Chapter Twenty-Two: Wanted & Mine
Sean had been ready to leave and go home, but Mark insisted that they stay longer. He still was shaken up by the events and Sean couldn't blame him. So, he stayed. Allowing Mark to smother him with affection until exhaustion overcame him. Sean stayed in bed with him until Mark fell asleep. Then slipping from the bed, Sean moved to the desk and turned his mirror on to listen to the news, while he scribbled down some notes that he didn't want to forget. The news pixie cheerly informed the viewers that the local boss must have been defeated because a new level opened in the Yggdrasil tree. Causing players to flood into the next level in the hopes of finding homes to live in and jobs that are filled in the lower level towns. She reported how the top guilds are making it their main priority to gather information on the next boss and that recruiting is still open. Sean drew a question mark after the Game Master's title and sighed. He just didn't understand why someone would do this to people.
The reporting pixie drew his attention to the mirror by stating out in a grim voice. "In other news. Ten deaths have been reported recently. All the latest victims of The Specters of Death guild. While increased reports of popular gaming stars going missing is closely following by the death tolls. Those that call themselves 'Non-gamers' have finally established a guild they refer to as the 'Moderators.' Their goal is to end the imbalance and injustice against lower players of the game. Since only high tier gamers are stealing all the experience points from spawning grounds and collecting all the loot and money for themselves. Forcing lower tier players to struggle and suffer at the hands of 'Trolling' players. Likewise, a group of the high tier players have established a guild of their own named 'GetBetterNoobs'. A clear bash at Moderators for all their 'whining.' The Pixie then pointed a mic to a high tier player, who stated out angrily. "Of course, it is a bash! Who is going to win this game? US! The noobs should just stay out of our way and help us win this thing. But no. They can't handle sucking at the game. So what if a few gamers stole your shit. You weren't using it right anyway!"
The pixie yelped as someone shoved the man to the ground and yelled out over him. "Fuck you, Asshole! More people would be alive if you fuckers would stop getting us killed for laughs!" The two started fighting and the pixie quickly moved away to tell everyone watching in a shaken voice. "As you can see. Tensions are rising between both parties. Rumors of popular gaming stars being sold off to other players and ransomed off in order to buy homes, or gear is spreading like wildfire. Some brothels have even offered sanctuary and high prices for those either brought in or that come willingly to them for work." The pixie sighed, shrugging out finally. "More as these stories develop. Stay safe out there. And to those players out there trying to win the game... I pray you do it quickly. Good luck and good night." Turning off the mirror, Sean shook his head and snuck a glance at Mark. Mark snored softly into the pillow, making Sean smile briefly. Putting his book away, Sean decided to venture out to get a drink and some snacks.
The tavern was full of players eating and chatting. N.P.C.s played soft lively tunes or rushed around to complete orders. Moving up to the bar, Sean ordered food and some drinks from the Bartender. The place felt cozy and cheerful, bringing a sense of normalcy to the air of the place. Sipping his coffee, a person slipped onto the stool next to him. Sean tensed at the sight of the person's hooded grey robes and shady demeanor. The person's hood slightly turned his way before a wispy crackling voice told him. "You're with the guy that defeated the Margygr. I'd recognize you anywhere." Sean nervously looked around at the busy tavern, upon asking curiously. "Do I know you?" He didn't see any others dressed like this person. The man reached out for a mug the bartender placed before him. His skeletal fingers wrapped up with bloodstained cloth made Sean inhale silently. Sliding the mug closer to himself, the hooded person chuckled out eerily. "You wouldn't know me. But I know all about you. JackSepticEye. Or would you prefer I call you Sean?"
Sean rose from the stool, but the man quickly grabbed his arm in a firm grip and ordered icily. "Sit down. You don't want me to make a scene." Slowly sitting down, Sean defensively asked him. "What do you want?" The hooded person finally turned its' head enough to look Sean in the eyes. Its bright icy blue sockets flashed eerily when it answered coolly. "I just want to hang with you. Is that so much to ask? After all... because of people like me. You are what you are. Maybe I feel you... owe me a little something." Sean shifted uncomfortably on his seat, huffing out lightly. "Look if you want me to sign something for you. Fine. But I don't owe you any-" The person discreetly stabbed a dagger into the wooden stool between Sean's legs, causing Sean to jerk into silence. The person then leaned a bit closer, sneering out with the strong smell of death on his breath. "Is that what you think? Because the way I see it... If I expose you. Your own fans will rip you apart. Right here. Just to have a piece of you."
The skeleton pulled his dagger free of the stool, coolly purring out to him even closer to his face. "In the old days. Fame made you a sacrificial lamb to the slaughter. Gladiators would win and were then sold as sex slaves to horny nobles. Royals feared being conquered because it meant... they were a prize to be played with at the mercy of another. The prettier you are... the more people want to possess you." Shrugging, Sean blurted out darkly. "What do you want?" The skeleton leaned back to sip from his mug lazily before setting it down and replying casually. "I just want to play a game with you. A love a good fight and rarely do I get prey with enough skill to challenge me. A big gamer like yourself should have no trouble defeating me. Right?" Sean eyed the person closely, retorting seriously. "I'm not that kind of gamer." The person fluidly rose and placed his hands on Sean's shoulders, leaning close to his ear to whisper excitedly. "Yes, you are, Jackaboy. We all are when our lives are on the line."
The skeleton sniffed him deeply, then growled out hungrily. "Fear. I can smell it on you like a fine wine. It's the one thing that makes me feel alive since I've lost the ability to feel anything else." Sean stiffened at the thought, while the skeleton stroked its bony hand along Sean's neck and added sourly. "I imagine you feel warm and soft... pretty things like you always do." The skeleton then curled its fingers around Sean's neck, cooing out menacingly in a darker voice. "I bet you have a pretty scream. Rattles my bones just to think of how high you could squeal for me." Sean fearlessly sat still, watching the skeleton struggle to squeeze his throat. Being inside the safe zone kept him from truly hurting him or doing anything violent. It was the only reason that Sean felt so calm. The skeleton reluctantly released him, telling him openly. "I need you to complete my collection of kills so far. A Light Elf. A shiny beacon of hope to all. Until it is snuffed out by the hands that made it."
The skeleton reached out a hand to snuff out a burning candle on the bar, his health bar taking only a sliver of damage. Yet, the skeleton felt no pain from his action. People in the tavern started to quiet down as the skeleton told Sean seriously. "You will not be leaving this town. You belong to me. And you will give yourself to me willingly. Or we will wait you out. Tempus fugit, Memento mori." Sean narrowed his eyes on him, when a sharp scream broke the silence from outside. People gasped, rushing to the windows. While the skeleton removed something from his pocket and crushed it in his hand. His body disappearing in a ripple of grey smoke. Once the skeleton was gone, Sean turned his eyes to the windows. He couldn't see what was happening, but someone called out to the others inside. "It's the Specters of Death!" Another woman covered her mouth in horror, asking shakily. "How are they killing people inside the safe zone! That's not possible!"
A woman burst into the tavern, only to scream as a sword burst through her breasts. The woman fell to the ground and the tavern erupted into a panic. Players began shoving each other in an attempt to run away. Sean moved off his stool, backing toward the tavern rooms. From the center of the tavern, a flash of light appeared, revealing a woman clad in silver armor with large white wings. Hovering in place, she unsheathed a sword and called out in an N.P.C. tone. "Error. Error. Hacker detected. Players seek shelter. Players seek shelter." The Valkyrie then dashed out of the tavern and Sean whirled around to run. Running square into a broad chest. Stumbling, Sean grabbed the man's arms and looked up to see it was Mark. Cupping his face, Mark started to yell out over the screams of people. "What the hell is going on?!" Taking Mark's arm, Sean rushed him back to their room, yelling back. "No time! Run!" Rushing into their room, Sean slammed the door and slid his hand over the lock to lock it.
The second he stepped back from the door; Mark wrapped his arms around him and asked shaken up. "Are you alright?" Turning in his arms, Sean hugged him and panted out. "The Specters of Death are here. It seems one or more of them has hacked the game and is killing people in the safe zone." Mark's arms tightened around him. Clawing his fingers lightly down Mark's sides, Sean reluctantly added. "Mark... I think I'm in trouble. One of them... it knows who I am and it... wants to kill me. I think we need to leave." One of Mark's hands moved up Sean's back before pushing Sean's bangs away from his eyes and cupping his cheek. Looking up into Mark's dark brown eyes, Sean got goosebumps as Mark's deep voice told him in a powerful serious tone. "No. We should stay here. Anyone that wants you will have to get through me first. That I promise you, Sean." Sean cupped Mark's face, seeing pain behind those beautiful eyes that he loved. Mark closed his eyes, unintentionally causing a tear to run down his cheek.
Brushing it away with his thumb, Sean gently prodded. "Mark? Are you ok?" Mark shifted on his feet, avoiding his eyes now when he struggled to say. "I heard the scream and... you weren't here." Taking Mark's hand, Sean placed it to his chest and told him tenderly. "I'm here. You saved me." Mark met his eyes, telling him in a broken voice. "I know. But... I killed you. For a moment, I saw my life in this world without you. And it was my fault... If we leave, I could lose you." Taking ahold of Mark's shoulders, Sean eased him down onto the edge of the bed. Stepping between Mark's legs, Sean ran his hands through Mark's hair to tilt his head back enough to lean over his lips. Brushing his lips over his lightly, he whispered to him. "Mark, listen to me. What happened wasn't your fault. The Margygr is a type of mermaid in Norse mythology. She turns the desire in a man's heart against him. She couldn't charm me because I'm an Elf. A fey creature like herself. Her only defense was using YOU to hurt me. She expected us to be greedy. To desire power and wealth because that is what she was taken for. The Dwarves wanted her because she could forge great weapons. The Alchemist wanted her because she can grant eternal life."
Giving Mark a brief kiss, Sean told him lovingly. "You defeated her by choosing to save me. Her boss fight was a test. That's why everyone else failed. They chose greed over their companions' lives. Mark, you're not going to lose me. You're too stubborn to lose me." Mark let a tiny smirk pull at his lips, then pulled Sean's hips closer when he kissed him passionately. The kiss made Sean feel so safe and loved that his wings rose up behind him and shimmered with twinkling light. The world just seemed to fall away as Sean deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around Mark's neck to hold him in the kiss. Mark's hands trailed down from Sean's hips to his thighs, pulling them up onto the bed so that Sean straddled him. Sitting down on Mark's lap, Sean broke the kiss to chuckle out. "Mark, we should be running." Mark nodded, but his gaze expressed something different. Kissing him again, Mark's hands slide up Sean's spine, causing Sean to moan into the kiss and his wings to tremble.
Laying back across the bed,Mark breathlessly told him in a powerful deep voice. "I don't fear them. I'm an Aesir. A god. Andyou are mine." Sean felt a mix of uneaseat his words but at the same time, his words made his skin sparkle with purestarlight. To Be Continued...
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