August 19, 2024
Niall Horan had a plan, and in order to achieve it, he needed to go back to the place where it both began and ended.
University of Roehampton was beautiful in August, a whole month of summer before autumn would come and replace the bright greens and blues with dull oranges and browns. Lynn's hand was in his as they walked along the footpath around Froebel Lake, taking in the scenery and beautiful weather. A family of ducks swam on the water's surface and the trees surrounding us were full and covered in all kinds of different leaves and flowers. The crickets were loudly chirping in the tall grass and every once and a while a splash would come from the lake by a jumping fish. The first quarter moon was high and bright, reflecting off the sparkling water and bouncing off on every surface it could touch.
"Where are you taking me?" Lynn asked, stepping in closer to Niall so her arm can wrap around his.
"What makes you think I'm taking you anywhere?" he questioned back. "Maybe I just wanted to go on a walk around the lake since I never had the chance before."
Lynn looked at him curiously as they started going over the small Idylic Bridge that overlooked the lake. "Because I know you, Niall Horan. You don't do anything without an end game. So where are we going?"
Niall gave a smug look but kept his mouth shut. Lynn was absolutely right, but he wasn't going to tell her that.
It was in the middle of the football season, but Niall had convinced his coach to take a few days off of training before the next game so he could bring Lynn to London. It had been a long time since they've been on a vacation together. Actually, now that he thought about it, they've never been on a vacation ever since Niall stopped Lynn at the airport a little over a year ago. And Lynn visiting him at away games didn't count. This trip was long overdue.
University of Roehampton wasn't a place he hated, but it wasn't exactly his favorite either. At least, it wasn't until Lynn Mercury made an appearance. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't know where the fuck he would be in life.
At that very moment he couldn't believe that she was beside him, holding his hand and pressing herself against his side like she thought he would disappear if she let go. They've been together for a whole year with very little to no drama to both of their amazements. They lived together in Dublin, both doing something they loved for a living, and making up the time they had lost. And they both couldn't be happier.
They had been enjoying each other's company and taking advantage of the calm relaxing atmosphere, but when they got to the end of the lake and stood in front of the Grove House, Niall knew that the little detour was over.
"Now what?" Lynn asked.
"Now," Niall started as he made his way across the grass, "you follow me."
Lynn groaned but that was as far as her protesting went. She wasn't one for surprises so Niall knew this was killing her.
One block later and the couple stood in front of the stadium; home of the London Lion's.
"You brought me all the way to London so you could do what you could be doing at home?" Lynn questioned with a rise of her brow.
Removing the key from his pocket, Niall unlocked the front door and held it open for Lynn. When they stepped inside, they stopped and looked around the lobby. The rush of nostalgia was almost overwhelming. They have both walked through those front doors a million times and it felt like nothing has changed stepping past them once more.
"This is different," Niall explained as he grabbed her hand again and pulled her down the hallway. "This stadium holds history to us and I wanted to bring you back."
"How did you get a key? Is Coach still here...?"
Niall laughed. "Coach Mathews is long gone. I think he's with his family in Cardiff, teaching a little less advanced version of football with his own kids. His brother, the chancellor, actually granted me access to the building."
"Really? Why?"
From what Lynn knew of the chancellor, she was clearly taken by surprise. The last she heard of him was when she and Niall were in the hallway and he was talking to Coach Mathews about how he didn't like the possible rumors floating around the two of us.
They got to the double doors that led onto the pitch. "The chancellor got in contact with me a few years ago," he enlightened as he unlocked the doors. "Said he owed me a favor from all the positive feedback and growth of his school the moment I had landed a spot on the FAI."
"So you gave publicity to the school and... you get a key to use the stadium for one night?" Lynn questioned as they entered the pitch. "Doesn't seem like a fair trade."
Niall laughed and took his phone out of his pocket. "I didn't do anything for the publicity so you know; I'll take what I can get."
The arena wasn't dark, the moon was high in the sky and did a pretty good job illuminating the place, but it still felt eerily creepy being there without the stadium lights on.
Lynn stepped up in front of Niall as he looked through his phone contacts and placed her hands on his hips, slowly dragging her fingers along the waistband of his jeans. "That's what you said about me, huh?" she smirked and tugged on his belt loops. "You'll take what you can get?"
Niall leaned his forehead against hers. "I did not get my heart broken on multiple occasions just to 'take what I can get'."
His voice sounded teasing, but the crystal blue of eyes were clear and spoke what didn't come out of his mouth. He had to work to get Lynn, probably something he wouldn't have gone through if it was for anyone else. But Lynn made him feel things he had never felt before, and now a year had passed and he still felt like that, maybe even more so. People say passion wears off over time, but Niall swears he'd be in the honeymoon phase of their relationship until the day he dies.
She felt the exact same way. As each day goes by, her love for him grows. The hot desire and lust of the relationship was still there, but it had evolved into a partnership of security and mutual attachment. It felt like home.
"And I'd let it break a million more times for you," Niall whispered, his nose brushing against hers.
Lynn hoped it would never have to; it was a promise she made herself the moment she heard Niall calling her name at the airport. She would do everything in her power to never make Niall hurt like he had in the past because of her. Or in other words, have him regret ever running back to her.
Reaching a hand up, Niall cupped Lynn's cheek and closed the space between them and pressed his lips to hers in a gentle, sweet kiss. Before the kiss could intensify, Niall pulled back and out of her reach, a crafty grin on his lips.
Lynn opened her mouth to say something, but Niall held up a finger to silence her and lifted his phone to his ear.
"Hey, Ronnie," he said into the receiver. "Yeah, we're here."
As soon as he hung up and slipped his phone back in his pocket, there was a cracking sound just as one of the stadium lights turned on, followed by another clap of noise and more light until every single one was glowing a bright yellow hue down on them.
Being inside the arena with no crowd or players was almost haunting. There was no sound of cheering from the crowd or protesting from the team at practice; no concession workers walking up and down the aisle or coach's scream for their team to get their head in the game. Just the slight buzz of the electricity flowing through the lights and the sound of our own beating hearts.
After taking in the newly lit stadium, Lynn looked at Niall oddly. "What do you have planned, Ireland?"
Niall ignored her and took the keys once again and went and unlocked the utility closet. Lynn stood on the sidelines with her arms crossed, watching him step inside and disappear behind the wall. Not even a moment later, he came out with a checkered ball in his hands.
"I believe," Niall started and made his way over to Lynn, "that we started something seven years ago that we never finished."
It took a few moments for Lynn to understand, but it eventually came to her in a wave of agonizing nostalgia. Seven years ago they stood on that very field, alone with a soccer ball... also known as the day Lynn regretted most in her life. The game they had started but never finished as it had ended in a draw.
Lynn groaned but couldn't help the small grin on her lips nevertheless. "This isn't fair, Niall," she whined. "You do this as a profession and it's been years since I've played; I'm out of shape, lost the touch, and I'm not even wearing a bra."
"What happened to the Lynn I fell in love with?" Niall wasn't going to accept no as an answer and took the final step in front of her, pushing the ball at her lower stomach and gave her a wicked smirk. "What happened to the Lynn that wouldn't pass up the opportunity to beat a male? Especially one at his own game?"
Niall has always loved Lynn's eyes - the deep cobalt like the depth of the ocean - but he especially loved them when they lit up, a spark of fire showing through the irises.
Feeding into the challenge, Lynn snatched the ball from his hands and stepped back.
"That's my girl," Niall's smile widened.
Lynn placed the ball on the center line of the turf and took her stance in front of it. She watched carefully as Niall stood in front of her, hands by his sides and face set to win. Lynn remembered the rules; whoever lost had to do whatever the other wanted for a month. There was too much at stake for her to lose.
"I think we should reenact that day," Niall said, that Cheshire Cat smirk never leaving his face. "Take off your shirt."
Lynn snorted. "Yeah right. I just told you that I wasn't wearing a bra."
Leaning forward so there was very little space in-between them, Niall said, "I'm aware."
Then Niall took that moment to steal the ball and head down the turf. Naturally, Lynn protested saying how that wasn't a fair start and was instantly beside him trying to get the ball back.
Niall would be lying if he said he didn't hold back. Lynn had made a good point about being out of shape and as much as Niall would love to get a strip tease any time he wanted for a whole month, he wanted to make the game fair... at least a little bit. Besides, Niall was beyond curious to know what Lynn had in mind for him to do for a whole month.
They were evenly matched - they always have been - and Lynn was quick to find that out so as a desperate attempt to get some leverage, she went up behind him and placed her hands on Niall's waist, fingers pressing into the skin on his hips and dipping down into his waistband.
Niall pulled away from her, taking the ball with him. "You want to play dirty?" he asked with a laugh. "I can play dirty."
"Bring it, Ireland," Lynn challenged.
Back in college when Niall and Lynn were caught together, Niall was so sure that his chances of going professional were out the door. He not only had a bum knee, but now there would always be an invisible red X by his name from being kicked out of a team by not following one of the rules. Because of this and everything else that happen shortly after, Niall easily grew depressed. So depressed, he started taking classes online to finish up the school year and went back home to Mullingar to stay with his brother until he figured something else out. He had a backup plan, of course, and he loved chemistry, but it didn't even begin to come close to his passion for football.
Then one day when Niall was looking for a job - any job that could pay the bills without having to use his mother's money - he got a phone call. It was a recruiter for the Republic of Ireland and they explained that Niall had been watched and admired ever since he became captain of the London Lions and despite the reputation that would forever shadow him, they were giving him a chance. Niall didn't hesitate on accepting the offer.
Now he was here, on the field that created so much history and so much prosper in his life. He had the job and the girl... what more could he ask for?
"Out of breath, Princess?" Niall teased as he made his way down the turf.
Even though she was panting like a dog with her hands on her knees, she was determined to win. "Not even a little."
Stopping, Niall turned to look at her. "You know, you should take up training with me. Even if once a week."
Lynn stood up straight and crossed her arms over her chest. "Why?"
"I was just meaning in the future when we have kids," he started to say without thinking. "I'm going to need a partner when they get into football."
The smile on Lynn's face fell and Niall immediately regretted saying anything. They've never talked about children before. Niall's had a million opportunities to bring it up, like every time they would visit Jamie and Jace and see their little one, or when they babysit one of Niall's teammate's kid. But he never said anything in fear that she would shoot the idea down..
"What makes you think they would be into soccer when we have kids?" Lynn asked.
She kept talking but at that point Niall didn't hear anything after when we have kids. She didn't skirt the topic, she didn't shut it down... she embraced the idea of having kids and Niall has never felt his heart beat as fast as it was then.
Abandoning the checkered ball on the pitch, Niall closed the space between them in long strides and didn't even stop before grabbing Lynn's face in his hands and placed his lips down on hers in a fiery kiss.
Lynn was taken aback, but she wasted no time wrapped her arms around his shoulders and carding her fingers through his hair, kissing him back just as deep and fervently.
His heart was pumping blood through his every molecules and it was shooting out adrenaline that he couldn't ignore.
Lynn sighed into Niall's mouth, both of them relaxing against each other. His lips felt soft and gentle like they usually were, so when he pulled away from her, it was a jolt back into reality.
"What was that for?" Lynn whispered.
Niall didn't say anything at first. He lifted his hand to her cheek, his fingers shaking just slightly as his blue eyes were flicking back and forth from her eyes to her mouth. There was a lot of emotions flowing threw him then, but he couldn't deny the one that was dominating the others.
"I love you," he said, his fingers slipping into the hair behind her ear. "So fucking much."
Niall Horan had a plan. It was a plan he wasn't fully confident in, but after hearing Lynn simply mention kids in the possible future with the added bonus of the three words that he could never get tired of hearing, was enough to take that last leap of faith. He was going to do it.
He didn't hesitate as he grabbed her hand and started running toward the exit.
Lynn followed behind, laughing as Niall dragged her along. "Where are you taking me!?"
As much as he wanted to answer, he kept his mouth shut and made their way out of the arena, locking doors behind them as they went.
× × ×
"You brought me to the art building?" Lynn asked, taking the steps to the front door. "It's passed nine in the evening, we can't even get in. However, it really wouldn't surprise me if you had a key to this, too."
Niall didn't say anything and Lynn was beginning to get worried. The art building was on the opposite side of campus from the arena so they had taken the rental car they had gotten when landing in London to go there. During the five minute drive he had been biting his nails or gripping the steering wheel to the point of having white knuckles. Lynn tried to ask what was wrong and to calm him down, but he just kept shaking his head.
The sudden mood change scared her. Did she do something wrong? Say something she shouldn't have? She went back to think but nothing came to mind. He was so ecstatic at the arena, how much could have happened in that short of time?
"Ni?" She said softy, stepping up beside him. "Are you okay?"
They went to the art building, but he wasn't paying any attention to it. He had fixed his attention to something else, something that stood about eighty feet tall and took up the whole view of the right side of the building.
"Do you know what day it is?" Niall asked, his voice full of wistfulness.
Lynn thought for a moment. "Um... Monday?"
Niall took a step toward the two trees that intersected, looking up at the branches that touched and wove together like an intricate DNA masterpiece. When he first became aware of the trees seven years ago, he didn't think much of them. But just the past few months he hasn't thought much of anything but these two oak trees.
"August nineteenth," he clarified. "The day we met seven years ago."
It had been a long seven years, but Lynn remembered that day perfectly. It was in LA and her and her teammates were playing against North Carolina, her long time enemy team. Coach Sharp and Coach Mathews had introduced them that day, and even if there was some attitude and strong words exchanged, they both wouldn't change it for the world.
"I always knew you were sentimental," Lynn commented, looking up at the trees. "But you really outdid yourself with this one. Taking me to London where our relationship developed, playing soccer on a field like when we met, and now the trees like in Tristan and Isolde?" she stopped and thought for a moment before turning to him. "What are you planning?"
"The trees have significance other than the book," Niall added. He turned to look at her, his eyes landing on the jewelry hanging from her neck. "Like your father's ring."
Automatically, Lynn's hand went up to clasp the band that was looped in the necklace around her neck. She was moved that Niall remembered the story; how her parent's first kiss happened under a tree and then only a few years later were-
And then suddenly her eyes went wide and her heart started beating at record speed.
"I've more than once compared you to the element mercury," Niall started, turning so he was standing right in front of her. "You have a way to get into my blood and make me go completely mental; trying to figure out what was real or fake. Right from the start, you were able to pull on a sting inside me that both made me hate you and care for you all at the same time. Like your goddamn hair color that reminds me of caramel, that peppermint aroma that seems to radiate around you that I still can't figure out where it comes from, and the birthmark on the inside of your thigh that drives me absolutely insane."
Lynn couldn't do anything but stand still in her spot as she looked at him, her eyes never leaving his. She knew what was coming and wasn't sure how to feel about it.
"You and I both know that I was not the relationship type of lad for a long time, however..." he trailed off, his hand coming up to cup Lynn's face. "There was something special between us, something I couldn't put my finger on and still can't quite articulate. But I risked it. As much as I wanted answers to what I was feeling, I chased it nevertheless.
"We've said some things, done some things, and regretted even more things. We've broke each other's heart on more than one occasion but we're still here; growing and building stronger connections every single day. Because when two people really care about each other, they always find a way to make it work. No matter how hard it is."
The hand on her cheek moved down to her jaw, and then to her shoulder and down her arm until his hand was on her hip, drawing her in impossibly close.
"You do these things that make me feel so, so loved. Like giving me forehead kisses. I'm a grown ass man and willing to admit I enjoy them. When I'm upset or mad, you take my hand and make me dance with you to Rhiannon in the kitchen with the lights off. You send me texts throughout the day just to say you were thinking about me. When you go to the super market and come back with my favorite candy. Lynn, you inked the lyrics of the song I wrote you into your skin." He moved his hand from her hip and lifted it up and under the side of her shirt, fingers gently tracing the tattoo. "You make me feel like what I give you is enough, like I'm enough. You make me feel loved.
"My chemistry professor had once told me that it's illogical to be afraid of the inevitable... and she was so damn right. The night we got back to London from visiting LA for Christmas was when I knew; I knew I was in love with you, Lynn. It was difficult with you, but I never questioned its worth. Wherever life takes us, I won't care as long as I'm beside you. You're my home."
A tear slipped past Lynn and fell down her cheek, but she did nothing to stop it.
She remembers when she first thought of Niall as home. She was in the hospital after an accident on the field and had woken up to find him beside her. That was when things started to change for Lynn.
"I remember a time when I was afraid of the dark; embarrassed to even admit that I owned a nightlight well through my college years," Niall continued softly. He was afraid if he were to speak any louder that his voice would fail him and he wouldn't be able to ask the most important question. "I remember a time when you were afraid of fire; wouldn't even get close to a single candle. Our terrors helped the other conquer what we feared most in more ways than one - more ways than we could even imagine.
"You once told me not to risk my dream because of you, but Lynn... I'd risk anything for you. There was so many times it nearly slipped out of my mouth. Sometimes I'm not good at keeping things to myself when I feel them strongly. I mean, you know from experience when I first told you I loved you."
Niall's hand went to Lynn's and laced their fingers together. More tears were falling down her cheek and Niall wasn't sure if they were out of joy or sadness. He's seen both kinds too many times to tell the difference anymore.
"Estoy desesperadamente enamorado de ti," he whispered, his voice starting to close up.
Lynn smiled. "Tu eres mi luz en la oscuridad."
Niall's face lit up from her words. He had spoken those so long ago so the fact that Lynn remembers it and to say it correctly gave Niall the faith he needed to do this.
Reaching in his back pocket, he searched around for a silver band and pulled it out. He pulled away from Lynn slightly, his hand still in hers, and held the ring up between them. The moonlight bounced off the diamond and glimmered like a million suns.
Lynn's hand came up to cover her mouth as she caught sight of the ring. It was beautiful. It wasn't anything magnificent, but she wouldn't have wanted one that was. The center diamond was the perfect size with smaller ones beside it sitting nicely on the shoulders of the ring.
"Will you marry me, Lynnette Louise Mercury?"
She looked up at him.
Lynn knew this day was coming, has since the day at Jamie and Jace's wedding when she caught the wedding bouquet and had a long talk with Niall about their future. She never said she wanted to get married, but she never shot down the idea. Just in the past few months things had started to fall into prospective and even though it was just a simple piece of paper and a ring on the finger, she wanted this. It was something Niall wanted and she was happy to give him that.
"Yes," she nodded, the widest smile on her lips.
Niall didn't react for a solid few seconds, he just stood watching her and trying to figure out if he heard her correctly.
Lynn laughed and nodded again. "Yes, I'll marry you, Niall James Horan."
This time he didn't hesitate and tugged on her hand and engulfed her in a suffocating embrace, the smile on his face just as wide as hers.
Niall hasn't been this happy in a long time. The last he remembered being this happy was when he was picked to be captain of the London Lions, or when he was accepted onto the Republic of Ireland team. But he wasn't even so sure those times topped this moment. He wasn't sure anything would top this moment except maybe the wedding day.
"I love you," Lynn said into his neck. "I love you so much."
Moving his hand up her back, he kept his mouth shut. He said everything he had to say; now he just wanted to drown in her words, her voice, and her love.
The sky was dark and the moon was bright. The trees next to them rustled in the wind and the branched brushes against each other. Lynn thought maybe her parents were watching; looking down on the two of them with approval and contentment for their daughter.
When Niall finally pulled away, he held the ring up between them again.
"This might be cheesy but..." he twisted the ring to show Lynn the inside of the band.
She peered down at it and as the light of the moon caught on the rhodium medal, she saw. On the inside of the band, the word Queen was made visible. Lynn smiled and let out a small laugh.
"It was a bad idea to do that, wasn't it?" Niall said, pulling the ring back slightly, feeling sheepish. "I had asked Jamie if it was a good idea. I had explained that I was going to have mine say King and she said-"
"Niall, I love it."
He blinked at her. "You do?"
Lynn lifted her hand and spread out her fingers, looking up at Niall and waited. He got the hint and slowly, making sure to make the moment last, slipped the ring on her fourth finger. The moment he did, it felt like a ton of bricks lifted from his shoulders.
He had been anticipating this moment for a really long time, never sure when the right time, never sure how to do it, and never sure if she would even say yes. And now that the time was here and gone, he couldn't wait to see what else the future held for them.
"Do you know why people put the ring on the fourth finger on the left hand?" Niall asked.
"Thousands of years ago, there was a Roman and Greek belief that a vein ran through that finger directly to the heart."
Lynn smiled, her hand that now sported a beautiful engagement ring reached up and touched his cheek. No more words were exchanged as her fingers carded through the hair on the back of his neck and pulled him down to her in a kiss to seal the deal.
There were too many books in the library about forbidden love that didn't have a happy ending. Romeo and Juliet, Flowers in the Attic, and of course, Tristan and Isolde. They all end in heartbreak or death.
But Lynn and Niall proved them wrong. They proved that you don't have to be ruled by what you know or by what you were taught. They are books for a reason, simply there for entertainments sake, not something you have to live your life around.
They aspired to be a different kind of story, one that isn't predictable, isn't scripted, and isn't always easy - the real kind of love that makes life worth living.
× × ×
That's all, folks!
And once again, thank you so much for reading. Can't thank you enough and I hope to see you guys when I start posting other stories!
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