Chapter Fifteen: "Let's Start Over"
Staying off the main roads, they made their way to the next town. Timberland was beautiful. Set along a flat forested coastline with distant mountain views that were breathtaking. The town was small, but Sean liked the look of it. Hiding in the woods at a distance, Mark added Lulu to their party and allowed her access to their funds. The action would be temporary but without knowing how much she needed, they had to trust her. They couldn't have her running back and forth from town to inform them. Lulu took notes as Mark told her who to look for and what they were looking for. She repeated back the important bits, then dashed off toward town. Mark stayed kneeling on the ground, watching her go when he told Sean softly. "I feel like a parent watching his kid go to school for the first time... She sounded... confident, right?" Smirking to himself, Sean answered sweetly. "She'll be fine. It's us I'm worried about." Shuffling his feet, Sean hugged his ribs and nervously said. "Mark... We can't advance in this game if people are going to be hunting us."
Getting to his feet, Mark exhaled out. "I know. We'll find a way. It's not the first time we've had fans hunt us in a game." Slumming back against a tree, Sean mumbled out. "I think you forget that we always died in those games... and if we die in this one..." Mark slowly turned to face him, his voice calm and lightly deep when he told him. "Jack... We'll be ok. We're always... relatively careful." Sean snickered, a tiny smile pulling at his lips. Mark looked him over with strange distant eyes now, prompting Sean to ask anxiously. "What?" Turning away, Mark asked a little grimly. "So... Your new girlfriend. What is she like?" Sean's heart sank, before he mumbled out uncomfortably. "Why are you bringing this up now?" Mark placed a hand on a tree, avoiding his eyes as he stared at the town and said with a shrug. "Thinking about the real world. Our old times together. This is the first time I've played with you since you broke up with her and got with someone else... so quickly. I don't want to ask... but the questions keep nagging me."
Shrugging innocently, Sean mumbled under his breath. "What kind of questions?" Mark's eyes eased a look over his shoulder, before saying emotionlessly. "Whenever I'm with you. It feels like old times. But I don't want a repeat of last time. I don't think my heart could take that again." Sean tensed, trying to quickly defuse the tension by saying. "She is... different. I took the break up hard... She was there." Mark kicked some dirt, stating flatly. "Ya... I know. I kept waiting for you to call. You didn't." Sean dropped his eyes to the ground, admitting opening. "I didn't think you'd answer. After everything I did. Flaunting other guys at you... I didn't want to be the guy that came crawling back." Mark turned around to face him now, he asked him curtly. "I did find it interesting that she hated Septiplier so much, that she demanded that you stay away from me. But allowed you to kiss and drape yourself over other men. Or did she delight in watching my friends take a side against me?"
Sean's mouth went dry. Tears starting to well up in his eyes when he asked reluctantly. "Mark...? I thought you said it didn't matter. That you forgave-" Mark's tone turned sharp as he blurted out suddenly. "Ya. I forgive you for it. I do. And that scares me because I don't know if you are leading me on now because you're afraid of this game. Or because you genuinely love me." Sean opened his mouth, but Mark held up a hand and added coldly. "Cause what's bothering me. If she hurt you so fucking bad... why did you get together with your new girl only a month or two later? Why does the story of how you two met keeping changing? Why if you missed me so damn badly... did you end up with HER?" Sean was speechless. Mark stomped toward him, stopping close enough to cup Sean's cheek as he asked gruffly. "I warned you she only wanted your fame and money. I warned you that she was getting jealous of what we had. She poisoned you against me... and you believed her so easily."
Sean stared into Mark's eyes, feeling a little scared. Something felt wrong. His body was tensing to his touch like he should be afraid of him. Parting his lips, he breathed out gently. "Mark...? Are you ok?" Mark cupped his neck with both hands, shoving him back against the tree carefully, before telling him in a hurt tone of voice. "Don't change the subject. Answer me. Why did you believe her? Why did you let her push me away? All I've ever done since the moment I met you was protect and love you... Now you stand here, wanting me to do all that again. But how long will that last before your new girl asks the same? How much pain do you want me to endure for you?" Sean placed his hands on Mark's wrists, praying that he didn't tighten his grip around his throat. He didn't believe he could fight him off. Keeping his voice calm, Sean told him honestly. "Mark, she broke up with me because I cheated on her... you lost all but Bob and Wade... because I slept with the others. I used them to replace you. She caught me in bed... She kicked me out. I was staying with the Grumps until she moved out. I'm with her... because I wrecked her marriage... and I couldn't stand to be on my own."
Mark's thumbs brushed his jawline, whispered softly. "Jack... Why didn't you come to me...?" Licking his dry lips, a tear ran down his cheek as he replied whole heartedly. "Because I didn't want you to know. I thought I was straight. I told the world that! When I lost you... part of me shattered and I couldn't fix it!" Mark's hands slid off his neck to his shoulders, allowing Sean to relax enough to unload on him in a choked voice. "Mark... I didn't know what I had until it was taken away. I believed her... because I was afraid of my growing feelings for you. I thought maybe I was starting to believe the whole Septiplier thing... I didn't realize how much I needed it. How much I needed you. I'll never take sides against you again. Please... I-" Mark's grip suddenly tightened on his shoulders, pulling him into a deep needy kiss that silenced him. Sean's hands felt their way up Mark's masculine chest, then moved down to slide around his ribcage. Hugging him closer. As the kiss softened, Mark pulled his lips back and breathlessly told him a bit shaken up. "Jack...? I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me. I... It was like..."
Cupping Mark's face to turn his eyes back on him, Sean smiled and told him cautiously. "Aesir are very jealous gods. I think your racial traits are starting to make themselves known." Mark brushed a stray tear off Sean's cheek, stammering out. "I... I don't want to hurt you." Stepping in to hug Mark, Sean embraced his warmth and told him sweetly. "You didn't. We just finally cleared the air." Mark hugged him with his strong arms, his hand running through Sean's loose hair before he kissed the top of his head. The feeling of his protection and love, causing Sean's wings to shimmer and flutter a little behind him. The snap of a twig, made Mark break from him, whirling around to find Lulu. Holding up a piece of paper, she told him excitedly. "Got it. Here's the deed and the keys. He even gave me a map to it." Taking the stuff from her, Mark ruffled her hair and she squealed. When her eyes met Sean, she asked with concern. "Are you ok?" Sean nodded, happily telling her. "Ya. Just can't wait to settle into a house."
Lulu grinned, telling Sean excitedly. "You are going to love it! You even had enough money to add a few things." Sean's smile faded upon asking uneasily. "Lulu, what did you add?" With a giggle, she dashed off, calling out. "This way! I'll show you!" Sean took a deep breath, but Mark chuckled out. "I'm sure it isn't that bad." The house was set far from town. Following a forest trail, the passed a beautiful lake until they came to a clearing nestled in the woods. There sat a wooden cabin with a furnished front porch and room enough for crops or a garden. Set just apart from the cabin was a little barn with a wooden pen, where a large black goat stood. Lulu rushed over to hug the goat, calling back. "Isn't he adorable?! I called him Billy!" Sean groaned and Mark snorted. Swatting Mark as he walked by smugly, Sean grumbled out. "What are you laughing about? Black goats are bad news!" Giving him a shrug, Mark told him teasingly. "I'm sure you'll find a way to get along."
Lulu excitedly ran back to Mark to give him a tour. While Sean slipped away to explore for himself. The inside was a cozy two story. The master bedroom was downstairs. While two bedrooms were upstairs. The living room was nice and open to the kitchen with a crackling wood fireplace. Slipping into the master, Sean ran his fingers over the fur blanket and four poster bed, before heading into the bathroom. He was a little surprised to find it modernized. Although, he guessed it was a creative choice by the developers to cater to young players. He loved the rustic look of the bathroom. With dark stone tiles and wooden cabinets. The glass shower door revealed that there was no showerhead. That the water rained from the ceiling. His wings perked up as he took it the vine flower lights that lined the bathroom, giving it a very earthy and outdoorsy feeling. Peeking back out of the bathroom, Sean bit his lip and closed the door. Stripping down, he steeped into the shower carefully. He was covered in dirt and couldn't wait to try the shower.
Turning the lever over, he inhaled as the water rained down softly from the ceiling like a heavy storm. The drops warm and the smell of fresh rain filling the room. It gave him goosebumps. Flexing his wings, he loved the sensation of each drop running down his sensitive wings and skin. He felt like he could get lost in here forever. Until Mark grumbled out grimly. "Well, that sucks." Jerking, Sean asked in surprise. "What?" Tapping on the glass to the shower, Mark muttered out unhappily. "To start, the glass is censored so I can't see inside. Second, It won't let me in without your confirmation." Sean wiped the water from his face and looked to the door, noticing the request to let someone into the shower. Turning the notification sound up louder, Sean rolled his eyes and confirmed, asking Mark softly. "There. Where is Lulu?" Sliding inside, Mark closed the door and answered in a huskier voice. "She's out playing with Billy." Sean kept his eyes on the tile wall before him, afraid to turn around as he mumbled out. "Ok. I'm almost finished, but you should have plenty of room."
A startled gasp escaped Sean as Mark's hands slid over his bare hips. Leaning close to his ear, Mark whispered in a deep loving voice. "I was hoping to help you." Sean chuckled nervously, then bit his lip as Mark kissed his shoulder. Sean's wings extended to expose his back for Mark, allowing Mark to stroke a hand up his spine. Arching slightly, Sean held his breath. Mark's fingers felt good there. As Mark moved closer, Sean's hands slammed against the tile wall. Mark was naked behind him, his hard on pressing against his ass cheek. Mark's lips brushed over his long-pointed ear, before asking in a honey dripping voice. "Did you really sleep with them? Or did you tease them like you tease me?" Bowing his head in shame, Sean strained out truthfully. "I... I did. It was an accident at first... then I just... found myself trying to feel something that reminded me of you." Mark's hands glided over his ribs, pressing to his flat stomach before he purred into his ear. "Now you've got me alone... Is it everything you hoped for?" Tilting his head back, Sean exhaled out with a smile. "Yes. Mark, I'm sorry-"
Mark's hand rose to coverhis mouth, stopping him from saying more. Kissing his neck, Mark's other hand ventured down between Sean's legs torub him. A muffled moan left Sean, whileMark teased into his ear. "Stopapologizing. Let's just... enjoy this. I think it is about time we break thetension. Don't you?" Sean nodded alittle too eagerly, then groaned as Mark's other hand ventured under his balls. Lowering his other hand from Sean's mouth,Mark coaxed him to turn his head. Claiming his lips in a heated kiss that Sean couldn't resist. To Be Continued...
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