ceremony | part 1
Jamie Shore has never been more stressed in her life.
She was ecstatic to be Lynn's maid of honor, even though it came to no surprise, but she didn't realize how much work it all involved. She had to plan the wedding shower, and the bachelorette party. She had to make sure all the bridesmaids have the correct bouquet and get their hair and makeup done on time, address all the invitations, weigh in on the cake, assemble the play list for the reception, make sure the food and other necessities are on time and up to snuff. But most importantly, she had to be the bride's right-hand woman and be there when she needed her most.
But she didn't complain once because she was extremely honored to have that position and even more exited about the wedding. Probably more so then Lynn herself.
Now it was finally the day of and Jamie has been running around, getting things in position before the big event. Only three hours before the ceremony, which meant the guests would be there not that long later, and she wasn't even close to getting things just right.
"What do you mean the cake is going to be late?" she shouted into her cell. "I thought I made it clear that it needed to be here at one!?"
Jace walked up to Jamie then, waiting patently for her to get off the phone. She might be excited for this event, but Jace for one can't wait until the reception. His wife has been working her ass off for this wedding and he was generally concerned for her blood pressure at that point.
"Four!?" Jamie shrieked, eyes wide with rage. "No, no, no, no. I can't wait until four. That's cutting it short and I can't afford for any errors!"
Stepping up behind her, Jace reached out and grabbed her shoulders, rubbing his thumbs into her back to ease the tight muscles there. As he kneaded, he looked at the wooden walls of the cabin beside him.
Picture frames littered the hallway with images of smiling faces and happy memories. However, non of the faces or memories were familiar to Jace since his parents never took the time to actually fill them up with their own pictures and instead kept the placement images inside. He made a mental note to ask Lynn to take some pictures of him, Jamie, and Jemma to fill them with.
Jamie continued to argue on the phone as Jace's fingers dug into her back, seemingly not getting what she wanted. She eventually hung up in a huff.
"No luck on the cake?" he asked her.
Jamie rolled her head back against his chest and closed her eyes, trying her hardest to relax into his touch. "The cake will be here at four. I just hope nothing is wrong with it because I'm not going to be able to send it back."
"I'm sure it will be fine."
Suddenly, Jamie stands up straight and looks around. "Where's Jemma!?"
Jace grabbed her shoulders again and spun her around, looking her in the eyes. Her red hair was pulled up into fancy twists. The light peach dress she was wearing fell to the ground at her heeled feet and pulled it tight around her torso with a wrapped sweetheart neckline. Jace thought she was beautiful, and he told her every chance he got.
"She's with Anders," he assured his wife with a smile. "I think you need to take a break and relax. You've done all you can, I'm sure someone else can take it from here."
Jamie's shoulders slumped and she opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, her phone started ringing again. Before Jace could snatch it from her hand, she moved out of reach and took the call.
"What do you mean you lost the rings!?"
And with that, Jamie stomping down the stairs, yelling into the phone as she went. Just as she got to the bottom, Niall had to step out of the way to avoid getting mulled over and let her pass before making his way to the second floor of the cabin.
"She seems a little high strung," Niall observed as he joined Jace in the hall.
Jace laughed, thinking what an understatement that was. "She just wants to make this wedding perfect for you and Lynn."
Niall nodded and stuffed his hands into the pocket of his dress pants. "I get that, but she should know that it doesn't need to be perfect. Actually, Lynn might even prefer it that way. Adding a little mess to the excitement might give it some good memories to look back on."
"Ha, yeah. I don't think Jamie will ever see it like that," Jace said with a shake of his head.
The door next to them lead straight to where Lynn was at, and even though Niall was tempted to reach out and turn the knob to sneak a peak at her, he restrained himself.
"Déjà vu, huh?" Jace interrupted the silence, nudging Niall's shoulder.
He laughed bitterly, recalling the memory only a year and a half ago perfectly. There was a lot of similarities as he stood outside his bride-to-be's room a few hours before the wedding. However, Niall might be desperate to see her, but this time it was for a whole different reason.
"You know..." Niall started, staring at the wooden door beside him. "I don't regret anything. It was a shitty thing I did, but in the end it worked out, for both Elise and I." He looked away and at Jace. "She's out there in the world with the love of her life, and I'm here... waiting to marry mine."
Jace crossed his arms over his chest. "You've been through a lot to get here. You deserve to be happy. Lynn, too."
"And I am... we are." Niall paused and looked at the wooden paneling under his feet. Then a cheesy smile spread on his lips and he looked back up sheepishly. "God, I'm so happy."
His friend pats him on the arm happily. "And to think that this is only the start. Soon you'll be on your honey moon, buying a house, and having little ones running around making a mess of the place."
Niall smiles. "Can't fucking wait."
Just then, Jamie comes running back up the stairs, completely ignoring the two boys as she stepped between them and rushed into the bedroom Lynn was in. Before Niall could get a good look, the door slammed shut in his face.
Jace lets out a sigh. "I don't even remember the last time she was relaxed..."
"Sorry, mate," Niall sympathized. "You'll get her back tonight, I'm sure."
"If she's not too tired, that is..."
Jamie opened the door again and doesn't even spare them a glance as she rushed away once more. Niall made a mental note to talk to her about stressing out a little too much over this and that it wasn't healthy. He was positive that if anything would go wrong (and Niall doubted anything would), that Lynn would understand and not even break a sweat over it.
"I uh... I actually came here to see if you could give Lynn something for me, since, you know... I can't see her," Niall explained with a roll of his eyes dramatically.
He handed Jace something and he took it in his hands. "If I do, will you stop hanging around here?"
Niall nodded, but he didn't make a move to leave. When Jace gave him a pointed look, he stuck his bottom lip out. "Alright, fine. But can you also tell Lynn-"
"Yeah, yeah, I got it," Jace was saying as he knocked on the bedroom door and waited for the response that he could go in and opened the door, disappearing behind the threshold.
Lynn sat in front of a large wooden vanity in a plush white robe. Her long hair was wrapped in curlers and her face was clean of any makeup. However, there was overflowing bag of makeup as well as brushes and other cosmetics on the vanity so Jace knew that it was only a matter of time before that changed.
The wedding dress was hanging in the doorway into the bathroom, the bottom half lay in levels and blew just slightly from the slight breeze coming through the open window of the room. The bridesmaids were made up of Emily, Macey, and a girl from her photography job named Jenny, who all stood or sat around the room doing their own makeup or hair, waiting for the time to pass to get to work on the bride-to-be. The only one from her party that was missing was the Maid of Honor, but she had gotten ready hours ago so she had time to sort the last minute stuff out.
When Lynn saw Jace step through the door, she rolled her eyes. "Please don't tell me Niall sent you in here again to tell me that he loves me."
Jace laughed and made his way across the bedroom toward her. "Not this time."
When he was right beside her, he extended his arm and showed Lynn the necklace that Niall had given him. The moment she saw it, her face fell, which was not the reaction Jace was expecting.
"What are you doing with that?" Lynn reached out and took the necklace, looking down at the ring that was attached. "I purposely left this at the hotel."
"Niall wanted me to give it to you," Jace clarified. "I'd imagine it's because he knows it means a lot to you and would want to see you wear it on your wedding day. It was your dad's band, wasn't it?"
Lynn didn't respond for a few solid beats, instead just continued to look at the ring, turning it around in her fingers. "Yeah, it was."
Jace held his hand out. "May I?"
Nodding slowly, Lynn handed the necklace back to him. Jace unclasped the lock and moved around to her back. Gently, he placed the necklace around her neck and clasped it closed. Automatically, Lynn's hand shot up to grab the ring, closing it around her fists.
Her eyes caught Jace's in the mirror. "Thank you."
He nodded and started making his way out of the bedroom so the girls can get ready in peace. Just as he was about to turn the nob and step out, he stopped, remembering something.
"Oh, also," he said and waited for Lynn to turn and look at him. "He wanted me to tell you that he loves you."
She rolled her eyes again, but there was a smile on her lips nevertheless. "Of course."
And with that, Jace left the room. The moment he was gone, Macey shot up from her spot on the bed and stood directly in front of Lynn, armed with a thin makeup brush in one hand and concealer in another.
"I think it's about damn time we get you ready for the big day," she said, a wicked grin spreading across her face.
Macey, an expert in makeup, got to work. Emily stood close by, handing Macey the materials that were needed like they were doctors and nurses in a surgical room. Jenny kept to herself near the unlit fireplace, not knowing the other girls too well since she's only meet them a few weeks ago for the bachelorette party. Jamie was in and out of the room, either on her phone or simply there to grab something before leaving again.
Jace had mentioned one time when he was in the bedroom with them that he was getting worried for Jamie's health with the way she's running around and Lynn told herself the next time her Maid of Honor was in the room, that she would sit her down and talk to her. But mainly just so she can take a moment to breath.
"You nervous?" Emily asked.
She hadn't realized that her hands had clenched into fists in her lap, or the horrified, I'm-going-to-be-sick look across her face. She could feel her stomach twist in knots and her heart start to pound in her chest. She was staring at the white dress hanging between the threshold of the bathroom and bedroom, waiting to be worn and looked at by the guests.
"Yeah, you could say that," she whispered, her eyes unable to leave the gown.
As if to prove her point, Lynn's stomach took a turn for the worse and she stood up suddenly, nearly knocking Macey over in the process, and ran toward the bathroom. She pushed passed her wedding dress, the impact making it fell to the floor, just as the bathroom door slammed shut behind her.
The bridesmaids all looked at each other with wide eyes.
Emily was the first to step toward the door and listen. Not even a second later, she heard the sound of retching.
She knocked on the door when it went silent. "Lynn?" she asked softly. "Are you alright? Can I get you something to drink?"
There was silence on the other side of the door before a sob was echoed through the walls. "I can't do this," Lynn cried. "I can't fucking do this!"
Knowing she was getting cold feet, Emily was aware that whatever she could possibly say wouldn't mean shit. She needed someone who has gone through this before. Someone who was close to and could understand exactly what Lynn was feeling.
"I'm going to go find Jamie," she addressed to the girls and stepped away from the door before grabbing her jacket from the bed. "Keep an eye on her."
They nodded and Emily was off to find one of her best friends. But God only knew where she was in this large cabin.
As she looked, she ran into Anders with Jemma on his lap. Anders asked how his sister was doing, and with the best fake smile Emily could muster, she lied and told him that she was doing fine. She gave the same response to Grandma Nona, Matt, and Coach Sharp who also asked how she was holding up.
But there was one person who asked that she absolutely couldn't lie to.
"When I left she was in the bathroom getting sick," she told Niall, who's brows shot up and his eyes went wide. "With nerves. Not a developed illness. She'll be okay, I promise. But have you seen Jamie anywhere?"
Not feeling very confident in Emily's reassurance on the status of his fiancée, he shook his head anyways. "She's been everywhere running around. The last time I saw her she was talking to Anders about something."
Emily groaned and closed her eyes in frustration. When she turned to continue her search, Niall grabbed her arm and stopped her.
"Be honest with me, Em..." he pleaded, brows furrowed in worry. "Is she really okay?"
She nodded slowly. "She is. Jamie went through this on her wedding day, which is why I need her. I promise, Niall, that she will be fine when she's walking down the aisle to you. You and I both know that Lynn wouldn't want you to worry about her."
"You're probably right."
"Of course I am," Emily agreed with a kind smile. "Now go mingle and don't worry about anything, alright? This is your big day, too."
And with that, she was off to find her friend once again.
She went all over the cabin, looked in every room and every corner and still came up empty. She stepped outside in the slightly breezy late morning air and began her search around the large yard. She spotted Niall's dad and brother, along with his wife and son all sitting on wooden chairs on the patio. If this was under different circumstances, she would have gone over there and introduced herself, but she was on a mission.
Emily eventually found who she was looking for on the side of the cabin, secluded from everyone else as she yelled on the phone.
"Hospital!?" she was shrieking into the receiver. "I'm sorry to hear that your husband broke his leg, but who's going to officiate the wedding now!? The ceremony starts in-!"
Before Jamie can finish that sentence, Emily takes the phone from her. "Hello, this is Emily, one of the bridesmaids of the wedding. I'm really sorry to hear about Pastor Dave. My prayers are with him. We'll find someone to take his spot since he's unable to come. Thank you again."
After saying goodbye, she hung up and stuck Jamie's phone in her bra so she couldn't snatch it away from her.
"Why the hell would you do that!?" she shouted.
"He's in the hospital, Jamie!" Emily shouted right back. "There's nothing he could do about the broken leg."
Jamie's jaw clenched and her hands balled into fists. "I'm the Made of Honor; I'm supposed to make sure everything goes smoothly. What are we going to do without an officiant - someone who is literally the main aspect of the whole wedding!?"
"There won't be a wedding if the bride backs out, so if you don't get your ass upstairs into that bedroom and help your friend calm down, there is no point to any of this."
That seemed to slap Jamie across the face because not even a second later then those words left Emily's mouth did she take off running toward the cabin. She struggled to keep up with her friend, which was ridiculous because Jamie stood no taller then five feet in her heels and weighed a hundred pounds.
They ran through the cabin, no doubt freaking out the family and friends inside who were waiting for the wedding. Niall tried to reach out for Emily, but he was too slow and she slipped right through his fingers.
It was eerily quiet in the bedroom.
Macey and Jenny sat on the edge of the bed, both of their heads popping up once the two girls entered. Jamie looked in the bathroom to find the door open, but the light off and no one inside. She was starting to get worried.
Lynn had a history of running and she didn't think she had it in herself to do it anymore, she couldn't help the dark through from forming in her mind.
"Where is she...?" she asked slowly, almost like she didn't want to spook a wild animal.
Jenny nodded her head toward the French doors on the other side of the room. "Getting some air. The nerves are getting the best of her."
Jamie made her way to the balcony doors, going over and over again in her head on what she could possibly say to Lynn to make her feel better. Because truth be told, Jamie thought about running herself once or twice or thirty times the night before and the day of her wedding. Getting married was terrifying, it was symbolically the end and the beginning of two lives. Or, at least, that's what society tells you, anyways.
Lynn sat on a wicker chair in her robe, facing the lake and mountains beyond. Her hands were around a glass of water and her hair was starting to fall out of the curlers. Jamie tried to get a read on her, but Lynn made sure to keep her face blank.
Jamie didn't say anything as she took the chair beside her. When she eventually opened her mouth to say something, Lynn beat her to the punch.
"Jam, I'm fine," she explained, her voice level. She never looked away from the view in front of her. "Just pre-wedding nerves."
"You know... I felt like running away on my wedding day," Jamie explained. "Nearly did it, too. But then my mom talked to me and I felt a hell of a lot better about going through with the marriage."
"What did she tell you?"
She thought for a moment, sitting back against the wicker chair. "She said that as humans, we often try to find complete certainty in things. Even though a relationship is healthy, loving, and loyal... there is always a possibility for failure."
Lynn scuffed. "I thought you were supposed to make me feel better."
"But there is also a strong possibility of a life full of love," Jamie continued sternly. "Learning to be comfortable with uncertainty and diving into it anyway is one of the most important lessons that has gotten me through the toughest times."
Jamie stopped and looked at her friend closely. Taking a deep breath, Jamie sat up in her chair.
"I know that you love Niall and that you want to get married," she added. "It might not have been your plan a few years ago, but I know that you wouldn't want it any other way. I know that you have an itching to run away like I did, but you're not going to because you know you want this." She paused and thought for a moment. "But that's not what's really upsetting you."
That seemed to get Lynn's attention as one of her brows lifted, just slightly.
"You want your parents here more then anything else."
Lynn had to clench her jaw and look away to prevent the feeling of dejection take over. Of course Jamie was right. She wanted to get married, more then anything, and she was damn nervous about it. But her parents were the ones who really made her heart hurt.
Her mom would have been in that bedroom with her, doing her hair and makeup, giving her pep talks and stories about her wedding day. Her dad would be downstairs, talking to Niall and his family. Lynn knew they were with her in spirit, but just the thought of walking down the aisle without her father's arm linked with hers...
"You're going to be okay, Lynn," Jamie assured her with a smile.
Lynn stood up slowly, Jamie following suit. When Lynn opened her arms, her small friend immediately stepped into them. They hugged, and Lynn knew she would make it. Once this day was over, she would be married to the love of her life, and soon the nerves settling in the pit of her stomach would turn into exited butterflies.
Once Lynn stepped back inside the bedroom with a sheepishly smile on her face and a new sprinkle in her eyes, Macey quickly sat her down in front of the vanity once again to continue her work with the makeup.
About ten minutes later, Jamie tried running off again to deal with the loose ends of things, but Emily stopped her in the hallway outside the bedroom door.
"We got it figured out," Emily told the redhead smoothly. "The cake, the officiant, where the rings ended up... All taken care of."
Jamie was surprised. She knew she wasn't outside on the balcony for that long, was she?
"No buts. The wedding cake will be here on time, thanks to a little help from Benjamin Franklin. The rings were left at the hotel room so Jace is on his way to pick them up. And as for the person who can officially unit our best friend and her husband-to-be... Matt."
Emily nodded, a wide grin on her lips. "Yeah, apparently he got certified online a few years ago for one of his friends wedding. So he's preparing what to say as we speak."
Jamie didn't know what to say. She should have felt slightly offended that Emily was able to get things under control in a matter of ten minutes when she had literally been on the run and on the phone all day making sure none of that happened. But she wasn't. She was utterly relived. Her feet where killing her and she was dead tired.
"Here's your phone back," Emily told her as she took the device out from her bra. "Just promise me that you will chill out with the Maid of Honor responsibilities, alright?"
She took her phone. "Thank you," she told her sincerely. "Now, if you will excuse me. I'm going to go find an empty bedroom and take a nap. Come find me an hour before the wedding starts, please."
And with that, she walked down the hall looking into each room until she found one she liked and entered, closing the door behind her.
Right then, Theo and some of the younger kids ran passed Emily and down the steps, nearly knocking over Grandma Horan in the process. Before they could get very far, however, Niall reached out and grabbed Theo's arm and stopped him.
"Hey, hey," he said sternly, brows furrowed. "How about you take this outside, yeah? I don't want you breaking anything. Like your great grandmother, for example."
"Sorry." Theo bowed his head sheepishly before heading outside, the other kids following.
When Niall turned back around, he spotted someone watching him.
She was dressed in a nice black pantsuit, which, for her, wasn't anything new since the last time Niall has seen her wearing anything other then that was when she was in the hospital seven years ago because of a heart attack. Her greying blonde hair had gotten longer the last time he saw her and it was up in a classic French roll. She was wearing her traditional designer perfume and a sour look on her face.
He wasn't sure how to feel about his mother attending the wedding, but he needed to make up his mind because she was making her way over to him.
"Niall," she greets when she stood in front of him.
Her hands are behind her back as she looks his son up and down. "You look nice."
Niall wasn't interested in small talk. "Why are you here? I thought you hated Lynn."
She looked offended by that comment. "I don't hate her. I admit that we've had our differences and I don't fully support the two of you together but-"
"Then you need to leave," Niall pressed, crossing his arms. "I love Lynn and if you really don't support it, then there's no reason for you to be here. Wanting to be here for me doesn't work that way when you don't stand for my choices."
"Niall, I do think you made a big mistake leaving Elise," she addressed with a shake of her head sadly. "But that's not why I'm here-"
"Then why are you here, Mother?"
She looked around, noticing the family members nearby catching onto the negative vibe coming off the two of them. Maura was always one to take the attention of the room, but not when it made her look bad.
"Can we talk about this privately?" she asked her son.
"No." Niall stood his ground. "If you have to say whatever you came here to say privately, then I don't want to hear it. Whatever you have to say wont change anything. I love Lynn and I'm going to marry her."
She and Niall looked over and saw his father standing there, looking a little dejected and awkward. Bobby Horan was never one for conflict, which Niall always found odd since he was into underground boxing, so seeing his ex-wife and son drawing the guest's attention to their argument, he felt like he needed to step in.
"How about we take this to a different room, yeah?" he suggested.
Reluctantly, Niall agreed and the three of them want down the hallway and into the first room they found. It was a theater with a large TV hanging on the far wall and La-Z-Boy chairs in a row facing it. A bar was to the right with stools facing the counter, the racks behind the bar filled with bottles of wine and liquor.
Maura stood closest to the door, probably for her plan of escape. Niall took a few steps into the room before turning around to face her, his arms still crossed. Bobby looked between the two of them like they were ready do have a fist fight.
"Why are you here, Mum?" Niall asked once again. "And cut the bullshit."
"I'm here to understand," she admitted sternly. "Elise was such a good girl for you! Pretty, smart, able to treat you right. She was in school to be a psychologist. I'm just trying to wrap my head around why you would leave someone like her for... someone who took up photography."
Niall scuffed and shook his head. "Unbelievable."
"I just think she's using you," Maura added quickly. "Niall, she left shortly after you were removed from that sports team, and then finds you again when you're successful. You can't say that's only coincidence. There's no way she would be able to make a living with just her little picture taking job."
"You need to leave," he demanded through clenched teeth.
"Maura..." Bobby interrupted, turning to his ex wife. "How well do you know Lynn?"
"I know enough."
Bobby gave a look to Niall before taking a step toward Maura. "Then you would know that she makes Niall happy. I've seen them together more then enough times to know that. And that should be what's most important to you."
"I just don't want something to happen to Niall," she argued. "I know of Lynn to be unpredictable and I don't want a repeat of what happened last time. Elise would never."
"Neither will Lynn," Niall countered, stepping around his father to face Maura.
"How do you know-"
"Because she's changed a lot since you've last seen her. We both have. I agree, Elise was a nice girl who I would have loved to marry, but she wasn't the right girl. And I wasn't right for her." He paused, his expression softening. "This... this feels right, Mum, marrying Lynn. And if you still don't support it, then please see yourself out."
Maura looked at her son, wondering where she had gone wrong. This wasn't the man she wanted him to grow up to be. He was taking all the wrong steps in life and there wasn't anything she can do but watch from the sidelines. She was set in her ways and no matter what Niall ever told her, nothing was going to change that.
Elise will forever be the one-that-got-away to her, and Lynn was the biggest mistake of his life. But she wasn't giving up until he finally saw the light.
"No," she deadpanned.
"I'm not opposed to calling the cops on my own mother," Niall challenged.
"She's using you, I know that because I used to be just like her before I got into law," Maura explained.
That was the last straw for Niall. He took one more step toward his mother, but Bobby had to grab his arm to hold him back. "You know nothing about us!" he sneered. "Not that it even concerns you, but she is doing just fine on her own."
"I hardly believe-"
"She's well on her way of owning her own business!" Niall shouted over her. "That 'little picture taking job' is bringing in enough money to feed and support a family of three, and there will be even more of that as time progresses. Soon, she'll have a photography business in London, Paris, and New York because she's good at what she does, but all you see is a poor excuse of a person who's simply living in a day dream that she'll never achieve."
Niall was positive people outside the room could hear every word that left his mouth, but he didn't care. His mother needed to hear it, and if that didn't get through her thick skull, then it was out of his hands. At this point, he wouldn't even be sorry if he never saw her again.
"Fine, I'll leave," Maura finally concluded. "But if this marriage burns to the ground, don't come crying to me."
And with that, she opened the door to the theater and stepped out, walking away.
Once his mother was out of sight, Niall slumped his shoulders and ran his hands through his hair, tugging on the locks in frustration.
"I'll make sure she actually leaves," his father told him as he left, leaving Niall in the theater alone.
Niall walked to one of the seats and slumped down into the cushion. He leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees, hands covering his face. He was exhausted and it wasn't even twelve in the afternoon yet.
He knew the conversation with his mother wouldn't end well, but he at least would have gotten through to her that she could be civil enough to stay. But shame on him for ever thinking she could ever be respectful when it came to him and Lynn.
Right then, Macey barged into the room, a hairdryer and comb in hand. "Jace told me you were in here so I can do your hair- oh. Shit, I'm sorry. Should I come back?"
Niall removed his hands from his face and looked over at the bridesmaid. The peach colored dress made her tan skin nearly glisten in the dim lighting of the room, the light of the hallway bouncing off her shoulders and arms.
"No, no, it's fine," he assured her and stood up. "Uh... where do you want me?"
Macey didn't say anything for a moment, instead just watched him closely. The two of them weren't all that close. They gave each other shit all the time, but when it came to Lynn's friends, he was most definitely closest to Jamie. So with Macey's watching blue eyes on him, he had to shift from foot to foot.
"Are you sure?" she asked, sincerity in her eyes. "I've been told that I'm a good listener."
Niall stood there for a few beats before sighing and slumping back down into the chair and began his rant about the conversation he just had with his mother.
Meanwhile, in the bedroom upstairs, Jenny was just zipping up the wedding dress around Lynn. It was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen, and it fit Lynn so well. Not in size and how the delicate lace clings around her torso perfectly, but in the style. It was simple and flowy; exactly the dress she was looking for. Nothing too fancy or revealing. The moment she had stepped out from the changing room a month ago from trying on about a million dresses, Emily knew that was the one.
"Oh, my god," someone said from behind Emily.
She turned and saw Grandma Nona standing behind her, looking at Lynn with so much love in her eyes. Beyond her shoulder, Emily noticed Coach Sharp, otherwise known as Sheila now that she was no longer coaching, close behind.
Nona took a step toward Lynn, looking her up and down, tears prickling her eyes. "You look just like your mother."
Lynn broke out in a wide smile from the comment. She wrapped her grandma in a hug. Because of the wedding, she hasn't seen a lot of her lately and it was really starting to weigh her down.
When she pulled away, Lynn stood in front of the mirror. Her face was fully finished with the makeup thanks to Macey, and her long light hair was now out of the curlers and lay in soft waves down her back. The torso was a detailed floral lace, expanding down just to her hips into little flowers as it morphs into the layers of fabric that touches the wooden floor. The dress was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, the necklaces around her neck with her father's wedding band lay nice against the center of her chest. Sparkling earrings were in the holes of her ears and a diamond tennis bracelet was around her wrist that Niall had given her on their one-year anniversary.
Sheila stood beside her, looking into the mirror as well. "Looking like a true bride," she said softly. "Absolutely beautiful. Niall is going to have a heart attack when he sees you."
"As long as he says his vows first," Lynn laughs.
Grandma Nona holds a small box up for Lynn to take. "This was your mother's," she explained. "I'm not sure if you had something old yet, but if you do... I figured you would still like to have this."
Lynn grabbed the box and quickly removed the lid. Laying on the bottom was a folded up white sheer piece of fabric attached to a crystal incrusted diamond hair clip. Carefully, Lynn removed the veil and held it up in front of her. She recalled her parent's wedding pictures and could vividly see her mother wearing this in them.
"I remember her telling me that if she were to have a daughter one day, that she would want her to wear it for her own wedding," Nona told her. "Now, I'm not saying you have to wear it..."
"I don't have anything old, do I?" Lynn asked the two bridesmaids in the room.
"No, that was the only thing we were missing," Emily spoke up. "You have a new dress, your heels are borrowed from me, and your garter is blue."
Lynn smiled at Nona. "I'd love to wear it."
Jenny sat Lynn down in front of the vanity and started on her hair. There was one hour left before the wedding would start and they were running behind. Grandma and Sheila stayed in the room for a little longer, but only until the guests started coming and making their way into the backyard for the ceremony. Macey and Jamie walked back into the room shortly after they left, but Jamie's cellphone was no where in sight.
"Jace took over," she explained when Emily questioned her about it. "Said something about how it's not fair that I had to do all this stuff when he's the Best Man and just has to set up the bachelor party."
"Hey!" Lynn protested just as Jenny tugged on a lock of her hair, making her wince. "I never asked you to take on all the responsibility, Jam."
Jamie sat back in the chair she was in. "You know I'm a perfectionist," she explained. "Besides, I didn't mind it. Stressful, yes, but I enjoyed it for the most part."
Emily stood up and looked at Lynn though the mirror. Her dark hair was pulled into fancy twists and the light peach dress looked nice against her dark skin. The smirk on her lips was not missed.
"Speaking of the bachelor party..." she started. "What did Niall and his band of idiots end up doing?"
"They spent the night at Tachi Palace and went to the casino," Jamie spoke up. "Jace lost about five hundred dollars in blackjack. He did not get laid that night."
"So no strippers?" Jenny clarified.
Macey laughed. "Not everyone is as sultry as us girls. Lynn, did you tell Niall that an extremely sexy firefighter gave you a lap dance at your bachelorette party?"
Lynn gave Jamie a death glare through the mirror. "Didn't have to. Apparently little miss redhead over there filmed it and sent it to him," Lynn explained, eventually letting out a laugh. "When I got home that night, the only thing he said was if he could try giving me a lap dance like that some time."
"Don't be yelling at me!" Jamie protested with a laugh. "I gave you some foreplay material."
"I wish. Niall might have a nice ass, but he can't work it for shit."
All the girls laughed at that, trying to imagine him doing a lap dance, which only made them laugh harder from the mental image.
Ten minuets later, Jenny stepped back from Lynn and looked at her handy work. Two braids starting at the front connected to the back of Lynn's head, falling in curls down her back. Loose strands of hair framed her face, making the whole look appear elegant and perfect for a bride-to-be.
"There," Jenny explained when the other girls looked at the finished look. "Not to toot my own horn, but I think I can safely say those years of cosmetic school paid off."
"It looks lovely, Jenny," Emily told her.
Jamie grabbed the vail that was on the bed. "Just one more thing before you can get hitched."
She gently clicked the vail in Lynn's hair, letting the sheer fabric fall along her hair. The vail didn't go down very far, just to the small of her back when she stood up. It went with the wedding dress perfectly.
Emily looked at the clock on the wall. Fifteen minuets until the Here Comes the Bride starts playing on the piano. "You ready?"
Lynn looked at herself in the mirror.
She never thought this day would come. Really. Never in a million years did she think she would get married. Just wait, when you find the right one, you'll change your mind. Lynn had called BS on that logic. Until it eventually happened. Now she was more then happy to walk down the aisle to meet the love of her life, to say her vows, to completely give herself over to the boy she had once despised but had grown to love.
Lynn smiled. "I'm ready."
× × ×
The entirety of the wedding party stood in the living room of the cabin, watching the guests take their seats on the white wooden folding chairs that face the wedding arch.
Lynn's heart was pounding in her chest when she saw Niall standing in the front, looking out at the lake and mountains beyond. One hand was in the pocket of his dark dress pants and the other was running his hands through his hair nervously even though only a half hour ago Macey had found him to fix it up in its typical quiff.
The suit he was wearing fit him nicely. His shoulders were broad in the jacket, the white button down underneath fit snug against his torso. He was wearing a light peach tie around his neck with a matching boutonnière pinned to the lapel of the jacket.
Standing beside him was Matt who-
"Why is Matt out there instead of in here getting ready to walk?" Lynn asked no one in particular.
Jamie and Emily shared a look. "He's the one who's going to marry you and Niall," Emily explained. "We forgot to tell you that Pastor Dave's in the hospital and couldn't make it. Matt stepped up and said that he could legally bind you two."
Lynn didn't say anything, just looked out through the large floor-to-ceiling windows at Matt. He was talking to Niall now, making him laugh.
"Sorry," Jamie added. "We didn't know what else to do at such short notice."
"No, no this is fine," Lynn assured them with a smile. "Actually, I prefer this. I would have liked Pastor Dave to do it because he was the one who married my parents, but having Matt would make it more personal."
Just then, an alarm went off on Jamie's phone softly. She quickly turned it off and raised her hands in the air to get everyone's attention in the living room.
"Five minuets everyone!" she shouted. "Find your partner and get in the line like we rehearsed. Where's Jemma?"
"Here, Mommy," the little girl said as she tugged on her mom's dress.
Little Jemma Layton had her bright red hair up in wavy pigtails. The peach colored dress she was wearing had ruffles from the waist down to her shins with matching sandals. A woven basket was in her hands with flower petals nearly spilling over the brim. She was the cutest flower girl Lynn as ever seen.
Jamie bent down to her level. "Do you remember what do to?"
When Jemma nodded, Jamie gave her daughter a quick kiss before standing up straight and finding her husband.
As the party got in line, Macey with Jemma to help her down the isle to throw the flowers, Jenny with Robbie who was a teammate of Niall's, Emily with Oliver who was also another teammate of Niall's, Jamie with Jace, and finally Lynn with her brother.
"Thank you for walking me down the aisle," Lynn told Anders.
"No, thank you for thinking of me," he countered. "I'm honored to do it."
Here Comes the Bride started playing from the piano then, the cue Macey and Jemma needed to start making their way out the sliding glass door and down the wooden steps and across the grass between the two sides of sitting guests.
After giving them a few feet, Jenny and Robbie linked arms and followed after. Eventually the wedding party was on the move, leaving only Lynn and Anders in the living room.
"I bet you twenty dollars that Niall will cry when he sees you," Anders challenge with a smirk as he looped his arm with his sister's.
"Alright, I'll bet he doesn't," she added, even though she knew damn well she was going to be losing that twenty bucks.
The moment she stepped through the doors and down the steps, the slight spring breeze took over and flew the layers of her dress faintly behind in her wake. Big smiles were plastered on the faces of the gusts and the groomsmen and bridesmaids were shifting from foot to foot in excitement. But Lynn wasn't looking at any of them.
Niall was standing there, mouth slight gapped as he watched her walk down the aisle. She was beautiful. So fucking gorgeous that Niall couldn't believe he got her.
When Lynn got to the end of the aisle, Ander's leaned toward her. "You owe me a twenty," he whispered in her ear before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and removing his arm from hers, standing in the back of the line of the groomsmen.
Lynn looked in front of her, at her husband-to-be, and noticed his eyes shiny. He wasn't crying, but Lynn figure it was a twenty worth spending.
"Good afternoon everyone!" Matt shouted to make sure his voice was heard over the group. "At this lakeside cabin, we take ourselves out of the usual routines of daily living to witness a unique moment in the lives of Niall James Horan and Lynn Louise Mercury. Today they-"
Right then, Niall reached out and grabbed Lynn's hip with one hand and cupped her face with the other before planting his lips on hers.
There was light commotion in the guests as surprise took over Lynn. She laughed into the kiss when she regained her bearings, but didn't have any time to reciprocate before Niall was pulling away.
"Whoa, there, Horan," Matt laughed. "You're getting a little a head of yourself there."
"Sorry," he quickly apologized, his cheeks slowly growing red. "Couldn't resist."
After the laughter and commotion died down, Matt continued his speech. Lynn was already happy that Matt was the one marrying them, but after listening to him - making people laugh and cry, recalling personal stories of her and Niall during a practice or a game - it made it even more special.
"Niall," Matt started. "Do you take Lynn to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do," he responded without hesitation.
"Lynn, do you take Niall to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do," she said without a second thought.
Niall reached out to grab Lynn's hands, his thumb ran over the top of her knuckles. After they repeated their vows to each other, Theo walked forward with the rings. Gently, Niall placed the first band on Lynn's left ring finger, and Lynn did the same for Niall as Matt continued on with his speech.
"And so now by the power vested in me," Matt recited brashly. "It is my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. Now, you may kiss the bride."
Niall doesn't waver as he put his arm around Lynn and drew her in impossibly close, his hand cupped her cheek and ghosted his lips against hers slightly before leaning in completely. He didn't have a care in the world that there were people watching as he pressed harder, his tongue slipping out only slightly to run along her bottom lip, he took that moment to really relish in the fact that Lynn Mercury was his fucking wife.
When he eventually pulled away, there was collective clapping as Matt concluded the ceremony with, "I am pleased to present the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Horan!"
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