016 | sulfur
× Horan
Picture this: A room bursting with university students, reeking of Camden beer and sweat. A little grinding adventure in the corner and boys who look barely old enough to have finished secondary school talking to girl's way out of their league. The latest hits playing in one corner of the yard and body-thumping techno music blaring in the other, mixing together to make a terrible sound.
Welcome to the bonfire.
"Horan!" someone shouted and I spun to see Reece coming toward me. He was wearing a white shirt that was stretching across his chest with faded jeans. "This place is sick, so much better than last year. Did you just get here?"
"Yeah," I stated simply, looking around.
I saw a lot of girls in their swimsuits and the sound of splashing water drifted through the booming music. The huge fire hasn't been lit yet, but it was just a matter of time before it was.
Reese grabbed me by the shoulder and shoved me forward. "You have to come with me and the lads by the pool. Here, take this, you need it for the day you had at practice."
I took the can from him and looked at it as I followed Reese to where the other lads were at. I debated whether I wanted to drink tonight, but as soon as a blonde walked in front of me in the skimpiest bikini I had ever seen, I opened the beer and started chugging.
William, James, Thomas, and Matt had brought out lawn chairs to sit in as they watched the view of the pool. The others from the team were probably out mingling instead of sitting and drooling over woman's wet skin.
The pool was the backyard to the Aldersgate and Epworth Halls, which automatically makes it a hotspot for outdoor parties. Which means every year someone gets a surprise swim because of some bad blood.
"Where's Jace?" I asked.
James looked up at me from his seat. "I donno. I haven't seen him yet. Is he even coming?"
Before I could comment, I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder and another one on my waist. For a second I thought it would be Abby, but it wasn't. I actually had no idea who the girl was, but she was fit as hell and that was all that mattered. She had long black hair and was wearing a bikini two sizes too small.
"Hey, Niall," she hummed in my ear as her hand went down to my wrist and she tugged on it, motioning me to follow her.
I dropped my empty beer can on the ground and obeyed willingly to her request, following her out to where the people were dancing.
The girl's arms laced around my neck loosely and my hands fell to her waist. Her skin was hot under my touch as we swayed to the pop song that was blaring through the speakers. She locked on closer and our bodies were pressed together, her breath trailing along my chest that was exposed under my black Henley.
As the song changed to the next one, a flash of red appeared between the breaks in the dancing bodies that caught my attention.
I followed the color with my eyes so I could get a better look at who it was and saw that it was none other than Lynn Mercury.
She was only a few feet away, but I could see her perfectly in the dim lighting of the night.She was dressed so modestly compared to the girl in my arms, but yet so incredibly eye-catching at the same time. It was just a simple button-down burgundy shirt with the sleeves cuffed to her elbows, the first two buttons undone to reveal the hollow of her neck. It fit her body seamlessly, revealing her perfectly curved waist and toned stomach. She had on dark jeans that were rolled up just past her ankles and they fit her so snuggly around her legs and ass. To complete the look, she had on black Vans and her caramel brown hair was pushed away from half her face with a braid.
Lynn looked... fucking hot. And I hated that I could willingly admit that to myself without feeling appalled.
The girl in front of me tugged on my hair, bringing me back to look at her again. She had a frown on her plump lips almost in a childish way, like I wasn't giving her enough attention. But I have suddenly lost interest and pulled my arms away from her waist without saying a word and starting making my way over to Lynn.
Her back was to me as she looked around at all the people when I approached her.
"You really shouldn't be alone at parties, Princess," I said in a lower voice than I attended. She spun and looked at me with her piercing deep eyes. They were so incredibly blue, even with the lack of light. "Never know who might harass you."
She smiled at me ironically. "So far the only person who has bothered me is you, Ireland," she mocked as she lifted the red solo cup to her lips. "And I'm not alone. Jace just went to say hi to someone."
"Jace, huh?" I asked, leaning against a table that was stacked high with marshmallows and chocolates that have already been dug into even with the absence of the fire. "You two have gotten pretty close..."
Lynn's smile faded and she looked at me oddly, tilting her head to the side slightly. "I wouldn't say we were close. We just have... something in common."
"And what would that be?"
"Why do you care?"
"I don't," I said, suddenly getting angry. I needed another beer.
Jace came up to us then, nodding at me as he faced Lynn, a beer in his hands. "They're about to light the fire, we should go watch. It's pretty cool."
I watched as Lynn's whole demeanor changed. She grew stiff and her eyes went dark, almost like they were filled with fear. I observed her closely to understand her change of behavior, but she quickly changed back to her relaxed character, though I could see it was forced.
"Okay," she nodded and followed Jace through the crowd of people who have started to gather around the large pit.
I trailed close behind her.
Jace made his way to the front of the pit, Lynn standing next to him. People started to gather quickly and I was forced to stand behind them. I saw Reese pace around the trench with a stick that was lit on fire. I could smell a hint of gasoline that they had pored over the large wood pile to make it burn faster. Someone had stopped the music so the main focus was on Reese.
"Before we light this, I just have to say something!" Reese's voice boomed through the yard, catching everyone's attention. "I have a good feeling about this year, a really good feeling that we're going to go all the way and win the BUSA!"
There were cheers and some whistles, the hype growing and growing as Reese walked around the fire pit, looking at the circle of people around him.
"But!" Reese continued, his voice traveling just as loudly as before. "I wouldn't be saying that if it wasn't for our newcomer! Lynn Mercury, where you at!?" Jace grabbed Lynn's wrist and held it up over our heads. "There you are! You mates are going to be blown away by this girl. I have high hopes for this team, thanks to her. Now, I only reckon it's fitting if we let Mercury do the honors tonight, am I right!?" Reese shouted, rising his hand with the flaming stick in the air for emphasis.
There was shouting of agreement but I saw Lynn stiffen again. I couldn't see her face, but I could imagine there was panic in her eyes. She started shaking her head and waving her hands in front of her in objection.
"Come on, Lynn," Reese pushed, handing her the big stick. "Do the honors!"
But Lynn didn't budge as Reese continued to wave the blazed branch in front of her face.
"Hey," I found myself shouting over the uproar of cheering. "She doesn't want to do it, bugger off."
Reese looked at me like he was contemplating something, but nodded and turned his back on us. Lynn turned to look at me, but I ignored her and kept watching Reese as he made his rounds around the pit.
"Change of plans!" he shouted. "Just to get this show on the road, I'll do it!" Reese turned so he was facing the large pile of gasoline soaked logs. He lifted the flaming stick in the air again. "On the count of three! One! Two! Three!"
He threw the stick in the pile and as soon as it hit the firewood, the whole thing engulfed in flames, rising way over everyone's heads. The heat was empowering and soaked everyone in its warmth, making some people back up from the sudden light and rise in temperature.
As soon as it flamed up, Lynn backed up and bumped into my chest. She barely looked at me before she fought her way through the crowed and sprinted away. Without thinking, I followed after her.
I found her standing alone a few feet away from the crowd, staring with wide eyes at the fire that was raging high above everyone's head. Her arms were wrapped around herself and it made her look small and vulnerable. She looked like she saw a ghost.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I approached. She turned her head quickly to look at me, like she didn't know I was even there. Her eyes were glazed over slightly and I could see the reflection of the flames her pupils.
"I'm fine," she said softly.
"Lynn," I said, just as gently. I lightly grabbed her arms that were wrapped around herself and trailed my fingers down so I could hold her hands in mine. "You're shaking."
She looked up at me and our eyes locked. Her hands were so soft. There was a tingling feeling - no, not tingling, more like static - when our hands touched. It was weird because I have touched her before and felt nothing, but this was... peculiar. I could distantly hear the music start up again around us and people going back to party and roasting marshmallows as well as jumping into the pool and downing their tolerance in alcoholic substances, but I wasn't paying any attention. Lynn had my full concentration for the second time that night.
Her gaze was almost hypnotizing. There was this... I couldn't really explain it, but it was almost like a magnetic pull in my gut. I wasn't sure what was going on and I wasn't sure if I even liked it, but I couldn't look away...
"Stop!" Lynn shouted suddenly. She pulled her hands out of mine and stood her ground in front of me. Any trace of horror and fear was gone. Now she just looked pissed. "I don't know what you are trying to do, but you need to stop. All this back and forth, I - I don't know what to think. I thought you hated me, but then you do this. I just-"
"Hate you?" I asked, getting closer to her. "I don't-"
"Just stop," she said calmly and stared backing away. "I came here to finish my schooling and maybe live out my dream. I didn't ask for you."
I stood there as I watched her leave. I wasn't sure where she was going, but I really didn't care, I was too caught up in what my body was doing. I was beyond confused. I didn't hate her, but I sure as hell don't like her. Right? I didn't know what I was feeling a moment ago, but it wasn't natural for me. I didn't do shit like hold hands and even take notice when someone is acting weird. That just wasn't who I was anymore.
"Wow," I heard someone say behind me. I cursed under my breath. I spun and saw Abby standing there, her arms crossed over her chest. She was wearing a swimsuit under a very loose and revealing grey dress thing. Of course. She couldn't even wear a bikini without having her signature dress to go with it. "I get it now."
I rolled my eyes and played into her games. "Get what?"
"Why you're allured by her," she continued as she walked toward me.
Having this conversation was the last thing I wanted to do, but I stayed anyways to call her out on whatever observations she may have thought up in her pretty little head.
"And why is that?" I pressed.
Abby stopped in front of me with a teasing smile. "Because," she purred as she reach up and grabbed a piece of fuzz that was on my shirt and flicked it off her finger. "She's something you can't have."
"I don't understand," I told her.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed herself closer to me, swaying to the upbeat song playing in the distance. "It's not the fact that Lynn doesn't want you that you find tempting," Abby said as she traced my lips with her index finger. "But for the reason that it isn't right. She's your teammate and it's practically forbidden. That was the number one rule with her, wasn't it? Don't get infatuated with the girl. Don't date the girl. Don't-"
"I don't want her," I found myself saying.
"Good," she said in a low voice as her finger left my lips and her hands trailed down my chest and to the waistband of my jeans. I reached down and took her hands and moved them away from me.
"But I don't want you, either." I stepped out of her space and left her fuming behind me.
I had decided to call it a night and was on my way to the parking lot when James called after me.
"Leaving already?" he asked.
James had his arm around a girl's waist who looked trashed out of her mind. I was surprised she could even stand up right. Or maybe she can't, which was why James was holding onto her so tight. I hope he wasn't going back to the room with her. The last time he brought a drunk home she ended up puking on my maths homework and passing out on the floor.
"Yeah," I said. "It's been a long day. Are you going to the Hall tonight?"
James shook his head. "Nah. I'm not sure where I'll end up but I'll make sure it's not there. But come have another pint before you leave!"
I debated if I should go back. The party had a good turnout, the chances of running into Lynn or Abby was two to nearly five hundred. Besides, I only had one beer, one more wouldn't hurt.
So I agreed and followed him back to the party and found another drink. James ran off with the girl somewhere leaving me alone once again, but I was quickly accompanied by two misses who didn't have any interest in talking.
The fire was still burning bright, illuminating the whole lawn in a warm glow, as I followed the girls into the throng of people to dance, almost empty drink still in hand. We stopped near the pool when the redhead put her hands on the waist of my jeans and tugged on them so I was pinned against her. The other girl was behind me and I could feel her fingers slipping into my back pockets.
I didn't know their names - didn't care to ever know them. I didn't bother with the simplicity of knowing labels because once I have a name on someone, things become interesting. And when things become interesting, that's where I had to draw the line.
Over the redheads shoulder, I could see Abby with her friend Chloe, talking to a brunette. The red shirt on the brunette told me immediately who it was and I knew it wasn't going to be a good outcome if it involved Abby. She had this look on her face that told me I was right.
I watched as Abby took a step closer, which made Lynn take a step back, and I knew instantly what Abby had planned. In a blink of an eye, before I could even remove myself from the two girls from either side of me, Abby reached out and pushed Lynn by the shoulders, making her stumble. But it was enough for Lynn to step halfway off the edge of the pool and fall backwards into the water, a splash following after her plunge.
Removing myself completely from the girls, I rounded the pool just as Lynn resurfaced. The people who were already in the water had gotten out of the way in time, but now stared at her with open mouths. A crowd had started to gather to see who the victim of the unwanted swim was this year.
"This is low, even for you, Abby," I snapped at her as I knelt down and held my hand out for Lynn to take. Lynn pushed her wet hair away from her face and stared up at me, fire in her eyes (or maybe it was the reflection of the actual fire only thirty feet away, I wasn't sure).
"I don't need your help," she spat as she hosted herself up on the edge of the pool and stood up. People had started to depart from the crowd, but there were some still gawking at her, probably waiting to see if there was going to be a cat fight that followed.
Lynn was dripping wet; her red button-down was clinging to her skin even more than it was dry. Her dark jeans looked black as she wrung out her braided hair.
I looked over at Abby so I could ask what the fuck her problem was, but I saw she was already talking to Chloe a few feet away.
"Can I at least drive you home?" I asked Lynn.
She shook her head. "Jace brought me and I want to leave with him."
"Jace is wasted," I told her, remembering that I saw him recently throwing up behind the food table. "Do you really want to get in a car with him?"
"You've been drinking," Lynn stated.
"I'm slightly buzzed, that's it. I'll start drinking some water or something. Just, please let me take you home. You're freezing and wet, it will take me two minutes to get you back to your hall."
I could see her mind trying to figure a way out of this, and I knew she couldn't. "Fine," she finally said. "Take me home."
× × ×
There was a silence between us as we sat in my car, and I couldn't help but notice her shaking, goosebumps spreading across her arms and small little spasms taking over her control. I reached over and blasted the heat.
"Are you afraid of fire?" I asked softly.
Lynn laughed, but there wasn't any humor in the sound. "What gave it away?"
"You mean aside from the terror in your eyes when the pit was lit?" I asked.
There was silence after that and I desperately wanted to know what she was thinking - what she was feeling. Her face was darkened by the shadows of the night, burst of lights flashing inside every few seconds from the streetlights, but I could see her mind reeling.
"What was Abby saying before she pushed you into the pool?" I finally asked, breaking the hush between us. I knew from her silence that the conversation of the fire was over.
Lynn turned to look at me. "She said how I was trying too hard and that I looked pathetic. I didn't know what she was talking about, but I didn't - I don't really care."
"That's it?"
"She also said to stay away from you."
I nodded, knowing that she would say something about that. "She's a piece of work."
"Isn't she your girlfriend?"
This time I laughed. "Oh, god no!" I nearly shouted, looking away from the road and sneaking a glance at her "We, uh, I slept with her once last year and she hasn't left me alone since."
"Did she know it was just going to be a one night stand?" Lynn asked, judgment evident in her voice.
"Yes. I made it clear that it was just one night and it wasn't ever going to lead to something more. She knew that. She agreed."
This had been the longest we had talked without yelling at each other, and without her even trying to get information out of me, she was getting an insight into my life. I hated how she had the ability to do that, it made me feel like I could tell her anything without it going through my personal filter. And that terrified me.
"Isn't Abby James' sister?" Lynn asked.
"Yes," I said aggressively. "And you're not going to say anything about this to him. I don't even know why I told you. I don't even want anything to do with Abby."
Lynn laughed bitterly for the second time that night. "That's funny, because Abby also told me that you said that to her about me. So, Niall, tell me: why are you going out of your way to take me home after all the insulting things you said? What's going on with you?"
"I don't know! Fuck!" I shouted in frustration. I slammed my hand against the steering wheel and ran a hand through my hair. More softly after a few beats of silence, I spoke again. "I don't know what's going on with me..."
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