Welcome To The Mary Frank Mustangs
It was my first day of Kindergarten at Mary Frank Elementary School. I was 6 years old, and I didn't have any friends at the time, since it was only the first day of school. So I was in Mrs. Krieger's PM Class. Which meant that I was in the second class of the whole school day. This was the class that was in the afternoon, but there were only two classes in the whole school day anyways.
There was an AM class & a PM class. And of course, I was in the PM class. There was only 17 other kids in my class, including me. But there were kids in the other Kindergarten class/classroom next door to our classroom. That was Mrs. Schindewolf's classroom.
There were times that both of our classes would do fun activities and some other things together. And just have a good time. Like one big happy family. We had holiday parties for like Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, and Valentine's Day. We would do multiple fun things. Like on Valentine's Day, for example we would play a game with heart shaped balloons and we would make valentines for everyone in the class and trade valentines with everyone. Kindergarten also did stuff for a student when they had their Birthday during school. For the student on their birthday they were given a birthday cape with a cardboard crown that said "Happy Birthday" and had their name on it.
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Though I wasn't best friends with everyone in my class and the other kids in the other class next door. I eventually later made some friends; Jordan, Ava, Jenna, Alyssa, Andrew, Zack, Sydney, Carolyn, Ethan, Courtney and Leigh Ann, Abby, Haylee, Emily, Shelldon, and Alan.
So during the majority of Kindergarten I would almost always play with my friends in which were girls. But, I mostly played with my best friend, Jordan. And no, Jordan is not a boy.
So the start of school I was a bit of a girly girl. Even though I wasn't a huge fan of the color pink. I weared it time to time. So I didn't wear the color all the time. Though, I really loved the color blue. I don't know why I did but I didn't seem to wear that color barely at all.
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During school Jordan and I really had fun together. We had the best friendship, two little girls could ever have. But the hard times were the times when I went to her house to play. Those times weren't nearly as fun as our times at school.
So Jordan invites me over to her house to play. She didn't say what we were going to actually do specifically but I brought my favorite light blue rubber marble ball with cloud flurries on it for the design. It my favorite ball and I loved it so much, that I didn't like to share it. But my mom made me bring it over to her house.
And the only reason I didn't want to bring it over was because I thought I would fly away because it was so light and also because she had a French Bulldog and I thought she would pop it.
So my dad drove me in our car to her house. He came inside with me to talk to Jordan's mom about what time he should come pick me up. But she told him she could drive me home. And my dad was like "Ok". So I gave him a hug and said "goodbye daddy see you later"! And he gave me a hug back and said "goodbye" as he shut their front door and left. And I watched through the glass door as he drove away.
As soon as my dad left, Jordan asks me "So what do you want to do first?"
"Can we watch TV?!" I ask her.
"Sure!" She says kindly.
So I sit down on the floor in front of the TV, while Jordan grabs the TV remote and sits down on the chair behind me and turns on Disney Channel. We sit in front of the TV and watch Suite Life of Zack & Cody for what we think was like an hour and a half, but it was way longer. We didn't realize how long it was until Jordan's mom comes in from outside and asks us, "Do you girls know how long you've been watching TV?!"
I respond, "No."
"Well Allysia you have been here since like 2:00, and it's now almost 4:30!" Jordan's mom says.
"And how long is that?" I ask her.
"2 hours and 30 minutes!!!" Her mom says fiercely.
"So...?" Jordan questions to her mom.
"So get out here, and do something it's a beautiful day!!!" Her mom shouts as she goes back outside.
Jordan and I ignore her and continue watching TV. Another 30 minutes passes, so her mom comes back, opens the glass sliding door, and yells at Jordan even louder than before.
So Jordan immediately shuts the TV off and says "Okay, okay, it's off now!"
"Okay!" Jordan replies.
"But I don't want to go outside!" I say with my arms crossed.
"Then what do you want to do?!" Jordan questions.
"I want to watch TV!" I tell her as I turn the TV back on.
"But we can't we have to go outside!" She yells at me, as she shuts the TV off angrily.
I then tell her "But Jordan I don't want to!"
"We have to though!" Jordan says to me as she grabs my ball.
Then I get a upset because she grabbed my ball without my permission.
"Jordan please don't touch my ball." I tell her calmly.
"Why can't I? It's just a ball!" She tells me.
"It's not just a ball it's my favorite ball! And if anything happens to it... I'm going to be really upset!" I explain to her.
"Well then I'll be really careful with it," she says.
"No, I don't want us to play with it because it's really windy and I don't want it to blow away!" I beg her.
But she doesn't listen to me. She opens the back down and runs outside. And I yell "No!" As I run out the door after her, leaving it wide open.
"Hey Allysia, wanna play in my pool and swim?" Jordan asks me.
"But I don't have a bathing suit..." I exclaim.
"You can just swim in the clothes you're wearing!" Jordan's mom tells me.
"No I don't want to go swimming, I just want my ball back!" I say a little irritated.
"Well you have to get into the pool in order to get it!" Jordan says tossing my ball into the pool.
"Jordan!!! I don't want..." I yell at her and pause mid sentence.
"What?! What's wrong?!" Jordan questions.
"You got my ball all wet! And I don't want it in the pool!" I explain to her.
"Why does it matter? It's not like the ball is going to die." she mocks to me.
"Please Jordan, give it back." I say as kind as possible. Jordan shakes her head no. So I get real mad, and run inside the house.
I then go to her room and shut to the door. So it's cracked open slightly like it was. Then I turn on her TV and her Playstation and start playing the game that was inside the console already. It was Monster Truck Madness and it was a really interesting game and it was fun.
And I was probably playing it for about five to eight minutes until Jordan barged in her room, and immediately shut off the Playstation.
And I was like "Hey! I was playing that!" I told her.
"Yeah, and I don't care it's mine anyway, and you should've asked me if you could get on it!" she explained to me as she threw my "wet" ball at me. In which I didn't catch, and it just ended up hitting me in the gut. And I fell to my knees.
She then starts to laugh at me, and then takes my ball off the ground from right in front of me, and runs back outside to the backyard. And I slowly stand up and run back outside after her.
Then when I get outside again, I see that Jordan starts to kick my ball around and I start to get worried something may happen to it. Like it could get picked up by the wind because it's kinda windy out.
And just like that it happens.
She kicks my ball facing toward the fence and the wind carries it. Thus making it bounce right over the fence. And right after that I start to cry.
I scream "NO!" as it goes and disappears over the fence.
Jordan's mom bought me a new one, identical to it but I refused because my ball was one of a kind. I kept it anyway. Although I didn't want that ball, so it just sits in my backyard in the woods somewhere. When my real ball is probably still behind Jordan's fence.
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