Chapter Thirty-Seven: Emberfall
Sean waited until the kids vanished into the woods, before telling Wade coolly. "Let's head back to the house." Sitting up, Wade blurted out curiously. "How did you know that they were going to help us? That they weren't going to kill us too?" Taking a slow breath, Sean honestly replied. "I didn't. It was just a gut feeling." Wade eyed him suspiciously but got to his feet and walked back toward the manor. As they approached the large manor, Sean slowed to a stop and glanced up at the falling snowflakes. The dark clouds in the sky were starting to sprinkle snow across the land. It was nice, but Sean hugged himself against the cold that chilled him to the bone. He'd have to get winter clothing if they ventured on. Wade glanced up at the falling snow, telling him in a calm voice. "The cold from the mountains is finally coming this way. The local N.P.C.s mentioned a harsh winter was on the way. Brought on by the ascension of a new warrior that will reach Valhalla and... win the favor of the Aesir gods."
Bowing his head, Sean muttered out. "I'd settle for anyone just winning this damn game." Wade nodded, almost whispering to the sky. "I hope Molly is alright..." Patting Wade's large muscular leg, Sean encouraged him to keep moving. It wasn't going to do them any good to dwell on the outside. When they reached the front of the manor, Bob was pacing in front of Mark, his voice blunt and stern when he snapped out. "What you did was reckless! Do you know what you've done?!" Mark gave him a distant shrug, prompting Bob to ask him bitterly. "How are you going to explain that to HIM, Mark?!" Approaching them, Sean asked curiously. "Explain what to who?" Bob fell silent and backed away from Mark. Sensing the tension between them, Sean asked nervously. "What happened?" Bob gestured to Mark but said nothing. Standing up from his seat on the steps, Mark told him without looking at him. "Nothing. Let's just finish this quest and get out of here." Bob gestured for Wade to follow him to the gate where Mira was waiting for them.
However, before Mark could pass him, Sean grabbed Mark's arm and asked in a worried low tone of voice. "Mark? What happened?" Lifting a hand to curl a finger under Sean's chin, Mark whispered over his lips. "Everything is fine. The lord is dead. That is all that matters." Dropping his hand, Mark tried to walk away again, but Sean clutched his arm more desperately now. Something was wrong. He could feel it. Squeezing Mark's arm, Sean's voice cracked when he asked in a fragile tone. "Mark... Don't start hiding things from me now. Tell me?" Turning to face him, Mark gently cupped his arms and whispered to him guiltily. "I mess up. I used my rage... I beat him down to yellow... and... I lost control. Before my attack ended, I..." Sean's eyes drifted up to Mark's health bar and he swallowed hard. Mark's bars were completely full, and the bat symbol was no longer black but gold. Seeing the look on his face, Mark exhaled out. "It's done. I... I'm sorry."
Sean thought he'd be mad about it, but instead he cupped Mark's face and kissed him long and deeply. Mark was still here. That was all that he cared about. Vampire or not. When his lips parted from Mark's, Mark whispered in a tender voice. "You're not mad?" Shaking his head, Sean told him honestly. "I left the decision to you. You'll have your weaknesses... but you'll be stronger too. I just want you safe. Everything else... We'll figure out." Mark playfully stroked one of Sean's long pointed ears before kissing his cheek. Shivering a bit from the cold, Sean hugged him, and Mark finally looked up at the falling snowflakes. His voice was deep and serene when he told him. "It's so strange. I don't feel the cold anymore. But I can feel the warmth coming from you." Sean hugged him tighter, and Mark's arms embraced him back. Stroking a sweet spot between his wings, Mark told him confidently. "I'll keep you safe, Sean. Just know that." From the gate, Bob cleared his throat and asked cautiously. "Guys? Are you good?" Pulling from Mark, Sean nodded.
Wade and Bob shared a look that made Sean feel anxious, but he followed Mark up to them. He could tell that his relationship with Mark was going to be an adjustment for them. Even if they claimed to be ok with it... He doubted they truly believed how they genuinely felt. Years of playing pretend in a game would do that and he knew it but did Mark. Would Mark choose his friends over him? Walking up to Mira, she smiled at them and looked up at the sky as she informed them. "I feel like a weight has been lifted. You've done well. Now... What would you like in gratitude? Would you like to become a vampire? A werewolf? Would you like my silver sword? Or the Rune Eyes? You can only choose one per member of your party. So... choose wisely." Bob accepted the silver sword from her hand and walked through the gate. The silver sword materialized again as Wade approached but he rebuffed the sword and accepted the Rune Eyes. Beckoning him to kneel down, she told him to close his eyes and carefully kissed each eyelid.
A symbol appeared where she kissed and then vanished. When Wade opened his eyes, Sean saw the runes dance within his eyes before fading away. Mark stepped up next and she smiled warmly at him. Touching his cheek, her voice took on a motherly tone when she informed him. "The path you are about to walk will be hard. Part of you will live in shadow... and part of you will walk in the light. You will be a Draugr, but you will also be Aesir. You will be apart from both, but you won't be alone there. Remember that this life is neither a curse nor a gift. It's only what YOU make it. So, make it a life worth living, child of the night and day. Find your own way." Dropping her hand to take his, she pressed her fingers to his wrist and created the mark of a black wolf tattoo there. Smirking to herself, she met his eyes and added sweetly. "Your sigil is the wolf-dog. So, I grant you, his form. Like my eldest son, you are a survivor. A protector. Long in teeth like a wolf, but as soft and loyal as the dog."
Taking her hands off him, she asked him curiously. "I can change you to a werewolf if you prefer. But since you were granted this without my help. You can choose that I switch you to a werewolf. Or you claim my silver sword. Or the Rune Eyes." Glancing at Sean, Mark told her calmly. "The Rune Eyes." Nodding, she kissed his eyes like she had with Wade and Mark walked out of the gate. Sean couldn't help feeling slight jealousy, but he tried to push it aside as he stepped before her. Again, she smiled at him and said in a warm voice. "I knew your light was special. I hope you use it to help others like you have me. What will you ask of me, Light-bringer." Straightening up, he told her that he wanted the Rune Eyes. Touching his cheek, she kissed his eyes so softly. Only before he could straighten up, she yanked him closer and strained out into his ear. "Beware Emberfall, player. Its boss is a player killer. It can't be killed... It..." Her body trembled and then she let him go with a smile and wished him well on his journey.
Stepping cautiously through the gate, Sean accepted Mark's worried hand. Squeezing it, Mark asked him uneasily. "What happened? Are you ok?" Sean nodded, then told the others nervously. "Ya, but she... She told me to beware of Emberfall... It was so scary. It was like she wasn't... an N.P.C. anymore." Pulling him against his chest, Mark informed the others about their theory of N.P.C.s in the game being more than just A.I. characters. Wade looked like he wanted to say something but held himself back. While Bob chuckled out. "I think you two have been in the game too long. It's programed to scare you a bit. Nothing more. Come on. Let's grab something to eat and head out before that skeleton man gets here." Sean didn't feel like arguing with them. So, he just let them lead them to the tavern that they favored in town. Inside, Wade hit his head on every low frame and chandelier, but it didn't stop him from playfully flirting with the barmaids.
Bob found a table and left them to save it, while he approached the bar to order for them all to save time. Sitting alone, Mark asked him as he pulled out his small mirror. "You said Emberfall, right?" Sean nodded, then leaned closer to watch the news report that Mark brought up in the mirror. Hovering outside a burned town, the fairy news report stated aloud. "With that, that makes thirty parties that have failed to kill the boss in Emberfall. As you can see behind me the carnage is devastating. Neither gamer nor non-gamers have been able to make any headway against the beast. His second form is just too strong. Some might even say he is simply invincible. Any knowledge on how to beat the beast is becoming highly sought after. With guilds offering their leader's weight in gold." Sean bit the tip of his thumb, uttering around it. "What the hell is it though? I hate when they don't say..." Mark tilted the mirror to look over other news reels they missed during the quest, as he said softly. "Ya... but with no survivors, I'm not surprised. These bosses are getting harder, and we are still in the lowest branch of Yggdrasil."
Sean dropped his head into his arms, muffling out grimly. "Fuck me... Should we try to help or not?" Mark raised an eyebrow, informing him with a smirk. "Well... We do know someone that might give us the answers we are looking for." Perking up, Sean whispered out. "Jormungandr. We've got to go home." Mark nodded, making sure no one was listening before he added softly. "Exactly. If he can tell us who it is... Maybe it will be worth trying to help them kill it." Smiling, Sean leaned against Mark and exhaled out. "Sounds like a plan to me." After a brisk meal together, Mark explained to Bob and Wade about their homestead and Lulu. They seemed weary at first but eventually agreed to head there with them. Using the portal tree in the center of town, then left. Once Bob and Wade saw the place, they were as giddy as children. They couldn't believe that Mark and Sean could afford it after only just starting out. When Lulu spotted them from the goat pen, she leapt the fence and dashed straight into Mark's arms.
Hugging her tightly, she sniffled out over his shoulder. "You're back! I was so worried! I saw that Draugr on the mirror take over the town and I thought he got you!" Shushing her, Mark rubbed her back, while whispering to Sean discreetly. "I'll take her in with the guys and show them around. You... go talk to him." Sean made his way to the goat pen, pretending to finish up what Lulu had been doing. Until after everyone slipped inside the house. Then he quickly slipped away toward the lake. It wasn't that they didn't trust Bob and Wade, but there was just so much to catch them up on. It was easier for Mark to spend the time filling them in, while he asked the great serpent his question. Running across the dock, Sean skidded to a halt and tried to catch his breath. From the lake, the massive serpent head gushed from the water and flashed him a curled lip of amusement. Raising a hand to signal that he needed a minute, he gathered himself. After healing him with as much of his strength as he could without passing out, he asked the great serpent breathlessly. "The boss in Emberfall. How do we kill it?"
Jormungandr hummed deeply to himself in thought, before answering in a deep slow voice. "I know this boss. I know him well. Which form do you want to kill?" Sean thought about it, then blurted out. "The last form." Jormungandr lowered his head to be slightly more at level with him, when he answered boldly. "The Ormr. That is no easy task. His hide is of solid gold and can't be pierced by magic or by weapon. Much like my own. But without his hearing, he is stronger. Focused. Your only hope to kill him is... to turn him on himself." Sean raised an eyebrow, thinking it over, until Jormungandr added stoically. "Be warned, Ljosalfar. While Grendel is a mighty foe... His mother is even more so." Sean's jaw dropped at that name. His heart started to race as he let the name roll off his tongue. "Grendel...?" To Be Continued...
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