Chapter Thirty-Three: A Hungry Kiss
Sean pressed himself as close to Mark as he could get. It made him smile into their kiss when he had to rise onto his toes to rest his arms over Mark's shoulders more comfortably. It was weird being smaller than Mark, but in a way, he liked it. Mark's lips brushed over Sean's bare shoulder, before kissing a spot and whispering to him. "You feel so fragile in this avatar... I'm trying not to hurt you." Scoffing against his neck, Sean mumbled out dryly. "I just killed a vampire. I'm not that fragile." Sean then blushed as Mark's teeth lightly pressed against his throat with a sudden playfulness. After which, Mark purred up to his ear. "I know you're not... but my avatar... feels differently." Easing back a bit, Sean nervously told Mark. "I wanted to tell something... When I was talking to-" Mark pressed a finger to his lips to stop him, whispering hopefully. "Can it wait?" Sean shrugged with uncertainty, until Mark's hands moved to his slender hips and kneaded at his clothes gently.
Grabbing Mark's wrists, Sean glanced around the room as he mumbled out. "Now? Here?" Mark's lips tenderly moved over his ear to nibble on the point where he told him hopefully. "I just had my blood drained. I'd like to get it rushing again." Rolling his eyes, Sean grumbled out. "That's not how you should deal with blood loss, Mark." Chuckling, Mark resisted Sean's attempts to push his hands away. Moving Sean slowly to back him up to the bed. Sean glanced at the bed, then looked up at Mark with a slight smirk that faded a little. Why did Mark's dark eyes look a little red? Was it the lighting? Mark's hand moved down the sides of Sean's thighs, asking him breathlessly. "Unequip your gear." Reaching up to cup Mark's cheek, he tilted his head a little and asked him softly. "Mark? Do you feel ok?" Mark blinked, chuckling out. "I'm fine. Are you ok? Do you want me to stop?" Feeling silly as he saw only Mark's soft brown eyes, he shrugged out. "I think I'm just a little jumpy after the fight."
Mark lifted his hands to brush the back of his fingers along Sean's cheeks as he purred out. "Sounds like you need to relax. And I can help with that..." Rolling his eyes, Sean bit his lip when he mumbled out. "Ya, I'm sure you can." Sean inhaled sharply as Mark lunged for his throat, kissing along his neck affectionately. Forcing himself to hug Mark, he tried to relax and enjoy it, but he was suddenly so nervous and on edge. Easing back, Mark asked him with a deep concern now. "Jack...? You're shaking. What's wrong?" Quickly unequipping his gear, Sean dropped back against the bed and shrugged out. "Nothing. See? Let's do this." Leaning down, Mark braced in hands on either side of Sean's thighs, asking seriously. "Jack. What's wrong? You haven't been this shook up since our first time together." Sean reached out to grab the collar of Mark's tunic, pulling him closer as he whispered to him. "Honestly... I have no idea. I feel... scared. Nervous. Or... my avatar does... I can't explain it." Averting his eyes, Sean added grimly. "My avatar has been acting weird lately... Ever since I got this... new ability."
Smirking, Mark slowly crawled onto the bed, forcing Sean to scoot back to let him on. Bracing over Sean on all fours, Mark sweetly asked. "You got a new ability? What is it?" Licking his lips shyly, Sean answered warmly. "The Light of Alfheim. It's what makes me a light elf. But... it was weird how I learned it..." Mark smiled, leaning in to kiss him. For a moment, Sean let himself fall into the emotions of the kiss. Wanting to forget fear and concerns. Laying down on him, Mark's hands moved up Sean's arms to move them over his head where he pinned them to the mattress. Sean intertwined his fingers with Mark's, breathing steadily. When Mark broke the kiss, he teased out to him. "Everything about this game is weird." Sean chuckled, exposing his neck for Mark despite his gut telling him not to do it. Closing his eyes, Sean arched his back when Mark licked his neck teasingly. Upon opening his eyes though, Sean's breath caught in his throat.
Mark's health bar hadn't recovered at all. All his other bars were full. He should have steadily been regaining health... but he wasn't. The bar sat exactly where his transfer of health had put him. Only... there was a new symbol beside his health bar now. A tiny black bat. Jerking under Mark, Sean blurted out a bit frightened. "Mark? Look at your health bar!" Jerking his head up, Mark looked it over a moment. Panting, Sean asked him. "Mark? Do you see it? The symbol?" Sitting back, Mark furrowed his eyebrows, answering softly. "Ya... Does that mean what I think it does?" Sitting up, Sean cupped Mark's face and told him shakily. "Mark, open your mouth." Mark didn't fight him. He opened his mouth and Sean pushed his lip up higher to look at his teeth. The second he saw the small sharp fangs; Sean pulled his hands back. He didn't have to tell Mark; his answer had been enough. Easing off the bed, Mark sighed out heavily. "He turned me... Son of a bitch. I don't even remember how he did it..."
Sean covered his mouth, trembling as he asked him. "I think it's my fault. I interrupted him..." Mark let out a throaty chuckle as he shot back. "I can't say that's a bad thing. I'd be dead if he had kept going, right? This way... I'm still here." Hugging his legs, Sean told him uneasily. "But... What's going to happen to you? Can we... remove it? Do you even want that?" Mark paced a little, telling him honestly. "I don't know. I don't know what happens to vampires in this game. Do I die in sunlight? How often do I have to feed? These are things I've got to learn fast before I..." Mark drifted off as he met Sean's eyes. Looking away, Sean finished off. "Before you hurt someone. A possible player... Or me." Running a hand through his hair, he asked curiously. "Who can ask? The Lord might have a book in his library?" Sean gestured to the pile of ashes, mumbling out quietly. "After we just dusted his son? Something tells me that he's not going to be happy with us... but... Mira, might know?"
Mark stopped passing but didn't look at him or say a word. Slipping off the bed, Sean pleaded cautiously. "Her son carries the original virus. She might know how to help us. Please Mark...?" Mark slowly turned to face him, blurting out with surprise. "Mira? As in... Mira Sherwood? The witch? When did you meet her?" Sean opened his mouth, then cleared it when he realized he hadn't told Mark yet. Mark eyed his hesitation, before coolly answering his own question. "The maid? The one who kissed you. That was..." Sean nodded, telling him honestly. "Ya. I kind of lost control of my avatar and used that new ability on her... Things got intense... and you walked in. So, she... Mark, I don't think the others know who she is. She was flirting with Archie. Which though she isn't blood related to him... is still a little fucked up." Mark stayed serious, when he retorted firmly. "Unless she planned to kill him." Sean inhaled slowly, mumbling out uneasily. "Ya... That... That would make sense. But what I don't get is that she gave Archie note to a raven who... took it upstairs. So... If Mira is the witch... Why would she do that?"
Mark tapped the underside of Sean's chin, telling him with a beautiful fanged grin. "Get dressed and let's go ask her." Bringing up his menu, Sean reequipped his gear and started to head for the door. Before he opened the door though, Mark suddenly dashed up behind him. Sean froze in place, feeling Mark's breath puffing against his throat. For a few seconds neither of them moved or said anything. Compared to Archie, Sean wasn't afraid of getting bitten by Mark. He was more afraid of Mark losing control. An Aesir vampire was a frightening concept. Aesir were already built for war. Add in any vampire traits and he could easily turn into a bloodthirsty barbarian. Mark's arms slowly wrapped around him, before placing a tender kiss to his throat. Sean didn't move and did his best to keep his heartbeat calm. After the little kiss, Mark whispered to him calmly. "Sorry. We better hurry." Slowly turning around in Mark's arms, he cupped his face and kissed him. The kiss removed Mark's worried look, allowing Sean to tell him gently. "Try to keep yourself from feeding on anything. At least until we know if this is permanent or not. Ok?" Mark nodded, telling him cautiously. "Ya... Just do me a favor?"
Sean nodded, prompting Mark to finish a little shyly. "Stand down wind of me. The smell of you is... strong at the moment." Sean rubbed his neck, chuckling out. "Must be my sweet blood from all the cookies I eat." Mark smirked, letting Sean move behind him before telling him seriously. "No. Actually... It's something else. It's hard to explain. But your skin smells... irresistible. Your blood does too, but its like your skin is dipped in something much... much richer." Sean nodded in understanding, informing him openly. "The Light of Alfheim. Mira told me that Draugr desire it because it is... the essence of life and death. It is perfection and destruction. That kind of thing." Mark nodded, clenching his jaw, before loosening up to tell him. "Well, let's hope that I don't take it from you." Smiling to himself, Sean lied as he told him. "I'm not worried. You can control it." Mark gave him a doubtful look but smiled anyway. Focusing, Mark opened the door and headed out with Sean at his heels.
Heading down the hallway, Sean directed Mark up to the room that he'd seen the raven take the note too. When they reached it, Mark knocked, and Sean called out. "It's me. Can we talk?" A bunch of locks clicked over before Mira opened the door and whispered softly. "Keep it down. The Lord and the werewolves are still up. Come in." Slipping into the room, Mira gestured to the sofa by the fireplace, nervously telling them. "I'm sure you have more questions to ask me? Have a seat. I'll just..." She moved to a set of curtains and shoved them back as Sean yelped out. "No! Wait!" The sunlight burst into the room and Mark winced with a sharp groan. Staggering back, Mark covered his eyes. Mira released the curtain to look at Mark with shock and awe on her face. Closing the curtain quickly, Sean asked Mark in a panic. "Mark? Are you alright?" Mark leaned back against the wall, lowering his hand stiffly. Sean touched his arm, his eyes darting to Mark's health. It was no longer in the green. It was sitting in yellow now.
Behind them, Mira exhaled softly. "He's been infected." Strolling fearlessly up to Mark, she grabbed his jaw and turned his head to view the fresh bite on his neck. Upon letting him go, she informed them calmly. "Vampire. He'll have to be more careful. Sunlight will weaken him. Blood will nourish him." Sean grabbed Mark's hand, asking her hopefully. "Is there a cure?" Mira beckoned Mark to come closer to her. Reluctantly Mark inched close enough for her to touch him. Carefully she pushed his lip up to see his small fang, before telling them casually. "He's still in the early stages... Has he fed yet?" Sean shook his head, prompting Mira to drop her hand and quickly tell Mark. "If you taste blood... The curse will become permanent. If you can hold out to the third dawn. Then the virus will parish in the warmth of the sunlight like the breaking of a fever. It is the only way I know of... but a necromancer might know more."
Staring her down, Mark asked curiously. "Why by the third sunrise? Isn't there something sooner?" Crossing her arms, Mira told him honestly. "Right now, the virus is spreading through your body. It is feeding on your own blood. By tomorrow, your blood will be gone, and you'll get cravings to replenish yourself. If you can resist... by the third day, you'll have starved the virus and the warmth of the sun will cleanse it from you. You'll be forever immune to vampirism and any vampire that feeds on you will burn as if they drank pure sunlight." Backing up from them, she sighed out. "I'm not going to lie... The process will be painful. You'll feel like you're dying. And once the sun removes it, you will be severely dehydrated... So, I suggest putting him in a tub of ice water when it happens. It helped the few I saved... the hardest part is... not feeding." Mark rolled his eyes, stating out. "I've gone hungry before. I'll be fine."
Mira's eyes locked with Sean's before she told Mark darkly. "This won't feel like normal hunger pains. Your body will ache. Your need to hunt and kill will be so great that rational thought will be difficult to hold onto. Any injury you get will remain until you feed. You could die trying to starve yourself." Mark shrugged, not getting it, until Sean told him more scarcely. "Mark...She is saying that your health will never recover until you feed. And... your health is already so low..." Mark glanced up at his yellow health, letting out a slow breath in realization. To Be Continued...
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