once they do I grab them by the collar of their shirts and hold them up.
Kazuki : "Gotcha!"
Blonde : "Ah!"
Brown : "Gah! Lemme go!"
It's them...
Level - 4
Rep - 16
Level - 3
Rep - 14
3rd POV
As Kazuki holds up the children of the Kazekage, their thrashing and grunting draw a crowd of passing civilians.
Civilian 1 : "Look, that thing is touching Lord Kazekage's children"
Civilian 2 : "Shouldn't we call a ninja? He's going to hurt them"
Civilian 3 : "Someone call for help!"
Kazuki notices the crowd and sees the looks of disdain and fear written all over their faces. He drops the two and turns away from them.
Kazuki : "Don't follow me"
He continues towards the training grounds, walking past the crowd who create a pathway for him. Once the jinchūriki came out of view, the crowd immediately surround the sand siblings, worried about their well being and asking if they are okay. They warn the two about angering the boy with the sand spirit and to stay far away from him.
Karura : "Temari! Kankuro!"
Their mother rushes to their side, clearly worried to find both her children surrounded by a crowd of people. After confirming the two to be fine, she questions them about their current position.
Karura : "Are you alright? What happened?"
Civilian 2 : "That monster came and grabbed your children!"
Civilian 1 : "Yeah, he threaten to hurt them if they continue to follow him"
Civilian 3 : "What a brute"
The others chime in with their own accusations and continually falsify the encounter with Kazuki, making him out to be a violent child who threatens the Kazekage's children. After hearing this, Karura thanks the crowd for the information and walks away with her children.
During the walk back, she directly questions her children.
Karura : "Temari, what really happened?"
Temari : "When we heard daddy talking about him yesterday, I wanted to see what was so special about him. But when we took a corner he grabbed us and told us not to follow him"
Kankuro : "I also wanted to see him and didn't want Temari to get hurt"
The mother sighs at her children's confession and quickly brings them home. She knows about Kazuki and the sand tanuki, but from what her husband tells her, the boy has control over Shukaku and doesn't appear to suffer from insomnia. So there is no risk of a takeover.
Later that night, her husband came home after a long night of stamping forms at the office. As he sat on the couch to relax, Karura stared outside the window with saddened expression.
Karura : "You know, it saddens me to see a boy who did nothing wrong get treated like a monster"
Rasa : "Did something happen with Kazuki?"
Karura : "*nods* Temari and Kankuro overheard you talking about him and went to see him for themselves"
Rasa : "*stands up* And what happened?"
Karura : "He grabbed them and told them not to follow him. That's not the part I'm bothered about. It's the way the villagers tried to demonize him, trying to lie about him threatening to kill them if they annoy him"
Rasa : "I'll have a talk with Kankuro and Temari-"
Karura : "What if that was our child?"
The Kazekage stops.
Karura : "What if Temari, Kankuro or even Gaara were sealed with the One Tail and treated that way by the villagers?"
Rasa : "A jinchūriki is a very dangerous individual. One day they can be in control, the next they could be possessed and destroy the entire village. And to answer your question, I would never allow my children to undergo such treatment"
He continues towards his children's room, leaving Karura alone to stare out into the darkened village.
Meanwhile, in the dungeon...
Kazuki : "Hell Flame!"
Blue flames spew from the boy's mouth and engulfs the weakened dungeon enemy, turning them to ash in the frozen wind.
+361 EXP
+ 122 Ryo
On the second floor of the dungeon, Sunagakure had turned into a frozen wasteland. Ice climbed up the buildings, the streets had turned into a long skating rink and the cold was difficult to traverse.
Thankfully, Kazuki thought ahead and bought a heavy coat to survive in the freezing environment. After collecting his loot, the winds became harsher and stronger. Kazuki looks up at a frozen building and sees a new foe.
Level - 27
HP - 8,342
The beast howls and the blizzard intensifies. Frost starts to cover Kazuki's coat and even bypasses his warmth. A new status window pops up in front of the boy, causing him to frown.
[You are now suffering from Chilled!]
Reduce AGI by 20%
Kazuki : 'I don't think so'
Throwing a set of hand seals, he ends it with a monkey seal and the frost around him completely diminishes. On a scouting run, the boy had thought of a way to get warm should his clothing fail to protect him. So he developed a jutsu that would increase his body temperature, only downside is that it makes him super sweaty and dehydrates him quickly.
Already having a strategy, Kazuki summons Hollow and Narukami to his side and holds his battle fan in the opposite hand.
Kazuki : 'Lucky I know how to control both of them with a single hand'
The puppets charge and Dewloran's attention is fully on them. Narukami jumps up and downswings its naginata on the tiger's head. The beast jumps back and avoids the hit, it then jumps again to dodge a stream of fire from Hollow.
Kazuki opens up his fan and swings it at the airborne tiger, sending out invisible wind blades. The sharp winds cut the tiger's front and hind legs causing it to wince from the pain and crash the landing. Kazuki rushes forward and unleashes a [Scorch Release : Searing Stream].
The frost tiger tanks the full hit and is left seared on its left side.
Kazuki : "[Fire Release : Fireball Jutsu]!"
A large ball of fire approaches the downed tiger and Kazuki feeds the flames further by swinging his fan. Dewloran attempts to jump again, but Narukami comes in from behind and stabs it in the back, piercing its soft flesh and pinning it to the frozen building.
After the ball of fire hits, Kazuki comes in with his fan retracted and slams it against Dewloran's skull repeatedly.
-302 Damage
-302 Damage
-302 Damage
Just as he's about to land the fourth hit, Dewloran pushes through the pain and kicks off the naginata. He roars loudly and conjures a blizzard carrying numerous ice spikes that fly at the young child.
He backsteps and backflips through the incoming projectiles, while countering the few unavoidable with kunai. A few manage to cut up his coat which releases the body heat built up inside, engaging the chilled debuff.
Kazuki lands on the ground below, throwing another set of hand seals and slaps his palm on the floor, shaking every nearby building violently.
Kazuki : "[Earth Release : Tremor]!"
The ice cracks from the intense movement and breaks the buildings apart, dropping the ice tiger and releasing the intense wind protecting it. While still suffering from the chilled effect, Kazuki is much faster than the injured beast and instantly closes in on it.
He slaps a seal on Dewloran's forehead and his body instantly seizes up. That was movement restriction seal, used obviously to hold people/creatures down. With the tiger's body restricted, Kazuki comes up and stabs it through the eyes.
Kazuki : 'Even if you break out of my seal, I'll disable you as best as I can!'
10 seconds in, the enemy lays dead on the frozen ground with a puddle of blood slowly forming around it.
+513 EXP
+176 Ryo
+Ice Tiger Arm Bracers
Kazuki POV
Phew. That should be enough for today. Besides...
[Boss Requirement : Level 25]
If the system is warning me about not being strong enough, I should take it to heart and get out of here. I've got one month before the tournament begins anyway, no need to rush.
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