Chapter Four: "For Honor"
Sean wanted to ask Mark questions about the NPC that he found so attractive, but clenched his jaw shut. It wouldn't do him any good to start a fight with Mark over it. He didn't want to fight. Upon entering into a cozy tavern, Sean froze as all the NPCs turned to look at them before falling into silence. Sean's wings twitched nervously as he took in their sharp glares. He had known this would eventually happen. Midgard was the realm of Mortals. They didn't get along well with other races. It was the same for other realms. They all wanted to protect their realms and towns from being taken over by another race. Mark reached back to drape an arm over his shoulders to pull him in, ignoring the stares from the NPCs as he told him coolly. "Over here. This spot is nice." Taking a seat, Sean shifted uncomfortably as he whispered to Mark. "Mark, I don't think this is a good idea... What if they turn hostile?" Mark flashed him a smirk, whispering back a little playfully. "Relax. They are low level. We can handle them easily."
Sean narrowed his eyes on Mark over his tightly clasped hands, but Mark just shrugged at him casually. Lowering his hands away from his mouth, Sean leaned back against the corner wall of the building. He took in the cozy tavern and tried to tell the NPCs from players. It was so difficult to tell since NPCs had set daily routines and their conversations were rather open to interactions. Even their different mannerisms were so realistic. Looking to Mark, he tried to see his health bar. However, without touching him or without him being in battle, it was impossible to see it. Shortly after they had seated themselves, a woman approached them, and Sean's jaw dropped. She was the last thing he had expected to see here. She wasn't dressed like the other women in or around the tavern. She was dressed like a Vikings version of a belly dancer. She was slender in frame but every inch of her was covered in lean muscle. Her dark leather skirt was cut in long strips that flowed around her long legs when she walked. Her leather bra and belt were decorated in animal claws that rattled as she moved.
Her long dark red hair was loose except for two braids that hung down her broad bare shoulders to keep her bangs out of her eyes. All over her was war paint that made her bright green eyes stand out. She touched Mark's shoulder, leaning closer as she excitedly stated over the soft music to him. "Hey, stranger. You came back. Everything ok with your friend?" Sean wanted to kick Mark under the table as he watched him perk up and grin at her like a drooling dog. Touching her arm, Mark gestured to Sean and told her without looking away. "Yes. This is him. Sean, meet Valorie. Valorie, this is Sean." Sean tried not to glare at her or sound bitter when he uttered out under his breath. "Hi." Valorie gave him a warm smile, purring out to him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sean. Mark has told me a lot about you." Meeting her eyes for the first time, Sean asked her a bit numbly. "What has he said about me?" Mark chuckled, releasing Valorie's arm as she moved closer to Sean. Sean stayed still, feeling ready to fight her. She reached out to trace a finger along his pointed Elf ear, telling him coolly. "He told me that you were an Elf. One of the Light Bringers. You're as cute as he described."
The tension left Sean's body as he looked to Mark and asked a little stunned. "You told her that I was cute?" Mark snorted, stating out in a guarded tone. "Don't all the girls say that about you?" Sean winced internally and looked away toward the wall. That felt like a jab at him. He deserved it. He'd played that off a lot to make Mark jealous. Before the silence could set between them, Valorie asked them. "Can I get you boys anything? Drinks? Food? A dance?" Sean's eyes darted to Mark. Had he requested to see her dance? Mark smiled at her, telling her without hesitation. "We'll have two pints of mead. I'll have some of that meat and carrot stew with a loaf of fresh bread. And a plate of glazed turkey legs. Oh, and a side of buttered corn on the cob. Thanks." She grinned, then tapped Sean's shoulder and asked with a light blush. "And for you?" Sean didn't feel very hungry now as he told her dryly. "Water." Mark narrowed his eyes on him suspiciously, before telling her without a smile. "Bring over a fruit and vegetable plate to snack on while we wait. Please?" She nodded, then swayed her hips as she walked away.
Mark watched her leave, then asked him bluntly. "What's wrong?" Sean shrugged, lowering his eyes to the wooden table as he exhaled out quietly. "Nothing. Is she the pretty NPC you were talking about?" Mark exhaled loudly, leaning forward to tell him discreetly. "Sean... Don't start this." Sean shrugged again, avoiding his eyes as the words dripped from him like leaking venom. "Start what? She's pretty. I'm just curious what Amy would think." Mark leaned a bit closer, telling him in a firm tone of voice. "Amy knows I'm Bi. She wasn't the one that had a problem sharing me." Sean locked eyes with Mark, his voice becoming strained with emotion when he retorted. "Mark. Don't. I... I said I was sorry..." Mark's hand started to slide across the table toward his, but he pulled it back as Valorie brought over the large metal plate of fruits and vegetables. She set it down with one hand and set down the three tankards of their drinks. Mark thanked her and she hurried off. Sean tried hard to keep himself from crying as he looked back at the wall.
Sighing, Mark pushed a tankard of mead toward him, saying coolly. "I'm sorry that I brought it up. Let's change the subject." Turning to look at Mark with watery eyes, he quickly told him softly. "No. Mark. I think we should. We're gonna be stuck here together. I don't want us to start digging at each other..." Mark pulled a grape off the plate, grumbling out seriously. "No. It's over. I don't want to talk about it anymore." Sean straightened up more, sternly telling Mark. "It's not. Stop saying that. Just yell at me. Tell me that you were right. Hurt me back, dammit." Mark lazily chewed the grape, before shrugging out flatly. "Why? You are already hurting yourself. It's over. Let's just put it behind us." Sean reached out to snatch Mark's wrist. Pinning it to the table, Sean told him sternly. "I can't. I need you to say it. I need you to tell me how trashy I am. Please, Mark...? I know I hurt you..." Mark twisted his wrist from Sean's grip, then leaned in to tell him without a trace of humor in his tone. "I will NEVER tell you that, Sean. You can beg for it any way you want. I won't say it."
Leaning back in his chair, Mark told him firmly. "You are a lot of things. But trash isn't one of them. I'm not perfect. I've made mistakes. I've lost friends. You know what you did wrong. I don't have to tell you. You hurt me. Yes. But I'll get over it. I don't care what anyone says about me anymore. I embrace it. I can laugh it off and keep moving." Sean slid his hands across the table, hoping Mark would take them, when he pleaded out to him. "Mark... I don't deserve it... but... Will you ever forgive me?" Mark hefted a deep sigh, looking away to observe the room. Sean couldn't look away from him, he felt like he had put his heart on the table for Mark to crush. Looking back at him, Mark reached out to take one of his hands. Squeezing it gently, Mark told him in a deep loving voice. "Sean. I forgave you a long time ago. I never blamed you. I was only worried about you. I know how you are... You want everyone to love you. So much so, that you were willing to sacrifice everything you are to do it... and I didn't want to watch you destroy yourself for them. I couldn't compete with what they were telling you to do. And whenever I tried... you just pulled farther away from me."
Sean sniffled, putting his other hand over Mark's as he whispered out. "I was no one before you... and when she told me... Mark, without you... I was losing everything. I got scared..." Mark's fingers stoked Sean's hand, while he told him comfortingly. "You were someone before me. You were you. JackSepticEye. Septiplier didn't make you who you were. It just brought you closer to me... and she hated that. Because you were different with me. You weren't afraid to show how you loved me." Sean clutched Mark's hands tightly, telling him in a broken voice. "I still love you, Mark... I'm sorry I was so scared to admit it..." Mark's other hand rose to run his warm fingers through Sean's loose brown hair. When his palm touched his cheek, Sean leaned into the warmth as a tear ran down his cheek. Coaxing him closer, Mark brought his lips to his ear and whispered to him so beautifully. "I knew you weren't ready to come out... but I loved you anyway. I just couldn't help it... From the moment we met, I knew I would never be the same. You're a poison that I will never take the antidote for."
Sean closed his eyes, a smirk pulling at his lips as he whispered breathlessly into his ear in return. "Masochist." Mark eased back, turning Sean's head to look him in the eyes before he whispered in a deep loving voice. "I became this way for you. To protect you... Because that is what you do for the ones you love." Sean let a smile pull at his lips, testing the waters as he tried to bring his lips closer to Mark's. Mark's lips lightly brushed over his and Sean's heart leapt right out of him. He eased in to steal a kiss from him, but Mark pulled away and sat back far from him. Sean's heart hit the floor, until he saw Valorie was back with their food. Leaning back out of her way, Sean bowed his head and turned away to hide his burning cheeks. He'd completely forgotten where they were and felt shame flaring up his neck to his ears. Valorie giggled, setting the food down and purring out. "Enjoy. Let me know if you need anything else?" Mark snatched her wrist before she got too far away, prompting Sean to jerk his head up. Easing her closer, Mark whispered to her casually. "I'm looking for someone who might know about a key to unlock a boss."
Valorie glanced around at the tavern before whispering in return. "You want the Crystal Key? Why? Are you planning to unlock the cursed tomb?" Mark dragged a chair from another table closer to her, smirking out. "Maybe. What can you tell us about it?" Valorie eased down into the chair, resting her arms on the table as she told them. "Northumbria was once ruled by a cruel Jarl. A knight turned Jarl. He conquered this town and forced its people to dig crystals from the surrounding mountains. All who opposed him were met with a fate worse than death. They say he offended the gods and became cursed. A few centuries ago, a Spellsword came to town and used his magic to seal the knight inside the crystal castle. A castle that he had built inside the mountain to protect his precious crystals, and it became his tomb. No one dares to go near it. If the knight were to get free... he'd no doubt unleash his fury upon all of Northumbria." Collecting himself, Sean asked her as Mark started to eat. "Where is this Spellsword now?"
Valorie grimaced, telling them openly. "Dead. He died of his wounds long ago. A crystal statue of him was put up inside the old crystal mine as a tribute to him. No one knows where he put the key. His last words were that one should fight for honor." Mark huffed, grunting out around a mouthful of turkey leg. "That is helpful." Valorie smirked, giggling out. "Maybe he gave the key to a Valkyrie upon his death?" Sean chuckled nervously, mumbling out. "I don't plan to die and ask." Mark nodded. Valorie smirked rising from her seat, before she left though, she leaned closer to Sean and whispered to him. "I don't really think he would give it to a Valkyrie. I'm told his death was... unnatural." Straightening up, she pointed to a large painting over the fireplace and told them casually. "That is the Spellsword. It's the only picture we have of him in his glory... It's a shame that he couldn't kill the Elf. I would love to display his ears." She winked at Sean, making him cringe and subconsciously rub his ears. After she left again, Sean shifted in his chair to look up at the painting.
The painting had an old human dressed in steel armor. He carried a gorgeous silver long sword and had a tan cape with golden magic symbols embroidered on it. He looked like a stereotypical hero in shining armor. Taking a handful of strawberries from a plate, Sean nibbled on them as he got up to get a better look at the painting. Mark could see it clearly from his seat and asked him. "What are you thinking?" Swallowing the rich taste of strawberries that was surprisingly realistic, he told Mark softly. "They hate Elves here because an Elf conquered this town for crystals... This hero was the last to see the key... So, where would he put it and why leave a message like that? One should fight for honor... Was he upset that he died unnaturally?" Mark smirked, answering honestly. "Probably. You can't go to Valhalla if you don't die in battle." Sean turned to look at him suspiciously, asking playfully. "Read that in the guidebook, did you?" Mark huffed, turning back to his food. Finishing off his strawberries, he told Mark coolly. "He had a cute dog though. An Irish Wolfhound. I'd know it anywhere. It's a hunting dog. Wonder what happened to him."
Sean headed back to sit down to eat more of the vegetables, while Mark looked up at the painting to look at the dog that sat proudly at the Spellsword's feet. Sean ate until his energy bar was filled, his eyes drifting to Mark nervously. Mark was getting to his feet and approaching the painting with wide eyes. Raising an eyebrow, he asked him gently. "Mark? What's up? You miss Chica?" Mark raised a hand, running his fingers over the dog's thin leather collar. From the collar hung a heavy piece of metal that was the symbol of Thor's hammer in what might have been silver. On the side of the red leather collar was very faint yellow embroidery that Sean guessed matched the Spellsword's magic symbol cape. Backing up slowly, Mark called out to a nearby NPC man that was drinking with a friend. "Hey? What happened to the dog?" The NPC man turned to look at the picture, before answering coolly. "The beast runs wild in the mines... That elven bastard cursed it. The Spellsword was supposed to put the beast down himself... but he fell victim to the same curse. Forced us to lock them both up the mines... It was the best we could do for them."
Sean rose from his seat, when Mark turned to him and told him excitedly. "You feel like exploring the mines?" Sean shrugged with an uncertain expression, until Mark moved closer and whispered over his shoulder eagerly. "The dog's name is Honor. We've got to finish what the Spellsword couldn't do. We've got to free his best friend from his curse." Sean grinned, patting Mark's side as he said just as excitedly now. "You could read it! Great! Let's go!" Mark removed a few coins to pay for dinner and then rushed out the door on Sean's heels. To Be Continued...
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