Chapter Forty-Three: A Howling time
The soft crinkling and popping nearby coaxed Sean to open his eyes. Wincing at the warm light that bathed over him from the fireplace, he slowly sat up. His wings shuddered behind him as a cold draft puffed across his back, forcing him to look over his shoulder into the darker sections of the building he was in. A backdoor was kicked closed by a large white wolf that stood on all fours. Shaking the snow from its body, it snorted before meeting his eyes. Sean tensed his body, readying for a fight, but the wolf's expression didn't come off as hostile. Instead, it surprised him by speaking in a sultry voice. "How are you feeling?" Raising an eyebrow, Sean gawked at the wolf, unsure what to say to him. The wolf moved slowly toward the fire, keeping a good distance between them as it told him calmly. "Cat got your tongue, Ljosalfar?" Willing himself to speak, Sean blurted out in a raw voice. "Where am I? Who...? What are you?" The white wolf sat down majestically. His sitting height matching the large chair beside him. With his ears perked up, the wolf answered casually. "You're at the edge of the world. Home of Skadi. The giantess of winter and those lost to it."
Glancing around hastily, Sean blurted out. "Mark? It Mark here?" The wolf kept expressionless features on him when he answered stoically. "He's with Skadi." Nodding, Sean started to get to his feet, until the wolf lightly growled out. "You are to remain here. When they are finished, you can see him." Seating himself back down, Sean anxiously asked. "What do you mean? What are they doing?" The wolf blinked, seeming to consider his words carefully before replying openly. "He's recovering. It's a process. Skadi doesn't like being disturbed when she's working. Causes accidents. She's used to... the silence." Forcing himself to relax, he asked the wolf with deep concern. "How badly was he injured?" The wolf snorted with what appeared to be minor disgust, before answering through a light growl. "Barely a scratch externally. But internally... he's was dead." Snorting, Sean shakily got to his feet, chuckling out. "He's a vampire. You can't cure him of that. He's probably just hungry. I should go to him."
The wolf remained seated, telling him with guarded eyes. "He was. Not anymore." The eerie way he'd said it made a chill run down Sean's spine. Locking eyes with him, Sean sternly questioned him. "What do you mean by that? What is she doing to him?" The wolf's ears flattened out to the sides, when he informed him seriously. "Skadi has done nothing he didn't agree to. For without her, you wouldn't be standing here. You'd do well to remember that." Approaching the wolf, Sean fearlessly sneered back. "Take me to see him. Or I start yelling for him." The wolf carefully rose up onto his powerful back legs, causing him to gulp at how muscular and tall he was compared to himself. Bringing his muzzle to his face, the wolf growled back menacing enough that Sean shuddered uncontrollably with fear. "I don't take orders from you, light elf. I am to watch over you. Nothing more." Taking a step back, Sean found his courage enough to say sassily. "Then you can 'watch' me look for him."
The wolf's lips briefly tugged into an amused smile. Stepping aside, he gestured to the wooden door under the stairs, stating flatly. "If that is how you'd like to die. Who am I to stop you?" A sudden scream tore through the house, causing the wolf to glance at the basement door with perked up ears as he mumbled out. "It's starting. If I were you-" Recognizing the scream, Sean darted past him, cutting the wolf off to yell out. "Well, I'm not you!" The wolf snorted behind him. Racing to the door, Sean tried to open it, until he saw the strong row of locked bolts down the frame. Sliding the bolts open as fast as he could, he yanked open the door and ran down the dark steps two at a time. Near the bottom of the steps, Sean stopped and called out Mark's name. Only to go pale as he was him. The basement was made entirely of stone with a single candlelit chandelier highlighting the center of the room. Where Mark was chained up.
Mark's wrists were shackled in cuffs that were chained to a thick ring on the floor. Around his neck was a large collar with more chains that were attached to rings on the far walls. Over his mouth and nose was a strange chainmail looking mask. His body had been stripped of all armor and weaponry, leaving him naked. The worst of it was seeing the tubes attached to his arms that were draining him of his blood. Running over to him, he cupped his face, his voice trembling when he asked Mark. "Are you ok? What are they doing to you?!" Despite the chainmail mask on his face, Mark clearly told him in a panicked voice. "Sean, you've got to go! Now!" Shaking his head, he demanded angrily. "What are they doing to you?!" Mark tugged on his restraints, snapping out to someone else in the room. "Take him out of here!" Turning around, Sean noticed the woman who had kissed him. Who had saved him. She stood in the far corner, sliding her fingers over a branding iron that was frosted over in thick flawless ice.
Staring at them unphased, she told Mark calmly. "I cannot remove him if he wishes to stay. If he chooses, I can do the same to him." Sean scolded, while Mark snapped out. "No! Leave him out of this!" Since Mark wasn't answering him, he stepped toward Skadi and bitterly snapped out. "What are you doing to him?! Let him go or..." Sean reached to remove his bow, but a menu came up informing him that the action could not be preformed in a ritual event. Skadi continued to stroke the branding iron, causing the ice to form in thick layers, while answering rather soothingly. "I'm collecting on the debt he owes me. A life for a life. No magic can be preformed without the loss of something in exchange." Backing up, Sean extended his wings to hide Mark uselessly as he pleaded. "Don't kill him. Please. Take my life back." Mark tried to say something but stopped when Skadi chuckled out like soft twinkling ice shards. "I'm not going to kill him. What kind of mother goddess would I be if I did that?"
Sean's wings fluttered as he stared at her totally confused. Skadi beckoned Sean closer to her and he reluctantly inched toward her, allowing her to tell him. "Mark owes me two debts. One. The removal of his vampiric curse at the cost of his purified Aesir blood. And two. Your life in exchange for his loyal servitude." Sean's jaw dropped, but he managed to strain out. "Why...Why would you want that...?" Skadi smiled to herself, before telling him. "My children were killed by an Aesir. Left to freeze in the dead of winter. It broke my heart and turned it to ice. The only warmth I feel now. Comes from the children who serve me. Because I WILL NOT abandon them. I will save them. I will protect them." Pointing her branding iron at Mark, she added gently. "His price is high, but once he pays. He's free to go with you." Licking his dry lips, Sean couldn't help asking. "What does it mean to serve you?" Placing a cold finger under his chin, she lifted Sean's chin up to look her in the eyes better before whispering to him. "To serve me. He merely has to except my brand and join the ranks of my children."
Lowering her hand, she walked around Sean, adding hopefully. "Ruttisdir will test him. Should he fail, it means nothing. He'll be my child regardless. If he should succeed... then I have found a worthy champion to represent me when he ascends to Valhalla to become a god and intact my vengeance on the Aesir god that killed my children and continues to hunt my new children." Skadi placed a hand on Mark's bare broad shoulder, stopping behind him as she said proudly to Sean. "What better champion than an Aesir werewolf?" Lowering his eyes to Mark's, Sean asked gently. "Mark...? Is this what you want?" Mark inhaled deeply, then nodded, before finally answering. "She told me what this would mean. I think it is worth it... but... Sean, you shouldn't be here. I don't want you to see this." Sean folded his wings behind him tightly, crossing his arms as he stubbornly told him. "I'm not going anywhere." Rolling his eyes, Mark told him seriously. "Jack? Please? Skadi says this transformation will be... dangerous. I don't want to hurt you."
Sean still stubbornly shook his head. Carefully, Skadi removed the tubes from Mark's arms, causing him to hiss in pain that almost made him scream again. Sean could see why now. The needles were made of pure ice. Seeing Mark bare his teeth behind the mask of chainmail, Sean gasped and blurted out. "You're bleeding. Your... you're not a...?" Mark smiled, chuckling out. "Ya. Hurt like a bitch and feeling her ice in my warm veins is... fucking torture!" Skadi took the filled vials of blood away, prompting Sean to ask her. "What will you do with his blood?" Skadi locked the vials away, answering honestly. "Aesir blood holds powerful magic. War magic. I plan to use it to help protect my children." Sean glanced at Mark's health and let out a distressed whimper. His health was almost gone, and his arms were bleeding causing slivers to chip away. He was about to run to him, when Skadi walked back to Mark. Standing before him, she encouraged him to tilt his wavering head back and brought a vial of bright blue liquid from her coat.
Pouring it slowly down his throat, she chanted something quietly. Sean's eyes were locked on Mark's health. Watching it stop draining and steadily fill back up to full. Lowering herself down to Mark's level, Sean heard her whisper to Mark like a proud mother. "Relax. Let the essence of the moon flow through you, my son. With the moon high this night, your transformation will be quick and violent... but I am here with you. I will calm the wolf when it comes tearing into this world." Mark's breathing began to speed up and his muscles bulged. Skadi stroked Mark's cheeks, breathing slowly and steadily to try and calm Mark's own. Sean stepped farther back as Mark began to growl inhumanely between gasps of air. Skadi was unphased by it. Simply stroking a hand through his hair and purring out to him. "I know. I know. The first time is always the worst... The wolf never likes being dragged to the surface. Just breathe. Let him fight. I know it hurts."
Mark suddenly jerked back in her hands, letting out a bloodcurdling scream that brought tears to Sean's eyes. He only just realized that the chains holding Mark... were silver. As Mark thrashed and snarled more, puffs of steam rose from every place the chains touched his skin. Inching forward, Sean yelled over Mark's yelling. "Skadi?! The silver!" Skadi didn't look away from Mark but yelled back to him. "It won't kill him. It just weakens the wolf. His Aesir blood is making a strong wolf. The chains won't hold him, but they will force the wolf to transform slowly to keep Mark from more pain." Sean wasn't sure Mark was in any less pain. Watching Skadi's hands pet Mark made Sean angry, but he swallowed it down. Mark's body was finally starting to change. The thick fur was growing out over his tan flesh and his nails were growing out into thick sharp ones like a wolfs'. He found it fascinating to watch as Mark's head changed into that of a wolf, causing the chainmail mask to seamlessly form over his elongated jaws like a muzzle.
Unable to snap at her, Mark thrashed and growled aggressively. The chains were straining to contain him. She spoke softly to him, but Mark wasn't listening. Snarls filled the room and Sean started to think about running if he broke free. Until Skadi lifted the branding iron and pressed it firmly to Mark's chest. A distressed whine left Mark as the ice burned through his fur to brand his skin. Yet, when she removed the brand, the brand glinted a bright blue before fur grew around it to hide it. With the brand in place, she tossed the branding iron away and coaxed Mark to lay down across the floor. Stroking his head, she whispered to him. "It's all over. It's ok. Relax. You're safe." Mark's wolf body looked exhausted and scared out of his mind. His big yellow eyes darting around the room like he feared being attacked. Outside the pack began to howl and Mark shuddered with a whimper. Smiling, Skadi told Mark. "It's ok. They feel your presence. They're welcoming you. Rest. They won't come down here. You'll meet them when you're ready."
To Sean's surprise, he realized that she was right. The large white wolf hadn't followed him down into the basement. With one last pat, Skadi told Mark sweetly. "I'll get you some water. Rest." Skadi didn't even glance at Sean as she quickly strolled up the steps. Leaving him alone with Mark. Every bit of him warned him not to get close... but he couldn't help it. Creeping closer, he asked hopefully. "Mark? Can you talk?" Mark's big eyes darted to him, his whole furry body trembling from pain or fear, Sean couldn't tell. Stopping out of range, Sean crouched and asked again. "Mark? If you understand me. Can you... give me a sign? Anything?" Mark's silky brown ears perked up, then from somewhere behind him... Mark's tail began to wag. To Be Continued...
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