gaming portal part2
when we did the just dance they kind of won? the boys had to pick a game and they picked turox. it was my favorite game and still is. when we enter we had to be in the same team of course. but valeria and taylor could not came."boomer" i thought. i wanted her to come but whatever we entered. and how the game goes we woke up in a i dont even know what they are called. but i was the first to jump in the portal so i woke up first then the others.i had to wait for angel but the worst thing i thought was that vanoss and delirious were in our team and they are from the banana bus squad. when i thought of that name i laughed. will angel passed through the portal and woke up finally. "there we go!" i said with a big smile in my face."are we here yet,naw im just kitten i know we are here, ugh" she said. "hey this is my favorite game so dont,plz" i said. then they cam vanoss and delirious great." great just great" i thought to myself. me and angel walked out and saw boys. they looked at us with confusion. "look there girls i bet they wont even survive!" one of them said and the rest laughed.i just stud there like i was about to explode but i was happy at the same time i just smiled. then the boys came vanoss and delirious.they were standing behind us."well atleast me and angel know how to fight better than you" i said in about to kill you voice."well then prove it"one of the boys that was laughing was running after me to hit me.why? i have no clue.but i was about to punch him but angel stopped me and i just doged(or whatever you spell that). and hit delirious in the faces, ouch.when he did that delirious eyes turned red.but he just stud there and then he calmed down. he went back to the group. another man came and tryed to attack me. then i hit him in the back of his neck and passed out. every single boy that was there was shocked.i just started to walk with angel around the the flying ship. there was a very muscled man he directed us to the weapon area.i took half of the weapons not really i just took three,two for me,and one for angel.i looked out the window and saw a missile. coming after us. "IN COMING!!!!" i yelled then everyone was looking at me but then BOOM! the missile hit us. we were crashing! i was running to the exit but then we crashed i passed out.
angel woke me up and i was in a field out of the crash. i was surrounded by angel,the strong man,delirious,and vanoss. i stud up fast. then started to look around it was the same view but more cuter. i was amazed of the view but something took me by the leg and draged me."KITTY-CHAN!!" said angel trying to track me down."hahahahahaha!stop!stop!stop!hahahahaha!" i was laughing.why? cause the dinosaur that draged me was eating me and i feel ticklish.i was stupid NOT! when i was laughing angel and the others tracked me down."hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!" i started to laugh again."WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!"vanoss said."hahahaha." i started to calmed down."what?i'm ticklish"i said with a smile."he's eating you leg" angel said."what? no hi-ahhhhhh!!" i screamed that i Almost ran out of air and passed out again.then he stopped eating my leg and came up to me and sat there.for some weird reason i started to feel like my leg was healing. i looked and it was! "HOLLY MOLLY! i said really loud that i got my teams attention."my leg is healing faster than ever!" i said. "wow it is!!" angel said.then i stud up and walked to our journey.but i feel that some one or something was following us.i looked back and it was the rapter that was eating my leg. he was following us. he had no were to go."poor thing" i said with a little smile."what?" vanoss asked and when he noticed i was petting the rapter he said to get away from it."no, im going to keep her" i said."are you crazy we cant have a rapter following us around!" he said."yes we can" i said."fine" he said starting to walk away."uhh guys?!" i said when i noticed that they were gone."GREAT, I'M LOST KNOW WHAT!??" i said in an angry tone. i went my own way trying to find them. "hey, buddy what name do you want?" i asked the rapter."blue!" the rapter replied." holy shoot you can talk!!" i screamed of terror."i'm sorry if i scared you!" blue said."oh ok do you have any friends?" i asked blue."yeah!" she said."i just needed help to get them out of there cage." she said."who has them"i asked."the bad people,they took them and that's why i came to you!" she said."you know what way there base is?" i asked."yes" she said."ok then lead the way!" i said."but were going to need some help know" she said.
i heard gun shoots so i headed that way. with some company i think she would help us get there.
~angels pov~
we found some weapons and headed to the base but we were stopped and people started to shoot us.we shoot back i didn't get shoot or the boys but the big man did we didn't get a scratch because we played call of duty black ups.when we started to shoot i heard big foot steps. like they belonged to big foot or some thing big hopefully kitty-chan is ok.what if that big thing ate her what if she's died what if some thing happend to her? i was very worry about her i wish i was with her.but theres no stopping know i have to get to the finish so we can all get the fuge out og here.then it happend there was a t-rex but someone was in top of it. i think it was a girl.oh god it's...
~kitty-Chan's pov~
i heard shoot guns and me and my new friend ran after the shoot guns were heard.there they were my friends shooting at this people. there the bad and my new friend the t-rex ate the bad people.they ran away.i came down from the t-rex and told my friends that it was ok.
well theres ganna part three. anyway as always have a nice day/night bye~~~
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