Chapter Ten: "The Platinum Crystal Knight"
Sean watched the large blue phoenix guild pass them with fascination. The guild had almost one of every race. Whenever they passed a scared child or person, one of the members made an effort to stop and give them some money or comforting words. It was a small relief that the game hadn't turned everyone into the worst versions of themselves. Mark tapped Sean's elbow, coaxing him to follow them through town. At the opposite end of town from the mines, set atop of the highest stone steps was a large set of wooden doors that led into the mountain castle. They slowly made their way up the broken stone steps, then slowed to a stop. Sitting beside the set of large doors was person completely shrouded in grey robes. The person held an unlit torch that suddenly blazed to life upon their approach. The person's body made soft cracking and popping sounds as it lifted its hooded head and asked them in a distortedly eerie voice. "Who dares to disturb the tomb of the Platinum Crystal Knight?"
A man with long reddish blonde hair that had braids down his shoulders with beads in them, and eyes so grey that they were almost white stepped forward. Sean swallowed at the sight of him. The man's features were similar to the Aesir but his were much softer and had a striking angelic like beauty. He was even a slimmer build that the hulking muscles of the Aesir race, but still had a body of sculpted lean muscles. Pushing his white furred hood off his head, he announced boldly to the figure. "I do. My name is Kol. Leader of the Blue Phoenix Guild and a proud son of Vanaheim." Sean blinked, blurting out to Mark. "He's a Vanir?" Kol turned to look at Sean, prompting Sean to step shyly behind Mark. A few members of the guild chuckled softly. Mark's face was unreadable as he glanced from Sean's blushing face to Kol's. Kol didn't linger his attention on them because the figure leaned forward and told him seriously. "Save your pretty titles, Vanir. You know not who you challenge. The Platinum Crystal Knight has conquered armies on his own. Imprisoning him was no easy task. What makes you worthy to fight the likes of him?"
Kol straightened up to his full height, his dark runic tattoos shimmering with a soft golden look for a brief moment when he answered with pride. "I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this for the people trapped here. I fight, so that they may live." The hooded figure tilted his head a little, stating out neutrally. "How very noble of you, Vanir. Let us hope that is not your downfall. How many in your party?" Kol was about to answer but stopped himself. Turning to face them, Kol asked hopefully. "Will you fight with us? We stand a better chance with more people." Mark nodded to him, and Kol turned back to answer firmly. "Everyone that stands before you." The figure raised his hooded head to observe them all, then slowly extended a hand out to them as he stated aloud for all to hear. "Present to me your keys." Kol removed his Crystal key and placed it in the figures hand, then he stepped aside to let others do the same. After Mark gave up his key, Sean approached to give him his key atop of the pile of keys in his hand and gasped. The figure's hand was that of a skeleton, but his bones were made of the same crystal as the key.
Accepting his key, Sean stepped back into Mark's arms. The skeletal fingers curled around the pile of keys, seeming to crush them into a single key as he told Sean from within his oversized hood. "The same fate shall befall you, should you fail. For there are worse things than death... much worse." Stiffly getting to his feet, the figure moved up to the large doors. The large wooden doors had elaborate iron welding on them that all connected to a large triangle lock that also doubled as the handles of the door. In the center of the tringle was a circular ruby with a keyhole. The figure waved his hand over the ruby, causing the golden rim that held the ruby to gold with runes that Sean couldn't read. Beside him though, a giant man that stood no less than seven foot tall, softly read aloud. "A heart as hard as stone. His enlightenment his undoing. Bound to a light unseen." Sean raised an eyebrow, asking Mark uneasily. "Is that a hidden clue on how to beat him?" The giant man chuckled down at them, saying openly. "Seems so. Very sneaky."
The giant regaled the words to other members in the guild. They figure waited just long enough for the giant runes to be read, then stuck the key into the ruby to unlock the doors. The iron welding on the doors clicked over, puffing up dust as they unlocked and then slowly opened into a dark stagnate castle hall. The figure gestured them inside, cooing out eerily. "He awaits you upon his throne. I wish you all good luck... you're going to need it." They all filed silently into the dark hall with weapons drawn. Their every footstep echoing throughout the empty darkness. Sean could see steps leading up into a vast castle throne and his heart began to race. The throne looked empty from where he stood. Yet, scattered all around the throne floor were smashed pieces of blue crystal in the different shapes body parts and it caused Sean's heart to almost stop beating. Turning to face Mark, Sean stammered out in a breathless rush. "Mark! This is a trap!"
The sudden sound of distorted cackling drew everyone's attention back to the doors. The figure in the doorway was doubling over with laughter. Then he just abruptly stopped laughing and quickly removed a large black sword with glowing purple runes down the blade from within his oversized grey robes. Taking a single step into the hall, the large doors behind him slammed shut violently. The hall became consumed in darkness that only two races could see in. Sean pushed Mark back as the figure swung his large blade toward those in the back. A brave Dwarf barely got his shield up in time to block the hit before the blade could slice his comrades in half, but it sent him flying into his party members. Knocking them all to the ground. Sean kept his eyes on the figure, watching in horror as the figure's eyes began to glow a frightening purple. Giving off a deceptive awareness to where he was in the darkness to those that couldn't see in the dark. Sean and a few other Dwarves and Elves guided the other members back away from the figure.
Sean wanted to cast his spell to help Mark see in the dark, but there hadn't been time and he couldn't risk looking away to do it now. He watched the figure grab at his grey robes, tearing the thin fabric off his body to reveal that beneath he was dressed in jet black crystal armor. It was beautiful to look at it, but not as interesting as his body. With the wave of his hand over his face, his skeletal appearance faded to reveal that he a healthy Elf with the skin of pure clear crystal. His silvery long white hair hanging down his shoulders and framing his shimmering face. Chuckling softly, the Crystal Knight practically purred out in a distorted tone. "Surely, you didn't believe that silly Paladin had imprisoned me. He LOST our fight. He fell under my command. As will all of you." Sean gripped Mark's hips, trying to push him farther back from the Crystal Knight's range. From behind them, Kol shouted out commanding. "Dwarves! Positions! Elven archers at the ready! Giants stand by!"
Sean pulled Mark to the back as the Dwarves rushed forward with their large shields raised in defense and long spears held up at the ready. The Elves formed up at a distance behind them, raising their bows and aiming higher than the Dwarves that stood at waist level to most of the other races. The Giants hefted large clubs and moved off to the sides of the Elves. While they flocked into their positions, Kol shouted to those around him. "Casters! Night vision the Aesir and then the Humans!" The Crystal Knight eyed those closest to him lazily but observantly. The Dwarves adjusted their spears to aim the gaps in the armor around his legs, but seconds before they attempted anything, the Knight struck. His sword edge blazing a sharp purple as he slashed down the line of Dwarves with an impressive single blow. Each shield dinged loudly as it was struck, scooting the Dwarves back across the floor. The Elves fired their arrows seconds later, but the Knight sliced every arrow in two on his fluid back swing.
The Dwarves advanced in a semi-circle and jutted out their spears to try impaling his legs. Only to wince and let out low screams as the Knight jumped into the air to hover on dragonfly wings of blinding white light. Sean winced, turning to face Mark and quickly forcing himself to cast the spell to give Mark night vision. Mark wrapped an arm around Sean's waist, keeping him close protectively. His grip tightening when he saw a short glimpse of the knight's bright wings. Kol didn't miss a beat as he shouted out. "SPEARS UP!" The Dwarves all took a knee, raising their shields over their heads and propping their spears up under the knight. The Knight raised a hand to cast something, but a group of Human wizards and Elves lifted their hands to cancel his spell. The spell fizzled with a sizzling sound, causing the knight to glare up at them. Kol then pointed to the Elven archers and yelled out. "Bring him down!" Sean backed up from Mark, making sure his spell took.
When he saw that it had, Mark told him confidently. "Go! Help them!" Sean resisted, but Mark was already moving away to join the other Aesir. Exhaling grimly, Sean jumped into the air and aimed his bow to fire at the knight. The knight used his speed to block the flurry of arrows, then shot forward to swing at them. The Elves scattered as the knight swung his sword through them trying to hit a cluster of them. They dodged by twirling and flipping through the air like they were born to fly. Sean didn't waste time; he fired another arrow with a few others that had been on the outskirts. The arrows dinged off his skin and armor before he went flying straight in Sean's direction. While those others flew away from him, he quickly detached his bow into two arm blades and waited until the Knight was locked into his dash. Moments before the Knight was going to collide with him, Sean saw his marker show up on where to hit the Knight for some critical damage.
Seizing his chance, he flew over the Knight in a speed dash of his own and sliced the Knight's wings. The Knight's dash was cut short as he let out a pained scream and fell from the air. Hitting the ground hard, the Knight didn't get up right away. Allowing Kol to yell out in excitement. "Aesir! Giants! Move in!" Sean exhaled all the air in his lungs, whirling around to try and find Mark in the chaos. The Aesir and Giants swarmed the Knight, wailing on him with their rage or weapons in quick combos. The Knight grunted and tried to get up, but the heavy clubs and hammers of the Giants kept knocking him to the ground. For a moment Sean was excited, until he saw the Knight's health bar appear. He was only just now taking damage and it wasn't a lot. With all the warriors around him, he should have been taking much more damage than he was. The Knight eventually got the opening he wanted and pushed off the ground on all fours, his wings shooting out to brighten the area up in blinding light again. Only this time they sent out a pulse that knocked all those surrounding him back. Knocking them down to half health instantly.
Hovering beside him, a female Elf called out to the others in the air. "He's got Nova Wings! Don't let him charge them again!" Sean spotted Mark rubbing his chest as he sat up, then screamed to him to run as the Knight raised his sword and went into a rapid air spin. Most managed to duck or scramble out of his range, but an unlucky Giant got slashed across the chest. The Knight stopped his spin instantly after hitting the Giant and exclaimed excitedly. "Finally!" All eyes turned to the Giant, who was starting to scream and claw at the cut across his chest. The cut was turning a bright red and the Giant's skin was slowly turning into solid blue crystal! The Giant's health bar started to turn a platinum color and despite the healers trying every quick spell they knew to fix it. They were too late. Once the platinum color filled the health bar completely, the player pulsed as he turned to solid blue crystal. His gamertag vanishing to be replaced with the name 'Crystal Soldier.'
The Crystal Soldier's eyes glowed a blazing red, looking to the Knight who pointed to the others and shouted. "KILL THEM!" Sean couldn't believe what he had just seen, and it horrified him. The Knight's sword could kill players with a single cut and use them to fight for him! To Be Continued...
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