good luck kiss
The first few months of dating Niall had been eventfully blissful and equally as challenging. Blissful because career, health, mentality, and relationship wise, this was where we wanted to be. It was challenging, however, because I had to stay away from Niall out in public the best I could.
The media knew Niall jumped ship right before he was going to get married, and even though they didn't know why he bailed, they hopped on the opportunity to start rumors. One of those rumors was that he had gotten back together with the one and only Lynn Mercury. Seeing as people would believe what the media has to say, that had a nasty backlash on us. As much as people loved the two of us together back in college, having it be the reason Niall left the poor bride-to-be on the aisle was not going to fly with them.
So that was why I was staying on the down low. It was easy in the sense that I had good excuses. Like why was I living in Dublin? Well, I had a job in the city so naturally I'm going to live there. However, it was hard because I was madly in love with Niall and having to keep that contained in private places was growing to be very difficult.
Why was it that we were finally together after being apart for so long, and we still had to meet secretively? As Niall keeps reminding me: nothing has changed.
I can't go to soccer events with him, he can't visit me at work when I'm having a shitty day, and we can't even go out on a date. No one knows the two of us are together except for our friends and family. Not my co-workers, not his teammates... no one. And I wanted nothing more than to scream it to the world.
We've officially been together for three months and the time to let the world know that the two us were happily taken by each other was going to finally come out because for the first time since moving to Dublin, I was going to one of Niall's games.
But before I could do that, Niall was making me meet the team.
"Why are you so nervous, love?" Niall asked as I stood in front of the full length mirror in the corner of the bed room, changing my outfit for the tenth time. "It's just my teammates, no need to impress them."
I looked at him through the mirror with creased brows. "No need to impress them?" I nearly shrieked. "Niall, did you forget how the media portrayed us when we were in college? No one is going to take me seriously there."
"I think you're putting too much thought into this," Niall noted as he stood up from the edge of the bed. "It's a completely different atmosphere here than in college football. They don't even bat an eye at stuff like that." He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Besides, that was six years ago."
"Exactly, it was six years ago," I agreed. "So you'd think people would have gotten over the two of us. And yet... here we are, still very much in the media."
Niall sighed and leaned his forehead down on my shoulder, his thick, brunette hair tickling my neck and cheek. "Regardless, Coach and my teammates haven't said anything about it to me," he explained, his lips brushing against my bare shoulder. "So either they don't see it or they don't care."
I reached up and ran a hand down his face, the stubble on his jaw rough against my palm. "I just don't want to embarrass you."
A chuckle left Niall's mouth as he looked up in the mirror at me. "Trust me love, if you embarrass me, it's not going to be because of what the media has to say. You're capable of that all on your own."
"Shut the hell up," I scoffed and pushed his face away from me, which only made him laugh harder.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his chest, his other hand coming up to run through my hair. "You can wear a skirt and a pretty blouse if you want, but don't do it to impress them. Being yourself is going to leave a good impression all on its own. No need to stress," he said, searching my eyes. "And whatever they do end up thinking about you, it's not going to matter because I'm going to love you either way."
And with that, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left me in the bedroom to finish getting ready.
I sighed and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Niall was right, I was going to a soccer game not a job interview. So I removed the blouse and grabbed a simple white T-shirt and tugged on a pair of washed out jeans, settling on something simple and comfortable.
× × ×
The Aviva Stadium looked like a futuristic building with glass paneling roofs with a giant hole cut out in the middle. It was twice as big as the stadium at my college in both London and LA and it looked just as intimidating. It was located in the heart of Dublin just beside a suburban neighborhood and the river Dodder.
Walking down the hallway beside Niall took me back to the time when I was in college still playing the sport. I could feel the growing nerves in my stomach even though I wasn't the one playing, I could hear the crowd cheer above me even though the doors haven't opened yet, and I could smell the victory of the game even though the game hasn't even started yet. It was all bringing back so many memories that I had completely forgotten that I was going to meet Niall's teammates.
When we walked through the doors that led to the pitch, I was instantly blinded by the sun shining through the hole in ceiling that I didn't even notice the man standing on the sidelines looking at his phone.
"Coach," Niall said, walking up to him.
The man turned and I saw his face for the first time. Okay, so it wasn't for the first time because I've watched Niall's games on the TV like a hundred times, but for the first time in person.
He was an older gentleman, in his sixties maybe. He had a reseating hairline and glasses that were falling down his long nose. He had a bit of a gut on him, but other than that he seemed to be thin and rather in shape for his age.
"Horan, you're early," he said, looking at him over the top of his glasses.
"I know," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up so I stood beside him. "I wanted you to meet my girlfriend, Lynn Mercury."
Feeling the man's eyes on me should have felt uncomfortable, but as he looked me up and down, I didn't feel like I was being judged, I felt like I was a puzzle he was trying to figure out. It was a feeling I was used to from Niall back in the day.
"That name..." the coach said. "Are you by any chance in football?"
"I was," I explained. "About six years ago when I was in college. I was actually on a team with Niall."
The moment I mentioned that, the man's face lit up. "I remember you! Lynn Mercury! I was a huge fan of yours back then."
"You were?" I asked, a little more than surprised that a professional coach not only remembered who I was, but was a big fan of me. That was something to check off my accomplishments list.
"Yes! I thought it was so... oh, what's the word? Brilliant that you were on a male's football team. You owned the field like you belonged there. It was a very moving time, especially for young girls who needed that extra boost to go after what they wanted." He held his hand out for me. "A pleasure to meet you, Lynn. I'm Ross Cable. But you can call me Coach."
I shook his hand and give him a genuine smile. "Nice to meet you, too."
Talking to Coach boosted my confidence a lot, most of that had to do with him being a big fan of mine so my ego was definitely at an all-time high. But talking to him made what was to come seem like a little spec in the matter of things that I was blowing up to be a bigger deal then it really was.
After Niall promised his coach that he would be back to get ready in a few minutes, he took my hand and led me away and off the field, once again stepping through the doors and walking down the hallway. I didn't know where he was going, but wherever it was, we never made it. Because right as we were about to turn into the main entrance lobby, someone shouted Niall's name.
"Oi, Horan!" they said, walking over to us. "Who's the pretty bird?"
I recognized the guy from the TV, but not when I would watch the games. I thought hard about where I might have seen him, and then I remembered. His chestnut brown hair, sharp jaw, and hazel eyes that pierced through me so hot that I could physically feel the burn against my skin. I knew him from the TV alright; I first saw him the day they were airing the events of the wedding that never happened.
"Robbie, watch it," Niall warned, a wide smile spreading across his mouth. "This is Lynn, my girlfriend."
The guy stepped closer and crossed his arms over his broad chest, looking at me closely. "Ohh yes, I recognize her from the pictures. I was wonderin' when you were going to show her off in person."
"Pictures?" I asked, turning toward Niall.
Robbie laughed. Everything about him might be sharp and rugged, but his laugh was smooth and music to anyone's ears.
"Niall talks about you and shows us pictures all the time during practices," Robbie confessed, suddenly peeking my interest. "Even keeps a polaroid of you in his gym locker. I've never seen it, but I would bet all my money that he kisses it before every game."
"Shut the fuck up, Morris," Niall snapped, a clear pink hue spreading across his cheeks which only made Robbie laugh harder.
"I'm just pullin' your leg," he said after catching his breath. "You can't deny you're a fucking sap though."
I was enjoying this exchange a little too much. One being that I've never in my life seen Niall look so damn flustered and embarrassed, it was actually really cute. I had no idea his face could get so red. Another reason was that he was talking about me to his friends... to his teammates. We had agreed to keep the two of us a secret even to the people we were closest to, but finding out that he had broken that arrangement actually made my heart grew two times bigger for my love for him.
"Listen, I gotta get going but I'd love to get to know you better, Lynn," Robbie said as he started walking backwards. "Maybe after the game we all can go get some pints or something? Maybe tell you some embarrassing stories of Niall?"
"I'd love that," I laughed.
"Great! I'll see you after then."
The moment he was around the corner, Niall took my arm and started leading me in the other direction. Not wanting the opportunity to slip away, I pulled back and stood my ground.
"Hold on," I said, standing in front of him. "Do you really talk about me all the time to your teammates?"
Niall clenched his jaw and avoided my gaze which only made me love the situation more. I was feeding off every single disconcerting moment that passes.
"Not all the time," Niall confessed. "Only when they ask about you... and sometimes when they don't."
I couldn't help the smile on my face. "I thought we weren't going to say anything until we were ready?"
Niall seemed to get over the embarrassment because his face went back to its normal color and he was looking me in the eyes now, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in closer.
"I tried to," he started. "I tried keeping your name out of my mouth because I know it would be easier to do when I talk to people outside of the team, but once it slipped out, there really wasn't going back."
"What polaroid is in your locker?" I asked, remembering what Robbie said.
Niall closed his eyes and let out a nervous chuckle. "Oh, God. So... uh, do you remember back in college when I snapped a picture of you with your Polaroid camera when you weren't ready?"
I blinked at him. "You mean the picture you took the morning after we...?"
He nodded. "Yeah... for the first time."
"You fucking sap."
Niall laughed and pulled me in for a hug, placing his lips against my forehead and rocking us back and forth. "Only for you, my love."
We didn't stay like that for long because another one of his teammate entered the building, and then another one, and soon I was introduced to every last one of them. I had been at ease ever since meeting his coach, and finally getting through the whole team, I realized Niall was right; there really wasn't anything to stress about. Not one person mentioned anything about what had happened six years ago and I was thankful for that.
Niall and I followed after the last member down the hall and stopped when we got to a door. "I have to get ready," he told me. "You're welcome to explore the place. Doors open in a half hour."
"Where am I sitting?" I asked.
"The family and friends section which is located at the north side of the arena. You can pretty much have any seat you want but it has to be somewhere between section 133 and 136. I'm not sure who all will be here, but I do know that Robbie's wife is coming tonight."
"Robbie's married?" I asked, a little surprised considering the way his gaze on me could light a fire.
Niall laughed, clearly knowing what I was getting at. "He can be intense, but he's very much in love with Emma."
I opened my mouth to ask something else, but before I could he was telling me that he really needed to get ready and that he would find me after the game.
"Wait," I interrupted. "Do you really kiss that picture in your locker before every game?"
Niall smirked, his hand reaching and brushing a strand of hair away from my face. I felt my knees grow week when his thumb brushed against my bottom lip.
"I'd rather have a kiss from the real thing," he said in a low, enticing voice.
Then I felt Niall's soft lips press into mine making every cell tingle and spark through my veins. The roaring of my heartbeat thumping erratically against my ribcage was all I could hear. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and dug my fingertips into the firm muscles of his shoulder blades which provoked a low moan from the back of his throat.
"Shit," he said against my mouth. "Alright, this is going to have to stop right here, love."
I pulled away and flashed him a smirk before patting his chest and taking a step back. "Win the game and that can be continued."
"Yes, ma'am."
× × ×
I was the first one to take a seat in the whole arena. In about ten minutes the doors would open and that would all change, but I was surprised to find that no one was sitting in the family and friend section yet.
Niall had some good hookups when it came to seating. I was sitting front row right in front of the pitch behind one of the goals. That was bad and good. Good because I could see everything, bad because I only see what happens right in front of me. If Niall were to make a goal on the other side of the field, I'd have to rely on the jumbo screens on all sides of the arena.
I was in my seat watching the men in black walk around the field getting things ready when I saw something move from the corner of my eye.
"Hello!" the lady said. "You must be Lynn? Niall said you might be over here."
"Yeah, that's me," I told her as she took the seat beside me. "And you're... Emma?"
The lady nodded. "Yes, Robbie's wife."
She was very pretty in a pixy kind of way. Her blonde hair was short, only coming down passed her ears. Her nose was upturned and eyes were small and narrow. She kind of gave me a bitchy vibe but I brushed that off knowing I shouldn't judge her just by the way she looked.
Before either of us could say anything else, the first of the people started piling into the seats around us and breaking the silence of the arena.
As people came and the family and friends section started to fill up, Emma and I started talking more and I instantly regretted even skirting the idea of her being a bitch. I could see the two of us getting along well and I looked forward to the trip to the bar after the game.
A half hour later the two teams finally walked onto the pitch to stretch and talk about any last strategies they plan on doing during the game. My eyes instantly landed on Niall who stood between Robbie and Mason listening to their coach. I was so close to the field that I could see every expression that went across his face. I've never been more excited to watch a game before.
"Have you been to one of Niall's games?" Emma asked.
"No," I told her. "We haven't really... been out in public together at all, if I'm being honest. We're starting to change that now."
Emma nodded. "Is that because of the media?"
I turned to look at her, shocked written all over my face. "How-"
"I was a big fan," she grinned. "I knew exactly who you were when Niall said you were up here. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see you two together again." She paused and looked over my shoulder. "Also, you should know that the media is going to have a field day when they see you here."
"Oh yeah, I'm aware."
"Good, because people are already starting to notice," she said, nodding her head in the direction behind me.
I looked over my shoulder and not to my surprise, saw people watching me and whispering to their friends. They didn't even try to hide their gawking. I even saw someone take a picture of me on their phone.
I started to feel myself panic, but before that emotion could take over completely, I heard the whistle that singled the start of the game.
Ignoring the people around me, I settled in my seat and watched the game to the best of my ability. Emma was a big help in distracting me, talking about the game and asking me questions, and soon enough I forgot all about the people around us.
Niall was very entertaining to watch. It was one thing to see him through a TV screen, but another to see him live right in front of you. I had a chance to in college, but I was either on the field with him, or too focused on the game to pay much attention to what he was doing. But now that I was sitting with the rest of the crowd, I let my eyes wonder.
I wasn't going to lie; watching him play was a huge turn on for me. Whenever he would look up and see me, he'd wink and flash a smile in my direction. He would get flustered with himself a lot, I've noticed, which made him look angry and run his hands through his already unruly hair. I especially liked it when he would lift his jersey up and wipe the sweat off his face, exposing the skin of his toned stomach and the patch of hair that led down beyond his waistband.
I then realized that I wasn't paying much attention to the game and tried my best to gather my focus into where the checkered ball was at.
Soon enough, half time rolled around with the FAI down two points. Emma excused herself to the restroom and a few minutes later I got a text message from Niall.
How are you doing?
Fine. Kind of intimidated by all the people staring and taking pictures of me.
Just ignore them the best you can. Love you.
Love you, too. And good luck with the rest of the game!
After switching sides so the FAI was scoring on the goal right in front of me, the game started back up again. To my disappointment, Niall was benched. I wasn't surprised though, he played a good chunk of the beginning half, he was probably exhausted.
Emma and I kept chatting throughout the game. We were in the middle of talking about the places we have been to in the world when suddenly one of Niall's teammates was injured and had to leave the field. There was only five minutes left in the game and it was currently tied. In the guy's place, Niall ran onto the pitch.
Our conversation died after that as we both sat at the edge of our seats and watched as the minutes started ticking down.
Just as it hit the one minute mark, Robbie passed the ball to Niall and I was instantly on my feet in anticipation, hands gripping the railing in front of me until my knuckles turned white. Niall's made a lot of goals since being on the team, but not one of them was the winning shot, and as Niall dribbled the ball down the side of the field, I could feel my heart pounding against my chest.
At this time, everyone around me was on their feet, waiting to see what would happen in the last few seconds.
Opponent players tried their best to get the ball, but Niall's teammates stopped them before they could get the chance or Niall himself side stepped out of their path just in time before he would lose the ball.
And then suddenly, just as someone from the other team was about to get in his way, Niall booted the checkered ball across the field and it flew through the air and just barely getting in the path of the goalie, swooshing against the back of the net and making his very first winning shot.
I jumped up and down in my spot, my hands in the air and screamed along with the crowd all around me. Niall was standing on the pitch with his mouth open and hands in his hair like he couldn't believe he did that, but quickly broke out of his shellshock as his teammates surrounded him. Then not even a moment later, he escaped from the group and started running in my direction.
Knowing exactly what he was doing, I leaned against the railing in front of me just as Niall got to the wall. He stood on his tiptoes, reached up, and pulled me down until our lips crashed against each other right there in front of the whole stadium.
If anyone had any doubt that I was there for Niall, their questioning was surly answered by now.
Niall's arms wrapped tightly around my shoulders as I held onto his face and deepened the kiss. It was sloppy and nothing passionate, but it was definitely the kind of kiss that made my heart soar and knees weak. And I didn't care that the whole arena was watching. All I cared about was Niall and at that moment, I knew he felt the same as me.
× × ×
When Niall got excited, the whole damn city knew about it.
As his enthusiasm rose, so did his voice. He was pacing back and forth in the living room, re-enacting the very move he did that won the game. I was very well entertained watching him, but I was also a little disappointed.
After Niall had showered and changed and left the locker room, he couldn't keep his hands and mouth off me. His teammates and their friends and significant others were there as they all talked to their coach about the game and what they had to do next, but Niall was paying no attention to them as his hands kept slipping up my shirt and his lips attacked my neck. After the coach was done, Niall even took a rain check to go out to the bar with Robbie and Emma and didn't even wait for their response before his hand was in mine and pulling me to the car. Even the whole way home, his hand was on my thigh, riding dangerously close to where I wanted it most.
But by the time we entered the apartment, however, his mood shifted to pure adrenaline.
I parked my ass on the couch and took my phone out, looking up at Niall once and found him still jabbering away about the victory. I scrolled through twitter and even though I knew I would regret it, I searched my own name. Finding a Buzzfeed article attached to one of the tweets I found, I began reading.
The Royal Duo is Back and We May or May Not Be Screaming About it
There have been some speculations weather Niall Horan from the Republic of Ireland football team, and Lynn Mercury from the London Lions way back in her college days, were back together again.
Well, we have good news to share!
Just tonight during the home football game, Mercury was spotted in the family and friends section of the crowd. That tells you a lot right there, but if there was still any doubt about them being together, as soon as Horan made the winning shot, he ran straight to Mercury and placed a big smack to her lips right in front of everyone.
All our Hercury hearts are soaring to see the couple back together again!
The article went on to talk about our history and the unfortunate event on how the two of us were outed in college, and how Niall had ran out on his wedding and that some rumors were because of me, but I skimmed through it and stopped at the image at the bottom.
Someone, I assumed it was the professional photographer at the game, had captured the perfect moment of mine and Niall's kiss right after the win. We were obviously in our own little world as everyone around us cheered from the win. It looked like an image to go down in history, something to dig up years and years from now and reminisce when exactly the picture was taken and all the emotions that went along with it.
I pressed on the image and saved it to my phone, knowing damn well it was something I'd cherish forever.
When Niall finally stood in one spot for more than two seconds, I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso, kissing the back of his neck.
"Have you seen this?" I asked, holding my phone out in front of us.
Niall took my phone and scrolled down, skimming the article. "No, been too busy reminiscing the game."
I laughed and leaned in close and spoke into his ear. "Yeah, I've noticed. You're being very cute right now - all excited and jumpy."
"I'm buzzing!" he enthused, turning around in my arms so he could look at me. His blue eyes were sparkling; wide with enthusiasm. "I've never once took the winning shot before! Never even had the opportunity until tonight! And I did it!"
"I'm so proud of you, babe. I'm glad I was there to see it."
"You're my good luck charm, that's what it is," he added. "Either it was that kiss before the game or you in the stands watching me, but either way, you're coming to every single game."
"As much as I'd love that, I do have a job I'm committed to. But I'll make sure to go to every home game from now on."
Niall grinned from ear-to-ear and placed his huge hands on the sides of my face and left a big, wet kiss on my forehead. Then his eyes trailed from my face down my body and he saw what I was wearing.
He let out a whistle. "Where'd ya get that?"
"I bought it at the game," I smirked, knowing he would like it. "Thought you might like it."
"Fuck yeah I do."
It was a green Republic of Ireland jersey with the crest stitched on the left were the breast pocket would be. It looked very similar to the one I had accidentally taken from him in college and kept through all those years when we weren't together. The only difference now was that it had his number 13 on the front as well as the back and white letters that spelled HORAN was screen printed along the shoulder blades.
"It's turnin' me on right now," Niall admitted, his eyes now a dark shade of cerulean. "Actually, I've been turned on since I kissed ya on the field, but seein' ya in this reminded me of that."
"Reminded you? You're ego's too big it distracted you from your own hard on?"
Niall grinned and traced my cheekbone softly with his thumb. "I keep tellin' ya, nothings' changed since college."
My eyes fluttered closed as he pulled my face gently towards his; our lips brushing together ever so softly. The kiss was tentative at first, and as much as I loved going slow, I knew Niall had a lot of built up energy and he was just waiting to let it out. And I was more than willing to give him the release he needed.
I ran my tongue across his bottom lip just as his hands left my face and went down my shoulders and around my waist, letting me sweep my tongue into his mouth. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, the muscles in his back moving against my palm and I loved the feeling of his toned body pressed hard against mine.
As the kissing continued, I started to get lost in the myriad of sensations. One hand was firmly gripping my hip while the other held the back of my head; holding me in place against him. I could smell his shampoo, the light stubble on his chin as I cupped his face in my hand. I let out a throaty moan which Niall responded by rutting his hips up into mine. I could feel his length straining against his jeans.
Breaking the kiss to catch my breath, Niall looked at me with hooded eyes. The dazzling blue that had been there a short time before was now replaced with black.
Running a finger across my swollen bottom lip he panted, "Missed your body so much."
Feeling the heat rise up my chest, I laughed. "We slept together two days ago, Ni."
Niall placed a chaste kiss to my jaw, and then another one on the hollow of my neck, and then my shoulder. "It's been too long," he argued against my skin. "Too fuckin' long."
He spun me around in his arms, his hands sneaking up under the jersey to press his fingers into my lower stomach. I leaned my head back against his shoulder as he left wet kisses against my jaw. I felt his hands slowly trail down to the waistband of my jeans and I shuttered as he popped the button and pulled down the zipper.
"Niall, please," I begged softly, not sure I could last long with the slow pace he was determined to go.
He groaned low in his throat from my plea, swallowing hard before his hand slipped into my underwear. My knees buckled the slightest bit when I felt the rough pad of his forefinger against my clit. I fell forward slightly, but before I could get very far, the hand that wasn't in my pants went to my abdomen and kept me tight against his chest.
"Shit, you're so wet," Niall breathed out against my neck, his fingers running up and down my folds.
"Pretty sure I have been since halftime," I said, recalling the memory of Niall running down the field, hair sticking to his forehead and the way his back muscles looked when he ran.
"Why didn't ya say somethin' sooner, love?" He pressed into my bundle a little harder. "Coulda helped ya out."
"You were- Shit..." I cursed through gritted teeth. "You were enjoying the win."
"I'd enjoy this much more."
Niall swirled his fingers over my folds once again before he pushed two fingers inside me. I trembled against him, my hand coming up to card through the back of his hair as a string of profanities left my mouth.
I could feel my release building in my stomach and it was making me shake harder and making it difficult for Niall to control me with one hand. I rose onto my tiptoes, one hand in his hair and the other on top of his on my stomach as one final pump of his fingers sent me tumbling over the edge. My back arched off him as the orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks. He rubbed me through it, finally pulling his fingers out once I stopped clenching around him.
"Ya alright?" he asked, a clear smirk in his voice.
Niall was completely holding me up now as I tried to catch my breath. I nodded my head slowly as I tried to steady myself. Every orgasm I've ever had with Niall was a force to be reckoned with. Once I was able to stand on my own, Niall pushed my jeans down my hips and let them pool around my ankles.
I tilted my head and placed my lips against his neck right as I was lifted into the air, making me squeak in surprise. Niall had thrown me over his shoulder, taking advantage of the situation and placing his hand on my ass and squeezing a cheek as he made his way out of the living area and into the bedroom.
He kept the lights off and the door open as he got to the bed, slapping my ass once which ignited a burst of flames inside me before gently placing me on the edge of the bed.
Before Niall could make a move, I reached over and grabbed the belt loops of his jeans and pulled him between my legs. I pushed his black t-shirt up and placed a kiss on his stomach. He worked out a lot for his job and I loved how big his arms were and how the muscles in his back were visible through his shirts, but I was glad to see that he still had a little tummy on him. It was one of the many things I loved most, and I made sure to tell him every chance I got weather that was verbally or physical.
Niall grabbed my face and leaned down to give me a quick kiss before he started unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it over his head.
I took it upon myself to do the same with the jersey, but before I could even get it passed my chest, Niall stopped me.
"Leave it on," he said. "I've never seen ya wear anything sexier than that jersey with my name on it. Even better than that lingerie I had gotten ya."
I obliged and let go of the jersey. After Niall's shirt was off, he tugged his jeans down along with his boxers, his cock springing up against his stomach. He grabbed his jeans from the floor and fished his wallet out of his back pocket, plucking a condom out before dropping them again.
"Ley back, Princess."
Once I was comfortable, he hooked his thumbs into my underwear and pulled them down slowly. Then he leaned over to press kisses to my hips, his hands slid down my legs as he finished getting my panties off. When they were on the floor with the other clothes, he travelled up the center of my body with his lips, bunching up the jersey as he went. His hands slipped under the polyester and he quickly discovered that I wasn't wearing a bra.
"Jesus fuckin' Christ," he muttered under his breath, his eyes looking into mine. "Did ya not wear a bra at the game?"
"Are you mad? Of course I did," I laughed. "I took it off when we got home. You were too caught up in your win to notice."
Niall shook his head in disbelief as his thumb ran over one of my taut nipple. "That is the last time I get lost in my own pride. Never again will I ever miss you taking the opportunity to remove an item of clothing."
I laughed and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down so his mouth was against mine. Lifting a lag up and around Niall's hips, I could feel the soft skin of his cock against the inside of my thigh. I heard him tear the condom wrapped open, his mouth leaving mine for just a moment so he could roll it onto himself.
After a good few minutes of his mouth praising mine, I felt his hand come between the two of us, his tip teasing my folds. Then the familiar dull sting and slight pressure of him pushed inside me.
Niall stayed still for a moment, most likely gathering his composure so he didn't come on the spot. He slid his hand up to lace with mine, pulling out to his tip before pushing into me again. His eyes drooped shut and his head fell to my shoulder as a long, drawn out four letter word left his lips.
I tipped my head up, his lips connecting with my throat as he started to pump into me with slow, even strokes. I locked my arms under his shoulders, keeping him secured against me.
There was no denying Niall and I had an unbelievable connection, in and out of the bedroom. This slow pace he insisted on was wonderful and I wanted to keep it going as long as possible, but I simultaneously wanted him to fuck me hard and with everything he had. And I knew he wanted to as well - there was too much drive inside him - but for whatever reason, he wanted to keep it slow and gentle.
So that meant I had to take the rains.
Without warning, I pushed my hands onto his chest and flipped the two of us over so I was on top. He fell back onto the bed, his eyes hooded and surprised as he looked up at me. I sat on his hips and I could feel his throbbing cock against my ass behind me.
"What are ya doin'?" he eyed me suspiciously.
I raked my nails down his chest as he shuddered. "You were taking too long."
Pulling my hips off of Niall's, I reached back to wrap my fingers around his cock. He sucked in a breath as I rubbed his tip against me. His back arched up off the bed as I pressed a soft kiss to his chest before sinking down fully on him. The jersey I was wearing fell around us, completely obscuring the view of us connected.
"Ya look so fuckin' beautiful right now," he breathed, his gaze searing into mine. His fingers bunched up the jersey in his hand. "This looks so fuckin' good on you."
I started rolling my hips against his in an easy rhythm, circling and driving onto him as his head fell back against the mattress, but his eyes never left mine.
Continuing the rhythm, I focused on him below me. Watching him while we fucked was a sight to behold. His brows were furrowed in concentration and pleasure as he intently watched me bounce on him. I knew that my reactions were what he was so focused on; something that got Niall off the hardest was when he saw me got off the hardest from him.
Niall looked down, watching as his cock disappeared inside me. My hips were moving independently and I could feel my release deep in my stomach but it felt so far away and the frustration was starting to get to me as I whined out in disappointment.
I lifted my fingers to run through his hair before grabbing onto a fistful and pushing his mouth to mine. He grunted as I raked my nails into his shoulder, leaving scratches I was sure.
"For fucks sakes, Niall!" I finally broke. "Use all that pent up energy and fuck me!"
I wasn't sure it was possible, but Niall's eyes grew darker as he lifted himself up in a sitting position and moved us so he was leaning against the headboard. Instantly, his arms wrapped around my waist and he thrust up against me hard and deep. The sound that left my mouth was something I've never heard before, but it was quickly swallowed up by moans and partially cut off cuss words as he continued his attack.
He pressed me closer to his body, landing another deep hard thrust into me. "I gotcha, I'll take care of ya."
"Niall..." I breathed, stopping to swallow hard as I jolted forward from another one of his pushes forward. "Niall, you're gonna make me come."
He soothed me through it, doing all the work as I was too busy trying to gather myself to stay upright. I let out a long, deep moan as the release I'd been chasing earlier started to tighten in the pit of my tummy.
Niall pressed his mouth to my ear. "I can feel ya squeezin' me. Fuck, you're gonna make me come, too, petal."
I threaded my fingers into his hair and gave a yank as the orgasm finally hit me like a lightning bolt. I cried out, Niall's name being my word of choice. Niall locked his arms around my waist, his own release already leaking into the condom as his hips thrust up off the bed into me. Moans, curse words, and dirty thoughts came flying out of both of our mouths in chorus. I felt his cock twitching while my walls squeezed the release out of him.
The air around us became suddenly still as I collapsed against Niall's chest. He held me close, his fingers running up and down my back under the jersey, sending goosebumps down my arms from the oversensitivity.
"Should have just said you wanted to go hard, love," Niall chuckled, his chest rising and falling from the noise. "Just wanted to make it last for you."
I lifted my head from his shoulders and looked at him with tired eyes. Niall's always put me first, with everything, so this wasn't a surprise to here. "I love you," I said softly.
He smiled at me lazily. "Love you, too."
Pulling off him, I lied down on my back on the bed beside him, eyes closed as I tried to get feeling back into my fingers. Niall removed the condom and threw it into the trash in the corner before sinking into the bed and pulling me into his chest. I placed my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.
My fingers went to his belly and I patted the skin there. "You should really do some crunches," I teased. "You're starting to rock the proper beer belly."
Niall's palm went down on my bare bottom suddenly, making me yelp. "Yeah, well, your ass jiggles," he teased right back. "You should consider doing some lunges."
I smiled and reached for his face, pulling his jaw down so his lips pressed against mine.
Being with Niall these past few months have been so nice. Despite keeping my distance from him in public, everything has been going so well. We would have little fights but we quickly resolved them before the day even ended. We had made a pact to never go to bed angry with each other, and so far neither of us has broken it. It was surprisingly easy being with Niall, however, after the hell the two of us were put through in college, that's not saying much. But we were compatible with each other like you wouldn't believe. We were the Royal Duo on the field, but we were just as connected off of it, too.
With all the wedding jitters and excitement around Jamie and Jace's wedding coming up, I've done a lot of thinking about my own future with Niall. The idea of having Niall as my husband? Well, that was most definitely a nice thought.
I felt Niall's hand slide under the jersey and rest on my waist. "I still can't believe you got a tattoo of those lyrics," he said, running his thumb over my skin where the ink was. "How... when...?" he stopped to gather his thoughts. "Why did you get them when we weren't even together anymore?"
I hummed and cuddled in closer. "Maybe I'll tell you the story some time," I promised. "Right now... we sleep."
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Shout out to zarryniallouiam for the lovely graphic at the top! If you ever make fanart for GT, please do send it to me, I'd love to see your creations!
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